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Created September 9, 2024 08:51
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solved ac api usage
echo '' > problemToLevel.csv
result=$(seq 1 35000 | paste -sd "," - | sed 's/\([^,]*,\)\{100\}/&\n/g')
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a number_array <<< "$result"
for i in "${!number_array[@]}"; do
number_array[$i]=${number_array[$i]%?} # remove last comma
echo "Processing $((i+1))th group..."
response=$(curl -s --request GET \
--url "${number_array[$i]}" \
--header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'x-solvedac-language: ko')
echo $response | jq -r '.[] | "\(.problemId),\(.level)"' >> problemToLevel.csv
sleep 5
echo "Done."
# 문제 난이도 표 (ref:
# 수치 이름
# 0 Unrated / Not Ratable
# 1 Bronze V
# 2 Bronze IV
# 3 Bronze III
# 4 Bronze II
# 5 Bronze I
# 6 Silver V
# 7 Silver IV
# 8 Silver III
# 9 Silver II
# 10 Silver I
# 11 Gold V
# 12 Gold IV
# 13 Gold III
# 14 Gold II
# 15 Gold I
# 16 Platinum V
# 17 Platinum IV
# 18 Platinum III
# 19 Platinum II
# 20 Platinum I
# 21 Diamond V
# 22 Diamond IV
# 23 Diamond III
# 24 Diamond II
# 25 Diamond I
# 26 Ruby V
# 27 Ruby IV
# 28 Ruby III
# 29 Ruby II
# 30 Ruby I
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