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Created December 13, 2014 06:02
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Save robertchong/e2c64ddae8c3369bd289 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script will use the Sysinternals PsLoggedon.exe tool to get the list of users logged onto a workstation or server.The script has a check built in to validate that the computer name belongs to your domain. It will also get the full name of the logged on user back in the result. See…
This script will use the Sysinternals PsLoggedon.exe tool to get the list of users logged onto a workstation or computer
The script has a check built in to validate that the computer name belongs to your domain. It will also get the full name of the logged on user back in the results.
There is a built in check to ask the operator if they would like to rerun the script.
The script can be used with the parameter PathToPSLoggedon to specify the location of PsLoggedon.exe. Or this can be set to always default to this location.
The script is built upon the original by Glenn Sizemore detailed at
.Parameter PathToPSLoggedon
Alter the location of the path to PsLoggedon.exe
PS C:> .\Get-LoggedOnUsers.ps1 -PathToPSLoggedon "\\server\share\_Tools\PSTools\"
Enter the name of computer or server to check: PC1
User(s) logged onto PC1
Domain User
------ ----
DOMAIN Joe Bloggs
NAME: Get-LoggedOnUsers
AUTHOR: jdunlop
LASTEDIT: Thursday, 8 September 2011
#Requires -Version 2.0
[String]$PathToPSLoggedon #= "\\server\share\_Tools\PSTools\"
$Searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"")
While ($choice -ne 1)
While ($account -ne "")
$Computer = Read-Host "Enter the name of computer to check for logged on users"
$Searcher.filter = "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(cn=$Computer))"
$account = $searcher.findone()
If ($account) {break}
Write-Warning "No computer account exists for $(($Computer).ToUpper()) in the Domain."
} # End While
$Results = $null
[object[]]$Results = Invoke-Expression ($PathToPSLoggedon + "PsLoggedon.exe -accepteula -x -l \\$Computer 2> null") |
Where-Object {$_ -match '^\s{2,}((?<domain>\w+)\\(?<user>\S+))'} |
Select-Object @{
Name = 'Domain'
Expression = {$matches.Domain}
}, # End Expression
Name = 'User'
Expression = {
$Searcher.filter = "(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(SAMAccountName=$($matches.user)))"
} # End Expression
} # End hash table
"User(s) logged onto $(($Computer).ToUpper())"
$Results | Format-Table -auto
$title = 'Would you like to rerun?'
$rerun = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Rerun','Rerun the script'
$exit = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription '&Exit','Aborts the script'
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] ($rerun,$exit)
$choice = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title,$null,$options,1)
} # End While
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