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Last active March 6, 2017 16:46
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OpenMM binary prototype

OpenMM command line script prototype.

This is basically a port of the webapp. It doesn't (yet) include some of the features that Lee-Ping has implemented, like saving restart files and adding new reporters. If we want to include those things with the openmm app, they should probably go in the library anyways.

Here's what it looks like running. Python code showing its interaction with the OpenMM API is printed out in real-time, as it's executed. There are some log messages too.

rmcgibbo@vspm9  ~/local/openmm_build/python
$ openmm --coords=~/local/openmm_tests/input.pdb
[Script] >>> import sys
[Script] >>> from simtk.unit import *
[Script] >>> import simtk.openmm as mm
[Script] >>> from simtk.openmm import app
[Script] >>>
[Script] >>> pdb = app.PDBFile('/home/rmcgibbo/local/openmm_tests/input.pdb')
[Script] >>> positions = pdb.positions
[Script] >>> topology = pdb.topology
[OpenMM] Topology is contains periodic boundary conditions
[Script] >>> forcefield = app.ForceField('amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml')
[Script] >>> system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, nonbondedMethod=PME, nonbondedCutoff=1.0*nanometer, constraints=HBonds, rigidWater=True, ewaldErrorTolerance=0.0005)
[Script] >>> integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(300*kelvin, 1.0/picosecond, 2*femtosecond)
[Script] >>> platform = None
[Script] >>> platformProperties = None
[Script] >>> similation = app.Simulation(topology, system, integrator,platform, platformProperties)
[Script] >>> simulation.context.setPositions(positions)
[OpenMM] Minimizing...
[Script] >>> simulation.minimizeEnergy()

... more...

--help text

Here's the -h output:

rmcgibbo@vspm9  ~/local/openmm_build/python
$ openmm -h

OpenMM: GPU Accelerated Molecular Dynamics

Run a molecular simulaton using the OpenMM toolkit. Options can be either
specified on the command line, or in an input file, conventionally named If a single option is specified in both places, the command
line value will take precidence.

For example, to override your input configuration file to change the barostat
pressure to 200 kilopasals, you would add the flag
`--Integrator.pressure=200*kilopascals` to your command line invocation. Use
`--help-all` for details.

    Make a template input configuration file

    Path to a configuration file to load from (or to save to, if using `make_config`).
--coords=<Unicode> (General.coords)
    Default: u''
    OpenMM can take a pdb...
--log_level=<Enum> (General.log_level)
    Default: 'INFO'
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`


The rest of the options are hiding under --help-all. They're organizing following the same structure that I used for the tabs on the webapp.

$ openmm --help-all

OpenMM: GPU Accelerated Molecular Dynamics

Run a molecular simulaton using the OpenMM toolkit. Options can be either
specified on the command line, or in an input file, conventionally named If a single option is specified in both places, the command
line value will take precidence.

For example, to override your input configuration file to change the barostat
pressure to 200 kilopasals, you would add the flag
`--Integrator.pressure=200*kilopascals` to your command line invocation. Use
`--help-all` for details.

    Make a template input configuration file

    Path to a configuration file to load from (or to save to, if using `make_config`).
--coords=<Unicode> (General.coords)
    Default: u''
    OpenMM can take a pdb...
--log_level=<Enum> (General.log_level)
    Default: 'INFO'
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.

General options
    Default: u''
    OpenMM can take a pdb...
    Default: 'amber99sb-ildn'
    Choices: ['amber96', 'amber99sb', 'amber99sb-ildn', 'amber99sb-nmr', 'amber03', 'amber10']
    Forcefield to use for the protein atoms. For details, consult the
    Default: 'INFO'
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Default: None
    Choices: ['Reference', 'OpenCL', 'CUDA']
    OpenMM runs simulations on three platforms: Reference, CUDA, and OpenCL. If
    not specified, the fastest available platform will be selected
    Default: None
    Choices: ['Single', 'Mixed', 'Double']
    Level of numeric precision to use for calculations.
    Default: 'TIP3P'
    Choices: ['SPC/E', 'TIP3P', 'TIP4-Ew', 'TIP5P', 'Implict']
    Forcefield to use for water in the simulation.

System options
    Default: 'HBonds'
    Choices: ['None', 'HBonds', 'AllBonds', 'HAngles']
    Applying constraints to some of the atoms can enable you to take longer
    Default: 1.0*nanometer
    Cutoff for long-range non-bonded interactions. This option is usef for all
    non-bonded methods except for "NoCutoff".
    Default: 0.0005
    The error tolerance is roughly equal to the fractional error in the forces
    due to truncating the Ewald summation. Only applicable when nonbonded ==
    Ewald or nonbonded == PME.
    Default: 300*kelvin
    Temperature used for generating initial velocities. This option is only used
    if rand_vels == True.
    Default: 'PME'
    Choices: ['NoCutoff', 'CutoffNonPeriodic', 'CutoffPeriodic', 'Ewald', 'PME']
    Method for calculating long range non-bondend interactions. Refer to the
    user guide for a detailed discussion.
    Default: True
    Initialize the system with random initial velocities, drawn from the Maxwell
    Boltzmann distribution.
    Default: True
    Keep water rigid. Be aware that flexible water may require you to further
    reduce the integration step size, typically to about 0.5 fs.

Integrator options
    Default: 'None'
    Choices: ['MonteCarlo', 'None']
    Activate a barostat for pressure coupling. The MC barostat requires
    temperature control (stochastic integrator or Andersen thermostat) to be in
    effect as well.
    Default: 25
    The frequency (in time steps) at which Monte Carlo pressure changes should
    be attempted. This option is only invoked when barostat == MonteCarlo.
    Default: 1.0/picosecond
    Friction coefficient, for use with stochastic integrators or the Anderson
    Default: 2*femtosecond
    Timestep for fixed-timestep integrators.
    Default: 'Langevin'
    Choices: ['Langevin', 'Verlet', 'Brownian', 'VariableLangevin', 'VariableVerlet']
    OpenMM offers a choice of several different integration methods. Refer to
    the user guide for details.
    Default: 1*atmosphere
    Pressure target, used by a barostat.
    Default: 300*kelvin
    Temperature of the heat bath, used either by a stochastic integrator or the
    Andersen thermostat to maintain a constant temperature ensemble.
    Default: 'None'
    Choices: ['Andersen', 'None']
    Activate a thermostat to maintain a constant temperature simulation.
    Default: 0.0001
    Tolerance for variable timestep integrators ('VariableLangevin',
    'VariableVerlet'). Smaller values will produce a smaller average step size.

Simulation options
    Default: 100
    Number of steps of equilibration to run, prior to attaching reporters and
    running production.
    Default: True
    First perform local energy minimization, to find a local potential energy
    minimum near the starting structure.
    Default: 1000
    Number of steps of production simulation to run.
    Default: 1000
    Frequency, in steps, to print summary statistics on the state of the
    Default: 'output.dcd'
    Filename to save the resulting trajectory to, in DCD format.
    Default: 1000
    Frequency, in steps, to save the state to disk in the DCD format.

Config File

Specifying all of those options on the command line would be a nightmare. How about the config file?

It's prety easy to make.

rmcgibbo@vspm9  ~/local/openmm_build/python
$ openmm make_config
Saving new template config file to

Everything is commented out, showing the default options. It's pretty convenient to have the help text right there too. This is pure python, but it's not general purpose -- we're basically just using python for its lexer/parser. The only "python" aspect of it is that we can use units. All of the options are typechecked statically when the config file loaded up.

rmcgibbo@vspm9  ~/local/openmm_build/python
$ cat
# Configuration file for openmm.

from simtk.unit import *
c = get_config()

# General configuration

# Set the log level by value or name.
# c.General.log_level = 'INFO'

# Level of numeric precision to use for calculations.
# c.General.precision = None

# Forcefield to use for water in the simulation.
# c.General.water = 'TIP3P'

# OpenMM runs simulations on three platforms: Reference, CUDA, and OpenCL. If
# not specified, the fastest available platform will be selected automatically.
# c.General.platform = None

# OpenMM can take a pdb...
# c.General.coords = u''

# Forcefield to use for the protein atoms. For details, consult the literature.
# c.General.forcefield = 'amber99sb-ildn'

# System configuration

# Cutoff for long-range non-bonded interactions. This option is usef for all
# non-bonded methods except for "NoCutoff".
# c.System.cutoff = 1.0*nanometer

# Initialize the system with random initial velocities, drawn from the Maxwell
# Boltzmann distribution.
# c.System.rand_vels = True

# The error tolerance is roughly equal to the fractional error in the forces due
# to truncating the Ewald summation. Only applicable when nonbonded == Ewald or
# nonbonded == PME.
# c.System.ewald_tol = 0.0005

# Keep water rigid. Be aware that flexible water may require you to further
# reduce the integration step size, typically to about 0.5 fs.
# c.System.rigid_water = True

# Temperature used for generating initial velocities. This option is only used
# if rand_vels == True.
# c.System.gen_temp = 300*kelvin

# Method for calculating long range non-bondend interactions. Refer to the user
# guide for a detailed discussion.
# c.System.nb_method = 'PME'

# Applying constraints to some of the atoms can enable you to take longer
# timesteps.
# c.System.constraints = 'HBonds'

# Integrator configuration

# OpenMM offers a choice of several different integration methods. Refer to the
# user guide for details.
# c.Integrator.kind = 'Langevin'

# Friction coefficient, for use with stochastic integrators or the Anderson
# thermostat.
# c.Integrator.collision_rate = 1.0/picosecond

# Activate a barostat for pressure coupling. The MC barostat requires
# temperature control (stochastic integrator or Andersen thermostat) to be in
# effect as well.
# c.Integrator.barostat = 'None'

# Activate a thermostat to maintain a constant temperature simulation.
# c.Integrator.thermostat = 'None'

# Temperature of the heat bath, used either by a stochastic integrator or the
# Andersen thermostat to maintain a constant temperature ensemble.
# c.Integrator.temp = 300*kelvin

# Pressure target, used by a barostat.
# c.Integrator.pressure = 1*atmosphere

# The frequency (in time steps) at which Monte Carlo pressure changes should be
# attempted. This option is only invoked when barostat == MonteCarlo.
# c.Integrator.barostat_interval = 25

# Timestep for fixed-timestep integrators.
# c.Integrator.dt = 2*femtosecond

# Tolerance for variable timestep integrators ('VariableLangevin',
# 'VariableVerlet'). Smaller values will produce a smaller average step size.
# c.Integrator.tolerance = 0.0001

# Simulation configuration

# First perform local energy minimization, to find a local potential energy
# minimum near the starting structure.
c.Simulation.minimize = False

# Number of steps of production simulation to run.
c.Simulation.prod_steps = 0

# Frequency, in steps, to print summary statistics on the state of the
# simulation.
# c.Simulation.statedata_freq = 1000

# Frequency, in steps, to save the state to disk in the DCD format.
# c.Simulation.traj_freq = 1000

# Filename to save the resulting trajectory to, in DCD format.
# c.Simulation.traj_file = 'output.dcd'

# Number of steps of equilibration to run, prior to attaching reporters and
# running production.
c.Simulation.equil_steps = 0
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