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Created March 28, 2021 11:27
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Java 8 Shorts

Java 8 Pills

Example class

@Value // Lombok annotation.
// Generates all private final fields, an all-args-constructor,
// getters (no setters), toString(), etc...
class User {
  String id;
  String name;
  boolean active;
  int age;
  int purchases;

Convert List<T> to List<U>

Example: convert a list of Users to a list of User.ids

// Imperative approach
List<String> convert(List<User> users) {
  List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();
  for (User user : users) {
  return ids;

  // Functional approach
List<String> convert(List<User> users) {

Convert List<T> to Map<U, V>

Example: convert a list of Users to a map: { User }

// Imperative approach
Map<String, User> convertToMap(List<User> users) {
  Map<String, User> map = new HashMap<>();
  for (User user : users) {
    map.put(user.getId(), user);
  return map;

// Functional approach
Map<String, User> convertToMap(List<User> users) {
  return, user -> user));

Filter List<T> and return a new List<T> with filtered elements

Example: get users whose name starts with "A" and their age is at least 18.

// Imperative approach
List<User> filter(List<User> users) {
  List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  for (User user : users) {
    if (user.getName().startsWith("A") && user.getAge() >= 18) {
  return list;

// Functional approach
List<User> filter(List<User> users) {
    .filter(user -> user.getName().startsWith("N"))
    .filter(user -> user.getAge() >= 18)

Compute average from a filtered List<T>

Example: get average age from active Users.

// Imperative approach
double average(List<User> users) {
  int sum = 0;
  int count = 0;
  for (User user : users) {
      if (user.isActive()) {
          sum += user.getAge();
  return count != 0 ? (double) sum / count : 0.0;

// Functional approach
double average(List<User> users) {

Find max element from a List<T> based on a given compare condition

Example: get the User with the maximum number of purchases.

// Imperative approach
User max(List<User> users) {
  User maxUser = null;
  int max = 0;
  for (User user : users) {
    if (user.getPurchases() > max) {
      maxUser = user;
      max = user.getPurchases();
  return maxUser;

// Functional approach
Optional<User> max(List<User> users) {

Sort elements of a Collection

Example: sort Users by age

// Imperative approach
public List<User> sort2(List<User> users) {
  // note that input list `users` gets modified
  Collections.sort(users, new Comparator<User>() { 
    public int compare(User o1, User o2) {
      return, o2.age);

  return users;

// Functional approach
public List<User> sort1(List<User> users) {
    .sorted(comparingInt(user -> user.age))
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