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Created October 21, 2018 14:19
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number_format(number, decimals, decPoint, thousandsSep) in JavaScript, known from PHP. It formats a number to a string with grouped thousands, with custom seperator and custom decimal point Demo:,console
* number_format(number, decimals, decPoint, thousandsSep) in JavaScript, known from PHP.
* It formats a number to a string with grouped thousands, with custom seperator and custom decimal point
* @param {number} number - number to format
* @param {number} [decimals=0] - (optional) count of decimals to show
* @param {string} [decPoint=.] - (optional) decimal point
* @param {string} [thousandsSep=,] - (optional) thousands seperator
* @author Felix Leupold <>
function number_format(number, decimals, decPoint, thousandsSep) {
decimals = Math.abs(decimals) || 0;
number = parseFloat(number);
if (!decPoint || !thousandsSep) {
decPoint = '.';
thousandsSep = ',';
var roundedNumber = Math.round(Math.abs(number) * ('1e' + decimals)) + '';
var numbersString = decimals ? (roundedNumber.slice(0, decimals * -1) || 0) : roundedNumber;
var decimalsString = decimals ? roundedNumber.slice(decimals * -1) : '';
var formattedNumber = "";
while (numbersString.length > 3) {
formattedNumber += thousandsSep + numbersString.slice(-3)
numbersString = numbersString.slice(0, -3);
if (decimals && decimalsString.length === 1) {
while (decimalsString.length < decimals) {
decimalsString = decimalsString + decimalsString;
return (number < 0 ? '-' : '') + numbersString + formattedNumber + (decimalsString ? (decPoint + decimalsString) : '');
// just for demo purposes...
var log = console.log;
log('-- english format --');
log(number_format(1234.50, 2)); // ~> "1,234.50"
log(number_format(1234, 2)); // ~> "1,234.00"
log(number_format(0, 2)); // ~> "0.00"
log(number_format(-0.5, 2)); // ~> "-0.50"
log(number_format(299.99)); // ~> "300"
log(number_format(-299.9, 4)); // ~> "-299.9000"
// german format
log('-- german format --');
log(number_format(1234.50, 2, ',', '.')); // ~> "1.234,50"
log(number_format(0.5, 2, ',', '.')); // ~> "0,50"
// french format
log('-- french format --');
log(number_format(1234.50, 2, '.', ' ')); // ~> "1 234.50"
log(number_format(1233.999, 2, '.', ' ')); // ~> "1 234.00"
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