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Last active April 10, 2023 18:12
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Elixir code to compute SSBU amiibo personalities. Some code omitted to focus on the core algorithm.
defmodule Personality do
@doc """
Parses the attributes from the amiibo and returns the
personality name.
def parse_amiibo(amiibo = %Amiibo{}) do
|> Attributes.parse()
|> calculate_personality()
@doc """
Returns the personality name given the set of attributes.
def calculate_personality(attributes = %Attributes{}) do
scores = branch_scores(attributes)
if scores == [] do
{score, branch} = Enum.max(scores)
# Pick the highest-scored personality, or Normal if none are high enough.
|> Enum.filter(&(score >= &1.target_score))
|> Enum.max_by(& &1.target_score, fn -> %{personality: "Normal"} end)
|> then(& &1.personality)
@doc """
Returns the raw scores for each personality branch given the
set of attributes.
def branch_scores(attributes = %Attributes{}) do
for branch <-, has_required_param?(branch, attributes) do
score = branch_score(branch, attributes)
{score, branch}
## Helpers
defp has_required_param?(branch, attributes) do
# Only one parameter is required, if any.
requirement = Enum.find(branch.criteria, & &1.required)
if requirement do
attribute = Map.get(attributes, requirement.param_name)
value = scale_value(attribute, requirement)
value >= requirement.rank1.threshold
defp scale_value(_value, %{param_name: :appeal}) do
# The original code actually defines a default of 0 for
# "appeal" (taunting), and then divides it by 0. On ARM
# this just results in 0, anywhere else it'll blow up. ;)
# This constant just happens to be right *most* of the time.
defp scale_value(value, criterion) when is_number(value) do
default = 50
value = value * 100
scaled =
if criterion.desirable do
(value - default) / default
(default - value) / default
clamp(scaled, 0..1)
defp branch_score(branch, attributes) do
|>, attributes))
|> Enum.sum()
defp criterion_score(criterion, attributes) do
value =
|> Map.get(criterion.param_name)
|> scale_value(criterion)
cond do
value >= criterion.rank2.threshold ->
criterion.rank1.points + criterion.rank2.points
value >= criterion.rank1.threshold ->
true ->
defp clamp(value, lo..hi) do
max(lo, min(hi, value))
# DEF "Defensive" #
# #
# This personality must use its shield a lot and walk on the ground. It must #
# not do anything too aggresive like going off stage. It shouldn’t run and #
# collecting items is too risky. Overall, this is a hard personality to get #
# because many attributes subtract from it and not many add. #
target_score = 100
personality = "Cautious"
target_score = 180
personality = "Realistic"
target_score = 240
personality = "Unflappable"
param_name = "offensive"
required = true
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 18}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 20}
desirable = false
param_name = "grounded"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 18}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 18}
desirable = true
param_name = "attack_out_cliff"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 10}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 15}
desirable = false
param_name = "dash"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 18}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 25}
desirable = false
param_name = "cliffer"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 15}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 20}
desirable = false
param_name = "shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 38}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 42}
desirable = true
param_name = "shield_catch_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_throw_to_target"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "dragoon_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "smash_ball_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "hammer_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "special_flagger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
# AGL "Agile" #
# #
# This personality must move fast. It must be aggressive but not in the air. #
# Collecting items is ok but anything that requires charging or would leave #
# the amiibo in a vulnerable state is too risky. #
target_score = 100
personality = "Light"
target_score = 170
personality = "Quick"
target_score = 225
personality = "Lightning Fast"
param_name = "offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 11}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 24}
desirable = true
param_name = "dash"
required = true
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 16}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 40}
desirable = true
param_name = "air_offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 15}
desirable = false
param_name = "smash_holder"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 11}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 22}
desirable = false
param_name = "dash_attacker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 13}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 22}
desirable = true
param_name = "critical_hitter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 15}
desirable = false
param_name = "shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 13}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 30}
desirable = false
param_name = "item_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 11}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.48, points = 15}
desirable = true
param_name = "hammer_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
desirable = false
param_name = "special_flagger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
desirable = false
param_name = "homerun_batter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
desirable = false
param_name = "club_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
desirable = false
param_name = "carrier_breaker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.48, points = 3}
desirable = true
param_name = "charger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 2}
desirable = false
# OFN "Offensive" #
# #
# The amiibo must be aggressive and in the face of its opponents. Attacking #
# off stage is encouraged. Items should not be used. If they are picked up, #
# then they should be thrown at an opponent immediately. #
target_score = 100
personality = "Enthusiastic"
target_score = 180
personality = "Aggressive"
target_score = 235
personality = "Offensive"
param_name = "near"
required = true
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 15}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 22}
desirable = true
param_name = "offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 21}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 30}
desirable = true
param_name = "attack_out_cliff"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 13}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 20}
desirable = true
param_name = "dash"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 11}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "air_offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 10}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 18}
desirable = true
param_name = "feint_shooter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 8}
desirable = false
param_name = "dash_attacker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 10}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 18}
desirable = true
param_name = "meteor_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 10}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 28}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "item_throw_to_target"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.48, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.74, points = 8}
desirable = true
param_name = "dragoon_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "smash_ball_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "hammer_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "special_flagger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 4}
desirable = false
# RSK "Risky" #
# #
# The amiibo must play aggresively off stage, especially dunking. The amiibo #
# should be in the air a lot, preferrable off stage. Melee counter attacks #
# and parries are encouraged but projectile counters are not. Going for risky #
# items is encouraged. #
target_score = 80
personality = "Reckless"
target_score = 160
personality = "Thrill Seeker"
target_score = 220
personality = "Daredevil"
param_name = "near"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 15}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 22}
desirable = true
param_name = "offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 11}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 16}
desirable = true
param_name = "grounded"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 10}
desirable = false
param_name = "attack_out_cliff"
required = true
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 24}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 28}
desirable = true
param_name = "air_offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "cliffer"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 8}
desirable = true
param_name = "feint_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "feint_counter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "feint_shooter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
desirable = false
param_name = "dash_attacker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 10}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 16}
desirable = true
param_name = "critical_hitter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 8}
desirable = true
param_name = "meteor_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 12}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 30}
desirable = true
param_name = "just_shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 6}
desirable = true
param_name = "hammer_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.73, points = 8}
desirable = true
param_name = "special_flagger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "carrier_breaker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.74, points = 3}
desirable = true
# GEN "General" #
# #
# This personality must parry. It will show off its skills including #
# countering, parrying, dunking, and using most items. #
target_score = 80
personality = "Versatile"
target_score = 120
personality = "Tricky"
target_score = 150
personality = "Technician"
param_name = "attack_out_cliff"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 7}
desirable = true
param_name = "air_offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 7}
desirable = false
param_name = "feint_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "feint_counter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "feint_shooter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "catcher"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 9}
desirable = true
param_name = "attack_cancel"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "meteor_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 15}
desirable = true
param_name = "shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 10}
desirable = true
param_name = "just_shield_master"
required = true
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 23}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 35}
desirable = true
param_name = "shield_catch_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 9}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 8}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_throw_to_target"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.48, points = 4}
desirable = true
param_name = "dragoon_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 7}
desirable = true
param_name = "smash_ball_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 3}
desirable = true
param_name = "homerun_batter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 4}
desirable = true
param_name = "club_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 4}
desirable = true
param_name = "death_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 4}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_shooter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 4}
desirable = true
param_name = "carrier_breaker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 4}
desirable = false
# ENT "Entertainer" #
# #
# This personality must taunt a lot. Dunking, charging regular/smash attacks, #
# and parrying are encouraged. Items should be used as intended and not just #
# thrown. #
target_score = 90
personality = "Show-Off"
target_score = 170
personality = "Flashy"
target_score = 230
personality = "Entertainer"
param_name = "attack_out_cliff"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 12}
desirable = true
param_name = "100_keeper"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
desirable = false
param_name = "smash_holder"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
desirable = true
param_name = "critical_hitter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 3}
desirable = true
param_name = "meteor_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 11}
desirable = true
param_name = "just_shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 12}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_throw_to_target"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 13}
desirable = false
param_name = "dragoon_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "smash_ball_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "hammer_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 14}
desirable = true
param_name = "special_flagger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 13}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.73, points = 17}
desirable = true
param_name = "homerun_batter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.73, points = 12}
desirable = true
param_name = "club_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 13}
desirable = true
param_name = "death_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 14}
desirable = true
param_name = "charger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.48, points = 3}
desirable = true
param_name = "appeal"
required = true
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 18}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 34}
desirable = true
# CAU "Cautious" #
# #
# This personlity must not parry. The amiibo should stay on the ground and #
# use its shield a lot. It should stay far away from its opponents and #
# counter projectiles if necessary. This is also a hard personality to get #
# since many attributes take away from it and not many add to it. #
target_score = 80
personality = "Cool"
target_score = 160
personality = "Logical"
target_score = 215
personality = "Sly"
param_name = "near"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 10}
desirable = false
param_name = "offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 6}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 12}
desirable = false
param_name = "grounded"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 12}
desirable = true
param_name = "attack_out_cliff"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 12}
desirable = false
param_name = "dash"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 12}
desirable = false
param_name = "air_offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 6}
desirable = false
param_name = "cliffer"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 8}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 10}
desirable = false
param_name = "feint_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 4}
desirable = true
param_name = "feint_counter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 5}
desirable = false
param_name = "feint_shooter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 6}
desirable = true
param_name = "smash_holder"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 6}
desirable = false
param_name = "dash_attacker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 6}
desirable = false
param_name = "critical_hitter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 6}
desirable = false
param_name = "meteor_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 5}
desirable = false
param_name = "shield_master"
required = true
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 29}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 42}
desirable = false
param_name = "just_shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 5}
desirable = false
param_name = "hammer_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 4}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 10}
desirable = false
param_name = "special_flagger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 6}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 12}
desirable = false
param_name = "charger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 5}
desirable = false
# DYN "Dynamic" #
# #
# This personality is quite different from the others. It has no specific #
# attribute requirement. It’s similar to RSK except it doesn’t counter or #
# parry. It should attack a lot, especially off stage. Charging attacks is #
# good. Holding items is strongly encouraged. What’s particularly unusual is #
# it’s discouraged from throwing, swinging, or shooting items. This #
# personality will simply hold items and never use them, except some risky #
# items. #
param_name = "offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 7}
desirable = true
param_name = "attack_out_cliff"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "air_offensive"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 10}
desirable = true
param_name = "catcher"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 3}
desirable = false
param_name = "attack_cancel"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 2}
desirable = false
param_name = "smash_holder"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 9}
desirable = true
param_name = "dash_attacker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 6}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 7}
desirable = true
param_name = "critical_hitter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 12}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 15}
desirable = true
param_name = "meteor_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 11}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 12}
desirable = true
param_name = "shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.25, points = 11}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 12}
desirable = true
param_name = "just_shield_master"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 7}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 8}
desirable = false
param_name = "item_throw_to_target"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.76, points = 3}
desirable = false
param_name = "dragoon_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 5}
desirable = true
param_name = "smash_ball_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 7}
desirable = true
param_name = "hammer_collector"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 3}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 7}
desirable = true
param_name = "special_flagger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.2, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 10}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.26, points = 6}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 8}
desirable = false
param_name = "homerun_batter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 9}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.71, points = 10}
desirable = true
param_name = "club_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 9}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.71, points = 10}
desirable = true
param_name = "death_swinger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.46, points = 9}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.71, points = 10}
desirable = true
param_name = "item_shooter"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.51, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.74, points = 1}
desirable = false
param_name = "carrier_breaker"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.48, points = 2}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.71, points = 1}
desirable = true
param_name = "charger"
rank1 = {threshold = 0.22, points = 5}
rank2 = {threshold = 0.74, points = 6}
desirable = true
target_score = 80
personality = "Laid Back"
target_score = 160
personality = "Wild"
target_score = 210
personality = "Lively"
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