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Last active June 10, 2021 23:07
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[LinqToXml - criação] Exemplo de linq to XML para criação de um XML #linq
static void CriarXmlLinq()
XElement contatos =
new XElement("Contatos",
new XElement("Contato",
new XElement("Nome", "Thiago Mônaco"),
new XElement("Telefones",
new XElement("Telefone", "(11) 9999-9999",
new XAttribute("Tipo", "Celular")),
new XElement("Telefone", "(11) 5555-5555",
new XAttribute("Tipo", "Residencial"))
new XElement("Endereco",
new XElement("Logradouro", "R: Xpto, 1234"),
new XElement("Bairro", "Bairro XXX"),
new XElement("Cidade", "São Paulo"),
new XElement("Estado", "SP"),
new XElement("CEP", "01010-010")
new XElement("Contato",
new XElement("Nome", "Paulo Pedro"),
new XElement("Telefones",
new XElement("Telefone", "(11) 8888-8888",
new XAttribute("Tipo", "Celular")),
new XElement("Telefone", "(11) 4444-4444",
new XAttribute("Tipo", "Residencial"))
new XElement("Endereco",
new XElement("Logradouro", "R: ABC, 1234"),
new XElement("Bairro", "Bairro AAA"),
new XElement("Cidade", "São Paulo"),
new XElement("Estado", "SP"),
new XElement("CEP", "02020-020")
Console.WriteLine(@"Criando o arquivo XML com LINQ to XML em C:\Curso\C#\Linq\Contatos2.xml");
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