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Rohan rohan-molloy

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Self Hosted Email using a VPS

Step 1: Register a VM

For this example, I'm using Amazon lightsail with Debian.
Ensure port 25 is open in the firewall section
Thus tutorial assumes there is a standard user named 'admin'

Step 2: Set the hostname of the instance

### Prints a CSV of the AS origin of SSH intrusion attempts
### Format: as_number,bgp_prefix,country_code,rir_name,date_allocated,num_occurrences
### d7d3db009fd67083faf1276a1b69ebfa097cc5400f202f95551aa94115d7ddcd
for ip in $(journalctl -u ssh -u sshd --since -${period:-'1day'}|awk '/Failed/{print $(NF-3)}');
do dig $(tac -s.<<<"$ip.") +short txt; done \
| sort --numeric-sort \
| uniq --count \
| sort --numeric-sort \
| sed 's/ | /,/g' \
| tr -d \" \

Download a file and verify its hash

Parameters: url sha256 [filename].
If unset, it gets a filename from the URL.
If verification fails, it saves to $filename.invalid

get_remote_file() {
  test -z "$1" -o -z "$2" && (echo "Usage: $0 remote_url content_sha256sum [output_filename]"; return $?);
  local file=$(test -n "$3" && echo $3 || basename $1|tr -dc '[:alnum:]\.\-\_\:\/');
  wget -O $file $1 && (sha256sum -c <(printf "%s\t%s" $2 $file) || mv $file $file.invalid);
  return $? 
rohan-molloy /
Last active December 21, 2019 10:41
Generate a passphrase using list of 993 words.

Generate a passphrase

Example "Shake-No-Material-Activity-873"
These passwords are stronger than one might expect. There are 40 billion 267 million 857 thousand 960 different ways to select four words from the list.
A random number between 0..999 is added at the end, increasing the search complexity by several orders of magnitude
genpassphrase() { echo $(curl -fSsL | shuf -n4 | tr '\n' '-')$(($RANDOM%999)); };
rohan-molloy / unbound.conf
Last active July 9, 2024 14:55
Working unbound over TLS server; self-hosted. Does NOT answer UDP or unencrypted requests.
# d899b42486eb805b8e432c5758568db487c6bcfc067d6ca7e1292a5a66d66de6 unbound.conf
# Listen on tcp 443,853
# Allow from anywhere
access-control: allow
access-control: ::0/0 allow
rohan-molloy / Caddyfile-Example
Last active May 11, 2020 05:00
Caddyfile cheatsheet
# Serve requests only for virtual host set in environment variable
# Bind Virtual Host to address set in environment
# Registration email for automated issuing of Lets Encrypt certs
# Define the web server root (using environment variable)
rohan-molloy /
Last active October 27, 2019 03:19
Bash function to read the output of a command into a variable

Bash function to read the output of a command into a variable

readcmd() { 
  read $varname < <($cmdline)

Grep the word after match

example: "echo 'The quick brown fox' | wordafter quick" will return 'brown'

wordafter() {
  grep -Po '(?<='$word')\W*\K[^ ]*';
rohan-molloy / kitchen.yml
Created September 14, 2019 05:27
WinRM test-kitchen configuration. Test-kitchen proxy driver connects to a Windows box, installs Chef (only_if needed) and runs a Policyfile. $kitchen_host, $kitchen_username, $kitchen_password must be defined in environment. Uses insecure WinRM (basic auth/no encryption)
name: proxy
host: <%= ENV["kitchen_host"] %>
username: <%= ENV["kitchen_username"] %>
password: <%= ENV["kitchen_password"] %>
port: 5985
name: winrm
elevated: true
rohan-molloy / send-an-email-with-curl
Last active April 15, 2022 10:24
How to use cURL to send an email
curl \
--silent \
--ssl smtp://$SERVER \
--mail-from $FROM \
--mail-rcpt $TO \
--upload-file /dev/stdin \