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A Bugatti has 2 seats & a bus has many. Few will support your path 2 success.

Ryan Frahm rlfrahm

A Bugatti has 2 seats & a bus has many. Few will support your path 2 success.
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0xjac /
Last active September 20, 2024 04:14
Create a private fork of a public repository

The repository for the assignment is public and Github does not allow the creation of private forks for public repositories.

The correct way of creating a private frok by duplicating the repo is documented here.

For this assignment the commands are:

  1. Create a bare clone of the repository. (This is temporary and will be removed so just do it wherever.)

git clone --bare

zthomas / intercom-delete-old-users.js
Last active May 1, 2023 15:28
Script to delete and clear old users from intercom. Useful for lowering the monthly bill
// License: MIT, feel free to use it!
const Intercom = require('intercom-client');
const appId = 'APP_ID'
const apiKey = 'APP_KEY'
const client = new Intercom.Client(appId, apiKey);
const async = require('async-q')
//WARNING: you can only have one scroll working at once. you need to wait for that scroll to clear to try again
* ================== angular-ios9-uiwebview.patch.js v1.1.1 ==================
* This patch works around iOS9 UIWebView regression that causes infinite digest
* errors in Angular.
* The patch can be applied to Angular 1.2.0 – 1.4.5. Newer versions of Angular
* have the workaround baked in.
* To apply this patch load/bundle this file with your application and add a
cjaoude / gist:fd9910626629b53c4d25
Last active August 22, 2024 13:38
Test list of Valid and Invalid Email addresses
Use: for testing against email regex
List of Valid Email Addresses
darryn / Shopify tag filter groups
Last active August 23, 2023 03:51
Create tag filter groups in Shopify. This snippet is designed to group and separate out collection tags. It requires the tags to share a common value prepended to the tag with an underscore. E.g. to create a separate tag filter group for 'brands', each product will need to be tagged with 'brand_Nike' or 'brand_Reebok'. Some of this is probably l…
{% if template contains 'collection' and collection.all_tags.size > 1 %}
<!-- A recursive loop to catch and filter out the different tag categories -->
{% assign c = 0 %}
{% for t in collection.all_tags %}
{% capture cat %}{{ cat }}{% capture temp_cat %}{% if t contains '_' %}{% assign cat_grp = t | split: '_' %}{{ cat_grp.first }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}{% unless cat contains temp_cat %}{% if t contains '_' %}{% assign new_cat_grp = t | split: '_' %}{{ new_cat_grp.first }}{% endif %}{% unless forloop.last %}+{% endunless %}{% assign c = c | plus: 1 %}{% endunless %}{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- create array of tag categories -->
{% assign cat_array = cat | split: '+' %}
FokkeZB /
Created September 20, 2013 09:38
URL schemes for iOS and Android (2/2)
katowulf / extend.js
Created September 17, 2013 18:06
A simple extend function for JavaScript
function extend(base) {
var parts =, 1);
parts.forEach(function (p) {
if (p && typeof (p) === 'object') {
for (var k in p) {
if (p.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
base[k] = p[k];
bradmontgomery / install-comodo-ssl-cert-for-nginx.rst
Last active June 10, 2024 15:37
Steps to install a Comodo PositiveSSL certificate with Nginx.

Setting up a SSL Cert from Comodo

I use as a registrar, and they resale SSL Certs from a number of other companies, including Comodo.

These are the steps I went through to set up an SSL cert.

Purchase the cert

bgrins / detectDataURL.js
Last active December 18, 2023 18:57
Detect if a string is a data URL. Doesn't try to parse it or determine validity, just a quick check if a string appears to be a data URL. See for a demo.
// Detecting data URLs
// data URI - MDN
// The "data" URL scheme:
// Valid URL Characters:
function isDataURL(s) {
return !!s.match(isDataURL.regex);
isDataURL.regex = /^\s*data:([a-z]+\/[a-z]+(;[a-z\-]+\=[a-z\-]+)?)?(;base64)?,[a-z0-9\!\$\&\'\,\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\-\.\_\~\:\@\/\?\%\s]*\s*$/i;
raphaelstolt / php54_php53_pear_macports.markdown
Created May 17, 2012 21:37
Installing PHP 5.4 and 5.3 side by side on Max OSX via MacPorts

##Given Apache 2 and MySQL are already installed.

#Update MacPorts sudo port selfupdate;sudo port -u upgrade outdated

#Install PHP 5.4.* sudo port install php54 php54-apache2handler ##Activate Apache Module cd /opt/local/apache2/modules