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Created March 8, 2017 10:39
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Discrete missing values in Stan
# "impute" missing binary predictor
# really just marginalizes over missingness
# imputed values produced in generated quantities
N <- 1000 # number of cases
N_miss <- 100 # number missing values
x_baserate <- 0.25 # prob x==1 in total sample
a <- 0 # intercept in y ~ N( a+b*x , 1 )
b <- 1 # slope in y ~ N( a+b*x , 1 )
# simulate data
x <- sample( 0:1 , size=N , replace=TRUE , prob=c(1-x_baserate,x_baserate) )
i_miss <- sample( 1:N , size=N_miss )
x_obs <- x
x_obs[i_miss] <- (-1)
x_NA <- x_obs
x_NA[i_miss] <- NA
x_miss <- ifelse( 1:N %in% i_miss , 1 , 0 )
y <- rnorm( N , a + b*x , 1 )
m_code <- "
int N;
int x[N];
int x_miss[N];
real y[N];
real a;
real b;
real<lower=0,upper=1> x_mu;
a ~ normal(0,10);
b ~ normal(0,1);
x_mu ~ beta(1,1);
for ( i in 1:N ) {
if ( x_miss[i]==1 ) {
// x missing
target += log_mix( x_mu ,
normal_lpdf( y[i] | a + b , 1 ),
normal_lpdf( y[i] | a , 1 )
} else {
// x not missing
x[i] ~ bernoulli(x_mu);
y[i] ~ normal( a + b*x[i] , 1 );
generated quantities{
vector[N] x_impute;
for ( i in 1:N ) {
real logPxy;
real logPy;
if ( x_miss[i]==1 ) {
// need P(x|y)
// P(x|y) = P(x,y)/P(y)
// P(x,y) = P(x)P(y|x)
// P(y) = P(x==1)P(y|x==1) + P(x==0)P(y|x==0)
logPxy = log(x_mu) + normal_lpdf(y[i]|a+b,1);
logPy = log_mix( x_mu ,
normal_lpdf( y[i] | a + b , 1 ),
normal_lpdf( y[i] | a , 1 ) );
x_impute[i] = exp( logPxy - logPy );
} else {
x_impute[i] = x[i];
m <- stan(
model_code=m_code ,
chains=1 )
# show imputed medians
post <- extract.samples(m)
Px <- apply(post$x_impute,2,median)
pt1 <- mean( Px[x_miss==1 & x==1] )
pt0 <- mean( Px[x_miss==1 & x==0] )
plot( x[x_miss==1] , Px[x_miss==1] , ylim=c(0,1) , xlab="true" , ylab="imputed probability == 1" )
points( c(0,1) , c(pt0,pt1) , pch=16 , col="red" )
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Hi Dr.McElreath,

Thank you for the code.
Which missing value mechanism is assumed in this case. That is when we marginalize over discrete missing values?
Is it Missing Completely at Random?


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With the help of @erik-ringen for those interested in more than 2 categories

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eveskew commented Dec 4, 2018

And, following discussion with @dmontecino, one more attempt:
In the generated quantities block, I compute a matrix representing the probability that a missing x value belongs to each category, given the observed y outcome.

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