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Created February 11, 2014 01:53
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import org.apache.commons.math3.linear._
import collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
val dim = 100
val K = 100
val rand = new scala.util.Random()
val data_ary = (0 until 5000).map{i => (i, (0 until dim).map{j => rand.nextGaussian}.toArray)}
val data_vec ={t => (t._1, MatrixUtils.createRealVector(t._2))}
def dot_ary(u : Array[Double], v : Array[Double]) : Double = {
var i = 0
var res = 0.0
while(i < dim){
res += u(i) * v(i)
i += 1
def dot_vec(u : RealVector, v : RealVector) : Double = u.dotProduct(v)
def max_dot_dumb[V](data : Iterable[(Int, V)], dotfn : (V, V) => Double) : Iterable[(Int, Iterable[(Int, Double)])] = {{t => (t._1,{s => (s._1, dotfn(t._2, s._2))}.toList.sortBy{-_._2}.take(K))}
def max_dot_pq[V](data : Iterable[(Int, V)], dotfn : (V, V) => Double) : Iterable[(Int, Iterable[(Int, Double)])] = {{t =>
val q = new PriorityQueue[(Int, Double)]()([(Int, Double), Double](-_._2))
var worst = 0.0
var size = 0
data.foreach{s =>
val dot = dotfn(t._2, s._2)
if(size < K || dot > worst) {
size += 1
q.enqueue((s._1, dot))
if(size > K) {
size -= 1
worst = q.head._2
(t._1, q.toList.sortBy{-_._2})
def time[V](fn: (Iterable[(Int, V)], (V, V) => Double) => Iterable[(Int, Iterable[(Int, Double)])], a : Iterable[(Int, V)], b : (V, V) => Double) : Double = {
val startTime = System.nanoTime
val res = fn(a, b)
(System.nanoTime - startTime) / 1000000.0
val trials = 5
val names = "dumb_vec,dumb_ary,pq_vec,pq_ary".split(",")
val res ={s => (s, new Array[Double](trials))}.toMap
(0 until trials).foreach{t =>
names.foreach{m =>
val timems = m match{
case "dumb_vec" => time[RealVector](max_dot_dumb, data_vec, dot_vec)
case "dumb_ary" => time[Array[Double]](max_dot_dumb, data_ary, dot_ary)
case "pq_vec" => time[RealVector](max_dot_pq, data_vec, dot_vec)
case "pq_ary" => time[Array[Double]](max_dot_pq, data_ary, dot_ary)
res(m)(t) = timems
res.foreach{kv =>
val mean = kv._2.sum / trials
val sd = math.sqrt({v => (v - mean) * (v - mean)}.sum / trials)
println(kv._1 + ": " + mean + " (" + sd +")")
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