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Created June 12, 2013 20:47
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Save rohit-parimi/5768968 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/*Pig script to convert the user,movie,rating,timestamp data to a user-user graph for running adsorption algorithm.
The format of the input data is
/*Loading the data into a table. The delimiter might be different for different inputs. */
REGISTER '/home/hadoop/RecSys/Pig_Tests/piggybank.jar';
REGISTER /home/hadoop/RecSys/Pig_Tests/RecSys.jar;
raw_data = LOAD '/home/hadoop/PigTest/learn/data/MovieLeans_Sample.txt' USING'([^\\:]+)::([^\\:]+)::([^\\:]+)::([^\\:]+)') AS (userID:int,itemID:int,rating:double,unixTime:long);
/*Grouping the input data based on user and sorting the records based on timestamp.*/
A = group raw_data by userID;
B = foreach A {
sorted_timestamp = order raw_data by unixTime;
generate sorted_timestamp,COUNT(raw_data);
C = FOREACH B GENERATE flatten(pig.TrainTestSplit($0,$1));
Split C into train_0 IF $4 == 0, test_0 if $4==1;
test = FOREACH test_0 generate $0 as userID_te, $1 as itemID_te, 1 as clickCount_te ;
train = FOREACH train_0 generate $0 as userID_tr, $1 as itemID_tr, 1 as clickCount_tr;
/*++++++++++++++++++++++++Above if correct. Below is Test++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/*Clean the training set - Find the number of interactions between a user and an item in the training set.
Group the training set using userID and itemID and sum the third column
group_train = GROUP train by (userID_tr,itemID_tr);
user_item_clickCount = FOREACH group_train generate flatten(group) AS (userID:int, itemID:int),SUM(train.clickCount_tr) AS clickCount;
describe user_item_clickCount;
user_item_clickCount: {userID: int,itemID: int,clickCount: long}
/********Creating training labels using the user_item_clickCount. ************ */
/*Groupign the file based on user.*/
user_group = group user_item_clickCount by userID;
describe user_group;
user_group: {group: int,user_item_clickCount: {(userID: int,itemID: int,clickCount:long)}}
/*This is where I am having problem*/
user_item_dist = FOREACH user_group {
sum = SUM(user_item_clickCount.clickCount);
dist = foreach user_item_clickCount generate user_item_clickCount.clickCount/sum as labelDist;
generate user_item_clickCount.userID as userID, user_item_clickCount.itemID as itemID, dist.labelDist as labelDist;
sum = FOREACH user_group generate SUM(user_item_clickCount.clickCount);
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