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Forked from MrFunctor/tsconfig.json
Created August 7, 2024 17:58
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tsconfig.json with common fp-ts namespace imports configured with @unsplash/ts-namespace-import-plugin
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [
"name": "@unsplash/ts-namespace-import-plugin",
"namespaces": {
"A": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Array"
"B": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/boolean"
"C": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Console"
"D": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Date"
"E": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Either"
"IO": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/IO"
"IOE": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/IOEither"
"IOO": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/IOOption"
"J": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Json"
"N": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/number"
"NEA": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/NonEmptyArray"
"O": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Option"
"P": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Predicate"
"R": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Reader"
"RA": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/ReadonlyArray"
"RE": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/ReaderEither"
"RIO": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/ReaderIO"
"RNEA": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/ReadonlyNonEmptyArray"
"RT": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/ReaderTask"
"RTE": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/ReaderTaskEither"
"S": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/string"
"T": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Task"
"TE": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/TaskEither"
"TO": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/TaskOption"
"TU": {
"importPath": "fp-ts/Tuple"
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