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class KeepAliveStream implements \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
protected $doneMessage;
protected $keepAliveMessage;
protected $isDone = false;
public function __construct($keepAliveMessage = '.', $doneMessage = 'Done.')
$this->doneMessage = $doneMessage;
$this->keepAliveMessage = $keepAliveMessage;
public function __toString()
return '__toString() not supported by ' . __CLASS__;
public function close()
//nothing needed
public function detach()
return null;
public function getSize()
return null;
public function tell()
return null;
public function eof()
return $this->isDone;
public function isSeekable()
return false;
public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET)
// TODO: Implement seek() method.
public function rewind()
// TODO: Implement rewind() method.
public function isWritable()
return false;
public function write($string)
throw new \Exception('Writing not supported by ' . __CLASS__);
public function isReadable()
return true;
public function read($length)
throw new Exception('hello');
return $this->isDone ? $this->doneMessage : $this->keepAliveMessage;
public function getContents()
return '__getContents() not supported by ' . __CLASS__;
public function getMetadata($key = null)
return null;
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