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Last active July 2, 2024 13:04
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nested selectors for vanilla extract globalStyle

Vanilla Extract's globalStyle function is intended to style global selectors. One of its limitations is that it doesn't support SASS-like nested selectors. The selector passed to the first argument is as deep as the selector can go.

// ✅ Good!
globalStyle('.foo', {
  color: 'blue',

// ❌ No bueno
globalStyle('.foo', {
  color: 'blue',
  p: {
    color: 'red'

This little function wraps the globalStyle utility to support nested selectors. It also supports referencing the parent selector with &, though it hasn't been thoroughly tested for more complex selectors.

nestedGlobalStyle('.foo', {
  color: 'blue',
  'li, p': {
    color: 'red',
    '&:hover': {
      color: 'yellow',
  '&::after': {
    margin: '23px'

// .foo { color: blue; }
// .foo li, .foo p { color: red; }
// .foo li:hover, .foo p:hover { color: yellow; }
// .foo::after { margin: 23px; }
import { globalStyle, GlobalStyleRule } from "@vanilla-extract/css";
interface RecursiveGlobalStyle {
[k: string]: GlobalStyleRule | RecursiveGlobalStyle;
function globalUtil(selector: string, styles: RecursiveGlobalStyle) {
const write = (
key: string[],
value: RecursiveGlobalStyle | GlobalStyleRule
) => {
Object.entries(value).forEach(([nestedK, nestedV]) => {
if (typeof nestedV === "string" || typeof nestedV === "number") {
globalStyle( => handleAmpersand(selector, k)).join(", "), {
[nestedK]: nestedV,
} else {
write( => handleAmpersand(k, nestedK)),
Object.entries(styles).forEach(([key, value]) => {
key.split(",").map((k) => k.trim()),
const handleAmpersand = (key: string, nestedKey: string): string => {
let finalSelector = nestedKey;
if (nestedKey.startsWith("&")) {
finalSelector = nestedKey.replace("&", key);
} else {
finalSelector = `${key} ${nestedKey.replace("&", key)}`;
return finalSelector;
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