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Last active September 14, 2024 10:56
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Unreal Engine sizeof() types

Table of Contents

Ever since finding out just how big an AActor is I've been curious how big many of the rather opaque types we use in Unreal every day are, so I decided to dump them all for reference.

These are all taken from a 64-bit Windows build of UE 4.21 (github master).

All of the UObject types should be here, but many of the external types are missing. I only considered types within Engine\Source\Runtime\. No types included in namespaces or within other structs were included.

For comparison some basic types:

bool:      1
char:      1
short:     2
int:       4
float:     4
long long: 8
void*:     8

x86 cache line (in 2018): 64

All types larger than 2000 bytes

(Since this is what we're all here for!)

sizeof Type
2000 UInputKeySelector
2008 FTableRowStyle
2016 UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass
2016 ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent
2032 UMovieSceneSequencePlayer
2040 ALandscape
2040 ALandscapeProxy
2048 FLinkerLoad
2048 ULandscapeComponent
2060 FNameEntrySerialized
2064 ACharacter
2064 FNameEntry
2072 ALandscapeStreamingProxy
2080 FGPUAdpater
2080 FSlateEditableTextLayout
2096 FRemoteConfigAsyncIOInfo
2096 UCameraComponent
2104 FOutputDeviceFile
2104 FSlateApplication
2112 UParticleSystemComponent
2120 FDockTabStyle
2128 FRepChangelistState
2160 FAnimSequencerInstanceProxy
2160 ULandscapeMeshCollisionComponent
2176 FElementBatchMap
2176 UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent
2184 FRecastDebugGeometry
2192 FSpeedTreeWind
2192 FStaticMeshVertexFactories
2216 FMallocBinned2
2240 AEQSTestingPawn
2240 USceneCaptureComponent2D
2288 FSlateDrawLayer
2288 UPoseableMeshComponent
2312 UCheckBox
2368 ACameraActor
2368 FEditableTextBoxStyle
2384 UWorld
2416 APostProcessVolume
2416 FSubmixEffectReverb
2432 UEditableTextBoxWidgetStyle
2472 FWidgetCarouselNavigationBarStyle
2560 FNavMeshSceneProxy
2592 UScrollBox
2736 FSlateWindowElementList
2784 UMaterial
2824 FRichTextSyntaxHighlighterTextLayoutMarshaller
2928 FInlineEditableTextBlockStyle
2984 UDemoNetDriver
3096 FProgramCounterSymbolInfo
3144 FSearchBoxStyle
3144 UEditableTextBox
3248 USkeletalMeshComponent
3360 FMeshDescription
3432 FHeaderRowStyle
3488 FShaderCache
3560 FShaderDrawKey
3648 UMultiLineEditableTextBox
3920 UComboBoxString
4008 FShaderCacheState
4048 UEngine
4128 UGameEngine
4168 FRemoteConfigAsyncWorker
4272 FArchiveFileWriterGeneric
4832 FWindowStyle
5392 FFriendsComboStyle
5392 FSceneView
5680 UEditorEngine
6352 FLowLevelMemTracker
6456 UNetConnection
6456 USimulatedClientNetConnection
6464 UChildConnection
6488 UDemoNetConnection
7056 FFriendsChatStyle
9904 APlayerCameraManager
12184 FFriendsListStyle
16624 FHardwareSurveyResults
30760 FFriendsAndChatStyle
49160 FRHICommandListFenceAllocator
131160 FCachedFileHandle
267096 FMallocBinned

Sizeof UObject

56   | UObjectBase
56   |   UObjectBaseUtility
56   |     UObject
1008 |       AActor
1016 |         AAmbientSound
1072 |         ABrush
1072 |           ABrushShape
1072 |           AVolume
1152 |             AAudioVolume
1072 |             ABlockingVolume
1072 |             ACameraBlockingVolume
1096 |             ACullDistanceVolume
1096 |             ALevelStreamingVolume
1072 |             ALightmassCharacterIndirectDetailVolume
1072 |             ALightmassImportanceVolume
1072 |             AMeshMergeCullingVolume
1080 |             ANavMeshBoundsVolume
1088 |             ANavModifierVolume
1088 |             APhysicsVolume
1088 |               ADefaultPhysicsVolume
1088 |               AKillZVolume
1128 |               APainCausingVolume
2416 |             APostProcessVolume
1120 |             APrecomputedVisibilityOverrideVolume
1072 |             APrecomputedVisibilityVolume
1072 |             ATriggerVolume
1080 |             AVolumetricLightmapDensityVolume
2368 |         ACameraActor
1144 |         AController
1288 |           AAIController
1288 |             ADetourCrowdAIController
1288 |             AGridPathAIController
1880 |           APlayerController
1952 |             ADebugCameraController
1040 |         ADecalActor
1040 |         ADocumentationActor
1104 |         AEmitter
1216 |           AEmitterCameraLensEffectBase
1248 |         AHUD
1248 |           ADebugCameraHUD
1016 |         AInfo
1032 |           AAtmosphericFog
1032 |           AExponentialHeightFog
1176 |           AGameModeBase
1256 |             AGameMode
1152 |           AGameNetworkManager
1048 |           AGameSession
1080 |           AGameStateBase
1120 |             AGameState
1224 |           APlayerState
1216 |           AServerStatReplicator
1032 |           ASkyLight
1032 |           AWindDirectionalSource
1648 |           AWorldSettings
1048 |         ALandscapeGizmoActor
1360 |           ALandscapeGizmoActiveActor
1016 |         ALandscapeMeshProxyActor
2040 |         ALandscapeProxy
2040 |           ALandscape
2072 |           ALandscapeStreamingProxy
1048 |         ALevelBounds
1016 |         ALevelScriptActor
1024 |         ALight
1032 |           ADirectionalLight
1032 |           APointLight
1032 |           ARectLight
1040 |           ASpotLight
1040 |             AGeneratedMeshAreaLight
1024 |         ALightmassPortal
1296 |         ALODActor
1032 |         AMaterialInstanceActor
1352 |         AMatineeActor
1360 |           AMatineeActorCameraAnim
1480 |         ANavigationData
1480 |           AAbstractNavData
1480 |           ANavigationGraph
1648 |           ARecastNavMesh
1008 |         ANavigationGraphNode
1048 |         ANavigationObjectBase
1072 |           APlayerStart
1072 |             APlayerStartPIE
1280 |         ANavigationTestingActor
1104 |         ANavLinkProxy
1040 |         ANote
1008 |         AParticleEventManager
1104 |         APawn
2064 |           ACharacter
2240 |             AEQSTestingPawn
1144 |           ADefaultPawn
1144 |             ASpectatorPawn
9904 |         APlayerCameraManager
1032 |         AReflectionCapture
1032 |           ABoxReflectionCapture
1032 |           APlaneReflectionCapture
1040 |           ASphereReflectionCapture
1008 |         ARigidBodyBase
1040 |           APhysicsConstraintActor
1024 |           APhysicsThruster
1024 |           ARadialForceActor
1016 |         ASceneCapture
1040 |           APlanarReflection
1032 |           ASceneCapture2D
1032 |           ASceneCaptureCube
1144 |         ASkeletalMeshActor
1016 |         ASplineMeshActor
1024 |         AStaticMeshActor
1024 |         ATargetPoint
1024 |         ATextRenderActor
1024 |         ATriggerBase
1024 |           ATriggerBox
1024 |           ATriggerCapsule
1024 |           ATriggerSphere
1024 |         AVectorFieldVolume
256  |       UActorComponent
472  |         UAIPerceptionComponent
280  |         UAIPerceptionStimuliSourceComponent
400  |         UApplicationLifecycleComponent
504  |         UBlackboardComponent
352  |         UBrainComponent
832  |           UBehaviorTreeComponent
384  |         UGameplayTasksComponent
392  |         UInputComponent
328  |         UMovementComponent
488  |           UInterpToMovementComponent
408  |           UNavMovementComponent
416  |             UPawnMovementComponent
1952 |               UCharacterMovementComponent
440  |               UFloatingPawnMovement
448  |                 USpectatorPawnMovement
432  |           UProjectileMovementComponent
360  |           URotatingMovementComponent
264  |         UNavigationInvokerComponent
304  |         UNavRelevantComponent
472  |           UNavLinkCustomComponent
344  |           UNavModifierComponent
728  |         UPathFollowingComponent
808  |           UCrowdFollowingComponent
776  |           UGridPathFollowingComponent
312  |         UPawnActionsComponent
296  |         UPawnNoiseEmitterComponent
328  |         UPawnSensingComponent
312  |         UPhysicalAnimationComponent
432  |         UPhysicsHandleComponent
288  |         UPlatformEventsComponent
624  |         USceneComponent
1136 |           UAtmosphericFogComponent
1728 |           UAudioComponent
2096 |           UCameraComponent
688  |           UChildActorComponent
688  |           UDecalComponent
768  |           UExponentialHeightFogComponent
832  |           UForceFeedbackComponent
704  |           ULightComponentBase
960  |             ULightComponent
1072 |               UDirectionalLightComponent
992  |               ULocalLightComponent
1008 |                 UPointLightComponent
1024 |                   USpotLightComponent
992  |                 URectLightComponent
1136 |             USkyLightComponent
640  |           ULightmassPortalComponent
672  |           UNavigationGraphNodeComponent
1376 |           UPhysicsConstraintComponent
672  |           UPhysicsSpringComponent
640  |           UPhysicsThrusterComponent
1968 |           UPostProcessComponent
1504 |           UPrimitiveComponent
1616 |             UArrowComponent
1632 |             UBillboardComponent
1536 |             UBrushComponent
1536 |             UDrawFrustumComponent
1664 |             UEQSRenderingComponent
2048 |             ULandscapeComponent
1504 |             ULandscapeGizmoRenderComponent
2016 |             ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent
2160 |               ULandscapeMeshCollisionComponent
1824 |             ULandscapeSplinesComponent
1568 |             ULineBatchComponent
1520 |             UMaterialBillboardComponent
1552 |             UMeshComponent
1984 |               USkinnedMeshComponent
2288 |                 UPoseableMeshComponent
3248 |                 USkeletalMeshComponent
1744 |               UStaticMeshComponent
1760 |                 UControlPointMeshComponent
1920 |                 UInstancedStaticMeshComponent
2176 |                   UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent
1792 |                 ULandscapeMeshProxyComponent
1904 |                 USplineMeshComponent
1840 |               UWidgetComponent
1568 |             UModelComponent
1696 |             UMotionControllerComponent
1536 |             UNavLinkComponent
1504 |             UNavLinkRenderingComponent
1632 |             UNavMeshRenderingComponent
1712 |             UNavTestRenderingComponent
2112 |             UParticleSystemComponent
1536 |             UShapeComponent
1552 |               UBoxComponent
1552 |               UCapsuleComponent
1552 |               USphereComponent
1552 |                 UDrawSphereComponent
1776 |             USplineComponent
1584 |             UTextRenderComponent
1552 |             UVectorFieldComponent
672  |           URadialForceComponent
736  |           UReflectionCaptureComponent
768  |             UBoxReflectionCaptureComponent
768  |             UPlaneReflectionCaptureComponent
752  |             USphereReflectionCaptureComponent
784  |           USceneCaptureComponent
1008 |             UPlanarReflectionComponent
2240 |             USceneCaptureComponent2D
832  |             USceneCaptureComponentCube
768  |           USpringArmComponent
784  |           UStereoLayerComponent
1568 |           USynthComponent
1152 |           UWidgetInteractionComponent
656  |           UWindDirectionalSourceComponent
432  |         UTimelineComponent
312  |         UVOIPTalker
400  |         UVRNotificationsComponent
120  |       UAIAsyncTaskBlueprintProxy
56   |       UAIDataProvider
80   |         UAIDataProvider_QueryParams
96   |           UAIDataProvider_Random
56   |       UAIHotSpotManager
320  |       UAIPerceptionSystem
152  |       UAISense
192  |         UAISense_Blueprint
168  |         UAISense_Damage
256  |         UAISense_Hearing
168  |         UAISense_Prediction
368  |         UAISense_Sight
168  |         UAISense_Team
168  |         UAISense_Touch
88   |       UAISenseConfig
96   |         UAISenseConfig_Blueprint
96   |         UAISenseConfig_Damage
112  |         UAISenseConfig_Hearing
88   |         UAISenseConfig_Prediction
120  |         UAISenseConfig_Sight
88   |         UAISenseConfig_Team
88   |         UAISenseConfig_Touch
56   |       UAISenseEvent
104  |         UAISenseEvent_Damage
104  |         UAISenseEvent_Hearing
104  |       UAISystemBase
336  |         UAISystem
56   |       UAmbisonicsSubmixSettingsBase
240  |       UAnimationAsset
400  |         UAnimSequenceBase
400  |           UAnimCompositeBase
424  |             UAnimComposite
752  |             UAnimMontage
832  |           UAnimSequence
496  |         UBlendSpaceBase
504  |           UBlendSpace
504  |             UAimOffsetBlendSpace
504  |           UBlendSpace1D
504  |             UAimOffsetBlendSpace1D
440  |         UPoseAsset
168  |       UAnimClassData
88   |       UAnimCompress
96   |         UAnimCompress_Automatic
88   |         UAnimCompress_BitwiseCompressOnly
88   |         UAnimCompress_LeastDestructive
96   |         UAnimCompress_RemoveEverySecondKey
120  |         UAnimCompress_RemoveLinearKeys
248  |           UAnimCompress_PerTrackCompression
104  |         UAnimCompress_RemoveTrivialKeys
944  |       UAnimInstance
976  |         UAnimSingleNodeInstance
56   |       UAnimMetaData
72   |       UAnimNotify
160  |         UAnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect
104  |         UAnimNotify_PlaySound
72   |         UAnimNotify_ResetClothingSimulation
64   |       UAnimNotifyState
64   |         UAnimNotifyState_DisableRootMotion
144  |         UAnimNotifyState_TimedParticleEffect
120  |         UAnimNotifyState_Trail
280  |       UAnimSet
56   |       UAnimStateMachineTypes
136  |       UAssetExportTask
104  |       UAssetImportData
1160 |       UAssetManager
72   |       UAssetMappingTable
56   |       UAssetRegistryHelpers
56   |       UAssetUserData
832  |       UAutomationTestSettings
264  |       UAvoidanceManager
136  |       UBehaviorTree
96   |       UBehaviorTreeManager
56   |       UBehaviorTreeTypes
64   |       UBlackboardKeyType
64   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Bool
72   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Class
96   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Enum
64   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Float
64   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Int
64   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Name
88   |         UBlackboardKeyType_NativeEnum
72   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Object
64   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Rotator
80   |         UBlackboardKeyType_String
64   |         UBlackboardKeyType_Vector
88   |       UBlendProfile
64   |       UBlueprintAsyncActionBase
112  |         UAsyncTask_LoadXRDeviceVisComponent
96   |         UAsyncTaskDownloadImage
96   |       UBlueprintCore
1152 |         UBlueprint
1296 |           UAnimBlueprint
1168 |           ULevelScriptBlueprint
56   |       UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
56   |         UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary
56   |         UAudioMixerBlueprintLibrary
56   |         UBlueprintGameplayTagLibrary
56   |         UBlueprintMapLibrary
56   |         UBlueprintPlatformLibrary
56   |         UBlueprintSetLibrary
56   |         UBTFunctionLibrary
56   |         UDataTableFunctionLibrary
56   |         UDebugDrawService
56   |         UGameplayStatics
56   |         UHeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary
56   |         UImportanceSamplingLibrary
56   |         UKismetArrayLibrary
56   |         UKismetGuidLibrary
56   |         UKismetInputLibrary
56   |         UKismetInternationalizationLibrary
56   |         UKismetMaterialLibrary
56   |         UKismetMathLibrary
56   |         UKismetNodeHelperLibrary
56   |         UKismetRenderingLibrary
56   |         UKismetStringLibrary
56   |         UKismetStringTableLibrary
56   |         UKismetSystemLibrary
56   |         UKismetTextLibrary
56   |         UMeshVertexPainterKismetLibrary
56   |         UMotionTrackedDeviceFunctionLibrary
56   |         USlateBlueprintLibrary
56   |         UStereoLayerFunctionLibrary
56   |         UTimeManagementBlueprintLibrary
56   |         UVisualLoggerKismetLibrary
56   |         UVOIPStatics
56   |         UWidgetBlueprintLibrary
56   |         UWidgetLayoutLibrary
56   |         UXRAssetFunctionLibrary
728  |       UBodySetup
800  |         USkeletalBodySetup
72   |       UBoneMaskFilter
96   |       UBookMark
72   |       UBookMark2D
80   |       UBreakpoint
144  |       UBrushBuilder
112  |       UBTNode
120  |         UBTAuxiliaryNode
128  |           UBTDecorator
176  |             UBTDecorator_BlackboardBase
224  |               UBTDecorator_Blackboard
224  |                 UBTDecorator_ConditionalLoop
248  |               UBTDecorator_IsAtLocation
184  |               UBTDecorator_IsBBEntryOfClass
184  |             UBTDecorator_BlueprintBase
232  |             UBTDecorator_CheckGameplayTagsOnActor
232  |             UBTDecorator_CompareBBEntries
288  |             UBTDecorator_ConeCheck
136  |             UBTDecorator_Cooldown
240  |             UBTDecorator_DoesPathExist
128  |             UBTDecorator_ForceSuccess
240  |             UBTDecorator_KeepInCone
144  |             UBTDecorator_Loop
128  |             UBTDecorator_ReachedMoveGoal
152  |             UBTDecorator_SetTagCooldown
152  |             UBTDecorator_TagCooldown
136  |             UBTDecorator_TimeLimit
136  |           UBTService
184  |             UBTService_BlackboardBase
192  |               UBTService_DefaultFocus
280  |               UBTService_RunEQS
176  |             UBTService_BlueprintBase
168  |         UBTCompositeNode
168  |           UBTComposite_Selector
168  |           UBTComposite_Sequence
176  |           UBTComposite_SimpleParallel
136  |         UBTTaskNode
184  |           UBTTask_BlackboardBase
208  |             UBTTask_MoveTo
216  |               UBTTask_MoveDirectlyToward
192  |             UBTTask_RotateToFaceBBEntry
384  |             UBTTask_RunEQSQuery
184  |           UBTTask_BlueprintBase
144  |           UBTTask_GameplayTaskBase
144  |           UBTTask_MakeNoise
136  |           UBTTask_PawnActionBase
144  |             UBTTask_PushPawnAction
200  |           UBTTask_PlayAnimation
144  |           UBTTask_PlaySound
144  |           UBTTask_RunBehavior
168  |           UBTTask_RunBehaviorDynamic
160  |           UBTTask_SetTagCooldown
144  |           UBTTask_Wait
192  |             UBTTask_WaitBlackboardTime
824  |       UButtonStyleAsset
1440 |       UCameraAnim
288  |       UCameraAnimInst
88   |       UCameraModifier
112  |         UCameraModifier_CameraShake
368  |       UCameraShake
752  |       UCanvas
120  |       UChannel
584  |         UActorChannel
144  |         UControlChannel
136  |         UVoiceChannel
136  |       UCheatManager
1744 |       UCheckBoxStyleAsset
88   |       UClothingAssetBase
56   |       UClothingSimulationFactory
64   |       UClothingSimulationInteractor
144  |       UCommandlet
176  |         UPluginCommandlet
144  |         USmokeTestCommandlet
328  |       UConsole
128  |       UConsoleSettings
56   |       UCrowdManagerBase
264  |         UCrowdManager
88   |       UCurveBase
208  |         UCurveFloat
592  |         UCurveLinearColor
424  |         UCurveVector
168  |       UCurveTable
80   |       UDamageType
64   |       UDataAsset
112  |         UBlackboardData
104  |         UEnvQuery
96   |         UPreviewMeshCollection
80   |         UPrimaryDataAsset
152  |           UPrimaryAssetLabel
168  |         USkeletalMeshLODSettings
72   |         UTireType
288  |       UDataTable
56   |       UDEPRECATED_CurveEdPresetCurve
56   |       UDEPRECATED_MeshDescription
56   |       UDEPRECATED_PhysicalMaterialPropertyBase
80   |       UDeveloperSettings
136  |         UAnimationSettings
264  |         UAssetManagerSettings
328  |         UAudioSettings
368  |         UCollisionProfile
112  |         UGarbageCollectionSettings
96   |         UMeshSimplificationSettings
96   |         UNetworkSettings
288  |         UPhysicsSettings
96   |         UProxyLODMeshSimplificationSettings
88   |         URendererOverrideSettings
240  |         URendererSettings
136  |         UStreamingSettings
688  |         UUserInterfaceSettings
184  |       UDeviceProfileManager
80   |       UDialogueVoice
144  |       UDialogueWave
64   |       UDistribution
72   |         UDistributionFloat
80   |           UDistributionFloatConstant
112  |             UDistributionFloatParameterBase
112  |               UDistributionFloatParticleParameter
96   |           UDistributionFloatConstantCurve
80   |           UDistributionFloatUniform
96   |           UDistributionFloatUniformCurve
72   |         UDistributionVector
96   |           UDistributionVectorConstant
160  |             UDistributionVectorParameterBase
160  |               UDistributionVectorParticleParameter
104  |           UDistributionVectorConstantCurve
112  |           UDistributionVectorUniform
112  |           UDistributionVectorUniformCurve
56   |       UDPICustomScalingRule
152  |       UDragDropOperation
56   |       UDynamicBlueprintBinding
72   |         UComponentDelegateBinding
56   |         UInputDelegateBinding
72   |           UInputActionDelegateBinding
72   |           UInputAxisDelegateBinding
72   |           UInputAxisKeyDelegateBinding
72   |             UInputVectorAxisDelegateBinding
72   |           UInputKeyDelegateBinding
72   |           UInputTouchDelegateBinding
184  |       UEdGraph
208  |       UEdGraphNode
240  |         UEdGraphNode_Documentation
368  |       UEdGraphPin_Deprecated
56   |       UEdGraphSchema
168  |       UEditableGameplayTagQuery
56   |       UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression
72   |         UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression_AllExprMatch
88   |         UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression_AllTagsMatch
72   |         UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression_AnyExprMatch
88   |         UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression_AnyTagsMatch
72   |         UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression_NoExprMatch
88   |         UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression_NoTagsMatch
4048 |       UEngine
5680 |         UEditorEngine
4128 |         UGameEngine
56   |       UEngineBaseTypes
56   |       UEngineCustomTimeStep
64   |         UFixedFrameRateCustomTimeStep
56   |       UEngineTypes
56   |       UEnvQueryContext
64   |         UEnvQueryContext_BlueprintBase
56   |         UEnvQueryContext_Item
56   |         UEnvQueryContext_Querier
56   |       UEnvQueryDebugHelpers
144  |       UEnvQueryInstanceBlueprintWrapper
64   |       UEnvQueryItemType
64   |         UEnvQueryItemType_VectorBase
64   |           UEnvQueryItemType_ActorBase
64   |             UEnvQueryItemType_Actor
64   |           UEnvQueryItemType_Direction
64   |           UEnvQueryItemType_Point
496  |       UEnvQueryManager
64   |       UEnvQueryNode
96   |         UEnvQueryGenerator
224  |           UEnvQueryGenerator_ActorsOfClass
144  |           UEnvQueryGenerator_BlueprintBase
128  |           UEnvQueryGenerator_Composite
104  |           UEnvQueryGenerator_CurrentLocation
144  |           UEnvQueryGenerator_ProjectedPoints
384  |             UEnvQueryGenerator_Cone
480  |             UEnvQueryGenerator_Donut
544  |             UEnvQueryGenerator_OnCircle
264  |             UEnvQueryGenerator_SimpleGrid
384  |               UEnvQueryGenerator_PathingGrid
560  |         UEnvQueryTest
576  |           UEnvQueryTest_Distance
632  |           UEnvQueryTest_Dot
672  |           UEnvQueryTest_GameplayTags
592  |           UEnvQueryTest_Overlap
696  |           UEnvQueryTest_Pathfinding
752  |             UEnvQueryTest_PathfindingBatch
608  |           UEnvQueryTest_Project
560  |           UEnvQueryTest_Random
784  |           UEnvQueryTest_Trace
80   |       UEnvQueryOption
56   |       UEnvQueryTypes
136  |       UExporter
64   |       UField
112  |         UEnum
224  |           UUserDefinedEnum
136  |         UProperty
144  |           UBoolProperty
152  |           UEnumProperty
136  |           UNumericProperty
144  |           UObjectPropertyBase
144  |           UStructProperty
152  |         UStruct
552  |           UClass
1376 |             UBlueprintGeneratedClass
2016 |               UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass
1504 |               UWidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass
656  |             UDynamicClass
200  |           UFunction
200  |             UDelegateFunction
168  |           UScriptStruct
272  |             UUserDefinedStruct
272  |               UAISenseBlueprintListener
496  |       UFont
216  |       UFontBulkData
136  |       UFontFace
232  |       UFontImportOptions
216  |       UForceFeedbackAttenuation
80   |       UForceFeedbackEffect
176  |       UGameInstance
384  |         UPlatformGameInstance
336  |       UGameMapsSettings
104  |       UGameNetworkManagerSettings
72   |       UGameplayTagsDeveloperSettings
88   |       UGameplayTagsList
224  |         UGameplayTagsSettings
848  |       UGameplayTagsManager
136  |       UGameplayTask
144  |         UAITask
144  |           UAITask_LockLogic
304  |           UAITask_MoveTo
272  |           UAITask_RunEQS
136  |         UGameplayTask_ClaimResource
200  |         UGameplayTask_SpawnActor
184  |         UGameplayTask_TimeLimitedExecution
160  |         UGameplayTask_WaitDelay
72   |       UGameplayTaskResource
72   |         UAIResource_Logic
72   |         UAIResource_Movement
72   |       UGameSessionSettings
288  |       UGameUserSettings
112  |       UGCObjectReferencer
56   |       UGeneralEngineSettings
296  |       UGeneralProjectSettings
56   |       UHandlerComponentFactory
56   |         UEngineHandlerComponentFactory
56   |       UHapticFeedbackEffect_Base
120  |         UHapticFeedbackEffect_Buffer
296  |         UHapticFeedbackEffect_Curve
112  |         UHapticFeedbackEffect_SoundWave
120  |       UHierarchicalLODSetup
120  |       UHLODProxy
80   |       UHudSettings
88   |       UInheritableComponentHandler
56   |       UInputCoreTypes
256  |       UInputSettings
56   |       UInterface
56   |         UAIPerceptionListenerInterface
56   |         UAIResourceInterface
56   |         UAISightTargetInterface
56   |         UAnimClassInterface
56   |         UAssetRegistry
56   |         UBlendableInterface
56   |         UControlRigInterface
56   |         UCrowdAgentInterface
56   |         UCurveSourceInterface
56   |         UDestructibleInterface
56   |         UEQSQueryResultSourceInterface
56   |         UFontFaceInterface
56   |         UFontProviderInterface
56   |         UGameplayTagAssetInterface
56   |         UGameplayTaskOwnerInterface
56   |         UGenericTeamAgentInterface
56   |         UImportantToggleSettingInterface
56   |         UInterface_AssetUserData
56   |         UInterface_CollisionDataProvider
56   |         UInterface_PostProcessVolume
56   |         UInterface_PreviewMeshProvider
56   |         UMatineeAnimInterface
56   |         UMatineeInterface
56   |         UMovieSceneBindingOverridesInterface
56   |         UMovieSceneBindingOwnerInterface
56   |         UMovieSceneEasingFunction
56   |         UMovieSceneKeyProxy
56   |         UMovieSceneTransformOrigin
56   |         UNamedSlotInterface
56   |         UNativeUserListEntry
56   |           UUserListEntry
56   |             UUserObjectListEntry
56   |         UNavAgentInterface
56   |         UNavEdgeProviderInterface
56   |         UNavigationDataInterface
56   |         UNavigationPathGenerator
56   |         UNavLinkCustomInterface
56   |         UNavLinkHostInterface
56   |         UNavNodeInterface
56   |         UNavPathObserverInterface
56   |         UNavRelevantInterface
56   |         UNetworkPredictionInterface
56   |         UNodeMappingProviderInterface
56   |         UPathFollowingAgentInterface
56   |         UPreviewCollectionInterface
56   |         URVOAvoidanceInterface
56   |         USlateTextureAtlasInterface
56   |         USlateWidgetStyleContainerInterface
56   |         UVisualLoggerDebugSnapshotInterface
80   |       UInterpCurveEdSetup
168  |       UInterpData
72   |       UInterpFilter
96   |         UInterpFilter_Classes
88   |         UInterpFilter_Custom
104  |       UInterpGroup
168  |         UInterpGroupCamera
104  |         UInterpGroupDirector
88   |       UInterpGroupInst
88   |         UInterpGroupInstCamera
88   |         UInterpGroupInstDirector
176  |       UInterpTrack
208  |         UInterpTrackBoolProp
208  |         UInterpTrackDirector
200  |         UInterpTrackEvent
208  |         UInterpTrackFloatBase
248  |           UInterpTrackAnimControl
232  |           UInterpTrackFade
240  |           UInterpTrackFloatAnimBPParam
240  |           UInterpTrackFloatMaterialParam
224  |           UInterpTrackFloatParticleParam
224  |           UInterpTrackFloatProp
232  |           UInterpTrackMoveAxis
208  |           UInterpTrackSlomo
208  |         UInterpTrackLinearColorBase
224  |           UInterpTrackLinearColorProp
272  |         UInterpTrackMove
200  |         UInterpTrackParticleReplay
200  |         UInterpTrackToggle
208  |         UInterpTrackVectorBase
208  |           UInterpTrackAudioMaster
224  |           UInterpTrackColorProp
208  |           UInterpTrackColorScale
232  |           UInterpTrackSound
240  |           UInterpTrackVectorMaterialParam
224  |           UInterpTrackVectorProp
200  |         UInterpTrackVisibility
56   |       UInterpTrackInst
88   |         UInterpTrackInstAnimControl
56   |         UInterpTrackInstAudioMaster
56   |         UInterpTrackInstColorScale
64   |         UInterpTrackInstDirector
64   |         UInterpTrackInstEvent
56   |         UInterpTrackInstFade
80   |         UInterpTrackInstFloatAnimBPParam
112  |         UInterpTrackInstFloatMaterialParam
64   |         UInterpTrackInstFloatParticleParam
80   |         UInterpTrackInstMove
64   |         UInterpTrackInstParticleReplay
72   |         UInterpTrackInstProperty
96   |           UInterpTrackInstBoolProp
88   |           UInterpTrackInstColorProp
88   |           UInterpTrackInstFloatProp
96   |           UInterpTrackInstLinearColorProp
96   |           UInterpTrackInstVectorProp
64   |         UInterpTrackInstSlomo
72   |         UInterpTrackInstSound
72   |         UInterpTrackInstToggle
112  |         UInterpTrackInstVectorMaterialParam
64   |         UInterpTrackInstVisibility
96   |       UIntSerialization
112  |       ULandscapeGrassType
624  |       ULandscapeInfo
144  |       ULandscapeInfoMap
112  |       ULandscapeLayerInfoObject
696  |       ULandscapeSplineControlPoint
672  |       ULandscapeSplineSegment
88   |       ULayer
1944 |       ULevel
72   |       ULevelActorContainer
432  |       ULevelEditorPlaySettings
368  |       ULevelEditorViewportSettings
416  |       ULevelStreaming
416  |         ULevelStreamingAlwaysLoaded
432  |         ULevelStreamingKismet
416  |         ULevelStreamingPersistent
80   |       ULightmappedSurfaceCollection
80   |       ULightmassPrimitiveSettingsObject
56   |       ULocalMessage
184  |         UEngineMessage
472  |       UMapBuildDataRegistry
176  |       UMaterialExpression
232  |         UMaterialExpressionAbs
176  |         UMaterialExpressionActorPositionWS
296  |         UMaterialExpressionAdd
288  |         UMaterialExpressionAppendVector
232  |         UMaterialExpressionArccosine
232  |         UMaterialExpressionArccosineFast
232  |         UMaterialExpressionArcsine
232  |         UMaterialExpressionArcsineFast
232  |         UMaterialExpressionArctangent
288  |         UMaterialExpressionArctangent2
288  |         UMaterialExpressionArctangent2Fast
232  |         UMaterialExpressionArctangentFast
232  |         UMaterialExpressionAtmosphericFogColor
176  |         UMaterialExpressionAtmosphericLightColor
176  |         UMaterialExpressionAtmosphericLightVector
232  |         UMaterialExpressionBlackBody
368  |         UMaterialExpressionBlendMaterialAttributes
240  |         UMaterialExpressionBreakMaterialAttributes
360  |         UMaterialExpressionBumpOffset
176  |         UMaterialExpressionCameraPositionWS
176  |         UMaterialExpressionCameraVectorWS
232  |         UMaterialExpressionCeil
360  |         UMaterialExpressionClamp
216  |         UMaterialExpressionCollectionParameter
224  |         UMaterialExpressionComment
240  |         UMaterialExpressionComponentMask
184  |         UMaterialExpressionConstant
184  |         UMaterialExpressionConstant2Vector
192  |         UMaterialExpressionConstant3Vector
192  |         UMaterialExpressionConstant4Vector
240  |         UMaterialExpressionConstantBiasScale
240  |         UMaterialExpressionCosine
288  |         UMaterialExpressionCrossProduct
232  |         UMaterialExpressionCustom
176  |         UMaterialExpressionCustomOutput
232  |           UMaterialExpressionBentNormalCustomOutput
232  |           UMaterialExpressionClearCoatNormalCustomOutput
192  |           UMaterialExpressionLandscapeGrassOutput
232  |           UMaterialExpressionTangentOutput
248  |           UMaterialExpressionVertexInterpolator
232  |         UMaterialExpressionDDX
232  |         UMaterialExpressionDDY
176  |         UMaterialExpressionDecalDerivative
176  |         UMaterialExpressionDecalLifetimeOpacity
240  |         UMaterialExpressionDecalMipmapLevel
296  |         UMaterialExpressionDepthFade
240  |         UMaterialExpressionDepthOfFieldFunction
232  |         UMaterialExpressionDeriveNormalZ
304  |         UMaterialExpressionDesaturation
288  |         UMaterialExpressionDistance
176  |         UMaterialExpressionDistanceCullFade
232  |         UMaterialExpressionDistanceFieldGradient
232  |         UMaterialExpressionDistanceToNearestSurface
296  |         UMaterialExpressionDivide
288  |         UMaterialExpressionDotProduct
216  |         UMaterialExpressionDynamicParameter
176  |         UMaterialExpressionEyeAdaptation
456  |         UMaterialExpressionFeatureLevelSwitch
232  |         UMaterialExpressionFloor
288  |         UMaterialExpressionFmod
192  |         UMaterialExpressionFontSample
240  |           UMaterialExpressionFontSampleParameter
232  |         UMaterialExpressionFrac
360  |         UMaterialExpressionFresnel
384  |         UMaterialExpressionFunctionInput
296  |         UMaterialExpressionFunctionOutput
296  |           UMaterialExpressionMaterialLayerOutput
272  |         UMaterialExpressionGetMaterialAttributes
344  |         UMaterialExpressionGIReplace
472  |         UMaterialExpressionIf
208  |         UMaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerBlend
200  |         UMaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerCoords
208  |         UMaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerSample
320  |         UMaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerSwitch
336  |         UMaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerWeight
192  |         UMaterialExpressionLandscapeVisibilityMask
176  |         UMaterialExpressionLightmapUVs
288  |         UMaterialExpressionLightmassReplace
176  |         UMaterialExpressionLightVector
360  |         UMaterialExpressionLinearInterpolate
232  |         UMaterialExpressionLogarithm10
232  |         UMaterialExpressionLogarithm2
1576 |         UMaterialExpressionMakeMaterialAttributes
440  |         UMaterialExpressionMaterialAttributeLayers
248  |         UMaterialExpressionMaterialFunctionCall
288  |         UMaterialExpressionMaterialProxyReplace
296  |         UMaterialExpressionMax
296  |         UMaterialExpressionMin
296  |         UMaterialExpressionMultiply
328  |         UMaterialExpressionNoise
232  |         UMaterialExpressionNormalize
176  |         UMaterialExpressionObjectBounds
176  |         UMaterialExpressionObjectOrientation
176  |         UMaterialExpressionObjectPositionWS
176  |         UMaterialExpressionObjectRadius
232  |         UMaterialExpressionOneMinus
360  |         UMaterialExpressionPanner
224  |         UMaterialExpressionParameter
240  |           UMaterialExpressionScalarParameter
312  |             UMaterialExpressionCurveAtlasRowParameter
232  |           UMaterialExpressionStaticBoolParameter
344  |             UMaterialExpressionStaticSwitchParameter
288  |           UMaterialExpressionStaticComponentMaskParameter
240  |           UMaterialExpressionVectorParameter
304  |             UMaterialExpressionChannelMaskParameter
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleColor
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleDirection
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleMacroUV
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleMotionBlurFade
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticlePositionWS
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleRadius
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleRandom
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleRelativeTime
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleSize
176  |         UMaterialExpressionParticleSpeed
176  |         UMaterialExpressionPerInstanceFadeAmount
176  |         UMaterialExpressionPerInstanceRandom
176  |         UMaterialExpressionPixelDepth
176  |         UMaterialExpressionPixelNormalWS
296  |         UMaterialExpressionPower
176  |         UMaterialExpressionPrecomputedAOMask
176  |         UMaterialExpressionPreSkinnedNormal
176  |         UMaterialExpressionPreSkinnedPosition
288  |         UMaterialExpressionPreviousFrameSwitch
400  |         UMaterialExpressionQualitySwitch
240  |         UMaterialExpressionReflectionVectorWS
232  |         UMaterialExpressionReroute
408  |         UMaterialExpressionRotateAboutAxis
304  |         UMaterialExpressionRotator
232  |         UMaterialExpressionRound
232  |         UMaterialExpressionSaturate
304  |         UMaterialExpressionSceneColor
304  |         UMaterialExpressionSceneDepth
176  |         UMaterialExpressionSceneTexelSize
240  |         UMaterialExpressionSceneTexture
176  |         UMaterialExpressionScreenPosition
224  |         UMaterialExpressionSetMaterialAttributes
232  |         UMaterialExpressionSign
240  |         UMaterialExpressionSine
360  |         UMaterialExpressionSobol
416  |         UMaterialExpressionSpeedTree
408  |         UMaterialExpressionSphereMask
240  |         UMaterialExpressionSphericalParticleOpacity
232  |         UMaterialExpressionSquareRoot
184  |         UMaterialExpressionStaticBool
352  |         UMaterialExpressionStaticSwitch
296  |         UMaterialExpressionSubtract
240  |         UMaterialExpressionTangent
304  |         UMaterialExpressionTemporalSobol
192  |         UMaterialExpressionTextureBase
192  |           UMaterialExpressionTextureObject
552  |           UMaterialExpressionTextureSample
560  |             UMaterialExpressionParticleSubUV
600  |             UMaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter
600  |               UMaterialExpressionTextureObjectParameter
600  |               UMaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D
608  |                 UMaterialExpressionAntialiasedTextureMask
608  |                 UMaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameterSubUV
600  |               UMaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameterCube
600  |               UMaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameterVolume
192  |         UMaterialExpressionTextureCoordinate
240  |         UMaterialExpressionTextureProperty
184  |         UMaterialExpressionTime
240  |         UMaterialExpressionTransform
240  |         UMaterialExpressionTransformPosition
232  |         UMaterialExpressionTruncate
176  |         UMaterialExpressionTwoSidedSign
248  |         UMaterialExpressionVectorNoise
176  |         UMaterialExpressionVertexColor
176  |         UMaterialExpressionVertexNormalWS
184  |         UMaterialExpressionViewProperty
176  |         UMaterialExpressionViewSize
184  |         UMaterialExpressionWorldPosition
96   |       UMaterialFunctionInterface
208  |         UMaterialFunction
208  |           UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayer
208  |           UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayerBlend
216  |         UMaterialFunctionInstance
216  |           UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayerBlendInstance
216  |           UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayerInstance
304  |       UMaterialInterface
2784 |         UMaterial
752  |         UMaterialInstance
768  |           UMaterialInstanceConstant
776  |             ULandscapeMaterialInstanceConstant
832  |           UMaterialInstanceDynamic
120  |       UMaterialParameterCollection
256  |       UMaterialParameterCollectionInstance
216  |       UMetaData
936  |       UModel
80   |       UMorphTarget
168  |       UMovieSceneBindingOverrides
72   |       UMovieSceneBuiltInEasingFunction
72   |       UMovieSceneEasingExternalCurve
144  |       UMovieSceneFolder
2032 |       UMovieSceneSequencePlayer
112  |       UMovieSceneSignedObject
640  |         UMovieScene
312  |         UMovieSceneSection
1448 |           UMovieScene2DTransformSection
352  |           UMovieScene3DConstraintSection
384  |             UMovieScene3DAttachSection
520  |             UMovieScene3DPathSection
1928 |           UMovieScene3DTransformSection
600  |           UMovieSceneActorReferenceSection
728  |           UMovieSceneAudioSection
472  |           UMovieSceneBoolSection
472  |             UMovieSceneSpawnSection
464  |           UMovieSceneByteSection
376  |           UMovieSceneCameraAnimSection
360  |           UMovieSceneCameraCutSection
376  |           UMovieSceneCameraShakeSection
952  |           UMovieSceneColorSection
464  |           UMovieSceneEnumSection
568  |           UMovieSceneEventSection
472  |           UMovieSceneFloatSection
496  |             UMovieSceneFadeSection
472  |             UMovieSceneSlomoSection
456  |           UMovieSceneIntegerSection
336  |           UMovieSceneLevelVisibilitySection
952  |           UMovieSceneMarginSection
360  |           UMovieSceneParameterSection
464  |           UMovieSceneParticleSection
576  |           UMovieSceneSkeletalAnimationSection
472  |           UMovieSceneStringSection
440  |           UMovieSceneSubSection
488  |             UMovieSceneCinematicShotSection
960  |           UMovieSceneVectorSection
888  |         UMovieSceneSequence
952  |           UWidgetAnimation
128  |         UMovieSceneTrack
144  |           UMovieScene3DConstraintTrack
144  |             UMovieScene3DAttachTrack
144  |             UMovieScene3DPathTrack
152  |           UMovieSceneNameableTrack
176  |             UMovieSceneAudioTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneCameraAnimTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneCameraCutTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneCameraShakeTrack
192  |             UMovieSceneEventTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneLevelVisibilityTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneMaterialTrack
176  |               UMovieSceneComponentMaterialTrack
176  |               UMovieSceneMaterialParameterCollectionTrack
200  |               UMovieSceneWidgetMaterialTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneParticleParameterTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneParticleTrack
208  |             UMovieScenePropertyTrack
208  |               UMovieScene2DTransformTrack
208  |               UMovieScene3DTransformTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneActorReferenceTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneBoolTrack
208  |                 UMovieSceneVisibilityTrack
216  |               UMovieSceneByteTrack
216  |               UMovieSceneColorTrack
216  |               UMovieSceneEnumTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneEulerTransformTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneFloatTrack
208  |                 UMovieSceneFadeTrack
208  |                 UMovieSceneSlomoTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneIntegerTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneMarginTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneStringTrack
208  |               UMovieSceneTransformTrack
216  |               UMovieSceneVectorTrack
176  |             UMovieSceneSkeletalAnimationTrack
168  |             UMovieSceneSubTrack
168  |               UMovieSceneCinematicShotTrack
160  |           UMovieSceneSpawnTrack
64   |       UNavAreaBase
88   |         UNavArea
88   |           UNavArea_Default
88   |           UNavArea_LowHeight
88   |           UNavArea_Null
88   |           UNavArea_Obstacle
88   |           UNavAreaMeta
216  |             UNavAreaMeta_SwitchByAgent
160  |       UNavCollisionBase
272  |         UNavCollision
72   |       UNavigationDataChunk
88   |         URecastNavMeshDataChunk
152  |       UNavigationPath
88   |       UNavigationQueryFilter
88   |         UNavFilter_AIControllerDefault
88   |         URecastFilter_UseDefaultArea
72   |       UNavigationSystem
56   |       UNavigationSystemBase
1064 |         UNavigationSystemV1
88   |       UNavigationSystemConfig
96   |         UNavigationSystemModuleConfig
88   |         UNullNavSysConfig
96   |       UNavLinkDefinition
96   |         UNavLinkTrivial
104  |       UNavLocalGridManager
1392 |       UNetDriver
2984 |         UDemoNetDriver
392  |       UNodeMappingContainer
208  |       UObjectLibrary
64   |       UObjectRedirector
72   |       UObjectReferencer
56   |       UOcclusionPluginSourceSettingsBase
56   |       UOnlineBlueprintCallProxyBase
56   |       UOnlineEngineInterface
56   |       UOnlineSession
200  |       UPackage
240  |       UPackageMap
912  |         UPackageMapClient
432  |       UParticleEmitter
432  |         UParticleSpriteEmitter
200  |       UParticleLODLevel
72   |       UParticleModule
80   |         UParticleModuleAccelerationBase
168  |           UParticleModuleAcceleration
96   |           UParticleModuleAccelerationConstant
144  |           UParticleModuleAccelerationDrag
144  |           UParticleModuleAccelerationDragScaleOverLife
160  |           UParticleModuleAccelerationOverLifetime
72   |         UParticleModuleAttractorBase
208  |           UParticleModuleAttractorLine
224  |           UParticleModuleAttractorParticle
272  |           UParticleModuleAttractorPoint
152  |           UParticleModuleAttractorPointGravity
72   |         UParticleModuleBeamBase
312  |           UParticleModuleBeamModifier
464  |           UParticleModuleBeamNoise
336  |           UParticleModuleBeamSource
336  |           UParticleModuleBeamTarget
72   |         UParticleModuleCameraBase
136  |           UParticleModuleCameraOffset
72   |         UParticleModuleCollisionBase
464  |           UParticleModuleCollision
208  |           UParticleModuleCollisionGPU
72   |         UParticleModuleColorBase
216  |           UParticleModuleColor
248  |             UParticleModuleColor_Seeded
216  |           UParticleModuleColorOverLife
216  |           UParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife
72   |         UParticleModuleEventBase
88   |           UParticleModuleEventGenerator
88   |           UParticleModuleEventReceiverBase
96   |             UParticleModuleEventReceiverKillParticles
256  |             UParticleModuleEventReceiverSpawn
72   |         UParticleModuleKillBase
240  |           UParticleModuleKillBox
136  |           UParticleModuleKillHeight
72   |         UParticleModuleLifetimeBase
128  |           UParticleModuleLifetime
160  |             UParticleModuleLifetime_Seeded
72   |         UParticleModuleLightBase
344  |           UParticleModuleLight
376  |             UParticleModuleLight_Seeded
72   |         UParticleModuleLocationBase
160  |           UParticleModuleLocation
192  |             UParticleModuleLocation_Seeded
160  |             UParticleModuleLocationWorldOffset
192  |               UParticleModuleLocationWorldOffset_Seeded
152  |           UParticleModuleLocationBoneSocket
392  |           UParticleModuleLocationDirect
104  |           UParticleModuleLocationEmitter
88   |           UParticleModuleLocationEmitterDirect
216  |           UParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveBase
344  |             UParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveCylinder
376  |               UParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveCylinder_Seeded
272  |             UParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveSphere
304  |               UParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveSphere_Seeded
320  |           UParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveTriangle
184  |           UParticleModuleLocationSkelVertSurface
80   |           UParticleModulePivotOffset
152  |           UParticleModuleSourceMovement
72   |         UParticleModuleMaterialBase
88   |           UParticleModuleMeshMaterial
80   |         UParticleModuleOrbitBase
352  |           UParticleModuleOrbit
72   |         UParticleModuleOrientationBase
80   |           UParticleModuleOrientationAxisLock
72   |         UParticleModuleParameterBase
96   |           UParticleModuleParameterDynamic
128  |             UParticleModuleParameterDynamic_Seeded
392  |         UParticleModuleRequired
72   |         UParticleModuleRotationBase
160  |           UParticleModuleMeshRotation
192  |             UParticleModuleMeshRotation_Seeded
128  |           UParticleModuleRotation
160  |             UParticleModuleRotation_Seeded
136  |           UParticleModuleRotationOverLifetime
72   |         UParticleModuleRotationRateBase
152  |           UParticleModuleMeshRotationRate
184  |             UParticleModuleMeshRotationRate_Seeded
152  |           UParticleModuleMeshRotationRateMultiplyLife
160  |           UParticleModuleMeshRotationRateOverLife
128  |           UParticleModuleRotationRate
160  |             UParticleModuleRotationRate_Seeded
128  |           UParticleModuleRotationRateMultiplyLife
72   |         UParticleModuleSizeBase
152  |           UParticleModuleSize
184  |             UParticleModuleSize_Seeded
160  |           UParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife
160  |           UParticleModuleSizeScale
88   |           UParticleModuleSizeScaleBySpeed
80   |         UParticleModuleSpawnBase
280  |           UParticleModuleSpawn
160  |           UParticleModuleSpawnPerUnit
72   |         UParticleModuleSubUVBase
144  |           UParticleModuleSubUV
216  |             UParticleModuleSubUVMovie
72   |         UParticleModuleTrailBase
176  |           UParticleModuleTrailSource
72   |         UParticleModuleTypeDataBase
96   |           UParticleModuleTypeDataAnimTrail
384  |           UParticleModuleTypeDataBeam2
1152 |           UParticleModuleTypeDataGpu
216  |           UParticleModuleTypeDataMesh
120  |           UParticleModuleTypeDataRibbon
72   |         UParticleModuleVectorFieldBase
88   |           UParticleModuleVectorFieldGlobal
128  |           UParticleModuleVectorFieldLocal
96   |           UParticleModuleVectorFieldRotation
88   |           UParticleModuleVectorFieldRotationRate
136  |           UParticleModuleVectorFieldScale
136  |           UParticleModuleVectorFieldScaleOverLife
80   |         UParticleModuleVelocityBase
216  |           UParticleModuleVelocity
248  |             UParticleModuleVelocity_Seeded
208  |           UParticleModuleVelocityCone
160  |           UParticleModuleVelocityInheritParent
168  |           UParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime
56   |       UParticleModuleEventSendToGame
432  |       UParticleSystem
80   |       UParticleSystemReplay
56   |       UPathFollowingManager
168  |       UPawnAction
168  |         UPawnAction_BlueprintBase
248  |         UPawnAction_Move
200  |         UPawnAction_Repeat
208  |         UPawnAction_Sequence
184  |         UPawnAction_Wait
216  |       UPendingNetGame
216  |         UDemoPendingNetGame
144  |       UPhysicalMaterial
448  |       UPhysicsAsset
80   |       UPhysicsCollisionHandler
1200 |       UPhysicsConstraintTemplate
72   |       UPlatformInterfaceBase
96   |         UCloudStorageBase
112  |         UInGameAdManager
120  |         UMicroTransactionBase
72   |         UTwitterIntegrationBase
192  |       UPlatformInterfaceWebResponse
88   |       UPlayer
480  |         ULocalPlayer
6456 |         UNetConnection
6464 |           UChildConnection
6488 |           UDemoNetConnection
6456 |           USimulatedClientNetConnection
952  |       UPlayerInput
72   |       UPolys
72   |       UPoseWatch
128  |       UPropertyBinding
128  |         UBoolBinding
136  |         UBrushBinding
136  |         UCheckedStateBinding
136  |         UColorBinding
128  |         UFloatBinding
128  |         UInt32Binding
128  |         UMouseCursorBinding
136  |         UTextBinding
128  |         UVisibilityBinding
128  |         UWidgetBinding
56   |       UReplicationConnectionDriver
56   |       UReplicationDriver
64   |       UReporterBase
184  |         UReporterGraph
88   |       URestrictedGameplayTagsList
112  |       UReverbEffect
56   |       UReverbPluginSourceSettingsBase
56   |       URichTextBlockDecorator
64   |         URichTextBlockImageDecorator
360  |       URig
56   |       USaveGame
56   |       UScene
72   |       UScriptViewportClient
800  |         UGameViewportClient
352  |       USCS_Node
176  |       USelection
216  |       USimpleConstructionScript
1144 |       USkeletalMesh
144  |       USkeletalMeshSocket
1040 |       USkeleton
216  |       USlateBrushAsset
64   |       USlateSettings
56   |       USlateTypes
128  |       USlateVectorArtData
64   |       USlateWidgetStyleAsset
64   |       USlateWidgetStyleContainerBase
832  |         UButtonWidgetStyle
1752 |         UCheckBoxWidgetStyle
1272 |         UComboBoxWidgetStyle
1176 |         UComboButtonWidgetStyle
2432 |         UEditableTextBoxWidgetStyle
696  |         UEditableTextWidgetStyle
552  |         UProgressWidgetStyle
1512 |         UScrollBarWidgetStyle
712  |         UScrollBoxWidgetStyle
928  |         USpinBoxWidgetStyle
616  |         UTextBlockWidgetStyle
776  |       USoundAttenuation
192  |       USoundBase
224  |         UDialogueSoundWaveProxy
984  |         USoundCue
712  |         USoundWave
736  |           USoundSourceBus
800  |           USoundWaveProcedural
832  |             USynthSound
152  |       USoundClass
72   |       USoundConcurrency
80   |       USoundEffectPreset
80   |         USoundEffectSourcePreset
80   |         USoundEffectSubmixPreset
200  |           USubmixEffectDynamicsProcessorPreset
216  |           USubmixEffectReverbPreset
152  |           USubmixEffectSubmixEQPreset
80   |       USoundEffectSourcePresetChain
152  |       USoundGroups
160  |       USoundMix
80   |       USoundNode
80   |         USoundNodeAssetReferencer
144  |           USoundNodeWavePlayer
816  |         USoundNodeAttenuation
96   |         USoundNodeBranch
96   |         USoundNodeConcatenator
88   |         USoundNodeDelay
120  |         USoundNodeDialoguePlayer
96   |         USoundNodeDistanceCrossFade
112  |           USoundNodeParamCrossFade
88   |         USoundNodeDoppler
376  |         USoundNodeEnveloper
96   |         USoundNodeGroupControl
88   |         USoundNodeLooping
80   |         USoundNodeMature
96   |         USoundNodeMixer
96   |         USoundNodeModulator
152  |         USoundNodeModulatorContinuous
120  |         USoundNodeOscillator
80   |         USoundNodeQualityLevel
152  |         USoundNodeRandom
88   |         USoundNodeSoundClass
96   |         USoundNodeSwitch
96   |         USoundNodeWaveParam
144  |       USoundSubmix
56   |       USpatializationPluginSourceSettingsBase
888  |       UStaticMesh
72   |       UStaticMeshDescriptions
160  |       UStaticMeshSocket
88   |       UStringTable
136  |       USubsurfaceProfile
112  |       USubUVAnimation
96   |       UTextBuffer
128  |       UTextPropertyTestObject
528  |       UTexture
656  |         UTexture2D
720  |           UCurveLinearColorAtlas
672  |           ULightMapTexture2D
672  |           UShadowMapTexture2D
672  |           UTextureLightProfile
544  |         UTexture2DDynamic
608  |         UTextureCube
528  |         UTextureRenderTarget
576  |           UTextureRenderTarget2D
608  |             UCanvasRenderTarget2D
560  |           UTextureRenderTargetCube
640  |         UVolumeTexture
72   |       UTextureLODSettings
248  |         UDeviceProfile
56   |       UThumbnailInfo
56   |       UTimecodeProvider
168  |       UTimelineTemplate
72   |       UTimeSynchronizationSource
104  |       UTouchInterface
56   |       UTransactor
1808 |       UUMGSequencePlayer
56   |       UUnrealEdTypes
88   |       UVectorField
152  |         UVectorFieldAnimated
256  |         UVectorFieldStatic
56   |       UVisual
72   |         UPanelSlot
112  |           UBackgroundBlurSlot
112  |           UBorderSlot
112  |           UButtonSlot
240  |           UCanvasPanelSlot
128  |           UGridSlot
112  |           UHorizontalBoxSlot
104  |           UOverlaySlot
112  |           USafeZoneSlot
112  |           UScaleBoxSlot
104  |           UScrollBoxSlot
112  |           USizeBoxSlot
96   |           UUniformGridSlot
112  |           UVerticalBoxSlot
104  |           UWidgetSwitcherSlot
112  |           UWindowTitleBarAreaSlot
112  |           UWrapBoxSlot
384  |         UWidget
592  |           UCircularThrobber
440  |           UComboBox
3920 |           UComboBoxString
704  |           UDynamicEntryBox
1408 |           UEditableText
3144 |           UEditableTextBox
1016 |           UExpandableArea
688  |           UImage
2000 |           UInputKeySelector
656  |           UListViewBase
928  |             UListView
960  |               UTileView
1024 |               UTreeView
400  |           UNativeWidgetHost
408  |           UPanelWidget
424  |             UCanvasPanel
408  |             UContentWidget
616  |               UBackgroundBlur
808  |               UBorder
1320 |               UButton
2312 |               UCheckBox
432  |               UInvalidationBox
472  |               UMenuAnchor
424  |               UNamedSlot
464  |               URetainerBox
456  |               USafeZone
456  |               UScaleBox
456  |               USizeBox
464  |               UViewport
440  |               UWindowTitleBarArea
456  |             UGridPanel
424  |             UHorizontalBox
424  |             UOverlay
2592 |             UScrollBox
448  |             UUniformGridPanel
424  |             UVerticalBox
432  |             UWidgetSwitcher
440  |             UWrapBox
1032 |           UProgressBar
1872 |           UScrollBar
1216 |           USlider
408  |           USpacer
1560 |           USpinBox
416  |           UTextLayoutWidget
1232 |             UMultiLineEditableText
3648 |             UMultiLineEditableTextBox
1064 |             URichTextBlock
784  |             UTextBlock
576  |           UThrobber
768  |           UUserWidget
56   |       UVisualLoggerAutomationTests
56   |       UVisualLoggerExtension
320  |       UWidgetNavigation
80   |       UWidgetTree
2384 |       UWorld
128  |       UWorldComposition

Sizeof ClassFStructs

These are structs which are prefixed with 'F' and declared in Engine\Source\Runtime\*\Classes\*.

24   | FPawnActionEvent
8    | FPawnActionStack
16   | FFocusKnowledge
4    | FAIResourcesSet
32   | FAIResourceLock
4    | FAIRequestID
64   | FAIMoveRequest
24   | FBTNodeExecutionInfo
16   | FBTPendingExecutionInfo
16   | FBTTreeStartInfo
24   | FBehaviorTreeTemplateInfo
16   | FBehaviorTreeParallelTask
80   | FBehaviorTreeDebuggerInstance
104  | FBehaviorTreeExecutionStep
56   | FBehaviorTreeInstanceId
88   | FBehaviorTreeInstance
4    | FBTNodeIndex
24   | FBehaviorTreeSearchUpdate
4    | FBehaviorTreeSearchUpdateNotify
64   | FBehaviorTreeSearchData
4    | FBehaviorTreePropertyMemory
48   | FBlackboardKeySelector
4    | FBlackboardInstancedKeyMemory
48   | FBlackboardEntry
12   | FBTAuxiliaryMemory
2    | FBTCompositeMemory
4    | FBTDecoratorLogic
48   | FBTCompositeChild
4    | FBTInstancedNodeMemory
12   | FBTParallelMemory
1    | FBTConeCheckDecoratorMemory
8    | FBTCooldownDecoratorMemory
12   | FBTKeepInConeDecoratorMemory
12   | FBTLoopDecoratorMemory
1    | FBTTagCooldownDecoratorMemory
24   | FBTFocusMemory
4    | FBTEQSServiceMemory
12   | FBTGameplayTaskMemory
40   | FBTMoveToTaskMemory
4    | FBTEnvQueryTaskMemory
4    | FBTWaitTaskMemory
28   | FAIMessage
40   | FAIDataProviderValue
48   | FAIDataProviderTypedValue
56   | FAIDataProviderStructValue
56   | FAIDataProviderIntValue
56   | FAIDataProviderFloatValue
56   | FAIDataProviderBoolValue
104  | FEnvQueryRequest
504  | FEnvQueryInstanceCache
160  | FEQSDebugger
40   | FEnvQueryTestScoringPreview
20   | FEnvNamedValue
32   | FEnvDirection
48   | FEnvTraceData
32   | FEnvOverlapData
8    | FEnvQueryItem
64   | FEnvQueryResult
24   | FEnvQuerySpatialData
56   | FEnvQueryItemDetails
32   | FEnvQueryContextData
48   | FEnvQueryOptionInstance
32   | FEnvQueryDebugProfileData
104  | FEnvQueryDebugData
104  | FEQSQueryDebugData
480  | FEnvQueryInstance
72   | FAIDynamicParam
80   | FEQSParametrizedQueryExecutionRequest
1    | FGenericTeamId
28   | FCrowdAvoidanceConfig
32   | FCrowdAvoidanceSamplingPattern
40   | FCrowdAgentData
16   | FCrowdTickHelper
16   | FMetaPathWayPoint
360  | FMetaNavMeshPath
144  | FCombinedNavGridData
4    | FPathFollowingResult
8    | FPathFollowingRequestResult
48   | FActorPerceptionInfo
32   | FActorPerceptionBlueprintInfo
4    | FPerceptionChannelWhitelist
68   | FAIStimulus
4    | FAISenseAffiliationFilter
48   | FPerceptionListener
12   | FPerceptionStimuliSource
48   | FAIDamageEvent
48   | FAINoiseEvent
24   | FAIPredictionEvent
24   | FAISightEvent
24   | FAISightTarget
36   | FAISightQuery
56   | FAITeamStimulusEvent
32   | FAITouchEvent
40   | FSubmixEffectDynamicsProcessorSettings
16   | FSubmixEffectEQBand
16   | FSubmixEffectSubmixEQSettings
48   | FSubmixEffectReverbSettings
60   | FNavAvoidanceData
32   | FVelocityAvoidanceCone
48   | FNavCollisionConvex
24   | FNavEdgeSegment
4    | FNavAvoidanceMask
32   | FNavigationDirtyArea
4    | FNavAgentSelector
44   | FNavigationBounds
48   | FNavigationBoundsUpdateRequest
56   | FNavigationDirtyElement
32   | FNavigationPortalEdge
24   | FNavLocation
32   | FNavPathPoint
16   | FNavPathType
4    | FMovementProperties
56   | FNavAgentProperties
128  | FNavDataConfig
72   | FNavigationProjectionWork
24   | FRayStartEnd
56   | FNavigationRaycastWork
56   | FNavHeightfieldSamples
72   | FNavigationLinkBase
96   | FNavigationLink
120  | FNavigationSegmentLink
4    | FNavigationRelevantDataFilter
8    | FMarkerPair
16   | FMarkerTickRecord
64   | FBlendSampleData
144  | FBlendFilter
24   | FAnimExtractContext
28   | FMarkerSyncAnimPosition
16   | FPassedMarker
72   | FAnimTickRecord
128  | FAnimGroupInstance
64   | FRootMotionMovementParams
176  | FAnimAssetTickContext
16   | FAnimationGroupReference
16   | FAnimationRecordingSettings
16   | FNamedFloat
24   | FNamedVector
16   | FNamedColor
64   | FNamedTransform
32   | FLocalSpacePose
32   | FComponentSpacePose
28   | FAnimGroupInfo
24   | FAnimParentNodeAssetOverride
176  | FStateMachineDebugData
24   | FAnimationFrameSnapshot
528  | FAnimBlueprintDebugData
16   | FRootMotionExtractionStep
32   | FAnimSegment
16   | FAnimTrack
76   | FAnimCompressContext
16   | FBranchFilter
16   | FInputBlendPose
16   | FA2Pose
40   | FA2CSPose
64   | FSlotEvaluationPose
32   | FQueuedMontageBlendingOutEvent
32   | FQueuedMontageEndedEvent
72   | FNativeTransitionBinding
56   | FNativeStateBinding
12   | FMontageActiveSlotTracker
24   | FMontageEvaluationState
48   | FAnimLinkableElement
96   | FCompositeSection
32   | FSlotAnimationTrack
72   | FBranchingPoint
12   | FBranchingPointMarker
144  | FMontageSubStepper
432  | FAnimMontageInstance
128  | FAnimNode_ApplyMeshSpaceAdditive
96   | FAnimNode_AssetPlayerBase
232  | FAnimNode_SaveCachedPose
184  | FAnimNode_SequencePlayer
208  | FAnimationActiveTransitionEntry
48   | FAnimationPotentialTransition
232  | FAnimNode_StateMachine
112  | FAnimNode_SubInput
208  | FAnimNode_SubInstance
128  | FAnimNode_TransitionPoseEvaluator
80   | FAnimNode_TransitionResult
96   | FAnimNode_UseCachedPose
8    | FAnimationBaseContext
8    | FAnimationInitializeContext
8    | FAnimationCacheBonesContext
24   | FAnimationUpdateContext
72   | FPoseContext
112  | FComponentSpacePoseContext
72   | FNodeDebugData
24   | FPoseLinkBase
24   | FPoseLink
24   | FComponentSpacePoseLink
112  | FExposedValueCopyRecord
48   | FExposedValueHandler
56   | FAnimNode_Base
80   | FAnimNode_ConvertComponentToLocalSpace
80   | FAnimNode_ConvertLocalToComponentSpace
32   | FBranchingPointNotifyPayload
48   | FRawAnimSequenceTrack
32   | FAnimSequenceTrackContainer
4    | FTrackToSkeletonMap
32   | FTranslationTrack
32   | FRotationTrack
32   | FScaleTrack
32   | FCurveTrack
56   | FCompressedTrack
24   | FCompressedOffsetData
16   | FAnimLoadingDebugData
128  | FScopedAnimSequenceRawDataCache
16   | FAnimSetMeshLinkup
20   | FAnimationTransitionRule
12   | FAnimationStateBase
48   | FAnimationState
64   | FAnimationTransitionBetweenStates
32   | FBakedStateExitTransition
80   | FBakedAnimationState
56   | FBakedAnimationStateMachine
16   | FAssetMapping
28   | FBlendProfileBoneEntry
8    | FInterpolationParameter
32   | FBlendParameter
32   | FBlendSample
24   | FEditorElement
28   | FGridBlendSample
28   | FPerBoneInterpolation
16   | FNamedCurveValue
8    | FInputScaleBias
8    | FInputRange
60   | FInputScaleBiasClamp
88   | FInputAlphaBoolBlend
28   | FMorphTargetDelta
48   | FMorphTargetLODModel
80   | FPoseData
144  | FPoseDataContainer
72   | FPreviewAttachedObjectPair
16   | FPreviewAssetAttachContainer
112  | FNode
20   | FRigTransformConstraint
16   | FTransformBaseConstraint
48   | FTransformBase
32   | FSkeletonToMeshLinkup
20   | FBoneNode
80   | FReferencePose
16   | FBoneReductionSetting
24   | FNameMapping
24   | FRigConfiguration
32   | FAnimSlotGroup
36   | FVirtualBone
2    | FAnimCurveType
32   | FCurveMetaData
96   | FSmartNameMapping
80   | FSmartNameContainer
16   | FSmartName
16   | FTimeStretchCurveMarker
40   | FTimeStretchCurve
48   | FTimeStretchCurveInstance
44   | FAtmospherePrecomputeParameters
12   | FFOscillator
36   | FROscillator
36   | FVOscillator
1    | FDummySpacerCameraTypes
24   | FCameraUpdateContext
1392 | FMinimalViewInfo
1408 | FCameraCacheEntry
1424 | FTViewTarget
16   | FViewTargetTransitionParams
32   | FAudioComponentParam
40   | FClusterNode_DEPRECATED
64   | FClusterNode
1    | FInputBinding
56   | FInputActionUnifiedDelegate
72   | FInputActionBinding
104  | FInputKeyBinding
48   | FInputTouchBinding
64   | FInputAxisBinding
80   | FInputAxisKeyBinding
88   | FInputVectorAxisBinding
80   | FInputGestureBinding
112  | FCachedKeyToActionInfo
1    | FGetActionsBoundToKey
24   | FInstanceUpdateCmdBuffer
64   | FInstancedStaticMeshInstanceData
8    | FInstancedStaticMeshMappingInfo
28   | FInterpControlPoint
52   | FBatchedLine
40   | FBatchedPoint
48   | FBatchedMesh
40   | FMaterialSpriteElement
64   | FSpriteCategoryInfo
1    | FRendererStencilMaskEvaluation
176  | FSceneCaptureViewInfo
24   | FEngineShowFlagsSetting
148  | FOverlapInfo
1    | FDirectAttachChildrenAccessor
96   | FAnimationEvaluationContext
88   | FSkeletalMeshComponentEndPhysicsTickFunction
88   | FSkeletalMeshComponentClothTickFunction
40   | FClosestPointOnPhysicsAsset
16   | FActiveMorphTarget
40   | FSkelMeshSkinWeightInfo
32   | FSkelMeshComponentLODInfo
32   | FSkelMeshRefPoseOverride
96   | FSplineCurves
16   | FSplinePositionLinearApproximation
68   | FSplinePoint
88   | FSplineMeshParams
48   | FPaintedVertex
8    | FPreCulledStaticMeshSection
184  | FStaticMeshComponentLODInfo
24   | FTimelineEventEntry
80   | FTimelineVectorTrack
80   | FTimelineFloatTrack
80   | FTimelineLinearColorTrack
168  | FTimeline
120  | FRuntimeFloatCurve
456  | FRuntimeCurveLinearColor
88   | FIndexedCurve
8    | FIntegralKey
112  | FIntegralCurve
4    | FKeyHandle
80   | FKeyHandleMap
96   | FKeyHandleLookupTable
16   | FNameCurveKey
104  | FNameCurve
28   | FRichCurveKey
112  | FRichCurve
24   | FStringCurveKey
120  | FStringCurve
16   | FRect
40   | FGraphThreshold
64   | FGraphLine
40   | FDistributionLookupTable
40   | FRawDistribution
40   | FFloatDistribution
56   | FRawDistributionFloat
40   | FVectorDistribution
40   | FVector4Distribution
80   | FRawDistributionVector
32   | FGraphReference
36   | FEdGraphTerminalType
1    | FNodeMetadata
48   | FGraphNodeContextMenuBuilder
1    | FSetAsIntermediateNode
40   | FSimpleMemberReference
112  | FEdGraphPinType
24   | FEdGraphPinReference
32   | FEdGraphSchemaActionDefiningObject
256  | FEdGraphSchemaAction
264  | FEdGraphSchemaAction_NewNode
256  | FEdGraphSchemaAction_Dummy
32   | FPinConnectionResponse
32   | FGraphActionListBuilderBase
48   | FCategorizedGraphActionListBuilder
40   | FGraphActionMenuBuilder
64   | FGraphContextMenuBuilder
120  | FGraphDisplayInfo
16   | FAssetImportInfo
32   | FAssetManagerRedirect
40   | FPrimaryAssetRulesOverride
16   | FPrimaryAssetRules
152  | FPrimaryAssetTypeInfo
160  | FAssetManagerChunkInfo
160  | FBaseAttenuationSettings
24   | FPostProcessMaterialNode
128  | FCompilerNativizationOptions
1    | FBlueprintMacroCosmeticInfo
168  | FKismetCompilerOptions
32   | FBPVariableMetaDataEntry
240  | FBPVariableDescription
24   | FBPInterfaceDescription
56   | FEditedDocumentInfo
56   | FBPEditorBookmarkNode
20   | FNodeToCodeAssociation
400  | FDebuggingInfoForSingleFunction
8    | FPointerToUberGraphFrame
496  | FBlueprintDebugData
16   | FEventGraphFastCallPair
24   | FBlueprintComponentChangedPropertyInfo
88   | FBlueprintCookedComponentInstancingData
12   | FGeomSelection
40   | FBuilderPoly
24   | FCanvasIcon
480  | FDisplayDebugManager
12   | FCollisionProfileName
104  | FCollisionResponseTemplate
20   | FCustomChannelSetup
32   | FCustomProfile
36   | FBlueprintComponentDelegateBinding
40   | FAutoCompleteNode
24   | FQueuedControlMessage
8    | FCullDistanceSizePair
24   | FCurveTableRowHandle
8    | FTableRowBase
24   | FDataTableRowHandle
32   | FDataTableCategoryHandle
32   | FDebugDisplayProperty
24   | FQueuedDemoPacket
32   | FPlaybackPacket
24   | FLevelNameAndTime
96   | FNetworkDemoHeader
168  | FRollbackNetStartupActorInfo
40   | FDemoSavedRepObjectState
12   | FDynamicResolutionStateInfos
56   | FFullyLoadedPackagesInfo
20   | FLevelStreamingStatus
36   | FNetDriverDefinition
16   | FNamedNetDriver
664  | FWorldContext
8    | FStatColorMapEntry
40   | FStatColorMapping
40   | FDropNoteInfo
48   | FScreenMessageString
24   | FGameNameRedirect
88   | FClassRedirect
24   | FStructRedirect
32   | FPluginRedirect
16   | FTickPrerequisite
80   | FTickFunction
88   | FActorTickFunction
88   | FActorComponentTickFunction
88   | FPrimitiveComponentPostPhysicsTickFunction
112  | FURL
8    | FExposureSettings
4    | FAttachmentTransformRules
4    | FDetachmentTransformRules
1    | FLightingChannels
16   | FResponseChannel
32   | FCollisionResponseContainer
64   | FRigidBodyState
44   | FRigidBodyErrorCorrection
48   | FRigidBodyContactInfo
40   | FCollisionImpactData
16   | FFractureEffect
56   | FBasedPosition
32   | FRotationConversionCache
32   | FSubtitleCue
40   | FLocalizedSubtitle
12   | FLightmassLightSettings
12   | FLightmassPointLightSettings
16   | FLightmassDirectionalLightSettings
24   | FLightmassPrimitiveSettings
16   | FLightmassDebugOptions
4    | FSwarmDebugOptions
24   | FPrimitiveMaterialRef
144  | FHitResult
24   | FOverlapResult
16   | FMTDResult
32   | FAnimSlotInfo
16   | FAnimSlotDesc
136  | FAnimUpdateRateParameters
28   | FPOV
48   | FMeshBuildSettings
16   | FDamageEvent
176  | FPointDamageEvent
20   | FRadialDamageParams
64   | FRadialDamageEvent
8    | FTimerHandle
52   | FRepMovement
64   | FRepAttachment
16   | FWalkableSlopeOverride
4    | FReplicationFlags
12   | FConstrainComponentPropName
32   | FComponentReference
16   | FComponentSocketDescription
16   | FFilePath
16   | FDirectoryPath
12   | FCollectionReference
24   | FRedirector
32   | FDebugFloatHistory
36   | FDepthFieldGlowInfo
40   | FFontRenderInfo
96   | FCanvasUVTri
24   | FUserActivity
24   | FFontCharacter
176  | FFontImportOptionsData
32   | FGameInstancePIEResult
4    | FGameInstancePIEParameters
56   | FHLODProxyMesh
40   | FComponentKey
144  | FComponentOverrideRecord
32   | FBlueprintInputActionDelegateBinding
28   | FBlueprintInputAxisDelegateBinding
56   | FBlueprintInputAxisKeyDelegateBinding
4    | FBlueprintInputDelegateBinding
64   | FBlueprintInputKeyDelegateBinding
20   | FBlueprintInputTouchDelegateBinding
56   | FCurveEdEntry
48   | FCurveEdTab
32   | FLatentActionInfo
240  | FLatentActionManager
40   | FStreamableTextureInstance
56   | FDynamicTextureInstance
12   | FPendingAutoReceiveInputActor
308  | FLevelSimplificationDetails
40   | FReplicatedStaticActorDestructionInfo
1    | FStreamingLevelPrivateAccessor
16   | FLocalPlayerContext
16   | FPerInstanceLightmapData
140  | FMaterialProxySettings
24   | FFieldRemapInfo
120  | FParamRemapInfo
56   | FMemberReference
36   | FMeshReductionSettings
212  | FMeshProxySettings
204  | FMeshMergingSettings
56   | FSectionInfo
24   | FMeshInstancingSettings
64   | FPurchaseInfo
4    | FNetConnectionSettings
16   | FScopedNetConnectionSettings
20   | FPacketSimulationSettings
32   | FActorPriority
1    | FCompareFActorPriority
64   | FActorDestructionInfo
12   | FFastArraySerializerItem
184  | FFastArraySerializerGuidReferences
176  | FFastArraySerializer
8    | FFastArraySerializer_FastArrayDeltaSerialize_FIdxIDPair
12   | FVector_NetQuantize
12   | FVector_NetQuantize10
12   | FVector_NetQuantize100
12   | FVector_NetQuantizeNormal
40   | FEncryptionKeyResponse
208  | FNetworkObjectInfo
48   | FPlatformInterfaceData
56   | FPlatformInterfaceDelegateResult
16   | FDelegateArray
24   | FAnimNodePoseWatch
48   | FPreviewMeshCollectionEntry
80   | FColorGradePerRangeSettings
336  | FColorGradingSettings
20   | FFilmStockSettings
132  | FGaussianSumBloomSettings
40   | FConvolutionBloomSettings
184  | FLensBloomSettings
32   | FLensImperfectionSettings
224  | FLensSettings
44   | FCameraExposureSettings
16   | FWeightedBlendable
16   | FWeightedBlendables
1312 | FPostProcessSettings
1    | FSCSAllNodesHelper
8    | FBoneMirrorInfo
28   | FBoneMirrorExport
96   | FSkeletalMeshClothBuildParams
272  | FSkeletalMeshLODInfo
80   | FClothPhysicsProperties_Legacy
128  | FClothingAssetData_Legacy
56   | FSkeletalMaterial
16   | FBoneFilter
184  | FSkeletalMeshLODGroupSettings
72   | FSkeletalMeshAreaWeightedTriangleSampler
104  | FSkeletalMeshSamplingRegionBuiltData
72   | FSkeletalMeshSamplingLODBuiltData
32   | FSkeletalMeshSamplingBuiltData
16   | FSkeletalMeshSamplingRegionBoneFilter
12   | FSkeletalMeshSamplingRegionMaterialFilter
56   | FSkeletalMeshSamplingRegion
48   | FSkeletalMeshSamplingInfo
8    | FRK4SpringConstants
36   | FFloatRK4SpringInterpolator
60   | FVectorRK4SpringInterpolator
28   | FStaticMeshOptimizationSettings
224  | FStaticMeshSourceModel
8    | FMeshSectionInfo
80   | FMeshSectionInfoMap
40   | FAssetEditorOrbitCameraPosition
56   | FStaticMaterial
24   | FMaterialRemapIndex
216  | FStreamableManager
80   | FSubsurfaceProfileStruct
176  | FTextureSource
56   | FTexturePlatformData
8    | FTextureReferenceReplacer
16   | FTexture2DDynamicCreateInfo
88   | FTextureLODGroup
48   | FStreamingTexturePrimitiveInfo
12   | FStreamingTextureBuildInfo
24   | FPrimitiveMaterialInfo
16   | FTTTrackBase
24   | FTTEventTrack
24   | FTTFloatTrack
24   | FTTVectorTrack
24   | FTTLinearColorTrack
16   | FTitleSafeZoneArea
20   | FHardwareCursorReference
16   | FPerPlayerSplitscreenData
16   | FSplitscreenData
1    | FLevelStreamingGCHelper
32   | FLevelViewportInfo
88   | FStartPhysicsTickFunction
88   | FEndPhysicsTickFunction
88   | FStartAsyncSimulationFunction
56   | FActorSpawnParameters
200  | FWorldAsyncTraceState
128  | FLevelCollection
184  | FWorldCompositionTile
24   | FDistanceVisibleLevel
1    | FMarkActorIsBeingDestroyed
1    | FSetActorWantsDestroyDuringBeginPlay
352  | FRepRootMotionMontage
360  | FSimulatedRootMotionReplicatedMove
48   | FBasedMovementInfo
156  | FFindFloorResult
88   | FCharacterMovementComponentPostPhysicsTickFunction
72   | FClientAdjustment
84   | FDebugTraceInfo
96   | FDebugTextInfo
160  | FForceFeedbackAttenuationSettings
128  | FForceFeedbackChannelDetails
32   | FActiveForceFeedbackEffect
64   | FClientReceiveData
40   | FUniqueNetIdRepl
8    | FDynamicForceFeedbackDetails
40   | FForceFeedbackEffectHistoryEntry
8    | FInputModeDataBase
32   | FInputModeUIOnly
20   | FUpdateLevelStreamingLevelStatus
16   | FUpdateLevelVisibilityLevelInfo
32   | FInputModeGameAndUI
16   | FInputModeGameOnly
56   | FKeyBind
16   | FInputAxisProperties
28   | FInputAxisConfigEntry
48   | FInputActionKeyMapping
48   | FInputAxisKeyMapping
56   | FPlayerMuteList
8    | FRootMotionServerToLocalIDMapping
1    | FRootMotionSourceStatus
1    | FRootMotionSourceSettings
20   | FRootMotionFinishVelocitySettings
160  | FRootMotionSource
176  | FRootMotionSource_ConstantForce
224  | FRootMotionSource_RadialForce
192  | FRootMotionSource_MoveToForce
208  | FRootMotionSource_MoveToDynamicForce
208  | FRootMotionSource_JumpForce
256  | FRootMotionSourceGroup
120  | FTouchInputControl
84   | FLightmassWorldInfoSettings
48   | FNetViewer
448  | FHierarchicalSimplification
36   | FBroadphaseSettings
24   | FActiveHapticFeedbackEffect
240  | FHapticFeedbackDetails_Curve
12   | FTriIndices
72   | FTriMeshCollisionData
24   | FPostProcessVolumeProperties
96   | FPredictProjectilePathParams
28   | FPredictProjectilePathPointData
192  | FPredictProjectilePathResult
80   | FImportanceTexture
8    | FFloatSpringState
24   | FVectorSpringState
16   | FDrawToRenderTargetContext
4    | FGenericStruct
64   | FFormatArgumentData
16   | FLayerActorStats
4    | FMaterialsWithDirtyUsageFlags
64   | FColorMaterialInput
64   | FScalarMaterialInput
72   | FVectorMaterialInput
72   | FVector2MaterialInput
24   | FMaterialFunctionInfo
24   | FMaterialParameterCollectionInfo
24   | FParameterGroupData
56   | FExpressionInput
64   | FMaterialAttributesInput
32   | FExpressionOutput
72   | FCustomInput
80   | FFunctionExpressionInput
56   | FFunctionExpressionOutput
104  | FScalarParameterAtlasInstanceData
160  | FScalarParameterValue
64   | FVectorParameterValue
56   | FTextureParameterValue
64   | FFontParameterValue
20   | FMaterialInstanceBasePropertyOverrides
8    | FMaterialRelevance
20   | FLightmassMaterialInterfaceSettings
64   | FMaterialTextureInfo
20   | FMaterialParameterInfo
112  | FMaterialLayersFunctions
28   | FCollectionParameterBase
32   | FCollectionScalarParameter
44   | FCollectionVectorParameter
24   | FInterpEdSelKey
48   | FCameraPreviewInfo
32   | FSupportedSubTrackInfo
40   | FSubTrackGroup
32   | FAnimControlTrackKey
8    | FBoolTrackKey
24   | FDirectorTrackCut
16   | FEventTrackKey
16   | FInterpLookupPoint
16   | FInterpLookupTrack
12   | FParticleReplayTrackKey
24   | FSoundTrackKey
8    | FToggleTrackKey
8    | FVisibilityTrackKey
16   | FCameraCutInfo
32   | FInterpGroupActorInfo
4    | FBeamModifierOptions
48   | FParticleEvent_GenerateInfo
24   | FLocationBoneSocketInfo
72   | FModuleLocationBoneSocketInstancePayload
4    | FOrbitOptions
80   | FEmitterDynamicParameter
12   | FParticleBurst
24   | FParticleCurvePair
32   | FParticleRandomSeedInfo
48   | FParticleRequiredModule
1    | FParticleSystemLOD
16   | FLODSoloTrack
24   | FNamedEmitterMaterial
144  | FParticleSysParam
64   | FParticleEventData
80   | FParticleExistingData
64   | FParticleEventSpawnData
80   | FParticleEventDeathData
120  | FParticleEventCollideData
72   | FParticleEventBurstData
64   | FParticleEventKismetData
16   | FParticleEmitterReplayFrame
16   | FParticleSystemReplayFrame
16   | FBeamTargetData
112  | FGPUSpriteLocalVectorFieldInfo
704  | FGPUSpriteEmitterInfo
352  | FGPUSpriteResourceData
16   | FPSCPoolElem
56   | FPSCPool
88   | FWorldPSCPool
16   | FTireFrictionScalePair
88   | FKAggregateGeom
48   | FCollisionResponse
368  | FBodyInstance
1    | FBodyInstanceEditorHelpers
48   | FBodySetupUVInfo
136  | FCookBodySetupInfo
176  | FKBoxElem
16   | FConstraintDrive
76   | FLinearDriveConstraint
76   | FAngularDriveConstraint
260  | FConstraintProfileProperties
656  | FConstraintInstance
20   | FConstraintBaseParams
28   | FLinearConstraint
32   | FConeConstraint
28   | FTwistConstraint
160  | FKConvexElem
40   | FPhysicalAnimationData
52   | FPhysicalAnimationProfile
272  | FPhysicsConstraintProfileHandle
16   | FPhysicalSurfaceName
8    | FRigidBodyIndexPair
48   | FKShapeElem
128  | FKSphereElem
160  | FKSphylElem
88   | FKTaperedCapsuleElem
20   | FAudioPlatformSettings
32   | FAudioQualitySettings
32   | FReverbSettings
36   | FInteriorSettings
96   | FAudioVolumeProxy
24   | FDialogueContext
32   | FDialogueWaveParameter
1    | FDialogueConstants
56   | FDialogueContextMapping
48   | FSoundAttenuationPluginSettings
720  | FSoundAttenuationSettings
8    | FSoundClassEditorData
44   | FSoundClassProperties
16   | FPassiveSoundMixModifier
16   | FSoundConcurrencySettings
80   | FSoundInstanceEntry
80   | FOwnerConcurrencyMapEntry
8    | FSoundNodeEditorData
16   | FSourceEffectChainEntry
32   | FSoundEffectSourceInitData
112  | FSoundEffectSourceInputData
16   | FSoundEffectSourceOutputData
16   | FSoundEffectSubmixInitData
48   | FSoundEffectSubmixInputData
16   | FSoundEffectSubmixOutputData
32   | FSoundGroup
56   | FAudioEQEffect
24   | FSoundClassAdjuster
20   | FDistanceDatum
36   | FModulatorContinuousParams
16   | FSoundSourceBusSendInfo
16   | FSoundSubmixSendInfo
144  | FStreamedAudioChunk
56   | FStreamedAudioPlatformData
96   | FExternalToolDefinition
32   | FImportFactorySettingValues
56   | FEditorImportExportTestDefinition
32   | FEditorImportWorkflowDefinition
336  | FBuildPromotionImportWorkflowSettings
96   | FBuildPromotionOpenAssetSettings
32   | FBuildPromotionNewProjectSettings
48   | FMaterialEditorPromotionSettings
16   | FParticleEditorPromotionSettings
48   | FBlueprintEditorPromotionSettings
496  | FBuildPromotionTestSettings
40   | FEditorMapPerformanceTestDefinition
32   | FLaunchOnTestSettings
40   | FAutoCompleteCommand
48   | FGameModeName
12   | FGameplayTag
32   | FGameplayTagContainer
8    | FGameplayTagNativeAdder
16   | FGameplayTagReferenceHelper
1    | FGameplayTagCreationWidgetHelper
72   | FGameplayTagQuery
40   | FGameplayTagQueryExpression
40   | FGameplayTagTableRow
48   | FRestrictedGameplayTagTableRow
32   | FGameplayTagSource
120  | FGameplayTagNode
24   | FGameplayTagRedirect
32   | FGameplayTagCategoryRemap
32   | FRestrictedConfigInfo
2    | FGameplayResourceSet
12   | FGameplayTaskInstanceNamePredicate
8    | FGameplayTaskInstanceClassPredicate
16   | FGameplayTaskEventData
32   | FKey
144  | FKeyDetails
160  | FInputKeyManager
40   | FLandscapeEditToolRenderData
6    | FLandscapeVertexRef
16   | FWeightmapLayerAllocationInfo
240  | FLandscapeComponentGrassData
88   | FGizmoSelectData
320  | FGrassVariety
48   | FLandscapeAddCollision
48   | FLandscapeInfoLayerSettings
32   | FLandscapeWeightmapUsage
24   | FLandscapeEditorLayerSettings
48   | FLandscapeLayerStruct
56   | FLandscapeImportLayerInfo
80   | FCachedLandscapeFoliage
16   | FLandscapeSplineConnection
56   | FForeignControlPointData
64   | FForeignSplineSegmentData
192  | FForeignWorldSplineData
64   | FLandscapeSplineInterpPoint
24   | FLandscapeSplineSegmentConnection
56   | FLandscapeSplineMeshEntry
80   | FGrassInput
152  | FLayerBlendInput

Sizeof ClassFClasses

These are classes which are prefixed with 'F' and declared in Engine\Source\Runtime\*\Classes\*.

816  | FEQSSceneProxy
104  | FEQSRenderingDebugDrawDelegateHelper
32   | FVisualLoggerExtension
288  | FSubmixEffectDynamicsProcessor
272  | FSubmixEffectSubmixEQ
2416 | FSubmixEffectReverb
16   | FNavigationLockContext
80   | FMarkerTickContext
64   | FCompressionMemorySummary
16   | FCameraPhotographyManager
128  | FChildActorComponentInstanceData
48   | FForceFeedbackManager
112  | FStaticShadowDepthMap
528  | FLineBatcherSceneProxy
160  | FPrimitiveComponentInstanceData
88   | FSceneComponentInstanceData
16   | FScopedPreventAttachedComponentMove
448  | FScopedMovementUpdate
16   | FRenderStateRecreator
144  | FSkyTextureCubeResource
8    | FCurveOwnerInterface
168  | FReplayExternalData
16   | FPrecomputedVisibilityCell
24   | FCompressedVisibilityChunk
40   | FPrecomputedVisibilityBucket
48   | FPrecomputedVisibilityHandler
64   | FPrecomputedVolumeDistanceField
8    | FEditorTickableLevelBounds
72   | FStreamLevelAction
48   | FMeshMapBuildData
16   | FMeshMapBuildLegacyData
96   | FStaticShadowDepthMapData
24   | FLevelLegacyMapBuildData
112  | FLightComponentMapBuildData
24   | FLightComponentLegacyMapBuildData
56   | FReflectionCaptureData
64   | FReflectionCaptureMapBuildData
24   | FReflectionCaptureMapBuildLegacyData
96   | FNetFastTArrayBaseState
8    | FNetworkNotify
1    | FNetDelegates
320  | FNetworkObjectList
56   | FNetFieldExport
40   | FNetFieldExportGroup
48   | FNetGuidCacheObject
760  | FNetGUIDCache
240  | FPackageMapAckState
352  | FPoly
1    | FGenericSelectionFilter
1    | FSelectedEditableComponentFilter
64   | FSubsurfaceProfileTexture
48   | FStreamingTextureLevelContext
40   | FUserStructOnScopeIgnoreDefaults
192  | FSeamlessTravelHandler
24   | FAsyncPreRegisterDDCRequest
16   | FScopedLevelCollectionContextSwitch
1    | FWorldDelegates
816  | FSavedMove_Character
56   | FCharacterReplaySample
352  | FNetworkPredictionData_Client_Character
136  | FNetworkPredictionData_Server_Character
1    | FGameModeEvents
36   | FHUDHitBox
32   | FSimpleReticle
8    | FNetworkPredictionData_Client
16   | FNetworkPredictionData_Server
1    | FMeshVertexPainter
16   | FSubUVDerivedData
72   | FSubUVBoundingGeometryBuffer
24   | FSubUVVertexResourceArray
32   | FConcurrencyGroup
408  | FSoundConcurrencyManager
128  | FSoundEffectBase
128  | FSoundEffectSource
128  | FSoundEffectSubmix
80   | FVisualLoggerBinaryFileDevice
32   | FLandscapeComponentDerivedData
56   | FAsyncGrassTask

Sizeof PublicFStructs

These are structs which are prefixed with 'F' and declared in Engine\Source\Runtime\*\Public\*.

1    | FBehaviorTreeDelegates
1    | FGraphAStarDefaultPolicy
8    | FGridSize2D
4    | FBoneIndexBase
16   | FAxis
3    | FFilterOptionPerAxis
9    | FTransformFilter
13   | FConstraintDescription
96   | FConstraintOffset
48   | FTransformConstraint
16   | FConstraintDescriptionEx
24   | FTransformConstraintDescription
64   | FAimConstraintDescription
16   | FConstraintDescriptor
128  | FConstraintData
36   | FEulerTransform
56   | FABRIKChainLink
16   | FNodeChain
24   | FNodeObject
112  | FNodeHierarchyData
120  | FNodeHierarchyWithUserData
1    | FAnimationCustomVersion
544  | FAnimNode_AimOffsetLookAt
288  | FAnimNode_ApplyAdditive
52   | FBlendBoneByChannelEntry
168  | FAnimNode_BlendBoneByChannel
208  | FAnimNode_BlendListBase
216  | FAnimNode_BlendListByBool
232  | FAnimNode_BlendListByEnum
216  | FAnimNode_BlendListByInt
312  | FAnimNode_BlendSpaceEvaluator
304  | FAnimNode_BlendSpacePlayer
240  | FAnimNode_CopyPoseFromMesh
112  | FAnimNode_CurveSource
232  | FAnimNode_LayeredBoneBlend
112  | FAnimNode_MakeDynamicAdditive
144  | FAnimNode_ModifyCurve
120  | FAnimNode_MultiWayBlend
208  | FAnimNode_PoseBlendNode
192  | FAnimNode_PoseByName
24   | FPoseDriverTransform
168  | FPoseDriverTarget
384  | FAnimNode_PoseDriver
168  | FAnimNode_PoseHandler
208  | FAnimNode_PoseSnapshot
36   | FRandomAnimPlayData
88   | FRandomPlayerSequenceEntry
152  | FAnimNode_RandomPlayer
64   | FAnimNode_RefPose
56   | FAnimNode_MeshSpaceRefPose
80   | FAnimNode_Root
232  | FAnimNode_RotateRootBone
520  | FAnimNode_RotationOffsetBlendSpace
120  | FAnimNode_SequenceEvaluator
128  | FAnimNode_Slot
296  | FAnimNode_TwoWayBlend
16   | FSequencerPlayerBase
136  | FSequencerPlayerAnimSequence
2160 | FAnimSequencerInstanceProxy
480  | FAnimPhysBoneRigidBody
496  | FAnimPhysLinkedBody
92   | FAnimPhysConstraintSetup
80   | FAnimPhysPlanarLimit
44   | FAnimPhysSphericalLimit
992  | FAnimNode_AnimDynamics
48   | FAngularRangeLimit
392  | FAnimNode_ApplyLimits
480  | FAnimNode_BoneDrivenController
36   | FConstraint
544  | FAnimNode_Constraint
416  | FAnimNode_CopyBone
424  | FAnimNode_CopyBoneDelta
672  | FAnimNode_Fabrik
480  | FAnimNode_HandIKRetargeting
64   | FIKChainLink
64   | FIKChain
64   | FAnimLegIKDefinition
176  | FAnimLegIKData
408  | FAnimNode_LegIK
880  | FAnimNode_LookAt
432  | FAnimNode_ModifyBone
424  | FAnimNode_ObserveBone
1520 | FAnimNode_RigidBody
416  | FAnimNode_RotationMultiplier
184  | FAnimNode_ScaleChainLength
80   | FSocketReference
360  | FAnimNode_SkeletalControlBase
28   | FSplineIKCachedBoneData
776  | FAnimNode_SplineIK
464  | FAnimNode_SpringBone
4    | FPerJointTrailSetup
736  | FAnimNode_Trail
40   | FReferenceBoneFrame
496  | FAnimNode_TwistCorrectiveNode
784  | FAnimNode_TwoBoneIK
16   | FRBFEntry
136  | FRBFTarget
8    | FRBFOutputWeight
16   | FRBFParams
1    | FRBFSolver
32   | FColorChannels
216  | FColorPickerArgs
40   | FColorInfo
16   | FPlatformRect
80   | FMonitorInfo
96   | FDisplayMetrics
1    | FGamepadKeyNames
32   | FWindowSizeLimits
1    | FGenericPlatformApplicationMisc
1    | FGenericPlatformRHIFramePacer
1    | FGenericPlatformSplash
8    | FTimeSample
40   | FSynthBenchmarkStat
360  | FSynthBenchmarkResults
1052 | FHardwareDisplay
2080 | FGPUAdpater
16624| FHardwareSurveyResults
1    | FGenericPlatformSurvey
112  | FGenericWindowDefinition
16   | FForceFeedbackValues
40   | FHapticFeedbackBuffer
16   | FHapticFeedbackValues
64   | FDeferredWindowsMessage
40   | FDragDropOLEData
72   | FDeferredWindowsDragDropOperation
1    | FWindowsPlatformApplicationMisc
1    | FWindowsPlatformSplash
1    | FWindowsPlatformSurvey
232  | FARFilter
56   | FAssetBundleEntry
16   | FAssetBundleData
1    | FAssetRegistryVersion
104  | FAssetData
48   | FAssetIdentifier
32   | FTagAndValue
96   | FAssetRegistrySerializationOptions
96   | FPlatformAudioCookOverrides
16   | FPlatformRuntimeAudioCompressionOverrides
8    | FARSharedWorldReplicationState
96   | FARTraceResult
24   | FARSessionStatus
12   | FARVideoFormat
56   | FAutomationWorkerFindWorkers
152  | FAutomationWorkerFindWorkersResponse
1    | FAutomationWorkerWorkerOffline
1    | FAutomationWorkerPing
1    | FAutomationWorkerResetTests
1    | FAutomationWorkerPong
8    | FAutomationWorkerRequestTests
128  | FAutomationWorkerSingleTestReply
16   | FAutomationWorkerRequestTestsReplyComplete
48   | FAutomationWorkerRunTests
56   | FAutomationWorkerRunTestsReply
4    | FAutomationWorkerRequestNextNetworkCommand
1    | FAutomationWorkerNextNetworkCommandReply
280  | FAutomationScreenshotMetadata
312  | FAutomationWorkerScreenImage
56   | FAutomationWorkerImageComparisonResults
80   | FAutomationWorkerTestDataRequest
24   | FAutomationWorkerTestDataResponse
64   | FAutomationWorkerPerformanceDataRequest
24   | FAutomationWorkerPerformanceDataResponse
176  | FAutomationPerformanceSnapshot
64   | FAVIWriterOptions
48   | FCapturedFrame
176  | FCapturedFrames
48   | FBlueprintWarningSettings
48   | FCameraLookatTrackingSettings
12   | FCameraFilmbackSettings
32   | FNamedFilmbackPreset
24   | FCameraLensSettings
40   | FNamedLensPreset
24   | FCameraTrackingFocusSettings
56   | FCameraFocusSettings
48   | FClothParameterMask_PhysMesh
52   | FClothVertBoneData
184  | FClothPhysicalMeshData
280  | FClothLODData
16   | FClothConstraintSetup
196  | FClothConfig
80   | FClothingActorScratchData
128  | FClothSimulData
20   | FClothCollisionPrim_Sphere
8    | FClothCollisionPrim_SphereConnection
24   | FClothCollisionPrim_Convex
48   | FClothCollisionData
1    | FAsyncThreadIndex
72   | FParallelForData
1    | FBitSet
1    | FScriptContainerElement
8    | FIndexedPointer
24   | FIndexedLockFreeLink
1    | FLockFreeLinkPolicy
36   | FScriptMapLayout
28   | FScriptSetLayout
16   | FSparseArrayAllocationInfo
12   | FScriptSparseArrayLayout
296  | FStackTracker
16   | FScopedLoadingState
16   | FScopedLoadingState
1    | FGenericPlatformTypes
1    | FGenericPlatformAtomics
24   | FChunkTagID
80   | FProgramCounterSymbolInfoEx
40   | FGenericCrashContext
1    | FGenericMemoryWarningContext
88   | FGPUDriverInfo
32   | FBlackListEntry
88   | FGPUHardware
40   | FFileStatData
16   | FPtrInfo
208  | FGenericPlatformMallocCrash
24   | FGenericStackBasedMallocCrash
1    | FGenericPlatformMath
64   | FGenericPlatformMemoryConstants
112  | FGenericPlatformMemoryStats
1    | FGenericPlatformMemory
32   | FSHA256Signature
1    | FGenericPlatformMisc
1    | FGenericPlatformOutputDevices
1    | FGenericPlatformProcess
1    | FGenericPlatformProperties
1128 | FStackWalkModuleInfo
3096 | FProgramCounterSymbolInfo
1    | FGenericPlatformStackWalk
1    | FGenericPlatformStricmp
1    | FGenericPlatformString
32   | FGenericPlatformSymbolInfo
40   | FGenericPlatformSymbolData
64   | FGenericPlatformSymbolDatabase
1    | FGenericPlatformSymbolDatabaseKeyFuncs
1    | FGenericPlatformSymbolication
8    | FCPUTime
1    | FGenericPlatformTime
1    | FGenericPlatformTLS
1    | FMicrosoftPlatformString
1    | FCachedOSPageAllocator
8    | FCopyProgress
16   | FProfiledFileStatsBase
40   | FProfiledFileStatsOp
88   | FProfiledFileStatsFileBase
88   | FProfiledFileStatsFileDetailed
88   | FProfiledFileStatsFileSimple
40   | FLLMPlatformTag
24   | FMallocLeakReportOptions
80   | FGenericMemoryStats
1    | FSlowHeartBeatScope
1    | FDisableHitchDetectorScope
1    | FScopedMallocTimer
1    | FScopedMallocTimer
1    | FMemory
1    | FBreakIterator
168  | FDecimalNumberFormattingRules
200  | FTextSourceSiteContext
96   | FTextSourceData
128  | FGatherableTextData
80   | FManifestContext
32   | FLocItem
176  | FPolyglotTextData
1    | FStringTableRedirects
1    | FStringTableReferenceCollection
24   | FNumberFormattingOptions
1    | FNumberParsingOptions
64   | FFormatArgumentData
1    | FUnicodeChar
1    | FTextLocalizationResourceVersion
16   | FLogCategoryBase
1    | FMsg
28   | FBox
20   | FBox2D
28   | FBoxSphereBounds
32   | FCapsuleShape
16   | FLinearColor
4    | FColor
2    | FDXTColor565
2    | FDXTColor16
8    | FDXT1
16   | FDXT5
28   | FEdge
8    | FIntPoint
16   | FIntRect
12   | FIntVector
16   | FIntVector4
16   | FUintVector4
64   | FMatrix
64   | FBasisVectorMatrix
64   | FLookAtMatrix
60   | FOrientedBox
8    | FRandomStream
12   | FRotator
48   | FTransform
24   | FTwoVectors
1    | FUnitConversion
1    | FMath
12   | FVector
8    | FVector2D
4    | FVector2DHalf
1    | FAES
1    | FDebug
56   | FAutomationEvent
88   | FAutomationExecutionEntry
48   | FAutomationExpectedError
296  | FAutomationScreenshotData
56   | FAutomationScreenshotCompareResults
1    | FBase64
16   | FCompoundChangeInput
1    | FCommandLine
88   | FCompressedGrowableBuffer
1    | FCompression
40   | FConfigValue
40   | FIniFilename
64   | FConfigCommandlineOverride
24   | FTestHotFixPayload
40   | FCrashOverrideParameters
1    | FMaintenance
88   | FUrlConfig
1    | FBoolConfigValueHelper
1    | FScopedScriptExceptionHandler
1    | FCrc
1    | FToBoolHelper
1    | FDataDrivenPlatformInfoRegistry
8    | FDateTime
24   | FExpressionError
104  | FCompiledToken
48   | FOperatorFunctionID
12   | FOpParameters
1    | FFbxErrors
1    | FFileHelper
4    | FFrameNumber
8    | FFrameRate
8    | FFrameTime
24   | FGrowableAllocationBase
16   | FGuid
24   | FTransactionObjectDeltaChange
1    | FMapErrors
1    | FMessageDialog
1    | FNetworkVersion
32   | FObjectFullNameAndThumbnail
1    | FOutputDeviceHelper
48   | FBufferedLine
1    | FParse
16   | FQualifiedFrameTime
2096 | FRemoteConfigAsyncIOInfo
1    | FRuntimeErrors
104  | FScopedSlowTask
17   | FMD5Hash
104  | FSlowTask
32   | FStringFormatArg
20   | FTimecode
8    | FTimespan
40   | FModuleStatus
16   | FCsvDeclaredStat
56   | FCsvCaptureCommand
24   | FCsvCategory
48   | FHistogram
16   | FHistogramBuilder
16   | FScopedLoadTimeAccumulatorTimer
48   | FResourceSizeEx
88   | FArchiveSerializedPropertyChain
160  | FBitReader
8    | FBitReaderMark
168  | FBitWriter
16   | FBitWriterMark
16   | FCompressedChunkInfo
48   | FCsvParser
36   | FCustomVersion
136  | FNameAsStringProxyArchive
8    | FArchiveFieldName
8    | FArchiveFieldName
1    | FDynamicStats
1    | FStats
16   | FStatMessage
64   | FStatPacket
8    | FStatMessageLock
24   | FThreadStatsPool
8    | FThreadSafeStaticStatBase
1    | FStatConstants
16   | FStatPacketArray
96   | FRawStatStackNode
136  | FComplexRawStatStackNode
48   | FEventData
1    | FStatsUtils
1    | FComplexStatUtils
320  | FActiveStatGroupInfo
312  | FGameThreadStatsData
8    | FLatestGameThreadStatsData
112  | FStatGroupGameThreadNotifier
24   | FCompressedStatsData
72   | FStatsStreamHeader
88   | FStatsFrameInfo
96   | FStatsWriteStream
344  | FStatsWriteFile
272  | FRawStatsWriteFile
168  | FStatsReadStream
16   | FRawStatsFileInfo
32   | FStackState
1384 | FStatsReadFile
40   | FCommandStatsFile
16   | FSecondsCounterData
40   | FScopeLogTime
1    | FIdentityFunctor
1    | FNoopStruct
8    | FVirtualDestructor
1    | FAnimPhysObjectVersion
1    | FAutomationObjectVersion
1    | FBlueprintsObjectVersion
1    | FBuildObjectVersion
1    | FCoreObjectVersion
1    | FEditorObjectVersion
1    | FEnterpriseObjectVersion
1    | FFortniteMainBranchObjectVersion
1    | FFrameworkObjectVersion
1    | FGeometryObjectVersion
1    | FLoadTimesObjectVersion
1    | FMobileObjectVersion
2064 | FNameEntry
2060 | FNameEntrySerialized
8    | FMinimalName
12   | FScriptName
1    | FNameSortIndexes
1    | FNetworkingObjectVersion
1    | FOnlineObjectVersion
1    | FPhysicsObjectVersion
1    | FPlatformObjectVersion
1    | FReflectionCaptureObjectVersion
1    | FReleaseObjectVersion
1    | FRenderingObjectVersion
1    | FSequencerObjectVersion
1    | FVRObjectVersion
1    | FWindowsPlatformTypes
1    | FWindowsPlatformAtomics
40   | FWindowsPlatformCrashContext
1    | FWindowsPlatformMath
120  | FPlatformMemoryStats
1    | FWindowsPlatformMemory
1    | FWindowsOSVersionHelper
1    | FWindowsPlatformMisc
1    | FWindowsPlatformOutputDevices
1    | FWindowsPlatformProcess
1    | FWindowsPlatformStackWalk
1    | FWindowsPlatformString
1    | FWindowsPlatformTime
1    | FWindowsPlatformTLS
1    | FBlueprintTags
40   | FBlueprintWarningDeclaration
1    | FBlueprintSupport
8    | FScopedPlaceholderRawContainerTracker
1    | FScopedClassDependencyGather
264  | FDeferredInitializationTrackerBase
1    | FDeferredObjInitializationHelper
1    | FBlueprintDependencyType
4    | FCompactBlueprintDependencyData
60   | FBlueprintDependencyObjectRef
64   | FBlueprintDependencyData
80   | FConvertedBlueprintsDependencies
1    | FPackageLocalizationUtil
24   | FTraceRouteRecord
192  | FObjectGraphNode
32   | FArchiveDiffStats
16   | FArchiveDiffInfo
8    | FUnsafeWeakAsyncPackagePtr
16   | FWeakAsyncPackagePtr
16   | FEventLoadNodePtr
24   | FEventLoadNode
104  | FEventLoadNodeArray
80   | FEventLoadGraph
32   | FAsyncLoadEventArgs
1312 | FAsyncPackage
16   | FScopedAsyncPackageEvent
72   | FAsyncPackageDesc
120  | FUntypedBulkData
120  | FByteBulkData
120  | FWordBulkData
120  | FIntBulkData
120  | FFloatBulkData
8    | FDuplicatedObject
144  | FObjectAndNameAsStringProxyArchive
1    | FAutoRegisterLocalizationDataGatheringCallback
1    | FAutoRegisterTextReferenceCollectorCallback
16   | FRepRecord
1    | FCppClassTypeTraitsBase
1    | FCppClassTypeInfoStatic
16   | FCppClassTypeInfo
16   | FImplementedInterface
24   | FNativeFunctionLookup
16   | FClassFunctionLinkInfo
184  | FObjectInstancingGraph
1    | FStructUtils
16   | FNameNativePtrPair
1    | FNativeFunctionRegistrar
8    | FPacketIdRange
48   | FPropertyRetirement
120  | FNetDeltaSerializeInfo
24   | FJoinabilitySettings
24   | FUniqueNetIdWrapper
24   | FJoinabilitySettings
24   | FUniqueNetIdWrapper
36   | FCoreRedirectObjectName
192  | FCoreRedirect
1    | FCoreRedirects
4    | FGCReferenceInfo
4    | FGCSkipInfo
16   | FTokenInfo
16   | FGCReferenceTokenStream
32   | FGCArrayStruct
16   | FUniqueObjectGuid
32   | FLevelGuids
16   | FCompressedChunk
16   | FDependencyRef
16   | FScopedCreateImportCounter
1    | FMetaDataUtilities
16   | FGuid
12   | FVector
16   | FVector4
8    | FVector2D
24   | FTwoVectors
16   | FPlane
12   | FRotator
16   | FQuat
4    | FPackedNormal
4    | FPackedRGB10A2N
8    | FPackedRGBA16N
8    | FIntPoint
12   | FIntVector
4    | FColor
16   | FLinearColor
28   | FBox
20   | FBox2D
28   | FBoxSphereBounds
60   | FOrientedBox
64   | FMatrix
20   | FInterpCurvePointFloat
24   | FInterpCurveFloat
32   | FInterpCurvePointVector2D
24   | FInterpCurveVector2D
44   | FInterpCurvePointVector
24   | FInterpCurveVector
80   | FInterpCurvePointQuat
24   | FInterpCurveQuat
80   | FInterpCurvePointTwoVectors
24   | FInterpCurveTwoVectors
56   | FInterpCurvePointLinearColor
24   | FInterpCurveLinearColor
48   | FTransform
8    | FRandomStream
8    | FDateTime
4    | FFrameNumber
8    | FFrameRate
8    | FFrameTime
16   | FQualifiedFrameTime
20   | FTimecode
8    | FTimespan
32   | FSoftObjectPath
32   | FSoftClassPath
12   | FPrimaryAssetType
24   | FPrimaryAssetId
8    | FFloatRangeBound
16   | FFloatRange
8    | FInt32RangeBound
16   | FInt32Range
8    | FFloatInterval
8    | FInt32Interval
176  | FPolyglotTextData
56   | FAutomationEvent
88   | FAutomationExecutionEntry
8    | FObjectKey
32   | FReferencerInformation
32   | FReferencerInformationList
80   | FObjectMemoryUsage
64   | FObjectMemoryAnalyzer
28   | FObjectResource
144  | FObjectExport
80   | FObjectImport
16   | FSavePackageResultStruct
8    | FGenerationInfo
280  | FPackageFileSummary
16   | FReloadPackageData
12   | FPrimaryAssetType
24   | FPrimaryAssetId
136  | FPropertyTag
16   | FPropertyTempVal
32   | FBlueprintExceptionInfo
56   | FScriptInstrumentationSignal
1    | FEditorScriptExecutionGuard
120  | FScriptStackTracker
32   | FSoftObjectPath
32   | FSoftClassPath
1    | FSoftObjectPathSerializationScope
24   | FOutParmRec
152  | FFrame
16   | FDefinedProperty
32   | FCustomPropertyListNode
48   | FPropertyChangedEvent
56   | FPropertyChangedChainEvent
1    | FBoolAnnotation
24   | FUObjectItem
80   | FUObjectCluster
1    | FIndexToObject
40   | FFieldCompiledInInfo
1    | FCompiledInDefer
1    | FCompiledInDeferStruct
1    | FCompiledInDeferEnum
12   | FScopeCycleCounterUObject
12   | FScopeCycleCounterUObject
12   | FScopeCycleCounterUObject
152  | FObjectDuplicationParameters
1    | FCoreUObjectDelegates
96   | FDynamicClassStaticData
1    | FAssetMsg
8    | FWeakObjectPtr
24   | FDatabaseColumnInfo
416  | FSoundParseParameters
1408 | FActiveSound
4    | FNavigationModifier
20   | FCylinderNavAreaData
24   | FBoxNavAreaData
24   | FConvexNavAreaData
80   | FAreaNavModifier
112  | FSimpleLinkNavModifier
80   | FCustomLinkNavModifier
80   | FCompositeNavModifier
8    | FNavigableGeometryExport
56   | FAlphaBlend
16   | FAnimCurveParam
32   | FAnimCurveBase
144  | FFloatCurve
368  | FVectorCurve
1136 | FTransformCurve
8    | FCurveElement
48   | FRawCurveTracks
104  | FQueuedDrawDebugItem
1552 | FAnimInstanceProxy
16   | FAnimNotifyEventReference
16   | FAnimNotifyArray
112  | FAnimNotifyQueue
48   | FAnimPhysShape
32   | FAnimPhysPose
24   | FAnimPhysWindData
96   | FAnimPhysSpring
104  | FAnimNode_SingleNode
1984 | FAnimSingleNodeInstanceProxy
8    | FPerBoneBlendWeight
16   | FPerBoneBlendWeights
16   | FGraphTraversalCounter
184  | FAnimNotifyEvent
20   | FAnimSyncMarker
64   | FAnimNotifyTrack
12   | FSlotNodeWeightInfo
32   | FMarkerSyncData
1    | FAnimWeight
8    | FAnimKeyHelper
1    | FAxisOption
36   | FCachedAnimStateData
24   | FCachedAnimStateArray
32   | FCachedAnimAssetPlayerData
36   | FCachedAnimRelevancyData
48   | FCachedAnimTransitionData
64   | FNodeItem
64   | FPoseSnapshot
36   | FAnimPerturbationError
48   | FFIRFilter
8    | FFilterData
48   | FFIRFilterTimeBased
16   | FNotifyBufferFinishedHooks
424  | FWaveInstance
12   | FDecodeResult
176  | FListener
16   | FAudioClassInfo
64   | FSoundMixState
88   | FSoundMixClassOverride
40   | FActivatedReverb
80   | FAttenuationListenerData
16   | FAttenuationFocusData
32   | FGlobalFocusSettings
48   | FAudioStats
24   | FWaveRequest
32   | FLoadedAudioChunk
104  | FStreamingWaveData
24   | FASyncAudioChunkLoadResult
288  | FAudioStreamingManager
1    | FAudioThreadSuspendContext
12   | FRiffWaveHeader
8    | FChunkHeader
52   | FFormatChunk
12   | FFactChunk
24   | FSampleLoop
84   | FSampleChunk
196  | FWaveFormatInfo
48   | FSimpleElementVertex
40   | FBatchedPoint
24   | FBlendableEntry
12   | FVirtualBoneCompactPoseData
24   | FCurveEvaluationOption
48   | FOrientAndScaleRetargetingCachedData
32   | FRetargetSourceCachedData
296  | FBoneContainer
24   | FBoneReference
64   | FBoneTransform
1    | FCompareBoneTransformIndex
4    | FCompactPoseBoneIndexIterator
4    | FCompactPoseBoneIndexReverseIterator
40   | FTextSizingParameters
24   | FWrappedStringElement
40   | FPerformanceTrackingSystem
296  | FDumpFPSChartToEndpoint
136  | FCollisionQueryParams
136  | FComponentQueryParams
32   | FCollisionResponseParams
8    | FCollisionQueryFlag
8    | FCollisionObjectQueryParams
16   | FMultiComponentReregisterPair
116  | FStaticMeshBuildVertex
200  | FStaticMeshDataType
20   | FMeshUVChannelInfo
40   | FStreamingViewInfo
64   | FStreamingManagerCollection
4    | FOutcode
288  | FConvexVolume
24   | FCustomPhysXSyncActors
16   | FCustomPhysXPayload
32   | FDDSPixelFormatHeader
124  | FDDSFileHeader
16   | FSphere
80   | FDebugDrawDelegateHelper
40   | FDistributionLookupTable
40   | FRawDistribution
56   | FDVRStreamingStatus
88   | FDynamicMeshVertex
16   | FDynamicMeshDrawOffset
7    | FDynamicMeshBuilderSettings
32   | FNodeTextCache
128  | FNodeTitleTextTable
160  | FNodeTextTable
1    | FEditorSupportDelegates
24   | FSubLevelStatus
24   | FContentComparisonAssetInfo
1    | FCustomThunkTemplates
112  | FNode
72   | FGeometryCacheVertexFactoryUserData
24   | FUtilEdge3D
16   | FUtilEdge2D
24   | FUtilVertex2D
16   | FUtilPoly2D
80   | FUtilPoly2DSet
72   | FUtilTri2D
116  | FClipSMVertex
800  | FClipSMFace
1152 | FClipSMTriangle
816  | FClipSMPolygon
24   | FClothSimulEntry
16   | FGPUSkinBatchElementUserData
16   | FVertexBufferAndSRV
104  | FEdGraphEditAction
1    | FHardwareInfo
144  | FHighResScreenshotConfig
48   | FAmbisonicsEncoderInputData
8    | FAmbisonicsEncoderOutputData
16   | FAmbisonicsDecoderInputData
32   | FAmbisonicsDecoderPositionalData
8    | FAmbisonicsDecoderOutputData
112  | FSpatializationParams
24   | FAudioPluginInitializationParams
64   | FAudioPluginSourceInputData
16   | FAudioPluginSourceOutputData
28   | FCreateTexture2DParameters
40   | FInGameCycleHistory
16   | FInstancedPropertyPath
24   | FInstancedSubObjRef
40   | FInterpEdInputData
32   | FkHitResult
48   | FVector3SOA
64   | FVector4SOA
224  | FTriangleSOA
96   | FFourBox
208  | FKeyState
120  | FLatentResponse
52   | FLightSample
8    | FLegacyQuantizedDirectionalLightSample
4    | FLegacyQuantizedSimpleLightSample
8    | FQuantizedDirectionalLightSample
8    | FQuantizedSimpleLightSample
56   | FSelectedLightmapSample
22   | FLightMapCoefficients
176  | FQuantizedLightmapData
56   | FExpressionInput
32   | FExpressionOutput
64   | FMaterialAttributesInput
16   | FMaterialShaderPermutationParameters
24   | FMaterialRenderContext
56   | FUniformExpressionCache
96   | FMeshBatchElement
160  | FMeshBatch
12   | FOverlappingThresholds
24   | FMeshMaterialShaderPermutationParameters
64   | FBspNode
8    | FZoneSet
32   | FZoneProperties
4    | FLeaf
80   | FBspSurf
64   | FModelVertex
36   | FDepecatedModelVertex
304  | FNodeGroup
280  | FControlChannelOutBunch
16   | FReplicatedActorProperty
32   | FRepSerializedPropertyInfo
32   | FRepSerializationSharedInfo
1    | FNetworkReplayDelegates
24   | FVoiceSettings
16   | FLODBurstFired
1104 | FParticleEmitterBuildInfo
480  | FParticleEmitterInstance
12   | FScopeCycleCounterEmitter
12   | FScopeCycleCounterEmitter
480  | FParticleSpriteEmitterInstance
512  | FParticleMeshEmitterInstance
800  | FParticleBeam2EmitterInstance
576  | FParticleTrailsEmitterInstance_Base
896  | FParticleRibbonEmitterInstance
656  | FParticleAnimTrailEmitterInstance
128  | FBaseParticle
64   | FParticleSpriteVertex
72   | FParticleSpriteVertexNonInstanced
16   | FParticleVertexDynamicParameter
80   | FParticleBeamTrailVertex
16   | FParticleBeamTrailVertexDynamicParameter
96   | FMeshParticleInstanceVertex
16   | FMeshParticleInstanceVertexDynamicParameter
48   | FMeshParticleInstanceVertexPrevTransform
8    | FFullSubUVPayload
20   | FAttractorParticlePayload
40   | FLightParticlePayload
96   | FBeam2TypeDataPayload
4    | FBeamParticleSourceTargetPayloadData
4    | FBeamParticleSourceBranchPayloadData
32   | FBeamParticleModifierPayloadData
40   | FTrailsBaseTypeDataPayload
68   | FRibbonTypeDataPayload
72   | FAnimTrailTypeDataPayload
72   | FMeshRotationPayloadData
56   | FMeshMotionBlurPayloadData
4    | FLocationEmitterInstancePayload
4    | FModuleLocationBoneSocketParticlePayload
72   | FModuleLocationVertSurfaceInstancePayload
4    | FModuleLocationVertSurfaceParticlePayload
72   | FOrbitChainModuleInstancePayload
4    | FParticleSpawnPerUnitInstancePayload
32   | FParticleCollisionPayload
4    | FParticleCollisionInstancePayload
20   | FParticleEventInstancePayload
16   | FEmitterDynamicParameterPayload
8    | FCameraOffsetParticlePayload
8    | FParticleRandomSeedInstancePayload
8    | FParticleOrder
192  | FAsyncBufferFillData
32   | FParticleDataContainer
20   | FMacroUVOverride
96   | FDynamicEmitterReplayDataBase
32   | FDynamicEmitterDataBase
208  | FDynamicSpriteEmitterReplayDataBase
56   | FDynamicSpriteEmitterDataBase
208  | FDynamicSpriteEmitterReplayData
432  | FDynamicSpriteEmitterData
256  | FDynamicMeshEmitterReplayData
392  | FDynamicMeshEmitterData
352  | FDynamicBeam2EmitterReplayData
416  | FDynamicBeam2EmitterData
240  | FDynamicTrailsEmitterReplayData
248  | FDynamicRibbonEmitterReplayData
88   | FDynamicTrailsEmitterData
344  | FDynamicRibbonEmitterData
328  | FDynamicAnimTrailEmitterData
1    | FParticleMemoryStatManager
1    | FParticleSystemCustomVersion
1    | FEnginePerformanceTargets
88   | FPerPlatformInt
88   | FPerPlatformFloat
360  | FMaterial
1    | FGenericPhysicsInterface
360  | FMaterial
12   | FPhysicsFilterBuilder
72   | FBodySetupShapeIterator
16   | FPhysicsActorHandle_PhysX
8    | FPhysicsConstraintHandle_PhysX
8    | FPhysicsAggregateHandle_PhysX
8    | FPhysicsShapeHandle_PhysX
16   | FPhysicsGeometryCollection_PhysX
8    | FPhysicsMaterialHandle_PhysX
1    | FPhysicsCommand_PhysX
1    | FPhysicsInterface_PhysX
16   | FCollisionFilterData
48   | FBodyCollisionFilterData
3    | FBodyCollisionFlags
52   | FBodyCollisionData
80   | FActorCreationParams
192  | FGeometryAddParams
48   | FPhysXShapeAdaptor
24   | FConstraintBrokenDelegateData
16   | FSimulationScratchBuffer
32   | FRigidBodyCollisionInfo
112  | FCollisionNotifyInfo
8    | FPhysSceneShaderInfo
16   | FKCachedPerTriData
144  | FReplicatedPhysicsTarget
248  | FPhysXCookHelper
8    | FContactModifyCallback
16   | FPhysxUserData
1    | FLightVolumeOctreeSemantics
8    | FPrimitiveViewRelevance
16   | FEvent
32   | FMeshBoneInfo
12   | FVirtualBoneRefData
16   | FReferenceSkeletonModifier
264  | FReferenceSkeleton
24   | FMultiSizeIndexContainerData
12   | FPositionVertex
8    | FIndexLengthPair
128  | FSoftSkinVertex
192  | FSkelMeshSection
264  | FSkelMeshRenderSection
44   | FTemporalLODState
96   | FLightParameters
24   | FMeshBatchAndRelevance
160  | FMotionBlurInfo
2    | FLODMask
20   | FReadOnlyCVARCache
8    | FDrawEventRHIExecute
176  | FSceneViewProjectionData
28   | FMonoscopicFarFieldParameters
512  | FSceneViewInitOptions
944  | FViewMatrices
12   | FDisplayInternalsData
4    | FSceneViewScreenPercentageConfig
16   | FScreenVertex
24   | FShaderMapCompileResults
112  | FShaderMapFinalizeResults
12   | FSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample
3    | FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample
20   | FEngineShowFlags
24   | FSingleAnimationPlayData
24   | FRefPoseOverride
16   | FSkelMeshMergeSectionMapping
16   | FSkelMeshMergeUVTransforms
72   | FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings
1    | FSkeletalMeshCustomVersion
1    | FRecomputeTangentCustomVersion
1    | FOverlappingVerticesCustomVersion
64   | FMeshToMeshVertData
20   | FClothingSectionData
28   | FFinalSkinVertex
24   | FSlateAtlasData
112  | FStaticLightingVertex
40   | FStaticLightingPrimitiveInfo
88   | FStaticMeshSection
64   | FStaticMeshSectionAreaWeightedTriangleSampler
56   | FStaticMeshAreaWeightedSectionSampler
408  | FStaticMeshVertexBuffers
1096 | FStaticMeshLODResources
2192 | FStaticMeshVertexFactories
56   | FSectionInfo
40   | FStaticSwitchParameter
44   | FStaticComponentMaskParameter
48   | FStaticTerrainLayerWeightParameter
160  | FStaticMaterialLayersParameter
64   | FStaticParameterSet
56   | FQueueSubtitleParams
1    | FSystemSettingsData
152  | FTexture2DMipMap
144  | FTimerUnifiedDelegate
176  | FTimerData
1    | FScreenshotRequest
152  | FStatUnitData
48   | FStatHitchesData
64   | FTickStats
248  | FDetailedTickStats
32   | FScopedDetailTickStats
56   | FCachedSystemScalabilityCVars
16   | FSystemResolution
40   | FVisualLogEventBase
152  | FVisualLogEvent
64   | FVisualLogLine
56   | FVisualLogStatusCategory
128  | FVisualLogShapeElement
52   | FVisualLogHistogramSample
56   | FVisualLogDataBlock
120  | FVisualLogEntry
16   | FVisualLoggerCategoryVerbosityPair
1    | FVisualLoggerHelpers
48   | FWeightedRandomSampler
8    | FTraceHandle
16   | FCollisionShape
192  | FCollisionParameters
216  | FBaseTraceDatum
280  | FTraceDatum
288  | FOverlapDatum
1    | FEngineServicePing
80   | FEngineServicePong
32   | FEngineServiceAuthDeny
32   | FEngineServiceAuthGrant
32   | FEngineServiceExecuteCommand
16   | FEngineServiceTerminate
24   | FEngineServiceNotification
64   | FMatrix
16   | FQuat
48   | FTransform
40   | FEyeTrackerGazeData
64   | FEyeTrackerStereoGazeData
64   | FFoliageInstanceBaseInfo
248  | FFoliageInstanceBaseCache
12   | FFoliageVertexColorChannelMask
32   | FFoliageTypeObject
56   | FFoliageInstancePlacementInfo
80   | FFoliageInstance_Deprecated
88   | FFoliageInstance
40   | FFoliageMeshInfo_Deprecated
208  | FFoliageMeshInfo
88   | FFoliageInstanceHash
96   | FDesiredFoliageInstance
144  | FPotentialInstance
20   | FTileLayout
24   | FProceduralFoliageOverlap
96   | FProceduralFoliageInstance
30760| FFriendsAndChatStyle
976  | FFriendsChatChromeStyle
7056 | FFriendsChatStyle
5392 | FFriendsComboStyle
784  | FFriendsFontStyle
12184| FFriendsListStyle
1808 | FFriendsMarkupStyle
936  | FGameMenuStyle
36   | FSpectatorScreenModeTexturePlusEyeLayout
16   | FXRDeviceId
24   | FMotionControllerSource
28   | FXRSensorProperties
40   | FImage
14   | FBitmapFileHeader
40   | FBitmapInfoHeader
1    | FGenericPlatformInput
1    | FWindowsPlatformInput
8    | FJsonSerializerBase
8    | FJsonSerializable
32   | FJsonObjectWrapper
80   | FLandscapeDataInterface
136  | FLandscapeComponentDataInterface
32   | FLandscapeTextureDataInfo
88   | FLandscapeTextureDataInterface
120  | FLandscapeEditDataInterface
40   | FLandscapeBatchElementParams
16   | FLandscapeVertex
12   | FLandscapeMobileVertex
24   | FBoundActorProxy
64   | FLevelSequenceBindingReference
16   | FLevelSequenceBindingReferenceArray
160  | FLevelSequenceBindingReferences
32   | FLevelSequenceLegacyObjectReference
80   | FLevelSequenceObjectReferenceMap
56   | FLevelSequenceObject
12   | FLevelSequenceSnapshotSettings
88   | FLevelSequencePlayerSnapshot
24   | FLiveLinkSourceHandle
32   | FLiveLinkRefSkeleton
8    | FLiveLinkInterpolationSettings
12   | FLiveLinkSubjectName
16   | FLiveLinkCurveElement
16   | FLiveLinkWorldTime
16   | FLiveLinkTimeCode_Base_DEPRECATED
96   | FLiveLinkMetaData
144  | FLiveLinkFrameData
8    | FOptionalCurveElement
24   | FLiveLinkCurveIntegrationData
16   | FLiveLinkCurveKey
192  | FLiveLinkSubjectFrame
48   | FLiveLinkSubjectDataMessage
152  | FLiveLinkSubjectFrameMessage
16   | FLiveLinkPingMessage
48   | FLiveLinkPongMessage
1    | FLiveLinkConnectMessage
1    | FLiveLinkHeartbeatMessage
12   | FLiveLinkClearSubject
64   | FMediaCaptureDeviceInfo
32   | FMediaAudioTrackFormat
48   | FMediaVideoTrackFormat
40   | FMediaCaptureDevice
1    | FMediaPlayerQueueDepths
32   | FMeshVertex
24   | FMeshVertexInstance
24   | FMeshEdge
16   | FMeshPolygonContour
12   | FMeshTriangle
56   | FMeshPolygon
16   | FMeshPolygonGroup
280  | FElementIDRemappings
4    | FElementID
4    | FVertexID
4    | FVertexInstanceID
4    | FEdgeID
4    | FPolygonGroupID
4    | FPolygonID
16   | FMessageAddress
48   | FMessageTracerBreakpoint
56   | FMessageTracerDispatchState
32   | FMessageTracerAddressInfo
136  | FMessageTracerEndpointInfo
48   | FMessageTracerInterceptorInfo
152  | FMessageTracerMessageInfo
32   | FMessageTracerTypeInfo
64   | FMessageEndpointBuilder
16   | FMessageRpcCancel
40   | FMessageRpcProgress
16   | FMessageRpcUnhandled
16   | FRpcMessage
48   | FLoadingScreenAttributes
144  | FMovieSceneBoolChannel
152  | FMovieSceneByteChannel
8    | FMovieSceneChannel
96   | FMovieSceneKeyHandleMap
16   | FMovieSceneChannelData
88   | FMovieSceneChannelMetaData
1    | FCommonChannelData
120  | FMovieSceneChannelEditorDataEntry
120  | FMovieSceneChannelEditorDataEntry
32   | FMovieSceneChannelHandle
152  | FMovieSceneChannelEntry
168  | FMovieSceneChannelProxyData
24   | FKeyDataOptimizationParams
20   | FMovieSceneTangentData
28   | FMovieSceneFloatValue
160  | FMovieSceneFloatChannel
144  | FMovieSceneIntegerChannel
160  | FCompiledGroupResult
8    | FDefaultTrackRowSegmentBlender
16   | FEvaluateNearestSegmentBlender
16   | FMovieSceneAdditiveCameraTrackBlender
16   | FMovieSceneSectionData
8    | FMovieSceneTrackRowSegmentBlender
16   | FMovieSceneTrackSegmentBlender
16   | FMovieSceneSegmentCompilerRules
8    | FMovieSceneInterrogationKey
32   | FMovieSceneInterrogationData
16   | FMovieSceneAccumulatedBlendState
176  | FMovieSceneBlendingAccumulator
8    | FMovieSceneBlendingActuatorID
2    | FOptionalMovieSceneBlendType
1    | FMovieSceneBlendTypeField
2    | FMovieSceneBlendTypeFieldIterator
24   | FMovieSceneRemoveInitialValueTokenProducer
24   | FMovieSceneRemoveInitialGlobalValueTokenProducer
8    | FMovieSceneAnimTypeID
32   | FMovieSceneEvalTemplate
56   | FMovieSceneEvalTemplatePtr
1    | FMovieSceneEmptyStruct
16   | FMovieSceneEvalTemplateBase
8    | FMovieSceneEvaluationFieldTrackPtr
12   | FMovieSceneEvaluationFieldSegmentPtr
12   | FMovieSceneEvaluationGroupLUTIndex
32   | FMovieSceneEvaluationGroup
16   | FMovieSceneOrderedEvaluationKey
112  | FMovieSceneEvaluationMetaData
64   | FMovieSceneEvaluationField
12   | FMovieSceneEvaluationKey
20   | FMovieSceneEvaluationOperand
16   | FMovieSceneEvaluationScope
176  | FMovieSceneObjectCache
240  | FMovieSceneEvaluationState
168  | FMovieSceneTemplateGenerationLedger
96   | FMovieSceneTrackFieldData
28   | FMovieSceneSubSectionData
96   | FMovieSceneSubSectionFieldData
4    | FMovieSceneEvaluationTemplateSerialNumber
768  | FMovieSceneEvaluationTemplate
24   | FMovieSceneEvaluationTemplateInstance
112  | FMovieSceneEvaluationTemplateInstanceContainer
792  | FMovieSceneRootEvaluationTemplateInstance
96   | FSectionEvaluationDataTree
32   | FMovieSceneEvaluationTrackSegments
248  | FMovieSceneEvaluationTrack
1    | FScopedOverrideTrackSegmentBlender
4    | FEvaluationTreeEntryHandle
8    | FMovieSceneEvaluationTreeNodeHandle
32   | FMovieSceneEvaluationTreeNode
64   | FMovieSceneEvaluationTree
32   | FMovieSceneEvaluationTreeRangeIterator
376  | FMovieSceneExecutionTokens
40   | FMovieSceneEvaluationRange
68   | FMovieSceneContext
84   | FMovieScenePlaybackPosition
24   | FMovieSceneEntityAndAnimTypeID
1    | FNull
56   | FMovieScenePropertySectionData
88   | FMovieScenePropertySectionTemplate
48   | FMovieSceneRootOverridePath
24   | FMovieSceneSectionParameters
4    | FMovieSceneSegmentIdentifier
12   | FSectionEvaluationData
88   | FMovieSceneSegment
232  | FMovieSceneSubSequenceData
24   | FMovieSceneSequenceHierarchyNode
160  | FMovieSceneSequenceHierarchy
8    | FMovieSceneSequenceInstanceData
24   | FMovieSceneSequenceInstanceDataPtr
8    | FMovieSceneSequencePrecompiledTemplateStore
88   | FMovieSceneSequenceTemporaryTemplateStore
12   | FMovieSceneSequenceTransform
4    | FMovieSceneTrackIdentifier
16   | FMovieSceneTrackImplementation
56   | FMovieSceneTrackImplementationPtr
4    | FMovieSceneSharedDataId
24   | FSharedPersistentDataKey
48   | FPersistentEvaluationData
2    | FMovieSceneEvaluationGroupParameters
24   | FNewSpawnable
1    | FMovieSceneExpansionState
24   | FMovieSceneTimecodeSource
144  | FMovieSceneEditorData
16   | FMovieSceneTrackLabels
56   | FMovieSceneBinding
36   | FMovieSceneBindingOverrideData
24   | FMovieSceneClipboardEnvironment
16   | FStatelessPreAnimatedTokenProducer
32   | FMovieSceneFrameRange
8    | FMovieSceneKeyStruct
40   | FMovieSceneKeyTimeStruct
24   | FMovieSceneKeyStructHelper
72   | FMovieSceneChannelValueHelper
24   | FMovieSceneObjectBindingID
72   | FMovieScenePossessable
2    | FMovieSceneSectionEvalOptions
72   | FMovieSceneEasingSettings
4    | FMovieSceneSequenceID
64   | FMovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettings
160  | FMovieSceneSpawnable
24   | FMovieSceneSpawnableAnnotation
32   | FMovieSceneTimeController
72   | FMovieSceneTimeController_ExternalClock
72   | FMovieSceneTimeController_PlatformClock
72   | FMovieSceneTimeController_AudioClock
40   | FMovieSceneTimeController_Tick
40   | FMovieSceneTrackCompilerArgs
4    | FMovieSceneTrackEvalOptions
24   | FSubSequenceInstanceDataParams
56   | FViewportSurfaceReader
40   | FCapturedFrameData
16   | FFrameMetrics
32   | FCaptureProtocolInitSettings
16   | FCachedMetrics
16   | FFixedTimeStepCaptureStrategy
24   | FRealTimeCaptureStrategy
4    | FMovieSceneCaptureHandle
12   | FCaptureProtocolID
144  | FMovieSceneCaptureProtocolInfo
8    | FCaptureResolution
80   | FMovieSceneCaptureSettings
16   | FCompositionGraphCapturePasses
56   | FCompositionGraphCaptureProtocol
16   | FFrameGrabberProtocol
120  | FImageCaptureThread
112  | FImageSequenceProtocol
72   | FVideoCaptureProtocol
1616 | FMovieScene3DTransformTemplateData
1648 | FMovieSceneComponentTransformSectionTemplate
184  | FEvaluatedParameterSectionValues
80   | FMovieSceneParameterSectionTemplate
1    | FDefaultMaterialAccessor
88   | FMovieSceneComponentMaterialSectionTemplate
176  | FMovieSceneSpawnSectionTemplate
36   | FTransformData
48   | FMovieScene3DLocationKeyStruct
48   | FMovieScene3DRotationKeyStruct
48   | FMovieScene3DScaleKeyStruct
72   | FMovieScene3DTransformKeyStruct
4    | FMovieSceneTransformMask
24   | FMovieSceneActorReferenceKey
160  | FMovieSceneActorReferenceData
32   | FMovieSceneCameraAnimSectionData
32   | FMovieSceneCameraShakeSectionData
56   | FMovieSceneColorKeyStruct
48   | FMovieSceneEventParameters
64   | FEventPayload
152  | FMovieSceneEventSectionData
16   | FScalarParameterNameAndValue
24   | FVectorParameterNameAndValue
28   | FColorParameterNameAndValue
176  | FScalarParameterNameAndCurve
496  | FVectorParameterNameAndCurves
656  | FColorParameterNameAndCurves
152  | FMovieSceneParticleChannel
208  | FMovieSceneSkeletalAnimationParams
160  | FMovieSceneStringChannel
40   | FMovieSceneVectorKeyStructBase
48   | FMovieSceneVector2DKeyStruct
56   | FMovieSceneVectorKeyStruct
64   | FMovieSceneVector4KeyStruct
56   | FTrajectoryKey
1    | FMRMeshConfiguration
248  | FAbstractNavigationPath
20   | FNavCollisionCylinder
24   | FNavCollisionBox
24   | FNavigationFilterArea
4    | FNavigationFilterFlags
24   | FNavGraphEdge
24   | FNavGraphNode
32   | FSupportedAreaData
24   | FNavPathRecalculationRequest
24   | FPathFindingResult
192  | FAsyncPathFindingQuery
48   | FNavigationOctreeElement
1    | FNavigationOctreeSemantics
8    | FNavigationSystemExec
56   | FPathFindingQueryData
136  | FPathFindingQuery
1    | FMoveRequestCustomData
20   | FNavigationInvokerRaw
16   | FNavigationInvoker
16   | FNavTestTickHelper
4    | FNavMeshNodeFlags
320  | FNavMeshPath
72   | FNodeDebugData
136  | FRecastDebugPathfindingNode
88   | FRecastDebugPathfindingData
2184 | FRecastDebugGeometry
24   | FNavPoly
56   | FNavMeshTileData
352  | FRecastNavMeshCachedData
64   | FRecastTileData
136  | FRecastBuildConfig
16   | FRecastVoxelCache
48   | FRecastGeometryCache
48   | FRecastRawGeometryElement
32   | FRecastAreaNavModifierElement
16   | FRecastTileGeneratorWrapper
32   | FPendingTileElement
24   | FRunningTileElement
16   | FTileTimestamp
32   | FRecastSpeciaLinkFilter
80   | FShaderRecompileData
88   | FNetworkFileDelegateContainer
4    | FIPv4Address
8    | FIPv4Endpoint
8    | FIPv4Subnet
4    | FIPv4SubnetMask
144  | FInMemoryReplay
24   | FLocalFileChunkInfo
32   | FLocalFileReplayDataInfo
80   | FLocalFileEventInfo
120  | FLocalFileReplayInfo
72   | FNetworkReplayStreamInfo
16   | FStreamingResultBase
24   | FStartStreamingResult
24   | FGotoResult
16   | FDeleteFinishedStreamResult
48   | FEnumerateStreamsResult
40   | FEnumerateEventsResult
32   | FRequestEventDataResult
16   | FDownloadHeaderResult
48   | FSearchEventsResult
40   | FKeepReplayResult
16   | FRenameReplayResult
400  | FBuildInstallStats
48   | FIcmpEchoResult
4    | FSslContextCreateOptions
40   | FOverlayItem
48   | FPakInfo
16   | FPakCompressedBlock
72   | FPakEntry
32   | FPortalApplicationWindowNavigateToRequest
20   | FPortalApplicationWindowNavigateToResponse
64   | FPortalPackageInstallerInstallRequest
20   | FPortalPackageInstallerInstallResponse
72   | FPortalPackageInstallerUninstallRequest
20   | FPortalPackageInstallerUninstallResponse
16   | FPortalUserLoginPromptUserForSignInRequest
20   | FPortalUserLoginPromptUserForSignInResponse
16   | FPortalUserGetUserDetailsRequest
96   | FPortalUserGetUserDetailsResponse
40   | FPortalUserIsEntitledToItemRequest
40   | FPortalUserIsEntitledToItemResponse
80   | FPortalUserDetails
24   | FPortalUserIsEntitledToItemResult
80   | FCustomBuildSteps
440  | FPluginStatus
24   | FLocalizationTargetDescriptor
136  | FModuleDescriptor
40   | FModuleContextInfo
400  | FPluginDescriptor
416  | FPluginManifestEntry
16   | FPluginManifest
168  | FPluginReferenceDescriptor
296  | FProjectDescriptor
32   | FPropertyPathSegment
48   | FCachedPropertyPath
4    | FPackedNormal
4    | FPackedRGB10A2N
8    | FPackedRGBA16N
20   | FInputLatencyTimer
80   | FPooledRenderTargetDesc
80   | FSceneRenderTargetItem
16   | FQueryVisualizeTexureInfo
32   | FFilterVertex
8    | FMipFadeSettings
20   | FMipBiasFade
40   | FPixelFormatInfo
4    | FPackedPosition
24   | FResourceTableEntry
1    | FDecalRenderingCommon
56   | FDrawingPolicyRenderState
8    | FMeshDrawingPolicyOverrideSettings
64   | FLightPropagationVolumeSettings
252  | FPostProcessPassParameters
4    | FPrimitiveFlagsCompact
1    | FPrimitiveOctreeSemantics
24   | FVolumeBounds
136  | FUpdateTexture3DData
24   | FRHIFlipDetails
24   | FGPUProfilerEventNodeFrame
16   | FGPUTimingCalibrationTimestamp
1    | FGPUTiming
48   | FGPUProfiler
4    | FRHIGPUMask
12   | FPipelineFileCacheRasterizerState
40   | FPipelineStateStats
456  | FPipelineCacheFileFormatPSO
64   | FPipelineCacheFileFormatPSORead
88   | FPipelineCachePSOHeader
8    | FVertexElement
24   | FStreamOutElement
28   | FSamplerStateInitializerRHI
16   | FRasterizerStateInitializerRHI
14   | FDepthStencilStateInitializerRHI
16   | FRenderTarget
12   | FScreenResolutionRHI
24   | FViewportBounds
8    | FVRamAllocation
8    | FRHIResourceInfo
20   | FClearValueBinding
48   | FRHIResourceCreateInfo
16   | FResolveRect
48   | FResolveParams
28   | FRHICopyTextureInfo
24   | FUpdateTextureRegion2D
36   | FUpdateTextureRegion3D
12   | FRHIDispatchIndirectParameters
16   | FRHIDrawIndirectParameters
20   | FRHIDrawIndexedIndirectParameters
64   | FTextureMemoryStats
536  | FLockTracker
1    | FRHICommandListDebugContext
16   | FRHICommandBase
8    | FLocalCmdListParallelRenderPass
8    | FLocalCmdListRenderSubPass
16   | FComputedGraphicsPipelineState
336  | FLocalGraphicsPipelineStateWorkArea
16   | FLocalGraphicsPipelineState
16   | FComputedUniformBuffer
40   | FLocalUniformBufferWorkArea
16   | FLocalUniformBuffer
16   | FScopedGPUMask
16   | FScopedCommandListWaitForTasks
1    | FRHIResourceTableEntry
56   | FRHIUniformBufferLayout
48   | FBoundShaderStateInput
128  | FImmutableSamplerState
352  | FRHIRenderPassInfo
32   | FRWBuffer
24   | FReadBuffer
32   | FRWBufferStructured
24   | FByteAddressBuffer
32   | FRWByteAddressBuffer
40   | FDynamicReadBuffer
808  | FRHILockTracker
16   | FVoidPtrParam
48   | FStructSerializerState
112  | FStructDeserializerPolicies
112  | FStructSerializerPolicies
16   | FSessionServicePing
152  | FSessionServicePong
64   | FSessionServiceLog
1    | FSessionServiceLogSubscribe
1    | FSessionServiceLogUnsubscribe
88   | FSessionLogMessage
8    | FGlobalShaderPermutationParameters
32   | FGlobalShaderBackupData
1    | FShaderCacheCustomVersion
32   | FShaderTextureKey
48   | FShaderResourceKey
44   | FShaderRenderTargetKey
32   | FShaderCacheKey
12   | FShaderCacheRasterizerState
164  | FShaderPipelineKey
200  | FShaderCacheGraphicsPipelineState
3560 | FShaderDrawKey
240  | FShaderCodeCache
300  | FShaderCacheBoundState
80   | FShaderStreamingCache
12   | FShaderPreDrawEntry
936  | FShaderPlatformCache
24   | FShaderResourceViewBinding
24   | FShaderTextureBinding
104  | FShaderCodeLibraryPipeline
16   | FCompactFullName
152  | FStableShaderKeyAndValue
1    | FShaderCodeLibrary
4    | FShaderTarget
72   | FBaseShaderResourceTable
88   | FShaderCompilerResourceTable
24   | FExtraShaderCompilerSettings
592  | FShaderCompilerEnvironment
760  | FShaderCompilerInput
48   | FShaderCompilerError
5    | FShaderCodePackedResourceCounts
208  | FShaderCompilerOutput
16   | FCachedUniformBufferDeclaration
1    | FShaderPermutationBool
32   | FGlobalBoundShaderStateArgs
40   | FGlobalBoundShaderStateWorkArea
32   | FGlobalBoundShaderState
16   | FVertexStreamComponent
4    | FPopupTransitionEffect
16   | FAnalogNavigationState
80   | FUserNavigationState
40   | FInputChord
72   | FUIAction
1    | FLayoutSaveRestore
16   | FTabId
248  | FTabSpawnerEntry
4    | FOverscroll
16   | FMarqueeRect
12   | FMultiBoxCustomization
96   | FRunInfo
2    | FShapedTextContext
24   | FRunTextContext
32   | FLayoutBlockTextContext
112  | FTextRunParseResults
24   | FTextLineParseResults
120  | FTextRunInfo
120  | FCachedShapedTextKey
8    | FTextLocation
32   | FTextLineHighlight
8    | FTextRange
32   | FTextRunRenderer
160  | FSlateMaterialBrush
1    | FVirtualKeyboardOptions
16   | FAnchors
72   | FNotificationButtonInfo
248  | FNotificationInfo
2    | FSparseItemInfo
40   | FItemInfo
16   | FCurveHandle
160  | FSlateBorderBrush
160  | FSlateBoxBrush
160  | FSlateColorBrush
184  | FSlateDynamicImageBrush
160  | FSlateImageBrush
160  | FSlateNoResource
16   | FFontFaceData
56   | FFontData
72   | FTypefaceEntry
16   | FTypeface
24   | FCompositeFallbackFont
72   | FCompositeSubFont
64   | FCompositeFont
80   | FStandaloneCompositeFont
14   | FShapedGlyphFontAtlasData
104  | FShapedGlyphEntry
40   | FShapedGlyphEntryKey
40   | FCharacterEntry
144  | FSlateFontKey
14   | FCharacterMeasureInfo
48   | FCharacterRenderData
32   | FFontOutlineSettings
104  | FSlateFontInfo
48   | FUnicodeBlockRange
8    | FFocusEvent
8    | FCaptureLostEvent
16   | FVirtualPointerPosition
24   | FInputEvent
64   | FKeyEvent
72   | FAnalogInputEvent
32   | FCharacterEvent
120  | FPointerEvent
72   | FMotionEvent
32   | FNavigationEvent
136  | FCachedWidget
88   | FWidgetAndPointer
56   | FGeometry
16   | FMargin
56   | FPaintGeometry
24   | FSlateRotatedRect
16   | FWidgetMatcher
24   | FSlateGradientStop
32   | FShaderParams
40   | FSlateVertex
8    | FShortRect
24   | FNewTextureInfo
1    | FCompareFNewTextureInfoByTextureSize
32   | FRenderThreadUpdateContext
16   | FMappedTextureBuffer
32   | FSlateSound
48   | FSlateStatHierarchyEntry
160  | FSlateBrush
40   | FSlateColor
1688 | FCheckBoxStyle
552  | FTextBlockStyle
768  | FButtonStyle
1112 | FComboButtonStyle
1208 | FComboBoxStyle
1344 | FHyperlinkStyle
632  | FEditableTextStyle
1448 | FScrollBarStyle
2368 | FEditableTextBoxStyle
2928 | FInlineEditableTextBlockStyle
488  | FProgressBarStyle
336  | FExpandableAreaStyle
3144 | FSearchBoxStyle
656  | FSliderStyle
1464 | FVolumeControlStyle
176  | FInlineTextImageStyle
864  | FSpinBoxStyle
328  | FSplitterStyle
2008 | FTableRowStyle
1448 | FTableColumnHeaderStyle
3432 | FHeaderRowStyle
2120 | FDockTabStyle
648  | FScrollBoxStyle
328  | FScrollBorderStyle
4832 | FWindowStyle
8    | FSlateWidgetStyle
40   | FSlateIcon
32   | FSlateTextureData
4    | FOptionalSize
32   | FSizeParam
32   | FStretch
32   | FAuto
4    | FWindowTransparency
24   | FScopedSwitchWorldHack
24   | FScopedSwitchWorldHack
12   | FNFSMessageHeader
32   | FFileInfo
80   | FServerTOC
56   | FCommonFrameRateInfo
1    | FCommonFrameRates
1352 | FFrameNumberTimeEvaluator
4    | FMovieScene2DTransformMask
44   | FWidgetAnimationBinding
48   | FDynamicPropertyPath
48   | FPaintContext
24   | FNamedSlotBinding
96   | FDelegateRuntimeBinding
44   | FWidgetNavigationData
40   | FAnchorData
560  | FRichTextStyleRow
168  | FRichImageRow
192  | FEventReply
8    | FSlateChildSize
3    | FShapedTextOptions
72   | FUMGViewportCameraTransform
16   | FDesignerChangedEventArgs
60   | FSlateMeshVertex
16   | FSlateVectorArtInstanceData
28   | FWidgetTransform
32   | FMediaElementVertex
72   | FDataSetMeta
2    | FConstantHandlerBase
8    | FDataSetOffsetHandler
4    | FRegisterHandlerBase
80   | FWebBrowserCookie
56   | FBrowserContextSettings
152  | FCreateBrowserWindowSettings
2    | FWebNavigationRequest
16   | FWebBrowserInitSettings
16   | FWebJSParam
32   | FWebJSCallbackBase
32   | FWebJSFunction
32   | FWebJSResponse
1096 | FWidgetCarouselNavigationButtonStyle
2472 | FWidgetCarouselNavigationBarStyle

Sizeof PublicFClasses

These are classes which are prefixed with 'F' and declared in Engine\Source\Runtime\*\Public\*.

8     | FAdvertising
8     | FAnalytics
8     | FAnalyticsET
56    | FHttpServiceTrackerConfig
128   | FHttpServiceTracker
8     | FAnalyticsSwrve
8     | FAnalyticsVisualEditingModule
8     | FQoSReporterModule
1     | FQoSReporter
56    | FColorTheme
160   | FColorDragDrop
2     | FModifierKeysState
8     | FGenericApplicationMessageHandler
24    | FGenericWindow
128   | FTextStoreACP
8     | FTaskbarList
464   | FWindowsApplication
48    | FWindowsConsoleOutputDevice
256   | FWindowsCursor
16    | FWindowsErrorOutputDevice
136   | FWindowsFeedbackContext
40    | FTSFActivationProxy
256   | FWindowsTextInputMethodSystem
176   | FWindowsWindow
24    | FAssetPackageData
16    | FAssetDataTagMapSharedView
24    | FAssetRegistryModule
624   | FAssetRegistryState
32    | FARAsyncTask
48    | FARSaveWorldAsyncTask
32    | FARGetCandidateObjectAsyncTask
32    | FARErrorGetCandidateObjectAsyncTask
48    | FARErrorSaveWorldAsyncTask
88    | FAVIWriter
8     | FClothingActorBase
128   | FClothingSimulationContextBase
16    | FClothingSimulationBase
144   | FClothingSimulationContextNv
448   | FClothingActorNv
56    | FClothingSimulationNv
40    | FClothingSystemRuntimeModule
8     | FClothingSystemRuntimeInterfaceModule
504   | FCookedIterativeNetworkFile
1     | FAsyncGraphTaskBase
1     | FNonAbandonableTask
40    | FAsyncUncompress
112   | FFutureState
24    | FParallelForTask
48    | FAutoConsoleTaskPriority
8     | FTaskGraphInterface
24    | FBaseGraphTask
80    | FGraphEvent
4     | FReturnGraphTask
8     | FCustomStatIDGraphTaskBase
16    | FNullGraphTask
8     | FTriggerEventGraphTask
32    | FSimpleDelegateGraphTask
32    | FDelegateGraphTask
128   | FFunctionGraphTask
24    | FCompletionList
16    | FBitReference
16    | FConstBitReference
8     | FRelativeBitReference
32    | FScriptBitArray
1     | FContainerAllocatorInterface
1     | FHeapAllocator
32    | FHashTable
24    | FLazyPrintf
80    | FScriptMap
8     | FResourceArrayInterface
8     | FResourceBulkDataInterface
8     | FTexture2DResourceMem
16    | FScriptArray
4     | FSetElementId
80    | FScriptSet
56    | FScriptSparseArray
1     | FTCHARToUTF8_Convert
1     | FUTF8ToTCHAR_Convert
80    | FTicker
24    | FTickerObjectBase
1     | FNull
16    | FString
32    | FStringOutputDevice
40    | FStringOutputDeviceCountLines
16    | FDelegateBase
8     | FDelegateHandle
1     | FGenericPlatformAffinity
32    | FGenericPlatformChunkInstall
8     | FGenericPlatformCompression
1     | FSystemWideCriticalSectionNotImplemented
16    | FGenericPlatformNamedPipe
248   | FConsoleManager
16    | FEvent
144   | FFeedbackContextAnsi
8     | FFileManagerGeneric
1208  | FArchiveFileReaderGeneric
4272  | FArchiveFileWriterGeneric
8     | FConsoleVariableSinkHandle
24    | FAutoConsoleVariableSink
16    | FAutoConsoleObject
16    | FAutoConsoleVariable
16    | FAutoConsoleVariableRef
16    | FAutoConsoleCommand
16    | FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld
16    | FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorldAndArgs
16    | FAutoConsoleCommandWithOutputDevice
131160| FCachedFileHandle
16    | FCachedReadPlatformFile
40    | FLoggedFileHandle
136   | FLoggedPlatformFile
40    | FLoggingAsyncReadFileHandle
160   | FPlatformFileOpenLog
144   | FProfiledPlatformFile
56    | FPlatformFileReadStatsHandle
64    | FPlatformFileReadStats
72    | FLLMAllocator
6352  | FLowLevelMemTracker
3     | FLLMScope
8     | FLLMPauseScope
8     | FMallocAnsi
267096| FMallocBinned
2216  | FMallocBinned2
32    | FMallocDebug
16    | FMallocPoisonProxy
40    | FMallocStomp
16    | FMallocTBB
56    | FMallocThreadSafeProxy
1     | FUseSystemMallocForNew
8     | FMalloc
8     | FPlatformFileManager
1     | FScopedNamedEvent
1     | FScopedNamedEvent
8     | FRunnable
72    | FRunnableThread
184   | FThreadHeartBeat
1128  | FGameThreadHitchHeartBeat
120   | FThreadManager
4     | FThreadSafeBool
4     | FThreadSafeCounter
8     | FThreadSafeCounter64
1     | FThreadSingletonInitializer
8     | FTlsAutoCleanup
208   | FCulture
136   | FInternationalization
136   | FArchiveEntry
168   | FInternationalizationArchive
72    | FManifestEntry
168   | FInternationalizationManifest
8     | FLocMetadataValue
80    | FLocMetadataObject
24    | FLocMetadataValueString
16    | FLocMetadataValueBoolean
24    | FLocMetadataValueArray
24    | FLocMetadataValueObject
32    | FTextFormatString
24    | FLocKey
16    | FRegexPattern
16    | FRegexMatcher
48    | FStringTableEntry
376   | FStringTableRegistry
16    | FTextFormat
24    | FText
48    | FFormatArgumentValue
120   | FHistoricTextFormatData
88    | FHistoricTextNumericData
24    | FTextSnapshot
1     | FTextInspector
1     | FTextStringHelper
24    | FTextBuilder
56    | FScopedTextIdentityPreserver
144   | FTextFormatter
352   | FTextLocalizationManager
32    | FTextLocalizationMetaDataResource
80    | FTextLocalizationResource
16    | FTextLocalizationResources
16    | FTextLocalizationResourceId
16    | FLogScopedCategoryAndVerbosityOverride
16    | FLogScopedVerbosityOverride
8     | FLogSuppressionInterface
40    | FMessageLog
64    | FTextToken
80    | FImageToken
72    | FSeverityToken
80    | FURLToken
80    | FAssetNameToken
112   | FDocumentationToken
112   | FActionToken
80    | FTutorialToken
664   | FBasicMathExpressionEvaluator
64    | FClipProjectionMatrix
104   | FColorList
8     | FCurveEdInterface
32    | FDualQuat
2     | FFloat16
8     | FFloat16Color
4     | FFloat32
1     | FFloatInfo_IEEE32
64    | FInverseRotationMatrix
64    | FMirrorMatrix
64    | FOrthoMatrix
64    | FReversedZOrthoMatrix
4     | FFloat3Packed
4     | FFixedRGBASigned8
64    | FPerspectiveMatrix
64    | FReversedZPerspectiveMatrix
64    | FQuatRotationTranslationMatrix
64    | FQuatRotationMatrix
64    | FRotationAboutPointMatrix
64    | FRotationMatrix
64    | FRotationTranslationMatrix
64    | FScaleMatrix
64    | FScaleRotationTranslationMatrix
1     | FSobol
16    | FSphere
8     | FScale2D
8     | FShear2D
8     | FQuat2D
16    | FMatrix2x2
24    | FTransform2D
12    | FScale
64    | FTranslationMatrix
256   | FUnitSettings
1     | FApp
8     | FRecursionScopeMarker
72    | FAutomationTestExecutionInfo
136   | FAutomationTestInfo
144   | FThreadedAutomationLatentCommand
480   | FAutomationTestFramework
120   | FAutomationTestBase
224   | FBDDAutomationTestBase
288   | FAutomationSpecBase
128   | FFunctionLatentCommand
144   | FDelayedFunctionLatentCommand
240   | FUntilCommand
80    | FBufferedOutputDevice
8     | FChange
24    | FCompoundChange
160   | FConfigSection
1     | FCoreDelegates
8     | FSelfRegisteringExec
16    | FStaticSelfRegisteringExec
8     | FContextSupplier
8     | FCodec
8     | FCodecBWT
8     | FCodecRLE
8     | FCodecHuffman
8     | FCodecMTF
24    | FCodecFull
1     | FDefaultValueHelper
1     | FEngineBuildSettings
32    | FEngineVersion
12    | FEngineVersionBase
8     | FExec
24    | FStringToken
24    | FTokenStream
64    | FExpressionNode
88    | FExpressionToken
40    | FExpressionTokenConsumer
24    | FTokenDefinitions
320   | FExpressionGrammar
112   | FFbxErrorToken
128   | FFeedbackContext
1     | FFeedbackContextMarkup
40    | FGrowableMallocBase
80    | FGrowableMallocChunk
224   | FInteractiveProcess
88    | FTransactionObjectEvent
136   | FLocalTimestampDirectoryVisitor
112   | FMapErrorToken
1     | FPageAllocator
40    | FMemStackBase
40    | FMemMark
200   | FMonitoredProcess
4     | FNetworkGUID
24    | FNetworkReplayVersion
1     | FNoopCounter
8     | FThumbnailCompressionInterface
48    | FObjectThumbnail
16    | FOutputDevice
24    | FOutputDeviceAnsiError
24    | FOutputDeviceArchiveWrapper
32    | FOutputDeviceConsole
16    | FOutputDeviceDebug
16    | FOutputDeviceError
2104  | FOutputDeviceFile
224   | FOutputDeviceMemory
16    | FOutputDeviceNull
112   | FOutputDeviceRedirector
1     | FPaths
8     | FQueuedThreadPool
4168  | FRemoteConfigAsyncWorker
32    | FRemoteConfigAsyncCachedWriteTask
136   | FRemoteConfigAsyncTaskManager
104   | FRemoteConfig
8     | FScopedEvent
8     | FScopeLock
16    | FRWScopeLock
8     | FScopeTryLock
88    | FMD5
20    | FSHAHash
200   | FSHA1
56    | FAsyncSHAVerify
184   | FBufferReaderWithSHA
24    | FSingleThreadEvent
8     | FSingleThreadRunnable
96    | FStringFormatter
8     | FStructBuilder
64    | FTextToken
872   | FTextFilterExpressionEvaluator
16    | FTextFilterString
112   | FUProjectDictionary
24    | FVariant
16    | FWildcardString
64    | FBuildVersion
424   | FModuleManager
8     | FDefaultModuleImpl
8     | FDefaultGameModuleImpl
96    | FModuleManifest
48    | FModuleObserver
192   | FABTest
24    | FScopedABTimer
192   | FABTest
1     | FCookStatsManager
1     | FCookStats
160   | FCsvProfiler
16    | FScopedCsvStat
24    | FDiagnosticTableWriterCSV
48    | FDiagnosticTableViewer
16    | FExternalProfiler
1     | FActiveExternalProfilerBase
1     | FScopedExternalProfilerBase
1     | FExternalProfilerIncluder
1     | FExternalProfilerExcluder
24    | FInstanceCountingObject
168   | FLoadTimeTracker
24    | FScopedDebugInfo
16    | FDurationTimer
16    | FScopedDurationTimer
24    | FAutoScopedDurationTimer
48    | FScopedDurationTimeLogger
128   | FArchive
416   | FArchiveFromStructuredArchive
192   | FArchiveLoadCompressedProxy
136   | FArchiveProxy
192   | FArchiveSaveCompressedProxy
128   | FBitArchive
160   | FBufferReaderBase
160   | FBufferReader
160   | FBufferWriter
16    | FCustomVersionContainer
16    | FCustomVersionRegistration
16    | FBinaryArchiveFormatter
24    | FLargeMemoryData
176   | FLargeMemoryReader
176   | FLargeMemoryWriter
136   | FMemoryArchive
152   | FMemoryReader
160   | FMemoryWriter
152   | FStaticMemoryReader
296   | FStructuredArchive
40    | FStructuredArchiveChildReader
8     | FStructuredArchiveFormatter
8     | FAnnotatedStructuredArchiveFormatter
328   | FStructuredArchiveFromArchive
12    | FScopeCycleCounter
12    | FScopeCycleCounter
12    | FScopeCycleCounter
8     | FStatNameAndInfo
88    | FThreadStats
12    | FCycleCounter
24    | FSimpleScopeSecondsStat
56    | FStartupMessages
928   | FStatsThreadState
944   | FStatsLoadedState
8     | FAsyncStatsFile
40    | FStatsMallocProfilerProxy
32    | FSimpleScopeSecondsCounter
16    | FSecondsCounterScope
16    | FRefCountedObject
1     | FEuclidDivisionGCD
1     | FNoncopyable
16    | FDevVersionRegistration
12    | FName
40    | FWindowsCriticalSection
8     | FWindowsSystemWideCriticalSection
8     | FWindowsRWLock
24    | FWindowsEventLogOutputDevice
72    | FWindowsPlatformNamedPipe
240   | FPackageLocalizationCultureCache
184   | FPackageLocalizationCache
112   | FPackageLocalizationManager
200   | FExclusiveLoadPackageTimeTracker
8     | FNotifyHook
1     | FPackageName
200   | FRedirectCollector
88    | FUObjectToken
40    | FWorldTileLayer
20    | FWorldTileLODInfo
144   | FWorldTileInfo
144   | FArchiveCountMem
160   | FArchiveFindCulprit
152   | FArchiveHasReferences
336   | FArchiveObjectCrc32
240   | FArchiveObjectGraph
176   | FArchiveObjectPropertyMapper
128   | FArchiveReferenceMarker
328   | FArchiveReplaceObjectRefBase
136   | FArchiveScriptReferenceCollector
184   | FArchiveShowReferences
1     | FArchiveStackTraceIgnoreScope
360   | FArchiveStackTrace
200   | FArchiveStackTraceReader
248   | FArchiveTraceRoute
128   | FArchiveUObject
424   | FArchiveUObjectFromStructuredArchive
24    | FFormatContainer
152   | FDuplicateDataReader
192   | FDuplicateDataWriter
296   | FFindReferencersArchive
160   | FJsonArchiveInputFormatter
40    | FJsonArchiveOutputFormatter
272   | FTaggedBinaryArchiveInputFormatter
272   | FTaggedBinaryArchiveOutputFormatter
144   | FObjectReader
160   | FObjectWriter
200   | FPropertyLocalizationDataGatherer
16    | FSerializedPropertyScope
1     | FTextReferenceCollector
240   | FTraceReferences
64    | FClassTree
24    | FFieldNetCache
208   | FClassNetCache
88    | FClassNetCacheMgr
12    | FLifetimeProperty
176   | FNetBitWriter
168   | FNetBitReader
24    | FGCArrayPool
1     | FSimpleReferenceProcessorBase
16    | FGCDebugReferenceTokenMap
1     | FGCScopeGuard
8     | FGarbageCollectionTracer
16    | FGCObject
24    | FGCObjectScopeGuard
144   | FLinkerTables
512   | FLinker
2048  | FLinkerLoad
928   | FLinkerSave
1     | FVTableHelper
8     | FRestoreForUObjectOverwrite
4     | FPackageIndex
112   | FPackageReloadedEvent
104   | FReferenceChainSearch
1     | FBlueprintCoreDelegates
16    | FScriptInterface
40    | FStructOnScope
16    | FDefaultConstructedPropertyElement
24    | FScriptArrayHelper
24    | FScriptArrayHelper_InContainer
64    | FScriptMapHelper
64    | FScriptMapHelper_InContainer
48    | FScriptSetHelper
48    | FScriptSetHelper_InContainer
40    | FPropertyValueIterator
32    | FUObjectAllocator
24    | FUObjectAnnotationDenseBool
16    | FFixedUObjectArray
32    | FChunkedFixedUObjectArray
440   | FUObjectArray
40    | FUObjectClusterContainer
8     | FSubobjectPtr
512   | FObjectInitializer
1     | FScriptIntegrationObjectHelper
80    | FScopedObjectFlagMarker
160   | FReferenceCollectorArchive
40    | FVerySlowReferenceCollectorArchiveScope
24    | FReferenceCollector
136   | FReferenceFinder
24    | FRawObjectIterator
40    | FObjectIterator
8     | FDataBaseRecordSet
8     | FDataBaseConnection
216   | FADPCMAudioInfo
64    | FAnimPhysState
448   | FAnimPhysRigidBody
16    | FAnimPhysLimit
48    | FAnimPhysAngularLimit
104   | FAnimPhysLinearLimit
1     | FAnimPhys
6     | FQuatFixed48NoW
4     | FQuatFixed32NoW
12    | FQuatFloat96NoW
6     | FVectorFixed48
4     | FVectorIntervalFixed32NoW
4     | FQuatIntervalFixed32NoW
4     | FQuatFloat32NoW
1     | FAnimationCompression_PerTrackUtils
1     | FAnimationRuntime
96    | FBoneData
1     | FAnimationUtils
48    | FSoundBuffer
128   | FSoundSource
104   | FWaveModInfo
1     | FPlatformCompressionUtilities
16    | FAsyncAudioDecompressWorker
28    | FDynamicParameter
1888  | FAudioDevice
288   | FAudioDeviceManager
64    | FAudioReverbEffect
1     | FAudioRadioEffect
504   | FAudioEffectsManager
40    | FAsyncStreamDerivedChunkWorker
16    | FAudioThread
8     | FAudioCommandFence
56    | FSimpleElementVertexDeclaration
16    | FBatchedElementParameters
560   | FBatchedElements
16    | FBlendableManager
152   | FBufferVisualizationData
56    | FCanvasItem
128   | FCanvasTileItem
184   | FCanvasBorderItem
304   | FCanvasTextItemBase
448   | FCanvasTextItem
320   | FCanvasShapedTextItem
88    | FCanvasLineItem
88    | FCanvasBoxItem
96    | FCanvasTriangleItem
88    | FCanvasNGonItem
8     | FCanvasItemTestbed
32    | FCanvasWordWrapper
272   | FCanvas
8     | FCanvasBaseRenderItem
16    | FCanvasBatchedElementRenderItem
24    | FCanvasTileRendererItem
24    | FCanvasTriangleRendererItem
408   | FPerformanceTrackingChart
120   | FFineGrainedPerformanceTracker
64    | FSeparatingAxisPointCheck
72    | FActorComponentInstanceData
96    | FComponentInstanceDataCache
8     | FComponentRecreateRenderStateContext
16    | FGlobalComponentRecreateRenderStateContext
1     | FComponentReregisterContextBase
16    | FComponentReregisterContext
16    | FMultiComponentReregisterContext
16    | FGlobalComponentReregisterContext
200   | FCubemapTexturePropertiesVS
24    | FMipLevelBatchedElementParameters
208   | FIESLightProfilePS
24    | FIESLightProfileBatchedElementParameters
8     | FDDSLoadHelper
736   | FDebugRenderSceneProxy
40    | FDelayAction
32    | FDebugDisplayInfo
8     | FIndenter
32    | FDistanceFieldVolumeTexture
256   | FDistanceFieldVolumeTextureAtlas
112   | FDistanceFieldVolumeData
64    | FAsyncDistanceFieldTask
96    | FDistanceFieldAsyncQueue
40    | FFloatDistribution
40    | FVectorDistribution
40    | FVector4Distribution
40    | FComposableDistribution
40    | FComposableFloatDistribution
40    | FComposableVectorDistribution
16    | FGenericDVRStreamingSystem
40    | FMeshBuilderOneFrameResources
32    | FDynamicMeshBuilder
72    | FDynamicMeshIndexBuffer32
72    | FDynamicMeshIndexBuffer16
48    | FDynamicResolutionHeuristicProxy
1     | FEngineAnalytics
16    | FEngineFontServices
8     | FEngineModule
32    | FEngineService
80    | FActorIteratorState
16    | FActorRange
8     | FSelectedActorRange
40    | FConsoleOutputDevice
88    | FContentComparisonHelper
2     | FStripDataFlags
160   | FExternalTextureRegistry
1744  | FFinalPostProcessSettings
8     | FFXSystemInterface
264   | FGameDelegates
32    | FBoxCenterAndExtent
4     | FOctreeChildNodeRef
4     | FOctreeChildNodeSubset
48    | FOctreeNodeContext
112   | FNode
16    | FOctreeElementId
1072  | FGeometryCacheVertexVertexFactory
216   | FGestureRecognizer
96    | FGPUSkinCache
1     | FSharedPoolPolicyData
1     | FBoneBufferPoolPolicy
1     | FClothBufferPoolPolicy
952   | FGPUBaseSkinVertexFactory
1208  | FGPUSkinPassthroughVertexFactory
208   | FGPUBaseSkinAPEXClothVertexFactory
16    | FHDRLoadHelper
4     | FHitProxyId
8     | FHitProxyConsumer
1     | FImageUtils
48    | FInGamePerformanceTracker
16    | FInGameCycleCounter
16    | FInGameScopedCycleCounter
144   | FWorldInGamePerformanceTrackers
1     | FFindInstancedReferenceSubobjectHelper
192   | FEnginePackageLocalizationCache
8     | FInterpEdInputInterface
48    | FInterpTrackDrawParams
8     | FPendingLatentAction
32    | FLegacyScreenPercentageDriver
1     | FLevelUtils
32    | FLightingBuildOptions
32    | FLightMap
48    | FLightMapData2D
208   | FLightMap2D
32    | FLegacyLightMap1D
28    | FDebugShadowRay
1088  | FLocalVertexFactory
16    | FLocalVertexFactoryShaderParameters
8     | FMaterialCompiler
16    | FProxyMaterialCompiler
24    | FScopedMaterialCompilerAttribute
344   | FMaterialShaderType
16    | FMaterialUniformExpressionType
16    | FMaterialUniformExpression
40    | FMaterialUniformExpressionTexture
40    | FMaterialUniformExpressionExternalTextureBase
40    | FMaterialUniformExpressionExternalTexture
272   | FUniformExpressionSet
288   | FMaterialCompilationOutput
248   | FMaterialShaderMapId
32    | FMaterialExpressionKey
184   | FMaterialFunctionCompileState
360   | FMaterial
424   | FMaterialRenderProxy
464   | FColoredMaterialRenderProxy
472   | FLightingDensityMaterialRenderProxy
448   | FOverrideSelectionColorMaterialRenderProxy
376   | FMaterialResource
184   | FMaterialUpdateContext
96    | FMaterialAttributeDefintion
112   | FMaterialCustomOutputAttributeDefintion
136   | FMaterialAttributeDefinitionMap
72    | FMatineeDelegates
344   | FMeshMaterialShaderType
1280  | FMeshParticleVertexFactory
1280  | FMeshParticleVertexFactoryEmulatedInstancing
24    | FVert
448   | FModelVertexBuffer
120   | FModelElement
384   | FBSPSurfaceStaticLighting
280   | FOutBunch
216   | FInBunch
1     | FNetControlMessageInfo
40    | FReplicationChangelistMgr
872   | FObjectReplicator
56    | FNetworkProfilerHeader
408   | FNetworkProfiler
4     | FRepChangedParent
56    | FRepChangedPropertyTracker
32    | FRepChangedHistory
200   | FGuidReferences
2128  | FRepChangelistState
1248  | FRepState
32    | FRepParentCmd
32    | FRepLayoutCmd
16    | FHandleToCmdIndex
16    | FChangelistIterator
64    | FRepHandleIterator
152   | FRepLayout
8     | FVoicePacket
112   | FOpusAudioInfo
96    | FMaterialParameterCollectionInstanceResource
928   | FParticleBeamTrailVertexFactory
208   | FParticleVertexFactoryPool
16    | FParticleOrderPool
136   | FParticleDynamicData
1232  | FParticleSystemSceneProxy
56    | FNullDynamicParameterVertexBuffer
272   | FParticleResetContext
56    | FParticleTexCoordVertexBuffer
56    | FParticleEightTexCoordVertexBuffer
56    | FParticleIndexBuffer
56    | FSixTriangleParticleIndexBuffer
64    | FParticleScratchVertexBuffer
896   | FParticleVertexFactoryBase
936   | FParticleSpriteVertexFactory
624   | FPhysScene_LLImmediate
264   | FPhysicsDebugMode
664   | FPhysScene_PhysX
16    | FPhysCommandHandler
16    | FKCachedConvexDataElement
16    | FKCachedConvexData
24    | FKConvexGeomRenderInfo
1     | FPhysicsDelegates
96    | FPhysicsReplication
8     | FPhysXSceneReadLock
8     | FApexSceneReadLock
8     | FPhysXSceneWriteLock
8     | FApexSceneWriteLock
128   | FPlanarReflectionRenderTarget
384   | FPlanarReflectionSceneProxy
352   | FPrecomputedLightVolumeData
40    | FPrecomputedLightVolume
40    | FVolumetricLightmapDataLayer
440   | FVolumetricLightmapBrickData
584   | FPrecomputedVolumetricLightmapData
24    | FPrecomputedVolumetricLightmap
72    | FPreviewScene
28    | FSimpleLightEntry
12    | FSimpleLightPerViewEntry
8     | FSimpleLightInstacePerViewIndexData
48    | FSimpleLightArray
144   | FHeightfieldComponentDescription
480   | FPrimitiveSceneProxy
96    | FMallocLeakReporter
192   | FTracingProfiler
72    | FRawIndexBuffer
80    | FRawIndexBuffer16or32
16    | FIndexArrayView
96    | FRawStaticIndexBuffer
64    | FRawStaticIndexBuffer16or32Interface
88    | FColorVertexBuffer
264   | FMorphTargetVertexInfoBuffers
16    | FMultiSizeIndexContainer
88    | FPositionVertexBuffer
168   | FDuplicatedVerticesBuffer
336   | FSkeletalMeshLODModel
952   | FSkeletalMeshLODRenderData
40    | FSkeletalMeshModel
40    | FSkeletalMeshRenderData
8     | FSkeletalMeshVertexDataInterface
48    | FDummySkeletalMeshVertexBuffer
104   | FSkeletalMeshVertexClothBuffer
96    | FSkinWeightVertexBuffer
232   | FStaticMeshVertexBuffer
8     | FStaticMeshVertexDataInterface
8     | FGenericSaveGameSystem
16    | FSceneInterface
24    | FSceneViewStateInterface
8     | FFrozenSceneViewMatricesGuard
4     | FLightInteraction
208   | FLightMapInteraction
64    | FShadowMapInteraction
40    | FLightCacheInterface
368   | FShadowCascadeSettings
176   | FProjectedShadowInitializer
176   | FPerObjectProjectedShadowInitializer
560   | FWholeSceneProjectedShadowInitializer
256   | FSkyLightSceneProxy
384   | FLightSceneProxy
96    | FDeferredDecalProxy
208   | FReflectionCaptureProxy
24    | FWindData
48    | FWindSourceSceneProxy
8     | FDynamicPrimitiveResource
16    | FPrimitiveDrawInterface
8     | FViewElementDrawer
8     | FStaticPrimitiveDrawInterface
8     | FOccluderElementsCollector
608   | FSimpleElementCollector
8     | FOneFrameResource
184   | FMeshElementCollector
88    | FMotionBlurInfoData
64    | FSharedSamplerState
4     | FPrimitiveComponentId
40    | FSceneViewStateReference
48    | FRealtimeGPUProfiler
16    | FScopedGPUStatEvent
32    | FRenderQueryPool
24    | FDelayedRendererAction
5392  | FSceneView
208   | FSceneViewFamily
208   | FSceneViewFamilyContext
1     | FAutoRegister
16    | FSceneViewExtensions
56    | FScreenVertexDeclaration
200   | FScreenPS
200   | FScreenPS_OSE
192   | FScreenVS
24    | FShaderCommonCompileJob
1096  | FShaderCompileJob
56    | FShaderPipelineCompileJob
1     | FGlobalShaderTypeCompiler
48    | FShaderCompileThreadRunnableBase
72    | FShaderCompileThreadRunnable
208   | FShaderCompileXGEThreadRunnable_XmlInterface
112   | FShaderCompileXGEThreadRunnable_InterceptionInterface
352   | FShaderCompilingManager
16    | FShadowMapData2D
32    | FShadowSignedDistanceFieldData2D
32    | FQuantizedShadowSignedDistanceFieldData2D
12    | FFourDistanceFieldSamples
32    | FShadowMap
80    | FShadowMap2D
208   | FSimpleElementVS
224   | FSimpleElementPS
224   | FSimpleElementAlphaOnlyPS
232   | FSimpleElementGammaBasePS
232   | FSimpleElementGammaAlphaOnlyPS
240   | FSimpleElementMaskedGammaBasePS
296   | FSimpleElementDistanceFieldGammaPS
200   | FSimpleElementHitProxyPS
216   | FSimpleElementColorChannelMaskPS
344   | FSkeletalMeshMerge
672   | FSkeletalMeshSceneProxy
24    | FSkinnedMeshComponentRecreateRenderStateContext
136   | FSkeletalMeshObject
192   | FDeferredCleanupSlateBrush
800   | FSceneViewport
1064  | FSlateGameResources
216   | FSlateTextureRenderTarget2DResource
2192  | FSpeedTreeWind
116   | FLightRayIntersection
200   | FStaticLightingMesh
56    | FStaticLightingMapping
72    | FStaticLightingTextureMapping
72    | FStaticLightingGlobalVolumeMapping
416   | FStaticMeshStaticLightingMesh
88    | FStaticMeshStaticLightingTextureMapping
368   | FStaticMeshLODGroup
80    | FStaticMeshLODSettings
840   | FStaticMeshRenderData
32    | FStaticMeshOccluderData
24    | FStaticMeshComponentRecreateRenderStateContext
656   | FStaticMeshSceneProxy
56    | FStaticMeshInstanceData
216   | FStereoLayerVS
200   | FStereoLayerPS
32    | FActiveSubtitle
192   | FSubtitleManager
1     | FAllSurfaceLevelFilter
1     | FCurrentLevelSurfaceLevelFilter
1     | FAllSurfaceFilter
1     | FSelectedSurfaceFilter
56    | FSystemSettings
136   | FTextureLayout
152   | FTextureLayout3d
104   | FTextureResource
280   | FTexture2DResource
120   | FTexture2DDynamicResource
24    | FMipMapDataEntry
360   | FTextureArrayDataEntry
392   | FIncomingTextureArrayDataEntry
216   | FTexture2DArrayResource
40    | FDeferredUpdateResource
160   | FTextureRenderTargetResource
208   | FTextureRenderTarget2DResource
200   | FTextureRenderTargetCubeResource
8     | FTickableObjectBase
8     | FTickableGameObject
8     | FTickTaskManagerInterface
272   | FTimerManager
16    | FRenderTarget
8     | FViewportFrame
232   | FViewport
8     | FViewportClient
16    | FCommonViewportClient
240   | FDummyViewport
16    | FLocalPlayerIterator
16    | FScopedConditionalWorldSwitcher
16    | FScopedConditionalWorldSwitcher
24    | FFrameEndSync
80    | FExportObjectInnerContext
216   | FUpdateTexture2DSubresouceCS
224   | FUpdateTexture3DSubresouceCS
208   | FCopyTexture2DCS
1     | FUserActivityTracking
8     | FGenericVideoRecordingSystem
744   | FVisualLogger
8     | FVisualLogDevice
8     | FVisualLogExtensionInterface
96    | FVorbisAudioInfo
88    | FProceduralFoliageBroadphase
1     | FFriendsAndChatModuleStyle
8     | FGameMenuBuilderModule
1     | FGameMenuBuilderStyle
128   | FMenuPanel
320   | FDefaultStereoLayers
176   | FHeadMountedDisplayBase
32    | FHMDViewMesh
160   | FLateUpdateManager
1     | FMotionDelayService
40    | FMotionDelayClient
8     | FXRMotionControllerBase
8     | FXRRenderTargetManager
1     | FXRTrackingSystemDelegates
128   | FXRTrackingSystemBase
8     | FInputCoreModule
80    | FJsonObject
16    | FJsonValue
32    | FJsonValueString
24    | FJsonValueNumber
24    | FJsonValueBoolean
32    | FJsonValueArray
32    | FJsonValueObject
16    | FJsonValueNull
136   | FJsonStringReader
1     | FJsonSerializer
24    | FJsonSerializerReader
1     | FJsonObjectConverter
80    | FLandscapeStaticLightingTextureMapping
304   | FLandscapeStaticLightingMesh
24    | FLandscapeElementParamArray
24    | FLandscapeVertexFactoryPixelShaderParameters
872   | FLandscapeVertexFactory
872   | FLandscapeXYOffsetVertexFactory
72    | FLandscapeVertexBuffer
32    | FLandscapeSharedAdjacencyIndexBuffer
160   | FLandscapeSharedBuffers
96    | FLandscapeNeighborInfo
672   | FLandscapeMeshProxySceneProxy
1376  | FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy
504   | FLandscapeDebugMaterialRenderProxy
440   | FLandscapeSelectMaterialRenderProxy
448   | FLandscapeMaskMaterialRenderProxy
464   | FLandscapeLayerUsageRenderProxy
928   | FLandscapeVertexFactoryMobile
80    | FLandscapeVertexBufferMobile
1408  | FLandscapeComponentSceneProxyMobile
8     | FLevelSequenceActorSpawner
120   | FLevelSequenceSpawnRegister
1     | FMediaCaptureUserData
64    | FMediaIOCoreAudioSampleBase
40    | FMediaIOCoreBinarySampleBase
40    | FMediaIOCoreEncodeTime
256   | FMediaIOCorePlayerBase
256   | FMediaIOCoreSamples
64    | FMediaIOCoreTextureSampleBase
40    | FMediaIOCoreWaitVSyncThread
8     | FAppMediaTimeSource
144   | FMediaAudioResampler
288   | FMediaPlayerFacade
40    | FMediaRecorder
376   | FMediaSampleCache
256   | FMediaSamples
3360  | FMeshDescription
32    | FFileMessageAttachment
56    | FMessageBridgeBuilder
176   | FMessageEndpoint
112   | FFunctionMessageCatchall
208   | FMessageRpcServer
1     | FMovieSceneCompiler
104   | FMovieSceneEvaluationTemplateGenerator
488   | FMovieScenePreAnimatedState
80    | FMovieSceneClipboardKey
40    | FMovieSceneClipboardKeyTrack
40    | FMovieSceneClipboard
80    | FMovieSceneClipboardBuilder
136   | FTrackInstancePropertyBindings
104   | FNullMovieSceneSpawnRegister
288   | FFrameGrabber
80    | FMovieSceneCaptureProtocolRegistry
8     | FBaseMeshReconstructorModule
8     | FAbstractQueryFilter
528   | FNavLinkRenderingProxy
2560  | FNavMeshSceneProxy
104   | FNavMeshDebugDrawDelegateHelper
976   | FNavTestSceneProxy
208   | FNavTestDebugDrawDelegateHelper
216   | FPImplRecastNavMesh
904   | FRecastTileGenerator
680   | FRecastNavMeshGenerator
552   | FRecastQueryFilter
416   | FNetworkPlatformFile
56    | FNetworkFileHandle
72    | FTcpListener
64    | FTcpSocketBuilder
64    | FUdpSocketBuilder
88    | FUdpSocketReceiver
96    | FUdpSocketSender
16    | FSteamEndpoint
152   | FHttpStreamFArchive
56    | FQueuedHttpRequest
112   | FQueuedHttpRequestAddEvent
56    | FQueuedHttpRequestAddUser
56    | FQueuedGotoFakeCheckpoint
24    | FCachedResponse
904   | FHttpNetworkReplayStreamer
32    | FHttpNetworkReplayStreamingFactory
144   | FInMemoryReplayStreamArchive
104   | FInMemoryNetworkReplayStreamer
88    | FInMemoryNetworkReplayStreamingFactory
152   | FLocalFileStreamFArchive
24    | FCachedFileRequest
32    | FQueuedLocalFileRequest
32    | FLocalFileNetworkReplayStreamingFactory
64    | FReplayEventListItem
24    | FReplayEventList
8     | FNetworkReplayStreaming
48    | FNullReplayInfo
128   | FNullNetworkReplayStreamer
8     | FNullNetworkReplayStreamingFactory
840   | FSaveGameNetworkReplayStreamer
32    | FSaveGameNetworkReplayStreamingFactory
8     | FNullDynamicRHIModule
392   | FNullDynamicRHI
1     | FBuildPatchServices
1     | FGenericPlatformHttp
72    | FHttpRequestImpl
176   | FHttpManager
176   | FHttpModule
88    | FHttpRequestAdapterBase
1     | FWindowsPlatformHttp
1     | FIcmp
1     | FUDPPing
16    | FIcmpModule
152   | FWebImage
128   | FWebImageCache
32    | FSslModule
8     | FStompModule
24    | FVoiceModule
16    | FWebSocketsModule
120   | FXmppChatMessage
128   | FXmppServer
48    | FXmppUserJid
136   | FXmppMessage
200   | FXmppModule
184   | FXmppChatMember
56    | FXmppRoomInfo
72    | FXmppRoomConfig
112   | FXmppUserPresence
144   | FXmppMucPresence
32    | FXmppPubSubConfig
136   | FXmppPubSubMessage
48    | FXmppPubSubNode
40    | FOverlaysImporter
32    | FPacketAudit
8     | FPacketHandlerComponentModuleInterface
8     | FReliabilityHandlerComponentModuleInterface
392   | FPakFile
1     | FPakNoEncryption
160   | FPakPlatformFile
16    | FPhysXCooking
16    | FPhysXPlatformModule
24    | FOpenLauncherOptions
16    | FLauncherPlatformModule
72    | FProjectStatus
4     | FDeprecatedSerializedPackedNormal
8     | FRenderCommandFence
8     | FTimer
56    | FFilterVertexDeclaration
56    | FEmptyVertexDeclaration
208   | FPostOpaqueRenderParameters
8     | FComputeDispatcher
40    | FPixelInspectorRequest
3     | FSuspendRenderingThread
1     | FRenderCommand
8     | FDeferredCleanupInterface
16    | FPendingCleanupObjects
48    | FRenderResource
104   | FTexture
72    | FTextureReference
56    | FVertexBuffer
64    | FNullColorVertexBuffer
56    | FIndexBuffer
16    | FGlobalDynamicVertexBuffer
16    | FGlobalDynamicIndexBuffer
16    | FTickableObjectRenderThread
136   | FUniformBufferStruct
24    | FAtmosphereShaderTextureParameters
56    | FDrawingPolicyMatchResult
56    | FMeshDrawingPolicy
176   | FGlobalDistanceFieldParameterData
62    | FGlobalDistanceFieldParameters
192   | FHdrCustomResolveVS
200   | FHdrCustomResolve2xPS
200   | FHdrCustomResolve4xPS
200   | FHdrCustomResolve8xPS
200   | FHdrCustomResolveFMask2xPS
200   | FHdrCustomResolveFMask4xPS
200   | FHdrCustomResolveFMask8xPS
20    | FDebugUniformExpressionSet
344   | FMaterialShader
400   | FMeshMaterialShader
400   | FIndirectLightingCacheAllocation
64    | FPrimitiveSceneInfoCompact
256   | FPrimitiveSceneInfo
16    | FSceneTextureShaderParameters
208   | FWriteToSliceVS
200   | FWriteToSliceGS
56    | FVolumeRasterizeVertexBuffer
48    | FBoundShaderStateKey
48    | FBoundShaderStateLookupKey
64    | FCachedBoundShaderStateLink
64    | FCachedBoundShaderStateLink_Threadsafe
24    | FDynamicRHI
368   | FGPUDefragAllocator
8     | FScopedGPUDefragLock
56    | FAsyncReallocationRequest
48    | FGPUProfilerEventNodeStats
88    | FGPUProfilerEventNode
48    | FWindowedGPUTimer
1     | FPipelineFileCache
20    | FReadSurfaceDataFlags
20    | FVertexElementTypeSupportInfo
57    | FBlendStateInitializerRHI
1     | FResourceTransitionUtility
49160 | FRHICommandListFenceAllocator
440   | FRHICommandListBase
440   | FRHICommandList
440   | FRHIAsyncComputeCommandList
8     | FScopedRHIThreadStaller
440   | FRHICommandListImmediate
440   | FRHIAsyncComputeCommandListImmediate
440   | FRHICommandList_RecursiveHazardous
896   | FRHICommandListExecutor
1     | FRenderTask
24    | FRHIGPUMemoryUpdate
24    | FRHIGPUMemoryReadback
24    | FRHIResource
24    | FRHISamplerState
24    | FRHIRasterizerState
24    | FRHIDepthStencilState
24    | FRHIBlendState
24    | FRHIVertexDeclaration
64    | FRHIShader
72    | FRHIComputeShader
40    | FRHIUniformBuffer
40    | FRHIIndexBuffer
32    | FRHIVertexBuffer
40    | FRHIStructuredBuffer
8     | FLastRenderTimeContainer
104   | FRHITexture
112   | FRHITexture2D
120   | FRHITexture2DArray
120   | FRHITexture3D
112   | FRHITextureCube
112   | FRHITextureReference
112   | FRHITextureReferenceNullImpl
40    | FRHIGPUFence
40    | FRHIComputeFence
24    | FRHIViewport
40    | FRHIStagingBuffer
24    | FRHIRenderTargetView
4     | FExclusiveDepthStencil
16    | FRHIDepthRenderTargetView
296   | FRHISetRenderTargetsInfo
24    | FRHICustomPresent
312   | FGraphicsPipelineStateInitializer
336   | FRHIGraphicsPipelineStateFallBack
32    | FRHIComputePipelineStateFallback
56    | FRHIShaderLibrary
32    | FRHIPipelineBinaryLibrary
16    | FInitStaticResourceRenderThreadTask
1     | FDumpTransitionsHelper
8     | FRuntimeAssetCacheInterface
8     | FRuntimeAssetCacheModuleInterface
32    | FSandboxFileHandle
152   | FSandboxPlatformFile
48    | FJsonStructDeserializerBackend
24    | FJsonStructSerializerBackend
1     | FStructDeserializer
1     | FStructSerializer
32    | FGlobalShaderMapId
344   | FGlobalShaderType
192   | FGlobalShader
192   | FNULLPS
56    | FShaderResourceId
184   | FShaderResource
40    | FSerializationHistory
120   | FShaderId
208   | FSelfContainedShaderId
192   | FShader
312   | FShaderType
120   | FShaderPipelineType
32    | FShaderTypeDependency
32    | FShaderPipelineTypeDependency
1     | FCompareShaderTypes
1     | FCompareShaderPipelineNameTypes
48    | FShaderPipeline
16    | FSerializationHistoryTraversalState
168   | FShaderSaveArchive
4008  | FShaderCacheState
3488  | FShaderCache
56    | FShaderFactoryInterface
80    | FShaderParameterMap
80    | FShaderCompilerDefinitions
8     | FShaderCodeReader
24    | FShaderCode
6     | FShaderParameter
4     | FShaderResourceParameter
8     | FRWShaderParameter
8     | FShaderUniformBufferParameter
336   | FShaderPipelineCache
112   | FGlobalBoundShaderStateResource
8     | FVertexFactoryShaderParameters
432   | FVertexFactoryType
32    | FVertexFactoryTypeDependency
1     | FCompareVertexFactoryTypes
856   | FVertexFactory
40    | FVertexFactoryParameterRef
64    | FAnalogCursor
264   | FGestureDetector
8     | FHardwareCursor
224   | FMenuStack
264   | FNullNavigationConfig
16    | FPopupSupport
336   | FSlateUser
8     | FSlateDefaultInputMapping
16    | FSlateVirtualUser
2104  | FSlateApplication
208   | FInputBindingManager
136   | FUICommandDragDropOp
24    | FUICommandInfoDecl
80    | FBindingContext
160   | FUICommandInfo
232   | FUICommandList
48    | FDelayedDrag
32    | FSpawnTabArgs
536   | FGlobalTabmanager
384   | FProxyTabmanager
32    | FInertialScrollManager
88    | FScrollyZoomy
8     | FScrollHelper
24    | FDriverIdMetaData
1     | FDriverMetaData
160   | FMultiBlock
120   | FMultiBox
72    | FMultiBoxBuilder
80    | FBaseMenuBuilder
128   | FMenuBuilder
80    | FMenuBarBuilder
96    | FToolBarBuilder
72    | FButtonRowBuilder
1     | FMultiBoxSettings
16    | FExtender
336   | FToolBarButtonBlock
344   | FToolBarComboButtonBlock
64    | FSlateNotificationManager
16    | FBaseTextLayoutMarshaller
96    | FDefaultLayoutBlock
8     | FGenericPlatformTextField
40    | FPlainTextLayoutMarshaller
88    | FRichTextLayoutMarshaller
56    | FDefaultRichTextMarkupParser
8     | FDefaultRichTextMarkupWriter
96    | FShapedTextCache
696   | FSlatePasswordRun
8     | FSlateTextHighlightRunRenderer
928   | FSlateTextLayout
336   | FSlateTextUnderlineLineHighlighter
64    | FSyntaxHighlighterTextLayoutMarshaller
2824  | FRichTextSyntaxHighlighterTextLayoutMarshaller
24    | FSyntaxTokenizer
40    | FWidgetDecorator
32    | FImageDecorator
72    | FHyperlinkDecorator
16    | FTextSelection
304   | FTextLayout
112   | FWidgetLayoutBlock
40    | FGlobalNotification
24    | FMoveCursor
24    | FActiveTextEditContextMenu
2080  | FSlateEditableTextLayout
104   | FSlateTextBlockLayout
8     | FHitTesting
160   | FSlateApplicationBase
1     | FSlateWindowHelper
4     | FThrottleRequest
32    | FSlateThrottleManager
112   | FShapedGlyphSequence
264   | FCharacterList
368   | FSlateFontCache
104   | FSlateFontMeasure
72    | FSlateFontAtlas
64    | FDragDropOperation
136   | FDragDropEvent
104   | FExternalDragOperation
72    | FGameDragDropOperation
80    | FTouchKeySet
24    | FWindowActivateEvent
80    | FHittestGrid
56    | FNavigationReply
24    | FReplyBase
320   | FArrangedChildren
72    | FArrangedWidget
16    | FChildren
16    | FNoChildren
36    | FSlateClippingZone
72    | FSlateClippingState
32    | FSlateClippingManager
20    | FLayoutGeometry
16    | FSlateRect
136   | FCachedWidgetNode
352   | FWidgetPath
32    | FWeakWidgetPath
40    | FMultiTargetLogger
24    | FFileEventLogger
8     | FConsoleEventLogger
24    | FStabilityEventLogger
208   | FSlateDataPayload
76    | FSlateDrawBase
16    | FSupportsTintMixin
16    | FSupportsBrushMixin
112   | FSlateDrawBox
216   | FSlateDrawText
128   | FSlateDrawShapedText
4     | FSupportsThicknessMixin
120   | FSlateDrawLines
96    | FSlateDrawCachedBuffer
304   | FSlateDrawElement
240   | FSlateElementBatch
240   | FSlateRenderBatch
2176  | FElementBatchMap
1     | FSlateStatTrackingMemoryAllocator
112   | FSlateBatchData
2288  | FSlateDrawLayer
2736  | FSlateWindowElementList
72    | FSlateElementBatcher
24    | FSlateInstanceBufferUpdate
32    | FSlateRenderingPolicy
88    | FSlateShaderResourceManager
48    | FSlateDrawBuffer
12    | FSlateLayoutTransform
32    | FSlateObjectReferenceCollector
64    | FSlateFontServices
160   | FSlateRenderer
32    | FSlotBase
8     | FNullSlateSoundDevice
48    | FSlateStatCycleCounter
24    | FSlateStatHierarchy
1     | FCoreStyle
1     | FSlateIconFinder
944   | FSlateStyleSet
1     | FSlateStyleRegistry
1     | FStyleDefaults
48    | FWidgetStyle
8     | FSlateShaderResource
8     | FSlateSharedHandleData
48    | FSlateShaderResourceProxy
16    | FSlateResourceHandle
8     | FSlateUpdatableTexture
64    | FSlateTextureAtlas
24    | FTagMetaData
248   | FNavigationMetaData
72    | FPaintArgs
48    | FReflectionMetaData
80    | FDragAndDropVerticalBoxOp
8     | FSlateControlledConstruction
88    | FOverlayPopupLayer
8     | FInternetAddr
8     | FResolveInfo
24    | FResolveInfoCached
328   | FResolveInfoAsync
48    | FMultichannelTcpReceiver
176   | FMultichannelTcpSender
368   | FMultichannelTcpSocket
8     | FSimpleAbstractSocket
16    | FSimpleAbstractSocket_FSocket
24    | FSimpleAbstractSocket_FMultichannelTCPSocket
176   | FNetworkFileArchive
32    | FSocket
104   | FSocketSubsystemModule
512   | FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile
96    | FStreamingPauseRenderingModule
24    | FWidgetMaterialHandle
136   | FUserWidgetPool
16    | FRichTextDecorator
1584  | FUMGViewportClient
168   | FUMGDragDropOp
56    | FWidgetRenderer
1     | FUMGStyle
192   | FClearReplacementVS
200   | FClearReplacementPS
208   | FClearTexture2DReplacementScissorCS
208   | FClearBufferReplacementCS
56    | FMediaVertexDeclaration
192   | FMediaShadersVS
192   | FAYUVConvertPS
192   | FBMPConvertPS
192   | FNV12ConvertPS
192   | FNV21ConvertPS
192   | FRGBConvertPS
192   | FYCbCrConvertPS
192   | FYCbCrConvertPS_4x4Matrix
192   | FUYVYConvertPS
192   | FYUVConvertPS
192   | FYUY2ConvertPS
192   | FYVYUConvertPS
192   | FOculusVertexShader
192   | FOculusWhiteShader
192   | FOculusBlackShader
200   | FOculusAlphaInverseShader
208   | FOculusCubemapPS
192   | FOneColorPS
224   | FFillTextureCS
192   | FLongGPUTaskPS
200   | FResolveDepthPS
200   | FResolveDepth2XPS
200   | FResolveDepth4XPS
200   | FResolveDepth8XPS
200   | FResolveDepthNonMSPS
208   | FResolveSingleSamplePS
192   | FResolveVS
1     | FWebBrowserAdapterFactory
32    | FWebBrowserViewport
184   | FWebBrowserTextureResource
72    | FWebBrowserTextureSample
48    | FWebBrowserTextureSampleQueue
8     | FWidgetCarouselModule
1     | FWidgetCarouselModuleStyle
1920  | FXAudio2Device
8     | FXMPHelper
568   | FXAudio2EffectsManager
1     | FFastXml
48    | FXmlFile
32    | FXmlAttribute
72    | FXmlNode

Mother of god

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Are these numbers with an editor build or a shipping build?

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didito commented Aug 13, 2018

which build config?

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Developer Editor, If there's demand I could post the project or try different builds. Switching builds would probably be a pretty manual process to get rid of all of the editor only types

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RCL commented Oct 11, 2018

What tool did you use? Would/could you do the same for Linux?

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@RCL Originally I just used grep and some regex to transform it, I don't have all the steps I used for that anymore, this might be worth redoing though with something better, probably libclang based.

I should be able to rerun it on Linux as it is though, I'll try to do a shipping, non editor build while I'm at it too. Might be a few days though.

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Hey sorry for never getting a chance to do this @RCL. I've been slowly working on a tool to do this in a more generic, automatic way.

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RCL commented May 15, 2019

Thanks for the update, that'd be helpful to keep an eye and notice the bloat early!

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