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Created April 14, 2018 03:51
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// This is the user configuration. It is empty by default.
// All possible keys are described in the default configuration file.
// To open it, run the "Open default configuration" action.
// Do not edit this file, it will be replaced on update.
// Edit the user configuration file instead.
// You can open it by running the "Preferences" action.
"behavior": {
// Active theme
// Dark, Classic
"theme": "Classic",
// System control style ("fromTheme", "default", "dark")
"controlStyle": "fromTheme",
// Show dialogs as macOS sheet windows. Disable this if you hate the dialog animations
"sheetDialogs": true,
// Always show overlay scroll bars (even if mouse is attached or if "Show scroll bars" is set to "Always")
"forceOverlayScrollBars": true,
// Default date format (here is the specification
// "dateFormat": "%x %X",
"dateFormat": "%x",
// Show both default and user configuration files (works only in Sublime Text)
"doublePaneConfigurationInSublime": true,
"actionBar": {
// Show action bar on the bottom/
"show": true
"menu": {
// True if the first item should be automatically selected when a popup menu opens
"preselectFirstItem": false
"quickSelect": {
// Match only the string prefix by the word matcher (instead of word matching)
"matchOnlyPrefix": false,
// Use this mode by default in Quick Select (/regex, \substring, `word)
"defaultMode": "word",
// Activate Quick Select on typing automatically (if `false`, you will need to firstly press '/')
// "activateOnAnyCharacter": true,
"activateOnAnyCharacter": true,
// Filter matched items (and filter out non-matched) instead of just highlighting
// "filterMatchedItems": false
"filterMatchedItems": true
"actions": {
// Show confirmation before moving files to the Trash
"core.trash.confirm": true,
// Show confirmation before deleting items
"core.delete.confirm": true,
// Show pinned places in "Favorites" menu
"core.favorites.showPinnedPlaces": true,
// Allow to specify the target directory before copying or moving
"core.copy.askTargetPath": true,
// "prefix" matches only beginning, "substring" matches the entire substring
// "core.lookup.mode": "prefix",
"core.lookup.mode": "substring",
// Activate the first tab after the last in "Activate next tab" (also for the reverse action)
"": true
"table": {
// Show the ".." directory
"showGoUpDirectory": true,
// Select ".." on directory enter
"selectGoUpDirectoryOnEnter": false,
// Show the file icons
"showIcons": true,
// Use alternate row background
"useAlternateColor": true,
// File icon size
"iconSize": 16,
// Select the first item after the last
"circularSelection": false,
// The prefix of the directory names (e.g. "/", "[")
"directoryPrefix": "",
// The suffix of the directory names (e.g. "]")
"directorySuffix": ""
"files": {
// Update the list automatically using the file watcher if available
"fileWatcher": true,
// Support drag-drop in the file list
"dragDrop": true,
// File filter applied to all panes
"globalFilter": {
"alwaysShowDirectories": true,
// The list of && regular expressions
// Syntax:
"name": [
"volumeSpace": {
// "always", "external" (show only for external volumes), "never"
"show": "always",
// Available variables: 'availableSpace', 'totalSpace', 'availablePercent'
"format": "${availableSpace} (${availablePercent}) available"
"fonts": {
// File list font
"files": ["Helvetica Neue", 13],
// Breadcrumbs font
"breadcrumbs": ["Helvetica Neue", 13],
// Table header font
"tableHeader": ["Helvetica Neue", 12],
// Status bar font
"statusBar": ["Helvetica Neue", 12],
// Action bar button font
"actionBar": ["Helvetica Neue", 13],
// Tabs font
"tabs": ["Helvetica Neue", 13],
// Ephemeral (virtual) tabs font
"ephemeralTabs": ["Helvetica Neue Bold Italic", 12]
"gadgets": [],
// Action key bindings. Each action may have several bindings, and several actions may share
// a common key binding (if more than one action is applicabl e, the menu will be shown).
"keyBindings": {
"core.change.current.pane": ["Tab"],
"core.move.up": ["Up"],
"": ["Shift+Up"],
"core.move.down": ["Down"],
"": ["Shift+Down"],
// "core.move.left": ["Left"],
"core.move.left": [],
"": ["Shift+Left"],
// "core.move.right": ["Right"],
"core.move.right": [],
"": ["Shift+Right"],
"core.move.home": ["Home"],
"core.move.end": ["End"],
"": ["PageUp"],
"": ["PageDown"],
"": ["Alt+PageUp"],
"": ["Alt+PageDown"],
"core.documentation": ["F1"],
// "": ["Return", "Cmd+Down"],
"": ["Cmd+Down", "Cmd+O", "Right"],
"core.go.up": ["Backspace", "Cmd+Up", "Left"],
"core.trash": ["F8", "Cmd+Backspace"],
"": ["Cmd+A"],
"core.deselect.all": ["Escape"],
"": ["Control+H"],
"core.preview": ["Cmd+Y", "Space"],
"": ["F11"],
"core.edit": ["F4"],
"": ["Shift+F4"],
"": ["Cmd+C"],
"core.paste": ["Cmd+V"],
"core.copy": ["F5"],
"core.move": ["F6"],
// "core.rename": ["Shift+F6"],
"core.rename": ["Return"],
"": ["Shift+F7"],
"": ["F7", "Cmd+Shift+N"],
"core.refresh": ["F2"],
"": ["Cmd+I"],
"core.copy.current.dir.path": ["F12"],
"core.copy.selected.paths": ["Cmd+F12"],
"core.delete": ["Shift+F8"],
"core.actions": ["Shift+Cmd+P"],
"core.history": ["Alt+3"],
"core.back": ["Alt+Left"],
"core.forward": ["Alt+Right"],
"core.favorites": ["Alt+2"],
"": ["Shift+Alt+2"],
"core.volumes": ["Alt+1"],
"core.hierarchy": ["Alt+0"],
"core.goto.path": ["Cmd+G"],
"": ["Cmd+Right"],
"": ["Cmd+Left"],
"": ["Shift+Cmd+Right"],
"": ["Shift+Cmd+Left"],
"": ["Cmd+N"],
"": ["Cmd+T"],
"": ["Cmd+W"],
"": ["Cmd+1"],
"": ["Cmd+2"],
"": ["Cmd+3"],
"": ["Cmd+4"],
"": ["Cmd+5"],
"": ["Cmd+6"],
"": ["Cmd+7"],
"": ["Cmd+8"],
"": ["Cmd+9"],
"": ["Cmd+Shift+]"],
"": ["Cmd+Shift+["],
"core.lookup": ["Cmd+P"],
"": ["Cmd+Alt+P"],
// "core.toggle.terminal": ["Cmd+Alt+O"],
// "core.toggle.terminal": ["Cmd+Alt+O"],
"core.activate.terminal": ["Cmd+T"],
"": ["="]
"menu": [
"name": "File",
"children": [
"name": "Edit",
"children": [
"name": "View",
"children": [
"name": "Go",
"children": [
"name": "Tools",
"children": [
"name": "Window",
"children": [
"setup": {
// Pinned places (shown above the favorite items).
"pinnedPlaces": [
{"path": "user.home"},
{"path": "user.downloads"},
{"path": "user.documents"},
{"path": "user.desktop"},
{"path": "user.library", "name": "Library"},
{"path": "system.applications"}
// Action buttons displayed in the action bar
"actionBar": [
// Touch Bar items
"touchBar": [
{ "action": "core.favorites" },
{ "action": "core.history" },
{ "action": "" },
{ "action": "core.edit", "modifiers": "-Shift" },
{ "action": "", "modifiers": "Shift" },
{ "action": "", "backgroundColor": "#624a2d", "modifiers": "-Shift" },
{ "action": "", "backgroundColor": "#624a2d", "modifiers": "Shift" },
{ "action": "core.copy", "backgroundColor": "#495e4d" },
{ "action": "core.move", "backgroundColor": "#3c4554", "modifiers": "-Shift" },
{ "action": "core.rename", "backgroundColor": "#3c4554", "modifiers": "Shift" },
{ "action": "core.trash", "backgroundColor": "#5f0405", "modifiers": "-Shift" },
{ "action": "core.delete", "backgroundColor": "#5f0405", "modifiers": "Shift" }
// Embedded Terminal settings
"etty": {
// Terminal theme
"theme": "Pastel",
// Use the file list colors for the background/foreground
"useMainThemeColors": true,
// Dim text when the terminal panel is not focused
"dimWhenUnfocused": true,
// Propagate 'cd's to the file pane
"chdirToPane": true,
// Propagate current directory changes to the terminal
"chdirToTerminal": true,
// Paste text in the clipboard on right mouse click
"pasteOnRightClick": true,
// Copy text on selection automatically
"copyOnSelection": true,
// Add leading space (' cd' instead of 'cd') to directory change commands
"leadingSpaceOnCd": true,
// Terminal fonts ("bold", "italic", "boldItalic" fonts are also available)
"fonts": {
"normal": ["Monaco", 13]
// Custom environment variables
"environ": {
//"key": "value"
"terminal": "/Applications/"
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