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Created June 27, 2017 13:27
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select concat('public ',tps.dest,' ',column_name,'{get;set;}') as code
from information_schema.columns c
select 'char' as orign ,'string' as dest union all
select 'varchar' ,'string' union all
select 'longtext' ,'string' union all
select 'datetime' ,'DateTime' union all
select 'text' ,'string' union all
select 'bit' ,'int' union all
select 'bigint' ,'int' union all
select 'int' ,'int' union all
select 'double' ,'double' union all
select 'decimal' ,'decimal' union all
select 'date' ,'DateTime' union all
select 'tinyint' ,'bool'
) tps on c.data_type like tps.orign
where table_schema='lm3online' and table_name='lm3archiveframeworktwin'
order by c.ordinal_position;
select concat('Property(x => x.',column_name,');') as code
from information_schema.columns c
select 'char' as orign ,'string' as dest union all
select 'varchar' ,'string' union all
select 'longtext' ,'string' union all
select 'datetime' ,'DateTime' union all
select 'text' ,'string' union all
select 'bit' ,'int' union all
select 'bigint' ,'int' union all
select 'int' ,'int' union all
select 'double' ,'double' union all
select 'decimal' ,'decimal' union all
select 'date' ,'DateTime' union all
select 'tinyint' ,'bool'
) tps on c.data_type like tps.orign
where table_schema='lm3online' and table_name='lm3archiveframeworktwin'
order by c.ordinal_position
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