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Last active October 2, 2018 22:41
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  • Save rolebi/e0c56113f5e36246bbf5f84d3e94627b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$client = $this->get('aws_dynamodb.client');
'TableName' => 'test_set_management',
'ProvisionedThroughput' => [
'ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,
'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1,
'AttributeDefinitions' => [
['AttributeName' => 'id', 'AttributeType' => 'S'],
'KeySchema' => [
['AttributeName' => 'id', 'KeyType' => 'HASH'],
$client->waitUntil('TableExists', [
'TableName' => 'test_set_management',
'@waiter' => [
'delay' => 1,
'maxAttempts' => 20,
$baseQuery = [
'TableName' => 'test_set_management',
'Key' => [
'id' => ['S' => 'foo'],
$client->updateItem($baseQuery + [
'UpdateExpression' => 'SET colors = :colors',
'ExpressionAttributeValues' => [
':colors' => ['SS' => ['red', 'blue', 'green']],
$item = $client->getItem($baseQuery + [
'ConsistentRead' => true
var_dump($item->search('Item.colors')); // blue, green, red
$client->updateItem($baseQuery + [
'UpdateExpression' => 'ADD colors :colors',
'ExpressionAttributeValues' => [
':colors' => ['SS' => ['black']],
// unique set, adding same value two times in a row does not duplicate value in set
// you can also add multiple value, basically it merges the two given unique sets together
$client->updateItem($baseQuery + [
'UpdateExpression' => 'ADD colors :colors',
'ExpressionAttributeValues' => [
':colors' => ['SS' => ['black', 'purple']],
$item = $client->getItem($baseQuery + [
'ConsistentRead' => true
var_dump($item->search('Item.colors')); // black, blue, green, purple, red
$client->updateItem($baseQuery + [
'UpdateExpression' => 'DELETE colors :colors',
'ExpressionAttributeValues' => [
':colors' => ['SS' => ['green']],
// deleting works the same way, you exclude one set from the other
// entry that are not present will be ignored, the rest will be removed
$client->updateItem($baseQuery + [
'UpdateExpression' => 'DELETE colors :colors',
'ExpressionAttributeValues' => [
':colors' => ['SS' => ['green', 'purple']],
$item = $client->getItem($baseQuery + [
'ConsistentRead' => true
var_dump($item->search('Item.colors')); // black, blue, red
$client->deleteTable(['TableName' => 'test_set_management']);
$client->waitUntil('TableNotExists', [
'TableName' => 'test_set_management',
'@waiter' => [
'delay' => 5,
'maxAttempts' => 20,
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