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Created November 2, 2015 23:11
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Capture error handling in R
ref_filename <- function(ref) {
attr(ref, "srcfile")$filename
frame_text <- function(frame) {
if (identical(frame, .GlobalEnv)) {
structure(pkg = "_global",
"global environment"
} else if (nzchar(name <- environmentName(frame))) {
if (is.namespace(frame)) {
structure(pkg = name,
paste("package ", as.character(name))
} else {
paste("environment", name)
} else {
# TODO: (RK) Pre-compute cache of environments.
frame_text <- Recall(parent.env(frame))
if (identical(attr(frame_text, "pkg"), "_global")) {
} else {
stacktrace <- function() {
Map(call_metadata, sys.calls(), sys.frames())
call_metadata <- function(call, frame) {
srcref <- attr(call, "srcref")
if (is.null(srcref)) {
frame_info <- frame_text(frame)
list(file = attr(frame_info, "pkg") %||%
"unknown_environment", number = 0, call = call)
} else {
file <- ref_filename(srcref)
if (nzchar(file)) {
file <- normalizePath(file)
} else {
file <- "unknown_file"
list(file = file, number = as.integer(srcref[[1]]), call = call)
final_output <- tryCatch(error = identity,
error = function(e) {
e$trace <- stacktrace()
e$trace <- e$trace[seq_len(length(e$trace) - 2)]
if (is(final_output, "error")) {
trace_output <- lapply(final_output$trace, function(element) {
call <- if ($call)) element$call[[1L]] else element$call
element$call <- paste(collapse = " ", deparse(width.cutoff = 500L, call))
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