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Last active September 2, 2024 03:53
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  • Save ritalin/d155254280eb6673c1b39baf4469913e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import * as duckdb from '@duckdb/duckdb-wasm'
import { AsyncDuckDB, type DuckDBBundle } from '@duckdb/duckdb-wasm'
// 11 sec @duckdb/duckdb-wasmをバンドルに含めたケース
// 7 sec @duckdb/duckdb-wasmをhttps://cdn.jsdelivr.netから取得するようにしたケース
// 6 sec @duckdb/duckdb-wasmをhttps://cdn.jsdelivr.netから取得するようにしたケース+CacheAPIによるwasmとworkerのっキャッシュ化
// wasm 30MB
// worker 0.7MB
// parquet 2.5MB
// version: vite/5.2.10 darwin-x64 node-v22.1.0
export const initAsyncDb = async (): Promise<AsyncDuckDB> => {
const JSDELIVR_BUNDLES = duckdb.getJsDelivrBundles();
const bundle = await duckdb.selectBundle(JSDELIVR_BUNDLES);
console.log(">>> begin fetch wasm")
const c = await"v2")
let res2 = await c.match(bundle.mainModule)
if (res2 === undefined) {
console.log(">>> wasm cache missed")
const res = await fetch(bundle.mainModule)
await c.put(bundle.mainModule, res.clone())
res2 = res
else {
console.log(">>> wasm cache hit")
const buf_wasm = await res2.blob()
console.log(`>>> end fetch wasm ${buf_wasm.size}`)
const wasm_url = URL.createObjectURL(buf_wasm)
console.log(">>> begin fetch worker")
let res3 = await c.match(bundle.mainWorker!)
if (res3 === undefined) {
console.log(">>> worker cache missed")
const res = await fetch(bundle.mainWorker!)
await c.put(bundle.mainWorker!, res.clone())
res3 = res
else {
console.log(">>> worker cache hit")
const buf_worker = await res3.blob()
console.log(`>>> end fetch worker ${buf_worker.size}`)
const worker_url = URL.createObjectURL(buf_worker);
const worker = new Worker(worker_url!)
const logger = import.meta.env.PROD ? new duckdb.VoidLogger(): new duckdb.ConsoleLogger()
console.log(">>> begin instanciate")
const instance = new AsyncDuckDB(logger, worker)
await instance.instantiate(wasm_url, bundle.pthreadWorker)
console.log(">>> end instanciate")
return instance
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