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Last active August 8, 2016 15:18
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That Conference - Happy Full-Stack JavaScript Campers - Ryan Niemeyer

Presentation notes/links

Happy Full-Stack JavaScript Campers

A Journey Towards Node and Micro-services

Ryan Niemeyer - @RPNiemeyer

LeanKit's dev journey

Over the last two years, LeanKit has been moving pieces towards Node ( on the server-side and React on the front-end ( We are moving towards micro-services that can be deployed independently allowing our teams to work in a decoupled manner.

The Challenge

How can we maintain quality, consistency, and maintainability in this world of micro-services and decoupled teams/projects. People, processes, and tools are what make this possible for us.

People and Processes

Delivery Squads

  • Goal is teams of 7 (+/- 2) people
  • Have skills for 80% of the work
  • Each member only belongs to 1 team
  • Work is assigned to squad not individuals

Guilds / Squads

Teams still communicate within their role (developers across squads are in a "guild" and have training/meetings with each other.

My Squad

  • Team Rocket (other web squad is Team Groot)
  • LeanKit squads are situated in same office space
  • Remote members can be up on Monitors in squad room at anytime
  • Our team has a limited number of formal meetings, but are in constant communication
  • We make liberal use of Zoom ( for video sharing/conferencing


  • We use our own tool as part of building LeanKit
  • I use it personally as well (for example, I had a board to work on this talk)
  • WIP Limits (WIP = Work in progress). Limit how many things are in progress to focus on flowing things through the system.
  • FSGD (Frequent, Small, Good, Decoupled) (


  • Our team pairs about 90% of the time
  • Seeing tremendous benefits from pairing
  • Quality - combine knowledge and experience of both people
  • Learning - experienced person can teach other person
  • Context - more than one person understands piece of development, trade-offs, and functionality
  • Social - build strong relationships

Code Review

  • Review all code going into repositories
  • Never merge our own code
  • Merge from fork to upstream feature branch. QA tests from feature branch before code is integrated back into repository.

Tools - Ops

  • Drone ( - continuous integration server
  • Docker ( - deploy functionality in containers
  • Docker hub ( - drone builds push container images up to private docker hub to be deployed further
  • Dependencies are only installed once as part of drone build, then become part of image that is deployed further
  • Rancher ( - Platform for managing containers

Tools - Dev


Styleguide / Linting

Why Styleguide?

  • Creatures of habit
  • No "turf wars"
  • Easier for new devs
  • Focus on what matters
  • Comprehensive style rules
  • Includes ability to fix code
  • JSCS is now deprecated
  • JSCS has merged with ESLint
ESLint / JSCS Benefits
  • Let tools do their job
  • Spend more time on solving the actual problems
  • Consistent / predictable code
  • Less stress/conflict/time reviewing/fixing these type of issues

Build Scripts / Tools



  • Where to slice our services?
  • Decoupled, but how to still share wisdom?
  • How to keep all projects up-to-date?
  • Always more automation possible


  • Delivering value faster
  • Strong confidence in our code
  • Automation opens up dev options
  • Enjoyment and satisfaction working in our stack


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