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Created April 19, 2013 00:55
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  • Save roman-neuhauser/5417376 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save roman-neuhauser/5417376 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
roman-neuhauser/studio_napi/GNUmakefile redone as Cakefile. apparently not worth the effort.
{glob} = require 'multi-glob'
require './make'
split = (s) -> s.split /\s+/
ENV = process.env
MOCHA = split (ENV.MOCHA or '''
mocha -C --compilers
ENV.SHELL = SHELL = '/bin/sh'
RST2HTML = split (ENV.RST2HTML or "#{SHELL} tools/rst2html")
htmlfiles = split 'README.html NOTES.html examples.html reference.html'
testfiles = split 'tests/* tests/{lo,hi}/**/*'
e2efiles = split 'drive/* drive/{lo,hi}/**/*'
task 'wc', 'bootstrap the working copy', ->
$ 'npm', 'install'
$ 'false'
$ $
$$ 'cat', 'bootstrap.note'
task 'html', 'generate HTML docs from reST sources', ->
for hf in htmlfiles
$ RST2HTML, (hf.replace /html$/, 'rest'), hf
task 'check', 'run unit tests', ->
$ 'npm', 'test'
task 'do-check', 'internal', ->
glob testfiles, safe (files) ->
$$ 'echo', MOCHA..., testfiles
$$ MOCHA, files...
task 'drive', 'run end-to-end tests', ->
$ 'npm', 'run-script', 'drive'
task 'do-drive', 'internal', ->
glob e2efiles, safe (files) ->
$$ MOCHA, '--timeout', '3000', files...
task 'clean', 'bring the working copy back to pristine state', ->
$ 'rm', '-f', htmlfiles...
{spawn} = require 'child_process'
exec = (silent) -> (cmd, args...) ->
@queue ||= []
@queue.push =>
console.log cmd, args... unless silent
child = spawn cmd, args
inprogress = 3
finish = =>
if not inprogress
child.on 'exit', (code) ->
if code
throw new Error "Error #{code} in #{cmd} #{args.join ' '}"
child.stdout.on 'end', finish
child.stderr.on 'end', finish
child.stdout.pipe process.stdout, end: false
child.stderr.pipe process.stderr, end: false
@queue[0]() if @queue.length is 1
_ = (exec) -> (cmd, args...) ->
if args.length is 0
if cmd is $
return process.stdout.write "\n"
if cmd instanceof Array
[cmd, opts] = [cmd[0], cmd[1..]]
args = opts.concat args
exec cmd, args...
$$ = _ exec true
$ = _ exec false
safe = (f) -> (err, args...) ->
throw err if err
f args...
global.$ = $
global.$$ = $$ = safe
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