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Last active September 27, 2020 07:47
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const zodiac = [
{ name: '牡羊', startMonth: 3, startDate: 21, endMonth: 4, endDate: 19, },
{ name: '金牛', startMonth: 4, startDate: 20, endMonth: 5, endDate: 20, },
{ name: '雙子', startMonth: 5, startDate: 21, endMonth: 6, endDate: 20, },
{ name: '巨蟹', startMonth: 6, startDate: 21, endMonth: 7, endDate: 22, },
{ name: '獅子', startMonth: 7, startDate: 23, endMonth: 8, endDate: 22, },
{ name: '處女', startMonth: 8, startDate: 23, endMonth: 9, endDate: 22, },
{ name: '天秤', startMonth: 9, startDate: 23, endMonth: 10, endDate: 22, },
{ name: '天蠍', startMonth: 10, startDate: 23, endMonth: 11, endDate: 22, },
{ name: '射手', startMonth: 11, startDate: 23, endMonth: 12, endDate: 21, },
{ name: '魔羯', startMonth: 12, startDate: 22, endMonth: 1, endDate: 19, },
{ name: '水瓶', startMonth: 1, startDate: 20, endMonth: 2, endDate: 18, },
{ name: '雙魚', startMonth: 2, startDate: 19, endMonth: 3, endDate: 20, },
// 目的:輸入生日並找出對應星座,印出該星座的名稱
// 方法:日期轉變為一串數字再找出對應的星座範圍
// eg. birthday = 6/24. 6/24 >>> 624
// 巨蟹為6/21-7/22 >>> 621 - 722
// birthday = 624, 介於621與722之間
// console.log (巨蟹)
// 指派生日,並拆成年/月/日
const birthday = '1994/12/21'
const birthdayArr = birthday.split('/')
// 將 birthdayArr 的資料轉成數字,並使用calcDateValue函式加總 (函式在底端)
const month = Number(birthdayArr[1])
const date = Number(birthdayArr[2])
const birthdayValue = calcDateValue (month, date)
let found = false
for (let i = 0; i < zodiac.length; i++) {
const startValue = calcDateValue(zodiac[i].startMonth, zodiac[i].startDate)
const endValue = calcDateValue(zodiac[i].endMonth, zodiac[i].endDate)
if (birthdayValue >= startValue && birthdayValue <= endValue) {
console.log (zodiac[i].name)
found = true
if (!found) {
// 將生日轉為數字,例如11/22 >>> 1122
function calcDateValue (m, d) {
return m *100 +d
// Question
// 對於摩羯座這個特例是否有其他條件式的寫法,在迴圈內找出來
// 有試過先跑迴圈,不相符的再用else印出摩羯。但會變成每個不符合的星座都重複印出摩羯
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