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Created April 29, 2021 20:33
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Configuração de projeto node para utilização de Cache com REDIS


1. Criar um pasta e inicializar o projeto

yarn init -y

2. Instalar dependencias

yarn add express cors dotenv sequelize consola sqlite3
yarn add -D nodemon sucrase sequelize-cli

3. Iniciar estrutura do projeto

- Pasta src
- Pasta src/config
    - Criar database.js

module.exports = {
  dialect: process.env.DB_DIALECT,
  storage: 'src/database/database.sqlite',
  define: {
    timestamp: true,
    underscored: true,
    underscoredAll: true,
- Pasta database
    - Criar index.js
import Sequelize from 'sequelize';
import dataBaseConfig from '../config/database';

import User from '../app/models/User';
import Product from '../app/models/Product';

const models = [User, Product];

class DataBase {
  constructor() {

  init() {
    this.connection = new Sequelize(dataBaseConfig);

      .map((model) => model.init(this.connection))
        (model) => model.associate && model.associate(this.connection.models),

export default new DataBase();
- Criar route.js
import { Router } from 'express';
import cors from 'cors';

const routes = Router();

routes.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('<h1>🚀🚀🚀 Cache com REDIS 🚀🚀🚀</h1>'));

export default routes;
- Criar app.js
import express from 'express';
import routes from './routes';

import './database';

class App {
  constructor() {
    this.server = express();

  middleware() {

  routes() {

export default new App().server;
- Criar server.js
import 'dotenv/config';

import app from './app';

- Criar scripts de execução
"dev": "nodemon src/server.js"
- Criar nodemon.json
  "execMap": {
    "js": "node -r sucrase/register"
- Criar .sequelizerc
const {resolve} = require('path');

module.exports = {
  config: resolve(__dirname, 'src' , 'config', 'database.js'),
  'models-path': resolve(__dirname, 'src' , 'app', 'models'),
  'migrations-path': resolve(__dirname, 'src' , 'database', 'migrations'),
  'seeders-path': resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'database', 'seeds'),
- Criar models em app/models/Produto.js
import Sequelize, { Model } from 'sequelize';

class Produto extends Model {
    static init(sequelize) {
            id: {
                type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
                autoIncrement: true,
                primaryKey: true
            nome: {
                type: Sequelize.STRING(100),
                allowNull: false
            preco: {
                type: Sequelize.DECIMAL(15, 2),
                allowNull: false
            disponivel: {
                type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
                defaultValue: true,

        return this;

export default Produto;
- Criar migration 
yarn sequelize migration:generate --name tab-produto
- Criar seeds
yarn sequelize seed:generate --name produtos
- Rodar seeds
yarn sequelize db:seed:all
- Adicionar o Model Produto no Database
import Sequelize from 'sequelize';
import Produto from '../app/models/Produto';
import dataBaseConfig from '../config/database';

const models = [

class DataBase {
  constructor() {

  init() {
    this.connection = new Sequelize(dataBaseConfig);

      .map((model) => model.init(this.connection))
        (model) => model.associate && model.associate(this.connection.models),

export default new DataBase();

3. Controller de Produtos

- Criar app/controllers/ProdutoController.js
import Produto from '../models/Produto';

class ProdutoController {
    async index(req, res) {
        try {
            const produtos = await Produto.findAll({
                attributes: ['id', 'nome', 'preco', 'disponivel'],

            return res.status(200).json({
                data: produtos,
                cache: false,
        } catch (error) {
            return res.status(500).json({ msg: error.message ?? error });

export default new ProdutoController();
- Criar rota para os produtos
import { Router } from 'express';
import cors from 'cors';
import ProdutosController from './app/controllers/ProdutoController';

const routes = Router();

routes.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('<h1>🚀🚀🚀 Cache com REDIS 🚀🚀🚀</h1>'));


export default routes;

4. Redis

- Instalar dependencias
yarn add redis bluebird
- Criar src/lib/Cache.js
import redis from 'redis';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
import * as consola from 'consola';


class Cache {
  constructor() {
    this.client = redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
    this.client = redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL, {
      tls: {
        rejectUnauthorized: true,

    this.client.monitor(() => {
      consola.success('Entering monitoring mode.');

    this.client.on('monitor', (time, args) => {`(monitor redis): ${time}:${args}`);

  get(key) {
    return this.client.getAsync(key);

  set(key, data) {
    return this.client.setAsync(key, data);

  async setExpire(key, data, ttl) {
    const response = await this.set(key, data);
    await this.client.expireAsync(key, ttl);

    return response;

  hincrby(hash, key, data) {
    return this.client.hincrbyAsync(hash, key, data);

  smembers(key) {
    return this.client.smembersAsync(key);

  sadd(key, data) {
    return this.client.saddAsync(key, data);

  srem(key, data) {
    return this.client.sremAsync(key, data);

  delete(key) {
    return this.client.del(key);

export default new Cache();
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