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Choose OpenBSD for your Unix needs. OpenBSD -- the world's simplest and most secure Unix-like OS. A safe alternatve to the frequent vulnerabilities and overengineering of Linux and related software (NGiNX & Apache (httpd-asiabsdcon2015.pdf), OpenSSL, iptables/nftables, systemd, BIND, Postfix, Docker etc.)

OpenBSD -- the cleanest kernel, the cleanest userland and the cleanest config

progandy /
Last active September 26, 2023 08:27
Sway output mirror and screencast

Sway output mirror and screencast



With wf-recorder it is possible to record one output. When ffmpeg is compiled with sdl support, then it is possible to use "sdl" as the muxer and replay the recorded video instead of writing it to a file.

darksidelemm /
Last active September 2, 2024 10:49
Setting up STRF Capture & Processing

Setting up STRF Data Capture & Processing

Author: Mark Jessop (VK5QI)

This guide provides information on how to capture FFT data using the strf toolset, process it to look for satellite signals, and finally compare their doppler shift against TLEs from the SpaceTrack database. This can help with resolving the 'TLE lottery' after new launches, or cataloguing transmissions from spacecraft already in orbit.

It should be noted that the analysis described in this document is but a small subset of what the strf tools are capable of! Scott Tilley has a post describing some of the history behind strf and giving a crash course on the relationship between orbital dynamics and the doppler effect here:

The target platform is Debian-based distributions (e.g. Debian, Raspbian, Ubuntu), but should be applicable to other Linux-based platforms. The data processing software (rfplot and rffit) is also k

alikins / gist:85359a201a3852050882e2b18a8976dd
Last active March 19, 2020 11:29
how to use mitmweb proxy to add auth headers for galaxy-api
# use with:
# mitmweb --scripts
# Full example:
# mitmweb -v --scripts mitmproxy_scripts/ --listen-port 8088 --web-port 8089 -k --set ah_username=alikins
import base64
lxe /
Last active September 13, 2024 13:39
Receive GOES-16 and GOES-17 Images with a Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR dongle
skateman / gifcast
Last active December 13, 2017 13:43
# gifcast - easily create gif screencasts from a selected area
# The first run lets you select a rectangle and starts recording while the second run stops the recording.
# Tested on Fedora 24 with GNOME
# Dependencies: xrectsel, byzanz, convert (ImageMagick)
FILE="/run/user/${UID}/$(basename $0).pid"
fasiha /
Last active November 3, 2023 20:40
Set up RTL-SDR, dump1090, and dump978 for ADS-B/TIS-B/FIS-B/UAT on macOS


I’m not very familiar with the aviation jargon (see FAA’s ADS-B FAQ), but ADS-B is a next-gen system where aircraft are equipped with transponders that periodically broadcast their own positions and receive the reports from both other aircraft (direct air-to-air) as well as air-traffic control (ATC) ground transmitters.

There are two separate ADS-B radio bands: the commercial aviation (CA) is at 1090 MHz while the general aviation (GA) is at 978 MHz. If I can be permitted a gross generalization—the former corresponds to big commercial jets and the latter to small private aircraft.

Because ADS-B is designed to democratize airspace situational awareness (in contrast to the older setup, like from films, where a central air-traffic controller is coordinating all these aircraft that can’t see each other), we can buy cheap RF receivers to pick up and decode the messages being broadcast by aircraft and ground towers to get our own picture of the

movitto / db-dia.rb
Last active April 5, 2016 12:25
DB / Dia Diagram Comparison & Updater Tool
# Read / write db related metadata to/from dia diagram
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 - Red Hat Inc.
require 'zlib'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'optparse'
require 'active_record'
require 'active_support/core_ext/string'
heyalexej /
Last active June 30, 2024 10:23
SIM Card Management Through GSM Modem On Linux

SIM Card Management Over GSM Modem

A small guide on how to send and receive USSD codes on Linux

I am using the built in GSM (UMTS) modem of my Thinkpad X1 extensively because I am often in places with flaky internet connections. I connect through the standard Network Manager on Ubuntu and everything works fine. There was one major annoyance though. Every time I wanted to top up the SIM balance or book a new package, I needed a phone to send and receive USSD codes. So I took some time to figure out how to do it from the shell. I wrote this down as a help for others and a reminder for myself. Without further ado...

First intsall gammu and picocom.

~  sudo apt-get install -y gammu picocom
# We need the TAB character for SED (Mac OS X sed does not understand \t)
TAB="$(printf '\t')"
function abort {
echo "$(tput setaf 1)$1$(tput sgr0)"
exit 1