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Last active January 2, 2020 20:33
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Bedwars monthlies file merger
// Copyright (C) 2020 RoccoDev
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// <>
"use strict";
const fs = require("fs")
const jsonDir = process.argv[2];
let result = {};
let sortForPlace = {};
fs.readdir(jsonDir, (err, files) => {
if(err) throw err
function parseFile(file) {
const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonDir + file))
Object.keys(data).forEach(uuid => {
const profile = data[uuid]
let edit = result[uuid]
if(!edit) edit = {
"_____place": 0,
"____name": "",
"__points": 0,
"_kills": 0,
"_kjdeaths": 0,
"_victories": 0,
"played": 0,
"zBeds": 0,
"zTeams": 0
edit["____name"] = profile["____name"]
edit["_kills"] += profile["_kills"]
edit["_kjdeaths"] += profile["_kjdeaths"]
edit["_victories"] += profile["_victories"]
edit["played"] += profile["played"]
edit["zBeds"] += profile["zBeds"]
edit["zTeams"] += profile["zTeams"]
if(!sortForPlace[uuid]) {
sortForPlace[uuid] = 0;
sortForPlace[uuid] += profile["__points"]
result[uuid] = edit
function done() {
let sorting = [];
Object.keys(sortForPlace).forEach(k => sorting.push([k, sortForPlace[k]]))
sorting.sort((obj1, obj2) => {
const a = obj1[1]
const b = obj2[1]
return a > b ? -1 : a < b ? 1 : 0
sorting.forEach((arr, i) => {
result[arr[0]]["_____place"] = i + 1
result[arr[0]]["__points"] = arr[1]
fs.writeFile(jsonDir + (process.argv[3] || "out.json"), JSON.stringify(result), () => {})
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