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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save rm-hull/8906851 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OM version of Garry Kasparov - Veselin Topalov ; Hoogovens A Tournament Wijk aan Zee NED 1999.01.20 - adapted from
; Adapted from
(ns rubyfuza.core
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
[clojure.string :as str]
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [put! chan <! >! timeout]]))
;;; Setup
(def pieces
{"BR" ""
"BK" ""
"BB" ""
"BQ" ""
"BG" ""
"BP" ""
"WR" ""
"WK" ""
"WB" ""
"WQ" ""
"WG" ""
"WP" ""})
(def starting-board
[["BR", "BK", "BB", "BQ", "BG", "BB", "BK", "BR"] ;; A8 - H8
["BP", "BP", "BP", "BP", "BP", "BP", "BP", "BP"]
["" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , ""]
["" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , ""]
["" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , ""]
["" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , ""]
["WP", "WP", "WP", "WP", "WP", "WP", "WP", "WP"]
["WR", "WK", "WB", "WQ", "WG", "WB", "WK", "WR"]])
;;; Logic
(def col-map {"a" 0 "b" 1 "c" 2 "d" 3 "e" 4 "f" 5 "g" 6 "h" 7})
(defn coords-from [square]
(let [column (get col-map (first square))
parsed-row (js/parseInt (last square))
row (- 8 parsed-row)]
[row column]))
(defn move [board from-square to-square]
"Returns an updated board with the move made"
(let [from-coords (coords-from from-square)
to-coords (coords-from to-square)
from-piece (get-in board from-coords)]
(-> board
(assoc-in to-coords from-piece)
(assoc-in from-coords ""))))
;;; Rendering
(defn style [& styles]
(dom/style nil (str/join \newline styles)))
(defn draw-square [square]
(dom/td nil square))
(defn draw-row [row]
(apply dom/tr nil
(map draw-square row)))
(defn unicode-pieces [board]
(for [row board]
(map #(get pieces % "") row)))
(defn board [board owner]
#js {:className "chess_board"}
".chess_board tr:nth-child(even) td:nth-child(odd),
.chess_board tr:nth-child(odd) td:nth-child(even) {
background: white;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
.chess_board td {
background: red;
width: 60px; height: 60px;
font-size: 40px;
color: black;
text-align: center;
(let [unicoded-board (unicode-pieces board)]
(map draw-row unicoded-board)))))
;;; State
(def app-state (atom {:board starting-board}))
(def app-history (atom [@app-state]))
(defn start-chess! []
(fn [app owner]
(om/build board (:board app)))
(. js/document (getElementById "app"))))
(defn reset-and-start-chess! []
(reset! app-state {:board starting-board})
(reset! app-history [@app-state])
(defn move! [from-square to-square]
(swap! app-state
update-in [:board] move from-square to-square)
(swap! app-history
conj @app-state))
;;; World interaction
(def the-world (chan))
(defn server-says [move-string]
(let [from-square (subs move-string 0 2)
to-square (subs move-string 2)]
(move! from-square to-square)))
(defn assimilate-novelty [world-channel]
(go (while true
(if-let [move-string (<! world-channel)]
(server-says move-string)))))
(defn replay-game [world-channel moves]
(dorun (map #(put! world-channel %) moves)))
;;; Playing with history
(defn show-move! [move-number]
(reset! app-state (nth @app-history move-number)))
(defn slideshow [start finish]
(doseq [step (range start finish)]
(show-move! step)
(<! (timeout 150))))))
(defn cycle-every-state []
;; Show that react.js only renders when it needs to
(doseq [step (range 0 (count @app-history))]
(show-move! step)))
;;; Main
; Start listening to changes in the world
(assimilate-novelty the-world)
;;; Demo
; Garry Kasparov - Veselin Topalov
; Hoogovens A Tournament Wijk aan Zee NED 1999.01.20
(defn kasparov-topalov [the-world]
(let [moves ["e2e4" "d7d6" "d2d4" "g8f6" "b1c3" "g7g6" "c1e3" "f8g7" "d1d2" "c7c6" "f2f3" "b7b5" "g1e2" "b8d7" "e3h6" "g7h6" "d2h6" "c8b7" "a2a3" "e7e5" "e1c1" "d8e7" "c1b1" "a7a6" "e2c1" "e8c8" "c1b3" "e5d4" "d1d4" "c6c5" "d4d1" "d7b6" "g2g3" "c8b8" "b3a5" "b7a8" "f1h3" "d6d5" "h6f4" "b8a7" "h1e1" "d5d4" "c3d5" "b6d5" "e4d5" "e7d6" "d1d4" "c5d4" "e1e7" "a7b6" "f4d4" "b6a5" "b2b4" "a5a4" "d4c3" "d6d5" "e7a7" "a8b7" "a7b7" "d5c4" "c3f6" "a4a3" "f6a6" "a3b4" "c2c3" "b4c3" "a6a1" "c3d2" "a1b2" "d2d1" "h3f1" "d8d2" "b7d7" "d2d7" "f1c4" "b5c4" "b2h8" "d7d3" "h8a8" "c4c3" "a8a4" "d1e1" "f3f4" "f7f5" "b1c1" "d3d2" "a4a7"]]
(replay-game the-world moves)))
(defn run-demo []
(kasparov-topalov the-world)
(slideshow 0 (count @app-history))))
(set! (.-onload js/window) run-demo)
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