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mixonic /
Created July 2, 2014 16:06
Buffered Store Proxy

If you have worked much with Ember-Data, then you know the buffered object proxy pattern:

This pattern allows us to put changes to a model into a buffer instead of on the model itself. There are several benefits of this:

  • If the model has changes come from a push source (an attribute is updated), the changes will not destroy what the user is currently entering.
  • Saves can be de-coupled from dirty tracking. If you are saving a model as a user types, the model in flight will not accept changes from the user. You will get the dreaded cannot change an object inFlight error. With a buffer, you can commit the buffer to the model and save the model, then allow the user to keep making edits against a new buffer. No conflict.
  • In general, a buffer allows you to treat Ember-Data records more like database rows. You lock them for modification (while persisting them) but only for the shortest time possible. An object is made dirty then sav