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Created August 22, 2017 19:01
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package components
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.Callback
import japgolly.scalajs.react.BackendScope
import japgolly.scalajs.react.ScalaComponent
import scala.collection.immutable
import scalacss.ProdDefaults._
import scalacss.ScalaCssReact.scalacssStyleaToTagMod
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.ReactSearchBox
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.Pager
import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.DefaultSelect
* Companion object of ReactTable, with tons of little utilities
object ReactTable {
* The direction of the sort
object SortDirection extends Enumeration {
type SortDirection = Value
val asc, dsc = Value
* Pass this to the ColumnConfig to sort using an ordering
def Sort[T, B](fn: T => B)(implicit ordering: Ordering[B]): (T, T) => Boolean = {
(m1: T, m2: T) =>, fn(m2)) > 0
* Pass this to the ColumnConfig to sort a string ignoring case using an ordering
def IgnoreCaseStringSort[T](fn: T => String): (T, T) => Boolean =
(m1: T, m2: T) fn(m1).compareToIgnoreCase(fn(m2)) > 0
class Style extends StyleSheet.Inline {
import dsl._
val reactTableContainer = style(display.flex, flexDirection.column)
val table = style(
boxShadow := "0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24)",
media.maxWidth(740 px)(boxShadow := "none")
val tableRow = style(padding :=! "0.8rem",
&.hover(backgroundColor :=! "rgba(244, 244, 244, 0.77)"),
media.maxWidth(740 px)(boxShadow := "0 1px 3px grey", margin(5 px)))
val tableHeader = style(fontWeight.bold, borderBottom :=! "1px solid #e0e0e0", tableRow)
val settingsBar = style(display.flex, margin :=! "15px 0", justifyContent.spaceBetween)
val sortIcon = styleF.bool(
&.after(fontSize(9 px), marginLeft(5 px), if (ascending) { content := "'\\25B2'" } else {
content := "'\\25BC'"
object DefaultStyle extends Style
type CellRenderer[T] = T VdomNode
def DefaultCellRenderer[T]: CellRenderer[T] = { model =>
def EmailRenderer[T](fn: T => String): CellRenderer[T] = { t =>
val str = fn(t)
<.a(^.whiteSpace.nowrap, ^.href := s"mailto:${str}", str)
def OptionRenderer[T, B](defaultValue: String = "")(fn: T => Option[B]): CellRenderer[T] =
t => fn(t).fold(defaultValue)(_.toString)
case class ColumnConfig[T](name: String,
cellRenderer: CellRenderer[T],
sortBy: Option[(T, T) Boolean] = None,
width: Option[String] = None,
nowrap: Boolean = false)
def SimpleStringConfig[T](name: String,
stringRetriever: T => String,
width: Option[String] = None,
nowrap: Boolean = false): ReactTable.ColumnConfig[T] = {
val renderer: CellRenderer[T] = if (nowrap) { t =>
} else { t =>
ColumnConfig(name, renderer, Some(IgnoreCaseStringSort[T](stringRetriever)), width, nowrap)
* A relatively simple html/react table with a pager.
* You should pass in the data as a sequence of items of type T
* But you should also pass a list of Column Configurations, each of which describes how to get to each column for a given item in the data, how to display it, how to sort it, etc.
case class ReactTable[T](data: Seq[T],
configs: List[ReactTable.ColumnConfig[T]] = List(),
rowsPerPage: Int = 5,
style: ReactTable.Style = ReactTable.DefaultStyle,
enableSearch: Boolean = true,
searchBoxStyle: ReactSearchBox.Style = ReactSearchBox.DefaultStyle,
onRowClick: (Int) Callback = { _
Callback {}
searchStringRetriever: T => String = { t: T =>
}) {
import ReactTable._
import SortDirection._
case class State(filterText: String,
offset: Int,
rowsPerPage: Int,
filteredData: Seq[T],
sortedState: Map[Int, SortDirection])
class Backend(t: BackendScope[Props, State]) {
def onTextChange(P: Props)(value: String): Callback =
t.modState(_.copy(filteredData = getFilteredData(value,, offset = 0))
def onPreviousClick: Callback =
t.modState(s s.copy(offset = s.offset - s.rowsPerPage))
def onNextClick: Callback =
t.modState(s s.copy(offset = s.offset + s.rowsPerPage))
def getFilteredData(text: String, data: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
if (text.isEmpty) {
} else {
def sort(f: (T, T) Boolean, columnIndex: Int): Callback =
t.modState { S
val rows = S.filteredData
S.sortedState.get(columnIndex) match {
case Some(asc)
S.copy(filteredData = rows.sortWith((t1, t2) => !f(t1, t2)),
sortedState = Map(columnIndex -> dsc),
offset = 0)
case _
S.copy(filteredData = rows.sortWith(f),
sortedState = Map(columnIndex -> asc),
offset = 0)
def onPageSizeChange(value: String): Callback =
t.modState(_.copy(rowsPerPage = value.toInt))
def render(P: Props, S: State): VdomElement =
ReactSearchBox(onTextChange = onTextChange(P) _, style = P.searchBoxStyle)
settingsBar((P, this, S)),
tableC((P, S, this)),
Pager(S.rowsPerPage, S.filteredData.length, S.offset, onNextClick, onPreviousClick)
def getHeaderDiv(config: ColumnConfig[T]): TagMod = {
config.width.fold(<.th())(width => <.th(^.width := width))
def arrowUp: TagMod =
TagMod(^.width := 0.px,
^.height := 0.px,
^.borderLeft := "5px solid transparent",
^.borderRight := "5px solid transparent",
^.borderBottom := "5px solid black")
def arrowDown: TagMod =
TagMod(^.width := 0.px,
^.height := 0.px,
^.borderLeft := "5px solid transparent",
^.borderRight := "5px solid transparent",
^.borderTop := "5px solid black")
def emptyClass: TagMod =
TagMod(^.padding := "1px")
val tableC = ScalaComponent
.builder[(Props, State, Backend)]("table")
.render { $
val (props, state, b) = $.props
def renderHeader: TagMod =
<.tr(, {
case (config, columnIndex)
val cell = getHeaderDiv(config)
config.sortBy.fold(cell( =>
^.cursor := "pointer",
^.onClick --> b.sort(sortByFn, columnIndex),,
.sortIcon(state.sortedState.isDefinedAt(columnIndex) && state.sortedState(
columnIndex) == asc)
def renderRow(model: T): TagMod =
config =>
val rows = state.filteredData
.slice(state.offset, state.offset + state.rowsPerPage)
.map {
case (row, i) renderRow(row) //tableRow.withKey(i)((row, props))
<.div(, <.table(<.thead(renderHeader()), <.tbody(rows)))
val settingsBar =
.builder[(Props, Backend, State)]("settingbar")
.render { $
val (p, b, s) = $.props
var value = ""
var options: List[String] = Nil
val total = s.filteredData.length
if (total > p.rowsPerPage) {
value = s.rowsPerPage.toString
options = immutable.Range
.inclusive(p.rowsPerPage, total, 10 * (total / 100 + 1))
<.div(<.div(<.strong("Total: " + s.filteredData.size)),
DefaultSelect(label = "Page Size: ",
options = options,
value = value,
onChange = b.onPageSizeChange))
val component = ScalaComponent
.initialStateFromProps(p State(filterText = "", offset = 0, p.rowsPerPage,, Map()))
.componentWillReceiveProps(e =>
Callback.when( !=
case class Props(data: Seq[T],
configs: List[ColumnConfig[T]],
rowsPerPage: Int,
style: Style,
enableSearch: Boolean,
searchBoxStyle: ReactSearchBox.Style)
def apply() = component(Props(data, configs, rowsPerPage, style, enableSearch, searchBoxStyle))
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