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Last active January 9, 2024 21:57
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  • Save rlskoeser/7f376cca3b47bb774df46f71942e199f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rlskoeser/7f376cca3b47bb774df46f71942e199f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
shell script to count number of transcription and text files and documents in pgp-text git repo over time
# based on
# create output file with a CSV header
# echo "date;transcription_count;transcribed_documents;translation_count;translated_documents" > $OUTPUT
echo "date,transcriptions,transcribed_documents,translations,translated_documents" > $OUTPUT
# function that counts files matching the specified regex
count() {
git ls-tree -r --name-only $COMMIT | grep -e $1 | wc -l | sed 's/ //g'
# adapt file count to count unique pgpids
count_documents() {
git ls-tree -r --name-only $COMMIT | grep -e $1 | sed -re "s/^.*(PGPID[0-9]+)_.*$/\1/" | uniq | wc -l | sed 's/ //g'
# for each commit in log
git log --pretty="%H %cd" --date=short | while read COMMIT DATE
# skip commits made on the same day
[ "$PREV_DATE" == "$DATE" ] && continue
# count files
XSCRIPT_FILES=$(count ".*/*_transcription.txt$")
TRANSLATION_FILES=$(count ".*/*_translation.txt$")
# count documents
XSCRIPT_DOCS=$(count_documents ".*/*_transcription.txt$")
TRANSLATION_DOCS=$(count_documents ".*/*_translation.txt$")
# print to console
echo $DATE
echo " $XSCRIPT_FILES transcription.txt files"
echo " $XSCRIPT_DOCS transcription.txt PGPIDs"
echo " $TRANSLATION_FILES translation.txt files"
echo " $TRANSLATION_DOCS translation.txt PGPIDs"
# append to CSV file
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