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Created September 24, 2022 16:01
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  • Save rohshall/a2d357acdadb6d8722ef11a5fb4a2eb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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modkey = "Mod4"
mousekey = "Mod4"
workspaces = []
tags = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
layouts = ["MainAndVertStack", "MainAndHorizontalStack", "MainAndDeck", "GridHorizontal", "EvenHorizontal", "EvenVertical", "Fibonacci", "LeftMain", "CenterMain", "CenterMainBalanced", "CenterMainFluid", "Monocle", "RightWiderLeftStack", "LeftWiderRightStack"]
layout_mode = "Workspace"
insert_behavior = "Bottom"
scratchpad = []
window_rules = []
disable_current_tag_swap = false
disable_tile_drag = false
focus_behaviour = "Sloppy"
focus_new_windows = true
command = "Execute"
value = "dmenu_run"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "p"
command = "Execute"
value = "alacritty"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "Return"
command = "CloseWindow"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "q"
command = "SoftReload"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "r"
command = "Execute"
value = "loginctl kill-session $XDG_SESSION_ID"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "x"
command = "Execute"
value = "slock"
modifier = ["modkey", "Control"]
key = "l"
command = "MoveToLastWorkspace"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "w"
command = "SwapTags"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "w"
command = "MoveWindowUp"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "k"
command = "MoveWindowDown"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "j"
command = "MoveWindowTop"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "Return"
command = "FocusWindowUp"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "k"
command = "FocusWindowDown"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "j"
command = "NextLayout"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Control"]
key = "k"
command = "PreviousLayout"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Control"]
key = "j"
command = "FocusWorkspaceNext"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "l"
command = "FocusWorkspacePrevious"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "h"
command = "MoveWindowUp"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "Up"
command = "MoveWindowDown"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "Down"
command = "FocusWindowUp"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "Up"
command = "FocusWindowDown"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "Down"
command = "NextLayout"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Control"]
key = "Up"
command = "PreviousLayout"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey", "Control"]
key = "Down"
command = "FocusWorkspaceNext"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "Right"
command = "FocusWorkspacePrevious"
value = ""
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "Left"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "1"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "1"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "2"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "2"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "3"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "3"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "4"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "4"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "5"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "5"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "6"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "6"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "7"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "7"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "8"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "8"
command = "GotoTag"
value = "9"
modifier = ["modkey"]
key = "9"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "1"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "1"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "2"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "2"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "3"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "3"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "4"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "4"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "5"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "5"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "6"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "6"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "7"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "7"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "8"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "8"
command = "MoveToTag"
value = "9"
modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"]
key = "9"
command = "Execute"
value = "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%"
modifier = []
key = "XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume"
command = "Execute"
value = "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%"
modifier = []
key = "XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume"
command = "Execute"
value = "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle"
modifier = []
key = "XF86XK_AudioMute"
command = "Execute"
value = "brightnessctl set 5%+"
modifier = []
key = "XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp"
command = "Execute"
value = "brightnessctl set 5%-"
modifier = []
key = "XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown"
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