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Forked from mikehazell/robbyrussell.zsh_theme
Created August 5, 2024 15:19
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oh-my-zsh Default Theme plus Node version info
# oh-my-zsh Theme
# Default robbyrussell theme with node version info.
# Installation: place this file in .oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/robbyrussell.zsh_theme
function node_prompt_version {
if which node &> /dev/null; then
echo "%{$fg_bold[blue]%}node(%{$fg[red]%}$(node -v)%{$fg[blue]%}) %{$reset_color%}"
local ret_status="%(?:%{$fg_bold[green]%}➜ :%{$fg_bold[red]%}➜ )"
PROMPT='${ret_status} %{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%} $(node_prompt_version)$(git_prompt_info)'
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="%{$reset_color%} "
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$fg[blue]%}) %{$fg[yellow]%}✗"
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