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Last active September 7, 2021 20:23
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python git post-commit hook for Git/Asana integration
#!/usr/bin/env python
# git post-commit hook for linking git commits to asana tasks
# (inspired / adapted in part from
# Tested with Python 2.7 and Python 3.5
# - Copy this script to .git/hooks/post-commit in your local repository
# (be sure the script is executable)
# - Install python dependencies:
# pip install asana colorama
# - Create an Asana personal access token under
# Profile settings -> Apps -> Manage Developer Apps
# - Store that token in your git config:
# git config --global asana.token `###`
# - Reference Asana tasks by id or URL in your commit message with an
# optional verb, e.g.
# [Fixes #1234] or [Implements]
# If the referenced task is unassigned, it will be assigned to the
# current user. If the task has no development status tags it will
# be tagged as "dev in progress" or "dev complete" if there is a verb
# indicating the task is done.
# - currently only supports one task reference per commit
import asana
import subprocess
import re
# NOTE: colorama could probably be made optional fairly easily
import colorama
# recognized terms that can be used to designate a commit
# as fixing or re-opening the specified task, e.g.
# [Fixes #123]
# each term will look for optional endings: s, es, ed, ing
'complete': ['fix', 'close', 'clos', 'finish', 'implement'],
'break': ['break', 'reopen']
# development status (currently tracking in Asana as tags)
DEV_COMPLETE = 'dev complete'
DEV_IN_PROGRESS = 'dev in progress'
STATUSES = ['design in progress', DEV_IN_PROGRESS, DEV_COMPLETE,
'awaiting testing', 'accepted', 'rejected']
# TBD: do we need accepted/complete? Mark as done in asana
# to mark complete?
def get_cmd_output(cmd):
# run a system command and return the resulting output as a string
# with any newline stripped off the end
# takes command as a single string, then splits into an array
# as needed by subprocess
return subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode().strip()
def git_remote_url():
# determine the base remote url on github
# git config --get remote.origin.url
# returns either:
# or
remote_url = get_cmd_output('git config --get remote.origin.url')
# clean up so it can be used as a repo url base for the commit hash
if remote_url.startswith(''):
remote_url = remote_url.replace('', '')
if remote_url.endswith('.git'):
remote_url = remote_url[:-(len('.git'))]
return remote_url
def workspace_tags(client, workspace_id):
# asana returns a list of tags with name and id; convert
# into a name-based lookup dict for convenience
tags = client.tags.find_all({'workspace': workspace_id})
tag_info = dict((tag['name'], tag['id']) for tag in tags)
return tag_info
def process_commit():
# process the last git commit and add a comment to an Asana ticket
# if one ir referenced in the commit message; update the ticket
# assignment and status as appropriate
# asana access token should be configured as a git config option
token = get_cmd_output('git config asana.token')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('%sError! Asana token is not set in git config.' % colorama.Fore.RED)
print('Create a personal access token and set in git config: git config --global asana.token ###')
# initialize asana api client with access token
client = asana.Client.access_token(token)
# get the details from the last commit
commit_info = get_cmd_output('git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h|%an|%s|%b|%ci" HEAD')
# split git log info into pieces for processing
commit_hash, author, commit_msg, commit_msg_body, date = commit_info.split('|')
# handle single id for now; match #idnum OR full asana url
# capture full task url if present
regex = re.compile('\[((?P<verb>\w+)* *(?P<task_url>(#|\d+/)(?P<id>\d+)))+\]')
# TODO: handle multiple ids
# e.g. [#123 #456] [Fixes #123]
# [Fixes #123, #456] - does it fix both?
# [Fixes #245; #456]
# first look in main commit message
matches =
# if no matches were found there, look in commit message body
if not matches:
matches =
# if no match in commit message or body, then there is nothing to be done
if not matches:
matchdict = matches.groupdict()
task_id = matchdict['id']
verb = matchdict['verb']
if verb is not None:
verb = verb.lower()
msg = '\n'.join([commit_msg, commit_msg_body])
# remove task id reference from commit message body
# before adding as asana comment
msg = regex.sub('', msg)
# determine base remote url on github to generate link to this commit
remote_url = git_remote_url()
# generate a comment to add to the ticket
# - comment format adapted from Pivotal Tracker GitHub integration:
# <b>Commit by username</b> <sm>on date</sm>
# commit comment
# github commit link
txt_comment = '''Commit by %(user)s on %(date)s
# generate link to commit on github
commit_url = '%s/commit/%s' % (remote_url, task_id)
comment_data = {
'user': author,
'date': date,
'msg': msg,
'url': commit_url
comment_text = txt_comment % comment_data
# add a comment on the referenced task
resp = client.stories.create_on_task(task_id, {'text': comment_text})
# retrieve the task object for additional updates
task = client.tasks.find_by_id(task_id)
# get workspace id for the task to find all tags
# TOOD: check that this also works for subtasks
workspace_id = task['workspace']['id']
tags = workspace_tags(client, workspace_id)
action_msgs = []
# if task is not yet assigned, assign to current user
if not task['assignee']:
client.tasks.update(task_id, {'assignee': 'me'})
action_msgs.append('assigned to you')
# update tags for story based on verb, if specified
verb_stem = None
if verb:
# strip off endings for simpler matching of supported terms
verb_stem = re.sub('(es|ed|ing|s)$', '', verb.lower())
if verb_stem in VERBS['complete']:
tag_id = tags.get(DEV_COMPLETE, None)
if tag_id is None:
newtag = client.tags.create({'workspace': workspace_id,
'name': DEV_COMPLETE})
tag_id = newtag['id']
client.tasks.add_tag(task_id, {'tag': tag_id})
action_msgs.append('tagged as "%s"' % DEV_COMPLETE)
# if previously tagged as dev in progress, remove that tag
task_tags = [tag['name'] for tag in task['tags']]
if DEV_IN_PROGRESS in task_tags:
# if the tag is in use, then must already be defined in
# the current workspace, so we should have the id
client.tasks.remove_tag(task_id, {'tag', tags[DEV_IN_PROGRESS]})
elif verb_stem in VERBS['break']:
# is there an appropriate tag here?
client.tasks.update(task_id, {'completed': False})
# otherwise, mark as development in progress unless
# task already has a development status tag
task_tags = [tag['name'] for tag in task['tags']]
if not any([status in task_tags for status in STATUSES]):
# no current dev status - mark as in progress
tag_id = tags.get(DEV_IN_PROGRESS, None)
# create the tag if it doesn't yet exist
if tag_id is None:
newtag = client.tags.create({'workspace': workspace_id,
tag_id = newtag['id']
client.tasks.add_tag(task_id, {'tag': tag_id})
action_msgs.append('tagged as "%s"' % DEV_IN_PROGRESS)
# if comment was added successfully, display what was done
# includes task title and any actions
if resp['created_at']:
action = ''
if action_msgs:
action = '\n(%s)' % ', '.join(action_msgs)
print('%sAdded comment to "%s"%s' % (colorama.Fore.GREEN,
task['name'], action))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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