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Created January 6, 2011 15:38
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(import '( File BufferedReader ByteArrayOutputStream InputStreamReader))
(def println-repl (bound-fn* println))
(defn sh-seq
"same as sh but returns a lazy seq of the programs stdout, and prints all errors to the repl"
[& command+args]
(let [process (.exec (Runtime/getRuntime) (apply str (interpose " " command+args)))]
(let [reader ( (.getInputStream process) :encoding "UTF-8")]
(line-seq reader))))
(defn sh-seq-debug
"same as sh-seq but prints all errors to the repl"
[& command+args]
(let [process (.exec (Runtime/getRuntime) (apply str (interpose " " command+args)))]
(let [reader ( (.getInputStream process) :encoding "UTF-8")
error-reader ( (.getErrorStream process) :encoding "UTF-8")]
(.start (Thread. #(dorun (map println-repl (line-seq error-reader)))))
(line-seq reader))))
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