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Created August 28, 2024 07:39
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Postico Pre-Connect Script to make a SSH Tunnel for usage with 1Password (etc)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SSH Tunnel Script for Postico
# ------------------------------
# Purpose:
# This script creates an SSH tunnel for Postico to connect to a remote database
# server. It's designed as a workaround for scenarios where direct SSH tunneling
# in Postico is not suitable or available.
# How to Use:
# 1. In Postico, set up an SSH tunnel connection with all the necessary details.
# 2. Disable the SSH tunnel feature in Postico, but keep all the SSH settings.
# 3. Enable Pre-Connect Shell Script and paste this whole script in.
# 4. On connect the script will create an SSH tunnel and dynamically configure Postico to use it.
# Why Use This Script:
# - Allows for more flexible SSH configurations (e.g., using ssh_config).
# - Enables the use of SSH agents like 1Password's SSH agent for key management.
# - Provides automatic cleanup of idle ssh connections.
# - Dynamically assigns local ports for the tunnel to avoid conflicts.
# Important Notes:
# - Password authentication to the ssh tunnel is not supported. Use key-based authentication.
# - The script will dynamically overwrite the host and port in Postico's connection with the ssh tunnel information.
# - Multiple instances of this script may run simultaneously, creating separate tunnels.
# - Idle ssh connections are automatically closed after 30 seconds to clean up.
# - Requires jq, netcat (nc), and ssh to be installed on the system.
# Limitations:
# - As this is a workaround, it will spawn multiple SSH connections (however they should be automatically cleaned up).
# - Relies on Postico's ability to run external scripts for connections.
# Considerations:
# - Review and understand the script before using it.
# Unofficial Bash Strict Mode
set -euo pipefail
# Print errors to stderr
error() {
echo "$@" >&2
# Ensure required commands are available
for cmd in jq nc ssh; do
if ! command -v "$cmd" &> /dev/null; then
error "Error: $cmd is not installed. Please install $cmd and try again."
exit 1
error "Error: POSTICO_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_FILE is not set or does not exist."
exit 1
# Extract relevant values from the JSON file
export SSH_ENABLED=$(jq -r '.connection.ssh.enabled' "$POSTICO_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_FILE")
export SSH_USER=$(jq -r '.connection.ssh.user' "$POSTICO_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_FILE")
export SSH_PORT=$(jq -r '.connection.ssh.port' "$POSTICO_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_FILE")
# Check if SSH tunneling is enabled and do not run
if [[ "$SSH_ENABLED" == "true" ]]; then
error "SSH tunneling is enabled. Exiting script."
exit 0
# Function to find an available port
find_available_port() {
for port in $(seq 1024 65535); do
if ! nc -z localhost "$port" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo $port
return 0
error "Error: No available port found."
exit 1
# Find an available port
export LOCAL_PORT=$(find_available_port)
# Start the SSH tunnel with timeout options
ssh -f -N -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes \
-o ServerAliveInterval=30 \
-o ServerAliveCountMax=0 \
-o ConnectTimeout=10 \
# Output connection details using jq
jq -n --arg host "localhost" --arg port "$LOCAL_PORT" \
'{host: $host, port: $port|tonumber}' --raw-output
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