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Lex Fridman: Advice for young people
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Name Advice
Chris Voss It's probably a take on a cliche of do what you love. But if you figure out your ideals and pursue your ideals and stick to them when it costs you like a guy I admire very much, Michael Mogill, runs this Operation Chris Video in Atlanta. In one of his talks, he would say, core values are what you stick to that cost you money. It's not a value that really matters to you unless it's costing you and stick to your values. Now, when I was in the FBI, I worked really hard at the number one core mission of the FBI is protect and defend the American people. So I could pursue that value at all times, which I did, or I could follow the rules. You don't have time to do both.
Konstantin Batygin I would say people in high school, so much of their focus is on getting straight A's, filling their CV with this and this and this, so that it looks impressive. Right. That is not, I think, a good way to optimize your life. Right. Do the thing that fills your life with passion. Do the thing that fills your life with interest and do that perpetually. Right. A straight A student is really impressive, but also somewhat boring. Right. I think injection of more of that kind of interest into the lives of young people would go a long way in just both upping their level of happiness and then just kind of ensuring that, looking forward, they are not suffering from a perpetual condition of, oh, I have to satisfy these checkboxes to do well. Right.
Annaka Harris I think it's really important to follow your passion and to find things that you love and that you find inspiring and motivating and exciting, whether they relate to your career or not. And I think many times if you persist just for the pure passion of the thing itself, it finds a way into your everyday life. It's extraordinarily important to keep your passions alive, to keep your curiosity alive, to keep your wonder at life alive. However you do that, and it doesn't necessarily have to be in your career. And I think for a lot of people, their career enables them the time and the space to experience other things that maybe wouldn't be as enjoyable if they were their career.
John Vervaeke So the first thing is find an ecology of practices and a community that supports them without involving you in believing things that contravene our best understood science so that wisdom and virtue, especially how they show up in relationships, are primary to you. This will sound ridiculous, but if you take care of that, the other things you want are more likely to occur. Because what you most want is what you want. At when you're approaching your death is what were the relationships you cultivated to yourself, to other people, to the world? And what did you do to improve the chance of them being deep and profound relationships?
Daniel Negreanu I would say your 20s is a good opportunity to set yourself up for the rest of your life. So while the 20s are a period where you want to have fun and you want to experience youth, it's also a good opportunity to start thinking about what do you want your life to look like in your thirties and your forties, right? So I feel like it's the best time to really put yourself out there and take risks and try to hit it, whatever, you know, like to work really, really hard to set yourself up. Because and I said this at an event I was speaking at with poker, when your bankroll is very, very small, it's replenishable. Right. You don't need to protect it as much as you do. Once you've got something, once you have a brand or you have money or you have something like that, that's when you want to start protecting it. But in your 20s is an opportunity to just really sort of work really hard to set yourself up for the future. I am concerned a little bit. Like every time I talk to kids today, I'm like, what do you want to be? They all want to be YouTubers or Instagram stars or rappers, right? Okay, that's cool. But there's only so many of those that there can be, so it might be worthwhile having a little bit of a backup plan.
Rick Rubin Yeah. The only advice I would have would be to not listen to anyone and to do what you love and to make things that you love, whatever it is. Make your favorite things. You be the audience. Make the thing for you, the audience. And it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. And if you have to get a job to support yourself so that you couldn't make your art, that's fine. You can't make art for someone else. You can't make art with someone else in mind. I don't believe I don't believe it can be good.
Elon Musk Try to be useful. Do things that are useful to your fellow human beings, to the world. It's very hard to be useful. Very hard. Are you contributing more than you consume? Like, can you try to have a positive net contribution to society? I think that's the thing to aim for, not to try to be sort of a leader for the sake of being a leader or whatever. A lot of time the people you want as leaders are the people who don't want to be leaders. So if you can live a useful life, that is, a good life, a life with having lived, like I said, would encourage people to use the mental tools of physics and apply them broadly in life. They are the best tools.
Ryan Schiller If you have a feeling in yourself that this is something that I have to do, and this is something I could imagine myself doing for the next ten years, Because if you're successful, you are going to have to do it for the next ten years. And through the ups and the downs, through the amazing interviews with Lex and through the not so amazing articles you might have with other people, right, and you're going to have to ride those highs and lows and you have to believe in what you're doing. But if you have that feeling, what I would say is listen to as few people as possible because people are experts in domains, but when it comes to what's hot and what makes sense in a social context, you are the authority as a young person who's going through these things and living in your sort of milieu.
Russ Tedrake I think it's an interesting time to be a kid these days. Everything points to this being sort of a win or take all economy and the like. I think the people that will really excel, in my opinion, are going to be the ones that can think deeply about problems. You have to be able to ask questions agile and use the Internet for everything it's good for and stuff like this. And I think a lot of people will develop those skills. I think the leaders, thought leaders, robotics leaders, whatever, are going to be the ones that can do more and they can think very deeply, critically, and that's a harder thing to learn. I think one path to learning that is through mathematics, through engineering. I would encourage people to start math early. I didn't really start. I mean, I was always in the better math classes that I could take, but I wasn't pursuing super advanced mathematics or anything like that until I got to MIT. I think MIT lit me up and really started the life that I'm living now. But yeah, I really want kids to dig deep, really understand things, building things, too. I mean, pull things apart, put them back together. That's just such a good way to really understand things and expect it to be a long journey. Right. You don't have to know everything. You're never going to know everything. Enjoy the ride, but just make sure you're not just make sure you're stopping to think about why things work.
Travis Oliphant Well, that's a super compliment. I'm humbled by that, actually. I would say a life they can be proud of, honestly. One thing that I've said to people is, first, find people you love and care about them. Family matters to me a lot, and family means people you love and have committed to. So it can be whatever you mean by that. But you need to have a foundation. So find people you love and want to commit to and do that, because it anchors you in a way that nothing else can. Right? And then you find other things. And then kind of from out there, you find other kinds of things you can commit to, whether it's ideas or people or groups of people. So, you know, especially in high school, I would say, don't settle on what you think. You know, give yourself ten years to think about the world. Like, I see a lot of high school students who seem to know everything already. I think I did too. I think it's maybe natural, but recognize that the things you care about, you might change your perspective over time. I certainly have over time. I was really passionate about one specific thing that's kind of softened. I was a big I didn't like the Federal Reserve. Right. And we can have a longer conversation about monetary policy and finances, but I'm a little more nuanced in my perspective at this point. But that's one area we learn about some and go, I want to attack it. Build, don't destroy. Build. So often the tendency is to not like something. They want to go, attack it. Build something. Build something to replace it. Build up. Attract people to your new thing. It'd be far better. Right. You don't need to destroy something to build something else. So that's, I guess, generally and then definitely like, curiosity. Follow your curiosity and Lex it. Don't just follow the money.
Ishan Misra I would say just be hungry. Always be hungry for what you want. And I think I've been inspired by a lot of people who are just driven and who really go for what they want no matter what. You shouldn't want it. You should need it. So if you need something, you basically go towards the ends to make it work.
Zach Bitter Yeah, I think one thing I was always interested when I was teaching was like, you'd have students who had interests, they had what they were good at, and sometimes those ran in unison with one another, sometimes they didn't. And it was always interesting to me when you have a student who's like, I'm really into guitar or I'm really into skateboarding or something like that, where it's like pretty small success rate on that avenue versus what you could maybe accomplish by focusing on just something like a little more standard. And I think really, besides the likelihood of it becoming something you can turn into a professional or not, you should just ask yourself, is this something that I want to spend my free time doing? Because if it is, then you want to keep that in your life because that's something that's rewarding motivating. It might be the catalyst that gets you out of bed in the morning and go to another job in order to go do that thing afterwards. And I think nowadays we're getting to a point where your reachability from even a really small unmonetized thing previously is now an option. Where if you live in a city where there's only two other people interested in your topic of areas, so you're not going to be able to turn into a job now with the internet, you have the world at your disposal. So that two to three people in every town can turn into thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of people. And if you really focus your time and energy into that thing, then who knows where you can go and how much more enjoyable your life can be if you're able to turn your career into a passion of yours. So I think that is something I would tell people, folks on that, see.
Andrej Karpathy Yeah, I think I'm very hesitant to give general advice. I think it's really hard. I've mentioned some of the stuff I've mentioned is fairly general. I think, like, focus on just the amount of work you're spending on like a thing. Compare yourself only to yourself, not to others. You just have a deep interest in something or try to find the arc max over the things that you're interested. Yeah, you can like, lowpass filter yourself in terms of what has consistently been true for you, but yeah, I definitely see how it can be hard, but I would say you're going to work the hardest on the thing that you care about the most. So low pass filter yourself and really introspect in your past. What are the things that gave you energy and what are the things that took energy away from you? Concrete examples, and usually from those concrete examples, sometimes patterns can merge. I like it when things look like this, when I'm in these positions. Yeah, being low level, learning, and then also communicating so that others can go through the same realizations and shortening that gap. Because I usually have to do way too much work to understand the thing. And then I'm like, okay, this is actually like, okay, I think I get it. And like, why was it so much work? It should have been much less work. And that gives me a lot of frustration, and that's why I sometimes go teach.
Noam Brown I would say that there are a lot of people working on similar aspects of machine learning and to not be afraid to try something a bit different. My own path in AI is pretty atypical for a machine learning researcher today. I mean, I started out working on game theory and then shifting more towards reinforcement learning as time went on. And that actually had a lot of benefits, I think, because it allowed me to look at these problems in a very different way from the way a lot of machine learning researchers view it. And that comes with drawbacks in some respects. I think there's definitely aspects of machine learning where I'm weaker than most of the researchers out there. But I think that diversity of perspective when I'm working with my teammates, they're something that I'm bringing to the table and it's something that they're bringing to the table and that kind of collaboration becomes very fruitful for that reason.
Chamath Palihapitiya It is really important that if somebody that you respect just for the purpose of this put myself in that bucket. And if you're listening to this, I wish somebody had told this to me, we are all equal, and you will fight this demon inside you that says you are less than a lot of other people for reasons that will be hard to see until you're much, much older. And so you have to find either a set of people far, far away, like what I did, or one or two people really, really close to you, or maybe it's both, that will remind you in key moments of your life that that is true. Otherwise you will give in to that beast and it's not the end of the world and you'll recover from it. I've made a lot of mistakes, but it requires a lot of energy, and sometimes it's just easier to just stop and give up. So I think that if you're starting out in the world, if you've been lucky to have a wonderful life and you had wonderful parents, man, you should go and give them a huge chuck, because they did use such a service that most folks don't do to most kids, unfortunately. And it's not the fault of these parents, but it's just tough. Life is tough. So give them a kiss and then figure out a way where you can just do work that validates you and where you feel like you're developing some kind of mastery. Who cares what anybody else thinks about it? Just do it because it feels good. Do it because you like to get good at something. But if you're not one of those lucky people, you can believe in your friends or you can just believe in me. I'm telling you, preserve optionality. How you do that is by regulating your reactions to things.
Kanye West Don't send sleepy tweets unless you buy your own social platform the very next week, call Parlor. But other than that, if you're not going to buy your own social platform, then is that why you bought Parlors?
Frank Wilczek I think I can give three pieces of wise advice that I think are generally applicable. One is to cast a wide net, to really look around and see what looks promising, what catches your imagination. Another thing is to read history and read the masters of the history of ideas. And the third piece of advice is to get the basics under control as soon as possible.
Tyler Cowen Most good advice is context specific, but here are my two generic pieces of advice. First, get a mentor in the things you want to learn. Second, build small groups of peers with similar interests.
Jaron Lanier I think trying to find a way to really pay attention to what you're feeling fundamentally, what your sense of the world is, what your intuition is. If you feel like an intuitive person to try to escape the constant sway of social perception or manipulation, whatever you wish not to escape it entirely. That would be horrible. But to find cover from it once in a while, to find a sense of being anchored in that, to believe in experience as a real thing. Believing in experience as a real thing is very dualistic. That goes with my philosophy of dualism.
Joscha Bach It basically means that you try to figure out what the thing is that is the most right. And this doesn't mean that you have to look for what other people tell you what's right. But you have to aim for moral autonomy. So things need to be right independently of what other people say. I always felt that when people told me to listen to what others say, like read the room, build your ideas of what's true based on the high status people of your in group. That does not protect me from fascism. The only way to protect yourself from fascism is to decide is the world that is being built here, the world that I want to be in some sense, try to make your behavior sustainable. Act in such a way that you would feel comfortable on all sides of the transaction. Realize that everybody is you in a different timeline, but is seeing things differently and has reasons to do so.
Bret Weinstein Yeah, but they're not going to like it because it's not easy to operationalize. And this was a problem when I was a college professor too. People would ask me what they should do should they go to graduate school. I had almost nothing useful to say because the job market and the market of pre job training and all of that, these things are all so distorted and corrupt that I didn't want to point anybody to anything, right? Because it's all broken. And I would tell them that. But I would say that results in a kind of metalevel advice that I do think is useful. You don't know what's coming, you don't know where the opportunities will be. You should invest in tools rather than knowledge, right? To the extent that you can do things, you can repurpose that no matter what the future brings. To the extent that if you as a robot guy, right, you've got the skills of a robot guy. Now, if civilization failed and the stuff of robot building disappeared with it, you'd still have the mind of a robot guy. And the mind of a robot guy can retool around all kinds of things. Whether you're forced to work with fibers that are made into ropes. Your mechanical mind would be useful in all kinds of places. So invest in tools like that that can be easily repurposed and invest in combinations of tools, right? If civilization keeps limping along, you're going to be up against all sorts of people who have studied the things that you studied, right? If you think, hey, computer programming is really, really cool and you pick up computer programming, guess what? You just entered a large group of people who have that skill and many of them will be better than you, almost certainly. On the other hand, if you combine that with something else that's very rarely combined with it. If you have I don't know if it's carpentry and computer programming, if you take combinations of things that are even if they're both common, but they're not commonly found together, then those combinations create a rarefied space where you inhabit it. And even if the things don't even really touch, but nonetheless they create a mind in which the two things are live and you can move back and forth between them and step out of your own perspective by moving from one to the other. That will increase what you can see and the quality of your tools.
Yann LeCun So try to get interested by big questions, things like what is intelligence? What is the universe made of? What's life all about? Things like that. Like even like crazy big questions like what's time? Like nobody knows what time is. And then learn basic things like basic methods, either from math, from physics, or from engineering, things that have a long shelf life. Like if you have a choice between learning mobile programming on iPhone or quantum mechanics, take quantum mechanics because you're going to learn things that you have no idea exist. You may never be a quantum physicist, but you will learn about Pass integrals. And Pass integrals are used everywhere. It's the same formula that you use for Beijing integration and stuff like that. Learn classical mechanics, like you'll learn about lagoongens, for example, which is like a hugely useful concept for all kinds of different things. Learn statistical physics, because all the math that comes out for machine learning basically comes out of was figured out by statistical physicists in the, you know, late 19th, early 20th century, right? And for some of them, actually more recently by people like Georgia Parisi, who just got Nobel Prize for the Replica method, among other things. It's used for a lot of different things. Virtual inference. That math comes from statistics physics. So a lot of those kind of basic courses, if you do electrical engineering, you take signal processing, you'll learn about Fourier transforms. Again, something super useful. It's at the basis of things like graph neural nets, which is an entirely new sub area of AI machine learning, deep learning, which I think is super promising for all kinds of applications.
Jordan Ellenberg Make the high self-esteem choice. Take yourself out of it and do what the version of you that feels completely confident would do.
James Gosling Don't be afraid of risk. It's okay to do stupid things once. You get a pass on the first time or two that you do something stupid. The third or fourth time. Yeah, not so much. But also I don't know why, but really early on, I started to think about ethical choices in my life. And because I'm a big science fiction fan, I got to thinking about just about every technical decision I make in terms of how do you want are you building Blade Runner or Star Trek? Well, I would sure rather live in the universe of Star Trek.
Simon Sinek Yeah, there's mutual responsibility, there's mutual accountability. I mean, we're responsible as individuals to find the organizations and find the leaders that inspire us. And organizations are responsible for maintaining that flame and giving people who believe what.
Douglas Lenat I'd say you can make a difference. But in order to make a difference, you're going to have to have the courage to follow through with ideas which other people might not immediately understand or support. You have to realize that if you make some plan that's going to take an extended period of time to carry out, don't be afraid of that. That's true of physical training of your body. That's true of learning some profession. That's also true of innovation, that some innovations are not great ideas you can write down on a napkin and become an instant success if you turn out to be right. Some of them are paths you have to follow. But remember that you're mortal. Remember that you have a limited number of decadesized bets to make with your life, and you should make each one of them count. And that's true in personal relationships, that's true in career choice, that's true in making discoveries and so on. And if you follow the path of least resistance, you'll find that you're optimizing for short periods of time, and before you know it, you turn around and long periods of time have gone by without you ever really making a difference in the world.
Dileep George Sure. I think every piece of advice should be taken with a pinch of salt, of course, because each person is different, their motivations are different. But I can definitely say if your goal is to understand the brain from the angle of wanting to build one, then being an experimental neuroscience might not be the way to go about it. A better way to pursue it might be through computer science, electrical engineering, machine learning, and AI. And of course, you have to study up the neuroscience, but that you can do on your own. If you are more attracted by finding something intriguing about discovering something intriguing about the brain, then of course it is better to be an experimentalist. So find that motivation. What are you intrigued by? And of course, find your strengths too. Some people are very good experimentalists, and they enjoy doing that.
Jeremi Suri Yes. Two things I believe that I say to a lot of talented young people. First, I don't think you can predict what is going to be well, renumerated, 20 years from now, don't pick a profession because you think even though your parents might tell you or do this and you'll make money. This is a scene in The Graduate where Guy tells Dustin Hoffman, Go into plastics. Money and plastics. We don't know. So many of my students now have parents who are telling them, bright students, go to the business school. That's what's going to set you up to make money. If you're passionate about business, yes. But don't begin by thinking you know what's going to be hot 20 years from now. You don't know what's going to be hot from 20 years ago. 20 years from now, what should you do? This is advice number one. Find what you're passionate about. Because if you're passionate about it, you will do good work in that area. If you're talented. And usually passion and talent overlap and you'll find a way to get people to pay you for it. I mean, you do it really well. People will want to pay. That's where capitalism works. People will find it valuable, right? Whether it's violin playlist or engineering or poetry. You might not become a billionaire that involves other things, but you'll find a way to get people to pay you for it. And then the second thing is it's really important at the very beginning of your career, even before you're in your job, right, to start building your networks. But networks are not just people you're on Facebook with or Twitter with. I mean, that that's fine. It's actually forming relationships and some of that can be mediated in a digital world, but I mean real relationships. I like podcasts because I think they actually open up that space. I know a lot of people can listen to a podcast and find someone else who's listened to that podcast and have a conversation about a topic. It opens up that space. Build those relationships. Not with people who you think will be powerful, but people you think are interesting because they'll do interesting things. And every successful person I know at some level had a key moment where they got where they are because of someone they knew for some other reason who had that connection. So use and spread your networks and
Neal Stephenson I think a big part of it is finding the thing that you will do happily, and I don't want to say obsessively, because that sounds like maybe it's pathological, but if you can find a thing that you'll sit down, you'll start doing it, and hours later you kind of snap out of it. Where did the time go? Then that's a really key discovery for anyone to make about themselves when they're young. Because if you don't have that, it's hard to figure out where you should put your energies. And so you might have the best intentions. You might say, I want world peace, or whatever. But at the end of the day, what really matters is how do you spend your time? And are you spending it in a way that's productive? Because it doesn't matter how smart you are or well intentioned you are unless you've figured that out.
Eric Weinstein You're going to need to be incredibly, even pathologically self confident. The antidote for that is going to be something you're going to need to carry on board, which is radical humility. You are going to have to forgive people who do not appreciate your gifts, because your gifts are clearly evident. And many people will have to pretend not to see them, because if they see your gifts, then they're going to have to question their entire approach to education or employment or critical thinking. And what my hope is, is that you can just forgive those who don't see them and who complicate and frustrate your life and realize that you're going to have to take care of them too.
Tomaso Poggio It's curiosity and having fun. And I think it's important also having fun with other curious minds.
Travis Stevens I think the number one thing I can tell people and how I've lived my life is you've really got to, like, forget everybody in your life right now, your mother, your father, your grandparents, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, whoever it is, and really decide, like, what is going to make you happy. Right. At some point in my career, the act of pushing my body to the limit made me happier than winning a grand slam medal. Pushing my body to the limit didn't make me happier than winning an Olympic medal. Right. There's a balance there. And I think a lot of people struggle with living their life where they're happy and they make other people happy or take in their feelings into the considerations of what they need to do in their life. And I think if they can cut those strings sooner, it'll allow you to get over it quicker and get to a happier place sooner.
Sara Walker Yeah, find the driving question. Find your passion. I mean, I think passion makes a huge difference in terms of creativity, talent and potential and also being able to tolerate all the hard things that come with any career or life.
Brett Johnson Biggest lesson I've learned, you want your life to be one where you're helping people and not hurting people.
Bryan Johnson Yes, I would say listen to advice and see it for what it is, a mirror of that person. And then map and know that your future is going to be in a 0th principles thinking. And so what you're hearing today is a representation of what may have been the right principles to build upon previously, but they're likely depreciating very fast. And so I am a strong proponent that people ask for advice but they don't take advice. It's in the careful examination of the advice. The person makes a statement about a given thing somebody should follow. The value is not doing that. The value is understanding the assumption stack they built the assumption and knowledge stack they built around that body of knowledge. That's the value. It's not doing what they say, considering.
Po-Shen Loh So I think the first one would be to make sure that you're learning to invent and to make sure you're not just learning how to mimic. Because a lot of times you learn how to do X by watching somebody do X and then repeating X many times with different inputs. I'm just being very generic in explaining this, but I guess this is just my own attitude towards the world. I didn't like, ever following anyone's directions exactly. Even if you told me this is the way to do your homework is to write in pencil, I would say. But I think pen is nice. Let's try. Right? So I've been that kind of a funny person. But I do encourage that if you can learn how to invent as your core skill, then you can do a lot. But then the second piece that comes with that is something I learned from my PhD advisor. PhD advisor, which was, well, make sure that what you're working on is big enough. And so in that sense, I usually advise to people once they have learned how to invent, ideally, don't just try to settle for something comfortable. Try to see if you can aim for something which is hard, which might involve a campaign, which might be important, which might make a difference. And it's more of, I guess, rather than worrying, what if you didn't achieve that? There's also the regret of what if I didn't try? That's how I operate. I don't operate based on did I succeed or fail? It was hard anyway. If I did this Novid thing and the whole thing failed, would I feel terrible? No, it's a very hard problem. But would I have had the regret of not jumping in? Yes. So it's that different mentality of don't worry about the failing part as much of the make sure you give yourself the shot at those potentially unbounded opportunities.
Georges St-Pierre If he takes life with the same mentality that I do, if he has the same taste of things that I have, I would tell him for sport, for life in general. I would say if you will have the dreams, like make everything in your power and work very hard, you know, never take no for an answer and go through hell in order to achieve it. Don't work hard only, but work smart. I think the problems with a lot of people, they work hard, they can work hard, they burn themselves, they don't work smart. Whether it is in science, in business, they make bad choices or they are badly informed in sport. How many guys I've seen ruin their career in the gyms? They spar so hard, they ruined themselves in the gyms. They leave their career in the gyms. What I would say to, for example, because my field of expertise and it's in sport of mixed martial art, I would say to young kid, make your training playful.
Donald Knuth It's always the same. As I've said before, I guess not to do something because it's trendy, but it's something that you personally feel that you are called to do rather than somebody else expects you to do.
Michael Mina It's hard. I struggle a little bit sometimes to give advice because the advice that I get from my own personal experience is necessarily distinct from the advice that would make other people successful. I have unending ambitions to make things better and I don't see barricades where other people sometimes see barricades even just little things like when this virus started, I'm a medical director at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and so I oversee, or helped oversee molecular virology diagnostics. So when this virus started wearing my epidemiologist hat and wearing my sort of viral outbreak hat, I recognized that this was going to be a big virus that was important on a global level. Even if the CDC and who weren't ready to admit that it was a pandemic, it was obvious in January that it was a pandemic. So I started trying to get a test built at the Brigham, which is one of Harvard's teaching hospitals.
Chris Lattner So I think you come back to change and profound leaps happen because people are willing to believe that change is possible and that the world does change and are willing to do the hard thing that it takes to make change happen. And whether it be implementing a new programming languages, or implementing a new system, or implementing a new research paper, designing a new thing, moving the world forward in science and philosophy, whatever, it really comes down to somebody who's willing to put in the work. And you have the work is hard for a whole bunch of different reasons, one of which is it's work. And so you have to have the space in your life in which you can do that work. Which is why going to grad school can be a beautiful thing for certain people. But also there's the self doubt that happens. Like you're two years into a project isn't going anywhere, right? Well, what do you do? Do you just give up because it's hard? No, I mean, some people like suffering and so you plow through it. The secret to me is that you have to love what you're doing and follow that passion. Because when you get to the hard times, that's when if you love what you're doing, you're willing to kind of push through. And this is really hard because it's hard to know what you will love doing until you start doing a lot of things. And so that's why I think that particularly early in your career, it's good to experiment, do a little bit of everything. Go take the survey class on the first half of every class in your upper division lessons, and just get exposure to things, because certain things will resonate with you. And you'll find out, wow, I'm really good at this. I'm really smart at this. It works with the way your brain.
Sheldon Solomon My advice is to get competent advice. Don't listen to me. Well, I think my big piece of advice these days is, again, it's at the risk of sounding like a simpleton, but it's to emphasize a few things. One is one of your questions, I think, was what's the meaning of life? And of course, the existentialists say life has no meaning, but it doesn't follow from that, that it's intrinsic, that it's meaningless. The existential point is not that life is meaningless so much as it doesn't have one inevitable and intrinsic meaning, which then opens up. I think it was Kierkegaard who said, consciousness gives us the possibility of possibilities. But there's another lunatic, Oswalt Spangler, who wrote a book called Decline of the west and he says that the philosopher, the German philosopher Gerta, he says, the purpose of life is to live. So that's one of my pieces of advice. Yeah, it's great. And so that's another existential point, which is that we yearn for freedom. We react vigorously when we perceive that our choices have been curtailed and then we're paralyzed by indecision in the wake of seemingly unlimited possibilities because we're not choking on choice. I'm not sure if this is helpful advice or not, but what I say to folks is that the fact of the matter is that for most people, choice is a first world problem. And sometimes the best option is to do something as silly as it sounds. And then if that doesn't work, do something else. Which just sounds like my mom torturing me when I was young. But part of the thing that I find myself singularly ill equipped is that I may be at the tail end of the last generation of Americans where you picked something and that's what you did. Like, I've been at a job for 40 years where you can expect to do better than your parents because those days are gone and where you can make a comfortable inference that the world in a decade or two will have any remote similarity to the one that we now inhabit. Yeah. And to do so again, this is back to the heidegger guy because, all right, I consider myself a professor, but what happens if most of the schools go out of business? Somebody else may consider themselves a restaurant tour, but what happens if there's no more restaurants? So this is negative advice
Jeff Hawkins Well, in my case, I didn't start life with any kind of goals. When I was going to college, I was like, oh, what do I say? Well, maybe I'll do this electron engineering stuff. It wasn't like today. You see, some of these young kids are so motivated, like, I'll change the world. I was like, whatever. But then I did fall in love with something besides my wife, but I fell in love with this, like, oh, my God, it would be so cool to understand how the brain works. And then I said to myself, that's the most important thing I could work on. I can't imagine anything more important because if we understand how the brains work, you build Telgen machines and they could figure out all the other big questions of the world. Right. And then I said, But I want to understand how it works. So I fell in love with this idea and I became passionate about it. And this is a trope. People say this, but it's true, because I was passionate about it. I was able to put up almost so much crap.
Chris Duffin Yeah. First is you don't have it figured out. Don't worry, just jump in. Yeah, we talked a lot about understanding your values and align and all that stuff, but you got to have a base level of start exploring and learning and just spending the time doing like pick something. Let me elaborate a little bit. And then but within that, you can start discovering the things that are there for you. Like, I talk about I made this huge shift. I threw away my whole life, but I don't regret anything about that. I wouldn't be where I was if I didn't walk through and learn those things. And in fact, in the course of that, I learned just how much that inspiring people and helping them realize the potential far beyond what they thought was capable. And guess what? That was leadership 101 in managing people base level, floor level. Right. And I got a lot out that was perfectly aligned with and that's what I realized. It didn't matter what industry I was in or any of those other things, but I was able you can see so many things. There's so many paths that you can go down to help you realize what those things are, and you're going to be able to find a lot of those nuggets and develop those. Do you think that I could have just gone to school and got out and started a globally recognized brand within a few years without having been schooled in business while getting paid for it by others for years? And in fact, that entire time, I knew that that's what I wanted to do, but I didn't go out on it. I mentored some of my friends along the same path to go no. They're like, I'm ready. I'm ready to go do this. And I'm like, no, now you need to go get a job. Yeah, you know, engineering, management, design, all that stuff. Go get a job as a manager now. Like, oh, that's a step down. I can't do that. I'm like, Go try it. A couple of years ladder. Oh, my God, that was such a good move. I didn't know what I didn't know, and now they're an executive for freaking a Fortune 500 company. And the same thing. Like, I sat there knowing that I was getting a free education. Don't stress yourself out. That's my advice
Boris Sofman It's very hard to go into a space that you're not passionate about and push hard enough to maximize your potential in it. So there's always kind of like the saying of, like, okay, follow your passion. Great. Try to find the overlap of where your passion overlaps with like, a growing opportunity and need in the world, where it's not too different than the start up kind of argument that we talked about, where if you are where your. You know what I mean? Because that's a beautiful thing where you can do what you love, but it also just opens up tons of opportunities because the world is ready for it, right? If you're interested in technology, that might point to go and study machine learning because you don't have to decide what career you're going to go into. But it's going to be such a versatile space that's going to be at the root of everything that's going to be in front of us, that you can have eight different careers in different industries and be an absolute expert in this kind of tool set that you wield that can go and be applied. And by the way, that doesn't apply to just technology, right? It could be the exact same thing if you want to same thought process applies to design, to marketing, to sales, to anything but that versatility where you like when you're in a space that's going to continue to grow, it's just like, what company do you join? One that just is going to grow and the growth creates opportunities where the surface area is just going to increase and the problems will never get stale. And so you go into a career where you have that sort of growth in the world that you're in. You end up having so much more opportunity that organically just appears, and you can then have more shots on. Goal to find that killer overlap of timing and passion and skill set and point in life where you can just really be motivated and fall in love with something and then at the same time find a balance.
Steve Keen Mainly in a career? I say, don't do an economics degree. Yeah. Because what you learn is an obsolete technology. Learning economics at a university is like learning tool. Make astronomy, okay, birth centric equilibrium, epic cycles being added to make your models fit the data. So I'd say learn system dynamics. Do a course in system dynamics, which you can apply in any field, and then apply what you learn out of system dynamics to the issues of economics, if that's what interests you. A base engineering education. That is far better than doing an economics degree in terms of life.
Rick Doblin Well, I would say what people often hear is that we're not actually here for that long a period of time and the world is on fire, and whether humanity survives is not clear. And whether how many species are we going to kill before we figure out not to do that anymore. So I would advise you to really try to develop a combination of what do you need in terms of income for your own survival, but what does the world need in terms of help to make the world better? And Howard Thurman, who he talked about who ran the Good Friday experiment, the minister there, he's got a famous quote attributed to him, and this is exactly it to young people. He said, there's nothing particular that you should do but find what makes you come alive, because what the world needs is people that have come alive and are passionate. So I would say that beware of this trap, that you need vast resources, that you need all this stuff. I keep thinking of the super wealthy people in first class on the Titanic. As the Titanic is sinking, their money is not going to help them. The Earth is like Titanic, we're sinking, we're destroying the planet, destroying the environment. So you need a certain amount of money to be comfortable, to not be at that edge of survival. Because once you're at that edge of survival, it's hard to think about anything else. But I'd say to young people to the extent that you're able to do this and again, student debt and all this kind of stuff is a big problem there too. But really just try to find this combination of what the world needs and what you need. The other thing to say to young people is life is a lot shorter than you think and a 20 year plan is not really that long. So if it takes you 20 years to get in the position to do what you want to do, go for it, have long term plans. The other part that was so important for me to keep doing what I've been doing basically now it's 49 years that I've sort of been devoting my life on psychedelics since I was 18.
Rob Reid On a career level, one thing that I think is unintuitive, but unbelievably powerful, is to focus not necessarily on being the top sliver of 1% in excelling at one domain that's important and valuable, but to think in terms of intersections of two domains, which are rare but valuable.
Risto Miikkulainen Yes, definitely explore diversity exploration and I mean, individuals take classes in music, history, philosophy, math, engineering. See connections between them, travel, learn a language. I mean, all this diversity is fascinating and we have it at our fingertips. Fingertips today. It's possible. You have to make a bit of an effort because it's not easy, but the rewards are wonderful.
Nic Carter See, the problem with advice is that in a world where so much of success is defined by luck and serendipity, is that the advice givers often don't know why they've been successful, right? They might say, I was wearing a green tie on the day of my job interview and so you should go out and wear green ties, and so they might just get the causality completely wrong. Right? I mean, I'm not going to claim that I'm super successful at it, but see, that's the problem is that I don't think my journey is replicable, necessarily. So who am I to give advice? Although the one thing I will say is that the thing I did right was to become completely obsessed with a domain I found really interesting and held promise. Like, if I had been really interested in Magic of the Gathering, I wouldn't have been able to do much with that, aside from build like a killer card pack or whatever. And I wasn't afraid to really put myself out there and float my thoughts online and see how people reacted to them, even if I said stuff that was completely erroneous or wrong all the time. The rewards to writing and just publishing content are immense, as you know. Obviously, it's the most high leverage activity I think most young people have available to them. And I was very lucky, and I benefited from a lot of favorable coincidences. A lot of people that took a chance on me, and if I had more time, I would sit here and name them. Well, that's right. You have to put yourself in a position to be lucky, and most people don't. So you just have to get as many shots on goal as possible. And of course, luck plays an undeniable role in any career path, for sure. But you do have to make yourself available to it, and you have to take a ton of chances. But, yeah, that's the problem with advice. It's just so hard to replicate it. So I find it illegitimate most of the time.
Kai-Fu Lee I would suggest that people understand technology waves move quickly. What worked two years ago may not work today. And that is very much case in point for AI. I think two years ago or maybe three years ago, you certainly could say, I have a couple of super smart PhDs and we're not sure what we're going to do, but here's how we're going to start and get funding for a very high valuation. Those days are over because AI is going from rocket science towards mainstream, not yet commodity, but more mainstream. So first the creation of any company to eventual capitalists has to be creation of business value and monetary value. And when you have a very scarce commodity, VCs may be willing to accept greater uncertainty. But now the number of people who have the equivalent of PhD three years ago, because that can be learned more quickly. Platforms are emerging. The cost to become an AI engineer is much lower, and there are many more AI engineers. So the market is different. So I would suggest someone who wants to build an AI company be thinking about the normal business questions. What customer cases are you trying to address? What kind of pain are you trying to address? How does that translate to value? How will you extract value and get paid through what channel? And how much business value will get created? That today needs to be thought about much earlier upfront than it did three years ago. The scarcity question of AI talent has changed. The number of AI talent has changed. So now you need not just AI but also understanding of business, customer and the marketplace. So I also think you should have a more reasonable valuation expectation and growth expectation. There's going to be more competition. But the good news, though, is that AI technologies are now more available in open source TensorFlow PyTorch, and such tools are much easier to use. So you should be able to experiment and get results. Iteratively faster than before. So take more of a business mindset to this. Think less of this as a laboratory taken into a company, because we've gone beyond that stage. The only exception is if you truly have a breakthrough in some technology that really no one has, then the old way still works. But I think that's harder and harder now.
Peter Wang You are going to have to find your own way. You're going to have to have a pioneer spirit. Even if you live in the middle of the most dense urban environment, all of human reality around you is the result of the last few generations of humans agreeing to play certain kinds of games. A lot of those games no longer operate according to the rules they used to.
Roger Reaves To be a good man or woman. If I had it to do over with, I'll just tell you what I'd have done. I would have paid attention and studied my lesson and did the best I could in school yes. And went as far as I could have. I would have liked to have been a doctor. I just didn't have the stick ability or anybody to tell me, hey, go there and do that. And if you can do that at a very young age, start in a trade, learn to do something. Doesn't matter what it is. If you learn to do something good, there is a great demand for you. And I would say that in prison, that the prison system should come in and you get a thief, young fans, a thief robber, and you say, all right, we need carpenters, we need plumbers, we need electricians, we need sheep. Sentence them to that trade. And when you get an A plus in that where you can go out and make you $30 or $50 an hour. You go home. Now, you can mess around ten years if you want to, or you can do this in two. I think that's just for the prison. But anyway, I would say that they find somebody and be true to them that we have. Just be honest and true in your life.
Peter Singer There are many different ways of living as an effective altruist. If you're thinking about your long-term career, I would recommend looking at a website called 80,000 Hours, which explores ethical career choices. These choices range from earning a lot of money on Wall Street and donating most of it to effective charities, to working for a nonprofit organization and directly using your skills to further a good cause, or even going into politics or the public service where you can influence decisions and make a positive impact. There are many opportunities, but too few people are considering these options. Many just follow a preordained path without thinking about how they can truly make a difference in the world.
Skye Fitzgerald Yeah. I don't know how you're going to react to this, given sort of your expertise, but I would say put down the smartphone, step away from the monitor. Right. Because real life is not a screen. I believe that sort of the foundational skills which are conducive and important to success aren't necessarily those technical skills which we're going to learn in trade schools or university. I think they're more foundational than that. They're learning how to interact and listen. With humans, yeah. To really see and listen right. And observe. Right. And how to step out of your door. And if the electricity goes out and you're 5 miles away from your house, you don't need a smartphone to get home because you've set visual markers for yourself on how to get back to where you live. Right. I think we're in danger right now of living in a world where if the satellites stop functioning, then a whole lot of people have become completely dysfunctional because we're so reliant upon the screens in our lives. So I think there's a lot of foundational skills that have nothing to do with technology that we need to learn, and everything rests upon those. So I would say learn those foundation. Learn how to write well, read a lot. Right. It's a different kind of knowledge and wisdom that comes out of that.
Mark Normand Well, first of all, you got to want a life you're proud of. Not everybody has any integrity. A lot of people just want short money. I want to feel good, look good right now. I want to do molly. I'll feel good. But you should space it out. It's almost like saving money so you can use it later. Nobody wants to save money. What do they say? Like, 11% of America actually has money saved, $1,000 or some shit. It's wildly low. Everybody wants it now. What do you call it? Immediate gratification. I think the key to happiness and satisfaction is working for something, even if it's like a baby. If you could have a baby in five minutes, if a woman, you got a huge dinner and she had a baby, five minutes, boom. Newborn, healthy. I think you'd be more likely to throw it away if you could make it that quick. It's the fact that you spent nine months backbreaking, the labor, the lactating, the ripped placenta, and the hymen or whatever the fuck, that's what makes you love it. And I think it's the same with comedy or making money or whatever. Look at these kids who like child stars. They all become heroin addicts at, like, 22 because they've just their sensors are burned out. They're pleasure sensors. You didn't have to earn it. I think earning it is a big part of life. And always try to do better, try to do more, try to learn new things. Hey, I'm bored. Life sucks. Play the piano, then you chew, but you won't do it because it takes effort and failure and all that. But that's the good part. And I know it's hard to see, so I think that's that's a good, good key to life, is work hard at something you care about and then love the result. The the hard work, the journey is actually way more important than just getting something. Everybody wants to go on Amazon. I got a package. Then you feel good for 10 seconds and, all right, let's go on Amazon again. And then it's just a dumb cycle of you being disgusting and gluttonous. So work for it. Everybody wants to take steroids and just poop. I'm buff. I saw the icarus. But no,
Richard Craib I often tell young people, don't start companies, don't start a company unless you're prepared to make it your life's work. That's a really good way of putting it. And a lot of people think, well, this semester I'm going to take a semester off, and in that one semester, I'm going to start a company and sell it or whatever. And it's just like, what are you talking about? It doesn't really work that way. You should be super into the idea, so into it, that you want to spend a really long time on it.
Glenn Loury Well, I'd say the world is your oyster. I mean, first order of business, you're not a victim. I don't care what color you are. I don't care you're male, female, you're gay, straight, whatever. The world is your oyster. You are so privileged. You sit here in the United States of America, free country, rich country. Everything is possible for you. Believe me. You can do anything. Okay? Secondly, I would say mastery over the medium in which we're embedded is the key to the future. So get educated, focus. Work hard. Invest in your future by acquiring the skills that you need to be able to navigate the 21st century. I would say the Chinese are coming. And I don't mean anything against China. I just mean to say the world is a small place and it's getting smaller, and you better get moving, and you better get moving quickly. I'd say your identity, your coloration, your orientation, your category is not the most important thing about you. The temptation to limit yourself. I give this speech to my kids.
Ben Askren Well, in wrestling, I think wrestling is really a microcosm of what your life is going to be. And that's why one of the things that I stress the kids is, like, if we can go through this now and figure out I have a couple of kids who are struggling with certain things, if you can figure out this now in wrestling to me. A lot better figure out now and get over this mental hump than when you're 32 and you have two kids and your jobs is not going well. It could be a lot more painful then let's fucking figure it out now. So a lot of these things, a lot of these lessons we can learn from wrestler, whether it's persistence or perseverance or work ethic or I said wrestler show up on time and they work hard, right? These things, if we can learn these things at an early age, those characteristics will generally carry on throughout our life. And those are the things that are going to make us really successful. So I would say find a great coach, someone who's going to spend a lot of time and put a lot of time into you and make sure they have a lot of wisdom and steal all the wisdom that you can from them. And then if you can be successful at one thing, generally, whatever that recipe was that took you to be successful at that, apply it to everything else. Apply it to the rest of your life. Apply it to getting a life that you enjoy. Apply it to living in a place you want to live, doing a job you want to do. Right. There's so many possibilities, and you just have to be bold enough to go take those chances.
David Eagleman First of all, I would say the main thing for a young person is stay adaptable. The fact is, the jobs that will exist 20 years from now, we don't even have names for it. So the important thing is learning how to learn, learning how to be live, wired and adaptable. That's really key. And what I advise young people when I talk to them is what you digest. That's what gives you the raw storehouse of things that you can remix and be creative with and so eat broadly and widely. And obviously, this is the wonderful thing about the Internet world we live in now, is you kind of can't help it. You're constantly well, you go down some molehole of Wikipedia and you think, oh, I didn't even realize that was a thing. I didn't know the existence. And so embrace that. Embrace that. Yeah, exactly. And what I tell people is just always do a gut check about, okay, I'm reading this paper and yeah, I think, but this paper, wow, that really I really cared about that in some way. I tell them, just keep a real sniff out for that. And when you find those things, keep going down those paths.
Sara Seager It's tough advice in a way, but MIT is to find something that you love doing that you're also very good at. In some ways, the stars have to align because you've got to find that thing you're good at, or the range of things, and it actually has to overlap with something that actually you love doing every day. So it's not a tedious job. That's the best way to succeed.
Ronald Sullivan Yeah, sure. I'll share some advice. It actually picks up on a question we talked about earlier in the academy in schools. But it's some advice that a professor gave to me when I got to Harvard. And it is this that you have to be willing to come face to face with your intellectual limitations and keep going. And it's hard for people I mean, you mentioned this earlier to face really difficult tasks, and particularly in these sort of elite spaces where you've excelled all your life, and you come to MIT and you're like, wait a minute, I don't understand this. This is hard. I've never had something really hard before. And there are a couple of options, and a lot of people will pull back and take the gentleman or gentlewoman's b and just go on, or risk going out there, giving it your all and still not quite getting it. And that's a risk, but it's a risk well worth it because you're just going to be the better person, the better student for it. And even outside of the academy, I mean, come face to face with your fears and keep going and keep going in life, and you're going to be the better person, the better human being.
Jay Bhattacharya In undergraduate college, I'd say a few things. One is, this is a wonderful profession. You have an opportunity to improve the lives of so many and do it by having fun. The kind of play we're talking about, it's an absolute privilege to be able to work in this kind of area. And to young people looking at the same that have some gifts or desire for this area, I say, Please go for it. Yeah. I mean, it could be I don't have any gifts in AI, but it could be your in health or in medicine or whatever. Whatever your gifts lie, develop them. Work hard and develop them because it's worth it. It's worth it not just because you get some status, but because the journey is fun and the result is improvement to the lives of so many. So I think that is the encouragement I give. I'd also say, if you're looking at this ugliness of this debate that's happened over the pandemic, I'd say to young people, we need you to come in and help transform it. Many of the people who see in this debate that behave poorly, I ask that you forgive them. I've done my best to try because many of them are acting out of their own sense that they need to do good. But the mistake they've made is in this arrogance, in this power. When you come in, remember that example as a negative example. And so that when you join the debate, you'll join it in a spirit of humility, in the spirit of trying to learn while keeping that love that led you to enter the field in the first place.
Josh Barnett Well, I mean, really what it comes down to is do it because you love it. Do it for that reason and that reason alone. Most people that get into this and attempt to make any sort of professional inroads with it, you are not going to be the world champion. You probably will never even fight for a belt. You're probably not going to net make money at this. So don't do it for those reasons. Do it for the reason of the passion. Do it for the reason to be the absolute best that you can be, whatever that ends up being. You might at best only be mediocre, but you won't even be mediocre if you don't do it like you really mean it.
Tim Dillon Ignore everyone. Make a few good friends. Truly. Have honest conversations with yourself about when do you feel the most alive? Figure that out. Try to figure out a job or a career that can replicate that feeling. Don't listen to anyone. Don't listen to your parents. Don't listen to the gurus on the internet. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to anyone. Figure out where you feel the most alive. Where do you feel excited? Where does your pulse quicken? What do you feel matters when you're in a situation? Do you feel like it matters? What situation was that? What got you excited? What thing did you walk into where you looked around and were taken back and you're like, wow, this is amazing, and I'm filled with awe? If you can figure out a life where you can excite yourself, you might not use drugs or alcohol or a sex addiction or gambling or irresponsibility, you might not have to get your fucking kicks in very destructive places.
Chris Blattman You have to fly coach and go to the internet cafes. You can't like all the development workers that I know that fly business class and you'll never meet somebody. I actually spent a lot of time writing advice on my blog and I've got like pages and pages of advice. And one of the reasons is because I never got that. I went to a really good state school in Canada called Waterloo. I loved it, but people didn't go on the trajectory that I went on from there. And I had some good advisors there, but I never got the kind of advice I needed to pursue this career. So it's very concentrated in elite colleges, I think sometimes in elite high schools. So I tried to democratize that. That was one reason I started the blog. But a lot of that is really particular because every week I have students coming in my office wanting to know how to do international development work. And I just spent a lot of time giving them advice. And that's what a lot of the posts are about.
Garry Nolan If you believe in something, you believe that an idea is valuable or you have an approach to something, don't let others shame you into not doing it. As I've said, shame is a societal control device to get other people to do what they want you to do rather than what you want to do. So shame sometimes is good to stop you from doing something unethical or wrong. But shame also is something that is circumscribing your environment. I've never let people who've told me, you shouldn't do that line of science, you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking that. Give me a break. Why is it wrong to ask questions about this area? What's wrong with asking the question? Frankly, you're the person who's wrong for trying to stop these questions. You're the person who's almost acting like a cultist. You basically have closed your mind to what the possibilities are. And if I'm not hurting anybody and if it could lead to an advance. And if it's my time, why does it bother you? I mean, I had a very well known scientist once told me that I was going to hurt my career talking about this. If anything, it's enhanced my career.
John Danaher I'm sorry, but John Danaher's answer is not provided in the given transcript.
Douglas Murray The main thing to do is to read. If you want to become a writer, you have to be a reader. You have to read the best stuff. Find writers who impress you, read everything by them, and find other writers like that.
Betül Kaçar I would want the young people to know that you can be that there are just wonderful things to learn from this life and it's just incredible to be living. And I would want them to know that their voice matters and they need to use it, especially those who think that their voice doesn't matter. And ultimately, I think what it comes down to is to trusting yourself, trusting and respecting your voice. If you're not loved, learn how to love. If you are not respected, start by respecting yourself. Learn how to respect yourself. You can teach yourself things.
Sarma Melngailis Read a lot of books.
Dan Reynolds I would just say what I emphasize to my kids is I really want my kids to just learn to love themselves. It's easier said than done. It's really easy to pick on yourself in life. It's really easy to look in the mirror and wish you looked different, wish you were more successful, like that person over there. Wish that, wish a lot of things. And people that I see that really succeed at life really succeed truly. And that doesn't mean they're making money necessarily, or they're succeeding and they're talking to a lot of people. Success to me, is like, happy, and they have real self love.
Ed Calderon Travel is one of the biggest things in the world. I would ask people to go out and see how other people live. Don't go there with your own preconceived notions, but actually experience the world. It doesn't have to be another country, even going from Tennessee to Seattle is a pretty interesting change of machinery. Knowing how other people live is risky and dangerous, but it's part of the journey. Service is essential and should be at the basis of all our lives. Start with service in any industry. Community service of any kind is an essential thing. The ability to go out there and interact with people you wouldn't normally interact with. Education is out there, it is expensive, but there are ways to access it without spending a fortune. The dream is free, but the hustle is sold separately. Take information, process it, and use it. We can't expect everything to be safe, processed, and given to us on a platter.
Roger Gracie To such a high level, determination is the most important thing. You need to know where you're going together. So you need to have a goal, whatever that goal is like, you need to set that goal for yourself so you know where you want to go. And to have the determination to get there and be sure that you will fail many times. You cannot let your failures bring you down because you will fail many times. Everybody does.
Michael Malice Don't ask your friends for advice because you're an idiot at your age, and they're all idiots and they don't want to seem like idiots, so they're just going to give you advice. Seek out advice from people who you seek to emulate and ask them for advice. If you can't get a hold of them, figure out a way to get a hold of them. Incentivize them in some way. It's also very hard at that age to realize your parents might not be all that bright and they might not be all that good people. Join a gym or have some kind of quantifiable daily improvement to keep you sane. Try new experiences, new things. Try things you don't like. Learn how to form boundaries. Be someone who people are happy to see, and if things are bad, you're the one that they can rely on. Understand that your 40s are better than your 30s.
Robert Breedlove The strongest piece of advice I have for this is beyond just bitcoin. This is you managing your own personal and financial affairs, is that you need to invest in knowledge first. It's not good enough to just follow the crowd and buy a 60 40 portfolio and put it in a Roth RA and plan on Social Security. I mean, the world's changing much faster than any existing institution is going to be able to keep up with. So that's why I named the show the question, what is money? I think that, to me, is the rabbit that took me down the rabbit hole. It's like just asking that question naturally progressed to these other questions, like, what is value, what is government, what is what is the purpose of society? Speech, all of these things. So I would encourage people to arm yourself with knowledge and study. A lot of financial people always give you a line of advice and then say, this is not financial advice, this is financial advice.
Christof Koch No, in a sense, that the only known system that a high level of intelligence is homo sapiennes. So if you wanted to build it, it's probably good to continue to study closely what humans do.
Kelsi Sheren Live a life you can be proud of. If you wake up every morning and hate what you do, change it. Don't stay in that perpetual cycle of bullshit. Move your body, get your blood moving. Pay attention to what you look at and listen to. Make time for yourself, but make it meaningful. Put effort into your life and pick a career that makes you happy, not just for the money. Focus on what's important to you, like family and meaningful relationships. Don't be a follower, think for yourself and have meaningful conversations.
Jo Boaler I think if I were to give advice to people, especially young people, my advice would be to always believe in yourself and know that you can achieve. Although that sounds obvious, many kids and even adults have been given the message that they cannot do things. But the truth is, you can learn anything. Scientists are always trying to find the limit to how much you can learn, but they never find it. People can always go further and further. Even those with special needs can develop and do amazing things. So, knowing deeply that you can learn anything is something I wish all people would understand.
Hikaru Nakamura So I think the main thing is follow your heart, follow your passion. One thing we didn't touch on this, both my parents my mom was a musician. She was very good. I think she was, like, maybe all state in California when she was growing up on the violin, but she still was nowhere near good enough to get into Juilliard or the top music schools and pursue that as a career. And there are a lot of starving musicians who never are able to quite make it. So, like, when I see my mom and what happened with her passion, the fact she wasn't able to make it, or then my stepfather, who we haven't talked about, my stepfather, actually, he's of Sri Lankan descent. He comes from a family of lawyers. His father was a lawyer. His his uncle was a lawyer for the International Court of justice. So it's a family of lawyers. And my stepfather, he went to England to to study law. He went to Southampton I think it was the University of Southampton, and at some point, he was going and playing these tournaments on the weekend and playing playing at the school club, all these things. And his parents, actually, they took away his chess sport. They took away his chess books. They took everything away and told him he was going to become a lawyer, he could not play chess. So when I look at my upbringing, I feel very lucky that my parents, having had these experiences, they were so supportive of everything I did. And I think that at the end of the day, you have to pursue your passion to whatever end that might be. You might pursue it, you might fail, but I do think you have to pursue it. It's better to have tried and failed than to have not tried at all. So I really do believe that's the most important thing is that you do that. And where it takes you, who knows? But the experiences I feel are much more important than the what ifs and possibly missing out on living life.
Michael Levin But it's dangerous to give advice because things change so fast. But one central thing I can say moving up and through academia and whatnot you will be surrounded by really smart people and what you need to do is be very careful at distinguishing specific critique versus kind of meta advice. And what I mean by that is if somebody really smart and successful and obviously competent is giving you specific critiques on what you've done, that's gold. That's an opportunity to hone your craft, to get better at what you're doing, to learn to find your mistakes. Like that's great. If they are telling you what you ought to be studying, how you ought to approach things, what is the right way to think about things, you should probably ignore most of that. And the reason I make that distinction is that a lot of really successful people are very well calibrated on their own ideas and their own field in their own sort of area and they know exactly what works and what doesn't and what's good and what's bad. But they're not calibrated on your ideas. And so the things they will say this is a dumb idea, don't do this and you shouldn't do that. That stuff is generally worse than useless. It can be very demoralizing and really limiting. And so what I say to people is read very broadly, work really hard, know what you're talking about, take all specific criticism as an opportunity to improve what you're doing and then completely ignore everything else. Because I just tell you, from my own experience, most of what I consider to be interesting and useful things that we've done, very smart people have said this is a terrible idea. Don't do that. We just don't know. We have no idea beyond our own. Like, at best, we know what we ought to be doing. We very rarely know what anybody else should be doing.
Oliver Stone Well, I have three children, so obviously I'm not necessarily the best advisor in the world. And I do find that the children, I've raised them with a sense of freedom, and they do what they want. In the end, it's their life, their destiny, their character. That's what comes out. You can try to influence it, but you can try to get your daughter to wake up at a certain hour in a day, but it never works. I long ago gave up on that, and my children are all grown now. But aside from that, I think if I was a teacher in a school and teaching film, I'd say to the students, Get an education. You can't just look at film because it's not a full education. It's not the spectrum. I don't think you should teach film. I think you need a base in other worlds. One of the greatest courses I took at NYU was and I was a war veteran on the GI bill, so I was older than the other students. I took a class outside the film school in Greek classics because I hadn't had much history, and I wanted to know more about the world of Homer and so forth. And the teacher opened my eyes to so much in that class and I wrote about it in my memoir. It's called Chasing the Light, about Professor Leahy and what he did to me. He just he gave me the concepts clearly, of consciousness, which is the Homeric theme for of Odisha, and also lethe, L-A-T-H-E-L-E-T-H-E which is sleep, and how most of the crew, auditious crew were experiencing lethe and how necessary it was to stay awake. So it's not just film, it's just you have to learn the world as much as you can when you're young. That, I think, is a basis of good education, and a classic one is important, a basis, I think. Then you go on and you can learn computer if you want it, but that's specialization. If you're a computer geek, is that a life? Does that give you enough satisfaction? Do you get the joy out of people?
Lt. Ryan Graves I'd suggest that they don't fear looking foolish. I spent a large portion of my life considering the laughter or the comments at my statements as indication that I shouldn't pursue that. And so I kind of woke up to that fact a bit later. But I would advise that people trust in themselves and trust in the things that they care about. It doesn't matter if they're good at it. All that matters is that they find something that they can apply love and care to and they will grow better at it and the most likely make the world better because of it.
Tony Fadell What is it you want to learn and who is it you want to learn from? Just like you pick a university you're like, I want to go here for this expertise. I've heard about these programs, especially graduate graduate studies. You go for a certain program with a certain set of people. Why don't you do that? When it comes to a job, you just don't go in a career, you just don't go and say, I just want to go work at Google or I just want to work at Apple. You want to go to a certain team with a certain set of people and work with them on something that you're really curious about and you want to learn about.
Thomas Tull We talked earlier about intellectual honesty, and to me, that's the first step of just saying to the best of your ability, who am I and what's important to me and what do I want to do and accomplish? If you can start with that and develop some sort of rules based philosophical, here's what I'll what I'll do, what I won't do. And that way you can be flexible and pliable, and you're going to need to be. But if you tull have a compass that tells you, hey, at least I know this is the path I'm going to take, I think that's very important.
Katherine de Kleer I think for somebody thinking of being a scientist... the questions you're working on and the techniques you use are both of very high importance, maybe equal importance for being happy in your career... If there are questions you're interested in, but the techniques that you need to use to do them are tedious for you, then your job is going to be miserable, even if the questions are inspiring. But if the techniques that you use are things that excite you, then your job is fun every day... it really makes a profound difference for, I think, your happiness and your scientific career.
Zev Weinstein Sure. I would say that with the collapse of systems that have existed for thousands of years, whatever is happening with universities might be an example of some system that may or may not be decaying. I think with the destruction of important systems there is a unique opportunity to invest in oneself and I think that is always the right approach, provided that the investment one makes in his self is obligated towards humanity as a whole. And I think that is the great struggle of my generation. Will we create our own paths that are capable of saving whatever is collapsing or will we be squashed by the debris? And I hope to articulate what patterns I see this struggle taking over the years, that my generation becomes particularly active in the world as an important force. I think already we're important as a demographic to particular markets. But I should hope that our voices will matter as well, starting very soon. So I would try to think about that.
Avi Loeb Don't listen to experts. Carve your own path. Learn from experience and do it yourself.
Michael Saylor My advice, if you're entering adulthood, focus your energy. Guard your time. Train your mind, train your body. Think for yourself. Curate your friends, curate your environment. Keep your promises, stay cheerful and constructive, and upgrade the world.
Mark Zuckerberg Well, let's break that down because I think you proud of have a big positive impact while you're actually listening. And how to live your life are actually three different things that I think they could line up. And also, what age of people are you talking to? Because I can like, high school and. Okay, so let's maybe start with the kind of most philosophical and abstract version of this. Every night when I put my daughters to bed, we go through this thing and they call it the good night things because we're basically what we talk about at night. I go through them. The good night things. Priscilla is always asking, she's like, can I get good night things? I don't know, you go to bed too early. But I basically go through with Max and Augie. What are the things that are most important in life? It's like, what do I want them to remember? And just have really ingrained in them as they grow up. And it's health making sure that you take care of yourself and keep yourself in good shape, loving friends and family, because having the relationships, the family and making time for friends, I think is perhaps one of the most important things. And then the third is maybe a little more amorphous, but it is something that you're excited about for the future. And when I'm talking to a four year old, often I'll ask her what she's excited about for tomorrow or the week ahead. But I think for most people, it's really hard. The world is a heavy place, and I think the way that we navigate it is that we have things that we're looking forward to.
RZA Well, the beautiful thing is that there are footprints left by those who've done it and the best way is to study that, to study those who've already done what you want to do. We live on the civilizations. We said this is the greatest country in the world but our sail is a pyramid with an eye on it, you know what I mean? Because they did it before and they may have failed for some reason or something happens but it was just a strong enough example to take us further. Elon Musk is sitting here trying to do better than what the rocket builders did before. He's not the first one to build the rocket, he's not the first guy to think over the electric car. He's doing it better. He's advancing it to the point that whoever picks up after him, maybe they'll get to that flying car. So that's the beauty. There's a good verse. I love finding verses to say things to confirm because this way people could take it verbally, physically and then maybe even spiritually. But Christmas just said a verse. He said the fastest way to heaven is by spending time or studying the wise people, meaning the wise people who are living and those who live.
Brian Armstrong So people can do whatever they want to be happy, right? So there's not one way to do it. I do think that some people are particular type of people out there. A lot of people actually they want to have an impact on the world. That's how they get a sense of fulfillment, right? You need to have health, physical health. You need to have good relationships. There's lots of things, but most people want to do something important. They want to have fulfilling work, a way that they can feel like they're contributing. I think a lot of people, young people today are thinking like, I should be an activist or something like that. And there's people in the world who have power and a lot of people who don't. I don't have power. And so the way to change the world is to speak truth to power or criticize power and try to pressure them to change. To me, I don't think that's the right way to actually have an impact on the world because everybody has probably I think people have more power than they realize. And by the way, it's easy to be a critic. It's hard to actually change these things and fix it. And so you'll get a lot of accolades from friends and things like that. If you kind of go around criticizing, it's easy to do. Everything is broken and could be better, including stuff I'm working on, I find, like so frustrating. There's a million things I want to be better about, like what we're doing in Coinbase. So be the person in the arena. You know, like that Theodore Roosevelt quote, I think he said it right. Like, go chew glass and stare into the abyss. If you really want to have an impact, either join a company that has a mission that is trying to fix the thing you're passionate about or start that company if it doesn't exist, or start a charity if it's not suitable to be a company or whatever it is. But go try to be a part of the solution. Don't just criticize or be a part of the problem. My hope is that more people can realize that they actually can have a meaningful impact that way. And I think that to me, technology is actually one of the most important ways to improve the world. If you look at climate change, a lot of the best ideas, like carbon sequestration, all these things, it's a
Martin Rees Yes. Well, I'd be very different, really, about offering any wisdom, but I think they should realize that the choices they make at that time are important. And from the experience I've had with many friends, many people don't realize that opportunities open until it's too late. They somehow think that some opportunities are only open to a few privileged people and they don't even try and that they could succeed. But if I focus on people working in some profession I know about, like science, I would say pick an area to work in where new things are happening, where you can do something that the old guys never had a chance to think about. Don't go into a field that's fairly stagnant, because then there's nothing else to do, or you'll be trying to tackle the problems that the old guys got stuck on. And so I think in science, I can give people good advice that they should pick a subject where there are exciting new developments and also, of course, something which suits their style. Because even within science, this is just one profession. There's a big range of style between the sort of solitary thinker the person does field work, the person who works in a big team, et cetera, and whether you like computing or mathematical thought, et cetera. So pick some subject that suits your style and where things are happening fast. And be prepared to be flexible. That's what I'd say.
Alexandra Botez Yeah, the reason I got into streaming because I was initially going to go to college, but the pandemic, it was right the beginning of the pandemic and all my classes were online and I never thought, ever since I was twelve, my dream was school. And I saw myself nowhere else than going to university. And I thought of it and kind of weighed out the wrist. I'm like, well, if I take a gap year and I try streaming with my sister, what do I have to lose? I gained some experience working with someone who has a lot more experience than I do, and then I can go back to school after. And if I go to school right now, I do online classes for a year and that's something that I could do at any time. So that's why it made a lot of sense for me to go into this. But of course, this is also a very unique opportunity, so I don't know how applicable, but I do think overall, the calculated risk is a really good question.
Richard Haier Can't advise anybody on that level of what their passion is. But I can say if you're interested in psychology or if you're interested in science. And the science around the big questions of consciousness and intelligence and psychiatric illness we haven't really talked about brain illnesses and what we might learn from. If you are trying to develop a drug to treat Alzheimer's disease you are trying to develop a drug to impact learning and memory which are core to intelligence. So it could well be that the so called IQ pill will come from a pharmaceutical company trying to develop a drug for Alzheimer's disease because that's exactly. Well, what will that drug do in a college student that doesn't have Alzheimer's disease? So I. Would encourage people who are interested in psychology, who are interested in science, to pursue a scientific career and address the big questions. The most important thing I can tell you, if you're going to be in kind of a research environment, is you got to follow the data where the data take you. You can't decide in advance where you want the data to go and if the data take you to places that you don't have the technical expertise to follow. I would like to understand more about molecular biology, but I'm not going to become a molecular biologist now. But I know people who are, and my job is to get them interested, to take their expertise into this direction. And it's not so easy.
Joe Rogan Find a thing you like. Try to find a thing that you really enjoy. Try to find a thing that you genuinely enjoy, because getting good at things you genuinely enjoy is extremely beneficial for young people. It lets you know that everybody thinks they're a loser. Every young person thinks they're a loser. I didn't know I wasn't a loser until I started winning, till I started doing martial arts. Martial arts taught me that I could get better at stuff, that I wasn't really a loser. I just was someone who was in a fucked up situation. But you could channel all that energy that you have as a young person into something and get better at it. And then all of a sudden, people admired me. I was like, this is crazy. So I went from being someone who was incredibly insecure and basically a failure to someone who was really successful at this one thing that was very dangerous, that other people were scared of, and that gave me immense confidence. And also a real understanding of the direct correlation between hard work and success.
Jordan Peterson Take on some responsibility, do something for other people. Find something to serve somebody, to help someone, to find a job. Do your best with the customers. Develop your social skills. Learn how to handle a boss-employee relationship. Be there 15 minutes early and leave 15 minutes late. Strive for competence, craftsmanship, and discipline. Start by putting your house in order, make your bed, and fix things that bug you in your room.
Jonathan Reisman Well, I think having passion, which isn't always a voluntary thing, you just have it or you don't, perhaps, but becoming passionate about something and following it wherever it takes you, I think is really important.
Demis Hassabis I think the most important things to learn about and to find out about when you're young is what are your true passions? First of all as two things one is find your true passions and I think you can do that by the way to do that is to explore as many things as possible when you're young and you have the time and you can take those risks. I would also encourage people to look at finding the connections between things in a unique way. I think that's a really great way to find a passion. Second thing I would say advise is know yourself. So spend a lot of time understanding how you work best like what are the optimal times to work, what are the optimal ways that you study, how do you deal with pressure? Sort of test yourself in various scenarios and try and improve your weaknesses but also find out what your unique skills and strengths are and then hone those so then that's what will be your super value in the world later on. And if you can then combine those two things and find passions that you're genuinely excited about that intersect with what your unique strong skills are then you're onto something incredible and I think you can make a huge difference in the world.
Bishop Robert Barron I think I say find something you're good at because that's from God. It's a gift that God has given you and then dedicate it to love. You know what I'm saying? So you're good at science or math or sports or whatever. Okay, I'm going to use that now for my aggrandizement, for my wealth, for my privileges and to become famous. No, find what you're good at, but now dedicate it to willing the good of the other. So use your science and use your mathematics and use your sports and use your musicianship to benefit the world. That's how I would say them. So find what you're good at.
Ariel Ekblaw I'd say you should feel empowered because it's really the first time in human history that we're at this cusp of interplanetary civilization, and I don't think we're going to lapse back from it. So the future is incredibly bright for young people that even younger than you and I who will actually really get a chance to go to Mars for certain. The other thing I would say is be open minded about what your own interests are. I don't think you anymore have to be shoehorned into a particular career to be welcomed into the future of space exploration. If you are an artist and that is your passion, but you would love to do space art, or if not space art, use your artistry to communicate a feeling or a message about space. That's a role that we desperately need just as much as we need space scientists and space engineers.
Stephen Kotkin I can say that having a purposeful life is actually not that hard. You're not Gandhi. You're not President Roosevelt. You're not going to transform a country or a civilization or become immortal because of your courage and your insight and your genius at critical moments. But you live in an environment, you're in a school, you're in a workplace, you're somewhere where you can affect other people in a positive way. It can be not just about yourself. But it can be about them. And you can have a positive impact on other people's lives through the work that you do, whether that's your employment or your charity or your spare time or your work time. It can be by modeling proper behavior, admitting your mistakes, hard to do, but necessary, remembering that you don't know everything. You can't predict the future, but you don't even know everything in your areas of expertise. Painfully reminded of that humility at times, but remind yourself too, so you can lead a life that can show others what good values are. And you can lead a life that dedicates yourself not only to your own material well being, but to the well being and to the development of others around you. And it can be on a humble scale, it can be in a small classroom or a small workplace, a small work team, but it can be done. And you can be reminded that having a positive impact, even on one other person, gives far greater meaning to your own life and is profoundly satisfying, much more satisfying than the attention you might get, let's say on social media or awards you might receive. There's nothing wrong with pursuing those people, pursue them, and it's a free society. But leading a purposeful life intentionally is possible.
Anya Fernald The greatest gifts I've been given have come from pursuing curiosity. And also pursuing things that are deeply joyful for me, not what society wants. But you just personally, just on your own, you're happy. That's something that in the times when I've strayed from that, my life has been harder. So it's fundamentally, what are we on Earth to do to live and thrive? And so pursuing things that are curious and satisfying and interesting and joyful and allow me to grow. I made a number of choices to do things that were more complicated and kind of not considered cool at the time, although now it's cool to work on farms. It wasn't when I started my career in animal agriculture, but just deeply interesting to me, and I felt like there was just lots to learn. And so that's been the path for me, is like, going for something that's curious and hard and kind of sticking with it and being open to it and growing elements that give me joy through that. For people who are starting out in their careers and want to do something different too, it's like, get out of your comfort, go to a place that you've got something to learn from and let it teach you that, and you'll get beat up. I got beat up by that experience. It was really hard. I laugh about now working in Sicily for cheese, me, and the funny experiences I had there, but it was hard. I was lonely, I cried a lot. It was stressful, it was hard. It was really hard.
Sergey Nazarov I think the thing that young people should do is not any one specific thing for any one specific young person. I think what they should do is what they won't be able to do in the later stages of their life. And the way, in my opinion, from a framework point of view to think about that is that the amount of obligations and the amount of time that a person has seems to just diminish over time. Right? So the amount of free time they have right? So you start your job, you get a bunch of responsibilities, something with your partner or spouse, more responsibilities, kids probably even more responsibilities. And soon enough, the time that you have to educate yourself to travel, to experience the world, however, create whatever creative endeavor you're interested in solely but surely disappears. I think this is something that, you know, young people don't fully realize. They assume that the world as it is now and the amount of free time that they have to travel to educate themselves, to make new friends, to do all these things, will somehow maybe diminish by 10%. It won't diminish by 10%. It will diminish by 90%. And the 10% that you have, you'll be resting to get back to work and get things done. So yeah, what I think young people should do and this is why it's very different for each of them. Right. I can't tell young people, hey, you should study philosophy, travel and start your own enterprise to achieve something worthwhile in the world. Right? That might be something that's good for me with my values and my kind of worldview, but for other people might be something else. I think the way that they should conceptualize it is, imagine if over the next 1012 years, the amount of choice that you had about what you could do was cut down by 90%. This is copying from this kind of Jeff Bezos regret minimization framework. In that framework, it's like, what would I regret not doing at 80? And that's kind of meant to create this long term view and make these decisions now that will get you to a long term future that you can look back on and be proud of your life, right?
Yannis Pappas Life be doggedly you. I think the magic happens when you are stubbornly doggedly you and you meet other people who are doing the same. And the real magic of life, the real true currency and the ephemeral life is sort of the communication that happens between people. That's the real currency. Friendships, love, it's cliche. But I think the meaning of life is to experience love. And I think people often mistake. Maybe it's because of Hollywood films and things like that, that love is a feeling, but it's not. It's an action. So that took me a while to learn, and I think that's why I've made decisions since that I think have been good for me and healthy for me. Love is an action. People can say things, you can feel things. That doesn't mean they're necessarily real. It's all chemical reactions. It's all tied to our immaturity and psychological issues and survival. But action when you do things, when you act out of love. And that's what it's about, is there.
Shannon Curry I'm going to tell them something my dad told me. He said to me, Shannon, just pick anything. Pick anything. If you like it at all studying it, just pick it. He was like, look, don't worry about the job. You don't even know all the jobs that exist. Pick something you like. You will make it your own.
Carl Hart Yeah. Whatever career they choose, just make sure that they dedicate themselves to it and be the best at what they do first. That's what you have to do first. Like, people see me advocating for this position, 30 years of science is, in these opinion, this view. And trust me, I would be dismissed if I didn't know my shit if I was not. Absolutely. So that's the main thing that I would encourage people to do, really know your craft. If you know your craft, and then maybe you will be a service to your fellow citizens. There are so many people out here faking the funk, and they don't know their craft, and they're not a service to the people that they claim to serve, and that's a problem. And when you have a fairer number of people like that in positions of power, your society is going to crumble.
Michael I. Jordan Well, yeah. First of all, the door is open, and second, it's a journey. I like your language there. It is not that you're so brilliant and you have great, brilliant ideas, and therefore that's how you have success or that's how you enter into the field. It's that you apprentice yourself. You spend a lot of time, you work on hard things, you try and pull back, and you be as broad as you can. You talk to lots of people, and it's like entering in any kind of creative community, there's years that are needed, and human connections are critical to it. So I think about being a musician or being an artist or something immediately from day one, you're a genius, and therefore you do it. No, you practice really, really hard on basics, and you be humble about where you are, and then you realize you'll never be an expert on everything.
Barry Barish My own belief, it may not be very deep, but I believe it. I think you should follow your dreams, and you should have dreams and follow your dreams if you can, to the extent that you can. And we spend a lot of our time doing something with ourselves. On my case, physics, in your case, I don't know, whatever it is, machine learning. And this. You should have fun.
Fiona Hill Look, we all have a voice, right? We all have agency, we all actually have the ability to do something. And you can start small in your local community or even in your own classroom, just helping somebody else out or speaking up and advocating on behalf of things. When I was about eleven years old, I got involved with the kids on Save the Wales. We had all this kind of we were hardly Greta Thunberg, but we kind of got together in a kind of network, writing to people and trying to raise money to help save the whales. Now actually the whales of the world are doing somewhat better. I can't say that that was because of me and my network, but it was kind of a way of organizing and kind of joining in a larger movement. Everybody can be part of something bigger. The thing is, it's all about working together with others and giving other people a chance as well.
Duncan Trussell Can be proud of, man. See, this is what sucks about my life, is that it's been very random and very spontaneous. So unfortunately, I don't get that thing where I could be like, well, here's what I did. Because it's like, I inherited $12,000 from my grandmother. Here's what you do, kids. You inherit $12,000 when your grandmother dies. And then you need to be dumb enough to think that that $12,000 is going to help you live in La for a year. So then what you do is you move to La with $12,000 and you find a shitty place that you live at, and then you use that money to buy acid and synthesize it. And then you run out of the money, and then you have to get a job because you think it'll be fun to work at a comedy club. You get a job at the Comedy Store. And then that's how it happened for me. And I was never at the confidence to be like, I want to be a stand up comedian. No way. I just thought it'd be cool to work in that building. I thought the building looked cool. But then, because you work at the Comedy Store, you get stage time. The reason you work there, at least in those days, because it's not like they're paying like, a shit ton of money for you to answer phones at a comedy club. And so I started going on stage, and then I just got lucky because Rogan saw me have a very rare good set. I didn't know he was in the room or I would have bombed because he thought it was funny and he liked talking to him. He started taking me on the road with him. So I don't know, man.
Susan Cain Okay, here's what I think. You should absolutely do that thing that you're dying to do, but you should always have a plan B, like a backup plan and a way of earning a living no matter what happens. Because that's funny. I feel like people we have this narrative in our culture of what the glamorous thing is to figure out the thing you love and then risk everything to achieve that. But first of all, a lot of people aren't comfortable with that level of risk. And second, when you're living with that level of risk, that's a cognitive load, too. And so you don't have the full emotion and heart to be able to focus on the thing that you actually really love because you're stressed out about it. So I'd say, like, get the backup plan in place and then do the thing.
Donald Hoffman I would say the universe is a lot more interesting than you might expect. And you are a lot more special and interesting than you might expect. You might think that you're just a little, tiny, irrelevant 100 pound, 200 pound person in a vast billions of light years across space. And that's not the case. You are in some sense the being that's creating that space all the time, every time you look so waking up to who you really are outside of space and Time, as the author of Space and Time is the author of everything that you see. You're the author of Space and Time and I'm the author of Space and Time. And space and time is just one little data structure. Many other consciousness are creating other data structure. They're authors of various other things. And then realizing that I had this feeling growing up, going in college, reading all these texts, oh, man, it's all been done. If I'd just been there 50 years ago, I could have discovered this stuff. But it's all in the textbooks now. Well, believe me, the textbooks are going to look silly in 50 years. And it's your chance to write the new textbook. Of course, study the current textbooks. You have to understand them. There's no way to progress until you understand what's been done. But then the only limit is your imagination. Frankly, that's the only limit.
Niels Jorgensen Well, I got to give you some advice. There's two words that were repeated often in the days and the years after 911, which is never forget. Might I remind you to never forget about 912? I mean, those words you talked about, that there's people what is it, college freshmen? They weren't even born, and there's people in the 20s that were too young to remember to understand the events of that day. But I think what that day, as you're describing, means, it's not about a terrorist attack. It's about the unity that followed.
Bjørn Lomborg And what you should do as a young person is stop being, you know, paralyzed by fear and then realize what you can do is basically help humanity become even smarter. There's a lot of different places you can do. I mean, the obvious thing when you're talking about climate is what if you could become the guy that develops fourth generation nuclear? It's very likely something that neither of us know anything about right now, but develop the energy source that will basically power the rest of humanity. How cool would that be? That's one of the many things you could do. But again, also remember, there are lots and lots of other things that need solutions. So what about you become the guy that makes the or the girl that makes the social innovation in Tanzania or in Kenya? Or what about if you become the person who finds a way that is a much cheaper, more effective way to tackle tuberculosis? Right now, it needs four to six months of medication. One of the big problems is once you pop the pills and you're fresh, it's really hard to get people to do it for the other five and a half months. You need that.
John Carmack So it was kind of fun. I got invited to give the commencement speech back at the I went to a college for two semesters and dropped out and went on to do my tech stuff, but they still wanted me to come back and give a commencement speech. And I've got that pinned on my Twitter account, and I still feel good about everything that I said there. And my biggest point was that the path for me might not be the path for everyone and in fact the path that I took and even the advice that I would give based on my experience and learnings probably isn't the best advice for everyone because what I did was all about this knowledge in depth. It was about not just having this surface level ability to make things do what I want, but to really understand them through and through, to let me do the systems engineering work and to sometimes find these inefficiencies that can be bypassed and the whole world doesn't need that. Most programmers or engineers of any kind don't necessarily need to do that. They need to do a little job that's been parceled out to them, be reliable, let people depend on you, do quality work with all of that. But people that do have an inclination for wanting to know things deeper and learn things deeper, there are just layers and layers of things out there and it's amazing if you're the right person that is excited about that. The world's never been like this before. It's better than ever. I mean, everything that was wonderful for me is still there and there's whole new worlds to explore on the different things that you can do and that it's hard work. Embrace the grind with it and understand as much as you can and then be prepared for opportunities to present themselves where you can't just say this is my goal in life and just push at that. You might be able to do that but you're going to make more total progress. If you say, I am preparing myself with this broad set of tools and then I'm being aware of all the way things are changing as I move through the world and as the whole world changes around me, and then looking for opportunities to deploy the tools that you've built. And there's going to be more and more of those types of things. There where an awareness of what's happening, where the inefficiencies are, what things can be done, what's possible versus what's current practice, and then finding those areas where you can
Ray Kurzweil Well, I mean, sometimes I will think through in a dream and try to interpret that. But I think the key issue that I would tell younger people is to put yourself in the position that what you're trying to create already exists, and then you're explaining how it works. Exactly.
Tim Dodd To be honest, I feel like it's so painfully obvious to follow your heart and follow what makes you happy that I'm just shocked that people allow themselves to sit on mediocrity, to just sit there and be like, well, this is just what I do. For a lot of people, that's perfectly fine. I have some of my best friends are clocking in and out and they're perfectly happy. They have a wonderful life. Absolutely no judgment there, of course. But for people that are stuck feeling like they're not sure of what's next and how to bring light into their world, you really just got to listen to what does make you happy. People feel guilty about, oh, I play video games for 8 hours. Then start learning how to make a video game. Learn how to do reviews of video games or make there's so many you can work in the video game industry. You don't have to isolate your love from your work. And it's just funny that maybe you feel guilty that you drink too much. Okay, I don't know if there's a good advice.
Ginni Rometty It takes time and perseverance. You can get the fuel for it from your attitude or your network or your relationships. Relationships are about what you give, not what you get. Focus on how you can bring value to others. Relationships are not transactional. It's important to have supportive relationships. Many women CEOs have been very supportive. Dedicate time to mentoring and helping others. Friendship and love are core to success and the human condition.
Yeonmi Park Last thing I want them to feel is guilty. It doesn't do anything, right? So I hate when people talk about white guilt. That doesn't make even any sense, right? I think the fact that they born with freedom is a blessing for all of us. It's not like I want them to do something because they are guilty. I want them to do something because they are grateful. It is true. Like we are sitting here. The fact why I have children with suffering, having kids, you don't sleep, costly, so much work, like any logical, rational mind, you should never want children. Right? Why would you do that to yourself? Especially as a woman, you don't want to do that to yourself. But think about like we are sitting here today, two of us in this amazing technology, this country, because somebody in Savannah hundreds, thousands of years ago, they're hunting berries and surviving cold. Every suffering they can imagine, they fall for us. That's what we ended up here. So life is ultimately bigger than us. I think that's what I want them it's not like I want them to do the right thing and be the best person of themselves. It's like I want them to feel grateful. And we should be very grateful for.
Sara Walker Yeah, because I have a strong passion for them. So I think it goes back to the love. If you're doing the thing you're supposed to be doing, you should really love it. So I always tell people that they should do the thing they're most passionate about. But I think a flip side of that is that's when you become not to sound cheesy, but like your best version of yourself. So I guess for me, as I become more successful in my career, I feel like I can be more myself as an individual. And so there's this I've always been following the questions I'm most interested in, which very early on I was discouraged from knowing by many people because they thought they were unanswerable questions. And I always just thought, well, if no one's even trying to answer them, of course they're going to be unanswerable. And then that was kind of an odd viewpoint. But the more I found my way in that space, the more I also made a space for myself as a person. Because you're basically generating the niche that you want to exist in. And so I think that's part of it is not just to follow your passion, but also think about like, who do you want to be and create that.
Silvio Micali So I was telling before that I believe in emotion, and my thing is to be true to your own emotion. And that I think that if you do vet, you're doing well because there's a life well spent and you are going never tire because you want to solve all these emotional NFTs that have always intrigued you from the beginning. And I really believe of it to live meaningfully, creatively and to live your emotional life. So I really believe of it whether you are a scientist or an artist even more but a scientist, I. Think of them as artists as well if you are a human being. So you are really to live fully your emotions and to the extent possible, sometimes emotions can be overbearing and my advice is try to express them with more and more confident. Sometimes it's hard but you are going to be much more fulfilled than by suppressing them.
Andrew Bustamante You only have one life. You only have one chance. If you spend it doing what other people expect you to do, you will wake up to your regret at some point. The folks that really have a blessed life are the people who learn early on to live with their own rules, live their own way, and live every day as if it's the last day. Just make constant progress, build momentum, move forward, and live on your own terms.
Liv Boeree Think about the winwins. Look for win win situations and be careful not to overly use your smarts to convince yourself that something is winwin when it's not. So that's difficult. And I don't know how to advise people on that because it's something I'm still figuring out myself but have that as a sort of default mo. Don't see things, everything as a zero sum game. Try to find the positive sumness and like, find waste if it if there doesn't seem to be one, consider playing a different game. So I would suggest that do not become a professional poker player because people always ask, they're like, oh, she's a pro, I want to do that too. Fine, you could have done it when I started out. It was a very different situation back then. Poker is a great game to learn in order to understand the ways to think and I recommend people learn it. But don't try and make a living from it. These days it's almost it's very, very difficult to the point of being impossible. And then really, really be aware of how much time you spend on your phone and on social media and really try and keep it to a minimum. Be aware that basically every moment that you spend on it is bad for you. So it doesn't mean to say you can never do it, but just have that running in the background. I'm doing a bad thing for myself right now. I think that's the general rule of.
Paul Conti I think starting off with the first principles, look at what are my values? How do I want to live life? Let's start from how do I want to behave in my own community? Which starts with like, how do I want to behave in my household? What kind of neighbor do I want to be? I mean, it might seem like things like that are silly or small in comparison to the big things, but I don't think they are. I think that's how we start building foundations that lets us tackle the big things. So focusing on the people around them, taking one small step at a time to form deeper connections, to build something locally.
David Kipping I certainly think in terms of a career in science. One thing that I may be discovered late, but has been incredibly influential on me in terms of my own happiness and my own productivity, has been this synergy of doing two passions at once. One passion in science, communication, another passion, research, and not surrendering either one. And I think that tends to be seen as something that's an either or. You have to completely dedicate yourself to one thing to gain mastery in it. That's a conventional way of thinking about both science and other disciplines. And I have found that both have been elevated by practicing in each. And I think that's true in all aspects of life. I mean, if you want to become the best researcher you possibly can, you're pushing your intellect and a sense of your body to a high level. And so to me, I've always wanted to couple that with training of my body, training of my mind in other ways besides from just what I'm doing when I'm in the lecture room or when I'm in my office, calculating something, focusing on your own development through whatever it is, meditation. For me, it's often running, working out and pursuing multiple passions provides this almost synergistic bliss of all of them together. So often I've had some of the best research ideas from making a YouTube video and trying to communicate an idea or interact with my audience who've had a question that sparked a whole trail of thought that led down this wonderful intellectual rabbit hole or maybe to a new intellectual discovery. Can go either way sometimes with those things. And so thinking broadly diversely and always looking after yourself in this highly competitive and often extremely stressful world that we live in is the best advice I can offer anybody. And just try if you can. It's very cheesy, but if you can follow your passions, you'll always be happy. Trying to sell out for the quick cash out for the quick, book out can be tempting in the short term. Looking for exomoons was never easy. But I made a career not out of discovering exomoons, but out of learning how to communicate the difficult problem and discovering all sorts of things along the way. We shot for the sky and we discovered all this stuff along the way. We discovered dozens of new planets using all sorts of new techniques. We pushed this instrumentation to new places. And I've had an extremely productive research career in this world. I've had all sorts
Dennis Whyte Yeah, the first thing I would say is don't give up. I get to see multiple sides of this and there seems to be a level of despair in a young generation. It's almost like the Monty Python skit. Like, I'm not dead yet. We're not there. We're in a place that don't say the world is going to end in 300 days or something. It's not okay. And what we mean by this is that we have a robust society that's figured out how to do amazing things and we're going to keep doing amazing things, but that shouldn't be complacency about what our future is and the future for their children as well too. And in the end, it's a staggering legacy to think of what we've built up primarily by basically using carbon fuels. Like, people almost tend to think of this as an evil thing that we've done. I think it's an amazing thing that we've done, but we owe MIT to ourselves and to this thing that we've built. And we're talking about the end of the world. Is this nonsense what it is? Is it's the end of this kind of lifestyle and civilization at this scale and the ability to execute on these kinds of things that we are talking about today. We are extraordinarily privileged. We are in a place where it's almost unfathomable compared to most of the misery that humans have lived in for our history. So don't give up about this, okay? But also roll up your sleeves and let's get going at solving and getting real solutions to the problems that are in front of us, which are significant. Most of them are LinkedIn to what we use in energy. But it's not just that. It's around all the aspects of, like, what does it mean to have a distributed energy source that lifts billions of people out of poverty, particularly outside of the Western nations? Right. That seems to me a pretty compelling moral goal for all of us, but particularly for this upcoming generation. And then the other part is that we've got possible solutions in front of us. Apply your talents in a way that you're passionate about and is going to make a difference.
MrBeast Just surround yourself with people that you want to be, and it makes it like 70% easier. In my opinion. It's like, that is the cheat code to life. And I wish obviously, your audience is definitely a lot older. But to the older people listening, if you are in a place of mentorship for someone younger or have influence over younger people, you should really try to drill that in their heads like the people there around 100% dictates the outcome. I would not be on 120,000,000 subscribers if I didn't find when I was around a million, I had a couple of friends that were just also psychopaths. I outgrew them. But at the time it was great. And I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for them. And just all along the way, the friends that I hung out with had such a dramatic impact on on where I am. Like, I I'd probably have 80 million less subscribers, you know, if it was if I wasn't so strategic about hanging out with people that I add value to. And they also add value to me.
Bhaskar Sunkara I think be intellectually curious, read outside your current beliefs and understand and read authors on their own terms. So the worst thing in the world to do is to read anything, especially work of fiction, but anything, and try to deduce the authors backgrounds or politics, whatever else, and read it on its own terms first. Then you could reread it and kind of do other examinations or whatever else, and also read a lot of history. So I started off reading books like Eric Hoppersbaum's four books on history, going from the 17 hundreds all the way to 1994. The last book is The Age of Extremes, but I think understanding history gives you a bird's eye view of everything sociology, economics, everything. So these big, sweeping historical books are really useful to know. Everybody should know basically what year or at least what decade surfaced was abolish, what decade as labor was abolished, what century Bank Dakota was when the Roman Empire fell. That's kind of debated when the Roman Empire fell. I think being a person with a general knowledge and general sense of history and whatever else just makes you more eclectic and interesting. And it's way better than just especially a lot of my Indian friends, not just Indians, but the hyper focus on like you got to socialism and you got to focus on math or engineering, whatever you want to do. You just know your field really well, but nothing else. I think there's something really too, whether you're getting at school or you're just going to do it by yourself, giving yourself kind of a liberal arts education.
Todd Howard Well, you have to find something that you love so much that it's never going to feel like a job. And don't do it for money. Don't do it for find something you love, and the rest of it will come. It won't be a straight path. And do not ever underestimate yourself. It's going to take Howard work, but the worst thing that young people do is think they can't accomplish something, or they underestimate themselves. And maybe those first few times through where they do fail, if they love it enough, they're going to be resilient and push past that. Anyone who's had success or gotten somewhere, they've had those times right, and they've stayed resilient because they love it so much that this is what they want to do. When you do it for other reasons, I just don't think it's going to work out the same.
Chris Tarbell In the US budget that was just put forward, there's $18 billion for cybersecurity. We're about a million people short of where we really should be in the industry, if not more. If you have want job security and want to work and see exciting stuff, head towards cybercrime, it's a good career. And one thing I dislike about cybersecurity right now is they expect you to come out of college and have ten years experience in protecting and knowing every different Python script out there and everything available. The industry needs to change and let the lower people in in order to broaden and get those billion jobs filled. But as far as their personal security, just remember, it's all going to follow you. There's laws out there now that you have to turn over your social media accounts in order to have certain things. They just changed that. In New York State, if you want to carry a gun, you have to turn over your social media to figure if you're a goods social character. So hopefully you didn't say something strange in the last few years and it's going to follow you forever, I bet ross Albert would tell you the same thing. Don't put on things because it's going to last forever.
Steven Bonnell The most important thing that I've learned is to view people as different and not better or worse. And when you view people as different, as said, it better or worse. You learn that there is almost something that you can learn from anybody, like be open and empathetic towards other people's experiences. Nobody does anything by random choice. There's always reasons why people act the way they do. And as long as you're willing to kind of be open and receptive to the lived experiences of other people, you're going to be able to gather information and create a more cohesive and better view of the world than any of your peers will.
Michael Malice And I think Rand would agree. When Rand was writing John Gault, she says, when you have this character's, human perfection, you don't want to get too close. So he's a little bit of a vague character because she was aware that when you're dealing with day to Day, the shine comes off. I think Rourke is a lot better character for a young person. Yeah, but Rourke is the entirety of Fountain Heads. Yes, Rourke. So and Reid is the one of barely no junk. Alt yeah, but Rourke is someone where you could be like, okay. And what Rourke also gives young people.
Will Sasso I mean, you have to listen to your gut all the time. That's the compass that we have is listening to your gut.
Nick Lane The only advice that I actually ever give to my students is, follow what you're interested in. Because if you do a PhD, you've competed hard to get onto the PhD, then you have to compete hard to get a post doc job and the next bond, maybe on another continent, and it's only two years anyway, and there's no guarantee you're going to get a faculty position at the end of it. And if what you're caring about is a career, then it's probably not the one for you. So live in the moment and try and enjoy what you're doing and that means really go to the themes that you're most interested in and try and follow them as well as you can.
Judea Pearl Ask your questions. Really, your questions are never dumb. And solve them your own way. And don't take no for an answer. If they are really dumb, you will find out quickly by trying an arrow to see that they're not leading any place. But follow them and try to understand things your way. That is my advice. I don't know if it's going to help anyone.
Coffeezilla Well, let me think about this for a second. I think don't be afraid to go against the grain and sort of challenge the expectations on you. Like, you sort of have to do this weird thing where you acknowledge how difficult it will be to achieve something great while also having the courage to go for it anyways. And understanding that other people don't have it figured out, I think, is a big theme of my work, which is that everyone wants fake gurus to show them the way, to show them the secrets. So much of life in achieving anything is learning to figure it out yourself. And like the meta skill of being an autodidactic where you can I don't know if I said that word right. Basically, you self teach, you learn the meta skill of, like, learning to learn. I think that's such an underrated aspect of education. People leave education, they go, when am I going to use two plus two? When am I going to learn? Use calculus? But so much of it is learning this higher level abstract thinking that can apply to anything. And getting that early on is incredibly powerful. So, yeah, I would say, like, a lot of it is, I guess, to some extent, like, you kind of have to do that Steve Jobs thing where you realize that nobody else in the world is smarter than you. And that both means that they can't show you the perfect way, but it also means you could do great things and kind of chart your own path. I don't know. That's so cheesy is why I keep giving advice, and I don't think it is. I think my journey is so full of luck and specific experience. I wonder how generalizable it is. But if I've learned anything and if I could talk specifically to myself, I.
Christopher Capozzola If I did, I think I would advise students that history teaches that you should be more optimistic than your current surroundings suggest. Right. And I think it would be very easy as a young person today to think, there's nothing I can do about this politics. There's nothing I can say to this person on the other side of the aisle. There's nothing I can do about the planet, et cetera, and just sort of give up. And I think history teaches that we don't know who the winners and losers are in the long run, but we know that the people who give up are always the losers.
Richard Wolff Yes. First of all, my advice is go for it. The conditions for doing that now are infinitely better than they were when I had to do it, and I could do it, and I'm happy I did it. Becoming a teacher is one of those decisions I made that I've never regretted. And I've never regretted being a critic of this society. Never. I find it edifying. I find it the gratitude people express to me for helping them see kind of what's going on is unbelievably encouraging. What can I tell you?
Robin Hanson Most young people, when they actually ask you that question, what they usually mean is, how can I be successful? By usual standards, yes. I'm not very good at giving advice about that because that's not how I tried to live my life. So I would more flip it around and say, you live in a rich society, you will have a long life, you have many resources available to you. Whatever career you take, you'll have plenty of time to make progress on something else. Yes, it might be better if you find a way to combine your career and your interests in a way that gives you more time and energy. But there are often big compromises there as well. So if you have a passion about some topic or something that you think just is worth pursuing, you can just do it. You don't need other people's approval, and you can just start doing whatever it is you think if we're doing. It might take you decades, but decades are enough to make enormous progress on most all interesting things.
Ben Shapiro So live out the values that you think are really important and seek those values in others. Would be the first piece of advice. Second piece of advice, don't go on Twitter until you're 26 because your brain is fully developed at that point. As I said early on, I was on social media and writing columns from the time I was 17. It was a great opportunity and as it turns out, a great temptation to say enormous numbers of stupid things when you're young, you're kind of trying out ideas and you're putting them on, you're taking them off. And social media permanentizes those things and engraves them in stone, and then that's used against you for the rest of your life. So I tell young people this all the time, like going to be on social media, be on social media, but don't post like watch if you want to take in information. And more importantly, you should read books. As far as other advice, I'd say engage in your community. There's no substitute for engaging in your community. And engage in interpersonal action because that will soften you and make you a better person.
Grimes I think one of my big thoughts, and especially now having kids, is that I don't think we spend enough time teaching creativity. And I think creativity is a muscle like other things, and there's a lot of emphasis on learn how to play the piano, and then you can write a song or learn the technical stuff, and then you can do a thing. But I think it's like I have a friend who's like, world's greatest guitar player. Amazing sort of producer, works with other people, but he's really sort of like he engineers and records things and does solos, but he doesn't really make his own music. And I was talking to him, and I was like, dude, you're so talented at music. Like, why don't you make music or whatever? And he was like, Because I'm too old. I never learned the creative muscle. And it's embarrassing. It's like learning the creative muscle takes a lot of failure. And it also sort of when you're being creative, you're throwing paint at a wall, and a lot of stuff will fail. So part of it is like a tolerance for failure and humiliation somehow that's.
Cristiano Amon I think the first thing is to have a plan, even if it's just for the next two years. Have a dream, pursue it, and believe in yourself. Understand your areas of competence and incompetence, and work on bridging that gap. Surround yourself with people who are good at the things you're not. Try to keep your success rate above 50% when executing your plans.
David Wolpe So the first thing that I would say is that life is longer than you think it is. Even though I understand the impulse to be in a rush, you will have many unfoldings, more even than people of my generation did. The second thing that I would say is don't just read on social media. Read books, learn things that will give you a broader context for your life. Try to develop your own internal metric of both what matters and what is good, because you will be exposed to more voices than any generation in history telling you what you should think and believe. Have some internal space.
Ray Dalio Know yourself, follow your passion. Make your work and passion the same thing while considering the money part because money will get you freedom and choice and be able to bake that. But if you know yourself, feel the pull and pursue that passion. And along those lines, by the way, I found that using personality profile tests has been very helpful. I've used Hope for about 25 years for people to help to understand themselves and understand each other. So I created a free one that is called Principles You. It's online. It had remarkable, loving people who've taken it, learn about themselves, but also you can put in somebody else and it'll tell you about your relationship with them. That like 30 minutes is a quick discovery. But the main thing is to understand on your journey, your hero's journey, that you will have mistakes and you will have weaknesses. And to understand those, not fight those, because by understanding mistakes you will learn not to make mistakes.
Norman Naimark Be proud of, pursue careers that are in the public interest in one fashion or another, and not just in their interests. Try to find themselves, who they want to be and what they want to be, and pursue it. The NGO world is growing, and a lot of young people are throwing themselves into it, which is very admirable.
Kevin Systrom To me, you have to choose to do something that even if it fails it was so fun, right? We never started Instagram knowing it was going to be big. We started Instagram because we loved photography. We love social networks. I had seen what other social networks had done and I thought maybe we did a spin on this. But like, nowhere was our fate predestined. Like it wasn't like it wasn't written out anywhere that everything was going to go great. And I often think the counterfactual like, what if it had not gone well? And I would be like, I don't know. That was fun. We raised some money, we learned some stuff and does it position you well for the next experience? That's the advice that I would give to anyone wanting to start something today, which is like, does this meet with your ultimate goals? Not wealth, not fame, none of that, because all of that by the way, is bullshit. You can get super famous and super wealthy and I think generally those are not things that, again, it's easy to say with a lot of money that somehow it's not good to have a lot of money. I think that complicates life enormously in a way that people don't fully comprehend. So I think it's way more interesting to shoot for. Can I make something that people love, that provides value in the world, that I love building, that I love working on? That's what I would do if I were starting from scratch. And by the way, in some ways that I will do that personally, which is like choose the thing that you get up every morning. You're like, I love this. Even when it's painful?
Jimmy Pedro I would just say that, pick something that you're passionate about. Find something that you love doing where it doesn't feel like work, something you're passionate about.
Sean Kelly This would be very interesting to explore because you kind of say that that may not be a realizable thing to do, which is to be unborble. But my advice usually is life is amazing. You should be able to you should strive to discover the joy, the levitation in everything and the thing you get stuck on for a longer period of time. That might be the thing you should stick to, but everything should be full of joy. So that kind of cynicism of saying life is boring is a thing that will prevent you from discovering the thing that will give you deep meaning and joy. But you're saying being unborable is not actionable for a human being.
Nicole Perlroth Be a hacker. If you have any interest, become a hacker and apply yourself to defense every time. We do have these amazing scholarship programs, for instance, where they find you early, they'll pay your college, as long as you commit to some kind of federal commitment to sort of help federal agencies with cybersecurity. And where does everyone want to go every year from this scholarship program? They want to go work at the NSA or Cyber Command. They want to go work on offense. They want to go do the sexy stuff. It's really hard to get people to work on defense. It's always been more fun to be a pirate than be in the Coast Guard, you know? And so we have a huge deficit when it comes to filling those roles. There's 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions around the world. Talk about job security. Like, be a hacker and work on cybersecurity. You will always have a job. And we're actually at a huge deficit and disadvantage as a free market economy because we can't match cybersecurity salaries at Palantir or Facebook or Google or Microsoft. And so it's really hard for the United States to fill those roles. And other countries have had this workaround where they basically have forced conscription on some level. China tells people, like, you do whatever you're going to do during the day. Work at Alibaba if you indeed to do some rant somewhere, okay, but the minute we tap you on the shoulder and ask you to come do this sensitive operation for us, the answer is yes. Same with Russia. A couple of years ago when Yahoo was hacked and they laid it all out in an indictment, it came down to two cyber criminals and two guys from the FSB.
Steve Viscelli Yeah, I think this is such a great question. It's okay to quote Steve Jobs, right? Always, yeah. And I just heard this recently. It was a commencement speech that he gave, and I can't remember where it was. And he was talking about he had famously dropped out of school but continued to take classes. Right? And he took a calligraphy class, and it influenced the design of the Mac and sort of fonts and just was something that he had no sense of what it was going to be useful for. And his lesson was you can't connect the dots. Looking forward, looking back, you can see all the pieces that sort of led you to where you ended up. And for me, studying truck driving. I literally went to graduate school because I was worried about climate change. And I had a whole other dissertation planned and then was, like, driving home and had read about all this management. Literature and sort of like how you get workers to work hard for my qualifying exams and then read a popular article on satellite linked computers. And the story in the literature was a sense of autonomy. And I was like, well, that monitoring must affect the sense of autonomy. And it's just this question that I found interesting, and it never in a million years that I ever thought I was going to spend 15 years of my life studying truck driving. And it was like, if you were to map out a career path in academia or research, you would do none of the things that I did that many people advised me against, where, like, you can't go spend a year working as a truck driver. That's crazy. Or you can't spend all this time trying to write one huge book.
Alex Gladstein Just thinking about my own upbringing, I went to a public school here and we never learned about money. It was never part of our curriculum. Even personal finances was not part of our curriculum. You could take like an optional course to learn about business or something and I think that that would be really valuable as a young person or as a teenager to start incorporating into your children's lives. Like curiosity about what is money I think would be very healthy regardless of what path that takes them down. Because we don't think about it enough either. From an administrative sort of personal finance thing about responsibility, or more fundamentally, like, what is it and who creates it, where did it come from? Both of those things are very important. So my advice to a young person would be to get to the point where you feel like you can answer the question, what is money?
Jay McClelland Finding the thing that you are intrinsically motivated to engage with and then celebrating that discovery is what it's all about.
Rodney Brooks Yeah. So many people ask me for advice and have asked for and I talk to a lot of people all the time, and there is no one way. There's a lot of pressure to produce papers that will be acceptable and be published. Maybe I come from an age where I could be a rebel against that and still succeed. Maybe it's harder today, but I think it's important not to get too caught up with what everyone else is doing. And well, it depends what you want of life. If you want to have real impact, you have to be ready to fail a lot of times. So you have to make a lot of unsafe decisions. And the only way to make that work is to keep doing MIT for a long time, and then one of them will be work out, and so that will make something successful or not, or you just may end up not having a lousy career. It's certainly possible.
Vincent Racaniello So what I like to do is tell people, don't plan it, because I didn't plan anything. Everything I did was one step at a time. You don't have to plan. I just found things that were interesting to me. My father was a doctor and he wanted me to be a doctor, but I was not interested in taking care of people. I learned that, but I couldn't say no to him. So I was a biology major in college and I graduated and I didn't have anything to do, so I liked science, so I got a job in the lab. It was very exciting. And that led to everything else that I have done, one step at a time. And I think the most important thing you can do well, there are two important things. You could be really curious all the time. You mentioned curiosity. I think curiosity is essential. You have to be curious about everything. And if you are, you're never going to be bored. And so people who say they're bored, I say, you are not curious. You should just think about things and say, look at something and say, how does that work? Or what is it doing and how do they get there? And you'll never be bored. And the other thing is, when you find something which may take time, it's fine. You have to be passionate about it. You have to put everything into it. And that's what I did with viruses. So I think they're amazing. And I tell my classes, I love viruses. They're amazing. And people think I'm morbid because obviously they kill people and I shouldn't love something, but that's not the point. That's not what I mean. I love them in the way they have emerged and how they work and so forth and all that we don't know about them. So you need to be curious and passionate and don't plan too much and just find something that you don't call a job. As someone said on the live stream last week, I wish I had a job I liked as much as you. I said, it's not a job. I never looked at it as a job. It's my vocation, it's my passion. If it's a job, then you're not going to like it. Yeah.
Luís Batalha I think, especially if you're young, I think you should be curious and I think you should explore that curiosity to the fullest, to the point where you even become almost as an expert on that topic. And you might start with something that it's small. Like you might start with you're interested in numbers and how to factor numbers into primes. And then all of a sudden you go and you're lost in number theory and you discover cryptography, and then all of a sudden you're buying Bitcoin. And I think you should do this. You should really try to fulfill this curiosity and you should live in a society that allows you to fulfill this curiosity, which is also important. And I think you should do this not to get to some sort of status or fame or money, but I think this is the way this iterative process, I think this is the way to find happiness. And I think this also allows you to find the meaning for your life. I think it's all about being curious and being able to fulfill that curiosity and that path to fulfilling your curiosity.
Cumrun Vafa Follow your own interest and let that take you wherever it takes you.
Jim Keller Get good at something that you're actually interested in. Don't waste your time doing stuff that's boring or bland. Don't let old people screw you with student debts. Be conscious about not falling into ruts and groupthink. Think for yourself and don't repeat what everyone else is saying.
Saifedean Ammous I'd say probably the most important advice that I would give is to find a way to give value to other people. This is really the key thing you need to wake up every morning and figure out how to serve others. This is the key to everything you want in life. Everything that you want is on the other side of you serving others. So figure out how you can serve others in a good way, how you can do it in a way that they value and you've got an incredible mechanism for figuring that out, which is the market. Go out there and do things for other people and the market will tell you exactly if you're young you have the enormous advantage of being able to make mistakes essentially and learn from them. So go out there, do things of value for others, figuring out how you can do something that what is it that you can do that contributes the most value to other people's lives?
John Abramson If you got the calling, you should do it. You should do it because nobody's going to do it better than you. And if you don't have the calling and you're in it for the money, you're not going to be proud of yourself.
Jamie Metzl Well, thank you. I think there's one there's lots of I'm honored if anybody is inspired. But it's the same thing as I said with the science, that it's all about values. The core of everything is knowing who you are. And so, yes, there's the broader thing of follow your passions. A creative mind and an inquisitive mind is the core of everything, because the knowledge base is constantly sharing. So learning how to learn, but at the core of everything is investing in knowing who you are and what you stand for, because that's the way that's the path to leading a meaningful life, to contributing, to not feeling alienated from your life as you get older and just like you live. It's an ongoing process, and we all make mistakes, and we all kind of travel down wrong paths and just have some love for yourself and recognize that just at every like I was saying with the Iron Man, just when you think there's no possibility that you can go on, there's a 100% possibility that you can go on. And just when you think that nothing better will happen to you, there's a 100% chance that something better will happen to you, you just got to keep going.
Wojciech Zaremba Might sound like a simplistic or so, but I would say literally, just follow your passion, double down on it. And if you don't know what's your passion, just figure out what could be a passion. So the step might be an exploration. When I was in elementary school was death and chemistry. And I remember for some time I gave up on math because my school teacher, she told me that I'm dumb. And I guess maybe an advice would be just ignore people if they tell.
Michael Littman If you get to the point where you're far enough up in the hierarchy of needs that you can actually make decisions like this, then find the thing that you're passionate about and pursue it. And sometimes it's the thing that drives your life, and sometimes it's secondary and you'll do other things because you've got to eat, right? You got a family you got to feed, you got people you have to help or whatever. And I understand that. And it's not easy for everyone, but always take a moment or two to pursue the things that you love, the things that bring passion and happiness to your life. And if you don't I know that sounds corny, but I genuinely believe it. And if you don't have such a thing, then you're lying to yourself. You have such a thing. You just have to find it. And it's okay if it takes you a long time to get there. Rodney Dangerfield became a comedian in his fifty s.
George Hotz I think they're the same thing. I think you go try to solve the problem, and then in trying to solve the problem, if you're good at solving problems, you'll stumble upon the person who solved it already.
David Fravor Yeah. First, let me start with and you had a question on inspirational people. So my grandfather, I had mentioned him earlier, huge funeral, beer delivery guy was delivering beer in the 60s riots, where the guys in the black neighborhoods where white people didn't go. And my grandfather's, Sicily, and he was one of the first ones in his family born in the United States. So my great grandmother and I had aunts and uncles that I knew growing up that actually came over on the boat. Huge guy, and just the nicest friendliest would give you the shirt off his back. Obviously proven by his funeral. And I'm talking at his funeral. The head of the Black Panthers was at his funeral in Toledo, Ohio. The Mafia guys were at his funeral in Toledo, Ohio. It was literally a mix of who's who. And he had told me once, because when you're little, you start looking. And I grew up basically I was probably middle class, lower middle class. My dad was a fireman. You're not rich. He's working for the city. It was a paycheck to paycheck living is how I grew up. I was talking to my grandfather one day and he's said something to me, and this is literally how I run my life. He said it was about money. Because you'd see, back in the day, if you saw someone in a Mercedes, that was rare. They weren't everywhere. You couldn't lease the car. You actually bought a car. And usually he bought a car with cash. So it was a totally different than we are now. And he goes, you know, David, he goes, they're no better than you, and you're no better than anyone else. He goes, you got to remember that. He goes, everyone's different. He goes, treat everyone with the respect and dignity that they deserve. He goes, and if they're poor, if they're homeless, he goes, it doesn't make them a bad person. That's who they chose to be. And you make choices in your life, but never ever look down on someone because there will always be someone that will look down on you and you should never ever do that.
Sergey Levine So something that I think is important to do is to not be afraid to spend time imagining the kind of outcome that you might like to see. So one outcome might be a successful career, a large paycheck or something, or state of the art results in some benchmark. But hopefully that's not the thing that's like the main driving force for somebody. But I think that if someone who's a student considering a career in AI takes a little while, sits down and thinks like, what do I really want to see? What I want to see a machine do? What do I want to see a robot do? What do I want to do? What do I want to see a natural language system. Just like imagine it almost like a commercial for a future product or something like something that you'd like to see in the world. And then actually sit down and think about the steps that are necessary to get there. And hopefully that thing is not a better number on ImageNet classification. It's probably like an actual thing that we can't do today that would be really awesome, whether it's a robot butler or a really awesome healthcare decision making support system, whatever it is that you find inspiring. And I think that thinking about that and then backtracking from there and imagining the steps needed to get there will actually lead to much better research. It will lead to rethinking the assumptions, it will lead to working on the bottlenecks that other people aren't working on.
Charles Isbell You have to be diluted enough to think that you can succeed. You have to be diluted enough to believe that you can succeed despite whatever odds you see in front of you. But you can't be so diluted that you don't think that you need to step out of the way of the oncoming train. So it's all a trade off, right? You have to kind of believe in yourself. It helps to have a support group around you in some way or another. I felt supported. But you cannot be so diluted that you miss the obvious because it makes things slower and it makes you think you're doing better than you are and it will hurt you in the long run.
Sam Altman Yeah, no, I think it is like, good advice in some sense, but I also think it's way too tempting to take advice from other people. And the stuff that worked for me, which I tried to write down there, probably doesn't work that well or may not work as well for other people, or, like, other people may find out that they want to just have a super different life trajectory. And I think I mostly got what I wanted by ignoring advice. And I think I tell people not to listen to too much advice. Listening to advice from other people should be approached with great caution.
Eliezer Yudkowsky Don't expect it to be a long life. Don't put your happiness into the future. The future is probably not that long at this point, but none know the hour nor the day.
Robert Playter Well, I would say follow your heart and your interest. Again, this was an organizing principle, I think, behind the leg lab at MIT that turned into a value at Boston Dynamics, which was, follow your curiosity, love what you're doing, you'll have a lot more fun, and you'll be a lot better at it. As a result, I think it's hard to plan. Don't get too hung up on planning too far ahead. Find things that you like doing and then see where it takes you. You can always change direction. You will find things. That wasn't a good move. I'm going to back up and go do something else. So when people are trying to plan a career, I always feel like there's a few happy mistakes that happen along the way and just live with that, but make choices then. So avail yourselves to these interesting opportunities. Like when I happen to run into Mark down in the lab, the basement of the AI lab. But be willing to make a decision and then pivot if you see something exciting to go at, because if you're out and about enough, you'll find things like that that get you excited.
Charles Hoskinson Well, we no longer live in a world where you get one skill set, you do it for 40 years and retire. That ship has sailed a long time ago. So learn how to learn and learn an appreciation and love for learning. So that's the first thing. Josh Waitskins wrote this beautiful book, The Art of Learning, if you ever read it. Stuff like that. So good study skills, slipbox notes, these things, what was it? Zettel caston or whatever. There's a lot of little techniques that you can pick up along the way, and basically, they teach you how to process lots of information very quickly, retain it, and then decide what's useful to you for that moment. The second thing is, do not undervalue EQ emotional intelligence. We've lived for a long time in a society where IQ was dominant. It's like, how smart you are, excuses everything else. You could be a horrible human being, but he's a really bright guy, right? The asshole mathematician or physicist, we now live in a world where the balance is far more important. You have to be smart, but you also have to be a nice guy. And don't undervalue that. So learn things like closed circuit communication and active listening. These skill sets will always pay enormous dividends along the way. Third, remember that you're judged for the things that you have and what you do with those things. If you have very little. You still have to do something. When you have a lot, you have to do even more. So learn how to give and do that early on. Learn how to give back. Volunteerism, charity mentoring, these types of things, those are so incredibly valuable to a person's development. The people that you mentored in the academic world, you learn this. You have graduate students, they one day will be professors. And it might just so happen. They might eclipse you. Remember Gauss had a doctoral advisor. Never forget that. And so did Feynman. Make sure that you mentor people. You give back. And you learn how to learn. And you learn how to teach super important for your development as a person. Now you'll notice all those things are agnostic to whatever domain you happen to have chosen. You could be in medicine or law or technology, whatever that's your fancy, whatever your passion happens to be. And don't conflate
David Pakman Almost always it's some version of start right away. And that applies in so many different ways. So if you're thinking about oftentimes the context is people want to do what I do. And I always say, do not sit around for a year thinking about lighting. This is how you never do anything. The best thing you can do, no matter what you're doing, is just start right away. And that applies in this business and in whatever else you're doing. The ability to get data right away about what's working, what's not working, and whether you even like. This approach that you're taking is so valuable and it will allow you to iterate. And the sooner you do it, the cost to a change of direction will also be lower. If there's any I don't do, like, self-help or generic advice type stuff, but the one thing that applies in so many situations is just try it right away and iterate from there.
Neil Gershenfeld One important one is if you look at junior faculty trying to get tenure at a place like MIT, the ones who try to figure out how to get tenure are miserable and don't get tenure. And the ones who don't try to figure it out are happy and do get it. You have to love what you're doing and believe in it, and nothing else could possibly be what you want to be doing with your life, and it gets you out of bed in the morning. And again, it sounds naive, but within the limited domain I'm describing now of getting tenure at MIT, that's a key attribute to it. And in the same sense, if you take the sort of outlier students we're talking about, 99 out of 100 come to me and say, your work is very fascinating. I'd be interesting to work for you. And one out of 100 come and say, here you're wrong. Here's your mistake. Here's what you should have been doing. And they just sort of say, I'm here and get to work. And again, I don't know how far this resource goes. So I've said, I consider the world's greatest resource, this engine of Brightonvent, of people, of which we only see a tiny little iceberg of it, and everywhere we open these labs, they come out of the woodwork.
Chris Lattner Well, so, I mean, one of the things I'd say is that you'll be most successful if you work on something you're excited by. And so don't get the book and read the book cover to cover and study and memorize and recite and flashcard and go build something like go solve a problem. Go build the thing that you wanted to exist. Go build an apple, go train a model. Go build something and actually use it and set a goal for yourself. And if you do that, then there's a success. There's the adrenaline rush, there's the achievement, there's the unlock. That, I think, is where if you keep setting goals and you keep doing things and building things, learning by building is really powerful in terms of career advice. I mean, everybody's different. It's very hard to give generalized advice. I'll speak as a compiler nerd. If everybody's going left, sometimes it's pretty cool to go, right?
Bert Kreischer Don't worry too much about what you do when you get older. But when you do start worrying, find the thing you love and it'll never feel like work. If you find that thing you love to do, you will work endlessly, effortlessly, and hard as fucking shit every day. And you'll love every day of your life.
Matthew McConaughey If you haven't already, define what you have an innate ability for and match that with what you're willing to hustle to get. Sometimes we have an innate ability, but we don't want to work for it. And we take it for granted. And we end up doing something that may work, may pay the bills, may get us by day to day. But we don't really like it. We have trouble finding a way to enjoy it. Definitely don't love it. And then sometimes we don't know what our innate ability is and we're hustling and working our tail off and breaking a sweat to do something that we really aren't that good at on an innate level. And that's a good challenge. You can work and become good at something that you don't have an innate ability for. But if you can match those two, what do you have an innate ability to because which we have an innate ability to do when we do that. Well, we do kind of enjoy it. Yeah.
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0.014844081 -0.000106658736 -0.019200642 -0.017585138 0.017002499 0.009256033 -0.005561565 0.017863218 0.016525794 -0.0120566785 0.0061806203 -0.011513764 -0.005293418 -0.027940243 0.0067202244 -0.025265396 -0.0025043595 -0.004621396 -0.019425752 0.0039427523 -0.022762692 -0.014870565 -0.0032326595 0.014142266 0.0038268864 0.0013837704 0.015082435 -0.036388524 0.033184003 0.0058694375 -0.013241821 -0.013731768 0.0053761792 0.019968666 0.028681785 -0.03336939 -0.027437054 0.0026053283 -0.025649408 -0.010487523 -0.0022792486 0.005581428 0.016671453 0.0025755342 -0.035885334 -0.01591667 0.01904174 -0.028920138 0.013758252 0.017664589 0.0059952345 -0.037792157 0.008176825 0.0056012906 -0.01126879 -0.0031813476 0.006587806 -0.016009362 -0.018459098 0.012328136 0.021928456 -0.00748825 0.0005098101 -0.0056012906 0.00915672 0.011493901 0.04152635 -0.024086872 -0.0001941789 -0.015876943 -0.022074116 -0.026867656 -0.008527733 -0.030429706 0.019531686 0.0026665719 -0.0006554702 -0.011070163 -0.002886717 -0.00067285006 -0.0031118281 0.015426721 0.0228289 -0.0004787746 0.011248928 -0.02027323 0.004383043 0.008812432 0.004151311 -0.014671938 0.0096665295 -0.015863702 0.01359935 0.017823491 -0.030562123 -0.019002013 0.0028105765 -0.050928045 -0.0047240197 -0.015532657 0.024484128 -0.011328378 -0.0008847192 -0.030773994 -0.0074220407 -0.016433101 -0.01214275 -0.0069916816 0.027384086 -0.0075279754 -0.017426237 0.00443601 0.010672908 -0.018194262 -0.014764631 0.009951228 -0.013731768 -0.024245774 -0.0014714974 0.004479046 -0.027754858 0.011023817 0.009540732 0.01853855 0.0007369901 0.004449252 -0.019955425 -0.020829385 0.021557685 -0.0024381503 -0.01047428 0.009150098 0.013678801 0.016168265 -0.018220747 0.015638592 0.002711263 -0.01541348 0.017558655 -0.0058032284 -0.0029645127 -0.0061044795 0.03622962 0.01403633 0.00055367366 0.034693573 0.008137099 0.023517475 0.021835763 -0.0036150173 -0.021888731 -0.03278675 0.0058992314 0.013705285 0.0135199 0.018710693 0.009580458 0.020696966 0.013526521 -0.023371814 0.02370286 -0.011162856 0.010388209 -0.021213397 0.012328136 -0.028125629 0.001802543 0.009275896 -0.0099446075 -0.0017859907 0.0008185101 -0.020061359 0.015757767 0.013639076 0.005591359 0.03858667 0.0029893413 0.0106398035 0.017942667 -0.0002886303 0.009421556 -0.007190309 0.019293334 -0.009434798 -0.017651347 -0.0051312055 0.006508355 -0.0016610209 -0.011950743 0.012374482 0.01787646 0.010878156 0.0000114120185 -0.0042638667 0.014883807 -0.022285985 0.037527323 -0.02923794 0.0060018557 0.017479204 0.007984818 -0.0004729813 -0.0061541363 -0.012129508 0.032521915 -0.008739602 -0.03461412 0.019227125 -0.023808794 -0.0012141095 0.003141622 -0.018525308 0.00080568204 -0.011699149 0.0058429535 0.02049834 0.017995635 0.011732253 0.0146454545 -0.004813402 0.0023239397 -0.02290835 -0.0014177025 -0.0007643014 0.0140892975 -0.02770189 -0.0149500165 0.015241336 -0.013797978 -0.024815174 0.007110858 0.008706498 0.035938304 0.0059786825 -0.005948888 0.0035024618 0.031727403 0.012467175 -0.015188369 -0.02123988 0.015691558 -0.008911746 -0.0025324982 -0.023835279 -0.009911504 -0.006951956 -0.0044194576 0.0063097277 -0.010421313 -0.015545898 0.009348726 -0.0005081549 0.0040122718 0.0018488893 0.026867656 -0.03575292 0.017505689 -0.013420586 -0.0073823156 0.0077133607 -0.009798948 -0.030694542 0.023159945 0.02836398 -0.0035752917 -0.0037242624 0.005713846 -0.017479204 0.018353164 -0.03503786 -0.02907904 -0.0065116654 0.010322 -0.014632213 -0.030005967 -0.003605086 0.003555429 0.0073756943 0.012963743 -0.0055019767 -0.020524822 0.003750746 0.13464284 -0.009428177 -0.002297456 0.022007907 0.0065182867 -0.015016225 -0.006508355 -0.018578276 0.02028647 -0.016539035 0.027172217 0.007170446 -0.013367618 -0.016128538 0.010024059 -0.0055350815 -0.0035090826 -0.003810334 0.004273798 0.0018637864 -0.021544443 -0.0050649964 0.031647954 0.02020702 -0.017386511 -0.0028999588 0.022193292 0.027119251 -0.013917155 -0.013268305 -0.008991197 0.010573594 0.017068708 -0.00039766845 -0.002785748 -0.019253608 -0.015665075 0.025728859 0.008905125 -0.012407587 0.015108918 0.006064754 0.008183446 -0.017505689 0.009951228 -0.041102614 -0.02035268 0.024695996 0.03503786 -0.014751389 0.01628744 -0.005170931 -0.03946063 0.00428704 0.021968182 -0.014314408 -0.0031118281 0.019531686 0.0009095476 -0.00042911776 -0.020101085 -0.02836398 0.010116751 -0.016022604 0.0076008053 -0.013109403 0.0022196602 -0.015638592 -0.02689414 0.0054589408 0.0048332647 -0.012016953 -0.0138112195 -0.005677431 -0.0024811863 -0.004151311 0.0080245435 0.0044955984 -0.0032293492 -0.014261441 0.005720467 -0.037236 -0.0034859094 0.0063097277 -0.008838915 -0.0019316507 -0.022497855 0.012526763 -0.0065050446 0.018935805 -0.017982394 0.015281062 0.015029468 0.02180928 0.011990469 -0.000280768 0.011374724 0.0022444888 0.026218805 -0.0057932967 0.01024917 0.007494871 -0.005690673 -0.017783767 -0.0019366164 0.014870565 0.019438993 0.023239397 -0.0017197815 -0.010878156 0.018061845 -0.045022193 0.006356074 -0.009587078 0.0015865357 -0.0062700026 0.0074419035 0.019213883 0.005859506 -0.011043679 0.0078590205 -0.023530716 0.01628744 0.021253124 -0.019107949 -0.0011222444 0.018618 -0.022113841 -0.0048299544 0.004687605 -0.018723935 0.022815658 -0.032760266 -0.0025639476 -0.027807824 -0.005756882 -0.004575049 0.0072830017 -0.022696482 -0.007276381 -0.01213613 0.015678316 0.007845779 -0.016750904 0.038004026 -0.03482599 -0.01308954 -0.0044326996 -0.017638106 0.03795106 -0.014711663 -0.0055946694 -0.001541017 -0.018008877 0.0009889986 -0.02218005 -0.016115297 -0.0011396243 0.022299226 0.01483084 0.008852158 0.0026814688 0.007038028 -0.008401936 0.022564063 0.0013986673 0.006965198 0.00011214167 0.009461281 0.028443431 0.016406616 -0.0033634226 -0.014989742 0.0067533287 0.020538066 0.02878772 -0.002428219 -0.014552762 -0.030297287 -0.018194262 -0.018445857 0.029979484 -0.029132007 -0.005051755 -0.032389496 -0.02857585 0.039248757 -0.0058661266 0.022590548 0.007408799 0.008527733 -0.017042223 0.010090268 0.0110569205 0.008699876 -0.01701574 -0.013526521 -0.004240693 0.025993695 0.016605243 0.0035090826 -0.0015327408 -0.01622123 -0.012679044 -0.0055119083 0.0066176 -0.013864187 -0.032548398 0.011553489 -0.015903428 -0.010182961 -0.026708754 -0.006716914 -0.020034876 -0.010447797 0.028390465 0.0004713261 0.009395072 -0.004899474 -0.0062633813 0.02682793 -0.0124473125 0.031594984 -0.0052735554 0.05257003 0.002501049 -0.008342347 -0.03498489 0.016459584 0.018300196 0.027595956 0.02486814 -0.0025142909 -0.018631242 0.016989257 -0.021531202 -0.006521597 -0.005981993 -0.021094222 0.016777387 0.0050649964 -0.012612835 -0.0011694183 -0.013996605 -0.03954008 -0.0009889986 0.023226155 0.030932894 -0.021531202 -0.031277183 -0.0069320933 0.020458614 -0.014354134 0.018856354 -0.00037884022 -0.008779327 0.00009667564 -0.01453952 0.016102055 0.01694953 0.014605729 0.02231247 0.0019614447 -0.0130034685 0.00041546216 0.0064818715 -0.030429706 -0.011911018 0.014234958 0.019002013 -0.002304077 0.006879126 0.0015575693 -0.016843596 0.013930396 -0.0022080736 0.00032359702 -0.03466709 -0.0066043586 -0.019928942 0.011904397 -0.0022924903 -0.010719255 -0.0069983024 -0.00027125044 0.0002942167 0.0085542165 -0.018869596 0.028602334 0.006101169 -0.018565033 -0.02020702 0.022259502 -0.009408314 -0.028681785 0.011003953 -0.006273313 0.013639076 -0.016539035 -0.009487765 -0.028840687 0.02049834 -0.020339437 0.013215338 -0.015347271 -0.020061359 0.016366892 -0.0077994326 -0.0152016105 -0.053391024 0.021597411 0.007210172 -0.0105007645 -0.004316834 -0.0034428735 0.03366071 0.019187398 -0.0049822354 -0.011222444 0.028099146 -0.0016146746 -0.01737327 0.022855384 -0.012632698 -0.008918366 0.00945466 0.018326681 -0.0046048434 -0.016472826 -0.004369801 -0.015823977 0.019293334 -0.0057899863 -0.025132976 0.0030588608 0.0006753329 -0.0033286628 0.0011032092 0.00008845123 0.0017793698 0.0006703672 -0.0099446075 0.015585624 -0.0025672582 -0.02167686 -0.018591518 -0.018618 0.008699876 -0.029582229 -0.009686393 -0.01955817 0.044413067 -0.0009376865 -0.004326765 -0.015320787 -0.011182718 -0.038427766 -0.037288968 -0.021796038 -0.00037387456 0.03466709 0.0077133607 -0.0042075887 0.03220411 -0.008494629 0.0055218395 -0.013745011 0.025040284 -0.011202581 -0.011513764 0.0029330633 0.010507385 -0.0028685096 -0.012520142 0.007170446 -0.012367861 0.005124585 0.022630272 0.002029309 0.013122645 0.0060084765 0.011871293 0.023186428 0.00022883523 0.016777387 -0.031727403 0.019730315 0.0010163098 -0.015055951 -0.0046776733 0.019399269 0.0063792476 -0.024047147 -0.0017462652 0.002100484 -0.0050583757 0.018008877 0.0099710915 0.0032591433 0.005290108 0.013400723 0.004747193 0.027807824 -0.012440691 -0.022550821 0.02319967 -0.008229792 -0.028840687 -0.002449737 -0.022987802 0.012559867 0.006346143 0.020180536 -0.00067864335 0.00836221 -0.0036083963 0.029767614 -0.008130479 0.010547111 -0.0024662893 -0.02783431 0.0039460626 -0.024828415 -0.0062004826 -0.024762206 -0.017783767 -0.0012662491 -0.0072830017 -0.017770525 -0.017532172 0.009064027 -0.023557201 -0.019611137 0.02218005 -0.011235685 -0.0050120293 0.21441157 -0.004472425 -0.0013721838 0.016684694 -0.014499795 0.00465119 0.01635365 0.0075412174 0.0019117879 0.01591667 -0.010911261 0.003249212 0.0046346374 0.0052437615 0.013221959 -0.032177627 -0.02899959 -0.016366892 -0.012122887 -0.009706255 0.01345369 0.006799675 0.022696482 -0.014764631 0.017161401 0.011215823 0.004959062 0.012189097 0.007554459 -0.0100836465 -0.023398299 -0.013109403 0.0095274905 0.0058992314 -0.00068940234 0.020485098 -0.027754858 -0.020604273 0.0041281376 -0.001311768 0.014857324 0.0041115857 0.0038765431 -0.017638106 0.018035362 0.03554105 -0.010275654 -0.002093863 0.0077663283 0.03773919 -0.030376738 0.018379647 0.01947872 0.0149500165 -0.007938472 0.01163294 0.01701574 0.0038235758 -0.0038699224 0.024682755 0.01112313 0.013678801 0.013553004 0.0061706887 -0.000024543922 0.023861762 -0.020392405 0.011354862 0.015055951 -0.014367376 0.0081635825 0.0053496957 0.0006550563 0.005859506 0.013274926 -0.0059224046 0.006819538 0.019796522 0.024709238 0.026126113 0.0012563178 -0.046637695 -0.001247214 -0.0036083963 0.0018720625 -0.017346786 0.030641574 -0.013731768 -0.0067798127 -0.013903912 0.0005350523 -0.017558655 -0.0120301945 -0.02312022 -0.009335484 -0.011579973 0.013824461 0.018419374 -0.024457645 -0.012639319 -0.006673878 0.015334029 0.004392974 0.027490022 0.00069560943 0.0026698823 -0.016194748 0.026152598 0.032363012 -0.032866202 -0.0065480806 -0.046346374 -0.008878641 -0.014380618 0.00603496 0.0042208307 0.011944123 -0.019531686 0.013850945 -0.016658211 -0.029820582 -0.01664497 0.0027542987 0.010156477 0.015347271 -0.02457682 -0.015029468 0.0044823564 -0.005756882 -0.026867656 -0.0013034918 0.0031118281 0.0069254725 -0.009282516 -0.027542988 -0.00016448824 -0.0062567606 -0.022550821 -0.0036481218 0.004455873 -0.0315685 -0.0024927729 0.022431646 -0.010269033 0.030217836 0.0060018557 0.0021915215 0.013956879 -0.026867656 -0.003859991 0.0031548638 0.0052007255 0.008474765 -0.032627847 0.0149500165 -0.029900033 -0.017783767 -0.03366071 -0.022365436 0.008660151 -0.0469555 0.02966168 0.0019978597 -0.0057171565 0.00023545613 -0.00443601 -0.1682241 0.030509157 0.017797008 -0.0008913401 0.02974113 -0.010017438 0.022524338 -0.0051742415 -0.028099146 0.0012463864 0.008752844 -0.01279822 -0.02640419 -0.01751893 -0.010646424 -0.0011578317 -0.022140326 0.029953 0.025066767 0.0068592634 0.0401492 -0.013241821 0.013996605 0.01541348 -0.0042572455 0.010169718 0.00734259 0.0011834878 0.0061773094 -0.011321757 0.009878399 -0.004608154 0.010136615 0.0052834866 0.020829385 -0.0052536926 -0.017333545 -0.0034130795 -0.0042936606 0.019160915 0.03686523 0.027304636 -0.009587078 0.01468518 -0.0069784396 0.021385541 0.014380618 0.01714816 0.0075743217 -0.015744526 0.026046662 -0.022775933 -0.027516505 0.0075213546 0.019107949 0.001541017 -0.007892125 -0.003714331 -0.0030290666 -0.018366406 -0.016433101 -0.01714816 0.0037937819 -0.0064520775 -0.009309 -0.031144764 0.0036977786 0.017108433 -0.038374797 0.019730315 0.007104237 0.010057163 0.011255548 -0.0027360914 -0.012467175 -0.0054125944 -0.0047802976 0.03686523 -0.02180928 0.027278151 0.0025324982 0.008084132 0.0033700436 0.010388209 0.004426079 0.020034876 0.015665075 0.017399753 0.00027166423 -0.038772054 -0.010600078 -0.02480193 -0.032124657 0.002616915 0.0072167926 0.012831325 0.012592972 0.015771009 0.0035057722 -0.015492931 0.0008954782 0.0054986663 -0.03429632 0.014592487 0.011666045 0.011354862 0.024325226 0.023067253 0.00068898854 0.0025920866 -0.03882502 0.03466709 0.017929425 0.025609683 0.0034561153 0.016274199 0.012765116 -0.017505689 -0.006478561 -0.0125863515 0.056516092 -0.01083181 -0.0213723 0.0014408757 -0.00023669755 -0.014142266 -0.12595621 -0.002676503 0.0045816703 0.009851915 0.00407186 0.012553247 -0.026814688 0.002158417 -0.027490022 0.033925544 -0.032733783 -0.03818941 -0.0068460214 -0.0071638254 -0.024060389 0.011719012 0.0066573257 -0.0056178425 -0.029132007 0.03374016 0.010335241 -0.02051158 -0.03265433 0.004326765 -0.017293818 -0.0060184076 -0.027278151 0.0021402093 0.004975614 0.012520142 -0.012765116 0.0021054496 0.014486552 -0.015453205 0.0017247472 0.0048630587 0.0003173899 -0.02653661 0.02580831 -0.010189582 -0.013586109 0.019955425 0.00027476778 -0.01810157 0.007402178 0.0066440837 -0.00930238 0.0033021793 0.012023574 -0.0018339922 -0.017042223 -0.014221716 -0.015055951 -0.024563579 0.016499309 -0.0141157815 -0.004667742 0.010633183 0.013367618 -0.0026516747 -0.008348968 -0.013347756 -0.010547111 0.03946063 0.027648922 -0.020922078 -0.027304636 -0.023941213 0.008064269 -0.02247137 -0.010302137 0.021041254 -0.021690104 0.01418199 -0.021398783 -0.0013059747 -0.01701574 -0.028390465 0.010348483 -0.021835763 -0.008779327 -0.022047633 -0.002981065 -0.046981983 -0.001159487 -0.009381831 0.02407363 0.029290909 -0.002363665 -0.0200746 0.0007911988 0.056516092 0.010269033 -0.021994665 -0.01214275 0.012487037 0.015982877 -0.007653773 -0.017823491 -0.008117236 -0.016592002 -0.016088814 -0.016803872 0.018128054 0.0065149763 0.00494582 -0.0037937819 -0.010050543 -0.0051345164 -0.019306576 0.008640288 0.003120104 -0.00068940234 0.033978514 0.00632628 -0.0027675407 -0.024232533 -0.018048603 -0.0027658853 -0.008984576 0.0012919052 0.016803872 -0.012831325 0.014671938 0.013784736 -0.007812674 0.0130034685 0.017585138 -0.015029468 0.030138385 -0.008746223 -0.01890932 0.020591032 -0.0035057722 0.010302137 0.01970383 0.013943638 -0.019981908 -0.016989257 0.02617908 0.012354619 0.012890913 -0.0077597075 -0.024815174 -0.0020607584 -0.017201126 0.0029727889 -0.0053265225 -0.03628259 -0.001123072 0.017042223 0.018128054 0.0017247472 0.016234472 -0.03736842 -0.01810157 0.011229064 -0.020961802 0.018816628 -0.0006608496 -0.003206176 -0.015943153 0.03352829 0.0062435186 0.003578602 -0.018935805 0.023570443 -0.0014011502 -0.005919094 0.002087242 -0.0035057722 -0.02427226 -0.022815658 0.008587321 0.014963258 0.0021186913 -0.0020276539 0.01614178 0.017532172 0.0016924703 -0.000011696511 0.029635197 -0.00072209304 -0.000861546 -0.014327651 0.0024464265 0.008051028 0.009593699 0.005584738 0.007812674 0.017479204 0.00080319925 -0.007686877 0.008977955 -0.033475325 -0.016366892 0.008123857 -0.00095423876 -0.0066705677 0.0069188518 -0.006210414 0.011394587 0.011030437 -0.017386511 -0.003212797 -0.013308031 -0.030297287 0.017823491 -0.016658211 -0.011301895 -0.022669999 0.028602334 -0.0024447714 -0.0017479204 0.0006103652 -0.003568671 -0.014433585 -0.008600563 0.024616545 -0.030058935 0.003598465 0.042506248 0.013241821 0.013500037 0.027437054 -0.011679286 0.011434313 0.008309243 0.013400723 -0.02304077 -0.0012058334 0.0017462652 0.03016487 -0.0032475567 -0.025027042 0.0033568018 -0.0010477591 -0.002719539 -0.012268548 0.020776417 -0.008951471 0.027225185 -0.0005619498 0.0026947106 -0.009189824 0.018366406 0.02457682 -0.003409769 0.01671118 -0.019253608 -0.020524822 0.0022577306 -0.020471856 0.004181105 -0.01585046 -0.024351709 0.018432615 -0.015532657 0.04653176 -0.0014996362 -0.033131037 0.044545487 0.017479204 0.02451061 0.00654146 0.02799321 -0.013586109 0.0019779971 -0.008951471 -0.010931123 -0.01694953 0.006044891 0.00061160664 -0.01912119 -0.020644 0.013433828 0.005399353 0.014234958 -0.0052669346 0.02072345 0.057840277 -0.0073161065 -0.0057767443 -0.014791114 -0.02886717 -0.0036746054 0.02682793 -0.012897534 -0.024364952 -0.019889215
-0.012894003 0.017113142 0.012986009 -0.023803301 -0.02781214 0.0019469155 -0.030782623 -0.014918137 -0.016285086 -0.02309354 0.011632204 0.011658492 0.013275171 0.026274323 0.011711067 -0.007202766 0.057096377 -0.011132742 -0.005152344 -0.030940348 -0.0137746325 0.00085269974 -0.00904946 -0.02091168 -0.0302043 0.0059442534 0.01799377 -0.018940121 0.02003105 -0.016390236 0.021805454 -0.017546885 -0.017086854 -0.012867715 -0.009443773 -0.013301458 -0.014957569 -0.010692427 -0.0017530455 0.019649882 0.011185317 0.004485299 -0.00021666623 -0.011901651 0.004777747 -0.0056550913 -0.025406837 -0.014628976 -0.018769251 0.022594078 0.03527778 0.015404455 -0.01799377 -0.010002381 0.025709143 -0.018151496 -0.008405417 0.0038248266 -0.013360606 -0.011198461 0.007294772 -0.0015649258 -0.015535893 0.014142658 -0.012105378 0.022410065 -0.02760184 -0.0011681493 0.028521901 -0.008858876 0.016876554 0.0066835885 -0.013643196 0.020675093 0.024802225 0.020254493 -0.01591706 -0.0098578 0.0137746325 0.0053100684 -0.002224577 -0.0074262093 -0.02731268 -0.0025876726 -0.004702171 0.007912528 0.019268714 0.014392388 0.014576401 -0.0083594145 -0.024867944 0.0075247874 0.018020058 0.02552513 0.0026336757 0.0047514597 0.009036317 0.0038675435 -0.0043604337 -0.036592156 -0.01967617 -0.006703304 -0.021213986 -0.013919214 -0.0056485194 0.0038412563 -0.008832589 -0.0054447916 0.018282933 -0.012972865 -0.014550113 0.02844304 -0.003647386 -0.04058785 0.021766024 0.009805225 0.024486776 -0.0069727506 -0.02246264 -0.02823274 0.00841199 0.022436352 0.036145266 -0.008319983 0.0026188889 0.027417827 -0.031098073 0.0016388593 -0.004781033 -0.01999162 0.034410294 0.006516006 0.003147924 0.0042487117 0.007971674 0.0066967322 -0.0008276445 -0.008642005 -0.019597307 -0.025656568 0.015483318 0.01253255 -0.020044195 -0.018151496 -0.014957569 0.00434729 0.045740195 -0.015588468 -0.00069209974 0.011251036 -0.00073235243 -0.0046594534 0.027759565 0.0111195985 -0.011612489 0.023895308 -0.004376863 0.033253647 -0.0013644838 0.0048664673 0.005868677 -0.014747269 0.013084587 -0.00858943 0.0152861625 0.021766024 0.011211605 0.035041194 0.032438733 -0.010593849 0.0025860297 0.039299764 -0.04857924 0.013577477 -0.005270637 0.019755032 -0.0073210597 0.0067887385 -0.012164526 -0.01401122 -0.0047218865 0.0060264017 0.039273474 0.033437658 -0.015404455 0.025354262 0.011178746 0.015220444 0.0042027086 0.0013948787 0.0008880235 0.015535893 -0.001228939 -0.022028897 -0.661603 -0.022186622 0.027996153 -0.017717753 0.04150791 0.017152572 0.0036901033 0.017573172 -0.010107531 0.022764947 -0.015128437 0.017796615 -0.0018664101 -0.0152861625 0.0106332805 -0.015838198 0.025906298 -0.017323442 -0.026221748 0.015391312 0.016469099 0.037591077 -0.022896385 0.004633166 0.018545808 0.044399533 0.0047153146 -0.02302782 -0.0012166168 0.001205116 0.0065817246 0.036381856 -0.004850038 0.008819445 0.058095302 -0.016127361 -0.0034206568 0.013735201 -0.005418504 0.034725744 -0.036487006 -0.019347576 0.0026435335 0.0010933944 -0.018453803 0.016009068 0.011356186 0.011428476 -0.0034765175 -0.019860182 0.021187698 0.0073342035 0.0014228092 -0.0013061585 0.007840237 -0.012210528 -0.006062547 0.0070844726 0.0042651417 -0.003913547 -0.017862335 0.011763642 -0.0057076663 0.0011188603 -0.028495615 0.023947883 0.001084358 0.00484018 -0.022252342 -0.016035356 0.0056288037 -0.00043579692 -0.0021802168 -0.003111779 0.012190813 0.017060567 0.013630052 -0.0031988563 -0.018361796 0.020372787 -0.00394312 -0.0027996153 -0.0057536694 -0.00434729 -0.000542179 0.0029885564 -0.024026746 0.0012954792 -0.005674807 -0.0040055527 -0.0026747498 0.021582011 -0.00040683962 -0.051838886 0.0059836847 0.021555724 -0.012841428 -0.026077168 0.016271941 -0.010593849 -0.008030822 0.003251431 0.0014113084 0.015443887 0.012545694 0.014090083 0.008819445 0.0133934645 0.027049804 -0.03945749 -0.0066540153 -0.0022935816 -0.01799377 -0.009220329 -0.004251998 -0.024407914 0.015378169 -0.00276347 -0.0015920347 -0.034515444 0.022975245 0.0013915928 -0.00404827 -0.006312278 -0.008142543 0.021647729 -0.0050011906 0.032123286 -0.015549037 0.00580953 0.009286048 -0.0048138923 0.022962103 -0.023185546 0.0078073777 0.0035159488 -0.018926976 -0.007294772 0.010830437 -0.02812759 -0.028995076 -0.024302764 0.015693618 -0.013406608 -0.0073999222 0.0025876726 -0.016179936 0.0057109524 0.00016717186 -0.022607222 0.013932358 0.010922442 -0.026892079 0.023330128 -0.007919099 -0.010843581 -0.014168945 0.013735201 -0.009134895 -0.009706647 -0.0011459693 0.029336814 -0.016587391 0.005241064 -0.0017941196 -0.022659797 0.009463488 0.027969865 -0.0020126342 -0.02594573 0.013892926 -0.007997962 -0.0020997114 0.033043347 -0.010613565 0.019755032 -0.020109912 0.02407932 0.011743926 -0.019058414 -0.0056025162 -0.002469379 -0.033595383 -0.015496462 0.016561104 -0.014458107 0.0036703877 0.0068018823 0.0046035927 0.00591468 0.020714523 0.008865449 -0.012900574 -0.005967255 -0.010751574 0.0005335534 0.019216139 0.005773385 0.017730897 -0.005875249 0.014576401 -0.009562066 0.010935586 -0.012125094 0.010975017 -0.020215062 -0.0014211662 -0.03238616 -0.0017201861 0.002369158 -0.007997962 -0.023540426 0.0040351264 -0.030940348 -0.0037821094 0.022488927 0.0047613173 0.023264408 0.003407513 -0.0034272284 0.005862105 -0.006611298 0.013945501 -0.005152344 0.03956264 0.026970942 0.010521559 -0.0020569942 -0.0036079548 -0.0073342035 -0.016666254 0.011573058 0.030651188 -0.000031396066 0.01270999 -0.0028932644 0.016009068 -0.014339813 0.03414742 0.016942272 0.019018982 0.008556571 -0.0066901604 0.0036342423 0.0070450413 -0.006959607 0.03517263 0.010652996 -0.0005910573 0.02376387 -0.023487853 -0.0020652092 -0.005080053 -0.015943348 0.009134895 -0.03051975 0.009075748 0.0205568 0.020333355 0.00996295 -0.012203957 0.012834856 0.009220329 -0.026510911 -0.010705571 0.014405532 -0.019216139 -0.026142886 -0.006673731 -0.005234492 -0.004110703 -0.008030822 0.00345023 -0.038064253 0.0031922844 -0.00649629 -0.014563257 -0.016022211 0.0017218291 0.03548808 -0.010330975 -0.017822903 0.015956493 0.013419752 -0.011060452 -0.029809987 -0.0057963864 0.0044261524 -0.0048960405 -0.01591706 -0.012479975 -0.001405558 0.015995923 -0.0032859333 0.0046035927 0.0002675982 0.024973094 0.0052542076 0.0006206307 -0.006128266 0.007735087 -0.003552094 -0.020543655 -0.0030707049 0.010975017 0.016745117 -0.014405532 -0.012479975 -0.012953149 -0.0060066865 0.013400037 0.005418504 -0.0122828195 0.006755879 0.012414256 0.010922442 -0.02355357 0.0109290145 0.014628976 -0.000032653963 -0.0028472613 -0.008398846 -0.0046233083 0.0069333194 0.105097294 0.0013611979 -0.0053396416 0.027838428 0.017730897 -0.001828622 -0.004639738 -0.010468984 -0.00019684795 -0.009226901 0.025249112 -0.0030033432 -0.001629823 -0.0068610287 0.016994847 0.0037558218 0.009299192 -0.014458107 -0.008346271 -0.0076825125 0.008457992 0.002960626 -0.0019009125 0.0023116542 0.022909528 0.0125259785 0.01154677 0.034015983 0.016390236 -0.017757185 -0.010166678 0.027023517 0.00067567005 0.0071699065 -0.016350804 0.0011361114 -0.002467736 0.019965332 0.028995076 -0.02003105 0.016600536 0.016390236 0.020083625 -0.013005724 -0.006660587 -0.032149572 -0.0015673903 0.012696846 -0.0025991732 -0.0013431252 0.01531245 -0.018138353 -0.008070253 -0.014602688 0.0026829646 -0.009266332 -0.0015731406 0.0078205215 -0.0076693688 -0.0066474434 -0.0076759406 -0.025446268 0.018072633 -0.012493119 0.001208402 -0.022975245 -0.009279476 -0.012197385 0.009246617 0.028311603 0.0060789767 -0.02227863 -0.026773786 -0.0046758833 0.0065587233 0.014168945 0.0011295396 0.016127361 -0.014602688 -0.010869868 -0.011435049 -0.032543883 -0.010817293 -0.017441735 0.019544732 -0.00048426443 -0.012519406 -0.0050044768 -0.018861258 0.008773442 0.0132554555 0.01151391 0.017573172 -0.015391312 -0.0022065043 0.001726758 0.007649653 -0.0035258066 0.021595154 -0.0066868747 0.010666139 -0.010909298 -0.007945387 -0.02594573 0.000105971354 -0.0019600592 0.009312335 0.0063977125 -0.005313354 -0.016797692 0.018848114 -0.0113101825 -0.00355538 0.019124132 0.011520483 0.017336585 0.01172421 0.022948958 0.028600764 0.0057470975 -0.0031643538 -0.032675322 0.032727897 0.029757412 -0.02502567 -0.018020058 0.027470402 -0.04119246 -0.007846809 0.0028308316 -0.015443887 0.0036375283 -0.018256646 -0.034620594 -0.03561952 -0.01915042 -0.009851228 0.0128217125 0.011211605 -0.007189622 -0.00027293785 0.010745002 0.004485299 -0.035041194 0.03924719 -0.03588239 -0.014734126 0.0018795539 0.009726363 0.01246026 0.0032777186 -0.0028341175 -0.006443715 -0.004738316 0.022725515 -0.027891003 -0.011145886 -0.0059968284 0.02267294 0.014208376 0.01365634 -0.016771404 -0.027181242 0.00858943 0.016626824 -0.01024554 0.003055918 0.0004592092 -0.010758146 0.02105626 0.013853495 -0.019137276 -0.009798653 -0.028153878 0.0030657758 0.026852647 -0.00069209974 -0.01587763 -0.011113027 -0.026300611 -0.014155801 0.015851343 -0.02988885 0.012151382 -0.047370017 -0.004429438 0.00999581 0.018388083 -0.0038116828 -0.00374925 0.017454877 -0.039299764 0.0067263055 -0.0060888347 0.0023050823 -0.009969522 -0.0013225882 0.0009479918 0.01246026 0.021043118 0.021542579 0.012263103 0.012479975 -0.006673731 0.0006198092 -0.009608069 -0.009930091 0.006013258 -0.00035241636 -0.017822903 0.012972865 -0.013347462 -0.014103226 -0.0034830894 0.0058653913 -0.006709876 -0.027969865 0.0043735774 -0.023895308 0.005241064 -0.012046232 -0.0100615285 0.013643196 -0.02221291 0.033595383 0.0011418619 0.023527283 -0.027444115 -0.0013833779 0.0051556295 0.0010917514 0.018506376 0.005083339 -0.007485356 -0.011875363 0.0025350975 -0.000046182766 -0.013281743 -0.011251036 0.02720753 -0.011428476 0.007919099 -0.0034403722 0.0007528895 -0.024250189 0.025669713 -0.008392273 0.011073596 0.0059409677 -0.019702457 -0.016179936 0.0070779007 0.0067197336 0.014997 -0.0036309564 -0.0054152184 -0.005231206 -0.016166793 -0.0023330126 0.017770328 0.0041698497 0.003979265 -0.0040186965 0.014931281 0.0049289 0.01619308 -0.0005824317 -0.011073596 0.010863296 0.025656568 -0.026839504 -0.009706647 -0.0025383835 -0.015969636 0.014142658 -0.012940005 0.0060001146 0.003100278 -0.027470402 -0.0067821667 0.020530513 0.017310297 -0.0030871343 0.01510215 0.0024118752 -0.007590506 0.003014844 -0.011954226 0.01957102 -0.029967712 -0.02513082 -0.012118522 0.004744888 0.00024973095 -0.014865562 0.005579515 0.0035652376 0.0012420828 -0.029336814 -0.013984933 -0.012933434 0.0062367017 -0.009456917 0.0038083969 -0.01411637 -0.008701151 0.0062564174 -0.0010695714 -0.016166793 -0.008043965 0.013853495 0.022817522 0.0006953857 -0.0007192087 0.0058588195 0.02252836 -0.00075165724 -0.023330128 -0.03661844 -0.008878592 -0.010127246 0.00037829307 0.010804149 -0.016613679 -0.00711076 -0.018401228 0.029336814 0.0056583774 -0.04148162 -0.010363834 -0.02699723 0.029547114 0.0027979722 -0.00047194218 0.013360606 -0.00032777185 -0.018296078 0.029284239 -0.004991333 -0.014826131 0.010606993 0.0067887385 0.00887202 0.021766024 -0.010764718 -0.011251036 0.017822903 -0.01598278 -0.021069406 -0.0034732316 -0.0022640082 0.021450574 0.029441964 -0.028811064 -0.0054645073 -0.013104303 -0.036355566 0.009292619 0.0023034394 0.020004762 0.025446268 0.0073802066 -0.01696856 0.023566714 -0.00048467517 0.0066375853 -0.024841657 0.0008391452 -0.007840237 0.024683932 0.01686341 -0.0021457146 -0.02252836 -0.00017590012 0.025682855 -0.0040548416 -0.021200843 0.022081472 0.0027503262 0.02760184 0.018388083 -0.0003197624 0.013695771 0.012026516 0.0070318975 -0.03932605 -0.0042552836 0.003798539 -0.01302544 0.0109290145 -0.008129399 -0.00044319028 -0.01774404 0.008576286 -0.012138238 -0.005819388 -0.018913833 0.019229282 0.035146344 -0.0070844726 0.01313059 0.00968036 0.008365987 -0.0074590687 -0.000008189162 0.01799377 -0.0058883927 -0.027128667 0.014786701 -0.030782623 0.0047580316 0.0027536121 0.004741602 -0.0037919672 0.01380092 -0.011218176 -0.007945387 -0.0057010944 0.008747155 0.008471136 -0.005329784 0.01707371 -0.0068413136 -0.013354033 -0.014142658 -0.015969636 -0.011428476 0.002319869 -0.002520311 -0.004725172 0.002176931 -0.02791729 -0.01598278 0.03685503 -0.023067253 0.0104426965 0.21492633 0.007695656 0.0031331375 0.024828512 0.0018450517 0.007590506 0.028653339 -0.026234893 -0.0008535212 0.027417827 0.0032415732 -0.014287238 -0.009548922 -0.003248145 0.01126418 -0.021345424 -0.01696856 -0.004334146 -0.003404227 -0.016561104 -0.0051983465 0.0010120675 0.0022459354 -0.011507339 0.018006915 0.021792311 -0.0086880075 0.0029392673 0.028259028 0.0011213247 0.0070384694 0.0030969921 0.023330128 -0.011684779 -0.021148268 0.015430743 -0.011402189 -0.005313354 0.02520968 0.018703533 0.019807607 0.027154954 -0.008037393 -0.03141352 0.015167869 0.021345424 -0.01591706 -0.0062498455 -0.012841428 0.03165011 -0.027286392 0.0016339304 0.037223052 0.017297154 -0.0040844153 0.01045584 0.014366101 0.0080636805 -0.012631128 0.025367405 0.025196537 0.01759946 -0.014103226 0.022541502 0.009121751 0.0025268828 -0.03664473 0.007787662 -0.0062794187 -0.011691351 0.0042684274 0.0012190813 -0.008260837 0.009312335 -0.00996295 -0.0077022277 0.03404227 0.043006297 0.013485471 0.0250651 -0.014366101 -0.034199994 0.00925976 -0.0036671017 -0.02619546 -0.033779394 0.022646653 0.0062794187 -0.045004144 -0.0071633346 -0.00434729 -0.01925557 -0.011921367 -0.01946587 0.0197156 0.0018926976 0.008037393 0.018690389 0.010672712 0.01489185 -0.027785853 0.03653958 0.0021605012 0.023829589 0.0199259 -0.01925557 -0.006161125 0.014326669 0.00013112927 -0.022764947 0.007840237 -0.041849647 0.014734126 -0.000048005433 0.0054053604 0.004146848 0.00908232 -0.020215062 0.027759565 0.0020537083 -0.017586315 -0.020530513 0.0041369903 0.017560028 0.0113627575 -0.040955875 -0.03809054 0.0013053371 -0.009509491 -0.016745117 0.01411637 -0.02003105 -0.0019567735 -0.029704837 -0.008030822 -0.0066901604 -0.020872248 -0.029441964 -0.012453687 -0.0058555333 -0.012414256 -0.03133466 0.020767098 0.00086584344 0.010988161 -0.0037163906 0.0037623937 0.0026780358 0.0041895653 -0.021437429 -0.015522749 0.0008732368 -0.017297154 -0.020872248 0.025157107 -0.016074786 -0.037065327 -0.04203366 0.0060428316 0.018821826 -0.025117675 0.023527283 0.02080653 -0.001969917 -0.0049781892 0.003262932 -0.16624194 0.022646653 0.011941082 -0.019426439 0.008464565 -0.03141352 0.009897231 0.0011558271 -0.009502919 -0.0005980399 -0.0025071672 -0.023777014 -0.042191386 -0.0060428316 0.001184579 -0.0077613746 -0.00054382195 0.0022311488 0.02770699 0.008214833 0.017678322 0.0038675435 0.031150648 0.03640814 -0.002760184 0.005329784 -0.0036178126 0.007905955 0.011428476 -0.014208376 -0.0045083007 0.0043801493 0.024158182 0.019755032 0.0007812307 -0.0041205604 -0.03364796 -0.027891003 -0.008937739 0.021831742 0.032412447 0.019176707 -0.0013850209 0.0036145267 0.014997 0.007202766 0.01696856 -0.0039726933 0.015746193 -0.028574476 0.016311374 -0.016495386 -0.004692313 -0.0038642576 0.011776785 -0.0076890844 0.012335394 0.03456802 -0.015930206 -0.0027453974 -0.016127361 -0.0034403722 0.0005963969 0.003900403 -0.023224978 -0.03207071 0.0007253698 0.004104131 -0.029021364 0.0025498844 -0.0058128163 -0.019649882 0.0062137 0.021490004 -0.02112198 0.0014893493 0.003657244 0.008858876 -0.013196308 0.033674244 -0.0084974235 0.00040622352 -0.014734126 0.0010884654 -0.025262255 0.026313754 0.022712372 0.01253255 -0.006023116 -0.020057337 0.000020806632 -0.027628127 -0.037959103 -0.0034239427 -0.0070384694 0.020070482 -0.016153648 0.0075773625 -0.0013948787 0.011763642 0.01235511 0.006565295 -0.0042125667 -0.032754183 0.011461336 -0.008661721 0.0039628358 0.0075247874 0.037591077 -0.0021374996 -0.0107712895 0.010791006 -0.008057109 -0.012164526 -0.0061085504 0.021936892 -0.008398846 -0.007919099 0.022580935 -0.015154725 0.07134419 0.0065455795 -0.03619784 0.017770328 0.017796615 -0.0035915251 -0.14479136 -0.027417827 0.0036736736 0.018677246 0.0152861625 0.03640814 -0.005927824 0.004156706 -0.02563028 0.040140964 -0.012894003 -0.028995076 -0.016206224 -0.023146115 0.007255341 -0.013998076 -0.002070138 -0.0069333194 -0.031702686 0.028311603 0.0070844726 0.000890488 0.010626708 0.025104532 -0.028679626 0.009108608 -0.025433125 0.005241064 0.016022211 -0.009581782 0.01826979 -0.0016207866 0.007557647 -0.012624556 0.0012675488 0.01390607 -0.029441964 -0.020517368 0.004892755 -0.0033976552 -0.0005865391 0.0312558 0.033122208 -0.015522749 0.015194156 0.002168716 -0.009200614 0.020753955 -0.009838085 -0.0035389503 -0.058147877 0.0026501054 -0.041376475 0.006907032 0.02038593 -0.010376978 0.0075839343 -0.0065061483 0.029257951 0.008569715 0.012387969 0.012138238 -0.028390465 -0.0032875764 0.027654415 0.000007714242 -0.014681551 -0.006269561 -0.006013258 -0.024342194 -0.017007992 0.021779167 -0.01713943 0.02791729 -0.019584162 -0.0014532041 -0.013051728 -0.012624556 -0.004984761 -0.016639967 -0.030151725 -0.0023034394 0.014668407 -0.017165717 0.0056945225 -0.00700561 -0.005862105 0.009384626 0.013485471 0.003100278 -0.011408761 0.037275627 0.02967855 0.003653958 -0.011665064 0.013104303 0.018690389 -0.018664101 0.024762794 -0.0037361062 -0.02105626 -0.01999162 -0.002318226 0.021726592 0.013603765 0.009594926 -0.0023280839 -0.026616061 0.00591468 0.018703533 -0.00067567005 -0.029652262 0.009634357 0.014366101 0.010883012 -0.0036736736 -0.01809892 -0.01872982 0.024131894 -0.0072750566 0.0019140563 0.01805949 -0.0008913094 -0.0073210597 0.021174556 0.009384626 -0.013538046 0.0025301687 -0.0067427354 0.015023287 -0.0131503055 -0.010468984 0.014878706 -0.0059376815 0.020767098 0.00462988 0.01035069 -0.016718829 -0.005625518 0.039378624 -0.003509377 0.03714419 -0.0039661215 -0.016745117 0.02066195 -0.03924719 0.005917966 0.0016232511 -0.053363558 0.016771404 0.002656677 -0.011323326 0.021647729 0.0142609505 -0.018046346 -0.022541502 -0.009029745 -0.014431819 -0.007537931 -0.00010176125 -0.012782281 -0.027838428 0.02231806 -0.024552494 -0.0038576857 -0.021516291 0.0109290145 -0.01274285 -0.021621441 -0.015075862 -0.0014556685 -0.00936491 -0.0246445 0.0133934645 0.016942272 0.047869477 0.016271941 0.01531245 -0.0022755088 -0.013919214 -0.00989066 0.008037393 0.0035915251 0.012269676 -0.012335394 0.014195233 0.03588239 -0.006821598 -0.018493233 0.0024315908 0.014090083 0.012151382 0.024434201 0.007866524 -0.00957521 -0.012677131 0.02407932 0.007892812 -0.022791235 -0.010015525 -0.0016569319 0.018953264 -0.01256541 -0.012092235 0.012585125 -0.040246114 -0.0018861258 0.020123057 -0.023855876 -0.036592156 -0.012295963 0.0044688694 0.00809654 -0.0007372813 0.0054086465 -0.009496348 -0.018427515 -0.0036178126 -0.002469379 -0.030230587 0.00023925703 0.04526702 0.007748231 0.0009981022 0.005431648 -0.027128667 0.014983856 0.001923914 0.01936072 -0.019124132 -0.008707724 -0.0000197156 -0.0028029012 -0.011027592 -0.01531245 -0.0103901215 0.02231806 -0.025577705 0.006608012 0.028732201 -0.025893155 0.044373244 0.014655263 -0.0076299375 0.002720753 0.0014392388 0.032438733 -0.0019304858 0.016153648 0.0007085294 -0.004547732 -0.0009249903 -0.015391312 0.017783472 -0.028075015 -0.0297837 0.01738916 -0.021752879 0.01961045 0.004133704 0.0104426965 0.0008453064 -0.012368253 0.018388083 -0.005576229 -0.007209338 -0.009627785 0.014707838 -0.025327975 -0.004340718 -0.013117447 -0.0017136142 0.0097657945 -0.050603375 -0.016009068 0.011224749 -0.0027700418 -0.009726363 -0.016245654 -0.001286443 0.04626594 0.0007352276 0.005086625 -0.019018982 -0.034199994 0.00047810332 0.008911451 -0.012940005 0.00015905971 -0.031360947
0.004970618 -0.0072402926 0.010954877 -0.03193284 -0.017552989 0.002974816 -0.0086568715 -0.014870931 -0.00014333025 -0.0113452235 -0.0014260228 0.014820565 0.015651625 -0.00054184144 -0.007725077 -0.01079748 0.041301146 0.0014622243 -0.0059213 -0.031555083 -0.009015738 -0.008606505 -0.010759705 -0.022967467 -0.0343001 0.0076432307 0.018862536 -0.0061133252 0.012572926 -0.023156345 0.037120666 -0.01145855 -0.013259179 -0.008713535 -0.004784889 -0.010344175 0.0050272816 -0.0106274905 -0.0031196217 0.012176284 0.0164575 0.016130112 -0.010337879 -0.0012717731 -0.0029811119 0.02056243 -0.012220355 -0.011521509 -0.012056661 0.0186107 0.031177329 0.0032675755 -0.01673452 -0.0193788 0.005852045 -0.017477436 -0.027324235 0.029968515 -0.0048824754 -0.017905558 -0.015941236 0.0006169989 0.0078447 0.021280164 0.002433368 0.00081768085 -0.016885621 -0.009525707 0.034199364 0.012440711 0.02603987 0.012824762 0.00080745004 0.0299937 0.020323187 -0.0055089183 -0.030220352 -0.0052318983 0.005530954 0.01811962 -0.009185728 0.008461699 -0.023911854 0.0009514689 -0.0148457475 -0.00090897153 -0.0030834202 -0.010954877 -0.009418677 0.0028662116 -0.014065055 0.00809024 0.00074763893 0.016092338 0.002497901 0.0050996845 -0.0011356241 -0.018812168 0.00009438941 -0.039059803 -0.0035414475 0.009897165 0.0008318467 -0.006270723 -0.024428118 -0.016306398 0.009362013 -0.018799577 0.027752357 -0.016331581 -0.018295905 0.029213008 0.0047534094 -0.031504717 -0.0018588664 -0.000007457944 -0.0005882738 0.006421825 -0.030371454 -0.008304301 0.018938087 0.010470092 0.024604402 -0.011697794 0.029767046 0.02117943 -0.030824758 -0.0037271767 -0.004910807 -0.026543543 0.013624342 0.028482681 -0.00055600726 0.006799579 0.005247638 0.0034942282 0.014732421 -0.016306398 -0.00087355706 -0.015651625 0.017678905 0.018673658 -0.009053513 -0.013259179 -0.0076432307 0.015916051 0.049636927 -0.0065099676 0.013573974 0.024755504 0.020751309 -0.009840502 0.013725077 -0.016016787 -0.024705138 0.02354669 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-0.013108077 0.011483734 0.012522559 -0.021192022 0.0060346266 0.013007343 0.02000839 0.014115423 -0.01618048 0.019076597 0.0038247632 -0.001343389 -0.007599159 0.0021469041 -0.0020697792 0.015110176 -0.025158443 0.0053546685 0.0022712483 -0.0023058758 0.005625393 -0.003982161 -0.0017109127 -0.0110430205 0.0356852 0.008279117 -0.009204616 -0.026291706 -0.02374816 0.007070303 0.0015802726 0.011999998 -0.013775444 -0.004114375 -0.011294857 0.018988455 -0.005918152 -0.020335779 0.018849945 0.0017471141 -0.015878277 -0.0193788 -0.014631687 0.032990552 -0.0024459597 -0.014820565 -0.013070302 0.011905559 -0.0004458289 0.003100734 0.029666312 0.0068247626 -0.040596005 0.01159706 0.009437564 -0.011540397 -0.03465267 0.0014968518 -0.00073937554 -0.012686252 -0.008002098 0.02207345 0.008530954 0.015210911 -0.014921298 0.010149001 0.01687303 0.027424969 -0.044222448 -0.0072025172 0.0041364105 0.004101783 -0.012006294 -0.00510598 -0.021746062 0.017817415 0.004529905 0.004731374 -0.03173137 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0.0128751295 0.003714585 0.00836726 -0.030950677 0.0236852 -0.010596011 0.011710387 -0.021166839 -0.0048258123 -0.019567678 0.023168936 0.0028630635 -0.007303252 -0.015500522 -0.0069884565 -0.015639031 0.0082854135 0.021154245 0.012220355 0.009254983 -0.029464843 0.014480585 0.014128014 0.005874081 0.003155823 -0.0071899253 0.022551937 0.028860437 0.011061908 -0.008172086 -0.01896327 -0.022841549 -0.0123651605 0.0172256 0.020474289 0.01048898 -0.009022034 0.00088614883 0.0065981103 -0.029767046 0.03903462 0.007599159 0.018258128 0.004970618 -0.017036723 -0.003642182 -0.020915002 -0.004463798 0.0096768085 -0.007989505 -0.02062539 0.024428118 -0.013460648 -0.0040671555 -0.01687303 -0.00072284875 0.0054774387 -0.020046167 0.006944385 0.0031542492 0.030144801 0.018132212 0.014367259 0.009922349 0.009097585 -0.023030426 -0.01625603 0.007133262 0.005663168 -0.037045114 0.0015267574 0.000107128784 -0.0066547734 -0.019907657 0.01693599 -0.030018883 -0.0018934939 0.0035855188 0.008134311 -0.01659601 0.009047218 0.027198317 -0.00035335775 -0.03820356 0.014190974 0.018509965 0.002834732 -0.027827907 -0.013976913 0.021494225 0.018950678 -0.003931794 0.0061636926 0.0010175759 0.01819517 -0.0015952253 0.0086568715 0.0035382996 0.031605452 -0.020386146 0.0014818991 -0.011080796 -0.0049611744 0.009651625 -0.015576073 -0.0051028323 0.023433365 0.011955927 -0.00090661057 -0.02117943 -0.009683104 -0.022652673 0.012994751 -0.019958025 -0.0014386147 -0.019983208 -0.0034910801 0.0054868828 -0.00902833 0.02319412 0.01610493 0.012402936 0.019114373 -0.011175234 -0.008178383 0.012894017 0.117053494 -0.0033368305 -0.01924029 0.030900309 0.02111647 -0.026896114 -0.020952778 -0.0032770194 -0.01035047 -0.022375653 0.036566626 -0.028381947 -0.00094753393 -0.008178383 0.016142705 0.0016731372 0.008486882 0.008845748 -0.011150051 -0.015462747 0.0034123813 -0.01665897 -0.006204616 0.014039872 0.020449106 -0.002302728 0.014115423 0.03173137 -0.0052791177 -0.017439662 0.003500524 0.015147951 0.003982161 0.011722978 -0.004989506 -0.0035634832 0.011559284 0.042056657 0.017540395 -0.024843648 0.016306398 0.02333263 0.017275969 -0.020512063 -0.0006000786 -0.03951311 -0.020235043 0.03520671 0.023244487 0.004256033 0.010589715 0.00729066 -0.033670507 -0.002494753 0.03908499 0.0016479535 -0.008436515 0.005039873 -0.013939138 -0.002696222 -0.008625392 -0.03528226 -0.0016747111 -0.00881427 0.017112274 -0.00905981 -0.01458132 -0.0078006284 -0.018824762 0.01742707 0.0008562433 -0.010388246 -0.004866736 -0.012006294 0.019555086 0.016633784 0.0022555084 0.0013772296 -0.010293807 0.012780691 0.0068625384 -0.016608601 -0.027903458 -0.004388247 -0.001350472 0.0012056661 -0.00836726 0.007989505 -0.004252885 0.021720879 0.010495276 0.026392441 0.020751309 0.006560335 0.035030425 0.017867783 0.0016998948 -0.0008845749 0.028306397 -0.001965897 0.017112274 -0.0036925492 -0.022501571 -0.033368304 0.0017990554 0.01582791 0.016218256 0.017792232 0.00402938 -0.0039443853 0.031353615 -0.008115424 0.017943334 0.009588665 -0.019429168 0.0032187824 0.0074543534 0.03611332 0.02813011 -0.012786986 -0.016684152 -0.014216158 0.015311645 0.034677852 -0.014203565 -0.0065729264 0.02083945 -0.008102831 -0.005946484 -0.003708289 -0.0132465875 0.029414475 -0.043492123 -0.04590975 -0.038707234 0.0002323583 0.013460648 -0.003777544 -0.018270722 -0.00025380374 -0.010142705 0.00067720347 0.020587614 -0.009387197 0.045783833 -0.04160335 0.0085876165 0.008071353 -0.012579221 0.034400836 -0.0038562429 0.0040104925 -0.008549841 -0.006887722 -0.002362539 -0.009601258 -0.014065055 -0.019139556 0.021922346 0.01665897 0.007693598 -0.018560333 -0.0089213 -0.009506819 0.025095483 -0.011678907 -0.0047785933 0.0077124857 -0.0067618038 0.03236096 0.0006937302 -0.0020650574 -0.010432317 -0.0015432842 0.012472191 0.024616996 -0.015777541 -0.0178426 -0.018849945 -0.020083942 -0.019895066 0.019492127 -0.028734518 0.033015735 -0.016885621 0.0029228746 0.038002092 0.0045424965 0.004507869 0.010526756 0.016344173 -0.0256873 0.004123819 0.00075078686 0.0020634835 -0.02173347 -0.014505769 -0.029389292 0.009317942 -0.001151364 0.019668411 0.0010403986 -0.00012109783 -0.007303252 -0.009368309 0.008952779 -0.013788035 0.0019753408 0.009343126 -0.01735152 -0.0031794328 -0.021431265 -0.0034658967 0.0046810065 -0.022123815 0.016029378 -0.024428118 0.01805666 -0.015639031 -0.006887722 -0.0039947527 -0.012044069 0.025145851 -0.0047628535 0.03986568 0.003519412 -0.018497374 -0.026694644 -0.0006469044 0.010847847 -0.0055215103 0.011376703 0.016721928 0.015412379 -0.012585517 -0.0038027277 0.0050870925 -0.01402728 -0.028281212 0.014467994 -0.018346272 0.005036725 -0.011093387 0.012868833 -0.013322138 0.028256029 -0.00018376177 0.026090236 -0.006207764 -0.007926546 -0.008134311 -0.0013457501 0.00007820696 0.016986355 -0.010344175 0.006207764 -0.017540395 -0.0003606374 -0.008140607 0.02548583 0.014115423 0.013259179 -0.013838403 0.010016788 0.01638195 0.018686252 -0.019089188 -0.0017864635 0.017615946 0.019290658 -0.0158405 -0.022501571 -0.02117943 0.0068625384 0.01170409 -0.021418674 0.007769149 -0.0019218255 -0.02179643 -0.0122959055 0.010016788 -0.0069129053 -0.009727175 0.004699894 -0.00026934675 0.00065005233 0.0045519406 -0.004772297 0.002233473 -0.007221405 -0.039966416 -0.013422873 0.01253515 -0.013196221 -0.014455401 -0.004296956 -0.010841551 0.009613849 -0.011452254 -0.0016463796 -0.006138509 0.0038908704 -0.0062770187 0.009865685 -0.0122266505 -0.022816366 0.010079746 -0.0044008386 -0.02757607 -0.004001049 0.02541028 0.02805456 -0.001684155 -0.015437563 0.000102701975 0.0133850975 -0.0034470088 0.002628541 -0.03130325 0.0033903457 -0.009683104 0.0028835253 0.008745015 0.00049580267 -0.011697794 0.0058331573 0.008436515 -0.007725077 -0.033796426 -0.02104092 -0.035332628 -0.0026442807 -0.00016103749 -0.013813219 0.015311645 -0.017401885 -0.021066103 0.018862536 0.004935991 -0.009626442 -0.0029905557 0.012856241 0.02868415 -0.0013150575 0.0008015476 0.0053074495 -0.016067153 -0.025939135 -0.016558234 -0.008549841 -0.00022960384 0.019567678 0.01096747 -0.02042392 -0.013976913 -0.011691499 -0.047874074 -0.022942284 0.0011002097 0.018988455 0.028860437 0.000080715494 -0.011534101 0.029767046 -0.010602307 0.0063651614 -0.019945432 -0.012220355 -0.0101175215 0.0039947527 0.012541446 -0.0038279113 -0.030472187 -0.0018934939 0.013548791 -0.023735568 -0.01874921 0.00805876 -0.031353615 0.014392443 0.019479536 0.007901363 0.037473235 0.017175233 0.022098633 -0.02964113 -0.0044889813 0.017792232 -0.010400837 -0.0069632726 0.017754456 0.018812168 0.0021988454 0.01986988 -0.00091526745 -0.0016369357 -0.0030188872 0.005641132 0.04193074 -0.0027182577 0.01776705 0.008940187 0.020386146 -0.020461697 -0.02362224 0.012868833 0.009380901 -0.013322138 0.013599158 -0.03666736 -0.0060786977 -0.008738718 -0.0011269673 -0.0065855184 0.02868415 -0.0057733464 0.021028329 0.0017030428 0.00101128 -0.0052948575 -0.0018604404 0.0029307446 -0.009204616 -0.018623292 -0.024113322 -0.018107027 -0.01082896 0.0036831053 -0.012761802 -0.007995801 0.007901363 -0.007699894 -0.020083942 0.037800625 -0.0005599422 -0.006330534 0.20771456 -0.002973242 -0.004850996 0.014102831 0.007681006 0.011288561 0.023999996 -0.006273871 0.0047785933 0.0044826856 -0.010337879 -0.0020005244 -0.018157395 0.0041647423 0.0099538285 -0.041855186 -0.04754669 -0.012541446 0.000438746 -0.009909757 0.021569775 -0.007599159 0.003651626 -0.005178383 0.018258128 0.020512063 0.005118572 -0.010891918 0.025196219 -0.007542496 -0.0014669462 -0.013838403 0.011244489 -0.01965582 -0.013586567 0.01375026 -0.010980061 -0.005738719 0.034476385 0.0011293283 0.023697792 -0.0031731369 -0.010986357 -0.0036925492 0.019064005 0.02991815 -0.025309544 -0.014203565 0.021834204 0.028079744 -0.029213008 -0.014102831 0.032411326 0.00482896 -0.019895066 0.007687302 0.022640081 -0.0035886667 -0.018384047 0.044726122 0.0042623286 0.009821614 -0.01694858 0.025511013 -0.0012473766 0.0024522557 -0.002027282 0.01173557 0.007882475 -0.015878277 0.014467994 0.0052224547 -0.0009790135 -0.010205665 -0.004586568 -0.010451205 0.010677857 0.014140606 0.03603777 0.02694648 0.005257082 -0.021015737 0.0075362003 -0.027122766 -0.025838401 -0.010948582 0.020222452 0.001951731 -0.011370407 -0.0019155296 -0.0014771771 -0.032587614 -0.004643231 -0.030547738 0.0014708812 0.003909758 0.0019407133 0.016470091 0.0017376703 0.022476386 -0.010205665 0.015727175 0.014128014 0.027903458 0.008568729 0.008908708 -0.0039538294 0.010614899 0.01631899 -0.01979433 0.00673662 -0.043441758 0.010130114 -0.0025451202 -0.015676808 -0.007832108 0.0143043 -0.0035225598 0.031227697 0.0049328427 -0.035987403 -0.0132465875 0.011395591 0.0039286455 0.015324237 -0.030018883 -0.039261274 0.007555088 -0.014392443 -0.020310596 0.00993494 -0.004435466 -0.018472191 -0.022728223 -0.0017754456 -0.0023168935 -0.017955925 -0.0299937 -0.010816367 0.0040671555 -0.007618047 -0.02179643 -0.0017880375 0.024705138 0.0016448057 0.016218256 0.0005886673 -0.0030062953 0.003226652 -0.014908707 0.004662119 -0.0031196217 -0.024604402 -0.019227698 0.010822663 -0.02027282 -0.019479536 -0.034551937 -0.011899264 -0.0025514162 -0.030472187 0.016747111 0.01625603 0.015475338 0.012352569 -0.0016479535 -0.15674289 0.02382371 0.0010679432 -0.019781739 0.031832103 -0.009790135 0.00809024 0.0012560334 -0.01596642 -0.0022681004 -0.005329485 -0.018698843 -0.047999993 -0.015727175 0.0052980054 -0.005930744 0.019643229 0.023987405 0.038153194 0.018547742 0.019038823 -0.0129443845 0.03832948 0.017716682 0.0031526752 -0.0049611744 -0.003916054 -0.004237145 -0.0025970615 -0.019353617 0.0049737664 0.012163691 0.035660014 0.015059808 0.020449106 -0.01693599 -0.030169984 -0.017603355 0.00029610435 0.0021972714 0.023357814 0.01312067 0.011483734 0.0028142703 -0.00701364 0.0006740555 0.0054081837 0.004369359 -0.0017423922 -0.01625603 0.004857292 -0.0186107 -0.032411326 0.01624344 -0.0039003142 -0.0073536187 0.008688351 0.032587614 -0.0007236358 0.012698844 -0.002894543 0.0024018884 -0.0021358863 0.004252885 -0.009034626 -0.013548791 0.007932843 0.0147072375 -0.026568726 0.021834204 -0.009714584 0.0018793282 0.0032061904 0.009544594 -0.010193073 -0.007265476 -0.020046167 -0.00042025177 -0.0065981103 0.028004192 -0.00056623813 0.015739767 -0.015399788 0.00458342 -0.022753406 -0.0051720873 0.026442807 0.006207764 -0.033217203 -0.021280164 0.00087906595 -0.023294855 -0.031278063 -0.018245537 -0.001078961 0.015639031 -0.0069821603 0.02027282 -0.009878278 0.011011541 0.005471143 -0.009941236 -0.023181528 0.008770198 0.029817414 0.0083798515 0.016218256 0.0030771245 0.01035047 -0.008467995 -0.022451203 0.017691497 0.005250786 0.011798529 -0.005600209 0.022161592 0.01604197 -0.010539347 0.016293807 0.0004521248 0.050090235 -0.0132465875 -0.025422871 0.017162642 0.0042025177 -0.014077648 -0.12309757 -0.027399786 0.0078447 0.021972714 0.008770198 0.023043018 -0.018232945 0.0019108077 -0.012724027 0.020738717 -0.022023082 -0.022312693 0.00826023 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0.042560328 0.03334312 -0.01708709 0.01576495 0.018585516 0.0020414477 -0.022652673 0.0061794324 0.0133850975 -0.004385099 -0.034199364 -0.0019784886 0.0089213 0.010961173 0.009122768 0.010230849 -0.0110745 0.011836304 0.020159492 0.01013641 0.0054774387 0.00052137976 0.030774392 0.034400836 0.00269937 -0.0049580266 0.007882475 0.0038877223 -0.013133261 -0.025498422 0.0066295895 -0.011439662 -0.00048517832 0.011162642 -0.0036295902 -0.004249737 0.00498321 -0.0098845735 0.0013819515 0.009475339 -0.014568728 0.035886668 -0.008820565 0.015362012 0.026518358 -0.0039443853 -0.032134306 -0.003308499 0.04341657 -0.00042812165 0.05575655 -0.019504718 -0.01611752 0.040041965 -0.021469042 0.013095486 0.0025104927 -0.048982155 0.013536199 0.004504721 0.018346272 0.0082854135 0.013951729 -0.022526754 -0.0059842593 -0.011093387 -0.024982158 0.018421823 0.0073725064 -0.012742915 -0.024705138 0.028810069 -0.005077649 0.00027013375 -0.01610493 0.014467994 0.0042780684 -0.015601257 -0.018409232 -0.0014614373 0.011540397 -0.026644276 -0.010570827 0.023559283 0.036944382 0.02423924 -0.005540398 -0.030698841 -0.0051028323 -0.007070303 0.021229798 0.0041615944 0.011848896 -0.0272235 0.0012820039 0.016822662 0.0064973757 -0.023219304 0.01013641 0.01576495 -0.0076369345 0.008065056 0.0012757081 -0.017943334 -0.01242812 0.010041971 -0.0016243439 -0.019139556 -0.014971666 -0.010501572 0.026266523 -0.0016526754 -0.012333681 0.011540397 -0.041074496 -0.017401885 -0.00012149132 -0.024730321 -0.030169984 -0.020512063 0.009185728 -0.0038184673 0.012232946 0.004649527 -0.01874921 -0.018094435 -0.024566628 0.020184677 -0.020033576 -0.012906608 0.019341026 0.019064005 -0.0027812168 0.007070303 -0.027651621 0.020335779 0.009116473 0.01896327 -0.009204616 0.020109126 -0.005949632 0.014757605 -0.023999996 -0.017162642 0.005061909 0.0032770194 -0.030421821 0.018371455 0.031328432 -0.014002096 0.039387193 0.015173135 -0.009047218 0.017905558 0.009450156 0.010608602 0.022929693 -0.012484783 -0.015865685 -0.00633683 -0.012931792 0.0004922612 0.012616997 -0.013586567 -0.035886668 0.003443861 -0.008971667 0.02376075 0.0077313734 -0.008820565 0.026493175 0.0026600205 0.0036044065 0.014606504 -0.005918152 -0.022841549 0.024289608 -0.000437959 -0.0084491065 -0.01242812 0.010262328 0.005867785 -0.033645324 -0.014959075 0.0031495274 0.0021232944 0.0043567675 -0.015928645 -0.00082004187 0.050518356 -0.009639033 -0.003100734 -0.007019936 -0.016558234 -0.002696222 0.029943332 0.0009514689 -0.010419725 -0.022929693
0.023445694 0.0016053102 0.025365068 -0.0088237915 -0.005624834 0.017527623 -0.0118761305 -0.0018543957 -0.0100034075 -0.017181069 -0.002907386 0.017647583 0.009216997 0.024698619 0.008703831 -0.0005610672 0.056568235 -0.031243153 0.022459349 0.000032671647 -0.00871716 0.016541276 -0.0027474381 -0.021233082 0.007550873 0.018833863 0.01608809 -0.004901736 0.00759086 -0.025764938 0.027004534 -0.008383935 -0.011582892 -0.0073975897 -0.024485355 -0.0191271 -0.0012637549 0.0028057524 0.010643199 -0.013182372 0.014555258 -0.0070377067 -0.0018477313 0.0052949414 -0.01267587 0.0010946434 -0.045291908 -0.020806555 -0.017887505 0.00917701 0.040813368 -0.010103375 -0.028683987 -0.014715205 0.008943752 -0.00209765 -0.0061280034 0.025058502 0.021499662 0.009570215 -0.005968055 0.0018677248 -0.032229498 0.011342971 -0.010123368 0.009190339 -0.02297918 0.004885075 -0.000011858116 0.0056281663 0.03366903 0.0063512637 -0.00075975247 0.02163295 0.020526646 -0.0070177135 -0.01599479 0.024778593 0.015541603 0.011916118 -0.018314032 -0.010190013 -0.026937889 0.007197655 -0.011856137 -0.0036154885 -0.0072176484 0.00066853216 0.00026262275 -0.00514499 0.023752261 0.010909779 0.016221382 0.016794527 -0.011542906 0.000042486157 -0.004268609 0.0026341416 -0.0032422768 -0.026777942 -0.007410919 0.008370606 -0.0125092575 -0.009290306 -0.0074908924 -0.017847518 -0.0028723974 0.013715531 0.01875389 -0.0058214366 -0.02600486 0.03420219 -0.003582166 -0.0147951795 0.009003733 -0.019513642 0.009856788 0.00012391795 -0.032096207 -0.00514499 0.022805903 -0.017980808 0.010110039 -0.017980808 0.004695137 0.0054282313 -0.022725929 -0.0029023876 0.001386215 -0.032442763 0.02692456 -0.00003990887 0.0011921115 0.015288352 -0.008070704 0.0004523526 -0.017394332 -0.006931075 0.008770475 -0.0023792249 -0.012462606 0.0068311077 -0.017101094 -0.026737954 0.0018893844 0.021606293 0.021313056 -0.002879062 0.016874501 -0.011209681 0.025058502 -0.0028224138 0.016594592 -0.03828086 -0.001386215 0.0035255179 -0.020153433 0.022206098 0.0015111743 0.0060280357 0.002972365 -0.014222032 -0.0067744595 0.0034755343 0.011476261 0.03302924 0.031083206 0.009676847 0.004251948 0.0007380928 -0.012975772 0.033295818 -0.030123519 0.03126981 -0.022459349 0.010349961 -0.004781775 0.022512665 -0.035801668 -0.0033705684 -0.0074509056 0.02020675 0.021153107 0.03129647 -0.026204795 -0.013302333 -0.015554932 0.0045518503 -0.0031989578 0.014155388 0.0030456742 0.024072157 -0.018407336 0.010683185 -0.6623975 -0.024871895 0.039667074 -0.036228195 0.011956104 0.0064279055 0.031376444 0.007344274 -0.02548503 0.030203491 -0.006581189 0.026764613 -0.012722521 -0.027404403 -0.0011729512 -0.005778117 0.01795415 -0.030789968 -0.010110039 -0.011422944 -0.023139127 0.02508516 -0.0022009495 -0.0024925212 -0.009063713 0.017834188 0.0019127101 -0.011083055 -0.0061313356 0.00045318567 0.0088237915 0.025951544 0.02983028 0.025338411 0.051823113 -0.01754095 -0.014461954 0.01372886 -0.0043552476 0.03380232 -0.0147951795 -0.007390925 0.029457068 0.007364267 -0.02336572 -0.0061713224 0.016461303 -0.0064412346 0.004425225 0.016274698 0.035561748 -0.0033039234 -0.023992183 -0.0048217624 0.01572821 -0.021579634 0.03233613 -0.020433342 -0.009110365 0.016168065 -0.007210984 -0.002960702 -0.021073133 -0.0035055245 -0.0277243 0.036254853 0.00226093 0.018287376 -0.00014745195 -0.021153107 0.000269079 0.030576704 -0.0011946107 -0.017727558 0.01571488 0.025764938 0.0012629218 -0.0038920653 -0.013942124 0.014195374 -0.014541929 -0.01663458 -0.0023042492 -0.012895798 0.025818255 0.0005169149 -0.030523388 -0.0023059153 0.012622554 0.0119494395 -0.011282991 -0.004101997 -0.0074042543 -0.020273395 0.02204615 0.010156691 0.0018227394 -0.018687245 0.03217618 -0.013095733 -0.004505199 -0.021179765 0.0060746875 -0.0038254203 -0.0070043844 -0.011902789 -0.012855811 -0.004305264 0.03606825 -0.002544171 0.012209355 0.013635557 0.0046384884 -0.0120827295 -0.018194072 -0.020313382 -0.000024562309 0.0015728208 -0.0037687721 -0.02943041 0.016394658 0.01584817 0.0063945833 -0.013049082 0.029003883 0.015861498 0.0041253227 -0.005328264 -0.0149417985 -0.009483577 -0.000955522 -0.0021209756 0.0023325733 -0.0046884725 -0.0041753063 0.0035854983 -0.01082314 -0.014062085 -0.0043652444 0.0038520782 -0.0058047753 -0.013249016 0.011896124 -0.008883772 -0.02177957 -0.016714554 -0.027297772 -0.00023533999 -0.03076331 -0.023792248 0.022112794 -0.016541276 -0.03574835 0.022619296 -0.0012362639 0.0015861498 -0.0167812 -0.012169369 -0.027537694 -0.004145316 0.00029115513 0.016687896 -0.025445042 0.006644502 0.0034288827 -0.008743818 0.0042852703 0.017834188 -0.0041419836 -0.023339063 -0.011589557 -0.010436599 -0.011482925 0.0385741 -0.015634906 0.0074775633 -0.031882945 0.002719114 0.018807204 0.0031573046 0.009223661 -0.03550843 -0.012889134 0.009743492 0.016261369 -0.012895798 0.031882945 -0.008263974 0.003605492 0.0035021922 -0.005115 0.021619622 -0.0014595244 0.0031856287 0.0056448276 0.0017410994 -0.0019010472 -0.00036987948 0.014315336 0.017634254 0.010070052 -0.019566957 0.043532483 -0.0075375442 -0.000383625 0.011709518 0.011856137 -0.029537043 0.015195049 0.011822814 -0.0217929 -0.04219958 0.005058352 -0.031083206 0.016834514 0.024898553 0.0078041237 0.025445042 -0.0074708993 0.01571488 0.03196292 -0.007410919 0.025005186 -0.013622228 -0.00013506015 0.012995766 -0.013742189 0.017767545 -0.015541603 -0.021499662 -0.014728534 -0.0058880816 0.028763961 0.012269336 0.021086462 0.0007668335 -0.005988049 -0.031563047 0.021059806 -0.006757798 0.014008769 0.008670508 0.008263974 0.009063713 0.0028140831 0.0064945505 0.022725929 -0.0066711595 -0.0236323 0.015914815 -0.00996342 0.015901485 0.0044452185 -0.0068044495 -0.004588505 -0.018380677 0.0012604226 0.010103375 0.02521845 0.026071506 0.023552326 -0.0022825897 0.007657505 -0.018194072 -0.0017144413 -0.024005512 -0.000022531722 -0.02401884 -0.023259088 -0.00366214 -0.012669206 -0.010829804 0.003985368 -0.03126981 0.014741863 0.0034422118 0.0011629544 -0.008357277 -0.005391577 0.008703831 -0.011416281 0.010609876 0.024618644 -0.000012958018 -0.0154483 -0.012709192 -0.026617995 0.0069510685 0.008517224 0.006527873 0.0005635664 -0.0088237915 0.000049905615 -0.024432039 0.016301354 0.019313706 0.013755518 -0.02085987 0.019486984 -0.02324576 0.018447323 0.0023375717 -0.005354922 -0.0154882865 0.028870594 0.015035101 -0.017141081 -0.015701551 -0.005988049 -0.02664465 -0.03169634 -0.0016186392 -0.006531205 -0.0191271 0.0024375392 0.0062079774 -0.020033473 0.014955127 0.0043685767 -0.008090697 0.014448625 -0.037267856 -0.013928795 -0.0054448927 0.11196352 -0.003948713 -0.0017394333 0.028763961 -0.01571488 -0.0022092802 -0.023432365 -0.038467467 0.003578834 -0.008190664 0.03812091 0.00086721743 0.029750306 -0.015594918 0.008164006 0.03129647 -0.01755428 -0.01835402 -0.020086788 -0.01743432 -0.0054182345 -0.049157318 0.0308966 0.020766567 0.008863779 0.018114097 0.031243153 0.02508516 0.00925032 -0.021659609 -0.0014786848 0.01583484 0.018580612 0.030976573 -0.020140104 0.014728534 0.018260717 0.037267856 0.012236013 -0.0053882445 0.018247388 0.026844587 0.023645628 -0.033988927 -0.00029448737 -0.011576228 0.011969433 0.019167088 0.0111830225 -0.02216611 0.013029088 0.0032089544 -0.016741212 -0.019380352 0.034522086 -0.008870443 0.017407661 0.009210332 -0.021806229 -0.0102100065 -0.020073459 -0.010989753 0.00012131464 -0.0120227495 0.0066678273 -0.024578659 -0.019033799 0.0085438825 0.003245609 -0.014315336 -0.0009588542 -0.0145286 -0.010643199 -0.011709518 0.00328393 0.011203016 0.028444065 0.004901736 -0.00045526834 -0.01023 0.013229023 -0.029323779 -0.00038945643 -0.008423922 -0.024805252 0.018447323 -0.012989101 -0.0021692931 -0.015461628 0.017754216 -0.007684163 0.026364744 0.021592963 -0.010176684 0.022752587 0.013622228 0.009716834 0.015634906 -0.0007472565 -0.019780222 -0.00471513 -0.006377922 0.007097687 -0.01822073 0.012282665 0.0027657654 0.0012937451 0.009363616 -0.0045285244 -0.0131957 0.028470723 -0.04094666 0.009170345 0.012989101 0.0075975247 0.02521845 0.024738606 0.017207727 -0.0029523713 -0.012855811 0.0006747801 -0.029483726 0.013675544 0.013442286 -0.014315336 -0.026431387 -0.004315261 -0.0138221625 -0.004538521 0.015754867 0.01743432 0.0023242426 0.0038920653 -0.028950566 -0.017327687 -0.0054282313 -0.0072643 -0.007497557 -0.024245434 -0.0074775633 -0.0074375765 -0.018807204 -0.025711622 -0.036414802 0.034415454 -0.03417553 -0.010283316 0.006121339 -0.00871716 0.03510856 -0.012089394 -0.037987623 -0.021153107 0.0016802858 0.0024925212 -0.019753564 0.012562573 -0.009137023 0.031882945 -0.004588505 0.015101746 -0.015035101 0.0012937451 0.017794201 0.023459023 -0.023565656 0.007377596 0.004955052 0.0043019317 0.026244782 0.013182372 -0.0065945177 -0.019047128 0.0061846515 0.030443413 0.034068897 -0.013968782 -0.019367022 -0.013475609 -0.050463557 -0.004211961 0.0066278405 -0.021992834 0.022752587 -0.017047778 -0.0049983715 0.029083857 0.031749655 -0.00990344 -0.0107698245 0.026737954 -0.024711948 0.021326384 -0.023272417 0.010589883 -0.01715441 -0.0114629315 -0.010443264 -0.010243329 0.017314358 -0.006611179 0.0064245733 0.010010072 -0.014341993 -0.015128404 0.0015778192 -0.018527297 -0.024045499 0.011289655 -0.018274046 -0.010269987 -0.016461303 -0.016208053 -0.016168065 -0.012216019 0.0061280034 -0.019566957 0.02983028 -0.0055415276 -0.019300379 0.009676847 -0.009316964 0.024085486 0.0098701175 0.009936762 0.0056881467 -0.030869942 0.011362964 0.01939368 0.006714479 -0.009123694 0.011982762 0.020233408 -0.020513317 -0.010549895 0.016407987 0.029377095 -0.04289269 -0.029510384 0.029083857 -0.0005802276 -0.011482925 -0.0026474707 -0.0019943502 -0.011502919 0.015661564 0.013415629 0.006931075 0.0006302113 0.0000023934258 -0.0072509707 0.0040586777 -0.007617518 0.026844587 0.008030716 -0.0021276402 -0.019913511 -0.005571518 0.021619622 0.022366045 -0.00025366736 0.008190664 0.0023925537 -0.0030973242 0.01663458 -0.0133356545 0.014901811 -0.0030056874 0.0026974543 0.031536393 -0.010843134 -0.00785744 -0.0018643925 -0.019726906 0.0013937126 -0.01346228 0.0068311077 0.022072809 -0.01062987 -0.028710645 0.021686267 0.019340364 -0.002017676 -0.022192769 0.012016085 -0.021699596 0.0006772793 -0.0068710945 0.006754466 -0.01148959 -0.006344599 0.0077441433 0.0013887142 0.017034449 -0.024698619 -0.003257272 -0.014115401 0.006877759 -0.014741863 0.03750778 0.0024442037 0.0019810211 -0.020233408 0.013022424 -0.003270601 -0.020539975 -0.009336958 0.017940821 -0.039160572 -0.004015358 0.022952521 0.009190339 -0.00877714 0.004278606 -0.01822073 0.0050117006 0.01306241 -0.014275349 -0.03380232 0.012955778 0.0011079723 0.008537218 0.036761355 -0.01780753 0.00963686 0.0013287337 0.005358254 -0.017780874 -0.0077374787 -0.008044045 -0.03417553 0.01860727 0.0026574675 -0.011776163 -0.0008838787 0.003582166 -0.015288352 0.016794527 -0.00759086 0.0008114023 0.010010072 0.014928469 -0.00791742 -0.007970736 -0.0047551175 -0.004105329 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-0.034228846 -0.034122214 -0.001574487 0.0073376093 -0.0031706335 0.014928469 0.0030206824 -0.02020675 -0.013848821 0.003055671 -0.009776815 0.012669206 0.21859545 0.000051233306 -0.008030716 0.026324756 0.0040186904 -0.023938866 0.023912208 -0.0018194072 0.0083372835 0.0031639691 -0.02652469 -0.007957407 -0.017181069 0.00077183184 -0.009376945 -0.024458697 -0.04609165 -0.004768446 -0.0068444367 -0.02481858 0.024352064 0.0059980457 0.017714228 -0.01822073 0.027484378 0.013808834 -0.013515596 -0.0032122866 0.01624804 -0.0020993159 0.0030606694 -0.0040320195 -0.0039220555 0.0073376093 -0.017794201 -0.010050058 0.015528274 -0.011249668 0.026871245 -0.0039653745 0.026697967 -0.01386215 0.002072658 0.00087971333 0.02481858 0.027137823 0.002124308 -0.007144339 0.0052016387 0.015288352 -0.038494125 0.0016477965 0.021019818 0.02916383 -0.012422619 0.020286724 0.017234385 0.014741863 -0.014435297 0.03790765 0.00096635177 0.010123368 0.012036079 0.020246737 -0.0052516223 0.012515922 -0.014475283 -0.005614837 0.03628151 -0.009843459 0.016487962 -0.015061759 0.010070052 0.0009805139 -0.004438554 -0.0058614234 0.020699922 0.009270313 0.03036344 0.028977225 -0.006444567 -0.005964723 -0.010369955 -0.014475283 -0.022565981 -0.031776313 -0.0009346954 -0.0018010798 -0.037801016 0.011289655 0.0050117006 0.014608573 -0.0069910553 -0.0088237915 0.031189837 0.01768757 0.0044085635 0.012269336 -0.017794201 -0.0076641697 -0.0035088568 0.030203491 0.0057381303 0.015368326 -0.002800754 0.011389622 -0.006334603 0.029723648 0.013455615 -0.012375968 -0.0078041237 -0.041213237 -0.013295668 -0.016261369 -0.02349901 0.017194398 0.014355322 -0.013322325 0.026697967 -0.017474307 -0.013089068 -0.018287376 0.0067944527 0.02732443 0.017474307 -0.0019693584 -0.027910905 -0.006444567 -0.0009221995 -0.006044697 0.02309914 0.008683837 -0.014328664 -0.0047217947 -0.010576554 0.010143362 0.01240929 -0.027084509 0.0039220555 0.0042319545 -0.03063002 -0.010576554 -0.006891088 -0.012489264 0.008283967 0.014115401 0.002407549 -0.016261369 -0.005424899 -0.00022346886 -0.0069910553 0.014088742 -0.006917746 -0.013702202 0.016034774 -0.00845058 -0.011262997 -0.039560445 0.0056981435 0.0014636897 -0.026351415 0.021712925 0.016181394 -0.012895798 0.007984065 0.0024208778 -0.16954476 0.026231453 0.013928795 -0.027777616 0.02691123 0.012395961 0.006447899 0.0025608323 -0.025964873 0.012682534 0.002002681 0.0005956392 -0.035721693 -0.010983088 -0.0045518503 0.00069394056 0.01676787 0.015781524 0.0107698245 0.030603362 0.009003733 0.0014328664 0.008770475 -0.0074775633 0.0066978177 0.013215694 0.006741137 -0.014155388 -0.01874056 -0.0040220227 -0.016567934 0.01214271 0.03721454 0.0058880816 -0.0007518384 -0.01168286 -0.00799073 -0.035961617 -0.0056714853 0.012329316 0.04273274 0.027111167 0.0055781826 0.009996743 -0.024791922 0.0123626385 -0.009896776 -0.01571488 0.007444241 -0.007884098 -0.002517513 0.0017877509 -0.015115075 0.0036288176 0.0055082054 -0.019327035 0.00825731 0.003310588 -0.007970736 -0.009343622 -0.0053182673 -0.030683335 0.019087113 -0.017620925 -0.010336632 -0.0068177786 -0.007197655 0.0019193746 -0.03142976 0.009150351 0.012695863 -0.011509583 0.0041086613 -0.002572495 0.0038854007 -0.004118658 -0.02046 0.019766893 -0.017580938 -0.00022471845 -0.0026741286 -0.0025824918 -0.004025355 -0.007177661 -0.0007747476 -0.020513317 0.017407661 -0.0027541027 -0.02665798 -0.005881417 0.0044885376 -0.03628151 -0.004831759 -0.032042895 0.017007792 -0.0004940057 0.0045518503 0.0011679528 0.0077174855 0.0013104064 0.00328393 0.008084033 -0.013675544 0.017474307 0.016994463 -0.0027890913 0.008943752 0.0149417985 0.036521435 -0.0050550196 -0.03126981 0.007277629 -0.009883447 0.006164658 -0.0048650815 0.024072157 0.013588905 -0.015594918 0.009816801 0.0037920978 0.040573448 -0.001224601 -0.016861172 0.0047417884 0.0022642622 -0.016274698 -0.13958119 0.0023442362 -0.01716774 0.033695687 0.009203668 0.010456593 -0.009456919 -0.01154957 -0.037960965 0.03524185 -0.014315336 -0.022099465 -0.016687896 -0.008590534 0.0024408714 -0.026671309 -0.012242678 -0.024751935 0.004735124 0.030736651 0.020766567 -0.032096207 -0.0011804487 0.017834188 -0.0047217947 -0.0053215995 -0.013488938 0.012342645 0.006624508 0.01822073 -0.026191466 -0.018007467 -0.0042352867 -0.03366903 -0.0069110813 -0.00034592894 -0.012242678 -0.012449277 0.018980483 -0.00956355 -0.0026891239 0.008010724 0.017647583 -0.014848495 0.0013645553 -0.006191316 -0.021926189 0.016954476 -0.022339387 0.0059047425 -0.038707387 0.0064045796 -0.017594267 -0.0028740636 0.030709993 -0.01834069 0.01635467 -0.002219277 0.0058614234 0.019740235 -0.0058747525 -0.0010496579 -0.014195374 0.031589705 0.031909604 -0.0073709316 -0.0138221625 -0.014142059 0.026671309 -0.0032822639 -0.000014031886 0.0055781826 -0.015381655 0.021219753 -0.03313587 -0.009863453 0.0009463583 -0.015741538 0.009303635 -0.011063062 0.010256658 -0.012129381 -0.00019608195 -0.038387492 0.017114423 -0.007644176 0.024485355 0.0021026481 -0.024312079 -0.026084835 -0.030603362 0.010276652 0.01900714 -0.013175707 0.0034155538 -0.00452186 -0.010170019 -0.017660912 0.007564202 -0.0013303999 -0.031376444 0.0006206311 -0.005171648 0.03577501 0.0031739657 -0.000423612 -0.0005677317 -0.010796482 0.013635557 -0.0072176484 -0.0007389259 0.024578659 -0.005601508 0.034522086 0.011216345 -0.011902789 -0.03310921 -0.014688548 -0.00026991207 -0.008443915 0.019247063 0.013122391 -0.01300243 -0.006491218 0.0018144088 0.0031706335 0.00495172 -0.006771127 -0.007790795 -0.0070843585 -0.016487962 0.0016194723 0.018380677 -0.015008443 0.010449928 0.031563047 -0.0014520269 -0.012236013 0.005501541 0.026764613 0.011276326 0.05398241 -0.016941147 -0.029377095 -0.0042186254 -0.021233082 0.0035455115 0.009476912 -0.04673144 0.026631322 0.0042852703 0.0062113097 0.015021772 0.023565656 -0.030123519 0.005634831 -0.010816475 -0.021179765 -0.010863127 0.009283641 -0.0134023 -0.022379374 0.016754542 0.011169693 -0.0062079774 -0.010449928 0.0035854983 -0.015568261 0.0094435895 -0.012136046 0.0023708942 -0.020606618 -0.034228846 0.0038287526 0.0060646906 0.021686267 0.007864105 -0.012855811 -0.0125692375 0.015674893 -0.010889785 0.041373186 0.011349635 -0.0013762183 -0.024871895 0.015808182 0.032736 -0.010669856 0.0066178436 0.034602057 0.0020693257 0.013049082 0.008863779 0.01062987 -0.00012652128 -0.025138475 0.00891043 0.009850124 -0.030256808 -0.00395871 0.0075442083 -0.0114629315 -0.007750808 0.010983088 0.014008769 -0.035295166 -0.01755428 -0.0070843585 -0.01635467 -0.039800365 -0.021019818 0.022525994 -0.004495202 0.01992684 0.010050058 -0.014835166 0.0037021271 0.0052182996 0.005391577 -0.015408313 -0.017567609 0.0268046 0.028577356 0.02745772 0.008763812 -0.0010879788 0.01426202 0.02508516 -0.008950417 -0.016914489 0.014195374 -0.020046802 0.003672137 -0.017994137 -0.02468529 -0.001359557 -0.008017387 -0.034042243 0.02111312 0.0052816123 -0.022565981 0.03593496 0.023379048 0.006491218 0.01023 0.0030773305 0.029510384 0.009923433 0.015541603 0.00028574024 -0.023205772 0.017607596 -0.0055948435 0.020819882 -0.014688548 -0.0120227495 0.016407987 -0.019087113 0.027404403 0.01967359 -0.008030716 0.022099465 0.010603212 0.016114749 -0.019980157 -0.0053182673 -0.021699596 0.016074762 -0.006984391 -0.00006612429 -0.029856939 -0.0057681208 0.028017538 -0.028604014 -0.0088237915 0.014341993 0.015474957 0.0007039373 -0.008897101 0.0017294365 0.023045825 0.016181394 0.014888482 -0.016914489 -0.031109864 0.0044118958 0.021353042 -0.002300917 -0.0141020715 -0.024472026
-0.0033504537 -0.02185927 0.02646533 -0.030941276 -0.023017291 -0.0024526622 -0.015418592 -0.0012637391 -0.01110529 -0.0028592707 0.014299606 0.016511556 -0.017643554 0.0051980824 0.005669748 -0.004983393 0.045462076 -0.019296011 0.0024738058 -0.015041259 -0.026166067 -0.012126691 0.0005582734 -0.011326484 -0.017591508 0.007384009 0.012445471 -0.0005745377 -0.002159904 -0.016342407 0.017409347 -0.008197227 -0.0062780343 -0.011697312 -0.011124807 -0.010734463 -0.0028657764 -0.009296696 0.009101523 -0.0070587224 0.0063235746 0.01752645 -0.006746447 0.013427837 -0.012159219 -0.0010815784 -0.022926211 -0.01557473 -0.013570963 0.0077158017 0.009016949 -0.00082500855 -0.04020544 -0.0036171887 0.008873823 -0.0036171887 -0.03265879 0.022926211 0.0005147663 0.005497346 -0.003610683 0.001012455 0.0067399414 0.0022135763 -0.0036952575 0.009856189 -0.029874336 0.005175312 0.022418763 0.0033667178 0.03768122 0.005520116 0.013492894 0.012699195 0.018983735 0.012243793 -0.02672556 -0.023303542 0.0031032357 0.017149117 -0.0018427494 -0.004915083 -0.032710835 -0.00027852677 -0.0103376135 -0.010773498 0.0071823318 0.008802259 -0.004124636 -0.0076312274 -0.0073970207 0.007683273 0.028677281 0.025268275 -0.0051557953 0.0051948293 -0.011957541 -0.012829309 -0.004251498 0.0032008216 -0.0054453 0.00309673 0.00076035777 -0.0069676423 -0.028391028 -0.014169491 0.0039164526 -0.019842492 0.012894367 -0.014442732 0.0023973633 0.016121212 -0.008294812 -0.02582777 -0.004293785 -0.014494778 0.004521486 0.013922273 -0.00393597 0.021560006 0.03193015 -0.01566581 0.026881697 -0.018085944 0.00400428 -0.0063203215 -0.024929976 -0.009537408 0.021924328 -0.016849853 0.006024311 -0.01813799 -0.0015077041 0.019009758 -0.0076572504 0.00021428266 0.0065675396 -0.0143646635 -0.015717857 -0.021117616 0.022639958 0.025671631 -0.037290875 0.0070782397 -0.006687896 0.010428693 0.016680704 -0.004371854 0.0057380586 -0.01645951 0.021664098 0.0027795753 0.013213148 0.002298151 -0.007039205 0.05360726 0.009550419 0.009882212 -0.01699298 0.0009384523 0.02742818 0.0143126175 0.010962164 0.0115346685 -0.006239 0.020766307 0.024760827 0.02948399 0.01194453 0.010780003 -0.018814586 0.017669577 -0.030004451 0.004593049 -0.018684471 0.025567539 -0.019660331 0.002602294 -0.019777434 -0.035443246 0.0047361753 -0.004111625 0.02655641 0.04434309 -0.011111796 0.014455743 0.030576956 0.0043653483 -0.021833247 -0.007436055 0.008613593 0.015952062 0.0033569592 0.0002992638 -0.65369624 0.0061056325 0.015093305 0.005058209 0.0033537066 0.02106557 -0.0062812874 0.007410032 -0.038644068 0.015873993 0.000568032 0.008620099 0.007950008 -0.0035781544 -0.007384009 -0.02379798 0.01194453 -0.013636021 -0.01287485 0.0021176168 0.00023400316 0.030238656 -0.022652969 0.0065968153 -0.00044076354 0.018983735 0.0014800547 -0.024279403 -0.00395874 0.011690806 0.011319979 0.04327615 0.026595445 0.02169012 0.048376646 -0.021390857 -0.005159048 0.02815682 -0.018085944 0.035026878 -0.0070522167 0.0048988187 -0.007091251 -0.00444667 -0.013531929 0.004859784 0.017149117 -0.0017972094 0.011450094 0.011300462 0.020193802 -0.013401815 0.017760657 -0.035078924 0.027974661 -0.019243965 0.014221537 -0.012595103 0.015158363 -0.0043328195 -0.021742167 0.029327855 -0.02841705 -0.002711265 -0.01937408 0.014104433 -0.009634994 -0.0012092536 0.019985618 -0.0143386405 -0.0143906865 0.014260571 -0.012478 -0.03461051 0.021312788 0.02753227 -0.0020232836 -0.016212292 -0.022496833 0.03656223 0.0009132426 -0.003682246 -0.0140654 -0.015171374 0.017929805 -0.01699298 0.005604691 -0.016615648 -0.02176819 0.005012669 -0.006561034 0.008717685 0.018632425 -0.041194316 0.017617531 0.006746447 -0.009153569 -0.014039377 0.0013336757 0.010942646 -0.0060275635 0.0034805683 0.014234548 0.016134223 0.036328025 0.007839411 0.020727271 0.016862866 0.013401815 -0.040101353 0.016316384 -0.001019774 -0.0056372196 -0.036145866 0.0044596815 -0.02548947 0.0102855675 -0.011404553 -0.0015312874 -0.0197384 0.0073709977 0.009498374 0.009752097 -0.014104433 -0.0010506762 0.006896079 0.004244992 0.015600753 0.009817154 0.00919911 0.0052728984 -0.019777434 0.019751411 -0.015041259 -0.0045865434 -0.0014654169 -0.004674371 -0.014416709 -0.0011124806 -0.021560006 -0.029978428 -0.04213114 0.012373908 -0.0030235404 -0.0027714432 -0.026491353 0.0034252696 -0.013213148 -0.014650916 -0.0056404723 0.021820236 -0.011170347 -0.032164354 0.0033732236 0.0045182332 -0.008789248 -0.017474404 -0.010929635 -0.011092278 -0.020493066 -0.0022249613 0.00951789 -0.015379557 -0.003360212 -0.009212121 -0.001766307 -0.019491183 0.00018449858 0.010096901 -0.0053932546 -0.006115391 0.011274439 -0.01513234 0.018580379 -0.025619585 0.013636021 -0.005552645 0.005009416 -0.015106317 0.005201335 0.0069871596 -0.021520972 -0.01017497 -0.01601712 0.018085944 0.0048305085 -0.012211265 0.008249272 -0.015275466 0.018085944 0.012295839 0.01261462 -0.028312959 -0.0065447697 -0.007787365 0.0010848313 0.020050677 0.02079233 0.007533641 0.015249443 -0.0022412257 -0.01787776 0.0121201845 -0.033387434 0.0032935285 -0.013024482 0.010253038 -0.02310837 0.0081451805 0.009016949 -0.00081606314 -0.015978085 -0.0057022767 -0.0071888375 0.012588598 0.03627598 0.02016778 0.007754836 -0.0016646549 0.012686184 0.023628829 -0.01468995 0.020727271 -0.0127317235 -0.0098757055 0.025606573 0.0034415338 -0.013401815 0.0021956856 -0.029900359 -0.013948296 0.029796267 0.005211094 0.037316896 0.0046516005 -0.0027421673 0.011775381 -0.016147235 0.024942989 0.008951891 0.01743537 -0.016212292 0.030993322 -0.010253038 0.00668139 0.00062821 0.0043165553 -0.011209382 -0.025866803 0.021716144 -0.008698168 0.0060633454 -0.023850026 -0.00672693 0.0020964732 -0.02787057 -0.019061804 -0.0080931345 0.008769731 0.023498716 0.005816127 0.027584316 -0.013466871 -0.011866461 0.03424619 -0.004563773 -0.011879472 -0.023329565 -0.01442972 0.0058551617 -0.0061218967 -0.024526622 -0.0032333503 -0.0027714432 -0.009192604 -0.0074555725 -0.01389625 -0.008073618 -0.012575586 -0.005965759 0.008737202 -0.014572847 0.013570963 0.0042319805 -0.0045572673 -0.030108541 0.015054271 -0.0074490667 0.00787194 0.004749187 -0.010584831 0.0053477143 0.0035749015 0.010441705 0.01310255 0.008158192 0.051915765 -0.030472863 -0.012230782 -0.026218113 0.014208525 -0.0045084744 -0.0023339326 -0.021872282 -0.0050029103 0.027506247 -0.019087827 0.0027454202 -0.011775381 -0.014377675 0.03364766 -0.030212633 -0.00086932885 0.005302174 0.0012116932 -0.0034252696 -0.012504023 0.00009052121 0.00584215 0.0375511 0.016875876 -0.026009928 -0.054127716 0.010669406 0.124806024 -0.01673275 -0.01345386 0.015730867 -0.0025177195 -0.0005509544 0.0009246276 -0.04840267 0.020414997 -0.008899845 0.045696285 -0.007852422 0.004303544 -0.011859955 0.0034935798 0.008665639 0.00003280822 -0.010506762 -0.004648348 -0.01459887 -0.015913028 0.0026624722 0.011859955 0.055272724 0.010422188 0.002961736 0.009134052 0.017838726 0.00889334 -0.005451806 -0.020701248 -0.0011929892 0.015457626 0.003708269 0.012777263 0.006551275 -0.011332991 0.015418592 0.039242595 0.0060958737 0.013857216 0.024643725 0.0063918848 -0.0065707923 0.0065252525 -0.019296011 -0.012451977 0.0030089025 0.0026592193 -0.0122503 0.013388803 0.014117445 -0.019855503 -0.00078922696 0.017279232 -0.012660161 -0.005103749 -0.02512515 -0.028391028 -0.01777367 -0.011970553 -0.030655025 0.007273412 -0.006333333 0.0012393425 -0.03398596 -0.019504193 0.00721486 -0.010168464 0.014898133 0.007735319 -0.0029893853 -0.027011812 -0.013557952 0.0021615305 0.005406266 -0.007221366 0.007832905 -0.0059104604 0.0018720253 0.01636843 -0.03973703 -0.022665981 -0.0293799 -0.011996576 -0.0032479882 -0.005949495 -0.023342578 -0.011020715 0.033777777 0.0018882896 0.014637904 0.027714431 -0.01796884 -0.00071034493 -0.0037700734 -0.0048793014 0.0008872196 0.011313474 -0.022796096 -0.019348057 -0.008561548 -0.011925013 -0.02911967 -0.021729155 0.01682383 -0.0045832903 0.00924465 -0.0014182503 -0.014325629 0.019985618 -0.013636021 0.023030302 0.019803457 -0.0062032184 0.025905836 0.0052663926 0.024942989 0.0018801574 -0.0013450608 -0.0076247216 -0.029536037 0.03151378 0.022080464 -0.0049638757 -0.0029048107 0.034506418 -0.030238656 -0.010786509 0.006804999 0.01584797 0.028599212 -0.01972539 -0.043432288 -0.0350529 -0.019933572 0.017552473 -0.025086114 -0.0013125321 -0.014846087 0.015275466 -0.019400103 -0.013161102 -0.023485703 0.055689093 -0.031357642 -0.0054843347 0.0031146207 0.008353364 0.032554697 0.013909262 -0.0021729155 -0.035183016 -0.0036399588 0.020584146 -0.022874165 -0.00088477996 -0.028599212 -0.0035846601 0.009550419 0.008086628 -0.026582433 -0.007221366 0.0070587224 0.022613935 -0.02584078 -0.0051688068 0.0065642865 -0.0077418247 0.034558464 -0.010630371 0.014755007 -0.017916795 0.00030190678 0.033569593 0.03963294 0.001398733 0.012269816 -0.029015578 -0.025736688 -0.01752645 0.011853449 -0.026959766 0.0009059236 -0.017539462 0.0046873824 0.019582262 0.0034480395 0.01371409 0.0054160245 0.016966958 -0.026061974 0.02344667 0.0140654 -0.0010905239 -0.0033927409 -0.009797637 -0.027948638 -0.0073059406 -0.0010035096 0.032945044 0.020571135 -0.026035951 0.009459339 -0.00064610085 -0.007247389 -0.012679677 -0.017903782 -0.009713062 -0.009947269 -0.00835987 -0.04036158 -0.01805992 -0.018879643 0.015015237 -0.00023400316 -0.015080294 -0.008366375 -0.013623009 -0.0017890772 -0.0075141243 -0.015652798 0.012647149 -0.0014841208 0.03390789 0.021260742 0.013037493 -0.00854203 -0.0009953774 0.0041148774 0.008080123 0.016836843 0.018294128 -0.00063186954 0.014182502 -0.0109491525 -0.008782743 -0.028599212 -0.018085944 0.03088923 0.0077223075 0.012029104 0.007384009 -0.0037017632 -0.025320321 0.021039547 0.0062455055 0.002361582 -0.006538264 -0.025593562 -0.005185071 0.023993151 -0.0102855675 0.021182673 0.001012455 0.0010335987 -0.00314227 -0.017591508 -0.00854203 0.0018394965 0.008672145 0.014702962 -0.007878445 0.011742852 0.01575689 -0.008197227 0.002616932 -0.0047719567 0.0039652456 0.025905836 -0.03583359 0.0026608456 -0.0060600922 0.0012580465 -0.016056154 0.004638589 0.009530902 0.013278205 -0.017500427 -0.018905666 0.0055071046 0.0052436227 -0.0058584143 -0.00016142355 -0.00038424498 0.002231467 0.002797466 -0.0031276322 0.03398596 -0.025450436 -0.015652798 0.008346858 0.008821777 0.020245848 -0.022692004 0.010994692 0.026608456 0.0006221109 -0.0026917479 0.012380414 -0.0018085943 0.015509672 -0.0037115219 0.00845095 -0.014091422 -0.0042092106 0.014663927 -0.00046190718 -0.02539839 -0.010552302 0.016225303 0.0046581062 -0.01407841 -0.0007741825 0.020493066 0.01804691 0.0041831876 0.0022591166 -0.028000684 -0.0150022255 0.005061462 0.011599726 0.010500257 -0.007839411 -0.007969526 -0.0059787706 0.023615818 0.010207498 -0.028182844 -0.009420305 -0.00951789 0.011528162 -0.0015467386 -0.010910118 0.0065707923 -0.010324602 -0.015730867 0.011554185 -0.011235405 -0.018307138 0.021755178 0.045097757 0.03193015 -0.01638144 0.017201163 -0.0026819892 -0.015236432 -0.012848827 -0.011859955 0.00089697825 -0.021260742 0.04522787 0.028026707 -0.019178906 -0.021612052 0.0042417394 -0.032684814 -0.017734634 -0.0022526109 0.024370484 0.032164354 0.012282828 -0.0010945899 0.024396507 -0.0021956856 0.0061218967 -0.007897963 0.003926211 0.006557781 0.006369115 0.01389625 0.008665639 -0.0334655 -0.007442561 0.031721964 -0.0053216913 -0.0008823403 0.013349769 0.011456599 0.009374765 -0.013570963 0.008463961 0.034714602 0.002834874 0.010558808 -0.036588255 0.0041376473 0.019243965 -0.010955658 -0.011391542 0.020128744 0.015652798 -0.00050948036 0.0003413478 0.002605547 0.009016949 -0.0054453 0.008737202 0.034636535 -0.013505906 0.017279232 0.012907378 0.03903441 -0.009992809 -0.005481082 0.016667694 0.007149803 -0.010773498 -0.002478685 -0.03140969 0.023082348 -0.006417908 0.0014296353 -0.014455743 -0.011957541 0.0056664953 -0.0041148774 0.023251498 0.020870399 0.025203219 -0.009986304 0.01903578 -0.020375961 -0.013948296 -0.0036204415 -0.020193802 -0.0040921075 0.0059364834 -0.0023306797 0.009355247 0.012790275 -0.023667865 -0.0041311416 0.033855844 0.004196199 0.0029422187 0.23066734 -0.009661017 0.012640643 0.01194453 0.032320492 0.0081191575 0.034194145 -0.006385379 0.0029910118 0.0076572504 -0.030160587 -0.0056144493 -0.021351822 -0.000153698 -0.008275295 -0.013857216 -0.016264338 -0.012790275 -0.011339496 -0.003412258 0.0022965246 -0.0022395994 -0.022613935 -0.013427837 0.016004108 0.025021058 0.00486629 0.0032642526 0.018879643 0.0020802089 0.014820064 -0.005731553 0.0078068823 -0.0015255949 -0.017058037 -0.009218627 -0.008229755 -0.042495463 0.0011881099 -0.0012190121 0.020323917 0.0338038 0.011430576 -0.016160246 0.03328334 0.026166067 -0.014755007 0.0031926895 -0.0016817325 0.013740113 -0.020571135 -0.01566581 0.011098784 -0.0070522167 0.004036809 0.00028299948 0.018450264 -0.00871118 -0.027298065 0.006141414 0.0042905323 0.01664167 -0.018957712 0.017266221 -0.012328368 0.018918678 0.020870399 0.013740113 0.012003081 -0.021742167 -0.0035033384 -0.0013003338 -0.036406092 0.017487416 -0.0054420475 -0.010422188 0.026777606 0.01459887 0.013148091 0.030030474 -0.0039034411 -0.016277349 -0.001638632 0.017396336 -0.00002602294 -0.023667865 0.035885636 -0.0045084744 -0.0132717 -0.013649032 0.007390515 -0.003932717 -0.016537579 -0.023550762 -0.01407841 0.0019614792 0.015067282 0.03627598 -0.0030918506 0.009394282 -0.01920493 0.031721964 0.01110529 0.02213251 -0.013291216 -0.022665981 0.0011994949 0.020258859 0.025983905 -0.035521314 0.0241623 -0.033777777 0.020636192 -0.006974148 0.007858928 0.012972436 0.011502139 -0.0015922787 0.0051915767 -0.0030267932 -0.031097414 -0.026829652 0.00871118 -0.008626604 0.004765451 -0.04567026 -0.04254751 0.0019029275 -0.00015481617 -0.03343948 0.017305255 -0.0074881013 -0.006896079 -0.021911316 -0.0032024481 -0.024539633 0.0001757565 -0.018268105 -0.0020493066 0.02982229 -0.0105913365 -0.009003937 0.01287485 -0.014013354 0.013440848 -0.019335045 0.0011881099 0.0012360896 0.003662729 0.022249615 0.0049898988 -0.00073433487 -0.013213148 -0.017916795 -0.01716213 -0.024214346 -0.020597158 -0.025281286 -0.024448553 0.012074645 -0.014898133 0.014898133 0.008411915 -0.006443931 -0.0014589111 -0.020258859 -0.16373634 0.021247732 0.026270159 -0.013779147 0.024097243 -0.02690772 0.01681082 -0.0013824687 -0.029223762 -0.008509502 0.00933573 -0.01636843 -0.005497346 -0.023030302 -0.010968669 0.024851909 0.014104433 0.032086287 0.028026707 0.011625749 0.02282212 -0.016628658 0.00067497004 0.008594076 -0.0034805683 0.0030576955 0.01301147 0.017279232 -0.0116843 -0.02204143 -0.012419448 0.004323061 0.03726485 0.02106557 -0.023680875 -0.0068700565 -0.0063788733 -0.004983393 -0.008203732 0.023238486 0.04452525 0.020076698 -0.01389625 0.026361238 0.008216743 0.0429899 0.013492894 -0.004863037 -0.011638761 -0.02919774 0.01707105 -0.020011641 0.017643554 -0.0042905323 0.014768018 -0.015171374 -0.0031910632 0.0039619925 0.004414141 -0.0050386917 -0.013766135 0.007644239 0.007923985 -0.0021533982 -0.017682588 -0.013252183 -0.0007615776 -0.00409536 -0.016472522 0.01513234 0.019256976 -0.026933743 -0.012458483 -0.0007668635 0.0037538093 -0.010435199 -0.011781886 -0.0048044855 -0.007683273 0.017448382 -0.0068440335 0.02044102 -0.022366717 -0.0019208182 -0.010207498 0.0052566337 0.0137010785 0.017903782 -0.03070707 -0.03044684 0.0011124806 0.0036562232 -0.025723677 -0.014546824 0.009166581 0.009147064 -0.0013304228 0.014507789 0.007292929 -0.0076052044 -0.0011189864 -0.0033049134 -0.008555042 0.0096480055 0.015275466 -0.0070327 0.008581065 0.014885122 0.020323917 -0.012536552 -0.0041864407 0.009628488 0.012829309 0.019790446 -0.00054648175 0.00889334 0.008776236 -0.006167437 0.024630712 -0.032684814 0.038279746 -0.0068375277 -0.02379798 0.02885944 0.018020887 -0.01619928 -0.12553467 -0.02841705 0.014494778 0.016862866 0.029900359 0.019608285 0.004414141 0.019972607 -0.0061739427 0.017253209 -0.03250265 -0.01105975 -0.022496833 0.0013109057 -0.0050712205 -0.042443417 0.016056154 -0.006108885 -0.04595651 0.0353912 -0.017409347 -0.010786509 -0.004293785 0.0052663926 -0.03734292 -0.016745763 -0.020831363 0.001645951 -0.006857045 0.009765108 -0.011137819 -0.015171374 0.0026527136 -0.026231123 0.020922445 0.014273583 -0.019959595 -0.02672556 0.018333161 -0.019608285 -0.0002925548 0.013037493 0.026426297 -0.039945215 -0.0032528676 -0.008229755 -0.019855503 0.009140558 -0.009882212 -0.014208525 -0.035521314 0.00035903524 -0.03263277 -0.008047595 0.0031617873 -0.017916795 -0.008411915 -0.0070782397 0.02010272 0.027011812 0.009407293 -0.006746447 -0.029874336 0.009114535 0.013740113 -0.027193973 0.00042937853 -0.0071693202 0.012243793 -0.014468755 -0.02680363 0.012822804 -0.0002697847 0.025515493 -0.023863036 0.008555042 0.0021387604 -0.0064504365 0.013974319 0.0036204415 -0.0018427494 -0.018996747 0.0074620782 -0.016264338 0.025359355 -0.0049248417 0.0053672316 0.0073709977 -0.016537579 -0.02204143 -0.003343948 0.039320663 0.0052566337 -0.00845095 -0.002496576 0.01040267 0.009511385 -0.022718027 0.010480739 0.02690772 0.007826399 -0.01841123 -0.007318952 0.029275808 0.026777606 0.0018264852 -0.013161102 -0.005572162 0.008886835 -0.012887862 -0.009179592 0.005451806 -0.0026575928 0.022145523 0.0057022767 -0.008034583 -0.012445471 -0.010441705 -0.0017419106 -0.0023258002 0.01601712 0.003880671 -0.029353878 0.0020167779 0.021625064 -0.0068375277 0.013050505 -0.002857644 -0.002576271 -0.0045344974 -0.0017451635 -0.020831363 0.024188323 -0.021052558 0.023264509 0.031097414 0.012822804 -0.03125355 0.019530216 0.020414997 0.0017776921 0.034974832 -0.01296593 -0.03343948 0.01742236 -0.01708406 -0.000491183 0.0005550205 -0.036223933 -0.014481766 0.031982195 0.0012539804 0.024656735 0.017032014 -0.019621298 0.005276151 -0.032840952 -0.020310905 0.011430576 0.020115733 -0.023251498 -0.025775723 0.019413114 -0.0006725304 -0.0034187639 -0.037629172 -0.010656394 -0.009628488 -0.0029812532 0.0062715285 0.012341379 -0.015314501 -0.0012873224 0.03435028 0.027246019 0.04020544 0.0018817838 -0.00017372346 -0.0026364492 0.008912857 -0.040543742 0.025112137 0.00054241566 0.009654511 -0.010279061 0.0049638757 0.03749906 0.012510529 -0.00017545154 0.026153056 -0.011319979 -0.003880671 0.009992809 0.010884095 -0.01902277 -0.009836672 0.029327855 0.00854203 -0.017825713 0.004524739 -0.0062032184 -0.0026624722 -0.004274268 -0.01946516 -0.009726074 -0.020245848 0.010773498 0.0046450947 0.004615819 -0.023758944 0.0055884263 0.010519774 -0.018944701 0.009452833 -0.0064959764 0.00043181816 -0.013922273 -0.011469611 -0.0019110597 -0.028599212 -0.0042059575 0.023967128 0.012204759 0.024851909 -0.00011212228 -0.030733092 0.01345386 0.013265193 0.0073124464 -0.024396507 0.012224277 -0.002999144 0.011690806 -0.00078190805 -0.012204759 -0.009543913 0.0012970809 -0.045436054 -0.0010303458 0.042079095 -0.021872282 0.04254751 0.0064959764 -0.016875876 0.004739428 0.0070587224 0.015184386 0.012530046 0.012484506 0.00449221 -0.018645437 -0.008867317 -0.015067282 0.008763225 -0.019959595 -0.024006162 0.021130627 0.00661308 0.031071391 -0.0026722306 -0.00032569337 0.038435884 -0.009361753 0.01601712 0.011716829 0.014911145 -0.03229447 0.007357986 -0.021546995 -0.0074230437 -0.02442253 0.004706899 -0.0052956683 -0.017669577 -0.0149762025 0.010747475 0.005598185 0.0050549563 -0.009329224 -0.028833417 0.041376475 -0.005942989 0.006486218 -0.015028249 -0.0426516 0.006896079 -0.0021046053 0.007221366 -0.003464304 -0.013148091
-0.020578848 -0.011094683 -0.004003928 -0.033105105 0.01296084 -0.012999185 -0.042180248 -0.0060841814 0.0033041195 -0.004198852 0.026586337 -0.00096663064 0.00782891 0.005157494 -0.027225433 -0.005151103 0.036735162 0.011605959 0.0011607556 -0.032491572 -0.006128918 0.02369763 0.006435683 -0.029321663 -0.02883595 -0.0035629526 0.023684848 -0.01066649 0.014903688 -0.029960757 0.029935194 -0.004857119 0.013983391 -0.00742628 -0.011631522 -0.016258568 -0.013727753 -0.009592811 0.0048251646 -0.006218391 0.013753317 -0.019300658 0.00030996092 0.0016065242 -0.013625498 0.0017543149 -0.030804362 0.0073815435 -0.01748563 0.014392411 0.020157045 -0.005563319 -0.017089391 0.00014559375 0.0017798786 0.015542782 -0.022994626 0.010711227 0.017306684 -0.0089345435 0.011484531 -0.0037930268 -0.005352418 -0.016859317 0.0016920031 0.0030229178 -0.024004396 -0.008148457 0.0071962057 -0.0021425649 0.02538484 0.0020467006 0.005780611 0.032721646 0.01384279 0.0010513107 -0.021703655 -0.008583041 -0.0037706585 -0.0029749856 -0.001947641 -0.004339453 -0.03780884 0.02078336 -0.009145444 0.0031171842 -0.019888626 -0.0018421904 -0.0014659234 -0.005320463 -0.020463811 0.0026857953 0.015568346 0.003511825 -0.0062471502 0.013305951 0.017869087 -0.013855572 -0.005023284 -0.011689042 0.0062631276 0.0120597165 -0.008570259 -0.0030852295 -0.010839045 -0.0139067 -0.006589066 -0.021013433 0.021588618 -0.003821786 -0.031341203 0.0153894 -0.005684747 -0.04693511 0.011490922 0.015645036 -0.011452576 -0.009835667 -0.030267524 -0.0068958313 0.037834402 -0.0010281436 0.012213099 -0.015287144 0.028580314 0.04302385 -0.0402374 -0.010148823 -0.025551004 -0.014085647 0.041157696 0.019275095 0.041106567 0.022751769 0.012385654 -0.0054578683 0.00063190487 0.012264227 -0.000042539737 -0.016501425 0.014098428 0.010928519 0.0027513024 0.0076883086 -0.008359358 0.019735243 0.02235553 -0.007669136 -0.0045279856 0.005879671 -0.00014249813 -0.021435235 0.004160506 -0.0017367398 -0.00089792797 0.03180135 -0.010819873 0.007841691 -0.0061001587 0.0170127 0.03279834 0.01944126 0.032159243 -0.0039528003 0.0026586337 0.025499877 0.031238947 0.034715623 -0.008097329 0.016846536 0.0048315558 0.03752764 -0.04205243 -0.0045471587 -0.01606684 0.024886345 -0.02079614 0.024196124 -0.000015528003 -0.0057198973 0.009982659 0.009957095 0.03563592 0.04373964 -0.025282584 0.0030021472 -0.0014435551 -0.011209721 -0.010295815 -0.012711593 -0.0025739537 0.016054058 0.0029749856 -0.009714238 -0.6462525 -0.018060815 0.02990963 -0.018738255 -0.008742815 0.027583325 0.009599201 -0.010966864 -0.005678356 0.009675893 -0.013056704 0.01802247 0.015159326 -0.012347309 0.007835301 -0.00729207 0.007413498 -0.05092306 -0.036556214 0.0021473581 -0.01769014 0.034996822 -0.035763737 -0.016233005 -0.010219123 -0.008602214 0.01046198 -0.0022048766 -0.005508996 0.0042435885 0.009701457 0.036070503 -0.00462385 0.016284132 0.047293004 -0.0013029543 -0.0060042944 0.010922127 -0.016284132 0.033565253 -0.01620744 -0.0102127325 0.02355703 -0.017600667 0.000009230674 -0.008800333 -0.00033372725 0.0154149635 0.006972523 -0.023851013 -0.0126540745 -0.002136174 0.012302572 0.014954815 0.008493568 -0.006806358 0.010845437 -0.001923675 -0.009202963 0.021524709 0.007036432 0.019045021 -0.031366765 0.004873097 0.0012781894 0.0039016728 0.0033456606 -0.019390132 -0.022866806 -0.01682097 -0.012142799 0.0009658318 -0.032440446 -0.01721721 -0.008621387 0.03180135 0.013791663 -0.024899129 -0.01769014 0.024899129 -0.0044097533 0.0060042944 0.0006702505 -0.0075604897 0.029449482 0.0033328787 -0.007113124 -0.01336986 0.018201416 -0.011867988 -0.0078608645 0.02579386 0.0036236667 -0.027787836 0.009963485 -0.00024365484 -0.00763079 -0.0030293087 0.0110563375 -0.008423268 -0.00042699513 -0.0009131065 0.015926238 0.0023438795 0.018048033 -0.006851095 -0.0019748025 0.018150289 0.016961573 -0.03768102 -0.0052533583 -0.010359724 0.0047356915 -0.017549539 0.005818957 -0.027634453 0.020808922 0.0063653826 0.022751769 -0.023314172 0.020438246 0.014635268 -0.009509728 0.0009418657 -0.014315721 0.012967231 -0.0010457187 0.0009178997 0.0028423734 0.001183124 -0.015402181 -0.0005655988 0.017805178 -0.010104086 0.014648049 0.01113942 -0.01808638 -0.011650695 0.008825897 -0.028733695 -0.01195107 -0.0023614548 0.021511925 -0.0040997923 -0.011650695 -0.025768297 0.013868354 -0.008608605 -0.01781796 -0.013011967 -0.0041093784 -0.013459333 0.0024157779 0.021256289 -0.0079311645 -0.017575104 -0.008468004 0.016117968 -0.021051778 -0.016233005 0.013945046 0.018354798 -0.017038263 0.0030916205 -0.033718634 -0.024822436 -0.0015522011 0.0016161106 0.0013676626 -0.018405925 0.0014187902 0.015708948 -0.005933994 0.013536025 -0.0016065242 0.012609337 0.013587153 -0.0033009239 0.0022256472 -0.008135675 -0.006621021 -0.013280387 -0.0026921863 -0.006608239 0.021307416 -0.0054355003 -0.003518216 0.029602865 -0.0074646254 0.017869087 0.002882317 0.021716436 -0.014533012 -0.027711144 0.010481153 0.015785638 0.011280021 -0.008544696 0.02592168 0.013676626 -0.014443539 -0.015696164 0.044583242 -0.021754783 0.008391313 -0.020489374 0.013357079 -0.030829927 -0.012686029 0.015031506 -0.001632088 -0.038856953 0.010340552 -0.016450297 0.013523243 0.035610355 0.024899129 0.028043473 -0.00089792797 0.008646951 -0.004208438 0.014392411 0.01721721 -0.008583041 0.019147277 0.020681104 -0.014993161 -0.014264593 -0.0057965885 -0.0111010745 -0.017281119 0.020745013 0.021435235 -0.00871086 -0.004160506 0.003045286 0.015478873 -0.012871366 0.017920215 -0.016092403 -0.003348856 0.0053236587 -0.011963852 0.0041509196 0.024694618 0.01944126 0.016041275 -0.02092396 -0.026484083 0.02970512 -0.023096882 0.006831922 -0.024899129 -0.024796873 0.008193194 -0.021729218 -0.000043563286 0.005013698 0.0130183585 0.011740169 0.0005759841 0.011708214 -0.02186982 -0.010992428 -0.005700724 -0.009675893 0.0005620039 -0.04036522 -0.0092477 0.019006675 -0.019939754 -0.021166814 0.004058251 0.016079621 0.020821704 0.008806724 -0.018751036 -0.0046270452 0.011484531 0.035687044 -0.024809655 -0.0063142553 0.013305951 0.001110427 -0.0020786554 -0.014929251 -0.01411121 -0.0020786554 0.01950517 0.010040177 0.008410485 -0.0032242325 0.023416428 0.02666303 0.0140473 -0.024029959 -0.0064452696 -0.028605876 -0.022061547 -0.027097613 -0.0063973377 -0.0072089876 0.024272814 -0.024464544 0.0061001587 0.010251079 -0.006851095 -0.012321745 -0.009439428 -0.01876382 0.015159326 -0.009739802 -0.00047213119 -0.025908897 0.0020594825 -0.017715704 -0.044659935 0.008487177 0.014200684 0.019901408 0.006736058 -0.017996905 -0.0045535495 0.019364567 0.129046 -0.010442806 -0.02592168 0.026586337 0.0017271533 0.0046685864 -0.022560041 -0.02052772 0.013651062 -0.008832288 0.034613367 -0.0071578603 0.0107304 -0.00590843 0.012257836 0.0043170843 0.012385654 -0.0024221689 -0.020080354 -0.0077202637 -0.0042499793 0.003227428 0.011554832 -0.012583774 0.016501425 0.008225149 0.025627695 0.034664493 -0.0021249896 -0.013714971 -0.004572722 0.009209354 -0.0052693356 0.0147758685 -0.009401082 0.012935276 0.019556297 0.04233363 0.011388667 -0.010519498 0.024260033 0.022508914 0.017984124 -0.0048315558 -0.008666123 -0.030727671 -0.036300577 0.0044193394 -0.0039879507 -0.011848815 0.0037610722 -0.0033328787 -0.023416428 0.009631157 0.030548725 -0.016578116 -0.019454041 0.0063270372 -0.016526988 0.011963852 0.007413498 -0.04287047 -0.006493202 0.011503704 0.0071067326 -0.02558935 -0.008174021 -0.008148457 -0.011458967 -0.0074965805 0.011037164 0.003294533 -0.017025482 0.001577765 -0.0066018477 -0.0049114423 -0.0035981028 0.017281119 -0.0058029797 -0.0049178335 -0.008806724 -0.043049417 -0.016705934 -0.014865342 -0.0010057752 0.010992428 0.005234185 -0.003725922 -0.01931344 0.01742172 0.013676626 0.013152568 0.021933729 -0.01674428 0.032440446 0.0015753683 0.018048033 0.014085647 0.0054386957 0.0023582594 0.0028679373 -0.000011433803 -0.022253277 -0.0033232921 -0.016654806 0.003955996 0.0024637098 0.026458519 -0.0057230927 -0.015542782 0.004106183 -0.008646951 0.0067424485 0.0071706423 -0.012500691 0.0069661317 -0.011836033 0.026611902 0.0045695268 0.0065507204 -0.020706667 -0.03476675 0.012788285 0.021563053 -0.018993894 0.0002991762 0.034383293 -0.02254726 -0.0042563705 0.011235284 -0.009439428 0.023531465 0.0017095782 -0.044174224 -0.034255475 -0.010864609 0.01559391 -0.0071322965 -0.0030612634 -0.0106217535 -0.006576284 0.009036798 0.010110478 -0.032849465 0.021920947 -0.037374254 -0.00032094534 -0.00837214 -0.010238296 0.023646502 -0.013663844 0.0018070402 0.0100976955 -0.011970243 0.011970243 -0.02153749 -0.00445449 -0.0048507284 0.004144529 0.012321745 0.020016445 -0.0036044938 -0.009100708 -0.00064149126 0.016910445 0.00006251145 0.007643572 0.0039687776 -0.021384107 0.039751686 -0.0005284514 0.0047293003 -0.015082634 -0.005010502 0.003518216 0.030420905 -0.0035150207 -0.0043043024 -0.0065347427 -0.017063828 -0.0056272284 0.013242042 -0.01411121 0.019556297 -0.0043714074 -0.0049114423 0.019351786 0.004518399 0.0048155785 0.0076052262 0.032363754 -0.012315354 0.003530998 0.0056943335 0.015964584 -0.0042052427 0.0016504619 0.0037802448 0.009548075 -0.0039655822 0.038447935 0.0048027965 -0.025359277 0.01080709 -0.015900675 0.023148008 -0.018252544 -0.0064868107 0.013190914 -0.03126451 0.00018863278 -0.029730683 -0.000758126 -0.01316535 -0.013945046 0.0024285596 0.0039336276 -0.007413498 0.007138687 -0.025717169 0.017178865 -0.021563053 0.03279834 -0.010947691 0.022240493 0.011976634 -0.0038856955 0.00033452612 0.005441891 0.0073240246 -0.0063909465 0.021384107 0.0059052347 0.021077342 0.017881868 -0.0044097533 -0.0015138554 -0.034613367 -0.012941667 0.022368314 -0.008889806 -0.00024585173 -0.002602713 -0.0030836316 0.010755963 0.019339005 -0.0005112757 0.009311609 -0.025423186 -0.020399902 -0.015248799 0.01573451 0.0042052427 0.015108198 -0.017255556 -0.005598469 -0.022917934 0.002426962 -0.006426097 0.044532117 0.007579663 0.015926238 -0.0034415247 0.024144996 0.03681185 0.0042499793 -0.0078097368 0.001334909 0.014699177 0.021908164 -0.012609337 -0.016974354 -0.018188635 -0.033386305 -0.0024956646 -0.0005647999 -0.0046813684 -0.01633526 -0.013139786 -0.015542782 0.016463079 -0.009963485 -0.01168265 -0.0018214198 0.014596922 -0.020975087 0.015542782 -0.0009993843 0.019006675 -0.012034153 -0.0056336196 -0.0059499713 -0.0078097368 0.0060266624 -0.021473581 -0.0034926522 0.0004761255 0.0072217695 -0.010557843 -0.0016664393 0.008001465 0.0061480906 -0.020655539 0.014162337 0.004374603 -0.018993894 -0.010973255 0.009727021 -0.010308597 -0.032900594 0.02532093 0.015133762 -0.011874379 -0.0027832573 -0.006065008 0.0042148293 0.0066913213 -0.022649515 -0.022905152 -0.0062631276 -0.004361821 -0.010072132 0.0022048766 0.02532093 -0.023978831 -0.014354066 0.030574288 -0.0063494053 -0.029193845 -0.006825531 -0.004106183 0.009816494 -0.02262395 -0.005675161 0.0011319964 -0.0024237665 -0.00789921 -0.014315721 -0.0026778067 -0.010372506 0.0067935763 0.026637465 -0.0013117418 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0.00086597324 -0.041771226 -0.0088195065 0.0021265876 -0.032900594 -0.009867622 -0.008985671 -0.0024637098 0.003962387 0.0049306154 -0.022061547 -0.0032593827 -0.0014970793 -0.01505707 0.0025691604 0.23007408 0.00020710661 0.014277374 0.01505707 -0.0044097533 -0.0017511194 0.021358544 0.00047772325 -0.010481153 0.0143412845 -0.022419441 0.0037706585 0.010008222 0.00044177417 0.00631106 -0.055115525 -0.05813205 -0.03052316 0.007745827 -0.021077342 0.0091390535 0.0066657574 -0.014417975 -0.015900675 0.04036522 0.028069038 -0.010589799 0.026611902 0.02261117 0.0024844804 -0.009215745 -0.021665309 0.02363372 -0.023186354 -0.029602865 0.01202137 -0.008570259 -0.005393959 0.021550272 0.031136692 0.022917934 0.013344296 -0.008870634 -0.009164617 0.04373964 0.034613367 -0.032184806 -0.01033416 0.016987136 0.029730683 -0.01127363 -0.020080354 0.036888544 0.032031424 0.0057582427 0.005675161 0.0038601318 -0.0021026214 -0.016936008 0.01999088 0.013548806 0.0280946 -0.0050967797 0.03653065 0.009797321 0.00850635 0.015453309 -0.0054355003 0.0025483898 -0.032593828 0.022291621 -0.015581128 -0.00014559375 0.009183791 0.016245786 -0.024630709 0.0033328787 0.02133298 0.018469835 0.04471106 -0.010640926 -0.009842058 -0.0077202637 -0.003062861 -0.009522511 -0.046883985 0.011618741 0.013855572 -0.0035214117 -0.0280946 -0.0038569362 -0.03484344 -0.018853292 0.0022591995 -0.006144895 -0.012884148 0.0046078726 -0.012424001 0.0003133561 0.004368212 -0.0052885083 -0.000056220357 0.004713323 0.03435773 -0.0037163354 0.018802164 0.0031699096 -0.0006055422 0.022713425 -0.0171533 0.004313889 -0.03131564 0.011267239 -0.007950338 0.007880037 0.020208173 0.009100708 -0.0011559625 0.022943499 -0.024247251 -0.02950061 -0.0042020474 0.018546527 0.0034606976 0.010110478 -0.021575836 -0.015159326 0.017281119 0.008499959 -0.017613448 -0.0018342016 -0.0007693102 0.0047740373 -0.008627778 0.0132931685 0.01282663 -0.002196888 -0.0056016645 -0.007880037 0.0011391862 -0.017255556 0.020016445 0.007554099 0.0010904552 0.0245668 -0.010014613 0.015555564 -0.021831473 -0.018418709 -0.014660832 -0.006569893 0.026164535 -0.0058381297 -0.0278134 0.0036779898 -0.0040135146 -0.0019060998 -0.042972725 -0.025857769 0.012404827 -0.03228706 0.029807376 0.026714157 -0.008678906 -0.0022432222 -0.031903606 -0.15900674 0.022905152 0.011676259 -0.012181144 0.023927703 -0.014290157 0.009605593 0.012213099 -0.038396806 -0.006103354 0.0073559796 -0.009874012 -0.009305218 -0.002863144 0.006831922 -0.0120149795 0.0106920535 0.02970512 0.0491336 0.030139703 0.00019762006 -0.0072409427 -0.012392045 0.008953717 0.005544146 0.0022607974 0.004198852 -0.004703737 -0.00014569362 -0.004908247 -0.00631106 0.0017910628 0.025001382 0.015440527 0.03003745 -0.0016240993 -0.01666759 -0.009394691 -0.009816494 0.006521961 0.024899129 0.030241959 -0.0053236587 0.00035729384 -0.0074582347 0.02342921 0.00080046605 0.0016360823 -0.0061001587 -0.027864527 0.00418607 -0.020489374 -0.028529186 -0.00850635 -0.00020850463 -0.0077394363 0.027660016 0.020911178 -0.0016424733 -0.016258568 -0.010813481 -0.035738174 0.007873646 -0.018188635 -0.03739982 -0.020195391 0.012519864 0.00095384876 -0.038064476 0.013804445 -0.006659366 0.00074214867 0.010033786 -0.00513193 -0.0074965805 -0.019415695 -0.041464463 -0.010021004 0.0038601318 0.015747292 0.002335891 0.014200684 -0.006298278 0.009477774 0.0047612553 0.0047772327 -0.0002196888 -0.0031379547 -0.038933646 0.007400716 0.020284865 0.00080485985 -0.047548644 -0.015696164 -0.0033232921 0.00890898 0.024988601 0.0037738539 -0.011388667 0.0019827911 0.0026314722 -0.021652527 -0.010072132 0.018559309 0.04159228 -0.022751769 0.018380363 0.003815395 0.03267052 -0.008161238 -0.004508813 0.020335993 0.015887894 0.028810387 -0.00016047267 0.0053715906 0.027711144 -0.010027396 0.015159326 -0.011791296 0.033539686 0.0042020474 -0.012954448 0.023838231 -0.016296914 -0.006154482 -0.124444515 -0.03435773 0.01748563 0.022675078 0.02355703 0.048238866 -0.003556562 0.0139322635 -0.01641195 0.0054578683 -0.013433769 -0.030063013 -0.019978099 -0.01526158 -0.006272714 -0.026560774 -0.0020578848 0.003476675 -0.045861434 0.029244972 0.008212366 -0.016437514 -0.0023454775 0.0012246651 -0.023684848 -0.005882866 -0.0340254 -0.0044257306 -0.000621919 0.011024383 -0.021243507 -0.0134082055 0.00063669804 -0.0120149795 0.0041668974 0.0015993344 -0.0123792635 -0.03343743 0.028401367 0.0014771075 0.0036300577 0.023991613 0.012411218 -0.026714157 0.010289424 -0.013069485 -0.03451111 0.039751686 0.0012654074 -0.0031938755 -0.051945616 0.012673247 -0.021166814 -0.009228527 0.036096066 -0.015478873 -0.0037834405 0.00049170345 0.010219123 0.020399902 0.0012390448 0.0007425481 0.003368029 0.0072728973 -0.0054355003 -0.006352601 0.007771391 0.0025531831 0.0247074 -0.012903322 -0.01384279 0.007886428 -0.002396605 0.005518582 -0.0064165103 -0.022969062 -0.02437507 -0.021115687 0.015772857 -0.0071706423 -0.0070044775 -0.012698811 -0.015747292 -0.020975087 0.017038263 -0.0021154033 0.001493085 0.0058221524 -0.014392411 -0.026560774 -0.024681836 0.049312543 0.011931897 -0.019965317 -0.011867988 0.006633803 0.0028216029 -0.006557111 0.0022256472 -0.017229993 0.0019220772 -0.026944231 0.005617642 0.016897663 0.013983391 0.020502158 -0.0052757263 0.0073815435 0.016923226 0.0073879343 -0.0047484734 -0.02167809 -0.009835667 0.021230724 0.0016504619 -0.01363828 -0.014494667 -0.009234917 0.0026714157 -0.014354066 -0.014405194 0.0022048766 0.005959558 0.021716436 -0.013548806 -0.0021601398 0.013536025 -0.0062120003 0.0019124908 0.0042787385 -0.005780611 -0.02186982 0.023991613 -0.013957827 0.019057803 0.022087112 -0.011618741 -0.048366684 -0.019300658 0.033411868 0.0043458436 0.04777872 -0.014596922 -0.031826913 0.01991419 -0.020566067 -0.018508181 0.006266323 -0.039265975 0.009989049 0.030241959 0.023646502 0.02262395 0.01106912 -0.01742172 -0.0048155785 -0.041311078 -0.028120166 0.009202963 -0.0022416245 -0.022023203 -0.016590897 0.03780884 -0.006710494 -0.0022959476 -0.024093868 -0.002960606 0.02970512 -0.005221403 0.015900675 -0.020719448 0.007854474 -0.012634901 0.0021553468 0.010826264 0.012660465 0.033207357 -0.013280387 -0.008142066 0.013357079 -0.015747292 0.027864527 -0.0012222686 0.006774403 -0.017792394 0.010072132 0.013114222 0.020361556 -0.0140473 0.008097329 0.0073431977 0.007835301 -0.015274363 0.009433038 -0.009490556 -0.009286045 0.01647586 0.014865342 -0.026688593 0.018929984 0.0010768746 0.031341203 0.014980379 0.0016776235 0.0037610722 -0.010775136 -0.02740438 0.024873564 -0.030395342 -0.01546609 -0.025205893 0.029270535 -0.013740535 0.00871086 0.0053428314 -0.018623218 -0.0019827911 -0.0015729717 0.023659285 -0.020374337 -0.0016872099 0.011446185 0.024950255 -0.011542049 0.0123792635 -0.011995806 0.034127656 0.03052316 0.004550354 -0.0150954155 0.01384279 -0.014737523 0.0022639928 -0.010219123 -0.016424732 -0.0064197057 0.020080354 -0.0071195145 -0.002941433 0.03734869 -0.01884051 0.033386305 -0.011995806 0.009318 0.0012949655 0.015440527 0.015555564 0.014443539 -0.016079621 0.00938191 0.0041828747 0.022112675 -0.0049114423 0.01316535 -0.00435543 -0.002014746 0.009464992 -0.011989416 0.046168197 -0.004671782 0.012717984 0.044685498 0.011299194 0.015811201 0.003537389 0.009905967 -0.019594641 0.014507448 -0.008116502 -0.022189366 -0.026893103 -0.009503338 0.027583325 -0.014711959 -0.02032321 -0.0037450946 -0.012245053 0.014213465 -0.013127005 -0.010251079 0.04327949 -0.018188635 0.012628511 -0.018444272 -0.027429942 0.016488642 0.004949788 -0.008244321 0.005016893 -0.022457786
-0.0037782937 0.0064696367 0.007797409 -0.019226667 0.0037099526 -0.010589636 -0.023496365 -0.00091853866 -0.0268939 -0.03155412 0.00023736374 0.02535785 0.016961642 0.009723981 0.002969589 -0.019135544 0.045847204 -0.01637586 -0.0073678354 -0.012125687 -0.009789067 0.002317093 0.010290236 -0.024576807 -0.017404234 0.02962755 0.024329478 -0.009418072 0.027753048 -0.029497378 0.028039431 -0.008493839 0.003007014 -0.011175418 0.0045333016 0.0034821483 0.007003349 0.01702673 0.0036546288 -0.02149169 0.019695291 0.006710458 -0.0011064771 -0.012093144 -0.025383886 0.004487741 -0.027128214 -0.009294407 -0.027154248 0.0053371247 0.037047457 0.019838482 -0.02302774 -0.00048408372 -0.0031794943 -0.00011186809 -0.01404575 0.02923703 0.006079115 -0.008357156 -0.019135544 0.0014050632 -0.04084853 0.012587803 0.0038629067 -0.009509194 -0.030096175 0.015907235 -0.0023951975 0.00048245655 0.0045105214 0.017833807 0.017586477 0.0008257899 0.019695291 0.004656967 -0.014761706 -0.0011862085 0.017143887 -0.010068941 -0.0007244984 -0.008239999 -0.017365182 -0.01910951 0.0028377883 -0.012190774 -0.002193428 0.020554438 -0.00907962 -0.0060270457 -0.012665908 -0.008181422 0.02595665 0.011539905 -0.010238167 0.007335292 -0.000058018857 -0.0017622274 0.0014140126 -0.044337187 -0.0064338385 0.0045690993 -0.036552794 -0.0011805134 0.004718799 -0.0055193678 0.002806872 -0.008422243 0.015230332 -0.0133102685 -0.020033743 0.0323612 0.002315466 -0.017039746 0.022598166 -0.017690616 0.008650047 -0.01593327 -0.009138199 -0.0020095576 0.038140915 -0.013394881 0.0192527 0.003996335 -0.014917914 0.016219651 -0.019786414 0.012366508 -0.027128214 -0.022181612 0.01741725 -0.009619841 0.008663065 0.009600315 -0.013115007 0.008174913 0.006075861 0.0117351655 0.0012675672 -0.0122493515 0.0033389572 0.00073304103 -0.01658414 -0.019174596 -0.017521389 0.015048088 0.030096175 -0.001649139 -0.0023886887 -0.009854155 0.026919937 0.005906635 0.014774723 -0.0028654502 0.016571121 0.018823128 -0.01935684 0.03152809 -0.008702117 -0.0036188308 0.017677598 -0.00090226694 0.012392543 0.006362243 0.017963981 0.01990357 0.022871532 0.018263381 0.015399558 -0.010081959 0.018341484 0.042957343 -0.029471342 0.036344517 -0.010732828 0.005555166 0.0032754976 0.005529131 -0.013088972 -0.006004265 0.0021039336 0.015659904 0.031684294 0.03900006 0.0025790678 -0.0041167457 0.028612195 0.013525055 -0.003469131 -0.023561453 0.027180284 0.007419905 0.00018285347 -0.019148562 -0.6594083 -0.011904391 0.02472 -0.032621548 0.018185277 -0.003875924 0.032829825 0.016493017 -0.034001388 0.019526066 0.008168404 0.0076607266 -0.014605497 -0.019578135 -0.003241327 -0.021921264 -0.0021299683 -0.01667526 -0.013863507 0.012288404 0.0005772393 0.026112858 -0.020984013 -0.018914249 0.0026897155 -0.006342717 0.022572132 -0.017651564 0.011188435 0.0048066666 0.014032733 0.022494027 0.005643033 0.0195521 0.051054154 -0.021830142 -0.02253308 0.01757346 -0.0036936807 0.030486697 -0.028195638 -0.0274927 0.01697466 -0.008676082 -0.019434944 -0.0057634437 0.018328467 -0.0035504897 -0.014983001 0.0043738387 0.00714654 0.011670079 -0.0041623064 0.019942623 -0.0035374723 -0.030148245 0.011429257 -0.004783886 -0.0049270773 0.022259714 0.0050409795 -0.0056690676 -0.024459653 0.0010299999 -0.026269067 0.023131879 -0.00466673 -0.0143451495 -0.01300436 -0.008239999 0.002343128 0.008096809 -0.005887109 -0.03230913 0.009014534 0.03569365 0.0050865402 -0.026490362 -0.020072795 0.020476334 0.00892992 -0.012516208 0.00065819116 -0.015620853 0.011123349 0.012691943 -0.010270711 -0.013954628 0.016662242 -0.0045690993 -0.0127830645 0.008233491 -0.016037408 -0.026998041 0.015907235 0.0073873615 -0.0056072352 -0.01429308 0.020827804 0.021895228 -0.012333965 -0.005935924 0.020723665 0.009613333 -0.0058382936 0.016649226 -0.003459368 0.035641577 0.045040127 -0.030434627 -0.0096523855 -0.023366192 -0.006245087 -0.0022438704 0.009268372 -0.020528404 0.009587298 -0.0017280568 0.005630016 -0.036344517 0.015269384 0.013043412 0.0038987044 -0.017586477 0.008376682 0.054725055 0.0073027485 -0.007973144 -0.01757346 -0.009190268 -0.022246698 0.0015205924 0.009372512 -0.0024716745 0.03881782 0.011956461 0.009021043 -0.0041915956 0.0040972196 0.012327456 -0.0045788623 -0.0064793993 0.03152809 0.015308436 -0.007602148 -0.029289098 -0.029861864 -0.010192607 -0.017248025 -0.009717472 -0.010999683 -0.013720316 -0.02307981 0.021673933 -0.0051060664 -0.015842147 -0.035355195 0.00076802523 -0.015516713 -0.014449289 -0.019395892 0.016323792 -0.039468687 0.005314344 0.005018199 -0.010179589 0.006267867 0.030434627 0.008702117 -0.027883222 0.018445624 -0.005291564 -0.023470331 0.023652574 -0.0029728436 0.027857186 -0.021075133 -0.0023496365 0.003762022 -0.007563096 0.008402717 -0.027284423 -0.026112858 0.005568183 0.010257693 0.012028056 0.027883222 0.005451027 0.007003349 0.015256366 -0.0014660821 0.027440632 0.008851817 -0.026815796 -0.0014294707 0.028195638 0.010212133 -0.0038466349 0.0280915 0.011702622 0.00052232225 -0.009736998 0.02214256 -0.013902559 0.010505023 -0.018055102 -0.00011013921 -0.02526673 0.004155798 0.017794754 -0.01483981 -0.02059349 0.0030395575 -0.028377883 -0.0117351655 0.02362654 0.014670584 0.016388878 -0.006879684 -0.012275387 0.01404575 -0.000008682488 0.007582622 -0.010797914 0.02214256 0.03241327 -0.008571943 0.014136871 -0.0025416429 -0.019682275 -0.020671595 -0.010426919 0.01697466 0.021062117 0.0014595734 0.004660221 0.0031062716 -0.020072795 0.029549446 0.012639874 0.004403128 -0.018784076 0.0035309636 -0.0030607108 0.01801605 0.0084417695 0.022311784 -0.008207456 -0.015920252 0.03410553 -0.00892992 0.020879872 -0.014501358 -0.010062433 0.00014725908 -0.021036081 0.004679747 0.001757346 0.031007392 0.013017377 0.026841832 0.014709637 0.010251185 -0.025006382 -0.018172259 -0.013121516 0.024589825 -0.049570173 -0.007816935 -0.010101485 -0.011865339 0.006808088 0.009307425 -0.017846825 0.03316828 0.009964802 0.004982401 0.007550079 0.001049526 0.009138199 -0.025084486 -0.015829131 0.006075861 0.007484992 -0.002608357 -0.0317624 -0.0403018 -0.00044625197 -0.0021039336 -0.021569794 -0.015842147 -0.0117351655 0.0022064454 0.013049921 0.009418072 -0.014540411 -0.003924739 -0.008012196 0.010492006 -0.022858514 -0.00047147312 0.013088972 -0.014358167 -0.012757029 -0.00061140995 0.028429952 -0.011754692 -0.005652796 -0.0022633965 -0.014149889 -0.023431279 -0.0022357346 0.008096809 -0.007127014 0.0049400944 0.00015254739 -0.010843475 0.009834629 0.016948625 0.0034821483 -0.017599493 -0.019565118 -0.012522717 0.013629194 0.10616973 -0.014943949 -0.006511943 0.021309447 0.0022064454 0.0042176303 -0.02466793 -0.015672922 0.010361833 -0.024394564 0.01374635 -0.0015474408 0.013108498 -0.019487014 0.017612511 0.010843475 -0.01612853 -0.020658577 -0.017703634 -0.017365182 0.0011780726 0.00079324644 0.015282401 -0.0032201738 0.010830458 0.026373206 0.026190963 0.036709003 0.0008127725 -0.028169604 0.015724992 0.0065640123 -0.0009323696 0.01776872 -0.006193017 0.017521389 -0.0040418957 0.051444676 0.011878356 -0.014371185 0.013538072 0.006892701 0.01196297 -0.014774723 0.0024358768 -0.021062117 0.012796082 0.024342496 -0.0122103 -0.016779399 0.014943949 -0.0076607266 -0.023639558 -0.010062433 0.013023886 -0.0039377566 -0.00058618875 -0.01057011 -0.005896872 -0.023639558 -0.022611184 -0.016935607 0.012119178 -0.01577706 -0.0021690205 -0.015764045 -0.0019705056 0.0039475197 -0.022155575 0.0026392732 0.016506035 -0.03598003 -0.026438294 -0.009554755 0.023157913 0.009066603 0.008122844 0.012333965 -0.020814786 -0.017182939 -0.0057634437 -0.0451703 -0.011618009 -0.02540992 0.0037132069 0.010055924 -0.024537755 0.017976997 -0.029497378 0.007901548 -0.007315766 0.004549573 0.022090489 -0.008988499 0.012939273 0.013010869 0.004051659 -0.0014790995 0.01429308 0.0019509793 -0.015581801 -0.012633365 0.0023040758 -0.025930615 -0.006023791 0.007498009 0.0033780094 0.0065347236 -0.012574786 -0.007921074 0.0385054 -0.019473996 0.023131879 -0.0013692654 -0.0067364927 0.0107002845 0.039885245 0.028013395 0.018432606 -0.009372512 -0.027648909 -0.022624202 0.01355109 0.019083476 -0.012373017 -0.024706982 0.0074524484 -0.03126774 -0.010713302 0.020137882 0.003355229 0.0145143755 -0.006586793 -0.0348345 -0.027310457 -0.01746932 -0.004347804 -0.0053501423 -0.015282401 -0.004923823 -0.0027190046 -0.0070684357 -0.010628688 -0.025943633 0.017378198 -0.03230913 -0.01861485 0.025605181 0.0010690521 0.027024075 -0.007081453 -0.013941611 -0.017208973 -0.00863703 0.003335703 -0.012965308 -0.018224329 0.0047253077 0.03087722 0.020710647 0.024290426 -0.008344139 -0.013655229 0.00803823 0.009164234 -0.025396902 0.009352986 -0.017729668 -0.0050637596 0.04550875 0.021817124 -0.0038954502 -0.005861074 0.002077899 0.010446445 0.026347172 -0.0031957661 -0.019213649 -0.01653207 -0.040171627 -0.00642733 -0.002788973 -0.030747045 0.009671912 -0.03186654 -0.009339968 0.029913932 0.015672922 0.0013822827 0.0075956397 0.024147235 -0.011351153 0.03821902 0.00784297 0.013459968 -0.016024392 0.0079145655 -0.0101730805 0.022038419 0.019617187 0.020372195 0.021778071 -0.019695291 0.025969667 -0.019565118 -0.01270496 -0.027622875 -0.008858325 0.0060530803 -0.027596839 -0.0028084991 -0.02173902 -0.0026978515 -0.018640883 0.0063785147 0.006729984 -0.0025920852 0.025553111 0.013394881 -0.0062092887 0.015308436 -0.01007545 0.016779399 -0.0013041785 0.023561453 0.0086044865 -0.016258704 -0.009255355 -0.005164644 0.024355512 0.009326951 0.013134534 -0.0057601896 -0.008747677 -0.020242022 0.004386856 -0.000004325354 -0.015061106 -0.020463318 0.006417567 -0.012236334 0.021166256 -0.021478672 -0.016024392 -0.021908246 0.016310774 0.003732733 -0.0022617693 -0.0073678354 -0.012880695 0.001739447 -0.0014969984 -0.011253523 0.022181612 -0.009203286 0.0031794943 -0.0025416429 -0.021387551 -0.00050645735 0.016987678 -0.0026766981 -0.0001865146 0.015842147 -0.01066774 0.000349842 0.00064476696 0.01746932 -0.024160253 0.0038433806 0.029497378 -0.0125097 -0.008012196 0.0027857188 -0.013720316 0.013030395 -0.0057894783 -0.0049954187 0.008923412 -0.031476017 -0.01508714 0.007934092 0.0131280245 -0.032048784 -0.019447962 0.0050409795 -0.02600872 0.013088972 -0.0071595577 0.006046572 -0.021049099 -0.012880695 -0.0074068876 -0.010036398 0.0073483093 0.0062092887 -0.007524044 -0.0050637596 0.012281896 -0.009099146 0.015230332 0.0015238468 0.01612853 -0.023821801 0.023457313 0.009027551 -0.015659904 -0.015269384 -0.016805435 -0.013329795 -0.0076737436 0.008851817 0.019760378 -0.011943444 0.010029889 0.012991343 0.012333965 0.01658414 -0.009554755 -0.013167077 0.010960632 0.00050320296 0.021569794 0.015230332 0.004601643 -0.017391216 -0.014748689 0.02272834 -0.010752354 -0.029731689 -0.011871848 -0.007380853 0.015373522 0.011975987 -0.004422654 0.003866161 -0.0048847706 -0.021452637 0.003119289 -0.004080948 0.018497692 0.008226982 0.01092158 0.0059749763 -0.015399558 0.0049368404 0.005935924 -0.016948625 0.0020599999 -0.019721327 -0.0120866345 0.012672417 0.035068814 -0.006313428 -0.03433984 -0.00357327 0.001517338 -0.047903948 -0.013941611 -0.006834123 0.017703634 -0.0060498263 0.014436271 -0.018133206 0.026529415 -0.013759368 0.0025920852 -0.014306097 -0.0027531753 -0.0029647076 0.013577124 -0.018003033 0.0005373736 -0.016453965 0.0056755766 0.033480693 -0.020658577 -0.028846508 0.025969667 -0.0012927883 -0.0005320853 0.012438104 0.013023886 0.025683286 0.01448834 0.013368846 -0.030408593 -0.008721643 0.020476334 -0.005698357 -0.0043445495 -0.012542243 0.01950003 -0.025188625 -0.004497504 -0.0059782304 -0.004386856 0.016558103 0.018328467 0.00610515 -0.022624202 0.009222812 0.018250363 0.0079080565 -0.01355109 0.0073222746 0.0045625907 0.022363855 0.019864518 0.020072795 -0.013863507 0.0008143997 0.025032416 0.0015612717 -0.020046761 0.006066098 -0.00040597946 0.015373522 -0.022689288 -0.010973649 0.008597977 0.0059424327 -0.005356651 -0.009665403 -0.020918924 0.0042273933 -0.030590836 0.0050865402 0.017976997 0.0033422115 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0.0012350236 0.0013033649 -0.0064859083 0.0026718166 0.02472 0.028273743 0.017781736 -0.0025156082 -0.021726003 -0.024394564 -0.015165244 -0.018354502 -0.031059463 -0.007211627 0.004377093 -0.020411247 0.010205624 -0.007654218 -0.023496365 -0.0052004424 -0.0055942177 0.014996018 -0.008897377 0.013069447 0.0039540282 -0.006795071 -0.0065477407 -0.022702307 0.028872542 0.021231342 0.02080177 0.02863823 -0.003817346 0.024147235 0.0069838227 0.008539399 -0.020541422 -0.017182939 -0.050611563 0.007816935 -0.005008436 -0.009170742 0.0051841703 0.017456302 -0.020333143 0.026243033 -0.012138704 0.003622085 -0.012197282 0.0040418957 -0.0010885781 0.010147045 -0.01836752 -0.014826792 0.016245687 -0.021504708 -0.0007314139 0.010439936 -0.009893207 -0.0042599365 -0.022181612 -0.020736681 -0.012770047 -0.020137882 -0.012229826 -0.013193112 0.012392543 -0.031345844 -0.029080821 -0.007166066 -0.016401894 -0.00014278435 -0.00051662716 0.00062727486 -0.0047253077 -0.006703949 -0.012717977 0.010745845 0.024576807 -0.0009226066 -0.047174975 0.0017150395 -0.0017459557 -0.024498703 -0.02962755 0.006059589 0.00046577802 -0.022507045 0.013160569 0.015816113 -0.017898893 -0.012835134 -0.021127203 -0.16412309 0.014019716 0.021374533 -0.02392594 0.02237687 -0.013368846 0.026477344 -0.002815008 -0.006873175 -0.009366003 -0.0044584516 0.002582322 -0.01910951 -0.016466983 -0.000725312 -0.01667526 0.023548435 0.022363855 0.04368632 0.018771058 0.018146224 0.002496082 0.0019867772 -0.004803412 0.009339968 0.010290236 -0.007081453 0.006511943 0.0007696524 -0.03629245 0.00523624 -0.00372297 0.030773079 0.0028882306 0.0155687835 0.00182406 -0.014449289 -0.020176934 -0.01022515 0.008695608 0.027674943 0.042775102 -0.0031209162 0.0048099207 0.020059777 0.010205624 0.005877346 -0.007654218 -0.025475007 -0.012750521 0.011748183 -0.020046761 -0.019773396 0.0006468009 0.01916158 -0.0051581357 0.008643539 0.027440632 -0.012750521 -0.020020725 -0.02110117 -0.023066793 -0.0134729855 -0.0076802527 -0.011305592 -0.0033487203 -0.012620348 -0.0061669825 -0.039026096 -0.003138815 0.021296429 0.009457124 0.005620253 -0.008968973 -0.0016572748 0.010212133 -0.034522083 -0.002003049 -0.01905744 0.0032445812 -0.006756019 0.016909573 0.0076737436 0.0009283017 -0.019825466 -0.024706982 0.013668246 -0.0089494465 -0.014735671 -0.0207497 0.007504518 -0.0069122273 -0.035355195 -0.005480316 0.017534407 0.01478774 0.035511404 0.0025302528 -0.013837472 0.004858736 -0.00555842 0.014214976 -0.01513921 0.0028866034 0.029315133 -0.0028931121 -0.016948625 -0.009548246 0.030070141 -0.0016174092 -0.015581801 -0.002683207 -0.008226982 0.034470014 -0.010843475 0.020189952 -0.0011967851 -0.0050344705 0.015074123 0.0023496365 0.044180978 -0.0064436016 -0.014540411 -0.00035594392 0.004015861 -0.011292575 -0.1345476 -0.017703634 -0.0076932698 0.031996712 0.015738009 0.033428624 -0.0016499526 0.00029675552 -0.025644233 0.031293776 -0.0011487835 -0.015295418 -0.035927963 0.017352164 0.000055781496 -0.021166256 -0.0120606 -0.016336808 -0.017742686 0.03647469 0.022780411 -0.029315133 0.00364812 0.016219651 -0.02913289 0.02918496 -0.017807772 0.013342812 0.002930537 -0.012822117 0.00050605054 -0.025448972 -0.012099653 -0.025201643 0.009190268 0.011891374 -0.0072832224 -0.006814597 0.03499071 -0.018276397 -0.00083311216 0.015503696 0.012099653 -0.007921074 0.005945687 -0.012015039 -0.004061422 0.036552794 -0.002069763 -0.0061246757 -0.05956752 0.015178262 -0.038245056 0.0037490046 0.019187614 -0.0013188231 0.017195955 0.006020537 -0.006085624 0.0041720695 -0.009587298 0.016766382 -0.0055746916 0.03186654 0.03126774 -0.007413396 -0.022988688 -0.0119109005 0.022129541 -0.022259714 0.0034756397 0.010400885 -0.02173902 0.029341169 -0.0040256237 -0.015907235 -0.014800758 -0.015321453 0.021660917 -0.0044812323 -0.007465466 -0.015217314 0.022012385 -0.033038102 0.012809099 -0.013941611 0.0040028435 0.015816113 -0.0022178357 -0.009047077 -0.013368846 0.032647584 0.021869194 -0.018705972 -0.003807583 0.016271722 -0.003924739 -0.012568277 0.015178262 0.0336369 -0.028872542 -0.018224329 0.0016792417 0.027987361 0.023366192 0.005239494 -0.010147045 -0.019317787 0.013967645 0.0038368718 0.006729984 -0.008630521 -0.018979335 0.011299083 0.013681264 -0.012991343 -0.010993175 -0.010804423 0.0155557655 0.004403128 -0.0018012796 0.0020534913 -0.0029321641 0.00034129937 -0.0035667613 -0.006323191 -0.0031583412 0.0058806003 -0.0028947392 -0.007855987 -0.018354502 -0.008064265 0.012346982 -0.0057406635 -0.002211327 0.022819461 0.02214256 -0.029289098 0.008519873 0.01916158 -0.0034430963 0.06664897 -0.0122623695 -0.031397913 0.008266035 -0.025826477 0.009984328 0.016558103 -0.03087722 0.009489668 0.013590142 0.020918924 0.010863001 0.02710218 -0.01920063 -0.01185883 0.0037262242 -0.022324802 -0.021179272 0.018718988 -0.012177756 -0.015946288 0.014201959 -0.003355229 -0.0032657345 -0.0070489096 0.019434944 0.01702673 0.012861169 0.0064793993 -0.0028426698 -0.052694343 -0.013694281 -0.0043022432 0.014475323 0.01612853 0.004377093 -0.0017166666 -0.0071205054 -0.011097314 -0.018042086 0.0204503 0.0025074722 -0.015217314 -0.035042778 0.014358167 0.016623192 0.011019209 -0.0055161137 0.025370868 0.016870521 0.0033747551 0.0050312164 0.012600821 -0.0059977565 -0.0050637596 -0.0027434123 0.013811437 -0.015738009 -0.004780632 0.012900221 0.022246698 -0.007927583 0.0007192101 0.008311596 -0.010947614 -0.036891248 0.01658414 -0.020189952 -0.022402907 -0.009971311 0.018784076 0.01230793 0.011865339 0.017950963 0.0016426303 -0.009105655 0.019877534 0.015646888 -0.0053729224 -0.025696302 0.028482022 0.00011013921 0.0018224329 0.0012602449 -0.012958799 0.030799115 0.01483981 0.0038824328 -0.023366192 0.001124376 -0.021257376 -0.009060094 -0.021712985 -0.02897668 0.0017671089 0.011800253 -0.02307981 0.0084287515 -0.010915071 -0.04004145 0.036943316 0.012021548 -0.0067169666 -0.007999178 0.008012196 0.012568277 0.0066030645 0.0013009241 0.01757346 -0.02710218 0.0005593404 -0.005981485 0.019825466 -0.0058708373 -0.0059001264 0.035198987 -0.009489668 0.048372574 -0.0071725748 -0.010023381 0.040952668 -0.0041265087 0.03171033 -0.0032250553 0.000069866706 -0.025240695 0.020957977 -0.0072832224 0.00903406 -0.026867867 -0.011930427 0.02967962 -0.027076144 -0.0027369035 0.02253308 0.0052329856 0.0017166666 -0.02198635 -0.0039475197 0.023561453 0.019747362 0.006840632 -0.02392594 -0.030252384 0.0036936807 0.011227488 -0.013277724 -0.008936429 -0.027440632
0.007037661 -0.013347967 0.03202988 -0.037796304 -0.0078567555 0.015032025 -0.039552443 -0.00070687867 0.0025146205 -0.01601494 0.019212684 -0.004596759 -0.03412676 0.0024638367 -0.007142505 -0.015307241 0.047494385 -0.0034467503 -0.008217158 -0.025988236 -0.015896989 -0.016775059 -0.011080712 0.0038005991 -0.041649327 -0.0033615644 0.023367133 -0.0051439144 -0.005356879 -0.03994561 0.03572563 0.000121430785 -0.002630932 0.0017086314 -0.01414085 -0.001488295 -0.004613141 -0.016224626 0.01697164 -0.009298363 0.0151106585 -0.0035352125 -0.015831461 -0.0199597 -0.015739722 -0.0060023256 -0.018098716 -0.033261795 -0.0058974815 0.014101533 0.021846892 -0.002707927 -0.027967168 -0.00848582 -0.0036629913 -0.0021132643 -0.007018003 0.016486738 0.01913405 0.0046491814 0.0020837768 0.0018101992 0.007175269 0.00018081514 0.010104352 0.0028455348 -0.04434906 0.022069687 0.0013736218 0.008728272 0.020641185 0.0008584112 0.003183002 0.010163327 0.024887372 0.0019641889 -0.008492373 -0.0027095652 0.0061825262 -0.00337467 -0.018426353 0.0018626213 -0.053313233 0.0009984764 0.020116964 0.0047605783 -0.00039050338 -0.0051963367 -0.01846567 -0.0025146205 -0.007915731 0.016368788 0.02331471 0.032685153 0.0017233752 0.029120453 -0.008787247 -0.0053077335 0.0036629913 -0.0050488994 -0.0012483003 0.009324574 -0.01266648 -0.008361318 -0.017915238 -0.017168224 0.0018233047 0.011493536 0.01858362 -0.010831708 -0.015045131 0.03383844 -0.0019052142 -0.029932994 0.0016414657 -0.02728568 -0.011323164 -0.019120945 -0.022515275 0.0050751106 0.033209372 -0.024061725 0.006254607 -0.019107841 0.0076798312 0.0041741063 -0.024494207 -0.020313548 -0.0069786864 -0.0034631323 0.044742227 0.0059040342 0.0031436852 0.023707876 -0.000117437696 0.0046098647 0.0079616 -0.0031141979 -0.006497059 -0.0021394752 0.021663416 0.019579638 -0.011945676 0.0009476925 -0.001947807 -0.00016003061 0.01031404 -0.026800778 -0.003255082 0.005772979 0.03035237 -0.032213356 0.016028045 0.017640023 -0.0057140044 0.040915415 0.028307911 0.009357337 0.010405779 0.009829136 0.008774142 0.023091916 0.026486244 0.0015628326 -0.002655505 0.028176855 0.041098893 0.026774567 -0.0013613353 0.015385874 -0.008479268 0.023000177 -0.036852706 0.0029225298 0.0006327506 0.02200416 -0.018111821 -0.0006990973 -0.00018542256 -0.024389362 0.007457038 0.015608667 0.01846567 0.0349393 -0.019789327 -0.010798944 0.0037154134 -0.012292973 -0.018334614 0.004508297 0.008335107 0.026302768 0.010117457 -0.006965581 -0.65842104 -0.005661582 0.022384219 -0.00579919 0.0030503084 -0.00082073285 -0.007476696 0.0064085964 -0.012725455 0.022764279 -0.017128907 0.00024245202 0.003107645 -0.023589926 0.0011344461 -0.022240058 0.01478302 -0.03205609 0.0010582703 0.0009050996 0.014442277 0.034886878 -0.028936977 -0.005772979 0.011113476 -0.0056812405 0.008315449 -0.022764279 -0.005622266 0.0027406907 0.0015284306 0.02331471 0.0005885195 0.0032419767 0.062172562 -0.020313548 -0.016093573 0.023773404 -0.009632553 0.035437312 -0.03569942 -0.0027652637 0.0005618989 0.012437133 -0.01349868 0.0068672895 0.0043051615 0.014612649 0.009226282 0.006768998 0.0070311087 -0.01784971 -0.0038988905 -0.00739151 0.013105514 -0.008695509 0.014953392 -0.0025408317 -0.0073784045 0.013144831 -0.00455089 0.011611486 -0.021191617 -0.01513687 -0.0026686103 0.019120945 -0.0232885 -0.0032223184 -0.0023508016 -0.014547121 -0.016460527 0.019697588 -0.028150644 -0.0008420293 0.013400389 0.026106184 0.013485574 -0.005435512 -0.029225297 0.026564877 -0.00046893168 -0.015398979 -0.031086281 -0.011545958 0.017312385 -0.008990383 -0.016788164 -0.024415573 -0.003843192 -0.005605884 -0.010445095 0.007647068 0.0049047386 -0.028622443 0.034834456 0.009003488 -0.026866304 -0.01618531 0.00997985 -0.025018428 0.0069459225 -0.008695509 0.032291986 0.003443474 0.01936995 0.0022377665 0.0034565795 0.01542519 0.005340497 -0.02749537 -0.010143668 0.005288075 -0.023039494 -0.009409759 0.0058712703 -0.018098716 0.019396162 0.00068926817 0.01913405 -0.02474321 0.028045801 0.0049014622 -0.0022901886 0.0066739833 -0.01243058 0.019579638 -0.010733416 0.0117163295 0.023996197 -0.0071294 -0.0057402155 -0.03672165 0.025228115 -0.019448584 0.0048326585 0.017102696 0.02267254 -0.024114147 0.013151384 -0.026302768 -0.0014203101 -0.008145077 0.008446504 -0.00067902944 -0.009724292 -0.0232885 -0.0018560685 -0.009252493 -0.01513687 -0.0106351245 0.008780695 -0.0075487765 -0.011211768 0.02571302 -0.005284799 -0.010353357 0.00031617054 -0.002119817 -0.017508967 -0.009717739 -0.016198415 0.012299526 -0.016001834 0.009868452 -0.017482756 -0.012135706 0.009547368 0.015058236 -0.0012245465 -0.024297623 0.01858362 0.012823746 0.00341071 0.015857672 0.007882967 0.007365299 0.020995034 0.017115802 0.012653374 -0.0130727505 -0.0069721336 -0.007719148 -0.004364136 -0.023878247 0.041990068 -0.013485574 0.030614482 0.023642348 -0.010903788 0.0058286777 -0.0023639072 0.016067361 -0.016866798 0.001315466 0.0024867714 0.00531101 0.027442947 0.008439952 0.0023245907 0.0039676945 0.0044001765 -0.020116964 0.008354765 -0.024939794 -0.010549939 -0.022973968 0.0016332747 -0.018282192 -0.0074635902 0.02953983 0.0022721686 -0.029880572 0.00621529 0.00012480955 0.012784429 0.024808738 0.01720754 0.01808561 0.012135706 -0.0016087019 0.0020084202 -0.004934226 0.036092587 0.0059400746 0.010733416 0.026446927 -0.0006585521 -0.022397324 0.0008756122 -0.028072013 0.010936552 0.028465178 0.018531198 0.012253656 0.008675851 -0.0009886472 0.02191242 -0.024114147 0.020824663 -0.030797958 0.0037711118 -0.0007945218 0.02100814 -0.007876414 0.023301605 0.007686384 0.035227623 -0.0050161355 -0.014429172 0.020208703 -0.023969986 0.016814375 0.009612895 -0.037062395 0.016526055 -0.009737398 -0.0028619168 0.0066510485 0.019317528 0.011749093 -0.0012777876 0.02416657 -0.0034336448 -0.023222972 0.008898645 -0.028203066 -0.018164244 -0.016958537 -0.012070179 -0.0072735604 -0.018387036 -0.004796618 0.024101041 -0.019605849 0.01837393 -0.010091246 0.004239634 -0.030509638 -0.009809477 0.02652556 0.0039611417 -0.0103861205 0.019002996 0.018269086 0.0023147615 -0.027652636 0.009383548 -0.0071556107 0.0096784225 0.016250838 0.0052553113 0.003997182 0.0038694032 0.003712137 0.019029208 0.029434985 0.020903295 -0.02562128 -0.005330668 -0.018400142 0.010785839 -0.017771078 0.0058647175 -0.03210851 0.028596232 0.011762199 -0.012718902 -0.024520418 -0.015831461 -0.0043051615 0.019907277 -0.01478302 -0.030902803 -0.019042313 0.01490097 -0.012070179 -0.007424274 0.0010197728 0.027390525 -0.003150238 0.035830475 -0.024808738 -0.031164913 0.023013283 0.120570734 -0.0013064559 -0.013406942 0.022934651 -0.020405285 0.001713546 -0.015844567 -0.027416736 0.020103859 -0.015123764 0.03923791 0.008525137 -0.006094064 -0.00758154 0.003089625 0.0028684696 0.00810576 -0.015857672 -0.010117457 0.0054420647 -0.0077322535 0.0053699845 0.026538666 0.02319676 0.0049047386 -0.004475533 0.027364314 0.035463523 -0.0024933242 -0.010274723 -0.006854184 -0.0018265811 0.022384219 0.016670214 -0.0089379605 0.009278704 0.0035024488 0.01975001 0.016106678 -0.018439459 0.0014481593 0.0030699668 0.01718133 -0.0013818127 -0.0052815224 -0.019789327 -0.013210358 0.03845158 0.008138524 -0.014219483 0.015372768 -0.011349375 -0.043982107 -0.0071949274 -0.0015120488 -0.013098962 0.01364284 -0.010248512 -0.03032616 -0.0058122957 -0.012830298 -0.029854361 -0.0066510485 -0.005130809 0.0030847106 -0.024048619 -0.010438542 0.0073325355 -0.020719819 -0.0041577243 -0.0057336628 -0.016224626 -0.025647491 -0.011775305 0.018950574 0.013256228 0.009232835 0.010556492 -0.005340497 -0.006359451 -0.0040463274 -0.010667888 -0.016408104 -0.0213882 0.0004959618 0.013787001 -0.0048064473 0.0071228473 -0.013393836 0.011447667 0.015490718 0.018544303 0.0159232 -0.0118080685 0.0086889565 0.0065036113 -0.0048588696 0.011506641 0.017430333 -0.021466833 -0.019002996 -0.013747685 -0.012915485 -0.00891175 0.006116999 0.0012130792 0.0046000355 0.0107268635 -0.0063987672 -0.038766112 0.017404122 0.009147649 0.0016922496 0.008479268 0.0063823857 0.025647491 0.016657108 0.042435657 -0.0004283865 0.0029995246 -0.020431496 -0.032187145 0.025962025 0.03318316 -0.016526055 -0.009907769 0.020483918 0.001471094 -0.012967907 0.003002801 0.01026817 0.029697096 -0.0077584647 -0.03748177 -0.041098893 -0.005183231 -0.0041741063 -0.016172204 0.0012335565 -0.011192109 0.0039447597 -0.009127991 0.015949411 -0.027364314 0.039762132 -0.02752158 -0.004714709 0.009521157 -0.013282439 0.031662922 -0.0070507666 -0.005366708 -0.001721737 -0.008086102 0.024284517 -0.037350718 0.021086773 0.0009632553 0.0069524753 0.013511785 0.020588763 -0.032737575 0.0066674305 0.015726617 0.018767096 -0.0034238156 -0.0038399156 -0.0013424961 -0.008092655 0.039211698 0.0031289416 0.022842912 0.006136657 -0.018452564 -0.0044329404 0.036983762 -0.013420047 -0.0026571432 -0.027128415 -0.033235583 -0.0025244497 0.0023753745 -0.01273856 0.031191124 -0.027836112 0.00093049154 0.04510918 0.0087938 0.0056484765 -0.0016971641 0.019605849 -0.042357024 0.025673702 0.004403453 -0.008833117 -0.016355682 -0.021178512 -0.0150189195 0.01808561 0.016644003 0.01349868 0.019173367 -0.012161917 0.031977456 -0.0028668314 -0.0018183901 -0.0068672895 -0.03396949 0.01642121 -0.027075993 0.005333944 -0.039552443 -0.010903788 -0.027967168 0.00014579885 0.008964172 -0.004043051 0.010012613 -0.0016906114 -0.023000177 0.016788164 -0.0031010923 0.025031533 0.006238225 0.03695755 0.011853938 0.009416312 -0.008846222 0.00341071 0.020470813 0.006585521 0.017640023 0.022436641 0.0044624275 0.011998098 -0.0011008632 0.0047540255 -0.021637205 -0.024808738 0.022777384 -0.02089019 -0.007745359 0.0046590106 -0.00572711 -0.005900758 0.031689133 0.0071228473 0.017377913 -0.008308896 -0.0316105 0.0065887976 0.012483003 -0.0040561566 0.019199578 -0.002422882 0.01364284 -0.015228608 -0.011480431 0.00014334156 0.030404793 0.016644003 0.0079484945 -0.007751912 0.01285651 0.013485574 0.022921545 -0.011133134 0.00784365 0.003895614 0.022633223 -0.0145864375 -0.0046098647 0.003948036 -0.013334861 -0.015779039 -0.006349622 0.010589256 -0.012188128 -0.004482086 -0.02877971 0.022987071 0.009639106 -0.02877971 0.023118127 -0.0034205392 -0.010825155 0.015726617 0.02100814 0.013537996 -0.014127744 -0.022607012 -0.0016087019 0.0036105693 0.00064831343 -0.019972805 -0.0004058614 -0.00997985 0.012437133 0.0023737364 0.004203594 0.003089625 0.007175269 -0.004983372 0.03596153 0.011749093 -0.013826318 0.024533523 -0.0018626213 -0.018806413 -0.026538666 0.023852035 0.014193272 -0.013098962 0.0058188485 -0.008420293 0.016997851 -0.0011622953 -0.0087217195 -0.026604194 0.0056255423 -0.007450485 -0.01399669 0.011670461 -0.00636928 -0.0009657126 -0.01050407 0.036878917 0.0016709531 -0.032947265 -0.015726617 -0.0069721336 0.0064937826 -0.008747931 -0.010058482 -0.0023245907 -0.010281276 -0.008439952 0.021178512 -0.0030257357 -0.0012098028 0.007889519 0.019697588 0.012142259 0.008800353 -0.020261126 -0.014350538 -0.009639106 -0.018924363 -0.03027374 -0.002534279 -0.037403136 0.03643333 0.0014694558 -0.0156873 -0.017653128 -0.006005602 -0.03829431 -0.016814375 0.003305866 0.004203594 0.008525137 -0.0013113705 -0.013773896 0.004092197 -0.010753075 0.00061227323 -0.02319676 -0.0033386298 -0.010176432 0.010150221 0.023996197 -0.005972838 -0.02062808 0.008328554 0.025175693 0.003063414 0.0034303684 0.024441784 -0.016748847 -0.0014407875 0.003071605 -0.00017170272 0.037403136 0.016080467 -0.0121488115 -0.03950002 0.010497517 0.01031404 0.0013490489 0.007745359 -0.0064413603 0.00591714 0.007470143 -0.0067296815 0.021938631 -0.009134543 0.006716576 0.019592743 0.028438967 -0.017391019 0.008243369 0.03892338 0.0023720982 -0.008970724 -0.0093376795 0.006031813 0.0079616 -0.014429172 0.015149974 -0.042645343 0.0074046156 0.009055911 0.00417083 -0.01820356 0.024651473 0.009429418 0.014167061 0.013773896 0.0057762554 0.02953983 0.0041151317 -0.022764279 -0.0059302454 -0.004282227 -0.005478105 -0.015202397 0.0017970937 -0.016277049 -0.009016594 -0.00929181 -0.0062971995 -0.0017086314 -0.023917563 0.030666905 -0.004983372 -0.003695755 0.23589925 0.0033091423 -0.02003833 0.0138132125 0.005029241 -0.0020968823 0.040941626 0.009442523 -0.0048490404 -0.012351947 -0.001575119 -0.00051275326 -0.005068558 -0.007535671 -0.00020170206 -0.03281621 -0.034336448 -0.015346558 0.019802433 -0.011945676 0.002449093 0.0005745949 0.005107874 -0.019527217 0.025503332 0.017535178 -0.00731943 0.013203806 0.024887372 -0.014651965 0.0002799256 -0.006270989 0.015949411 -0.002501515 -0.018832624 0.005972838 0.00030429367 -0.01732549 0.014822337 0.003823534 0.02436315 -0.00531101 -0.018491881 -0.01718133 0.007673279 0.019304423 -0.0113755865 -0.0085054785 0.003728519 0.024061725 -0.017744867 -0.006680536 0.024664579 0.0112838475 -0.011395245 0.012220892 0.019042313 0.012836851 -0.019736905 0.0031551525 -0.000951788 0.017050274 0.007345641 0.031033859 -0.0010451648 0.014573332 0.0018462393 0.0009984764 0.0058909287 0.000098700904 0.002942188 -0.018806413 -0.007751912 0.011532852 -0.012541978 -0.024782527 0.022384219 0.030195106 0.038425367 0.031741556 -0.0076011983 0.010680994 -0.00003296856 0.012247103 -0.016368788 -0.029487407 0.015228608 -0.020706713 -0.018164244 -0.007614304 0.01114624 -0.013177595 -0.012378158 -0.021047456 -0.003970971 -0.016290154 0.0032993134 0.0029913336 -0.009645659 0.00007658535 -0.01630326 0.03163671 0.007922283 0.030195106 0.00139328 -0.009527709 -0.019645166 0.001445702 0.024101041 -0.024179675 0.009868452 -0.029644674 0.010700652 -0.0042265286 -0.0014514357 0.0071949274 -0.016578475 -0.00572711 0.018780202 -0.009652211 -0.024022408 0.0063299634 0.02036597 -0.000847763 0.0063725566 -0.0209164 -0.027128415 0.0023245907 0.0009050996 -0.013839424 0.026748355 -0.009927427 0.016657108 -0.011670461 0.011041396 -0.02545091 0.00614321 -0.019854855 -0.01746965 -0.002683354 -0.018360825 -0.0004517307 0.016893009 0.009350784 0.015726617 -0.01100208 0.015883883 0.0023835655 -0.018255983 0.009619447 -0.004655734 0.006991792 -0.0037776646 0.0056484765 0.009835688 -0.012653374 -0.022987071 -0.019697588 -0.027338102 0.0063365162 -0.026826989 0.04946021 -0.004780236 -0.009567025 -0.0004158953 -0.013367625 -0.16649246 0.022764279 0.013918056 -0.026171712 0.019907277 0.008210605 0.020379076 -0.006742787 -0.021479938 0.003895614 0.003918549 -0.019553427 -0.04893599 -0.017653128 -0.013013775 -0.006490506 0.00034401976 0.009711186 0.039106853 0.0084727155 -0.0023344199 -0.024297623 0.0031141979 0.009658764 -0.0017266516 0.004459151 0.0125485305 0.0056812405 -0.00015972345 -0.014887865 -0.000024227284 -0.00033603358 0.02200416 0.008302343 0.024153464 -0.012849957 0.0045934827 0.0043444782 -0.020562552 0.034860667 0.021309566 0.032265775 -0.010451647 0.03339285 0.0074111684 0.016879903 -0.007286666 -0.00591714 -0.013669051 -0.0009616171 0.010753075 -0.023537504 0.0132889915 0.0071621635 0.016722636 -0.012299526 0.018452564 0.025411593 0.0054256828 -0.012889273 0.010536834 0.00079738867 0.015032025 -0.029906783 -0.04049604 -0.025896497 0.006959028 0.011827727 -0.047232274 0.016945431 0.00500303 0.0030584994 0.002326229 -0.015097553 0.0066608777 -0.011447667 -0.009822583 -0.002742329 -0.0074635902 0.02445489 0.004197041 0.015412085 -0.020759135 0.0052094418 -0.0039742473 0.021309566 0.014180167 0.013826318 -0.02728568 -0.013177595 -0.010300934 0.002267254 -0.041439638 -0.015516929 -0.0012786067 0.0068345256 -0.003679373 0.016630897 -0.005406025 -0.027049782 -0.014167061 -0.0054387883 -0.028307911 0.01414085 0.019618955 -0.006549481 -0.0053175623 0.01913405 0.017784184 -0.012745113 -0.027836112 0.0104582 0.021493044 0.012653374 0.0013523253 0.014612649 0.0077322535 -0.014534015 0.020588763 -0.004734367 0.020261126 -0.0024065 -0.016539158 0.0048883567 -0.0012278229 -0.008387529 -0.11794963 -0.018255983 0.018701568 0.014324327 0.0313746 0.011945676 -0.021493044 -0.0027652637 -0.037350718 0.035647 -0.0070311087 -0.025516437 -0.0029389116 0.0016037873 -0.015032025 -0.009055911 0.012004651 -0.02053634 -0.041596904 0.04073194 0.012043968 -0.0155431405 -0.027757479 0.005779532 -0.029906783 -0.025634386 -0.013157937 0.011703225 0.009298363 -0.012102943 -0.014062217 -0.01414085 0.0076208566 -0.013472469 0.013983584 -0.0052028894 -0.019999014 -0.028910765 0.022331797 -0.0010918531 0.010785839 0.012895826 0.0031895547 -0.03313074 -0.00047998945 -0.015674196 -0.009259046 0.027757479 -0.0021558572 0.0041151317 -0.034519926 0.011355928 -0.011303506 -0.0069524753 0.014350538 0.0023147615 0.0029487407 -0.0041741063 0.0067362343 0.007902625 -0.0055370796 -0.01963206 -0.0030847106 -0.005019412 0.016853692 -0.00029487407 -0.016788164 0.00009010041 0.004917844 -0.01542519 -0.016578475 0.0037186898 -0.031662922 0.035253834 -0.025778547 -0.00064094155 -0.025280537 -0.019016102 0.0077388063 0.008577559 -0.011493536 -0.023747193 -0.0019002996 -0.021558572 0.029644674 -0.022803595 0.0211523 0.00031821828 -0.006801762 -0.016342577 0.006116999 0.044270426 0.02355061 -0.011919466 -0.009665317 0.0050488994 0.0057238336 -0.030404793 0.009219729 0.014101533 -0.0035286597 -0.017757973 -0.004813 0.017626917 -0.016028045 0.0018708121 0.012102943 -0.006775551 -0.0020444603 -0.00053118286 0.014861654 0.006847631 0.0017725208 0.017666234 -0.0029716755 -0.0159232 -0.00047220808 0.0038399156 0.008872434 -0.034021914 0.018662253 -0.00090673775 -0.0060514715 0.019828644 0.018819518 -0.009049358 0.0023327817 0.0014694558 -0.029461196 0.01414085 -0.00640532 -0.020575657 0.0066510485 -0.026040656 0.01770555 0.014717492 -0.011198662 -0.041098893 -0.0093376795 0.03514899 -0.003970971 0.05378503 -0.0075553292 -0.025306748 0.010445095 -0.027338102 -0.021466833 -0.00041466666 -0.050849397 0.016460527 0.007024556 0.033471484 0.009527709 0.008544795 -0.029670885 -0.011539405 -0.0063561746 -0.027914746 0.015084447 0.011709777 -0.006015431 -0.028753499 0.01817735 -0.006510164 0.013524891 -0.035882898 0.00195436 0.002121455 -0.0047998945 -0.00066141895 -0.0028340674 -0.017666234 -0.021466833 0.021519255 0.004868699 0.026368296 -0.0014170337 -0.003063414 0.009186965 -0.005150467 -0.028910765 0.036223643 -0.007142505 0.0028045801 0.00050128595 0.016316365 0.0029307206 0.012574741 0.0034172628 0.006428255 0.00040790913 0.0023344199 -0.010032271 -0.005720557 -0.029225297 -0.01164425 0.012817193 0.0020706712 -0.036485754 0.0035581472 -0.0019559981 0.01872778 0.015372768 -0.02857002 0.009599789 -0.02124404 -0.0073063243 0.003038841 -0.0091542015 -0.009737398 -0.0067231287 -0.009298363 -0.006497059 0.013669051 0.001193421 -0.0031109215 -0.020575657 -0.009455629 0.010405779 -0.028648654 -0.016657108 0.03286863 0.034231603 -0.0057860846 0.021886209 -0.012777877 0.014756809 0.017915238 0.012600952 -0.01796766 0.0064511895 -0.017757973 -0.0005786904 -0.0073325355 -0.020116964 -0.008957619 0.00035057252 -0.023157444 -0.005995773 0.021191617 -0.009455629 0.038635056 0.005252035 -0.030771747 0.0054027485 -0.010929999 0.009639106 0.0034696849 0.004049604 -0.012155364 -0.012568188 0.030037839 -0.016644003 -0.00019371588 -0.024638368 -0.037062395 0.02583097 0.0067624454 0.02340645 0.001869174 -0.008014022 0.0249529 0.019985909 0.011211768 -0.0069000535 0.0071883746 -0.019736905 0.007751912 0.00029610272 -0.024389362 -0.01718133 0.020379076 0.016028045 -0.0349393 -0.020483918 -0.013295544 -0.012273314 0.015530035 -0.0095539205 -0.0059662852 0.03027374 -0.019107841 -0.0024114146 -0.0029225298 -0.029487407 0.0068345256 0.011428009 -0.006038366 -0.0045607192 -0.01846567
-0.0007753724 0.0126835555 0.0014284698 -0.03571753 -0.03198979 0.007395987 -0.0075744423 -0.010079429 -0.015664423 -0.030006953 0.032677177 0.012379521 -0.006860621 0.0045902706 0.0016457558 0.018189237 0.033417434 -0.0017465501 -0.0070919516 0.0029246865 -0.0015540496 0.006229417 0.032862242 -0.02600162 -0.011480634 -0.011705356 0.023331398 -0.008473329 0.015043134 -0.0316461 0.03629916 -0.011315397 -0.023159552 -0.020925554 -0.01814958 -0.0060179145 0.0006369868 0.0021183323 -0.0035591947 0.0014516029 0.027363168 0.012286988 -0.014435063 -0.009253246 -0.0012929759 0.017501853 -0.02404522 -0.017131723 0.0016812817 0.01190364 0.025499301 0.030244894 -0.012181236 -0.024150971 -0.012828964 0.007832211 -0.0043589394 0.003631899 0.008876506 0.019061686 0.010251274 0.018228894 -0.022221008 0.014302874 0.0061534084 0.009048352 -0.017805887 0.011910249 0.01851971 0.00059856934 0.013397378 0.01361549 0.0099802865 -0.004953791 0.028605748 0.021983068 -0.0122803785 -0.0150827905 0.007521567 0.0037046028 -0.011632651 0.0023761012 -0.021798003 0.011322007 -0.00846011 -0.026517158 0.010826297 0.017819107 0.008354358 -0.0025396855 -0.013311455 -0.004814992 0.023252085 0.03939239 -0.009986896 -0.00006640443 -0.012736431 -0.007878478 -0.0015127404 -0.02539355 0.003750869 0.0038334874 0.014977039 -0.0074885194 -0.022154914 0.0042102267 0.0014243389 -0.008665004 0.021665813 -0.010925439 -0.018440396 0.015096009 -0.004467996 -0.039180886 -0.00010585465 -0.007964401 0.008935992 -0.007885087 0.002804064 -0.0062988163 0.032121982 0.00093771727 0.01862546 -0.014289655 0.011295569 0.022736546 -0.03042996 0.0014689527 -0.0052446076 -0.020277826 0.0041276086 -0.005885725 -0.0060773995 0.014977039 -0.0071910936 0.00931934 -0.014064933 -0.0014152508 -0.011130332 -0.009154104 -0.0035955468 -0.000011043739 -0.01164587 -0.00017638999 -0.024230285 0.008235388 0.033681814 0.0089558195 0.00699281 -0.0032088934 -0.0039028868 -0.02010598 0.008810411 0.02426994 0.0115269 0.027283855 -0.00686723 0.017554728 -0.026675785 0.0004461386 0.009233417 -0.022630794 0.013172656 -0.014620128 0.006708603 0.030324208 0.026662566 0.016351806 0.027006257 0.0016333631 -0.004378768 0.018823745 -0.04391326 0.006920106 0.0021249417 0.01324536 0.012835573 0.0093259495 -0.01863868 -0.018294988 0.014157466 0.004497738 0.016761594 0.021123838 -0.016483996 0.0071580466 0.042221237 0.028764375 -0.000080191356 0.011573167 0.019696195 0.017871983 -0.0225647 -0.008869897 -0.6552355 -0.04505009 0.007395987 -0.011751622 -0.004197008 0.0032386358 -0.006807745 0.003347692 -0.004980229 0.039260197 -0.0030684422 0.010575138 -0.015664423 -0.007957791 -0.004672889 -0.010687498 0.015770175 -0.043596007 -0.0023959295 0.0074158153 -0.0058692014 0.003532757 -0.02097843 0.0044580814 -0.023741184 0.005922077 0.011143551 0.01532073 -0.0054990714 0.0105487 0.007296845 0.016298931 0.010661061 0.022815859 0.05105148 -0.022948049 -0.029848326 0.04391326 -0.00027780392 0.026173467 -0.024521101 -0.012822354 0.010323978 0.01951113 -0.0069465437 0.013040467 0.014712661 -0.0014102937 0.00059278606 -0.020568643 0.0058427635 0.018506492 -0.013199094 -0.003048614 0.019709414 -0.00043002807 0.013972401 -0.018083485 -0.005310702 -0.0021877317 -0.0068275733 0.015109228 -0.03312662 0.007713241 -0.039154448 0.030139143 -0.00368147 -0.0051421607 -0.013218923 -0.026900508 0.0018258636 0.01730357 -0.0018159495 0.0016498867 0.02662291 0.017990952 0.028473558 -0.03064146 -0.021269245 0.014051714 0.019074904 -0.01435575 -0.014937382 -0.028764375 0.03764749 -0.007832211 -0.01533395 -0.018004172 -0.005753536 -0.0060278284 -0.009920801 0.00040586223 0.009524234 -0.048487008 0.024111314 0.0009327602 -0.0017581166 -0.0051454655 0.006255855 -0.0040549044 -0.014461501 0.0039194105 0.024825135 0.0038467064 0.01764726 0.017607605 0.03384044 0.0026536987 0.031117342 -0.038942944 -0.021771565 0.004329197 -0.013199094 0.000024746752 0.003284902 -0.024732603 0.014910944 -0.0024620243 -0.0067879166 -0.017594386 0.009900973 0.0013813773 -0.014197122 -0.023027362 -0.0093920445 0.030139143 0.0020291046 0.007766117 -0.0009088009 0.0053635775 -0.025459643 -0.008817021 0.010760203 -0.005482548 0.01459369 0.0005444544 -0.00521156 -0.024666509 0.0069002775 -0.013080124 -0.003084966 -0.025948744 0.019339284 -0.007528176 -0.02071405 -0.02183766 -0.005740317 -0.006860621 -0.011665699 -0.021242809 -0.00797762 0.012425787 -0.01349652 0.012320035 -0.0028519824 -0.0057832785 -0.003750869 0.0053272257 -0.012399349 -0.016576529 -0.011242693 0.020132419 -0.016391464 -0.00023442932 -0.002220779 0.0031461036 -0.013932744 0.009240027 -0.014580471 -0.030271333 -0.008902944 -0.012967763 0.0058592875 0.0009988548 -0.016140305 0.023926249 -0.025644708 -0.006384739 -0.009762174 -0.0035724137 0.0027264026 -0.0056841364 -0.027891926 -0.022022724 0.027706861 0.011711965 0.015677642 0.016246056 0.016523654 0.022723326 0.015849488 0.03080009 0.010925439 -0.0141442465 -0.003030438 -0.005667613 0.0018589109 -0.0025529044 0.031857602 0.043173 -0.00882363 0.012809136 0.017924858 0.0019018725 0.007323283 -0.018532928 -0.017753012 -0.023939468 -0.008810411 0.00919376 -0.007422425 -0.016788032 0.0055354238 -0.035135895 -0.000017336926 0.02931957 -0.007766117 0.023133114 -0.022273883 0.006500405 0.016470777 -0.0040813424 0.012947935 -0.0023083542 -0.0020555423 0.017739793 0.003256812 -0.0026801366 -0.01717138 -0.029398883 -0.009821659 0.016021334 0.020833021 0.016510434 0.0049108295 0.040317714 0.01091883 0.0025578614 0.03801762 0.019061686 -0.012610852 0.008631956 0.0006303773 -0.0074290344 0.020132419 -0.0005717184 0.040555652 -0.008665004 -0.019193875 0.039286636 -0.015637984 -0.005343749 -0.021203151 -0.0029527768 0.009801831 -0.020198513 0.0028238923 0.024362473 0.03140816 0.012524929 -0.0013425468 0.027548233 -0.0035393664 -0.0006171584 0.011480634 -0.007138218 -0.0033427349 -0.029531073 -0.024917668 -0.0029098152 -0.008810411 -0.014236779 -0.0019398768 -0.01177145 0.008631956 -0.007812383 -0.006331864 -0.022247447 -0.010568528 0.016708717 0.00037157565 -0.023225646 0.006404568 0.018493272 -0.023225646 -0.024521101 -0.004120999 -0.0024521102 -0.0022306931 -0.016378244 -0.00748191 0.00760749 -0.0033047306 0.01067428 -0.015360388 -0.012320035 0.023371054 -0.008493157 0.00026541116 -0.007257188 -0.005862592 -0.0048645632 -0.024203846 -0.01617996 0.017488634 0.016351806 -0.019431816 -0.0040284665 -0.020780146 -0.013265189 0.014091371 -0.022670452 0.003939239 0.0056841364 -0.0064937957 -0.0031576701 0.0017977734 -0.0013541133 0.00011638848 0.016721936 -0.009041742 -0.01435575 -0.013139608 0.02010598 0.11537475 -0.003668251 -0.021771565 0.03265074 0.00089558196 -0.008810411 -0.008638565 -0.02219457 0.037012983 -0.017250694 0.038810756 -0.0023050494 0.015307512 -0.012723213 0.00423336 0.01116338 0.01116338 0.00023463587 -0.008724488 -0.011784669 0.007904915 0.008394016 -0.004362244 0.0068474016 0.02687407 0.0049736192 0.016867345 0.044071887 0.0010261189 -0.019590443 -0.00076711056 0.01286862 -0.0014458196 0.005000057 -0.014487939 0.011388102 0.00539993 0.026305655 0.02072727 -0.00931273 0.010899002 0.008394016 0.009259855 -0.028499996 0.001529264 -0.0053073973 0.0060641808 0.024468224 -0.008889725 -0.03299443 0.008572471 0.0044580814 -0.037964746 -0.008486548 0.0150827905 0.0065070144 -0.010403291 -0.014739098 -0.010006724 -0.00797101 -0.0166955 -0.0142103415 0.01153351 0.0000849419 0.003420396 -0.020317484 0.0044845194 0.0023050494 -0.013509738 0.0072505786 0.00006397752 -0.009220198 -0.056999993 -0.01079325 0.02194341 -0.00023897333 -0.001158308 0.014197122 -0.014117809 0.0009054962 0.011493853 -0.048724946 -0.0036946887 -0.019537566 0.024706166 0.013945963 -0.016788032 0.005297483 0.0032270693 0.023146333 0.0013375897 0.002528119 0.020370359 0.004355635 0.003098185 0.003347692 -0.008327921 0.00019322346 0.016669061 -0.0225647 -0.007177875 -0.0133378925 -0.018070268 -0.0073893773 -0.013879868 0.012650508 0.007528176 0.009993505 -0.002894944 -0.021242809 0.018228894 -0.017131723 0.037858993 -0.005419758 -0.00059237296 0.02035714 0.017858764 0.012227503 0.028182741 -0.028975878 -0.010297541 -0.03198979 0.0096101565 0.023278521 -0.011447587 0.007918134 0.028552871 -0.028394245 -0.018228894 -0.0032105458 -0.00883024 0.014924163 -0.0039755907 -0.025790118 -0.013853431 -0.009920801 -0.017581167 -0.010561919 0.0015804874 0.0041309134 -0.007283626 -0.0062955115 0.009973677 -0.042512055 0.025115952 -0.028182741 -0.015545453 -0.00020788821 0.0005737838 0.016153524 -0.013575833 0.009048352 0.004193703 -0.0019844908 0.020013448 -0.03492439 -0.007792555 -0.0079313535 0.027363168 0.01496382 0.028843688 -0.009061571 0.033417434 0.010145523 0.014131028 -0.023701528 0.007924744 0.009154104 -0.009914191 0.018916277 0.008281655 0.011401321 -0.012895059 -0.012544757 0.019590443 0.029478196 -0.00582624 0.0022918307 -0.011553338 -0.04549953 -0.012690165 0.020277826 -0.009041742 0.025552176 -0.023939468 0.0052809594 0.030218456 -0.0070126383 0.007944572 0.005429672 0.020581862 -0.030033391 0.02426994 -0.00130289 0.020793365 -0.020317484 -0.026675785 -0.025353894 0.0060773995 0.005297483 0.010105866 0.03481864 0.0029213817 0.00032696177 0.005432977 0.0029015534 -0.029002314 -0.012148189 0.0042168363 -0.015426482 0.020343922 -0.020885898 -0.0042631025 -0.00052132126 0.015558671 -0.0021992982 -0.007818992 0.010872563 -0.0287115 0.0065301475 0.009101228 0.00662268 0.017885203 -0.0220756 0.026173467 0.011209646 0.014157466 0.008010667 -0.013826992 0.016616184 0.004705936 0.029663261 0.012828964 0.005125637 0.010277712 -0.003293164 -0.012557976 -0.011718575 -0.032201294 0.017448977 -0.00441512 -0.011982953 -0.010006724 -0.0024686337 -0.03608766 0.031302407 0.006278988 0.020304265 -0.029266695 -0.018321427 -0.0036847745 0.02047611 -0.009867925 0.01777945 -0.006893668 0.01336433 0.0089888675 -0.027204541 -0.0060146097 0.016523654 0.00441512 0.006193065 -0.018480053 0.026530378 0.010171961 0.014501157 -0.00459688 -0.024930887 -0.0015003476 0.027706861 -0.009953848 -0.013893087 -0.021335341 0.0027891926 0.0010996491 0.0007761986 -0.010092647 -0.0008501419 -0.019973792 -0.010687498 0.012359692 0.0066656414 -0.003225417 -0.0029693004 -0.0013871606 -0.0201192 0.01841396 -0.015003476 0.0051719034 -0.025697585 -0.021705471 -0.0062360265 0.010998143 -0.0134039875 -0.0077198506 -0.014342531 -0.019088123 0.013040467 -0.01042973 0.017977735 0.005290874 0.016378244 -0.0071910936 0.016536871 -0.008063543 -0.015928801 0.010575138 -0.007984229 0.015135666 -0.008433673 0.016735155 0.031090906 -0.02085946 0.017435757 -0.002886682 0.029742574 0.0053173113 -0.008387406 -0.02637175 -0.000097179734 0.003456748 0.0070919516 -0.0018225589 0.0014986953 -0.009266464 -0.012544757 0.004418425 -0.013113171 -0.026966602 -0.013787336 -0.021507187 0.01752829 -0.008863287 -0.0025347283 -0.022525044 0.013516348 -0.007924744 0.0042961496 -0.0036120706 -0.010238055 0.024349255 0.011130332 0.02881725 0.0065433667 0.011196427 -0.014408625 -0.0074620815 -0.009537452 -0.034871515 -0.009299512 -0.017144943 0.051738862 -0.00017287872 -0.0036385083 -0.006698689 -0.021877317 -0.04216836 -0.008241998 0.006384739 0.019339284 0.03080009 0.00306679 -0.012253941 0.031751852 -0.02306702 0.004355635 -0.016127085 0.012194456 -0.010865954 0.0050397143 -0.00088153686 -0.007825602 -0.0009220198 -0.015294293 0.03140816 -0.014540815 -0.015492577 0.02122959 0.009121057 0.007937963 0.012630681 -0.0035360616 0.055836726 0.009134275 0.017012753 -0.040370587 -0.008942601 0.0085195955 -0.028923001 -0.0006754043 -0.014818411 0.0072175316 -0.008208951 0.0031609747 0.004705936 0.014316093 0.00046307535 0.0060245236 0.04169248 -0.01238613 0.0076207086 0.020145638 0.03161966 -0.00004753132 -0.020542204 0.0009418482 0.018136362 -0.0035988516 -0.0060476568 -0.037858993 0.03029777 -0.003949153 -0.0038434016 0.0031411464 -0.007686803 -0.017316788 0.0013813773 -0.023384273 -0.0030056525 0.012366301 -0.00014489178 0.00026582426 0.023860155 -0.011017972 -0.009299512 -0.028156305 0.008142856 0.0014772145 -0.0093259495 0.004636537 0.0077330694 -0.00090053905 -0.014012057 0.02625278 0.000524626 -0.008856677 0.23413356 0.0008195732 0.0055155954 0.01973585 0.0023628823 -0.009405263 0.025353894 -0.0018010781 -0.012828964 0.00931934 -0.010654451 0.0054660244 -0.031831164 -0.0027792784 0.0050231903 -0.005532119 -0.028499996 -0.012663728 0.0013904654 -0.0054164534 0.008506376 0.0070919516 -0.016510434 -0.026530378 0.0056477846 0.020700833 -0.013304845 0.010218227 0.02367509 -0.0025595138 -0.002343054 0.003532757 0.01472588 0.006302121 -0.03434276 -0.008731098 0.0093920445 -0.016113866 0.01912778 0.0056510894 0.021031305 0.024137752 0.035241645 -0.03117022 0.010588356 0.024375692 -0.011388102 -0.02010598 -0.008579081 0.027072353 -0.02551252 -0.008354358 0.022657232 0.030244894 0.0042366646 -0.0013623752 0.0076207086 0.013879868 -0.010806469 0.008189122 0.0023942774 0.013397378 -0.00047009793 0.030562147 0.0071646557 0.0018572586 -0.029398883 0.012822354 -0.006193065 -0.019894477 -0.006354997 -0.03764749 -0.008618738 -0.014289655 -0.029716138 -0.011361663 0.033179495 0.030112704 -0.0011533509 0.015928801 0.0078652585 -0.02637175 -0.017501853 -0.01128235 -0.022432512 -0.03505658 0.01729035 -0.013099952 -0.015532234 -0.009517624 -0.0064739673 -0.026926944 -0.01814958 -0.0112889595 0.004451472 -0.0017118504 0.009332559 0.023754403 0.007739679 0.01288184 -0.017488634 -0.0038929726 0.023476806 0.034157693 0.01764726 -0.00032283086 0.0019382244 0.007369549 0.0013318064 -0.027072353 -0.0011013014 -0.00931273 0.019894477 0.008129637 -0.009530843 0.008136246 -0.005528814 -0.0054131486 0.018546147 -0.010343807 -0.023357835 -0.027812613 -0.020132419 0.016642623 -0.015756955 -0.027865488 -0.048592757 0.0045407 -0.005862592 -0.012148189 0.0036880793 -0.01825533 0.0069002775 -0.01373446 -0.0066920794 -0.01705241 -0.000075647346 -0.014567252 -0.012339864 0.017131723 -0.016259274 -0.004672889 0.011493853 -0.0064574433 0.003750869 -0.013298236 -0.00002477257 0.008486548 -0.01764726 -0.0015325688 -0.0060476568 0.020343922 0.006202979 -0.034871515 0.0006365737 -0.025578614 -0.03336456 -0.0011665699 -0.016431121 0.008374187 -0.027204541 0.004517567 0.024256723 0.005931991 -0.013020638 -0.032782927 -0.16740443 0.009147494 0.02699304 -0.026173467 0.014197122 0.0071316087 0.030244894 -0.0013078471 -0.000013502922 -0.010561919 0.009894364 -0.004124304 -0.009616766 -0.006807745 0.008169294 0.0065433667 0.0112559125 0.01937894 0.03508302 0.0060410476 0.02271011 -0.006939934 0.023119895 -0.0026520463 0.004365549 0.015717298 0.012630681 -0.0045043477 0.007984229 -0.027627548 -0.007052295 -0.0119432965 0.035373837 0.016431121 0.020039886 -0.003111404 -0.020053105 -0.002980867 -0.033523187 0.005214865 0.030192018 0.019669756 0.024177408 0.0050595426 -0.0074158153 0.01031076 0.0073166736 -0.02048933 -0.007455472 -0.044071887 0.015677642 -0.016008114 -0.007686803 -0.012987591 0.00846672 -0.0096101565 -0.0017944687 0.018572586 -0.0049042203 -0.007210922 -0.0050628474 0.008241998 0.014170685 0.00058287184 -0.017594386 -0.023595776 0.011196427 0.00619637 -0.045948975 0.009762174 -0.010138913 -0.007957791 0.02145431 0.005003362 -0.013589052 0.02181122 -0.0035525854 -0.0033939583 -0.013628709 0.022881955 0.0049604005 0.014659785 -0.0005675875 0.0077595073 -0.022154914 -0.015029915 0.005224779 0.006708603 -0.008175903 -0.02317277 0.009015305 -0.026570033 -0.014818411 -0.00029226212 0.023384273 0.010859344 0.021652594 0.0014788669 0.00028937048 -0.0063748253 0.004930658 0.003126275 0.0035790233 0.011262522 0.000271401 0.0014078153 -0.0003220047 0.010086037 0.035611775 0.0014673003 -0.013318064 -0.005396625 0.0062657692 0.005528814 -0.024851574 0.017237475 -0.012002781 -0.000674165 0.017316788 0.02233998 0.02330496 -0.0108527355 -0.015783394 0.02379406 0.004672889 -0.012379521 -0.1424471 -0.033179495 0.007210922 0.027283855 0.012082095 0.016047772 -0.0181628 -0.0034435291 -0.03481864 0.041401666 -0.012148189 -0.03603478 -0.01717138 0.015783394 0.00083898846 -0.039788954 -0.0019167437 -0.0066788606 -0.03077365 0.042247675 0.007739679 -0.016378244 0.021718688 0.024150971 -0.026887288 0.00014809324 -0.036748603 0.01779267 0.010535481 -0.027389606 0.0018126447 -0.007078733 0.011982953 -0.036986545 0.024521101 0.007885087 -0.016338589 -0.006328559 0.0011971387 -0.026398188 0.0021199847 0.02218135 0.0067152125 -0.019709414 -0.000083857536 -0.0053305305 -0.009907582 0.018453615 -0.00095754565 -0.019854821 -0.036563538 0.002845373 -0.04325231 -0.00404499 -0.0006944065 -0.015492577 0.0048744776 -0.015043134 0.020872679 -0.0060046953 -0.015968459 0.009715908 -0.01361549 -0.0006737519 0.029795451 0.005323921 -0.013906307 -0.0030651377 0.005406539 -0.021745127 0.02108418 0.019696195 -0.020053105 0.025948744 -0.02404522 -0.0051785125 -0.0068474016 -0.0045803566 0.017435757 0.025948744 -0.009953848 0.00066838175 0.0064937957 -0.027918363 0.0009187151 0.01251171 -0.012848793 -0.0005944384 0.0034435291 -0.015770175 -0.014078152 0.010707327 0.018123142 0.0044250344 0.007944572 0.005727098 0.016748374 -0.02269689 0.019577224 0.011963124 -0.015981676 -0.018836964 -0.0023265304 0.0287115 0.0043820725 -0.0095771095 -0.00087410124 -0.0108527355 0.016444338 -0.028156305 0.009497795 0.027257418 -0.01877087 0.01533395 -0.0012690165 -0.01091883 -0.029954078 -0.02195663 0.010257884 -0.0043853773 0.009491187 0.010713937 0.0143954065 0.013066905 0.014950601 -0.0039557624 0.004154046 0.0063946536 -0.024058439 0.005472634 0.0003370825 -0.019920915 0.028632186 -0.0036484224 0.020304265 0.018281769 0.010006724 -0.02343715 0.012148189 0.02563149 0.009021915 0.076458246 -0.0018043829 -0.02183766 0.004814992 -0.029108066 0.013027248 -0.0067185173 -0.02894944 -0.00018258636 -0.000041851315 0.017012753 0.0050099716 0.0014416887 -0.026292436 -0.019603662 0.0055255094 -0.015677642 -0.0034732718 0.015836269 0.00045770517 -0.015862707 0.003628594 -0.0047191554 -0.0038566205 -0.037383113 0.014620128 -0.00052503904 -0.024256723 0.016827688 0.0031824554 -0.012650508 -0.01580983 -0.014461501 0.034263447 0.031302407 0.008367578 -0.020396797 -0.0009848097 -0.011745012 -0.01127574 0.03836131 -0.017594386 0.0074025965 -0.009127665 0.008235388 0.014012057 0.003293164 0.0046299277 -0.0026503939 0.0066854698 -0.0014540814 0.013589052 -0.0002333966 -0.017343227 -0.0095771095 -0.020211732 0.029398883 -0.026345313 -0.0016845864 0.017078847 0.019273188 0.010145523 -0.015029915 0.011057628 -0.017330008 -0.0034501387 0.00025487735 -0.009953848 -0.0071316087 0.014752317 0.034448512 -0.0070919516 0.017990952 0.013853431 -0.008572471 -0.017753012 0.023846935 -0.02269689 -0.02097843 -0.029134504 0.029716138 0.00082948734 -0.0077462886 0.010634623 -0.042591367 0.018004172 0.013681584 0.00723736 -0.00736294 0.0075942706 0.005383406 0.003740955 0.0036021562 -0.008678222 -0.005667613 0.023252085 -0.03801762 -0.000981505 0.016973097 -0.014673004 0.042749994 0.020951992 -0.009154104 0.007792555 -0.0032551596 0.019074904 -0.0070589045 -0.008493157 0.0062988163 -0.020542204 0.01740932 -0.0066160704 0.0012177932 -0.0056213466 -0.029346008 -0.008367578 -0.009464748 0.048249066 0.010330588 -0.005641175 0.021652594 -0.004811688 0.030932277 0.014791974 -0.0008980605 -0.0006931672 0.034369197 -0.012445616 -0.008625347 -0.04832838 -0.0056246514 0.016008114 -0.039207324 -0.008255217 0.0035360616 -0.006275683 0.0027330122 -0.025459643 0.00808998 0.02159972 -0.0044052056 -0.0048777824 -0.03154035 -0.023357835 -0.0035558902 0.015862707 -0.014540815 -0.03349675 -0.032941554
0.016144613 -0.004774155 0.011788441 -0.025523117 -0.013675897 0.0051758112 -0.0081572095 -0.014472678 -0.008235581 -0.010586739 0.0028834331 0.018548017 -0.0043463754 0.006001982 0.0025993348 -0.0026303572 0.039185952 -0.0075041098 0.009718116 -0.027351795 -0.01671934 -0.026058659 -0.0012033352 -0.036547434 -0.021826576 0.010083851 0.035450224 -0.0031414072 0.01816922 -0.027273424 0.030251555 -0.01435512 -0.014720856 -0.003363461 -0.018417398 -0.003601842 -0.015400079 0.001951134 0.009496062 -0.0046435352 0.01968441 -0.01461636 0.0039055333 -0.0019152134 -0.030016439 -0.019514604 -0.022819286 -0.013636712 -0.021108167 0.012193362 0.023955679 0.01263747 -0.016379729 0.0038467543 -0.007301649 -0.0227801 -0.0070012235 0.0078110667 0.0054501127 -0.00045635307 0.008810309 0.016810773 -0.015687443 0.008385794 0.0035006118 0.0066256914 -0.01922724 0.01000548 0.004868855 0.009887922 0.009894453 0.024935327 0.021604521 0.037435647 0.00947647 0.013858765 -0.011167997 -0.0043463754 0.006377514 -0.0024050379 -0.0256668 -0.0033193768 -0.025823543 -0.0075367647 -0.008353139 -0.009594027 0.017124262 0.0034320364 0.0050647845 -0.004421482 -0.0011682312 0.012017026 0.010253658 0.025849666 -0.0071644983 -0.0030303802 0.00057636003 -0.02509207 0.008183333 -0.020324448 -0.0024899407 0.0072885873 -0.020768555 -0.014472678 -0.012337044 -0.013081578 0.0019348065 -0.017607555 0.00914992 0.0025568835 -0.017111199 0.03897696 0.010142631 -0.034744877 0.012539505 -0.006596302 -0.0048427307 -0.0164581 -0.001082512 0.010064259 0.026959935 -0.0032997837 0.02258417 -0.0148253525 0.0010416933 -0.005590529 -0.03158388 -0.0068640728 -0.025366373 -0.01698058 0.017006703 0.00783719 -0.016810773 0.012800745 -0.0055186884 0.009104203 -0.010560614 0.017646741 -0.0055056266 -0.01829984 0.017881857 0.012990143 -0.010965535 -0.0024915736 -0.0134277195 0.011344333 0.024974514 -0.004878651 0.012885648 -0.000683305 0.034091778 0.0046957834 0.00960709 -0.0018645982 -0.024909204 0.02251886 -0.011030845 0.013858765 0.009156451 0.014799228 0.026959935 0.004264738 0.02198332 0.004620677 -0.002987929 0.030538918 0.023642192 0.030904654 0.010462649 0.014864538 -0.014524926 0.032445967 -0.035659216 0.015217212 0.0071579674 0.023537695 0.0103189675 0.013107701 -0.008718874 -0.014537988 0.015021282 0.0069163204 0.01981503 0.027743654 0.0023772812 -0.015622133 0.02600641 -0.0012106827 -0.009463408 0.010521429 0.0003861449 0.03547635 0.0014792697 -0.01639279 -0.65707004 -0.012095397 0.024229981 -0.029311093 -0.0068510105 0.013225259 0.006831418 0.018521894 -0.01698058 0.016105426 -0.023328703 0.006188115 -0.010416932 -0.008692751 -0.007432269 -0.0023936087 0.0142767485 -0.043209042 -0.013924075 0.0034255052 0.0043137204 0.043026175 -0.017032828 -0.02567986 0.020063208 0.016601782 -0.007575951 -0.018352088 0.007268994 -0.0020850191 0.008999707 0.0085229445 0.006419965 0.017894918 0.050863367 -0.0046957834 -0.020468129 0.013636712 -0.0038467543 0.026424395 -0.018260654 -0.030094812 0.0076869777 -0.0045978185 -0.02251886 -0.0153739555 0.0106520485 0.00060819864 0.0011421073 -0.009391567 0.015543762 -0.00050125364 0.0012172137 -0.008647034 0.013349348 -0.024647964 0.016445039 -0.023825059 0.00071106176 -0.0034353018 -0.0017715316 0.016876083 -0.009887922 0.0017584696 -0.02468715 0.016092364 -0.008718874 0.013754269 0.013009736 -0.027142804 -0.007980872 0.0005396232 -0.006037902 -0.026437456 0.009731178 0.03158388 0.023720562 -0.016693216 -0.008967052 0.031113647 -0.006077088 -0.024269167 0.0021029795 -0.026097845 0.024073238 -0.01572663 -0.024412848 -0.0034712222 -0.0016800978 -0.0059856544 -0.010096914 0.008862556 0.0074126762 -0.03482325 0.008431511 0.010456119 -0.0045194468 -0.023002155 0.022427427 -0.004744766 0.0065244613 0.000272873 0.017921042 0.0054076617 -0.0016833632 -0.015582947 0.024216918 0.023629129 0.04516834 -0.022949906 -0.003239372 0.009058486 -0.011272493 -0.0062828143 0.0052019353 -0.027325671 0.007530234 0.002695667 0.011821096 -0.0186917 0.02784815 0.030538918 -0.023825059 -0.005557874 0.01691527 0.021095105 -0.01587031 0.01816922 0.020089332 0.017921042 -0.0032605978 -0.002243396 0.02297603 0.0023511571 0.0068706037 0.011435768 -0.0010090383 -0.037932 0.010364684 -0.027221175 -0.014890662 -0.024804708 0.02193107 -0.0057015563 -0.013094639 -0.03338643 0.004891713 -0.0056721666 -0.025993349 -0.038349986 0.023707502 0.0025960694 -0.036181696 0.01974972 -0.008242112 -0.0043757646 -0.0059334063 0.004601084 -0.01600093 -0.003823896 -0.011612104 0.0129966745 -0.02258417 0.00457496 0.0135452775 -0.0017911246 0.0071840915 -0.0021568602 -0.0031136505 -0.03304682 0.01619686 -0.0016017258 -0.012532974 0.024190795 -0.004055746 0.025431683 -0.017685927 0.0048525273 -0.004454137 0.00013613037 0.013094639 0.00047553788 -0.03140101 -0.010527959 0.03573759 -0.011004722 0.00802659 0.018913753 0.003699807 0.00243606 0.017176509 0.0049406956 -0.02522269 -0.013251383 -0.0020915503 0.017947167 0.018992124 -0.00783066 0.027142804 0.013186073 0.004588022 -0.023380952 0.028161637 -0.008836432 -0.01494291 -0.023472385 -0.00020644059 -0.031296514 -0.010338561 0.009274009 -0.0072167465 -0.019174993 -0.014446555 -0.02850125 0.015086592 0.04522059 0.008568661 0.029676829 -0.010750013 0.010416932 0.02626765 0.016236046 0.0211996 -0.01289871 0.003363461 0.008046182 -0.0062501593 -0.011115748 -0.01099166 -0.017294068 -0.008562131 0.0036508245 0.013225259 0.026750945 -0.0064232307 -0.0011412909 0.019984836 -0.011246368 0.023080526 -0.004878651 0.015413142 -0.0010123038 -0.0048949784 0.00040471743 0.027613034 -0.012937895 0.019828092 0.0034810188 -0.017881857 0.018352088 -0.009900984 0.008921335 -0.00022572742 -0.018992124 0.011370458 -0.03153163 -0.0014139598 0.0073473663 0.014903724 0.02535331 0.023825059 0.026097845 -0.0117819095 -0.01000548 -0.004734969 -0.007909032 -0.0071187816 -0.051046234 -0.024478158 0.0062697525 -0.008875619 -0.010456119 0.007451862 -0.025823543 0.02297603 -0.019893402 0.0018564345 -0.007739226 -0.00286384 0.010234064 -0.015609072 -0.01336241 0.026385209 0.017137323 -0.018443521 -0.021304097 -0.014120005 -0.018652514 0.015752753 0.0062762834 -0.0022172718 -0.036808673 0.014851476 0.0005730946 -0.0027626096 0.0018776603 0.029075976 -0.014133067 0.016471162 -0.02554924 -0.000017029051 -0.0080069965 -0.007497579 -0.022544986 0.01303586 0.007275525 -0.007419207 -0.0139110135 0.0037194 -0.021957196 0.020311385 -0.027351795 -0.02106898 -0.01816922 0.010397339 -0.00027205664 -0.01988034 0.026607262 0.023054402 0.002578109 0.008137616 -0.03197574 -0.020820802 0.016549533 0.13584463 0.009783426 -0.024034051 0.032445967 0.0062403628 0.005054988 -0.016902208 -0.00849029 0.018404337 -0.0061979117 0.023642192 0.011043908 0.020193828 -0.006214239 -0.004607615 0.0019250099 -0.012657063 -0.0039871708 -0.008327015 -0.01587031 0.004232083 0.0028001629 0.022362117 0.027534662 -0.0032556995 0.013479968 0.02001096 0.0227801 0.007399614 -0.01250685 -0.012604815 0.010364684 0.008758061 0.018508831 -0.013244852 -0.0012106827 -0.0052247937 0.016144613 -0.0012874218 -0.009685461 0.0103189675 0.014760043 0.02330258 -0.013264445 0.005593795 -0.020507315 -0.010077321 0.021421654 0.0026287243 -0.014903724 0.015086592 -0.010952474 -0.026293775 -0.015426204 0.018534956 -0.027822027 -0.005655839 -0.011507608 -0.021669831 0.003804303 -0.01572663 -0.04258207 0.007713102 -0.016353603 0.022466613 -0.018064724 -0.0097703645 0.0009094406 -0.009515655 -0.0035104083 0.0016449937 -0.021121228 -0.01797329 -0.008869087 0.030225432 -0.0038924713 -0.0023821793 0.016889146 0.012937895 -0.009633213 0.0016049913 -0.017947167 0.005312962 -0.011794971 -0.00121803 0.0064918064 -0.008764591 0.0048427307 -0.0058615655 0.039264325 0.00017970434 0.02232293 0.013003205 0.011997432 -0.004529243 0.027560787 -0.012317451 -0.0025356577 0.02126491 -0.016079303 -0.008300891 0.004323517 -0.01494291 -0.021748204 -0.012350106 0.018913753 0.023002155 0.0055154227 -0.015517637 -0.019005187 0.022753976 -0.02949396 -0.0015739691 0.021761267 0.018861506 -0.01131821 0.015217212 0.021891886 0.016013993 -0.016614843 -0.01691527 -0.00071391906 0.02217925 0.037487894 -0.026685635 0.0034842843 0.012526443 -0.015452327 -0.014381245 -0.005681963 -0.012428478 0.01816922 -0.028004894 -0.021839637 -0.022962969 0.0041765696 -0.024543468 -0.013989385 0.0016188697 0.008607848 -0.0031218142 0.0020033817 -0.0186917 -0.038898587 0.021695957 -0.037017662 -0.0068444796 -0.003206717 0.0070861266 0.02824001 -0.018208407 -0.0043757646 -0.008333546 0.010808792 0.030277679 -0.010658579 0.01598787 -0.004424747 0.021291034 -0.00068534596 0.008679689 -0.00031001802 0.0135452775 -0.0051954044 0.028866986 -0.0058093173 0.0021486965 -0.0049080406 0.001962563 0.038872465 0.012852993 0.004800279 -0.018730886 -0.025771296 0.022283746 0.048041977 -0.013199135 -0.017712051 -0.021565337 -0.040544398 -0.014472678 0.026058659 -0.027769778 0.037174407 -0.029284969 -0.0032867219 0.032210853 -0.00059758575 0.014407368 -0.0072559323 0.02126491 -0.030591168 0.022479676 0.00480681 0.010253658 -0.021565337 -0.016418913 -0.01310117 0.011840689 -0.0056068567 0.013453844 0.016706279 -0.0041863658 -0.0017894919 -0.0014751878 0.008960521 -0.01611849 -0.012212955 0.0057440074 -0.020089332 0.009992418 -0.02581048 -0.005972592 0.007491048 0.004813341 0.009731178 -0.0056035914 0.010416932 -0.012167239 -0.012108459 0.0043398445 0.010038135 0.01890069 -0.016549533 0.018874567 -0.010619394 0.0017421421 -0.009012769 0.0227801 0.014903724 0.0063481242 0.023420138 0.004173304 -0.0027185255 0.011788441 0.00015337627 0.011749255 -0.010325499 -0.017163448 0.017712051 -0.016562596 0.015269459 -0.003005889 -0.012454602 -0.019828092 -0.007393083 0.016836898 0.014250625 -0.011135342 -0.0037063381 -0.0070795952 -0.008307422 -0.0045031193 0.01231092 -0.003350399 -0.0087058125 -0.001698058 -0.018521894 -0.0035953112 0.023420138 0.011938654 0.03187124 -0.008986645 0.019919526 0.016301356 -0.0048623234 -0.013140356 -0.0076673846 0.0013878358 0.023341766 -0.028788613 0.010116506 -0.019201117 -0.013401596 -0.0015731527 -0.013649774 -0.0022025772 -0.009450345 -0.00803312 -0.011246368 0.016967518 0.0072232774 -0.014655546 -0.0090388935 0.008633971 -0.01289871 0.0049864124 -0.00802659 0.012532974 -0.0070861266 -0.015387017 -0.011821096 0.010449587 -0.007262463 -0.008268236 -0.0076347296 -0.021408591 0.021643708 -0.02172208 -0.010207941 -0.0014825352 0.0096201515 -0.02902373 0.013636712 -0.00044737296 -0.0099858865 -0.000521663 -0.0059595304 -0.012239079 -0.024073238 0.032837827 0.016889146 -0.007425738 0.0129966745 -0.0115990415 0.01922724 0.0033601956 -0.006044433 -0.01921418 0.00789597 -0.00035634727 0.0006192197 -0.002106245 -0.009803019 -0.0019543993 -0.005695025 0.01579194 0.00030001745 -0.023054402 -0.0031071196 -0.01587031 0.016484223 -0.005750539 -0.005182342 -0.024177732 -0.012284796 -0.0043757646 0.009698523 -0.008183333 -0.023550758 0.017111199 0.027482415 0.032445967 0.00457496 -0.0044116853 -0.0011821096 -0.005508892 -0.019932589 -0.025575366 -0.0046174116 -0.014172253 0.05956265 -0.002754446 -0.012010494 -0.020402819 0.005113767 -0.051960573 -0.019893402 -0.00023103385 0.008882149 0.02857962 0.004904775 -0.011017784 0.03197574 -0.016667092 0.0016115223 -0.018861506 0.011488015 0.0008702547 -0.0018760274 0.006161991 -0.0018090848 -0.01968441 -0.0051954044 0.023576882 -0.005721149 -0.019566853 0.01914887 0.0044116853 0.018652514 0.0117819095 0.027325671 0.020546502 0.022335993 0.00835967 -0.04219021 0.016275233 0.009463408 -0.019005187 -0.010482242 0.00019225608 0.008131085 -0.01461636 0.020664059 0.0024589186 0.0024801441 0.010625924 0.0108675705 0.024020988 -0.033151317 0.0066452846 0.026541952 0.020650998 -0.004235348 -0.02199638 0.008438041 0.03443139 0.010358154 0.00087841845 -0.020468129 0.02567986 -0.012728903 0.0064362925 -0.03239372 0.028788613 0.0061260704 -0.003680214 -0.012657063 0.018077787 0.023028279 -0.012761558 -0.0014686568 -0.029441712 0.0087058125 -0.018312901 -0.024608778 -0.016706279 -0.007817597 0.0011535365 0.00967893 0.0028426144 -0.013140356 -0.031636126 0.0054729716 -0.006485275 -0.021238787 0.23657866 -0.0022564577 0.026241526 0.016575659 -0.0072559323 -0.021042857 0.023250332 0.0071318434 -0.00556114 -0.0009420956 -0.029467836 -0.013532216 -0.0103516225 0.0003385911 -0.0015249867 -0.0069881617 -0.021617584 -0.0227801 -0.012872585 -0.01455105 0.010632455 0.0047251727 -0.0066060987 -0.016079303 0.034666505 0.023655253 -0.001191906 0.0017503059 0.012199894 -0.00024715724 -0.011448829 -0.022832349 0.011657821 0.0068706037 -0.034797125 -0.002876902 0.0066844705 -0.011220245 0.0196191 0.008764591 0.029702952 0.006067292 -0.0017209164 -0.014786166 0.010025073 0.03495387 -0.00737349 -0.011677414 -0.007654323 0.03343868 -0.030408299 0.009972825 0.014446555 0.012748497 -0.00079678104 0.020468129 0.012493788 0.011357395 -0.026189279 0.017672865 0.0029716014 0.029859696 0.01316648 0.03265496 -0.009065017 0.012911771 -0.013884889 0.005910548 0.024269167 -0.023629129 0.0011012886 -0.022427427 -0.004088401 -0.0029062915 0.0022564577 -0.009992418 0.0031283451 0.01598787 0.024569592 0.02244049 -0.0052933693 -0.02291072 -0.0031152833 0.005877893 -0.018809257 -0.023994865 0.017881857 -0.0048753857 -0.030094812 -0.032054108 0.0070600025 -0.005022333 -0.0130293295 -0.013493029 -0.0029960927 0.00398064 0.0022695197 0.014982096 -0.0033128457 0.009326257 -0.009313195 0.013303631 0.022492737 0.029702952 0.00783066 -0.012487257 -0.012487257 0.027874274 0.0071253125 -0.03594658 -0.009554842 -0.021552274 0.0012596651 -0.009580965 -0.011246368 0.02186576 0.0014245727 0.0095874965 0.037487894 -0.012800745 -0.030173184 -0.0115337325 0.005939937 0.017620618 0.0047284383 -0.027090555 -0.034875497 -0.00023960577 -0.011703538 -0.013558339 0.01875701 -0.0006016676 0.025914976 -0.014564113 -0.0141591905 -0.012284796 -0.009698523 -0.018090848 -0.025248816 0.0021813514 -0.013819579 -0.013048923 0.010854509 -0.01888763 0.00829436 -0.0028605745 -0.0058093173 0.0011682312 0.001017202 -0.0072232774 -0.005241121 0.012630939 -0.0032165137 -0.047310505 -0.0064885407 -0.014407368 -0.032576587 -0.015491514 -0.0007539214 0.0019282755 -0.024856957 0.031218143 0.011279023 -0.014133067 -0.0062762834 -0.024935327 -0.1646855 0.027273424 0.01461636 0.019070497 0.039786804 -0.0024899407 0.021944134 0.0015576417 -0.020794678 0.0096201515 0.002636888 -0.02810939 -0.013493029 -0.0153739555 -0.010939412 -0.013937137 0.0015666217 0.003693276 0.03417015 0.007680447 0.002494839 -0.011762316 -0.0031136505 0.014381245 0.0021715548 0.023629129 0.021225724 0.0112006515 -0.012918303 -0.012206424 -0.0073147113 0.0019217444 0.04266044 0.0121803 0.010985129 0.0018368416 -0.008039651 -0.008464166 -0.010462649 0.014799228 0.036364563 0.008477228 0.00008827044 0.016013993 -0.0019870542 0.01257216 0.0142767485 -0.017764298 0.010240596 -0.034457516 0.008327015 -0.008137616 -0.020363633 0.01442043 0.008020058 -0.01323179 0.009946701 0.016797712 -0.0050647845 -0.00079678104 -0.014982096 -0.00796128 0.0135452775 -0.0110504385 -0.018874567 -0.0291021 0.005554609 -0.008568661 -0.03197574 0.009110734 0.009443815 -0.025640676 0.010266719 0.015204149 -0.0146424845 -0.0050680498 -0.017320191 -0.0004177794 -0.009829143 0.03369992 0.0017437749 0.007863315 -0.008307422 -0.013662836 -0.018521894 0.004803545 0.000038139973 0.006037902 -0.013107701 -0.02876249 -0.0058909548 -0.016667092 -0.03364767 0.00042206538 0.0117819095 0.025914976 0.0009649541 0.0030369114 -0.0056329807 0.005319493 0.000414718 -0.020664059 -0.01145536 0.004333313 0.019828092 -0.009136858 0.015060468 0.013688959 0.030486671 0.0034810188 -0.015204149 0.027482415 0.014668608 0.025980286 -0.011207183 0.012239079 -0.005721149 -0.018730886 0.013584464 -0.0069163204 0.05120298 0.0070404094 -0.020572625 0.013244852 0.012539505 -0.008692751 -0.14106943 -0.025836606 0.0034810188 0.01139005 0.013610587 0.02317196 -0.017960228 -0.008000465 -0.025692923 0.037461773 -0.024099361 -0.031087523 -0.0050190673 -0.010188348 -0.0052247937 -0.01231092 -0.0003612455 -0.001885824 -0.04232083 0.03560697 0.016536472 -0.0121149905 -0.01435512 0.017176509 -0.0029079241 -0.0050974395 -0.03147938 0.0006122805 0.011892936 -0.005590529 -0.009247885 0.000043012707 0.009783426 -0.021604521 0.010527959 -0.0018939878 -0.022793163 -0.0015070264 0.009509125 -0.00286384 -0.012644 0.023158899 0.0041831005 -0.032811705 0.0077980044 0.001098023 -0.016027054 0.026933812 -0.0062305667 0.008235581 -0.047650117 -0.002935681 -0.042033464 -0.0031773276 0.022688666 -0.008562131 -0.0066844705 -0.0062403628 0.009234823 -0.0012098663 -0.015765814 0.0052509177 -0.020402819 0.013284038 0.03712216 0.004463933 -0.005972592 0.012526443 0.011442298 -0.02178739 -0.0027871008 0.020742431 -0.013192604 0.01988034 -0.031427134 -0.0083727315 -0.02520963 -0.010965535 0.027012184 -0.010763075 -0.016902208 -0.011690476 0.0038532855 -0.03364767 -0.0037553206 0.0077000395 0.020703245 0.012258672 -0.0022205373 -0.015818063 -0.0005657472 0.04396664 0.02442591 -0.0044737295 -0.0018841912 0.0030303802 0.020533439 -0.022296807 0.015961744 0.02219231 -0.022218436 -0.011514139 0.0006943261 0.018613327 -0.012212955 -0.014590236 -0.0050647845 -0.029049853 -0.008829901 -0.00023491163 -0.021160414 0.01086104 -0.024870018 0.02871024 0.0062370976 -0.0077196327 -0.030147059 -0.02810939 0.018130034 -0.0077980044 0.011951716 0.011507608 -0.009025831 -0.0049341647 0.016092364 -0.00017684702 -0.0014874334 -0.007360428 -0.015504575 0.003686745 0.0046631284 -0.016405853 0.022153126 -0.008104961 0.01290524 0.031165894 0.0033161112 -0.030800158 -0.015282522 0.028527373 0.0083727315 0.04226858 -0.009012769 -0.029938068 -0.00049676356 -0.028004894 0.0027871008 -0.0040851356 -0.050340887 0.009633213 0.025836606 0.012526443 0.03895084 0.020938361 -0.041223623 -0.02514432 -0.015831124 -0.010645517 0.010149161 0.010893695 -0.019592976 -0.0055186884 0.013323224 -0.0049929433 0.009182575 -0.02863187 0.0153739555 -0.023250332 -0.0128334 0.014080819 0.0013984487 -0.014838414 -0.013532216 -0.00021838005 0.019697472 0.0373834 0.009574435 -0.0022564577 0.0045390395 0.0043790303 -0.013336286 0.026907688 0.009398098 0.0047415 -0.008000465 0.010769606 0.026607262 0.013871827 0.0038467543 0.013937137 0.008483759 0.015530699 0.016222984 0.0022711526 -0.020794678 -0.013323224 0.008993176 0.002876902 -0.017725112 0.008059245 0.0021731877 0.019540729 -0.0002789958 -0.015582947 0.014590236 -0.024399787 -0.017320191 -0.005848503 -0.018090848 -0.007673916 -0.0018188813 0.017398562 -0.018874567 0.010782668 0.0042810654 -0.00935238 -0.017176509 0.008633971 -0.004865589 -0.022832349 -0.017607555 0.048224844 0.021970257 -0.0010678172 0.028553497 -0.015439265 0.008816839 0.02219231 0.003699807 -0.006609364 0.005714618 -0.0057570697 0.004431278 0.0019429702 -0.0094372835 -0.0055709365 0.0061848494 -0.03482325 -0.012337044 0.021709017 -0.009796488 0.035580844 0.0022597234 -0.009509125 0.003051606 0.011794971 0.027769778 -0.0049472265 -0.0017927573 0.003272027 0.0063938415 0.014211439 -0.01914887 0.008575193 -0.011246368 -0.02863187 0.021121228 -0.0022989092 0.039577812 -0.0009698523 0.0058550346 0.0148253525 0.020167703 0.015713567 0.013388534 -0.004450871 -0.020115456 0.009463408 -0.011755786 -0.010521429 -0.019005187 0.0038663473 0.023537695 -0.02561455 -0.0061326018 0.018090848 0.0038598164 0.00006719778 -0.018077787 0.00025838238 0.026986059 0.0018303106 -0.0011070032 -0.016301356 -0.04284331 0.023589943 0.024034051 -0.005152953 -0.012036619 -0.03521511
-0.013275831 0.008559418 0.008559418 -0.0076213107 -0.0022158735 -0.007045507 -0.020987717 -0.021427657 -0.008688811 -0.028311422 0.014466257 0.0069096433 0.0032979313 -0.00045247487 -0.012641801 0.008171235 0.044278648 -0.011380208 -0.0006861929 -0.024675447 -0.014440378 -0.01702826 0.005923013 -0.017739926 -0.014802681 0.010959677 0.016885925 -0.01700238 0.021272384 -0.036980823 0.04647835 0.0071619614 -0.0021236802 0.0042408905 0.00031984595 0.000026080992 -0.007433689 -0.02006902 0.01634247 -0.016238956 0.0040791477 0.013560498 0.0036974354 0.0032186774 -0.030045303 -0.014310984 -0.0131658465 -0.020224292 -0.0154496515 0.012596512 0.036075067 0.007834811 -0.055484176 -0.008028902 -0.009296964 0.01854217 -0.00011999278 0.021608809 0.0018584223 -0.025788236 0.014026317 0.00556071 0.0033965942 0.0005555858 0.02049602 0.0047390577 -0.024895418 0.0016400698 0.00850766 0.011748981 0.019292654 0.016070742 0.0030132644 0.032452032 -0.00019803358 0.01394868 0.0036683218 0.0005818689 -0.00016022625 0.0019101799 0.008442963 -0.0062270896 -0.021984052 0.03685143 -0.022178143 0.014091014 -0.016264834 0.01003451 -0.0020395739 -0.0068514156 -0.03095106 -0.015061469 0.016122501 0.012350664 -0.00020723269 0.015760196 0.0077054165 -0.0004189133 0.0038106553 -0.013185255 -0.007783053 0.013702831 -0.025115388 -0.012745315 -0.020534838 -0.01833514 -0.014220408 -0.029708877 0.020017263 -0.0005022107 -0.012719437 0.016096622 0.00959457 -0.03465173 0.0030892834 -0.016614199 0.0068125976 0.00267037 -0.023213295 -0.016821228 0.030640515 -0.0017387328 0.0361527 0.010914389 -0.0036780264 0.023847327 -0.01719647 -0.013547558 -0.0049428535 -0.021557052 0.025193024 0.034755245 0.0099956915 0.017274108 0.007957735 0.035428096 -0.008442963 -0.021544112 0.007957735 -0.0142721655 0.010558556 0.019874929 -0.013146437 -0.004318527 -0.027871482 0.0033108706 0.012764725 -0.01766229 0.0009162717 0.0048878607 0.013288771 -0.024947176 0.007880098 0.0007751513 0.008488251 0.029941786 0.007867159 0.011580769 -0.005056073 0.0014807533 0.02422257 -0.018231625 0.00762778 -0.0055218916 0.007472507 0.03097694 0.019732594 0.01044857 -0.0007800036 0.011063193 0.02921718 0.031753305 -0.027871482 0.016665956 -0.024804842 0.023692053 0.0065732184 0.031701546 -0.0063985367 0.016924744 0.0076665985 0.006175332 0.033487186 0.031106334 -0.0135346195 -0.010746177 0.016277773 -0.01112142 -0.015553167 0.00073228957 0.006663794 0.0047422927 -0.0011200674 0.00621415 -0.66208357 0.0016238955 0.0067026126 -0.023497961 0.0030375258 0.016381288 0.007323704 0.011781329 0.0052016415 0.012078936 -0.00980807 0.013314649 -0.0011233023 -0.023252113 -0.008863494 -0.014065135 0.019874929 -0.037964217 -0.03752428 0.0074854465 -0.0021333846 0.014155711 -0.032348517 0.0022433696 0.01090145 -0.020444263 -0.0027108057 0.0037783068 0.0152685 0.029864151 -0.0038915265 0.010383874 0.00914816 0.0098468885 0.04816047 -0.038015977 -0.018710382 0.010008631 -0.016264834 0.04075913 -0.017170593 -0.010519737 0.0074983863 0.006230324 -0.019538503 0.0011580769 0.0055736494 -0.009238737 0.002054131 -0.0074919164 0.024843661 0.01763641 0.0060006496 0.00850119 0.015967228 0.0002395812 0.017843442 -0.016704774 0.00009300198 0.013405225 0.014440378 0.0028207907 -0.04355404 0.007821871 -0.002875783 0.014867378 0.0036586171 -0.0045902543 -0.001650583 -0.0011799121 -0.0024406957 0.0050463686 -0.009872767 0.0037233143 0.02551651 0.021492355 0.016601259 -0.006081521 -0.0018519525 0.0074013406 0.003940049 -0.003551867 -0.011923663 -0.016484804 0.022708658 -0.011522542 -0.019150322 -0.01720941 0.007000219 -0.009879237 -0.0024358432 0.01656244 -0.014039256 -0.030769909 0.0020460438 0.021311203 -0.012564164 -0.012188921 0.027276268 0.004143845 -0.0064697033 -0.021686446 0.01308174 0.00085966184 0.047151197 0.007588962 0.0023565895 0.024791904 0.021220626 -0.025425933 0.004273239 -0.014285105 -0.020987717 0.003551867 0.0022918924 -0.02678457 0.012577103 -0.006621741 0.0071166735 -0.0060006496 0.027146876 0.003726549 0.013075271 -0.0053666187 0.0051789973 0.024300206 -0.008417084 -0.008022432 -0.014893257 0.0014702401 -0.002955037 -0.017597593 0.013068801 -0.012240679 0.016523622 0.009413418 -0.015022651 -0.011186117 0.027974997 -0.026422268 0.001264827 0.003710375 0.0070131584 0.0030051772 0.012991164 -0.003149128 -0.0006376701 -0.01810223 0.014867378 -0.033901244 -0.0017824032 -0.01220833 -0.018477473 0.015721379 0.026409328 -0.016976502 -0.01634247 -0.0005709513 -0.0093293125 -0.0006667838 -0.018115168 0.022048749 -0.012014239 0.02004314 -0.0008960539 -0.009516934 0.007893038 0.0137545895 -0.026331693 -0.021764081 0.010306237 -0.0021932295 -0.020198414 0.033978883 -0.010849693 -0.008662933 -0.022773355 0.010416223 0.014414499 0.0014953102 0.016989442 -0.0066961427 -0.022618083 0.019836111 0.036773793 -0.0070584463 0.019253837 0.02466251 -0.012544755 0.0076019014 -0.024778964 0.0017597593 -0.018852716 -0.0011451375 -0.004257065 -0.00566746 0.015359076 0.014078074 -0.0046646562 0.004803755 0.017118836 -0.025115388 -0.0073884013 -0.021440597 0.017390562 -0.015863713 0.022061689 -0.031261608 0.014543893 0.022773355 -0.009743373 -0.029501848 0.018399836 -0.011386678 0.019758474 0.0145697715 0.003794481 0.03356482 -0.021466475 0.0071425526 0.019253837 0.016717713 0.021453535 -0.026150541 0.0102868285 0.026499905 0.005932718 0.0067931884 -0.014323923 -0.030433483 -0.00054022024 0.013560498 -0.012622391 0.023730872 0.014970893 -0.0057677403 0.024571933 -0.03263318 0.01680829 -0.0022611613 0.027871482 -0.0036262686 0.0218029 -0.019887868 0.0041761934 0.008119478 0.02133708 0.0019053277 -0.04277768 0.043968104 -0.00047269269 0.024287267 -0.010830283 -0.004334701 -0.005754801 -0.021906415 -0.0001391997 0.013327588 0.007673068 0.019551443 -0.008177705 0.028854877 -0.003729784 -0.010209192 0.008268281 -0.008604705 0.001929589 -0.027120996 0.0009146543 -0.011697223 -0.019383231 -0.010370934 0.011923663 -0.0014896492 0.020974778 0.0073948707 0.020392505 0.006870825 0.006016824 0.035609245 -0.012292436 -0.010843223 0.013871044 0.017998714 0.004839338 -0.021479415 -0.017558774 0.028958391 0.009879237 -0.0020363391 0.011406087 -0.009355191 0.025374176 -0.0031329538 -0.0147121055 0.00014233348 0.0072719464 -0.0048878607 0.0045223227 -0.0032219123 0.0174682 -0.0030941356 -0.02331681 -0.011263753 0.023821447 0.021479415 0.0022741007 -0.017390562 -0.003943284 -0.018568048 -0.00007030748 -0.0087341 -0.010707359 -0.022268718 0.01594135 -0.016445985 -0.017416442 0.034548216 0.026305813 0.010823813 0.022100506 -0.018050471 -0.01482856 0.027120996 0.1041881 -0.0059650666 0.00084025273 0.021013597 0.0072460677 0.02813027 -0.026098782 -0.018839777 0.019823171 -0.02203581 0.05095538 -0.011056723 -0.004515853 -0.026318753 0.011723102 -0.009723964 0.002054131 -0.012570634 -0.016976502 -0.015022651 -0.0060588773 0.01873626 0.0051563536 -0.0023614417 -0.0008034563 0.022734538 0.03263318 0.041923676 0.011283163 -0.024274327 -0.014310984 0.002078392 0.006243264 0.011399617 0.0023048318 -0.023407387 0.013185255 0.0058906646 0.026629299 0.00019995427 -0.01678241 -0.010700889 0.008326508 -0.0014880317 0.0054410202 -0.025361236 -0.01503559 0.02549063 -0.007815402 -0.004839338 0.007679538 -0.0077765835 -0.027560936 -0.0009195066 0.0073884013 0.00228704 -0.02379557 -0.0101380255 -0.007239598 0.0005236416 0.012053058 -0.038895857 0.01940911 -0.0013828991 0.015863713 -0.028440816 -0.016394228 -0.015734319 -0.0042635347 -0.00024301824 -0.00052768516 -0.015553167 -0.019810231 -0.006631446 0.0025587676 0.029450089 -0.012531815 0.026577542 -0.0012316698 0.005932718 -0.014673287 -0.019874929 -0.013010574 -0.009872767 -0.010966147 0.012861771 -0.0069872797 0.0018551875 -0.0038430037 -0.0018519525 -0.0014055431 0.016096622 0.03250379 -0.019473806 -0.0031895638 -0.015876653 -0.001743585 -0.020211354 0.021091232 0.005952127 0.012945876 -0.005502483 -0.02202287 -0.0069225826 0.0068967035 0.002909749 0.020728929 -0.0039853374 -0.021065354 0.0016109562 0.0038300643 -0.017067077 0.005864786 -0.004538497 0.018179866 0.028673725 0.012525345 0.031934455 0.004745527 0.005489543 -0.0102868285 -0.02505069 0.027767967 0.018141048 -0.01833514 -0.0043961634 0.035376336 -0.028156148 0.0016408785 -0.0013877513 -0.0014435526 0.010429162 -0.0068967035 -0.014207468 -0.026021147 -0.02071599 -0.019124443 -0.0137545895 -0.011865436 -0.014336863 -0.004257065 -0.021130051 -0.007472507 -0.022941567 0.020172535 -0.034315307 -0.0029873855 0.006062112 -0.0101444945 0.019538503 0.019745534 0.009503994 -0.007834811 -0.02418375 0.009465176 -0.017584654 -0.026422268 -0.007744235 0.0014103954 0.020871263 0.014103953 -0.0023307106 0.007970675 -0.001323863 0.008313568 -0.025710601 -0.013178785 -0.015630804 -0.021518232 0.046116047 0.024571933 0.0069872797 -0.0039368146 0.013780468 0.04039683 0.035117548 -0.0066185063 -0.0018082821 -0.00893466 -0.048289865 0.0018147518 0.030614637 -0.0075372043 0.035635125 -0.012518876 -0.017584654 0.026461087 0.00069549313 0.0042829434 -0.0027706504 0.016109562 -0.024131993 0.012434769 -0.0067543704 -0.01154842 -0.033461306 -0.008235932 0.0009178892 -0.0022061688 0.00051110657 0.017507017 0.00915463 -0.011160238 -0.015954288 -0.00851413 -0.01088851 -0.027120996 -0.000519598 -0.01044857 -0.03180506 -0.012687088 -0.028647846 -0.03661852 -0.002802999 -0.0003398616 0.008468841 -0.019033868 -0.0053051566 -0.0062626726 -0.013288771 0.0031200144 -0.01764935 0.018800957 -0.007880098 0.029320695 0.013392285 -0.0054216115 -0.036075067 -0.007996554 -0.012661209 0.0024908357 0.009484585 -0.011373739 0.038714703 -0.0038624129 -0.006624976 0.0011548421 -0.020353686 -0.023174478 0.017287048 -0.0076471893 0.011891315 0.0029485673 0.002183525 -0.018477473 0.033720095 0.0035583368 0.018218685 -0.018645685 -0.018218685 -0.0009979517 0.020276051 -0.006346779 0.029475968 0.013456983 0.015863713 -0.0191762 -0.008371796 -0.025244782 0.023601478 0.0040015113 -0.01588959 -0.01918914 0.017739926 0.023148598 0.00031196102 0.009730434 -0.015061469 0.0076213107 0.022281658 -0.013793407 -0.03268494 -0.012376542 -0.03095106 -0.0004650099 -0.006408241 -0.01416865 -0.0047196485 0.00070236716 -0.028285543 -0.0031604501 -0.004625838 -0.008035371 -0.027353905 -0.00018185932 0.002183525 -0.016213076 0.007737765 0.030537 -0.00021996991 -0.040552102 -0.014530954 -0.0022805703 -0.008216524 -0.0119107235 0.0038915265 -0.019111503 0.020586595 -0.013560498 0.010325646 -0.004745527 0.020754809 -0.012583573 0.02660342 -0.0025280365 -0.026758693 0.01394868 0.019253837 -0.025464753 -0.003661852 0.029708877 0.026241116 -0.009491054 0.022540446 0.008572357 0.026888087 0.03553161 0.0025684722 -0.0073301736 0.015410833 0.0029679765 0.020133717 0.019318534 0.0044091027 -0.01308174 -0.01003451 0.01023507 -0.01330171 -0.01636835 -0.0015883122 -0.03384949 0.038662948 0.014750924 0.001428187 -0.012053058 -0.0071425526 -0.0049396185 0.018231625 0.00534074 -0.013366407 0.0058583166 0.04355404 -0.007259007 0.010002161 -0.014116893 0.017157653 -0.018917412 0.00007076238 -0.017325865 -0.012583573 -0.015423773 0.02551651 0.008863494 -0.024351964 0.00033602022 0.0026881618 -0.052430477 -0.0075048557 0.00030306517 0.022074627 0.011270223 -0.018011654 -0.011638996 0.017972836 -0.0074660378 -0.009076994 -0.02312272 0.006236794 -0.008565887 -0.006954931 -0.0062109153 0.011755451 -0.028906634 -0.015876653 0.01719647 0.0019506156 -0.0067479005 0.024882479 -0.0043476406 0.0049428535 0.0124283 -0.008643524 0.06423122 0.002427756 0.0048522777 -0.01940911 -0.016122501 0.021531172 -0.005065778 -0.008772918 -0.0064276503 0.036100943 0.01067501 0.010092737 -0.031002818 -0.008540008 -0.011354329 0.0068125976 0.015281439 -0.009872767 0.012596512 0.010959677 0.0055315965 -0.018800957 -0.019991383 -0.0012454179 -0.0039206403 0.027974997 0.02290275 -0.033487186 -0.020366626 0.005664225 0.036954947 -0.014103953 0.014142771 0.004583785 0.0072266585 0.009031706 0.0013270979 0.0077765835 0.014518014 0.007608371 0.0063791275 -0.0107332375 0.004713179 -0.011748981 0.00958163 0.0038915265 -0.012732376 -0.013392285 0.004444686 -0.020133717 -0.027586814 -0.0058356724 -0.004357345 -0.0036650868 0.23560071 0.0019781117 -0.00028790178 0.0361527 0.0003722101 0.028207906 0.024442539 0.019706717 -0.0022886575 0.007563083 0.00017811902 -0.026254056 -0.035635125 -0.004431747 -0.0036521475 -0.036515005 -0.035609245 0.0017144714 -0.0037880114 -0.01745526 0.020366626 0.008235932 -0.006130044 -0.010493859 0.04270004 0.006773779 -0.026318753 -0.00040132378 0.034781124 -0.0010666923 -0.013987498 -0.001120876 0.005272808 0.014414499 -0.029475968 0.02507657 -0.0007205632 -0.012001299 0.017105896 0.0038074204 0.028647846 0.017312925 0.0010286828 -0.011826618 0.029424211 0.015320257 -0.034315307 -0.0055736494 0.03009706 0.029165423 -0.022139324 -0.023239175 0.035143428 0.012098345 0.002070305 0.017584654 0.026448147 -0.006152688 -0.0014556833 0.020690111 0.004855512 0.028414937 0.0005737818 0.029113665 0.0055089523 -0.003270435 -0.00555424 0.004790815 -0.0012858536 -0.0028110861 0.0017646116 -0.010927329 0.000553564 0.017545836 0.0054119066 -0.003284992 0.012389482 -0.007588962 0.016872985 0.04883332 -0.00502049 -0.014776803 0.014155711 0.008430024 -0.012486528 -0.02595645 0.012835891 -0.010377404 -0.019072685 -0.0016627137 0.0018843011 -0.015074409 -0.020159595 -0.018218685 -0.008611175 -0.020767748 0.010571496 0.014518014 0.020806566 -0.011373739 -0.011535481 0.019874929 -0.007362522 0.025684722 -0.011276693 -0.015139106 0.007588962 0.015410833 0.01525556 -0.015372015 -0.0035939203 -0.023679115 0.012654739 -0.013922801 -0.00544749 -0.009976283 -0.007744235 -0.0047778757 0.014750924 -0.014582711 -0.02092302 0.004884626 -0.0004783537 0.016031925 -0.004428512 -0.017804623 -0.017934017 0.016174259 0.013935741 -0.017364684 0.012991164 -0.024429599 -0.0196032 -0.012344194 -0.019538503 -0.010933799 -0.004965497 -0.011289632 -0.007925387 -0.00250701 -0.025542388 -0.0152685 0.01613544 -0.0050851866 0.01134139 -0.0064276503 -0.010784996 -0.009730434 -0.005343975 -0.0018228389 0.01631659 -0.0099180555 0.0017128539 -0.018956231 -0.0007104543 -0.014233347 -0.036126822 -0.025607085 -0.016394228 0.00533427 -0.0038235947 0.0046711257 0.021518232 -0.0064858776 0.0061785667 -0.023588538 -0.16282949 0.031908575 0.018865654 -0.025839996 0.013728711 -0.011360799 0.008708221 -0.006304726 -0.029708877 0.012635331 0.017571714 -0.023588538 -0.024403721 -0.0034257078 -0.0057709753 -0.0031879463 0.0019861988 0.018555108 0.005819498 0.0028676959 -0.0023582068 -0.007149022 0.004470565 0.0005248547 -0.008145357 -0.013431104 0.0031248666 -0.00029174317 -0.017157653 -0.012447709 -0.0046128985 0.01025448 0.02418375 0.015320257 0.00035724894 -0.021699386 -0.0116907535 -0.0017824032 -0.03899937 0.023459144 0.007815402 0.019874929 0.025412995 0.016640076 -0.008164765 0.005712748 0.011289632 -0.007323704 -0.01876214 -0.042363618 0.014000438 -0.00915463 -0.017105896 0.015177924 0.025193024 -0.013094679 0.016691834 0.02398966 -0.0018357784 0.005389263 -0.007918917 0.0014298045 0.0023274757 -0.011283163 -0.014945014 -0.007543674 0.014556833 -0.011011435 -0.026577542 0.0045708455 -0.0018196041 -0.0011451375 -0.0009833949 -0.0032607305 0.0009340634 0.011684285 -0.02510245 -0.0033707153 -0.007090795 -0.0037491932 -0.0029760634 -0.012195391 -0.028440816 0.014194529 -0.0039594583 -0.0096980855 0.01591547 0.0034160034 -0.001042431 -0.03009706 0.0015834599 -0.00018135387 -0.021725263 -0.030433483 0.0036553824 -0.00425383 0.015346136 -0.011852496 -0.004968732 0.0069614006 0.027871482 0.0047649364 -0.027146876 0.026215238 0.011490193 0.0020638353 -0.006149453 0.01614838 0.014207468 0.0012737229 -0.042803556 0.009361661 0.0020395739 0.012777664 0.004839338 0.027716208 -0.009665737 -0.024494296 0.041768406 -0.0033965942 0.035971552 0.0066379155 -0.031520393 0.015656682 -0.008430024 -0.03685143 -0.13042922 -0.030381726 0.014505074 0.008041841 -0.0032429388 0.0038430037 -0.010720299 -0.010849693 -0.043476406 0.023032144 -0.023058023 -0.02789736 -0.006670264 -0.0031475106 0.018865654 -0.01068148 0.025348298 -0.0004856321 -0.027120996 0.030899303 0.0008305482 -0.015540227 -0.023407387 0.023290932 -0.022876872 0.033047244 -0.020858323 -0.0065764533 0.0101444945 -0.030226454 -0.016834168 -0.01591547 0.028725483 -0.006256203 0.009503994 -0.010487389 -0.026059965 -0.013224074 -0.002408347 -0.010797935 -0.0150097115 0.026422268 0.009749843 -0.02266984 -0.00045449665 -0.009245206 -0.022850992 0.010933799 0.008345917 -0.00024382694 -0.04096616 0.012499467 -0.028156148 -0.0044511557 0.022268718 -0.024054356 -0.0016513917 -0.020573657 0.04272592 0.008869963 -0.018386897 0.004910505 -0.0038850568 0.012150103 0.01547553 -0.002887105 -0.0183222 -0.029527726 0.0034774656 0.0012559311 0.013262892 0.021764081 -0.015604924 0.032245003 -0.0105067985 -0.024675447 -0.007964205 -0.015682561 0.006405006 -0.01722235 -0.010086267 -0.02505069 0.006123574 -0.03247791 0.022747478 -0.011684285 0.0009882472 0.009497524 0.018037533 -0.03558337 -0.008540008 0.032426152 0.035143428 -0.015604924 -0.007899508 0.016976502 0.011858966 -0.016911805 0.0022433696 -0.00029942594 0.002135002 -0.0050301943 0.014336863 0.017843442 -0.011658405 0.003995042 0.0012106432 -0.010616783 -0.0009793513 -0.0063564833 -0.005971536 0.018710382 -0.016018985 0.007737765 -0.0032898441 -0.0069225826 -0.01503559 -0.02290275 -0.003577746 -0.0110955415 -0.023834387 0.02181584 -0.015850773 0.018231625 0.0015988254 -0.008876433 0.008300629 0.0069614006 -0.004324997 0.007970675 -0.00034693783 -0.018516291 0.02135002 -0.024753084 0.011936602 0.027095117 0.0050043156 -0.04205307 -0.010856162 0.018606866 -0.0054701343 0.03726549 -0.0010691185 -0.013198195 0.0040209205 -0.041457858 0.008216524 0.011017905 -0.031002818 -0.000036973343 0.018593928 0.04073325 0.02181584 0.029786514 0.0012106432 -0.0008831145 -0.008876433 -0.028207906 0.01594135 0.01133492 -0.018399836 -0.019836111 0.003464526 -0.0063176653 0.0054701343 -0.011897785 0.02292863 0.005279278 -0.0073366435 0.011004966 -0.014000438 -0.0070519764 -0.021647627 -0.013327588 -0.0017387328 0.005599528 0.024985993 0.004053269 -0.011839557 -0.0054151416 0.001557581 0.01786932 9.082225e-7 0.002135002 -0.011645466 0.018580988 0.034341186 0.001625513 -0.0030245862 0.0014920753 0.023679115 -0.01177486 -0.0036036246 0.0033965942 -0.0046549514 -0.012046588 0.027017482 0.004231186 -0.022747478 -0.011360799 0.00022178951 0.009012297 0.012848831 -0.008824675 0.012894118 -0.00013545941 -0.008125948 -0.000086026834 -0.002958272 -0.006676734 -0.028621968 -0.0009340634 0.010345056 0.015824893 0.004053269 -0.009018767 -0.013314649 0.01045504 0.0011742512 -0.033409547 -0.01700238 0.0116907535 0.019318534 0.011373739 0.0016287478 -0.0058389073 0.014699166 0.026681056 -0.002802999 -0.032193244 0.001997521 -0.009186978 -0.010940269 -0.013560498 -0.015372015 -0.016445985 -0.0005483074 -0.033099003 0.01134139 0.021130051 -0.02591763 0.02091008 0.029113665 0.008766448 0.003270435 0.0027075708 0.020198414 0.010008631 -0.008125948 -0.02133708 0.010176843 -0.008248872 -0.008151826 0.0057936194 -0.035169307 -0.007802462 0.017481139 0.005473369 0.0032542609 -0.01024154 -0.004819929 0.020366626 0.017752865 -0.018231625 0.0020686877 -0.018555108 -0.02335563 0.023200355 -0.00980807 0.03353894 -0.045003258 0.0061138696 0.025645904 -0.023303872 -0.004279709 -0.00079011254 0.0014249522 -0.017325865 0.017105896 0.016096622 0.014129832 -0.0063726576 0.011302572 -0.01481562 -0.016096622 0.0064858776 0.0060750516 -0.018373957 0.018283382 -0.0016999146
0.000538317 0.0010926435 0.027228836 -0.023937296 -0.017815292 -0.0027520207 -0.02756183 -0.019211313 -0.012026282 -0.020338377 0.0061700335 0.019569924 0.007076167 -0.00096136617 -0.0034740458 -0.0013968226 0.047182985 -0.0032851347 -0.0058818636 -0.03199324 -0.02521805 -0.011821361 0.00091093645 -0.023424994 -0.030405106 0.019569924 0.029431732 0.006528645 -0.0041240286 -0.014049874 0.041522052 0.0026351518 -0.019787652 -0.009394333 -0.017520718 -0.007902253 0.0027920443 -0.0039063003 -0.008709129 0.012519373 0.01574047 0.0042713154 -0.00095096003 -0.010085939 -0.011008083 -0.0008228846 -0.012071108 -0.015689239 -0.025294896 0.016483307 0.03350453 0.014229179 -0.013281422 -0.011891803 0.011379502 -0.0065958844 -0.015228168 0.013947413 0.004111221 -0.00263195 -0.0004056389 -0.0018811078 0.017764062 0.008068752 -0.013018867 0.012974041 -0.025948081 0.0047419923 0.0021452634 0.003554093 0.019403426 0.004476236 0.015702046 0.015663624 0.030200185 0.015394666 -0.015958197 -0.014715866 0.013524765 0.016905956 -0.017379835 0.0010302067 -0.02616581 0.0018618965 -0.010489377 -0.0063077146 0.016214348 -0.003970338 0.0006627903 -0.0063461373 -0.010079536 0.0046971664 0.0149335945 0.017712831 -0.0059971316 0.0012823552 -0.013409497 -0.017610371 -0.014984825 -0.011180985 -0.008510612 0.016867533 -0.015727662 -0.01000269 -0.024039757 0.0023085596 0.007441182 -0.007274684 0.008395344 -0.010649472 -0.016278386 0.02412941 -0.0073451255 -0.019557117 0.0054528113 -0.008395344 -0.018622167 0.0003173869 -0.0079855025 -0.005465619 0.03819209 0.010117958 0.024206255 -0.02318165 0.02000538 0.032684848 -0.03808963 0.004204076 -0.0051038056 -0.008446574 0.01840444 0.0027952462 0.0034740458 0.010950449 0.0016761872 0.0014504541 0.007133801 -0.0154715115 -0.0107647395 -0.039780226 0.012218395 -0.0008372931 0.0020940332 -0.004453823 -0.012711486 0.01866059 0.04231612 -0.014523753 0.009836192 0.004834847 0.0044410154 -0.014818327 0.016316809 0.010482973 -0.00906774 0.024897862 0.011251426 0.016931571 0.009964268 -0.01344792 0.023091998 -0.006755979 0.020978754 -0.0157917 0.0069480916 0.03870439 0.025282089 0.03949846 -0.0015921376 0.0013215783 0.0020780237 0.040087607 -0.06880212 0.009375121 -0.0060003335 0.004626725 -0.025282089 0.013588803 -0.011488366 -0.013511958 0.02298954 0.009720924 0.018942354 0.019134467 -0.01662419 -0.0049629225 0.0052510924 -0.001791455 -0.018250749 -0.0024702547 0.0006715955 0.013665647 -0.001679389 0.013422305 -0.6549265 -0.015138515 0.031660244 -0.0067687863 0.0066279033 -0.012096724 -0.0011710897 0.0077165444 -0.006935284 0.013191769 -0.010726317 0.008190423 -0.0025310905 -0.00089332607 -0.017418258 -0.0037045816 0.012615429 -0.026562843 -0.02027434 -0.005901075 -0.0070313406 0.020504875 -0.01990292 0.0050237584 0.008958876 0.019416234 -0.018647783 -0.028253438 0.015356244 0.026306693 0.011994263 0.029995264 0.009400737 0.009003703 0.05133263 -0.027638676 -0.007870235 0.020210302 -0.008843608 0.025282089 -0.047797747 -0.011296253 0.003720591 0.011040102 -0.00920222 0.0026543632 0.011437136 0.023617107 0.014062681 -0.023924489 0.025922466 0.008331306 0.004677955 -0.016432077 0.007697333 -0.0048540584 -0.0038166477 -0.02183686 -0.0012783528 0.002686382 -0.021247713 -0.0033203554 -0.008651495 0.0039063003 -0.015573972 0.018647783 0.017968982 -0.008715533 -0.025038745 -0.022349162 -0.009810577 -0.008254461 -0.025935274 -0.01584293 -0.0027664292 0.013883376 0.02163194 -0.017110877 -0.026153002 -0.00022953517 0.0004706772 -0.014805519 -0.019211313 -0.022272317 0.025512625 -0.025089975 -0.014767096 0.0021436624 -0.003938319 -0.013038078 -0.010457358 0.023348149 0.008753955 -0.035143897 0.0006924078 0.009496792 -0.017085262 0.0045242645 0.0034836514 -0.0070057255 -0.009957864 0.0009461572 0.031455323 0.007908657 0.039575305 -0.008004714 0.0023934094 0.0031202375 0.015266591 -0.044416558 -0.0007984702 0.01745668 -0.00857465 -0.010047517 0.0045210626 -0.018686205 0.023002347 -0.0032659234 -0.007242665 -0.026614074 0.0025599075 0.011770131 -0.0067687863 -0.008952472 -0.018980777 0.016713843 0.0074539897 -0.0039255116 0.011411521 -0.008510612 -0.011936629 -0.017034031 0.02293831 -0.033683836 0.012147954 0.015548357 -0.009823385 -0.010854392 -0.0023469822 -0.041573282 -0.017994598 -0.021849668 0.014754289 -0.0040631928 0.00083008886 -0.011475558 0.010374109 -0.0096312715 -0.0028480773 -0.011225811 0.01818671 -0.019890113 -0.0249619 0.017994598 -0.0030529979 -0.0042905267 -0.019057622 0.0075756614 -0.01750791 -0.017674409 -0.03319715 0.016278386 -0.020453645 0.010117958 -0.020735411 -0.021555094 -0.01609908 0.013025271 -0.003835859 -0.02178563 -0.005142228 -0.006717556 0.005375966 0.020876294 -0.007819004 0.009874615 -0.0010149977 0.020556105 0.0021916907 -0.00565453 -0.019108852 -0.004943711 -0.012404105 -0.01620154 0.019659577 -0.009752943 0.020556105 0.03304346 -0.0112450225 0.0012239207 0.011866188 -0.0048828754 -0.012974041 -0.0077421595 0.020261532 0.030481951 0.011686882 0.0066214995 0.003807042 0.025781583 0.005036566 -0.010649472 0.020492068 -0.02168317 0.0028352698 -0.024552058 0.0010822373 -0.03501582 0.019505886 0.028688895 -0.0031730686 -0.025717545 0.009106163 -0.025051553 0.0056161075 0.029175581 -0.008292884 0.020223109 -0.01964677 0.02684461 -0.0031394488 0.008958876 0.02126052 0.006243677 0.013460727 0.027331294 -0.0031282422 -0.001287158 -0.0045786966 -0.016009428 -0.016841918 0.027997287 0.042700347 -0.0048796735 -0.0022829445 0.016816303 0.009605656 -0.0047323867 0.039319154 -0.002489466 0.015369051 0.012071108 -0.0012335264 -0.01516413 0.0066791335 -0.001147876 0.029252427 -0.012910003 -0.013435112 0.023527455 -0.017853715 0.0123528745 -0.012544988 -0.0046331286 0.017687216 -0.024449598 -0.02246443 0.0068648425 0.018250749 0.022323547 -0.011930225 0.023565877 -0.0061156014 -0.0315834 -0.0103100715 0.017059647 -0.0011702892 -0.023245689 -0.020338377 0.0029825564 -0.021324558 -0.019249735 0.0058818636 -0.011417924 -0.015868545 -0.010265245 -0.0066535184 -0.027536215 0.006640711 0.031813934 -0.005520051 -0.01917289 -0.0021500662 -0.010393321 -0.002747218 -0.029611038 -0.001582532 -0.002214104 0.005491234 0.0016649805 0.004812434 -0.02199055 0.014677444 -0.0013944212 0.001287158 0.012589814 0.030430721 -0.014562176 -0.008549035 -0.024846632 0.007242665 0.007415567 -0.02511559 0.004751598 0.029611038 0.021234905 -0.036475882 -0.015612395 -0.022157049 -0.029201197 0.027484985 -0.025000323 -0.004725983 -0.017379835 0.00052430877 0.003304346 -0.012288837 0.023437802 0.0046971664 0.01574047 0.013166154 -0.010322879 -0.011968648 0.012813946 0.12551391 -0.014767096 -0.028458359 0.028458359 -0.023617107 -0.005199862 -0.0032419092 -0.0070121293 0.018596552 -0.00043705737 0.05420152 -0.014254794 0.014306025 -0.00094455626 0.012916407 -0.009945056 -0.0062788976 -0.01175092 0.0031106318 -0.005548868 0.0034164118 -0.011084928 0.011968648 0.027638676 0.013793723 0.018775858 0.021952128 0.02891943 -0.002379001 -0.020722603 -0.014549368 0.005520051 0.0038422628 0.0088628195 -0.017597564 -0.0021628737 -0.008709129 0.036885723 0.016444884 -0.011891803 0.018225133 0.017264567 0.027638676 -0.013358267 -0.013114924 -0.030712487 -0.017571948 0.014831134 0.022349162 -0.0044346116 0.017136492 0.006102794 -0.035041437 0.0016553749 0.014049874 -0.017840907 0.0021804841 0.0041784607 -0.007338722 -0.004402593 -0.0019899718 -0.026460383 0.003781427 -0.0035092665 0.004866866 -0.021644747 -0.008376133 -0.00047107742 -0.008011118 0.01438287 0.012179973 -0.021337366 -0.021747207 -0.022554083 0.0047996263 -0.0010198005 0.0048828754 0.014831134 0.006323724 0.017046839 -0.0018907135 -0.015445896 -0.014779904 -0.023220073 0.006659922 0.006403771 -0.0085234195 -0.0027248047 -0.009868211 0.0112450225 0.010700702 0.02231074 0.009195816 -0.013268614 0.01745668 -0.0027536217 0.013031675 0.016496114 0.03506705 -0.031071099 0.006691941 -0.004537072 -0.009906634 -0.02027434 -0.01344792 0.022835849 0.0105085885 0.0013600009 -0.011488366 -0.0096312715 0.024936285 -0.004050385 0.020261532 0.0073963557 0.022746196 -0.0009037322 0.011110543 0.026716534 0.02256689 -0.014177949 -0.024705749 -0.037244335 0.028432744 0.029226812 -0.022246702 -0.0069737067 0.035092667 -0.018173903 0.0038998968 -0.016598575 -0.017162107 0.018955162 -0.018903932 -0.02272058 -0.044365328 -0.010809566 -0.0066727297 -0.0063077146 0.0005991528 -0.009964268 0.002662368 0.013460727 0.021017177 -0.028125362 0.031404093 -0.039088618 -0.005987526 0.009669694 -0.0070313406 0.033171535 -0.0009117369 0.012301644 0.0040407795 -0.017700024 0.017021224 -0.009343103 -0.0038326571 -0.0021996954 0.0051934584 0.019096045 0.017674409 0.00049188966 -0.009464773 -0.0016201541 0.027228836 -0.012839561 0.004674753 0.0035669005 -0.0033651819 0.022630928 0.020197494 0.0059426995 -0.004172057 -0.010873604 0.010982468 0.018366016 -0.0034292194 0.0035893137 -0.025179628 -0.039063003 -0.022746196 0.01609908 -0.03027703 0.017495103 -0.025410164 0.014843942 0.03783348 -0.0054143886 -0.0022573294 0.01000269 0.013127731 -0.019032007 0.02047926 0.00687765 0.016547345 -0.00045987082 -0.012929214 -0.028996276 0.0012519372 -0.0002131255 0.028227823 0.015932582 -0.007620488 0.020876294 -0.023373764 0.011027294 -0.011706093 -0.011571614 -0.018391632 -0.035195127 0.008196827 -0.018212326 0.011808554 -0.0034804496 -0.0010830378 0.0067111524 -0.02131175 -0.0073515293 -0.016252771 -0.014203564 0.023642723 0.0008581053 0.011264234 0.001356799 0.016598575 -0.009605656 0.019915728 -0.014831134 -0.016252771 0.010156381 0.0000680901 0.023898873 0.01866059 0.0077421595 -0.00857465 -0.00721705 -0.01604785 -0.015702046 -0.029098736 0.008856416 0.0023373766 -0.0076525067 -0.014677444 -0.0033523743 -0.01310852 0.033939987 0.019826075 0.02611458 -0.01682911 -0.014920787 -0.010956853 0.034272984 0.0012335264 0.017623179 -0.0050845942 0.010912026 -0.0178281 -0.009868211 0.006781594 0.043853026 0.015023247 0.012826754 -0.028893815 0.013294229 0.013358267 0.015176938 -0.025128398 -0.009432755 -0.0044442173 0.019505886 -0.014677444 0.0013728085 -0.004751598 -0.0053535528 -0.0049116923 -0.0093174875 0.007953484 -0.0070889746 -0.019992573 -0.0054400037 0.015305013 0.007498816 -0.012448931 0.009215027 -0.0015633206 -0.019864498 -0.012288837 0.002660767 0.018199518 -0.023681145 -0.020184686 -0.017034031 0.018942354 -0.010482973 -0.008004714 -0.007889446 -0.010623856 0.025448587 -0.011776535 0.018276364 0.0045818985 0.020223109 -0.012487354 0.013665647 -0.0068904576 -0.01735422 0.0113026565 -0.005343947 -0.015138515 -0.013383882 0.02579439 0.03440106 -0.0013968226 0.011001679 0.023489032 0.009381525 0.0072554727 -0.02047926 -0.03560497 0.018570937 -0.020799449 0.008087963 -0.018519707 0.0034228156 -0.011449943 -0.014754289 0.017610371 0.00013848156 -0.040523063 -0.012839561 -0.033939987 0.011571614 -0.0045818985 0.010944045 0.01667542 -0.025230858 -0.020299954 0.014920787 -0.008139193 -0.0069480916 0.0001278753 0.015509934 -0.009784962 0.008638687 -0.0031010262 -0.012224799 -0.01276912 -0.014203564 -0.03511828 0.004617119 -0.013422305 0.038986158 -0.004892481 -0.024667326 -0.017046839 -0.0025551047 -0.046696298 -0.0039607324 0.006935284 0.012032686 0.022003358 0.0010149977 -0.023924489 0.0011198595 -0.022951117 -0.001609748 -0.020312762 -0.023207266 -0.00058874674 0.0026927858 0.004165653 -0.0068136128 -0.02730568 -0.01677788 0.013038078 -0.009362314 -0.0064550014 0.0137424925 0.0007412365 0.019236928 0.012327259 0.0019947747 0.028381513 0.019160083 0.014664636 -0.04006199 0.00065198395 0.015343436 -0.020517683 0.0014216373 0.010060324 0.0025583066 0.0081263855 0.018596552 0.0035604967 -0.0047996263 -0.014203564 0.01584293 0.028432744 0.0034804496 0.02679338 0.030251415 0.017213337 -0.021542287 -0.0136272255 0.018097058 -0.00041824632 0.00375261 0.019864498 -0.041547667 0.009586445 0.019480271 -0.0005066984 -0.007614084 0.010297264 -0.01433164 -0.0051006037 0.0029569413 0.007242665 0.01599662 -0.015445896 0.0031810733 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0.022336354 0.018058635 0.016060658 0.006208456 -0.01310852 -0.0041304324 0.0042168833 -0.004252104 0.006237273 0.015714854 -0.012660256 -0.015292206 0.019864498 -0.00672396 -0.0055584735 -0.03027703 -0.019966958 0.0012815547 -0.023681145 0.029611038 0.032275006 -0.0009837793 0.003944723 -0.007101782 -0.1601455 0.032223776 0.037039414 -0.027433755 0.036040425 -0.014818327 0.019288158 0.0009821784 -0.021068407 -0.01750791 0.009150989 -0.012256818 -0.01652173 -0.021964936 0.005961911 -0.011533192 0.012448931 0.013025271 0.052920766 0.008145597 0.022861464 -0.0007332318 0.009387929 0.021465441 0.0052190735 -0.0019707605 0.0067431713 0.0013832146 -0.0070697633 -0.025077168 -0.008055944 -0.003839061 0.026690919 0.0023934094 0.018686205 -0.0016441683 -0.0068584387 -0.01599662 -0.028996276 0.007703737 0.017892137 0.013921798 0.006659922 -0.00061716343 -0.017661601 -0.006845631 0.0067047486 0.002297353 -0.01063026 -0.012839561 0.022093011 -0.004226489 -0.011052909 0.0101115545 0.0034068064 -0.013383882 0.017725639 0.015971005 0.0077997935 0.011379502 -0.0063973675 -0.015369051 0.008510612 0.004777213 -0.029713498 -0.039063003 -0.002431832 0.0049116923 -0.034477904 -0.0025599075 -0.017046839 0.01927535 0.0027680302 0.0005115012 0.006070775 -0.009394333 -0.019864498 0.0062020523 -0.010130766 0.030533182 0.0020251926 0.023168843 -0.013563188 0.016508922 -0.017443873 0.02256689 0.023053577 0.0029521384 -0.030533182 -0.016444884 0.023873258 -0.018622167 -0.044647094 -0.009176604 0.018122673 0.0137424925 0.013563188 0.0026815792 -0.022771811 -0.010847989 0.0006471811 -0.014728674 -0.009112567 0.00862588 0.024616096 0.0004494647 0.0133454595 0.012147954 0.034682825 -0.012852369 -0.013095712 0.03691134 0.018891124 0.018852703 0.006067573 0.028637664 0.025422972 -0.01242972 0.018801473 -0.014037066 0.040394988 -0.0040151644 -0.010489377 0.0109056225 0.006208456 -0.016752265 -0.12602621 -0.0009173402 0.014677444 0.007979099 0.010201207 0.02506436 -0.012096724 0.0077677746 -0.016060658 0.042239275 -0.039472844 -0.033863142 0.0057729995 -0.0051038056 -0.0067687863 -0.027638676 0.020568913 -0.01023963 -0.042802807 0.042188045 0.010297264 -0.008420959 -0.042136814 0.019160083 -0.046978064 -0.006234071 -0.01964677 0.01136029 0.008427363 -0.008856416 -0.0070121293 -0.01620154 0.019557117 -0.011545999 -0.0058242297 0.012128742 -0.021798437 -0.023027962 0.010643068 0.004921298 0.0024558462 0.029457347 0.01855813 -0.026921455 0.010073132 -0.0005327137 -0.03475967 0.031429708 0.015983813 -0.002684781 -0.032710463 0.003442027 -0.027382525 -0.015868545 0.026614074 -0.021529479 -0.0072682803 0.005766596 0.016265579 0.021964936 -0.0018634974 -0.01063026 0.00011606835 0.013768108 0.011437136 -0.018314786 -0.01840444 -0.006903265 0.020556105 -0.0030369884 -0.03814086 0.016905956 -0.00565453 0.0068392274 -0.014972017 -0.0012471344 -0.0256407 -0.0023421794 0.011142562 -0.0018731031 -0.0048508565 -0.0014472522 0.0015040857 -0.02740814 0.028458359 -0.0288682 0.007754967 0.0028240632 -0.007722948 -0.018250749 -0.028842585 0.03686011 0.033914372 0.0065318467 0.006852035 0.014972017 0.012167165 0.00015529145 0.018993584 0.017956175 0.0005347149 -0.019032007 0.004021568 0.014562176 0.015292206 0.011507577 0.003941521 -0.0036501496 0.0054143886 0.00087651616 0.0009597652 -0.0050781905 0.008600265 0.031122329 0.01506167 -0.0044666305 -0.006179639 -0.014741481 0.0029841573 -0.00872834 0.004860462 0.0118149575 -0.0016217551 -0.0021340568 0.01662419 0.0016321612 0.0030578007 0.011674074 -0.03550251 -0.00045386728 -0.0002993763 -0.019108852 0.022195471 -0.017751254 0.011827765 0.0027952462 -0.0059651127 -0.031250402 -0.0040727984 0.038806852 -0.007140205 0.06916073 -0.016585767 -0.02433433 0.018199518 -0.021747207 -0.005430398 -0.0043545645 -0.049360268 0.0063653486 0.00643579 0.007761371 0.0050461716 -0.0037141873 -0.022502853 -0.0031682658 -0.016944379 -0.016816303 0.0010942444 0.0026095368 -0.0031442516 -0.01927535 0.018583745 0.008901242 -0.0048732697 -0.017495103 0.01438287 -0.0028240632 -0.023104805 -0.0052126697 -0.012596218 -0.006291705 -0.01448533 -0.0022509256 0.02115806 0.025679123 0.0315834 -0.003941521 0.007697333 -0.00015128909 -0.012179973 0.016649805 0.013102116 0.01495921 -0.008331306 0.0097721545 0.029201197 0.023681145 -0.008376133 0.027587445 -0.0021660756 -0.0068392274 0.010265245 -0.00059194857 -0.020120649 -0.021619132 0.026306693 0.022630928 -0.026767764 0.008830801 0.0055328584 0.009567234 0.0008372931 -0.021337366 -0.0019067229 -0.020965947 -0.0051678433 0.0029793545 -0.0068136128 -0.026357923 -0.01937781 0.009381525 -0.0063333297 0.0048540584 0.0036469477 -0.012436124 -0.021708785 -0.0075116237 0.0013335854 -0.029047506 -0.021542287 0.0075756614 0.012365682 0.0062885033 0.0077357558 -0.019518694 0.032479927 0.0049116923 0.009496792 -0.012224799 0.025755968 -0.012916407 -0.0063653486 0.00027656287 -0.026665304 -0.0060867844 0.020607335 -0.031967625 0.016957186 0.04377618 -0.013883376 0.03819209 0.008369729 -0.0063333297 0.0010117958 0.013063693 0.02339938 0.02423187 0.0029537394 -0.007921465 -0.0053279377 -0.0057249716 -0.018109865 0.0045274664 -0.02766429 -0.026972685 0.014613406 0.00019671585 0.04961642 0.012852369 0.010457358 0.024846632 -0.0008989294 0.03032826 0.0046939645 0.0048220395 -0.011417924 0.0081263855 -0.0046587437 -0.034631595 -0.03027703 0.000818482 -0.0055040414 -0.051844932 -0.007338722 -0.0051102093 -0.0028464764 0.004197672 -0.013563188 -0.005209468 0.029354887 0.00049629225 -0.01349915 -0.02866328 -0.019198505 0.0060867844 0.015817314 -0.010585434 -0.020146264 -0.034580365
0.0065839346 0.0029022852 0.014299642 -0.016617404 0.010307941 0.0032546935 -0.010477368 -0.019314682 -0.018867396 -0.021307144 0.02535984 0.018569203 0.0053776144 0.0036867324 -0.0061230934 0.0028379029 0.045867287 0.020439679 0.007644548 -0.014801146 -0.037273947 -0.009487914 -0.011839561 -0.02519719 -0.019314682 -0.010707789 0.022133948 -0.0025346286 -0.006051934 -0.044403438 0.046517886 -0.022323707 -0.007231146 -0.01191411 0.002549877 -0.0109111015 -0.0037680573 0.0028243486 0.008559454 -0.010538362 0.0296294 -0.004022198 -0.0013630405 -0.006465336 0.004222122 -0.0022093286 -0.012381728 -0.013499946 -0.018474324 0.011419383 0.022296598 -0.012442722 -0.018081253 0.0026803357 0.014597834 0.00991487 0.009548908 0.00645517 0.032448668 0.0035240825 -0.005214964 -0.0023448702 -0.0042966697 0.017498424 0.0014308114 -0.010165622 -0.014448738 0.0058960607 0.027027002 0.0041712937 0.005509767 0.017606858 -0.010592579 0.011697243 0.024167072 -0.005940112 -0.0041069114 -0.015221325 0.02226949 -0.00018139282 -0.017105354 0.016034575 -0.030740842 0.024885444 -0.0077529815 0.002651533 0.006831298 -0.015966805 -0.014516509 -0.0036426813 -0.023001416 0.013784584 0.04212634 0.035213716 0.012273295 -0.008234154 -0.010341827 0.014204763 -0.022445694 -0.019965282 -0.018108362 0.0017205316 -0.03757214 -0.017295113 -0.024953214 -0.0008589951 0.012788353 -0.0012851041 0.0071701524 0.0050658686 -0.015899034 0.037924547 0.0070075025 -0.020981845 0.0030632408 -0.019246912 0.009772551 -0.023286052 -0.014787592 -0.009603124 0.03269264 -0.0097251125 0.03399384 -0.0155466255 0.013865909 0.0066957567 -0.030795058 -0.00019568823 -0.020168595 -0.012625703 0.02396376 0.012347843 -0.011371943 0.017146016 -0.022228828 -0.0050353715 0.002756578 0.010633241 -0.00034626652 -0.02868061 0.005509767 -0.0026803357 -0.0037341719 -0.002582068 -0.015438192 -0.0048591676 0.030523974 -0.001335085 0.008200268 -0.012036097 -0.014909579 -0.009887762 0.017308665 0.016780054 -0.0017620412 0.0322318 0.003176757 0.003002247 -0.02422129 0.0029988587 0.016915595 0.013025551 0.0319065 -0.0063501257 0.0024194182 0.0139743425 0.046246804 0.002011099 -0.004615193 0.008979633 0.008051173 0.029520968 -0.021591783 0.01992462 -0.0073463563 0.00007401844 -0.00032360564 -0.007881746 -0.025942668 -0.040608272 0.0018535318 -0.000009450852 0.024139965 0.009067735 -0.020439679 -0.01089077 0.019680645 0.000007836001 -0.025386948 -0.0012385116 -0.0060248254 0.0081528295 -0.035593234 -0.0006675425 -0.6432264 -0.006634763 0.020792086 -0.024112856 -0.0073666875 0.0030734064 -0.01637343 0.00267017 -0.027786035 0.014923134 -0.004022198 0.011731128 -0.0054284423 -0.013045882 0.000661189 -0.01230718 0.021632444 -0.042668507 -0.021564674 -0.010924655 0.005563984 0.026728809 -0.032448668 0.0066889795 -0.00097335834 -0.0012876455 0.014462292 -0.00053284806 0.02396376 0.007495452 0.0006217972 0.029358318 0.0054284423 0.015587288 0.055192553 -0.022770993 -0.000046142395 0.010219839 0.005845233 0.020290582 -0.04190947 0.0037002866 0.01653608 0.008254485 -0.014868917 -0.00003486491 0.0055029904 0.0105248075 -0.001341015 -0.024099302 0.018975828 -0.0073666875 0.0038392167 0.0112973945 0.019233357 -0.02470924 0.00473718 -0.016820716 -0.0016205696 0.013845578 -0.00002170784 0.0071023814 -0.019517995 0.0011004286 -0.0155466255 -0.00016805045 -0.015316204 -0.01137872 -0.029493859 -0.015207771 0.009067735 0.010978872 -0.027975792 0.00085391226 0.014353858 0.018176133 0.011358389 -0.011649803 -0.014340305 -0.0040560835 0.0005777462 0.013262749 -0.01985685 -0.01198188 0.02493966 -0.0022347427 0.0040628603 -0.0021771374 0.0076648793 -0.006658483 -0.015519517 0.010253725 -0.0061061503 -0.03789744 0.012856124 0.006360291 -0.020561665 0.0070142793 0.0063873995 -0.020127932 -0.014896025 -0.016563186 0.024302615 -0.009230386 0.018257458 -0.008573008 0.013330519 -0.003276719 0.030659517 -0.027921576 0.002168666 -0.011629472 -0.012971334 0.011887001 0.009664118 -0.034048058 0.013960788 0.0029243107 0.0040696375 -0.012883232 0.019423116 -0.0033427954 0.014950242 -0.0051166965 0.01637343 0.014733375 -0.023299607 0.0085933395 0.006197641 0.017362883 -0.015560179 -0.009128729 0.0014528369 -0.0023211504 0.002588845 0.003652847 0.0026481447 -0.01692915 -0.0070278337 -0.042343207 -0.026308632 -0.022513464 0.015072229 -0.0005540264 -0.026200198 -0.010382489 -0.0036697898 -0.0001985473 0.012883232 -0.025793573 0.012727359 -0.027094772 -0.022120394 0.028463742 -0.004798174 -0.009155837 0.011663358 -0.0105248075 -0.024722794 -0.030849276 0.005831679 0.015560179 -0.013486392 -0.0067940243 -0.009691226 -0.017783063 0.013737144 0.0057740733 -0.028084226 -0.015167109 0.012646034 0.0014121743 -0.010097852 0.019355346 -0.0140014505 0.037057083 0.0018027037 -0.00087000785 0.0073328023 -0.0121241985 0.009081289 0.030523974 -0.012978111 0.0014680853 0.044159465 0.016712284 0.017376438 0.008776321 -0.011358389 0.024763456 0.0059367237 0.0066076545 -0.028870368 -0.018379446 -0.015614396 0.03334324 0.027203206 0.0016824105 0.023692677 0.03356011 0.0077597583 -0.015519517 0.0031615086 -0.018704746 0.003341101 -0.02728453 -0.0054860474 -0.03494263 0.017945712 0.0325571 -0.0062959087 -0.020615881 0.0015231491 -0.014340305 0.008518792 0.025630923 0.006672037 0.049147397 -0.014502955 0.0076716566 0.022865873 0.025061648 0.0206701 -0.004638912 0.012388505 0.022201719 0.0060688765 0.023150511 0.0043779947 -0.019382453 -0.0019602708 0.016874934 0.035051066 0.012564709 0.005211576 -0.00914906 0.0046592434 -0.004767677 0.044945605 -0.0013647348 0.003696898 -0.003934096 -0.000060993734 0.015167109 0.021835757 -0.024275506 0.026389956 -0.0069871712 -0.018555649 0.01595325 -0.012198747 0.022865873 -0.005133639 -0.022472803 0.009467583 0.0040018666 0.0018060922 0.013452507 0.021076724 0.008254485 -0.0037816116 0.014069221 0.004096746 -0.017268004 0.007888523 -0.024831226 -0.00680419 -0.038466714 -0.030551083 0.013161092 -0.0139743425 -0.010789114 -0.0022178 -0.009630233 0.025793573 0.004293281 0.00010170917 -0.020277029 0.0041882363 0.03141855 -0.035023957 -0.009013519 0.011500708 0.0053606713 -0.009996195 -0.019775525 -0.015478854 0.0015680472 0.014367413 0.0037951656 -0.012273295 -0.0054487735 0.009447251 0.004638912 -0.012551155 0.0038663251 0.0125104925 -0.019680645 -0.010531585 -0.0076648793 -0.008634002 -0.0023228447 -0.020060161 0.0025176858 0.012856124 0.019463778 -0.0071972604 -0.024560144 -0.019545102 -0.012327512 -0.0026464504 -0.0008611129 -0.0073328023 0.0058926726 0.014340305 -0.009155837 -0.009731889 0.023191173 0.017281558 0.0059977174 0.008816984 0.0010301163 0.0070007253 0.0028379029 0.090379156 -0.008945747 -0.03271975 0.030144459 -0.019179141 0.0006760139 -0.018027037 -0.02542761 0.022865873 -0.0104976995 0.028734826 -0.011399051 0.0286535 -0.018975828 0.012978111 0.0038392167 -0.019517995 -0.018487878 -0.008247708 -0.001885723 0.008376473 -0.017959267 0.020602329 0.021984853 0.008159606 0.027677601 0.028545067 0.029493859 0.013852355 -0.019951727 0.0029920815 0.022350814 0.023164066 0.01757975 -0.02979205 0.024831226 -0.004957435 0.038358282 0.010179177 -0.017471315 0.0047608996 0.024749901 0.009731889 -0.003446146 0.008118943 -0.026105318 -0.010152068 0.040608272 -0.0003346184 -0.018352337 -0.0006849088 0.0065636034 -0.022337262 -0.0073599108 0.0048862756 -0.022784548 0.01068068 -0.018054144 -0.001748487 0.0065737693 -0.0013935374 -0.021239374 0.0042560073 -0.0045203133 -0.003276719 -0.010592579 0.007475121 -0.00016815633 -0.01985685 0.012998442 -0.021510458 -0.011554924 -0.035837207 -0.009216831 -0.004222122 0.00032339385 0.009623456 0.001516372 -0.0013444036 -0.021727324 -0.0050353715 -0.013208532 0.0049980977 -0.017051138 0.004943881 0.013527054 0.00585201 -0.003564745 -0.012042874 0.011182184 0.01035538 0.016495416 0.014990904 0.0034495345 0.020927629 0.017837279 -0.0031157632 0.006163756 0.01572283 -0.02292009 0.0029683618 -0.030551083 -0.0032987446 -0.04196369 -0.007380242 0.02435683 0.015085784 0.005940112 -0.007637771 -0.0006743196 0.02900591 -0.017606858 0.002612565 0.015018012 0.011798899 -0.01225974 -0.0058553983 0.0125104925 0.008329033 -0.0039645927 -0.012130976 -0.021415578 0.050448596 0.025576705 -0.03171674 -0.0051099197 0.011473599 -0.020399015 -0.010429928 0.00489983 -0.016793609 0.016102346 -0.013601603 -0.034888417 -0.02347581 -0.017755954 -0.014218317 -0.007922408 0.009921648 -0.00991487 -0.007820752 0.006760139 0.004970989 -0.027054109 0.0328824 -0.036487807 -0.029385425 -0.0020890355 -0.021930637 0.042641398 -0.001540939 -0.007996956 -0.0014325057 -0.008559454 -0.0039747586 -0.014082775 -0.016170116 0.015519517 0.014435184 0.015207771 0.014069221 -0.00757 -0.001328308 0.007210815 0.009887762 -0.017755954 0.026674593 -0.0023550359 -0.008552677 0.026051102 0.014150546 -0.018745407 -0.0034495345 -0.018664083 0.011859893 0.027230313 -0.01246983 -0.0032055597 -0.024370385 -0.01943667 -0.0069295657 0.025319176 -0.017430654 0.008945747 -0.016942704 0.0049845437 0.019951727 -0.0048049507 0.018406553 0.0020924238 0.010755229 -0.0023770614 0.012666365 0.004317001 0.029087234 -0.016942704 -0.031093251 -0.03307216 -0.023177618 -0.002343176 0.00362235 0.017999928 -0.022635452 0.007969848 -0.012036097 -0.0067940243 -0.005018429 0.0010877216 0.009467583 -0.027040556 -0.0010191037 -0.013493169 -0.0081528295 0.0018958886 -0.01258504 0.003917153 -0.018189687 0.011595586 -0.00058113475 -0.009738666 0.006536495 0.008437467 0.021659553 0.0053538946 0.030930601 0.0038154968 0.0019873793 -0.015912587 -0.0097793285 0.02582068 0.0027226924 0.017918603 0.006865184 -0.018569203 -0.015004459 0.0101114055 0.0013435564 -0.009826768 -0.017566195 0.02760983 0.01657674 0.0037375605 -0.011487153 -0.0038053312 -0.025373394 0.0325571 0.021320699 0.018908057 0.012083536 -0.0050455374 -0.0056656403 0.020995399 0.008667887 0.0293041 0.0070549417 -0.0031801455 -0.00084120524 -0.009298156 -0.00870855 0.024505926 0.0135609405 -0.00861367 -0.0032987446 0.017051138 0.01722734 0.0015688944 -0.011643026 -0.027054109 -0.015804155 0.028002901 0.0016248053 -0.015844816 -0.026471281 -0.0128696775 0.0076106624 -0.009020296 -0.008600117 0.00629252 0.0020568443 0.007658102 0.018230349 -0.00093608437 -0.022662561 -0.011751459 0.013459284 -0.019734861 0.0030107184 0.0024278895 0.019070707 -0.044728737 -0.035864316 -0.032801073 0.0054148883 -0.0047236257 -0.01650897 -0.020561665 0.014448738 0.011548147 -0.0070210565 0.027636938 0.018853841 0.014841809 -0.028409526 0.010836554 -0.01621078 -0.03196072 0.0128696775 -0.022093287 -0.022337262 -0.028599285 0.015126446 0.04033719 -0.019490886 0.020290582 -0.0019077484 0.027081218 0.0012063205 -0.036026966 -0.0120699825 -0.0121241985 -0.026308632 0.0050014863 0.020033052 -0.008552677 0.026091764 -0.025414055 0.017823724 0.006258635 -0.03155409 -0.008356142 -0.026322184 -0.001999239 -0.011073751 -0.009765775 0.0206701 -0.0018450605 -0.008044396 0.0071701524 -0.013547386 -0.004350886 -0.009284602 0.012022543 0.0069397315 0.011853116 -0.016088791 -0.010877216 -0.019870402 -0.0009631927 -0.020914074 -0.0016646207 -0.02744718 0.045081146 0.009060958 -0.0077529815 -0.021754432 -0.011649803 -0.05459617 -0.00017345093 0.006773693 0.00174171 0.006604266 -0.006119705 -0.036650456 0.025874898 -0.00979966 0.000011714292 -0.025712248 0.000025903806 -0.014801146 -0.004479651 0.0136693735 -0.02243214 -0.02979205 -0.024587251 0.032773968 -0.004869333 -0.00006972982 0.04098779 0.0023211504 0.008329033 0.020846304 0.010280833 0.03949683 0.011629472 0.009819991 -0.04649078 0.010985649 0.02373334 0.0069532855 -0.009928425 0.00015110774 0.036216725 -0.018880948 -0.0047473456 -0.03271975 0.008884754 -0.009548908 -0.01660385 0.013906571 -0.009616679 0.011473599 0.024234844 0.026159534 0.0043136124 -0.004994709 0.0015146778 0.016359875 0.016400537 0.013621934 -0.026335739 -0.008078281 -0.002951419 0.022025514 -0.019558657 0.011934441 -0.023313161 0.014882471 -0.008810206 0.018975828 0.012768022 -0.0044491543 0.022188164 -0.008830537 0.0023719785 0.000077671706 -0.02754206 0.014435184 -0.014882471 0.006560215 0.014936687 -0.004205179 -0.005970609 -0.035999857 0.007563223 -0.012951002 0.0049676006 0.22001117 -0.016427645 0.014408075 -0.0017959266 -0.011697243 0.012252963 0.03236734 -0.0033241585 -0.023719786 0.019612875 -0.0036697898 -0.020046607 -0.01911137 -0.0062891315 0.015411084 0.0020890355 -0.029033018 -0.0141641 0.009440474 0.008857646 0.0283282 -0.0018365891 0.0030903493 -0.011439714 0.029737834 0.0020195702 0.017444208 -0.011731128 0.02493966 -0.0097522205 0.0014206457 -0.0032818017 0.01202932 -0.012700251 -0.027623385 0.007881746 -0.00010721555 -0.011514261 0.017430654 0.009033849 0.004428823 -0.0018992771 -0.0030429095 -0.018338783 0.019165587 0.021822203 -0.018230349 -0.010897547 0.03431914 0.03532215 -0.010531585 0.011527816 0.028057117 0.0125104925 -0.0070075025 0.001848449 0.008959302 -0.00316998 -0.007888523 0.006472113 0.016468309 0.014868917 0.007156598 0.025712248 -0.016617404 0.012978111 0.008112167 0.022513464 0.018989382 -0.026254414 0.0055300985 -0.0035613563 -0.015085784 -0.012022543 -0.013181424 0.00016275585 0.022120394 0.008200268 0.038493823 0.024234844 -0.017986374 -0.016630959 -0.010030081 -0.011717574 -0.0069532855 -0.032828182 0.023394486 -0.008159606 -0.022472803 -0.0022313541 -0.00520141 -0.019328237 -0.025874898 -0.010260502 0.009020296 -0.017905049 -0.004642301 -0.00204329 -0.020914074 -0.016563186 -0.016942704 0.029249884 0.03212337 0.046301022 0.001999239 0.00023762143 0.0018992771 0.011012757 0.02018215 -0.01829812 0.021496903 -0.044105247 0.01569572 -0.002744718 -0.009819991 0.018962273 0.010714566 -0.0012122504 0.029060125 -0.015655058 -0.024600806 -0.013086544 0.030252893 0.001948411 0.002249991 -0.030849276 -0.030415542 0.006384011 -0.008125721 -0.02849085 0.034102276 -0.02103606 0.003264859 -0.012557932 -0.012381728 -0.004510148 -0.020371906 -0.017078245 -0.00017503931 0.013289857 -0.009772551 -0.00035643214 0.018067699 0.012890009 0.017986374 -0.013371182 -0.014801146 0.010978872 -0.014191208 -0.003564745 0.00348342 0.023760447 -0.0067126993 -0.010660349 0.014231871 -0.0005408958 -0.017146016 -0.0074547897 -0.008213823 -0.0013452506 -0.027894467 0.011290618 0.01465205 -0.0059299464 -0.012571487 -0.040879358 -0.17208366 0.008274817 0.025115864 -0.012463053 0.018365892 -0.0038900448 0.028057117 -0.0009487914 -0.019707752 0.012598595 -0.0011004286 0.008003733 -0.016712284 -0.021307144 -0.021876419 -0.02155112 0.0047270143 0.005336952 0.044755846 0.035023957 0.028789042 -0.02816555 0.017850833 0.03225891 0.0028057117 0.027528506 0.01585837 0.011114414 -0.010307941 -0.012768022 0.00085391226 -0.0009267659 0.020602329 0.0064890557 0.015356867 -0.0055843154 -0.00996231 0.0065839346 -0.019287575 0.008810206 0.026457727 0.00784786 0.005960443 0.012761245 -0.027582722 0.010714566 0.016685175 -0.017945712 -0.025115864 -0.0047236257 0.010233393 -0.010944987 -0.016725838 -0.014435184 -0.0023533416 -0.026376402 0.0093388185 0.006841464 0.0041136886 -0.0053166207 -0.015641505 -0.024722794 0.0131475385 -0.008037618 -0.025617369 -0.016915595 0.0073599108 -0.002893814 -0.030713733 0.0018010094 0.0124020595 -0.006241692 -0.010104628 0.010321495 -0.004618581 0.0028209602 -0.024004422 -0.017850833 -0.009548908 0.016143009 0.0017366272 0.0019501052 -0.007881746 -0.00017112131 -0.017566195 -0.0025973164 0.0056554745 -0.007075273 -0.013893018 -0.019246912 0.028301092 -0.014082775 -0.03196072 -0.012524047 0.0066889795 0.011066974 0.021483349 0.007495452 -0.022838766 -0.0109111015 0.0064314506 0.013920126 -0.009454029 0.00427295 0.02526496 -0.0067567504 -0.01660385 0.006448393 0.020859856 -0.020100825 -0.015749937 0.006672037 0.009969087 0.01667162 -0.003346184 0.03187939 0.03236734 -0.009582793 0.010382489 -0.0043102237 0.037273947 -0.01312043 -0.013445729 0.010457037 0.013106876 -0.024627915 -0.14237294 -0.049310047 0.011039866 0.013127207 0.018758962 0.010280833 -0.015411084 0.0010080909 -0.048388362 0.040879358 -0.030307109 -0.0174171 -0.018731853 0.00849846 0.0009826769 -0.013486392 0.0035240825 -0.013635488 -0.045975722 0.036948647 0.0047032945 -0.013635488 -0.004005255 0.0200195 -0.022811657 -0.001409633 -0.024722794 0.009067735 0.017146016 -0.011222847 -0.0058825067 -0.0060451566 -0.00072980695 -0.030984817 0.004008644 0.006353514 0.0003267824 -0.023584243 0.018365892 0.0030717123 0.007868192 0.04212634 0.026132427 0.001509595 0.002349953 -0.0141641 -0.02008727 0.048984747 -0.0019873793 0.00073023053 -0.05071968 0.007326025 -0.036325157 -0.013005219 0.040716708 -0.021713769 -0.0148282545 -0.0038764908 0.011175407 0.008247708 -0.00085941865 -0.009325264 0.0010030081 0.00362235 0.04749379 0.0016459837 -0.015302651 -0.010226616 0.006797413 -0.030876383 -0.011351611 -0.0009809826 -0.016400537 0.046517886 -0.022798102 -0.019382453 0.0015443275 -0.021469794 0.019328237 0.0067194765 -0.016129455 -0.012164861 0.0063433484 -0.039117314 0.0049913204 -0.0037985542 0.0028412915 -0.000551485 -0.009840323 -0.02721676 -0.018650528 0.035728775 0.018284567 -0.031662524 0.006329794 0.011399051 0.0030479925 -0.0026227306 0.009996195 0.008559454 -0.006021437 -0.0077868667 0.009758998 0.02389599 -0.0033546553 0.007163375 0.01307299 0.013716813 0.012232632 0.003427509 -0.010958541 0.00007597744 -0.011663358 0.022228828 -1.6545609e-9 -0.018975828 -0.012883232 -0.010579024 -0.0027548836 -0.009569239 -0.009155837 0.00070778147 -0.0081799375 0.021510458 0.011690466 0.016563186 -0.0022161056 -0.003225891 -0.0098471 0.008003733 -0.016969813 -0.010145291 0.015424638 -0.01393368 0.019802632 0.039469723 0.010253725 -0.016305659 0.013716813 0.026064655 0.011995435 0.046680536 -0.0003176757 -0.014530063 0.005879118 -0.03467155 -0.004015421 0.00037210414 -0.051207628 0.00204329 0.01738999 0.017701738 0.02640351 0.022147503 -0.02373334 -0.0053606713 -0.03334324 -0.014597834 -0.018691191 0.0071159354 -0.02760983 -0.001033505 0.023096293 0.004493205 0.005909615 -0.038819123 0.00536406 -0.0049913204 -0.0033156872 0.015018012 0.0148553625 -0.028626392 -0.022093287 -0.0021042838 0.0147469295 0.029819159 0.01627855 0.0132559715 -0.012225855 0.015126446 -0.009243939 0.0283282 0.008342587 -0.004442377 0.0017129073 0.011148299 0.037138406 0.010802668 -0.009196499 0.010470591 0.01024017 0.0005739341 0.02470924 -0.0012791741 -0.027840251 -0.006326406 0.024424601 0.020304136 -0.006021437 0.005289512 0.0033868465 0.009819991 -0.004699906 -0.006302686 0.008410358 -0.014177655 -0.012171638 0.0108297765 -0.012930672 -0.009928425 0.015871925 0.020819195 -0.004706683 -0.0097793285 0.00052522385 -0.0023465645 -0.01393368 0.0071362667 -0.020995399 -0.00032911202 -0.004818505 0.018013483 -0.008491683 -0.0027091384 0.025617369 0.0155466255 0.020792086 0.013106876 0.028789042 -0.03028 -0.0028040174 0.0036291273 -0.012951002 -0.0023770614 -0.0028209602 -0.014679159 -0.011487153 -0.031011926 -0.00008894919 0.0026362848 -0.03242156 0.058553986 0.009975864 -0.019789077 -0.015316204 0.006560215 0.03209626 0.012951002 -0.0036765668 0.008749212 -0.010267278 0.027298085 -0.013906571 -0.0035139169 -0.029737834 -0.022581236 0.024438156 -0.018542096 0.04340043 0.023353823 -0.009528576 0.023326715 0.018555649 0.017403545 0.016495416 0.0003424544 -0.013377959 -0.00020807759 0.0009072818 -0.011575256 -0.03513239 -0.020493895 0.010999204 -0.05638532 -0.017932158 0.010416375 -0.0070210565 -0.0007539503 -0.026010439 0.017539088 0.036379375 0.0065026097 0.028084226 -0.011622695 -0.022052623 0.010443483 -0.0020568443 -0.0065161637 -0.00062560936 -0.03318059
-0.027129112 -0.020040365 0.008507828 -0.026955891 0.011099485 0.01773519 0.003970764 0.026955891 -0.018521348 -0.036589656 0.011932279 0.0074351886 0.0028881312 -0.0048035583 0.008194697 0.010813003 0.037149295 0.023518115 -0.0020953107 -0.015869731 -0.02429095 -0.0032029275 -0.00035352123 -0.023771284 -0.023025101 0.004567045 0.032512296 -0.019747222 0.0073152664 -0.017468696 0.040373873 0.007968177 0.011199419 0.0007790792 -0.0438383 -0.010679756 0.0059461524 0.0005425656 0.020999745 -0.012025552 0.009493857 0.0039407834 -0.0049201497 -0.016189525 -0.0012425294 0.017108928 0.000070214985 -0.0099069225 -0.019973742 0.024397546 0.028514883 0.009533831 -0.010193404 -0.010526522 -0.011985578 0.011938941 -0.005749613 0.018228205 0.012545216 0.0020236906 -0.010060157 0.010733055 0.003151294 -0.010499872 -0.0006833078 -0.0072952793 -0.0068555637 0.017228851 0.021772578 -0.008741011 0.007741657 0.016535966 -0.004607019 0.0044904277 0.027768698 -0.008188035 -0.019720573 -0.005136676 -0.011819019 0.00019653949 -0.013617855 -0.001977054 -0.0066257124 -0.010553171 0.021119667 -0.011026198 0.0048035583 0.009647091 0.016722513 -0.014390688 -0.01866792 -0.00715537 0.03648306 0.01337801 -0.01728215 -0.0005050898 -0.0028581505 0.0011809025 -0.00650579 -0.026596123 -0.014364039 0.00119506 -0.013424646 -0.02219897 -0.013597867 -0.0023834577 -0.0009002508 0.0069421744 0.011585836 -0.006036094 -0.004140654 0.035123937 0.00842788 -0.027555503 0.007848254 -0.028434934 0.010639782 -0.010972899 -0.019933768 0.015070248 0.034964044 -0.0017122254 0.0014698822 -0.0064025237 0.02423765 0.02353144 -0.0038541728 0.0068622264 -0.0006520781 -0.014497286 0.01660259 0.0072286557 0.0019237552 0.018201556 -0.021519408 -0.007102071 -0.021732604 -0.007934866 0.012845022 0.0034444379 0.0022868535 0.0025333606 -0.005902847 -0.011972253 -0.02022691 0.03381812 0.022678658 0.0005833725 0.009067466 0.00726863 -0.011685772 -0.028088491 -0.026889266 0.0153633915 0.0114459265 -0.005846217 -0.0015673192 0.021532733 -0.030860031 -0.0014940333 0.025050458 -0.004087355 -0.0026083123 0.006146023 0.0067223166 0.01349127 0.029820703 0.00024255138 0.008121411 -0.0064758095 0.0020486743 0.03171281 -0.004067368 -0.008188035 0.0010185076 -0.0033878079 0.017148903 -0.0013940979 -0.04202614 -0.018108282 0.031472966 -0.020013716 0.030460289 0.0050633904 0.016109576 0.0008552799 0.020813199 -0.017948385 -0.009353947 0.008987518 0.015709834 0.02191915 -0.023118373 -0.017881762 -0.63958615 -0.030460289 0.006745635 -0.016136225 0.0140042715 -0.00644916 -0.0070687593 -0.0073752278 -0.0017938393 0.026889266 -0.027928594 0.014483961 -0.008747673 -0.0021053043 0.0011867321 -0.029181117 0.019280856 -0.026875943 -0.015869731 0.02197245 -0.027142437 0.018308153 -0.019187585 -0.027475554 -0.008041463 0.00011003297 -0.0006874718 0.0040607057 -0.0140042715 0.013697803 -0.006462485 0.009127427 0.007914878 -0.012365332 0.05351204 0.00041140046 0.002584994 0.026942566 0.022811905 0.021665981 -0.02856818 -0.020493405 -0.0022218956 0.011719083 0.0019420766 0.007734995 0.02101307 0.012958282 -0.013697803 0.0020803206 0.012725099 0.0055997097 -0.024264298 -0.0030197126 0.027528854 -0.009600454 0.018987713 -0.027502203 0.005339878 -0.0109462505 -0.0063792053 -0.0025383574 -0.032059256 0.007281955 -0.021026393 0.02375796 0.010979562 -0.015030274 -0.015989654 -0.0062692766 0.02675602 0.011712421 -0.012498579 -0.023877881 -0.0035443732 0.017575294 0.015310093 -0.010573158 -0.019440753 0.0002706582 0.016842434 -0.0051566632 0.007854917 -0.0116258105 0.032485645 -0.0023468148 -0.0010659769 -0.014390688 0.003767562 -0.013950973 0.0028181763 0.035150588 0.0014532263 -0.053272195 0.010439911 0.009900261 0.008347931 0.0017955048 -0.0062359646 -0.042612426 -0.024197675 -0.009234025 0.04255913 0.004926812 0.008108087 0.008148061 0.008447867 0.002596653 0.03187271 -0.029447611 -0.034297805 0.015549938 -0.0063458937 0.02330492 0.02700919 -0.030300394 -0.0013749436 -0.011246056 0.00902083 -0.02537025 0.018254854 0.0017205534 0.0002392202 -0.0184414 0.0066989986 0.01634942 -0.0030080536 -0.00605275 -0.003407795 0.012951619 -0.008414555 -0.030460289 -0.0132381 -0.025077106 0.013091529 -0.010686418 0.013018243 -0.013544569 -0.020973096 -0.014497286 -0.022811905 -0.007994827 0.015043599 0.019014362 -0.021732604 -0.007162032 -0.008827621 0.010613132 0.0068688886 -0.008374581 0.009433895 0.014204142 -0.008234671 0.007515137 -0.010553171 -0.0022152332 -0.017215528 -0.019534027 -0.009513844 -0.02692924 -0.027182411 0.013444633 -0.008694374 0.004740266 -0.0037409125 -0.010213391 -0.030700134 0.018028334 -0.008527815 -0.020213587 -0.0003112569 -0.010253365 0.01004017 0.0031746125 -0.009866948 0.0265295 -0.013764427 0.020879822 -0.008934218 -0.011998902 -0.017828463 0.004480434 0.0068289144 -0.017335448 0.03864166 -0.0023684674 0.021132993 0.019653948 -0.0053865146 0.040267278 -0.0009160739 0.011412615 -0.016775811 -0.00478024 -0.0006291762 -0.00017405403 0.007395215 -0.010220054 0.0050267475 0.028301686 0.0017155566 0.020919796 0.01176572 -0.025303626 -0.0009285658 -0.0299273 0.01566986 -0.028035192 0.0035843472 0.005749613 0.004010738 -0.0055863853 0.008041463 -0.030566888 0.009567142 0.046369996 -0.016056277 0.020826524 -0.024157701 0.026449552 -0.00854114 0.02441087 -0.0067489664 -0.0043205377 0.008614426 0.017442048 0.012125487 0.021572707 -0.0068888757 -0.02768875 -0.0009893598 0.024077753 0.00956048 0.01668254 0.025436874 0.011699096 0.01546999 0.0000058393202 0.027075812 -0.0022035742 -0.006652362 0.0024434188 0.014470636 -0.016202848 0.019907119 -0.011092822 0.046529893 -0.007048772 -0.02627633 0.032645542 -0.02375796 0.0076017478 -0.014550584 -0.00030667655 0.021266239 -0.017935062 -0.008081437 -0.0014723806 0.025809966 0.009920248 0.002864813 0.022305567 0.0026166402 -0.03269884 0.015176846 -0.013111516 0.0032595575 -0.013318049 -0.01637607 0.013344699 -0.021985773 -0.0022751945 0.0054164953 0.0022352203 0.033391725 0.005356534 0.016535966 0.01690906 0.024997158 0.015056924 -0.0050833775 -0.025516821 0.0114459265 0.0069954735 -0.0020037035 -0.004087355 -0.01753532 0.011032861 -0.020346833 -0.01456391 0.009353947 -0.019014362 -0.02141281 0.022771932 -0.0036276525 0.0147504555 0.046982933 -0.015043599 0.007235318 -0.044904277 0.021825876 0.008727686 -0.029047871 -0.0040940177 0.04994102 0.011352654 -0.0014557247 -0.010333314 -0.0253436 -0.029234417 -0.004380499 -0.021532733 0.02582329 0.0040906863 0.015070248 -0.0034577625 0.007082084 -0.005692983 0.011858993 0.036856152 0.021812553 -0.017895088 -0.00851449 0.0074551757 0.09599122 0.012731762 -0.035497032 0.01668254 -0.007761644 0.0021752592 -0.0033428369 -0.022971801 0.028221738 -0.013990947 -0.0036076657 0.008021476 0.023638038 -0.008627751 0.02856818 0.022931827 -0.00055838865 -0.014443987 -0.009820312 -0.005096702 0.005169988 -0.0013441303 0.010619795 0.01292497 0.01728215 0.016509317 0.041786294 0.014497286 -0.0027765366 -0.035257187 0.010786354 0.012358669 -0.00023297424 0.029047871 -0.025863264 0.01937413 -0.008780984 0.019240882 0.013897674 -0.011039523 0.016136225 0.0276088 -0.0066223815 -0.00933396 -0.0064025237 -0.040240627 0.005506437 0.019520702 -0.020919796 -0.05175318 0.0023001782 -0.0039341208 -0.052739207 0.0026282992 0.033471674 0.0040773614 0.009993534 -0.0000897336 -0.002256873 -0.0029830697 -0.018574648 -0.022132345 -0.0017022318 -0.008914231 0.009680402 -0.025463523 -0.023011776 0.006802265 -0.0033794797 0.0067223166 -0.0022152332 -0.019653948 -0.040427174 -0.0071886815 0.020413458 0.0020203593 0.010566496 -0.006032763 -0.022718633 0.026116434 0.001588139 -0.010446574 -0.025037132 -0.0071686944 -0.010673094 0.0032395704 -0.01589638 -0.009254012 -0.004473772 0.0050100912 0.012032215 -0.011405952 0.010793016 0.013571219 -0.0025533477 0.0059661395 -0.00786158 0.03093998 -0.0016639233 -0.023198321 -0.018254854 -0.008387906 -0.017908411 -0.034431055 -0.034297805 0.0072153313 0.019653948 0.013910999 0.0039641014 0.0014115865 0.026676072 -0.010013521 0.03725589 -0.0012325358 0.021665981 -0.004417142 0.023544764 0.01866792 0.018747868 -0.033898067 -0.0018971057 -0.016109576 0.019560676 0.013751102 -0.021785902 0.009067466 0.034830794 -0.02242549 -0.03653636 -0.012891658 -0.0011301021 0.03373817 -0.026849292 -0.031206474 -0.03781553 -0.013404659 -0.011925616 -0.016202848 -0.005752944 -0.008261321 -0.008854271 0.0111061465 0.018121608 -0.0052166246 0.02584994 -0.036269862 -0.0014440656 0.023971155 -0.007195344 0.031073226 -0.016202848 0.015150197 -0.008834284 -0.015176846 -0.018068308 0.003764231 0.00061918265 0.010952912 0.031659514 0.03043364 0.024157701 -0.021426136 0.043705054 0.012272059 0.0056130346 -0.016922383 0.016549291 0.008854271 -0.007515137 0.03125977 0.0070754215 -0.001644769 0.012625163 0.005749613 0.011192758 0.03464425 -0.010613132 -0.028808026 -0.025157055 -0.03179276 -0.028195089 0.02373131 0.0011259381 0.022025747 -0.013684479 0.022891853 0.053725235 0.0024783963 0.009087453 0.011932279 0.012971606 0.0034777496 -0.003910803 0.019414105 0.014110869 -0.03818862 -0.0264762 -0.040054083 0.019480728 0.008754335 0.018734545 0.031979308 0.0024184352 -0.0074285264 -0.013304724 0.012258735 -0.022412164 0.0020270217 0.0061493544 -0.032085903 0.016895734 -0.0265295 0.0026116434 0.0031879372 0.00032770462 0.0027215723 -0.011146121 -0.0047336034 -0.021759253 -0.015190171 0.02627633 0.024157701 0.024117727 0.010912938 0.016842434 0.015816431 0.0073019415 -0.011905629 -0.0106064705 0.02327827 0.0045070834 0.030726783 0.004007407 -0.0115591865 -0.0207599 -0.014070895 -0.011978915 -0.0161229 -0.04021398 -0.0016139556 0.012172123 -0.0051433383 -0.015350067 0.003860835 -0.028061843 0.021586033 0.012878333 0.017628593 -0.0026266337 -0.023997804 -0.0029447612 0.012964944 0.02237219 0.028808026 -0.011972253 0.026236355 0.0032195833 -0.009653754 -0.0025583445 0.007008798 0.008247996 0.009293986 -0.015696509 0.021292888 8.636989e-7 0.02030686 -0.017335448 -0.03381812 -0.01292497 0.034377754 -0.017428722 0.007142045 -0.016495991 -0.027502203 0.016655888 -0.011079498 -0.005702976 0.005729626 -0.0053532026 -0.002698254 0.019027688 0.020386808 -0.018601296 0.027502203 0.006056081 -0.01872122 0.015390041 -0.004906825 0.0026366273 -0.014177493 0.021879176 -0.007941528 0.009613779 -0.00074035424 0.018254854 -0.00749515 -0.019267533 -0.010599808 -0.0027215723 0.0051799812 0.0036010032 -0.002584994 -0.032512296 -0.00027898615 -0.034884095 -0.0015023611 0.0107197305 -0.009527168 -0.0074485135 -0.01335136 0.008327944 0.025130406 -0.008461191 0.00786158 0.021346187 -0.00042618255 0.009433895 -0.0029430955 -0.021932475 0.011152783 -0.023491466 0.0032962004 -0.005226618 0.006915525 -0.00071328843 -0.0173621 0.011565849 -0.016069602 -0.04437129 -0.010593145 0.0053498717 0.008121411 -0.018121608 0.00096770714 0.0018637939 0.0002104888 -0.011046185 -0.006139361 0.0026649423 -0.02305175 0.022105696 0.018961065 -0.010919601 0.008747673 0.0038908157 0.0068888757 -0.013557893 0.0034277819 -0.04143985 -0.00820136 -0.0152034955 0.047409322 0.0207599 -0.022798581 -0.014404013 -0.015656536 -0.028354986 -0.018454725 0.008747673 0.005150001 0.014803754 -0.0008552799 -0.008634413 0.01546999 -0.0047469283 -0.012838359 0.013358023 -0.009340622 -0.005942821 -0.010646444 -0.0070687593 -0.004793565 -0.017801814 -0.011092822 0.018801168 -0.02429095 -0.0069421744 0.01383105 -0.006482472 0.01405757 0.0074551757 0.003767562 0.011952266 0.009507181 0.008621088 -0.009074128 -0.011699096 -0.0006171007 -0.029607508 -0.017935062 0.004906825 -0.00009702055 0.006365881 0.016416045 -0.0026915916 0.0007620069 -0.014857053 -0.008487841 0.02517038 0.0058328924 0.0040540434 0.019067662 -0.0023884545 -0.0023434835 -0.010986225 -0.021612681 0.0063425624 -0.0017638586 -0.0031529597 -0.03954774 -0.001170909 -0.0040740306 0.035203885 0.0109462505 0.0059861266 -0.010260028 -0.007175357 -0.00072494755 -0.0042106085 0.0023684674 -0.01645602 -0.007535124 -0.019134285 0.0019420766 0.00024171859 -0.041386552 0.015589912 -0.011832343 -0.007814943 0.0070021357 0.00072536396 -0.007528462 -0.008827621 0.000051346982 -0.0132381 0.0061360295 0.20637313 -0.025516821 -0.0030130504 -0.01176572 -0.024370898 -0.0060227695 0.028301686 -0.0105398465 -0.00879431 0.028914623 0.021732604 0.016322771 -0.010686418 -0.010693081 0.020146964 -0.018254854 -0.01985382 -0.033951364 0.011692434 0.02330492 0.027289009 0.022625359 -0.014350714 -0.01940078 0.022612035 0.01473713 -0.008001489 -0.0077816313 0.008760998 0.001527345 -0.023851233 -0.017628593 -0.00644916 -0.0028315012 -0.019653948 -0.0018438069 0.0005941988 -0.0031779436 0.031739462 -0.003034703 0.019134285 0.006309251 0.015390041 -0.018254854 0.0119655905 0.03365822 0.000087027016 -0.012045539 0.0074884878 0.016509317 -0.026609449 -0.013291399 -0.001762193 0.020040365 -0.014577234 0.0078016184 0.014897027 0.005419826 -0.0037808868 0.02214567 -0.0009735367 -0.008581114 0.010806341 0.039467793 -0.01049321 0.011372641 -0.010693081 0.008108087 0.011052848 0.008581114 -0.0005983628 -0.026995866 -0.0070954086 -0.024490818 -0.012511903 -0.019800521 0.04202614 0.0057562753 0.014257441 0.010626457 0.016935708 -0.017615268 -0.024730664 0.0012783394 -0.021719279 -0.038588364 0.028408283 -0.0015814767 0.0149903 -0.016109576 -0.023717986 -0.015763134 -0.023384867 -0.00673231 0.01408422 -0.005809574 0.03419121 0.008014814 0.0030613523 -0.033445027 -0.008647737 0.02282523 0.030726783 0.03824192 0.017628593 0.015416691 0.005822899 -0.0021136324 0.018734545 -0.009893598 0.005829561 -0.03501734 0.012245409 -0.008501166 0.0011975584 0.014204142 0.0008910901 -0.019840496 0.022585385 -0.0027182412 -0.02912782 -0.025636744 -0.005792918 0.013298062 -0.0037575685 -0.017828463 -0.01773519 0.015909705 -0.033951364 0.014030921 0.03133972 -0.028035192 -0.0032312425 -0.0021003075 0.0021536064 -0.0040906863 -0.011392628 -0.02214567 -0.014164168 0.005356534 -0.013671153 0.020466756 0.023238296 -0.0021502753 0.014404013 -0.0004049463 0.008814297 0.025210353 -0.013844375 0.008381243 0.007754982 0.013171477 -0.021372836 0.016962357 0.01872122 -0.0029864009 -0.00902083 -0.0019903788 -0.016309446 0.026316304 -0.04895499 0.030060548 0.033924714 0.0019837164 -0.011266043 -0.017801814 -0.16746497 0.01176572 0.030513588 -0.015816431 0.046796385 -0.0053165597 0.014470636 0.0062626144 -0.033871416 0.0066590244 0.0075750984 0.0048168832 -0.0016655889 0.0068422393 0.0016914055 -0.006082731 0.0049734483 0.019054336 0.027169086 0.004010738 0.022918504 -0.012884996 0.0009327298 0.0041872906 0.024024455 0.008354594 -0.0047902334 0.016096251 0.015296768 -0.026316304 -0.009260674 -0.021399487 0.034351107 -0.010140105 0.03141967 0.017908411 0.0017472027 -0.00393079 -0.048741795 -0.0068888757 0.03499069 0.025636744 0.0047302726 0.009833637 -0.012358669 0.010233378 0.011112809 -0.0064325044 -0.014497286 -0.013937647 -0.0065857386 -0.025237003 -0.009120765 -0.009234025 0.019134285 -0.0056996453 0.032005955 -0.0036876139 0.0022735288 -0.018601296 -0.012571865 -0.013504595 0.03181941 0.0009135755 -0.026676072 -0.023251621 -0.003937452 0.0142307915 -0.024357572 0.008534477 0.0035177236 -0.0023351556 0.0027998548 -0.013371347 0.009800325 0.031472966 -0.0056263595 -0.010260028 0.018374776 -0.0073152664 0.004523739 0.017935062 -0.013311386 0.00868105 -0.0031562909 -0.013158152 0.014883703 0.015576587 -0.017148903 -0.026569474 0.034324456 -0.009174064 -0.03368487 -0.020866498 0.001320812 0.0013008249 0.026396252 -0.02174593 -0.0034810808 -0.0056663333 -0.002678267 0.00924735 -0.015296768 0.0057629375 0.016815785 0.009567142 -0.010413262 0.00039474457 0.04756922 -0.0253969 -0.028648129 -0.00856779 0.0026382927 0.010626457 -0.02698254 0.033898067 0.016002977 -0.011732408 0.015030274 -0.016162874 0.048715144 -0.007395215 0.0011192757 0.0048302077 0.006612388 -0.0011284365 -0.13335371 -0.04008073 0.004330531 0.005546411 -0.008241334 0.021346187 -0.027275683 0.036509708 -0.0415198 0.038881507 -0.011945603 -0.0347242 -0.01640272 0.0040373877 -0.004417142 -0.02607646 -0.027342306 -0.010753042 -0.040933512 0.019414105 0.0023884545 -0.009427233 0.01909431 0.014204142 -0.020933121 -0.0053332155 -0.020719925 0.016442694 -0.01335136 -0.021093018 0.0058362233 -0.017721865 0.0030330373 -0.027315658 0.011725746 -0.019933768 0.0047169477 -0.007235318 0.011998902 -0.0020087003 0.012431956 0.018574648 0.016709188 0.0068622264 -0.028301686 -0.006082731 -0.019187585 0.039867535 -0.00027607137 -0.036403112 -0.024677364 -0.0041806283 -0.03781553 0.0095205065 0.026396252 0.0042639077 0.0017955048 0.004493759 0.022731958 0.0027782023 -0.018547999 0.003297866 -0.011359316 0.012278722 0.034377754 -0.0064891344 -0.028808026 -0.017895088 -0.011099485 -0.00981365 0.01451061 -0.003970764 -0.01685576 0.028994571 -0.011046185 -0.0070154606 -0.02163933 -0.022918504 0.0066656866 -0.014897027 -0.018587971 0.0028881312 -0.016189525 -0.029420963 0.013244763 0.020093665 -0.03411126 -0.0016306115 -0.005339878 -0.030247094 -0.03360492 0.020946447 0.0042305957 -0.022025747 -0.003467756 0.005672996 -0.0024983834 -0.02259871 0.0051466697 0.022678658 -0.0161229 -0.0027249034 -0.0101334425 0.024384221 -0.0066290437 0.0013965963 -0.0033644896 -0.006635706 0.032005955 -0.011905629 0.00073952146 -0.005339878 -0.024624066 0.006422511 -0.0060660746 -0.010173417 0.0025017145 -0.013044892 0.012851684 -0.0115591865 0.005906178 0.0018054984 0.009340622 0.0063592186 0.039148003 0.005343209 0.015963003 -0.0058928537 -0.027129112 0.004160641 -0.001377442 0.01360453 -0.007941528 -0.012258735 -0.0049867732 0.015416691 -0.011246056 -0.004104011 0.01496365 0.03141967 0.0071686944 0.07131385 -0.036589656 -0.029101169 0.027848646 -0.018627945 -0.023291595 -0.010100131 -0.03634981 0.00936061 0.009313973 0.0035177236 0.0058029117 0.020679953 -0.041759644 -0.0390947 -0.010006858 -0.0007503478 0.0051433383 -0.0004809388 -0.023864558 -0.01589638 0.025676718 -0.0029664137 0.0024084416 -0.018028334 -0.022079047 0.014430663 -0.02101307 0.03315188 -0.009000842 0.00082821405 -0.019960416 0.010959575 0.020573353 0.02474399 0.019987067 0.025996512 0.013144827 0.0064891344 -0.0017555307 0.011132796 0.003581016 -0.0125318905 -0.00074493466 -0.0031712812 0.02375796 0.007874904 -0.01383105 0.012545216 0.0106064705 -0.009993534 -0.0024534124 0.008041463 -0.00828797 0.018747868 0.015536613 0.014164168 -0.017015656 -0.003083005 0.030140497 0.043705054 0.0031179823 -0.012591852 0.005413164 -0.0070154606 -0.037122644 -0.0023717985 -0.015283444 -0.011978915 -0.0015781454 0.023904532 0.02474399 0.008447867 -0.009487194 -0.0028798033 -0.024211 0.0057695997 0.006442498 -0.015829757 -0.029660806 0.005110027 0.018308153 -0.015776457 0.016269471 -0.024903886 0.012691787 0.042186037 0.01818823 -0.018121608 0.008247996 -0.0013849372 0.009353947 -0.0024933866 -0.010939588 -0.00582623 -0.0032262458 -0.023344893 -0.0019070993 0.028434934 -0.024490818 0.03962769 0.0046003563 -0.0017372093 -0.0034444379 -0.021586033 -0.0024034448 0.00074035424 0.0074085393 -0.022745281 -0.028328337 -0.016029628 -0.02398448 -0.0022019085 0.0007349411 -0.0058395546 0.0025266984 -0.005546411 0.02265201 0.0142974155 -0.013044892 0.027635451 0.008034801 0.023091724 0.0004505418 0.008041463 -0.018454725 0.020706601 -0.0026915916 -0.0038641663 -0.025556795 0.015523288 0.007968177 -0.069395095 -0.014137519 0.0007607577 -0.015616561 -0.0007049605 -0.009620441 -0.0044704406 0.011552525 -0.0055530732 0.01592303 -0.024277624 -0.028781377 -0.00022027413 0.008834284 -0.014017596 -0.019760547 -0.0034144572
0.011377168 -0.018684233 -0.0027521001 -0.03430906 -0.008659214 0.0066958666 0.0040496164 0.00046010606 -0.010810358 -0.01742769 0.0018267662 0.013432707 -0.0015416541 0.006579773 -0.002632592 -0.001772134 0.04884124 -0.01638968 0.0055588325 0.0020384663 -0.012524446 0.001937738 0.0031857437 -0.015064846 -0.028818518 0.0037081647 0.04878661 -0.006361244 0.015433614 -0.052720133 0.023109447 -0.014040491 0.0034367107 0.009348946 -0.018629601 -0.0036706051 -0.0032642775 -0.0124903 0.014463891 -0.01949006 0.026455672 -0.01729111 -0.006989515 -0.018397413 -0.01927153 0.0018967638 -0.031823292 -0.020951472 -0.007969481 0.005237868 0.04602768 -0.0015834819 -0.022399226 -0.0147643685 -0.0134463655 0.01637602 -0.018615942 -0.009410407 0.011882517 0.007887533 -0.0021443162 0.003936937 -0.013036624 -0.021934852 0.0077782683 0.023901613 -0.0150102135 0.0047973953 0.0040188855 0.023737717 0.03141355 0.0063373423 0.021852905 0.020555388 0.0059685744 0.013876595 -0.025117181 0.0010166722 0.019093975 -0.0070407325 0.002975751 0.0014921436 -0.02336895 0.013139059 0.014955581 -0.015256058 0.0103664715 0.006415876 -0.0055520036 -0.0012326404 -0.007785097 0.00797631 0.023300659 0.009587962 0.0052412827 0.024557201 -0.0017892065 0.0041486374 0.01256542 -0.01425902 0.004367166 0.01581604 -0.01510582 -0.009157733 -0.017700853 0.0047632502 0.0015382397 -0.016567234 0.0067402553 0.010264036 -0.029282892 0.024024537 0.0036057292 -0.03791479 0.015378982 0.011035717 -0.0046574003 -0.024065511 -0.027015653 0.0050500697 0.03261546 -0.014491207 0.033079833 -0.0020572462 0.021538768 0.0042818035 -0.045863785 -0.0047188615 -0.018602286 0.007122681 0.053484984 0.02181193 0.012319575 0.0096425945 -0.00554176 0.0076826615 -0.010892307 -0.017728169 -0.0059549166 0.002975751 0.02252215 0.005371034 -0.0029279478 -0.012278601 -0.008147036 0.0032711066 0.020937813 -0.0082563 0.00017830178 -0.0057159 0.027302472 -0.005948087 -0.0043193633 -0.015351665 0.012941017 0.008556778 -0.015761407 0.007914849 -0.0000689839 -0.0010619146 0.015624827 0.023765033 0.0035749986 0.0007012563 0.012975162 0.024680125 0.01757793 0.021770956 0.008372394 0.009212365 -0.011807397 0.04687448 -0.01906666 0.0046471567 -0.0068085454 0.0133302715 -0.018014988 0.017099898 -0.0038140146 -0.01425902 -0.010885478 0.02442062 0.030129692 0.06413827 -0.009622107 0.0020879768 0.010503052 -0.0026786881 -0.013480511 -0.0050944583 0.016539916 0.011247417 -0.016553575 -0.024748415 -0.6560242 -0.015938962 0.015283375 -0.013460023 0.0010115504 0.020691969 -0.010653291 0.00029855676 -0.01998175 0.029282892 -0.0043432647 0.018096937 -0.01235372 -0.015843356 -0.0018728622 -0.01942177 0.001732867 -0.04321412 0.0081265485 -0.018301807 0.02746637 0.04559062 -0.036904093 -0.0044491147 -0.004404726 -0.002651372 0.0024721099 -0.018028647 0.0036398743 0.012934187 0.0071773133 0.011302049 0.009335288 0.03466417 0.06233541 -0.031741343 -0.010885478 0.0061529586 -0.021839246 0.014996556 -0.020022724 -0.011261075 0.019927118 0.011814226 0.012852239 -0.011821056 0.018042304 -0.0024055268 0.00192408 0.0016551868 -0.00037388955 -0.0123264035 -0.0057978486 -0.008747991 0.015146795 -0.019503716 0.011547894 -0.016294071 0.008515804 0.004875929 -0.010250378 0.03706799 -0.01249713 0.0076621748 0.013248323 0.013139059 -0.0051354324 -0.005364205 0.015693117 -0.007115852 0.0138424495 0.008584094 -0.02279531 -0.00790802 0.01942177 0.036248505 0.009232852 -0.025636189 -0.03529244 0.025526924 -0.0012343477 -0.01659455 -0.005138847 -0.031495497 0.026674202 0.026674202 -0.0102845235 0.00044559437 0.0010952061 0.01263371 -0.01744135 0.007785097 -0.00953333 -0.02738442 0.018738866 0.009198707 -0.021210976 -0.03846111 0.016717471 -0.020131988 0.00681196 -0.014218046 0.0137263555 -0.00412815 0.03903475 -0.015542878 0.0010627682 0.021101711 0.03070333 -0.030594066 -0.000932163 0.0052003083 0.004927147 -0.0041964403 0.031741343 -0.022358254 -0.009581133 0.0066378196 -0.0020538315 -0.008563607 0.019872485 0.0057910196 0.0072182873 0.00266503 0.0126063945 0.012005439 0.0007396696 0.007122681 0.016963316 0.003776455 -0.010332326 -0.009499185 0.017728169 -0.010400617 0.02047344 -0.004568623 0.0045139906 -0.022481175 0.018370098 -0.01729111 -0.005070557 -0.003551097 0.01969493 -0.0009167976 -0.013521484 -0.01764622 -0.0036193873 -0.023683084 -0.00433985 -0.0031720856 0.013473681 0.0021084638 -0.035265125 0.021579742 0.0013931226 -0.009943072 -0.014108782 -0.0010917915 -0.018370098 -0.0112201 -0.01390391 0.03332568 -0.026947362 -0.0076348586 -0.0071773133 -0.027261497 0.016485285 0.008317762 -0.009335288 -0.008071916 0.010168429 -0.01744135 -0.024652807 0.01009331 0.007914849 0.029556053 -0.0013495876 0.01305711 -0.017810117 -0.0017960356 0.02203046 -0.024243066 -0.021170001 -0.00924651 0.03542902 -0.0057022423 -0.0025882034 0.0028152687 0.012251285 0.021333897 -0.0027333202 0.017400375 -0.023997221 -0.0065695294 0.0042510726 0.009055297 0.029938478 0.002658201 0.02773953 0.02555424 0.005111531 -0.013221007 0.037668943 -0.020514414 -0.00054760306 -0.030457485 0.0006585748 -0.020336859 0.008024113 0.0114864325 -0.014627788 -0.01920324 -0.0011156932 -0.02492597 0.008652384 0.02824488 0.022180699 0.020978788 -0.0001264438 -0.002089684 0.016403336 -0.0034708558 0.01369904 0.010250378 0.007867046 0.015515562 0.005739802 0.004312534 0.0044559436 -0.023000183 -0.0042818035 0.012360549 0.0050603133 0.016553575 -0.004947634 -0.014436575 0.01991346 -0.011636672 0.03389932 -0.03485538 0.0010345984 -0.004770079 0.021265607 0.010537197 0.012155678 -0.007996798 0.022085091 0.009150904 -0.035975344 0.009963559 -0.021634376 0.011984952 -0.0082563 -0.007716807 0.015938962 -0.021197317 0.0042442437 0.00036300576 0.020965131 0.008215326 0.026182512 0.012155678 -0.0028016106 -0.035265125 0.01686771 -0.022713363 -0.010393787 -0.035046596 -0.0046608145 0.012408352 -0.008795794 -0.007894361 -0.010127455 -0.0128863845 0.02231728 -0.0076553454 -0.0038515744 -0.0032335469 0.023027498 0.018411072 -0.0018950566 -0.02506255 0.023355292 0.007839729 -0.015310691 -0.020036383 -0.029856531 -0.0046847165 0.010530368 0.00095350365 0.0017635977 -0.00096801535 0.0136444075 0.0046403278 -0.008625068 0.014941923 0.014340969 -0.023737717 0.009902097 -0.0023713815 -0.014914608 0.009587962 -0.025089866 -0.013610262 -0.0026496646 0.008652384 -0.016963316 -0.010264036 -0.009205536 -0.019735904 -0.008024113 -0.02237191 -0.0010106969 -0.012715659 0.010653291 -0.024516227 -0.02287726 0.0228636 0.014272678 -0.013719526 0.0056851697 -0.024584517 -0.012783949 0.0034554906 0.111722976 0.015556537 -0.025991298 0.017099898 -0.0060812538 0.012374207 -0.020446124 -0.017031608 0.022208015 -0.029856531 0.041711733 0.013548801 0.017263794 -0.024010878 0.006890494 -0.0035101227 -0.0010303303 0.0060949116 -0.024434278 0.0027657582 -0.0100045325 0.0194764 0.019216897 0.02533571 0.0007191825 0.022248989 0.024884995 0.02428404 0.01108352 -0.019790536 -0.013815133 -0.003728652 0.010625974 0.013801475 -0.027575634 0.014409259 0.0065387986 0.028845834 0.013357588 0.002473817 0.001521167 0.014422917 0.008857255 0.0025882034 -0.00091082224 -0.025718138 -0.01976322 0.012374207 -0.00575346 -0.022631414 0.011984952 -0.012087388 -0.021634376 -0.019722246 0.014095123 -0.019640299 0.0022996766 -0.00033632986 -0.02775319 -0.006685623 -0.016963316 -0.037586994 -0.0065114824 -0.014846317 0.003148184 -0.020200279 -0.00340598 0.00013615383 -0.0005928454 -0.01913495 0.008017284 -0.026551278 -0.014422917 -0.009820149 0.011909833 0.00960162 0.0038925486 0.0048110536 0.0042203423 -0.013248323 0.013296126 -0.028818518 0.012927359 -0.015146795 0.0034315889 0.020459782 0.0008681408 0.014627788 -0.014422917 0.024762072 0.008734332 0.008003626 0.0026667372 -0.009540158 0.009485526 0.0051968936 -0.0009654545 0.010134284 0.014218046 -0.01849302 -0.0037423098 -0.022836285 -0.012223968 -0.016498942 -0.0049442197 0.00433985 0.016403336 0.013514656 0.0015339714 -0.026879072 0.0057022423 -0.017741827 -0.0063680727 0.014354627 -0.021552427 0.004490089 0.026879072 0.030047743 0.0061973473 -0.01935348 -0.016553575 -0.05244697 0.022481175 0.029228259 -0.029282892 0.0023440653 0.0027760018 -0.02047344 0.0004583988 0.013719526 0.000068183625 0.023109447 -0.007348039 -0.02739808 -0.013931227 -0.0036910921 -0.0055520036 0.011390827 0.018411072 -0.0030440413 -0.0060607665 -0.0018148154 -0.0015894574 -0.024311356 0.032014504 -0.03155013 -0.021866562 0.008304103 0.010632804 0.013740013 -0.015474588 -0.007771439 0.002181876 0.008433855 0.014655104 -0.025526924 0.006883665 0.010878649 0.011356682 0.013152717 0.020159304 -0.014819001 0.011882517 0.014532181 0.00043022906 -0.00953333 -0.008413368 -0.0006837569 0.0013990981 0.032424245 0.0069382973 0.01539264 -0.016649181 -0.023915272 0.0136444075 0.036275823 -0.009089442 -0.010783043 -0.021183658 -0.04441603 0.0047495924 0.026592253 -0.018574968 0.02738442 -0.03070333 -0.0014708029 0.036494352 -0.010789871 0.029118994 -0.008386052 0.03529244 -0.034063216 0.01920324 0.0055656615 0.022330936 -0.0054188375 0.0015271424 -0.0022006559 0.010680607 0.0034896357 0.007689491 0.021839246 -0.026278118 -0.0017303062 0.00023261392 -0.007259262 -0.015638486 -0.01913495 0.0050227535 -0.021074394 -0.009328458 -0.01976322 -0.011684475 -0.0047256905 -0.014450233 0.00034251867 -0.024884995 0.0012727609 -0.001316296 -0.013630749 -0.011732278 -0.0025079623 0.020883182 0.0037218228 0.034336377 0.00776461 0.00048102 -0.008939204 -0.0012505666 0.035920713 0.022139724 0.00988161 0.004681302 0.0128863845 0.021921195 0.0024430864 -0.013678553 -0.028053666 -0.041629784 0.013145888 -0.017318428 0.004899831 -0.0006205883 -0.0051354324 -0.009471868 0.02865462 0.0058319937 0.01559751 -0.0038208438 -0.00319428 -0.025731795 0.018971052 -0.002856243 0.018820815 0.018042304 0.008392881 -0.022604099 -0.012319575 -0.006852934 0.0035852422 0.019298846 0.006552457 -0.015242401 0.019927118 0.011629842 0.011643501 -0.016430652 -0.012749804 -0.0076212003 0.024202092 -0.0112064425 -0.007983139 -0.007867046 -0.015338007 -0.003226718 0.009301143 -0.0012232504 0.009499185 -0.0049169036 -0.009977217 0.024010878 -0.0069212248 -0.018957395 -0.008918717 -0.004872515 -0.014136097 -0.00066711113 -0.0015092161 0.009014323 -0.02196217 -0.022918234 -0.025021575 -0.0050364113 0.004933976 -0.014778026 -0.0014042198 -0.0059344294 0.012148849 -0.020978788 0.020814892 0.0017823775 0.022221671 -0.037805524 0.01503753 -0.004927147 -0.01588433 0.00020721846 0.00063083187 -0.017318428 -0.021251949 0.007955823 0.013746843 -0.014709736 0.018930078 -0.020650994 0.010113797 0.00628271 -0.031604763 -0.013145888 0.0114318 0.01877984 -0.008228985 0.004671058 -0.009048468 -0.003578413 -0.006419291 0.016034568 -0.00031093438 -0.01898471 0.008140207 -0.027070286 0.01877984 0.007860216 -0.020965131 -0.01581604 -0.00706122 -0.007860216 0.008078746 0.013255152 -0.0030372122 0.017605247 0.019326162 0.012299088 -0.001408488 -0.0045481357 -0.012818094 -0.005951502 0.0063578296 -0.018288149 -0.02746637 -0.018547652 0.030757964 0.015064846 0.0063578296 -0.01940811 -0.0027981962 -0.047557384 0.0026701516 -0.01744135 0.0045515504 0.016621865 0.0077031488 0.016321387 0.005111531 -0.011943978 0.0068734214 -0.018055962 -0.017823774 -0.012155678 0.009465039 0.015706776 -0.02541766 -0.022194356 -0.015570194 0.023696743 0.006750499 0.010810358 0.033079833 -0.004623255 0.013173204 0.01998175 0.033981267 0.049879253 0.014941923 -0.0040701036 -0.032069135 -0.0035989003 0.004544721 0.0023662597 -0.0056373663 -0.015160453 0.043186802 0.0076075424 0.010789871 -0.00028852661 0.009553816 0.010011362 -0.0039779115 0.016485285 -0.0032369616 -0.018656917 0.028763885 0.0023986977 -0.004496918 -0.017373059 0.0033103735 0.022248989 -0.002301384 0.00067436695 -0.03958107 -0.003936937 0.0029945308 0.0044217985 -0.013371246 0.018574968 -0.0074368166 0.009779175 0.007819243 0.02160706 0.021784615 0.0001497052 0.0031840364 -0.0017371351 0.0011797154 -0.013862936 -0.023969904 -0.00019484083 0.0076348586 0.0013914154 -0.00497495 -0.00093984563 -0.017974013 -0.014422917 0.0015766529 0.012927359 0.000013224581 0.24278577 -0.0030184323 0.006887079 0.020091014 -0.0047461777 0.0008092404 0.03327105 0.01645797 -0.009471868 0.008659214 -0.026086904 -0.011254245 -0.028080981 -0.0011464239 0.018615942 -0.028818518 -0.04299559 -0.02238557 0.0003115746 -0.029856531 -0.024406962 -0.0064705084 -0.019012026 -0.022085091 0.020009065 0.017564273 0.004227171 0.007587055 0.019039342 -0.008952862 -0.0134463655 -0.001084109 0.0120464135 0.0046574003 -0.039990816 0.0069348826 0.007190971 -0.016130175 0.017905723 0.015023871 0.024393305 0.005152505 0.012585907 -0.004643742 0.0016244561 0.024803046 -0.010400617 0.0018779839 -0.005808092 0.018971052 -0.014641446 0.016416995 0.022604099 0.004814468 -0.010079652 0.017700853 -0.0020470025 -0.0029279478 -0.02279531 0.018820815 0.002586496 0.015351665 -0.0018011574 0.02209875 -0.024966944 0.024953285 -0.016335046 0.0048315404 0.00054760306 -0.040892247 0.0011882517 -0.020528072 -0.003762797 -0.006084668 -0.0058763823 -0.0064329486 0.0006158934 0.024325015 0.025800085 0.03354421 -0.009772345 -0.023027498 -0.003861818 0.008857255 -0.022645073 -0.029419472 0.020514414 0.00072387746 -0.040701035 -0.0076348586 0.014518524 -0.029638002 -0.012797607 -0.00755291 -0.006170031 -0.011056203 0.008877742 0.0051934794 -0.009068956 0.00769632 -0.012859069 0.012469813 0.013282469 0.028599989 -0.0198998 -0.012012268 0.006296368 0.024051853 0.0037388953 -0.013760501 -0.01729111 -0.04072835 0.009266998 -0.015269717 -0.01708624 -0.002420892 -0.008310933 0.0063066115 0.028599989 -0.017864749 -0.012865897 -0.0102845235 0.017236479 0.009943072 -0.012879555 -0.012066901 -0.03796942 0.0040837615 -0.012906872 -0.016335046 0.010038678 -0.020200279 0.006248565 -0.027848795 -0.00691781 -0.009540158 0.0042032697 -0.026660543 -0.0018199371 0.017468665 -0.007122681 0.004363752 0.01094694 0.008734332 0.012947846 -0.019230556 0.011452287 -0.002554058 0.005534931 0.0023986977 -0.028572673 0.017455008 -0.008864084 -0.01962664 0.012900042 -0.022494834 -0.022221671 -0.031249654 -0.017755484 0.010277694 -0.032588143 0.019858826 0.007730465 -0.012442498 -0.0031994018 -0.028681938 -0.17547882 0.02047344 0.0061222278 -0.011629842 0.03291594 -0.02450257 0.021538768 0.0150102135 -0.01412244 0.0011054496 0.00058217504 -0.010147942 -0.027302472 -0.015133136 -0.0059549166 -0.010714753 0.013794646 0.014313652 0.04496235 0.01419073 0.00945821 -0.015378982 0.016348705 0.013562459 -0.0072660907 0.008563607 0.008413368 0.014641446 -0.020814892 -0.024406962 -0.009984045 -0.003684263 0.04086493 0.025786428 0.010216232 0.0006521726 -0.009465039 -0.010892307 -0.0039915694 0.013931227 0.02838146 0.022904575 -0.010974255 0.024065511 -0.00037943813 0.019367136 0.008181181 -0.020009065 -0.004193026 -0.0007191825 -0.0036023147 -0.004298876 -0.01686771 0.010585001 0.0036671904 -0.029091679 0.015829697 0.022248989 -0.0060539376 -0.017140873 0.00409742 -0.013439536 -0.0030133107 -0.005521273 -0.020459782 -0.036221188 0.00027721605 -0.012947846 -0.041547835 0.009772345 -0.00063638046 -0.012722488 -0.003399151 0.007996798 -0.0025489365 -0.003895963 -0.036876775 0.0021545598 -0.01920324 0.016881369 -0.0036159728 0.0035408535 -0.0042032697 -0.0057841907 -0.007723636 0.018588627 0.00084594643 -0.0030576994 -0.014218046 -0.021825587 0.00853629 -0.012941017 -0.021634376 -0.026482988 0.009342116 0.0007622908 -0.005275428 0.013118572 0.0009842343 0.004292047 0.0006176006 -0.011172297 -0.0021733397 -0.0068017165 0.029965796 -0.0063680727 -0.0018216445 -0.006050523 0.020637337 -0.005555418 -0.013022965 0.0038549888 0.012510788 0.019189581 -0.00805143 0.009792833 0.014791684 -0.01595262 0.012435668 0.0017285988 0.04985194 0.0014733638 -0.010810358 0.005203723 0.0024499155 -0.026646886 -0.14291799 -0.02301384 0.00416571 0.023806008 0.013077597 -0.0041622953 -0.014504865 -0.008495317 -0.019257871 0.02824488 -0.014040491 -0.018793497 -0.022330936 -0.025431318 -0.024680125 0.00028233783 0.000013224581 -0.02209875 -0.027643925 0.043541912 0.0028272194 -0.0154882455 -0.011978123 0.020637337 -0.014709736 -0.0024516226 -0.018697891 0.004138394 -0.0003734627 0.026237143 -0.010072823 0.0013265396 -0.0028459993 -0.015297033 0.0057637035 0.008153865 -0.028490724 -0.017209163 0.029829215 0.0010755727 -0.0018677404 0.009123588 0.0035920711 -0.033079833 0.012449326 -0.00395401 -0.03070333 0.019995408 -0.0029467277 -0.001118254 -0.037313834 -0.0051866504 -0.026687859 -0.0023577234 0.016403336 -0.020268569 -0.008201668 0.012872727 0.0067675714 0.005265184 0.016266756 0.007737294 -0.0079626525 0.0030047745 0.030129692 -0.0053266454 0.00063253916 -0.017400375 0.011609355 -0.013603433 -0.0054529826 0.0194764 -0.012053243 0.021593401 -0.019585665 0.0076348586 -0.024229407 -0.02739808 0.009649423 0.0020930986 0.0011728863 -0.015897987 -0.003762797 -0.041602466 0.012080559 -0.01122693 0.020131988 0.024543542 -0.017455008 -0.0228636 -0.021921195 0.03898012 0.017127214 -0.0042135133 -0.011732278 0.014272678 0.0061973473 -0.017373059 0.02194851 -0.002156267 -0.00034443932 -0.0015476295 0.0027094188 0.028599989 -0.0077099777 0.003650118 -0.0028733155 -0.013302956 -0.004326192 -0.023601137 0.011199613 0.0018540823 -0.010065994 0.025882034 0.0048861727 -0.00953333 -0.023819666 -0.01742769 0.0057944343 -0.0008228984 -0.0066685504 0.010489394 -0.014272678 0.012155678 0.011267904 -0.0017567687 0.009103101 -0.0005066288 -0.017851092 0.022412885 -0.0138083035 -0.009041639 0.007313894 -0.019449085 0.0021665106 0.03458222 0.006753913 -0.011104007 0.01764622 0.024584517 0.0057432163 0.041684415 -0.002188705 -0.021839246 0.017987672 -0.018301807 -0.0027742945 0.016936 -0.031358916 0.010810358 0.002163096 0.020842208 0.031003809 0.029965796 -0.039007433 -0.007942165 -0.030730646 -0.019080317 0.007348039 0.033079833 -0.031031124 -0.029091679 0.018971052 0.013159546 0.015829697 -0.023765033 0.009553816 -0.0014793392 -0.0069348826 0.005760289 -0.0016534795 -0.024038196 -0.014245362 0.013214178 0.008351907 0.020746602 0.008351907 0.007593884 -0.004630084 -0.00008717687 -0.029829215 0.028681938 0.014436575 0.00833142 -0.04122004 0.00079728954 0.012865897 0.022071434 0.010619146 0.017195504 0.01214202 0.007163655 -0.014067807 0.016854053 -0.021333897 -0.006613918 0.016089201 0.02640104 -0.011821056 -0.004158881 0.024243066 0.023956247 0.0056715114 -0.02259044 0.006521726 0.0035032937 -0.0017414034 0.0020521244 -0.010783043 -0.017099898 0.00149129 0.015843356 -0.013432707 0.0012411766 0.01955835 0.0019889558 -0.01764622 -0.0009842343 0.012401523 -0.021047078 -0.012749804 0.027452711 0.02547229 -0.003663776 0.03021164 -0.0023099203 0.006678794 0.015775066 -0.011889346 -0.021347556 0.006617333 -0.008092403 0.010707923 -0.021306582 -0.014791684 -0.010264036 0.017960357 -0.023532847 0.008317762 0.026086904 -0.032151084 0.03220572 0.0032386687 -0.019845169 0.006579773 0.0012591028 0.020842208 -0.005787605 -0.0017823775 0.008003626 -0.0029620929 0.005944673 -0.029993111 0.010694265 -0.0019428597 -0.013016136 0.023846982 -0.010188917 0.0057637035 0.0065046535 -0.00819484 0.031140389 0.012182994 0.027507344 -0.0015817747 0.0142863365 -0.0085226325 0.010106969 0.0078465585 -0.0074026715 -0.023778692 0.0018301808 0.024871336 -0.0484315 -0.025390344 0.0047973953 -0.012620052 0.013664894 -0.0029808728 0.0014725102 0.013862936 0.0063646585 0.0018899348 -0.027657581 -0.030375537 0.026892731 0.007559739 -0.010168429 0.0013154424 -0.025813743
-0.019532628 -0.013189761 0.016573934 -0.016364468 0.009799044 -0.0065032393 -0.025345288 -0.015277867 -0.0036754594 0.010610721 -0.002209203 0.02088106 -0.009432479 -0.016665574 0.00424167 0.00093522936 0.02669372 0.006369051 0.01605027 -0.010113241 -0.026353339 -0.025135823 -0.02453361 -0.0044053146 -0.011003468 0.006054853 0.0044544083 -0.0074032852 -0.015749164 0.014688746 -0.002567585 -0.007377102 0.0063166847 -0.012882109 -0.027570855 -0.027597038 -0.0053446353 0.007049813 0.0054166387 0.00055352814 0.01580153 0.015932446 -0.0054231845 -0.01301957 -0.007724029 0.0079073105 0.009511028 0.02270079 -0.007593113 -0.0007527655 0.0014048895 0.0017591803 -0.012934475 0.021352358 0.004883157 0.0030536097 -0.001296884 0.0071218163 0.0024235777 0.007560384 0.0067094318 0.000023690123 0.00024383057 0.001816456 0.0029046931 0.010499443 -0.018590035 -0.0017444523 -0.004768606 -0.011160567 0.041055176 0.016639391 -0.0013124304 -0.006702886 0.018773317 -0.02228186 -0.009890684 0.00020271484 -0.011258754 -0.009020095 0.018838774 -0.053256523 -0.034640305 0.0099037755 0.008496432 0.008777901 0.009982325 0.021666555 -0.014989853 0.014348365 0.010898735 0.008961183 -0.0002794233 0.020579955 -0.03377626 0.034980685 0.0038980162 0.0071218163 -0.00287851 -0.0018770045 0.029508408 0.0010964193 -0.027466122 -0.0072789155 0.012083523 0.023643384 -0.011985336 0.019454079 0.022386592 -0.01347123 0.006912351 0.026994826 0.0006586698 -0.032126725 0.0081691425 -0.00015208728 -0.01671794 0.0025397653 -0.0123322625 -0.022216402 0.03466649 -0.035870913 0.016168093 -0.011461673 0.017176146 -0.01904824 -0.022347318 -0.0066767028 -0.015487332 -0.01496367 0.008332787 0.014924395 0.0064508733 -0.014714929 0.0036787323 0.0024415785 0.013903252 0.0031305228 -0.022242585 -0.014047259 0.0035707268 -0.0011749688 -0.010571446 0.0040060217 0.023512468 0.0061235838 0.010244157 0.008581527 -0.013863977 0.0016839037 0.024585977 -0.034142826 0.0041925767 -0.0354258 0.000922956 0.02195457 0.010283432 0.03718007 0.032336187 0.0053839097 -0.008025135 0.042887997 0.018655494 0.014151991 0.005501734 0.035975646 0.059331015 0.0155658815 0.01347123 0.013863977 -0.021221442 0.002073378 -0.011566406 0.004925705 -0.01047326 0.034745038 -0.011802054 -0.017477252 -0.009929959 -0.027204292 -0.019676637 0.007305098 0.008594618 0.0149374865 0.010126333 -0.015997903 -0.008633893 -0.018105647 0.00019780551 -0.0069385343 -0.00034222193 -0.0005097532 0.0030847022 0.00097532227 -0.6346795 -0.027204292 0.010839824 -0.00451332 -0.010289977 0.0064083254 0.012312626 0.0076454794 -0.007134908 0.0212869 -0.0072985524 -0.013261764 -0.027544672 -0.008123321 0.021902204 -0.0044478625 0.02835635 -0.0059861224 0.017372519 0.033043135 0.009177194 0.018354388 -0.0011185114 0.002413759 0.0009728676 0.012135889 0.021535639 -0.0023597563 -0.027256658 0.011396215 0.013981801 0.039484188 0.019637361 -0.023316093 0.04639654 -0.015840804 -0.029613141 -0.0045362306 -0.008653531 0.05055966 -0.0402435 0.004212214 0.0002464898 -0.012626823 0.008522615 -0.01979446 0.020422855 -0.021758197 -0.02709956 -0.008725534 0.0065032393 -0.017280878 -0.018354388 0.020933427 0.008430974 -0.009825227 0.017097596 0.002886692 -0.014492373 0.016338285 -0.0036623678 -0.010839824 -0.029744057 -0.03375008 -0.014649471 -0.0054657324 0.007652025 -0.0029014202 -0.0053970013 -0.017110687 -0.008771354 0.032414738 -0.01589317 0.008306604 -0.013229036 0.018262746 0.0071872743 0.020422855 -0.020514498 0.020763237 0.0006013942 0.0007785396 -0.031157946 -0.035635266 0.035635266 -0.01101656 -0.021980753 0.0010006872 0.015343325 -0.022020027 -0.007743666 0.034299925 0.0031141583 -0.0134188635 0.00652615 0.00794004 -0.019571904 -0.012201347 0.0026035868 -0.029220393 -0.008247692 0.00359691 0.019611178 0.03859396 0.01671794 0.00023830756 -0.007350919 0.010584538 0.026143873 -0.024690708 0.029822607 -0.007822216 0.01396871 0.0053970013 -0.0013852522 -0.018498395 0.013785427 0.002762322 0.011749688 -0.018485302 0.0064508733 -0.014322182 0.015657524 -0.00873208 0.022648424 0.044877917 0.0014089807 -0.005603194 -0.01081364 -0.0044936826 0.0042907633 -0.018393662 0.0043594944 -0.005105714 -0.0030667013 0.012607186 0.02170583 -0.018432936 0.03351443 -0.012404267 -0.013929435 -0.021614188 0.004562414 0.001084146 -0.013916343 -0.027518488 -0.028644364 -0.008993912 -0.020331215 -0.00036840508 -0.012168618 -0.004732604 -0.0085160695 0.014073443 -0.022386592 0.0079073105 -0.022177126 -0.019637361 -0.027256658 -0.007383648 0.018354388 0.01654775 -0.014911303 0.0155658815 -0.016272826 -0.027413756 0.009092098 0.026327156 0.0148065705 -0.013445047 0.018459119 0.002197748 0.011965699 0.011631864 0.008300058 0.0048111537 0.012436995 -0.0012273351 -0.0067879814 0.0047751516 0.011566406 0.013484322 -0.00079531316 0.012653006 0.04006022 -0.0046606003 0.015526607 0.030529551 -0.039065257 0.010355435 0.0060483073 0.03118413 -0.04479937 0.00575702 -0.004028932 0.004496956 0.022674607 -0.00087959017 0.0007184001 0.0033776262 -0.003724553 0.023172086 0.0036230932 -0.025541661 -0.0019031876 -0.030555734 -0.0051515345 -0.024101589 0.02478235 0.018000914 -0.006421417 -0.02644498 0.013602146 -0.010041238 -0.001417163 0.034797404 0.00048316093 0.000048096193 -0.017516525 0.0040191133 0.005871571 -0.01797473 0.012299534 -0.0015587156 0.0091444645 0.004889703 0.014125808 0.017686717 0.010761274 -0.020907244 -0.020017017 0.006038489 0.0141389 0.0006054853 0.022975713 -0.03699679 0.024363419 -0.007481835 0.012607186 -0.008725534 0.01039471 0.022255676 0.023316093 0.0044478625 0.018184196 0.008424428 0.032231458 -0.00041872583 -0.038384497 -0.012535183 -0.01688813 0.0019195521 0.0046704193 -0.02220331 0.017005956 -0.015395692 0.004496956 -0.0005662106 0.013281402 0.0187995 0.0032385283 0.010649996 0.02694246 -0.005115533 0.005694835 -0.00498789 0.020056292 -0.0047456957 0.014073443 0.00548537 -0.0018099102 0.007887674 0.021574914 -0.006977809 0.014714929 -0.0008615892 -0.008345879 0.00085586164 -0.016613208 -0.006977809 -0.0016290827 -0.029141843 0.0090135485 0.011298029 -0.003351443 -0.012744647 -0.025973683 0.004313674 -0.00036820053 0.006912351 -0.016429925 -0.008869542 -0.018537669 0.013798519 0.014309091 -0.013294494 0.0031648881 -0.00038763334 -0.0015047129 -0.029717874 0.0104470765 0.0075014723 0.0045427764 -0.013628329 0.020278849 0.010191791 -0.031393595 -0.026248606 -0.018603127 -0.010623813 0.00577993 -0.0075472924 -0.014099626 -0.02021339 0.0018213652 0.016272826 -0.003960201 -0.011874058 0.033304963 0.013654512 -0.020697778 -0.019480262 -0.012993388 0.01131112 0.118452564 0.014793479 -0.0033710804 0.03733717 -0.031838708 0.0080382265 -0.036918238 -0.028330166 0.00550828 -0.016573934 -0.02094652 -0.0021617461 0.02162728 -0.00078426715 0.012567911 0.003439811 0.00525954 -0.02520128 -0.023289911 -0.01039471 -0.005413366 0.0015497151 -0.023486285 0.020318123 0.0094783 0.028251616 0.015264776 0.028434899 -0.0049355235 -0.0103161605 -0.023237545 -0.011298029 -0.020056292 0.016416835 -0.026562804 0.02369575 -0.017385611 0.024625251 0.011206388 0.012273351 0.0011986973 0.02927276 0.003058519 -0.02262224 0.017280878 0.0010792366 -0.009373567 0.009583033 0.0035249065 -0.02569876 0.0198861 0.034640305 -0.028880013 0.014309091 -0.00021744287 0.024847807 -0.016024087 -0.0058093863 -0.037991747 -0.02893238 -0.014060351 -0.02211167 -0.008627348 -0.007409831 -0.009537212 -0.02586895 -0.0002710365 0.0080382265 -0.011409307 -0.0028834192 0.050873857 -0.01821038 -0.035870913 -0.006022124 0.032152906 0.012908292 0.01654775 -0.000633714 -0.0147411125 0.012921384 0.022255676 -0.029979706 0.008378607 -0.014361457 -0.028958563 -0.016390651 -0.016901223 0.011959153 -0.016024087 -0.0012036066 0.00017080414 0.0189566 0.00029681053 -0.030974664 0.014950578 0.010591083 0.0081887795 0.03285985 -0.01912679 0.012240622 -0.024638344 -0.013628329 0.0071414537 -0.02503109 0.010846369 0.000009128305 -0.004297309 0.0126595525 -0.007200366 0.0069712633 0.007534201 0.009641944 -0.018066373 0.01872095 0.0010244157 0.0027574128 -0.014007985 0.009118281 -0.008993912 0.0063526863 -0.013628329 -0.029639324 0.02428487 0.031210313 -0.014845845 -0.004798062 0.017333245 -0.026916277 -0.0011749688 0.01929698 -0.008620801 0.020593047 -0.007717483 -0.012842834 -0.06079727 -0.010303069 0.0034201737 -0.0063788695 0.0011348758 0.0118347835 0.008797538 -0.003999476 -0.0072461865 -0.0473915 0.011324212 -0.029822607 -0.027466122 -0.008509523 0.013719969 0.02694246 -0.042050138 0.016587025 -0.019637361 0.0035216336 0.007449106 -0.03390718 -0.001597172 -0.0377561 0.026510438 0.028749097 0.027466122 -0.015277867 0.008444065 0.017346336 0.0062872283 -0.036054194 -0.0018950053 -0.021928387 -0.010918373 0.0010358709 -0.002955423 -0.00062798645 0.019637361 0.008954637 0.010303069 0.011644956 -0.007992406 -0.015225501 -0.033985727 -0.01389016 0.0013124304 -0.014597105 -0.02319827 0.016704848 -0.010460168 -0.0043431297 0.012509 0.0044707726 -0.00073967397 0.004146756 0.02277934 -0.0003006971 0.020645412 0.024756167 0.011036197 -0.024376512 -0.007043267 -0.018917324 -0.014728021 0.0058093863 0.031733975 0.037729915 -0.001465438 0.012522091 -0.019008966 0.010172153 -0.015853897 -0.012797014 0.0005506643 -0.021051252 -0.013183216 -0.03634221 -0.015186226 -0.01954572 -0.024585977 0.0150029445 -0.012620278 0.00015116677 0.00027635496 -0.020422855 -0.011631864 -0.016901223 -0.0031337957 0.009249197 0.01595863 0.0023728479 -0.031367414 0.0038783788 0.0074294684 0.019977743 -0.000056917663 0.015788438 0.032336187 -0.0147411125 0.0028212343 0.010433985 0.008876087 -0.01155986 -0.021548731 0.02294953 -0.01446619 -0.000014357263 -0.00093850226 -0.0013386135 -0.014649471 0.023420826 -0.00035244972 -0.006031943 0.0010890553 -0.010715454 -0.012666098 -0.01572298 0.0042285784 0.0020030108 -0.0071807285 0.020684687 -0.010034692 -0.0081887795 -0.005668652 0.0010137787 0.003901289 0.0007392648 -0.02095961 0.00885645 0.014492373 -0.005662106 -0.00449041 -0.008025135 -0.010879098 0.027413756 0.0048307907 -0.0060974006 0.019506445 -0.00061694044 0.026628261 -0.04838646 -0.0059763035 0.005524644 -0.018851867 -0.03652549 0.03482359 0.010676179 0.0016667211 0.012561365 -0.0026019504 -0.027204292 0.021980753 -0.0071152705 0.012509 -0.004434771 -0.019440988 -0.0029243303 -0.022137852 0.020278849 -0.018092556 0.015932446 -0.013693786 0.02088106 -0.000600576 0.028042153 -0.0019244615 0.0037736462 -0.010087058 0.01811874 0.007684754 -0.012711919 0.03259802 -0.021417815 -0.04791516 -0.010217974 0.02319827 0.021090526 0.005475551 0.019166065 0.017307062 0.022609148 0.00873208 -0.030136803 -0.023093536 -0.0045656865 -0.010532171 0.0024415785 0.02969169 -0.010034692 -0.002410486 -0.010244157 0.010427439 -0.0047522415 -0.0047162394 0.0041009355 0.016731031 0.021915296 0.0017722718 -0.037101522 -0.03686587 -0.01805328 -0.023721933 0.013837794 -0.009674673 -0.017359428 0.013268311 0.014322182 0.013575963 -0.010335797 -0.010499443 -0.0036852781 -0.0133534055 -0.007102179 -0.01804019 -0.027623221 -0.026418798 0.021404725 0.012705373 -0.037049156 -0.00014298454 -0.007841853 -0.03825358 -0.0019588268 0.0006251227 0.0018328204 0.037310988 -0.0069058053 -0.015788438 0.03126268 -0.00078426715 0.00051016227 -0.025227463 -0.022936437 -0.008790992 -0.00041872583 0.008476795 -0.01597172 -0.026732994 0.02220331 0.021273809 0.001765726 0.0030274265 0.024559794 0.00027042284 0.01787 0.0059435745 0.010368527 0.009360475 0.02294953 0.019637361 -0.023918306 0.018197289 0.015853897 0.024324145 -0.008653531 0.006545787 0.01505531 -0.008424428 -0.015578973 -0.008208417 -0.014950578 0.0045100474 0.015749164 0.016927406 -0.026497345 0.020606138 0.009092098 -0.011042743 -0.031236496 -0.0059043 0.022190219 -0.0077043916 0.004130392 0.0041893036 -0.032807484 -0.020108659 0.010911827 0.0055148257 0.0011586043 -0.010604175 -0.02270079 0.0006860803 -0.012378084 0.008588073 0.008935 -0.024507428 0.0067814356 -0.0003146069 0.028225435 0.0024203048 -0.014610196 0.018249655 -0.020671595 0.0066505196 0.00719382 0.01870786 -0.041840672 0.030241536 0.011023105 0.012364992 0.002336846 0.23816192 0.004618053 -0.0011946062 0.044118606 -0.0041631204 -0.00021703375 0.009982325 0.01597172 -0.030293902 -0.02336846 -0.0068730763 -0.018419845 -0.021051252 -0.005694835 0.005187536 -0.033985727 -0.033121683 -0.019336255 0.00097204937 -0.016482292 -0.004650782 -0.019401712 -0.011442035 -0.00047497867 0.0026477708 0.01937553 -0.0030814293 -0.010178699 0.015592065 0.025580935 -0.017267786 0.0016773579 -0.001545624 0.007527655 0.0063821427 -0.014151991 0.010303069 0.003976566 0.0031747068 0.044144787 0.015683707 0.016704848 -0.030817566 -0.019061333 0.018498395 -0.012770831 -0.012142435 0.0074883807 0.022596058 0.014400732 -0.0013999803 -0.0009933232 0.0399293 0.028173069 -0.006630882 0.013327222 0.002813052 -0.0009458662 -0.023093536 0.010244157 -0.006143221 0.032021992 0.01995156 0.02196766 -0.006159586 0.0102507025 -0.017110687 -0.0064737834 0.0025364924 -0.006637428 -0.02285789 0.006846893 0.00399293 0.018982783 -0.015186226 -0.039798386 0.026667537 0.0307652 0.014832754 0.028434899 0.0014302544 0.027675588 -0.007802578 0.010905282 0.015592065 -0.00860771 0.03152451 -0.013811611 -0.015932446 0.007730575 -0.0074687432 0.0017477252 -0.02593441 -0.004516593 -0.015146951 -0.012404267 0.010885644 0.024625251 0.0023384825 -0.0034790859 -0.025135823 0.017307062 0.04267853 0.023172086 -0.0063068657 -0.0073378272 0.008470248 0.017752174 0.017437978 0.0076454794 -0.020305032 -0.023080446 0.013733061 -0.0026068597 -0.009314655 0.01138967 0.018184196 -0.02336846 0.018419845 -0.018642401 -0.0067094318 0.013065391 0.028513448 0.022818614 0.027597038 -0.019179156 -0.013130849 -0.0019310073 0.005410093 -0.014269816 0.00012774512 0.005194082 -0.0014728021 -0.022334225 -0.01603718 0.002659226 0.017320152 -0.011919878 -0.008084047 0.013229036 -0.022006936 0.030136803 -0.01788309 -0.0011978791 0.0155658815 -0.021011977 0.015487332 0.01588008 -0.0013476139 0.005171172 -0.033671528 0.0093408385 -0.022491325 -0.0052399025 0.0130523 0.022334225 -0.027570855 -0.036211293 0.018773317 0.007632388 -0.02577731 -0.0047784247 0.01309812 -0.007560384 -0.023316093 -0.023564834 -0.16495384 0.023381552 0.0073247356 -0.018000914 0.023355369 -0.024311053 0.01929698 -0.0041336645 -0.008509523 0.009753223 0.024625251 0.008084047 0.015578973 -0.011258754 -0.0036263661 0.010244157 -0.0062021334 0.008718989 0.032650385 0.014047259 0.024546701 -0.020095566 -0.024507428 0.039353274 -0.009831772 -0.004248216 -0.0062970472 0.020383582 -0.0029357856 -0.049093403 -0.029037112 0.010721999 0.010492897 0.016704848 0.019231522 -0.012607186 0.010951102 -0.005868298 0.006827256 0.035373434 0.010551808 0.01260064 0.008175688 0.018485302 -0.0066046994 0.0146756545 0.0049126134 0.007652025 0.0012903382 -0.018262746 0.013719969 0.003600183 -0.008948091 0.010859461 0.011461673 -0.0020226482 0.00359691 0.0046867835 -0.013510505 -0.009137919 -0.011474765 -0.015421875 0.0037180071 -0.03974602 -0.023237545 -0.015605156 -0.008784446 0.012633369 -0.0355829 0.028722914 0.01097074 -0.005626104 0.012855926 -0.037599 0.005374091 0.0064050527 -0.009314655 0.002493945 0.0007351737 0.008280421 0.020095566 0.0374419 0.007553838 0.020003926 0.014165083 -0.008764809 0.021810563 0.02984879 -0.030477185 -0.033540614 -0.01513386 0.0014867119 0.0049649794 -0.018603127 0.025659485 0.0017133597 0.017424885 0.0032908944 0.0038947433 -0.017595075 -0.016927406 0.0023581197 -0.0009802317 0.008869542 0.042469066 -0.0023597563 -0.01821038 0.0041107545 0.0036492762 -0.036630224 -0.0141127175 0.016207369 0.01878641 0.008123321 0.015107676 0.004955161 0.004457681 -0.017922366 0.004706421 -0.010244157 0.04964325 0.00426458 -0.019467171 0.017555801 0.0018540942 -0.025594028 -0.10735091 -0.041290823 0.0073574646 0.010165608 -0.014322182 0.01821038 0.031576876 0.0045362306 0.0024088498 0.021588005 0.009674673 -0.013929435 -0.006630882 -0.0103161605 0.028539632 -0.017765267 0.008339332 -0.009131373 -0.022412775 0.022164036 0.00801859 -0.0400864 -0.014374549 -0.0101197865 0.0071807285 -0.021090526 -0.03026772 -0.022805523 0.028906196 -0.0011119656 -0.019899193 -0.017542709 0.024389602 -0.018472211 -0.0012150618 0.009242651 -0.031053213 -0.029298943 0.039379455 -0.021614188 0.0025986775 0.007560384 -0.0015963538 -0.012914838 -0.018524578 -0.006215225 -0.006189042 0.021718921 0.023263728 0.0075472924 -0.034195192 0.0024350327 0.0060712174 -0.03519015 0.011212933 -0.012515545 0.008653531 0.010708908 0.020632321 -0.00473915 -0.021457091 -0.007010538 -0.002413759 -0.0010015054 0.03482359 0.0057962947 0.0032548925 -0.0076716626 0.01937553 0.01201152 -0.01496367 0.03757282 -0.0018426391 0.013641421 -0.029508408 -0.016443018 -0.005374091 -0.0052464483 0.007377102 0.0057995673 -0.009733586 -0.011494402 0.017830724 -0.019349346 0.020684687 0.006729069 0.004546049 0.010132878 -0.013589054 -0.036001828 0.0033236234 0.0033972636 0.018655494 -0.018079463 -0.02196766 -0.018302022 -0.011716959 -0.030424818 0.019859917 0.03343588 -0.032152906 -0.015029127 -0.033645347 0.017987823 0.0091444645 -0.006853439 -0.0061694044 -0.012129343 -0.016089546 -0.0212869 -0.01044053 -0.009792497 -0.020357398 0.015395692 -0.01796164 0.0015660796 -0.016508475 -0.01496367 0.032886036 -0.03194344 0.013340314 0.002304117 -0.0057930215 -0.0032254367 0.018236563 0.0060581258 -0.0094259335 0.012253714 -0.031053213 0.031393595 -0.005419912 -0.01597172 0.020998886 -0.0198861 0.0036427304 0.007305098 0.010885644 -0.02403613 -0.035687633 0.019401712 -0.005956666 0.0032548925 -0.025004907 -0.0059697577 0.016063362 -0.027282842 0.0048766113 0.004699875 -0.0126595525 0.012155526 0.031629242 -0.010591083 0.023224453 0.020776328 -0.038148846 -0.024926357 -0.025070366 -0.026510438 0.024428878 0.0031223404 -0.003996203 -0.0043824045 -0.0017280878 0.023276819 0.010165608 -0.03833213 0.020383582 0.008221509 -0.0053675454 -0.0013459774 0.017909274 -0.01797473 0.019768277 0.009452117 0.009700856 -0.006879622 0.014125808 -0.0040452965 0.010047783 -0.008699351 -0.035373434 0.025921317 -0.010257249 -0.011396215 -0.03152451 0.01463638 0.024572885 0.010885644 -0.017437978 0.013798519 -0.007841853 0.0015578973 -0.036892056 -0.009799044 -0.02901093 -0.023892123 -0.008457157 -0.0012117889 -0.023538651 0.02778032 -0.013706878 0.007383648 0.03683969 -0.00935393 -0.008843359 -0.0047031483 0.0057602925 -0.0015464422 0.0011659684 -0.005020619 -0.0018557307 0.007167637 0.014989853 0.0020210117 0.012103161 0.009537212 0.0066341553 -0.009949597 0.028042153 -0.020671595 -0.024481244 0.025842767 0.021011977 0.020920336 0.022596058 -0.028670548 0.005956666 -0.008948091 -0.013536688 -0.0012224257 -0.0018770045 -0.0046475087 0.009864501 -0.038044114 -0.013733061 -0.015094585 0.006918897 -0.0147411125 -0.006853439 0.016770307 0.010924919 0.06535314 0.009988871 -0.014832754 -0.015866987 0.00677489 0.015749164 0.01680958 0.004735877 -0.01687504 -0.00997578 0.0056130122 -0.00513517 0.0031648881 -0.009936505 -0.004618053 -0.006094128 0.016168093 0.025214372 -0.0248609 -0.0025479477 0.0377561 0.018328205 0.0084506115 -0.0063625053 -0.015657524 -0.02801597 0.008378607 0.005956666 -0.004860247 -0.033697713 0.029429859 -0.0050468016 0.0066243364 0.01301957 -0.011095109 0.027675588 0.0063494137 0.015539698 0.0006828074 -0.001721542 -0.018642401 0.02770177 -0.031288862 -0.023433918 0.0038914704 -0.013929435 0.0048766113 0.0002117153 -0.03867251
0.007900065 -0.002737712 0.009791817 -0.02973515 -0.012043268 0.009358846 -0.024845902 0.0067210495 -0.0098118 -0.017651914 0.0064412835 0.01895749 0.016093217 0.022021595 0.0066677607 0.0009850102 0.039886665 0.0058484455 0.016945837 -0.018984135 -0.022474552 -0.00078351184 0.004226468 -0.043457016 -0.019183967 -0.0075936536 0.011357175 0.005591993 0.0019783466 -0.034850873 0.033198923 -0.012855923 0.0025445402 -0.01417482 -0.0011190647 0.031760123 0.006940866 -0.0131623335 0.0005445449 -0.018664401 0.025725167 0.0036636048 0.008086575 -0.007520382 -0.0068476107 0.0012656089 -0.014854252 -0.019690212 -0.0023630252 0.021049075 0.030747637 0.0133222 -0.013415455 -0.007067427 0.0058551067 0.0020849241 -0.001426308 0.024246404 0.0014604462 -0.008885907 -0.004865933 0.002234799 0.005591993 0.0043896646 0.01568023 0.004449615 -0.012696057 -0.019223934 -0.016093217 0.0065978193 0.020462899 0.008952518 -0.00053413695 0.020849243 0.033332143 0.0050724274 -0.040659353 0.003477094 0.014361331 0.008279747 -0.013342183 -0.0054054824 -0.039380424 0.0060649314 0.0032322987 0.0049125613 0.017891714 -0.004815975 -0.0060782535 -0.013015789 -0.0075137205 0.002561193 0.02290086 0.0041232207 -0.010930865 -0.01538714 -0.0060482784 0.012123202 -0.026671043 -0.031040724 0.006061601 0.006687744 -0.042684328 -0.0093322005 -0.031520326 -0.018264735 0.0052589383 -0.011417125 0.027949974 -0.0043696812 0.00095003936 0.048439518 0.012109879 -0.035330474 0.012875906 0.005831793 0.0087393625 -0.023367139 0.01731886 -0.014707709 0.019636922 0.012289729 0.014627775 -0.011903386 0.0028209758 0.0095320335 -0.03559692 0.00042297985 -0.02954864 0.006221467 0.0256852 0.015826773 0.002434632 0.018717691 -0.01858447 0.0030574447 -0.016093217 0.0110507645 0.003953363 -0.025138991 0.012143185 0.01841128 -0.01169023 -0.019210612 -0.025472045 0.01907739 0.01120397 0.0018118192 -0.0132289445 -0.020915853 0.018038258 -0.019636922 0.012929195 -0.00016964988 -0.0077801645 0.0014962496 0.0037102327 0.003124056 -0.03077428 -0.009578661 0.0117435185 0.0012389646 0.020329677 -0.003826802 -0.015520362 0.027123999 0.014880897 0.016079895 -0.0050291303 0.0009150686 -0.018611113 0.024672713 -0.02180844 0.0190241 -0.009139029 0.01580013 0.006807644 0.018304702 -0.004862603 -0.0013855088 0.029148974 -0.0047626863 0.017185638 0.018451246 -0.016066574 -0.012795973 -0.002900909 -0.004536209 0.004263104 -0.025032412 0.014148176 0.00951205 -0.0038234713 0.0067243804 -0.67442304 -0.022994116 0.004402987 -0.04276426 0.007293904 -0.0100516 -0.0026311344 -0.0046294644 -0.00049916614 0.007926709 -0.000504162 0.009651934 0.0014279733 -0.02114233 -0.013815121 -0.015880061 0.001562028 -0.045641854 -0.0057751737 -0.01646624 -0.018504536 0.016746005 -0.0009375498 -0.010164838 -0.011243937 -0.007973337 -0.018278059 -0.0026844232 0.005002486 0.018344669 0.0048193056 0.009258929 0.0108842375 0.008652769 0.050277982 -0.0046994057 -0.009818461 0.027230576 0.00063405343 0.038288 -0.020582799 -0.020143166 0.017851748 -0.00026769296 0.0020316355 0.021009108 0.010651099 -0.008326375 -0.015307208 0.012949178 0.009858428 -0.00023126506 0.016692717 -0.008879246 0.034424562 -0.017145671 0.012329696 -0.0142547535 -0.01362861 0.016785972 -0.0077868258 0.013315539 -0.045695145 0.015760163 -0.013208961 0.018091546 -0.002344707 0.0042597735 0.017119026 -0.020729342 -0.0118767405 0.003095746 -0.017771814 -0.025285535 0.003252282 0.02028971 0.012822617 0.0008326375 -0.032612745 0.009485406 0.0007410474 0.0003047453 -0.020662732 -0.013841765 0.0190241 0.015933352 -0.01586674 -0.03154697 0.008499564 -0.008519547 -0.013828443 0.013468744 0.010397977 -0.02386006 0.0040266346 0.00999831 0.0066777524 0.012043268 0.017478725 -0.005721885 0.0016402958 -0.007413804 -0.009725206 -0.02949535 0.012449595 -0.016692717 0.0031840056 0.02107572 0.037222225 -0.006381334 -0.0031840056 0.0046294644 -0.004499573 -0.005721885 0.012509545 -0.027283864 -0.0053555244 0.014907542 -0.006624464 0.008146525 0.018810946 -0.009725206 0.0013347178 -0.01235634 -0.0037302158 0.01029806 -0.009965005 0.007600315 -0.015373819 -0.0019250578 -0.007280582 -0.0027393773 0.0073671765 0.0032855875 -0.004506234 -0.002749369 -0.016599461 -0.018091546 -0.0036602744 -0.01398831 -0.005818471 0.010697726 0.021302197 -0.007213971 -0.006947527 -0.026671043 -0.0014604462 -0.0012306382 -0.022634417 -0.0004687749 -0.0042864177 -0.012216457 -0.019144 0.0059883287 -0.0028376286 0.005565349 0.003440458 -0.007840115 0.0017185637 -0.015773484 0.0135286935 0.0130957225 -0.019956656 0.018797623 -0.013788477 -0.02683091 0.00551206 0.019104034 -0.023873381 -0.023433749 0.0047160587 -0.0023630252 0.0013488727 0.029415417 0.000035309033 0.027057387 -0.023900026 0.00050083146 0.0042198068 -0.011836775 0.002131552 0.012649428 -0.004875925 -0.0077135535 0.052462824 0.00061823335 -0.0019883383 0.011057425 0.0052589383 0.008392986 0.012029946 0.01665275 -0.004822636 -0.030081527 0.018264735 0.020622766 0.002016648 -0.00059283787 0.023833415 0.018810946 0.019610278 0.009938361 0.020862564 -0.016759327 -0.0077135535 -0.034691006 0.020556154 -0.01126392 0.005681918 0.009651934 -0.0017285554 -0.030854214 -0.0067510246 -0.016213117 0.011650263 0.024845902 0.011763502 0.02647121 -0.0015795133 0.030534482 0.026524499 0.014001632 0.022354651 -0.010078244 -0.021528674 0.011070748 0.012582817 -0.009139029 0.00037718477 -0.022248073 -0.020129843 0.007820131 -0.0012381319 0.029708505 0.020809276 0.004566184 0.009405473 -0.01635966 0.009791817 0.003433797 0.0029541978 0.00405994 -0.00817983 0.0064113084 0.015040764 -0.002368021 0.026924165 -0.0010524538 -0.0192639 0.0076069757 0.00037885006 0.0050291303 -0.014494553 -0.00920564 0.010677743 -0.022434585 0.017225605 0.0142547535 -0.0039899987 0.031813413 0.028376285 -0.0010691065 0.0048959083 -0.03525054 0.029521994 -0.02906904 0.010204805 -0.026018256 -0.019610278 0.009412134 -0.0068542715 -0.01641295 0.017172316 0.00017350084 0.023020761 -0.009651934 -0.01175018 -0.01810487 0.0008975832 0.021848407 -0.0101248715 -0.02877595 0.002434632 0.00678433 -0.0029175617 -0.013668577 -0.01386841 -0.0058884122 0.0054887463 0.001444626 0.008366342 -0.02126223 -0.0032755958 -0.008952518 -0.0032905834 -0.009978328 0.03834129 0.00435969 -0.0020849241 -0.008093236 0.0015653585 0.0055753407 -0.011110715 -0.008772668 0.017065737 0.024419593 -0.030081527 0.0074604317 0.0047027366 -0.011270581 -0.009805139 -0.01217649 -0.0056619346 -0.004246451 0.0007518716 -0.009711883 -0.028482862 0.017358826 0.022034919 0.0018567815 0.011270581 -0.01314235 -0.012109879 0.015427107 0.11062755 0.0038567767 -0.02840293 0.022487873 0.027283864 -0.013735188 -0.025325501 -0.018717691 0.03421141 -0.017958324 0.03253281 -0.0018318024 0.023207271 0.01302245 0.021581963 0.0038667684 -0.016492883 -0.008353019 -0.0042597735 -0.024392948 0.006607811 0.004919222 0.011783485 0.0017452082 0.016599461 -0.0044296314 0.023420427 0.00005232606 -0.0030557795 -0.010098227 -0.0032606083 0.0101248715 0.003463772 0.023287205 -0.0199833 0.017718526 0.00769357 0.042231373 0.013495388 -0.0197435 0.010397977 -0.010004972 0.0045828368 -0.0047793393 0.0033272193 -0.021462064 -0.004519556 0.03445121 0.00058492785 -0.027270542 0.010224788 0.009718545 -0.022687705 0.012616123 0.0321065 -0.01671936 -0.006947527 0.00975185 -0.0030208088 -0.019463733 -0.00587509 -0.025525335 0.0025828416 -0.011736858 -0.0015178982 -0.03021475 -0.010544521 -0.0007189825 -0.031413745 0.014068243 -0.010131532 -0.011004137 -0.01635966 -0.010397977 0.0056785876 0.013655255 0.029388772 0.013681899 -0.010291399 0.016785972 -0.00769357 -0.027790109 -0.018491212 -0.033358786 0.012016624 0.021035753 -0.015720196 -0.0022880877 -0.009931699 0.023953315 -0.00738716 0.017225605 0.014907542 -0.031999923 -0.0016969151 0.016386306 0.0010216462 0.023327172 0.00057909935 -0.023753481 -0.01289589 -0.004356359 -0.022514516 -0.021089042 -0.005991659 0.0068476107 -0.004639456 0.009192318 -0.005735207 0.0028742645 0.026977453 -0.025392113 0.034611076 0.021888373 -0.010551182 0.0070541045 0.013615288 0.03487752 -0.008492902 -0.014601131 -0.0038900822 -0.02155532 0.020502865 0.020729342 -0.025099024 0.013841765 -0.0044729286 -0.0038501157 0.0048992387 0.007480415 0.006867594 0.036875848 -0.012922534 -0.033039056 -0.035170607 0.0041898317 0.0011906716 -0.007900065 -0.011057425 -0.0042730956 0.0023247239 -0.022501195 -0.0000399666 -0.009845106 0.024273047 -0.028429573 0.0070274603 -0.005105733 -0.0003653197 0.034717653 -0.006711058 -0.027390443 0.00053455326 -0.008879246 -0.013402132 -0.022447906 0.008319713 0.0035570273 0.013828443 0.0199833 0.0074604317 0.012309712 -0.0035536967 0.031040724 -0.005188997 0.0063613504 -0.004669431 -0.0022930836 -0.00617817 0.019223934 0.012815956 -0.0045029037 0.0049125613 -0.0014845926 0.032559454 0.03277261 -0.013974987 -0.017678559 -0.01617315 -0.033465367 -0.016812615 0.019277222 -0.013535355 0.0036203077 -0.016372982 0.015760163 0.028056553 0.008566175 0.016945837 -0.008166509 0.044522792 -0.0031223905 0.020636087 -0.012063252 0.0045695147 -0.026857555 0.014827608 -0.033971608 -0.0051756743 -0.0065312083 0.03191999 -0.0043696812 -0.011583652 0.01035801 -0.0075803315 0.0045894976 -0.0066677607 0.0006602815 -0.012442934 -0.024739325 0.0022248074 -0.011603636 -0.006001651 0.008346358 0.018744335 -0.010451266 -0.0018451246 0.013895054 -0.01574684 -0.025352146 0.021035753 -0.0141215315 0.03154697 0.005881751 0.017771814 0.0025645234 0.017252248 -0.005282252 -0.002216481 0.011223953 -0.00071023975 0.008339697 0.0046960753 -0.008059931 -0.0028259717 0.0045462004 0.011283903 -0.017065737 -0.024512848 0.0195037 0.0133288605 -0.010857592 -0.0049758414 0.005362185 -0.025072379 0.031280525 0.01925058 -0.0001265609 -0.01441462 -0.0075936536 -0.008346358 0.0076336204 -0.008406308 0.008326375 -0.012609462 0.0115769915 0.017532015 -0.020849243 0.0115769915 0.022740996 0.0017235596 0.023686871 -0.0192639 0.017225605 0.022807606 0.0027710176 -0.010118211 -0.029788438 0.009911717 0.030188104 -0.02180844 0.012003302 -0.01265609 0.0032955792 -0.002338046 -0.006394656 -0.010338027 -0.0020732672 0.008333036 -0.005845115 0.005965015 -0.003325554 -0.013815121 -0.012975822 0.0067610163 -0.0023546987 0.000044936405 0.003095746 -0.016639426 -0.03130717 -0.020263065 -0.000021063126 -0.001465442 0.0076336204 -0.006311392 -0.0056519434 0.0077068927 0.0052889134 -0.021781797 0.00823312 -0.006887577 0.006088245 -0.025645234 0.0109841535 -0.011716874 -0.018131513 0.01144377 -0.003980007 0.0057318765 -0.012429612 0.03082757 0.008532869 0.009638611 -0.00056744245 -0.002567854 0.022367973 0.015480396 -0.0053821686 -0.023900026 0.0070341215 -0.0038301323 -0.013049095 0.006757686 -0.005215641 0.025178958 -0.013828443 0.013448761 -0.0010790982 -0.02944206 -0.0039999904 -0.036369603 0.0125694955 -0.013855088 0.00068068114 0.01569355 -0.011543686 0.007733537 -0.0004329715 0.0038101492 0.0032422903 0.004373012 0.010118211 -0.0029575282 0.01810487 0.007973337 0.016199796 -0.028536152 -0.011796808 -0.020622766 0.022740996 -0.01211654 0.035943296 0.0051257163 0.0025878372 -0.04095244 0.0068542715 -0.047400385 -0.030454548 -0.00097168796 0.0006128212 0.02925555 0.016066574 0.008133203 0.017119026 -0.011383819 -0.016213117 -0.032666035 0.0032939138 -0.009718545 -0.0092988955 -0.009978328 -0.001387174 -0.019170646 -0.021848407 0.032319658 -0.00738716 -0.004166518 0.031840056 0.015160663 -0.005925048 -0.00184679 0.009245606 0.023766804 -0.0013680233 -0.0030691018 -0.055207197 0.016759327 0.02162193 -0.024113182 -0.01719896 -0.00089175475 0.020023266 -0.011397142 0.007340532 -0.005358855 0.0074870763 0.006304731 0.0057385373 0.0037635213 -0.012036608 0.016732683 0.027790109 0.004009982 -0.017878393 -0.0017635261 -0.012616123 -0.0036302994 0.01544043 0.0195037 -0.04153862 0.0059217177 -0.002895913 -0.011403803 -0.012529529 0.007960014 -0.010637776 0.0003022474 -0.000417984 0.022101529 0.031840056 -0.009492068 0.010631115 -0.011550347 -0.007840115 -0.007613637 -0.026551144 -0.024019925 -0.009338862 0.0045228866 0.003052449 -0.00007400066 0.021981629 -0.040979087 0.012982484 -0.025751812 0.000099864454 0.22232087 -0.006371342 0.00708741 0.016985804 -0.0015070739 -0.00012354259 0.047400385 -0.00199833 -0.0018817607 0.014747675 0.0046194727 -0.025138991 -0.02501909 0.0005666098 0.0040532793 -0.015173986 -0.022021595 -0.040366266 0.0013796802 -0.0034138137 0.030347971 0.016146505 -0.004143204 -0.023460394 0.020755988 0.0037535296 0.001768522 0.005535374 0.01786507 -0.00068734225 -0.0054887463 -0.0032789265 0.005741868 0.009758512 -0.047267165 0.017238926 0.009951683 -0.011177326 0.005628629 -0.003022474 0.0255653 0.015560329 -0.0068043135 -0.0045095645 0.020862564 0.0190241 -0.016333017 -0.009059096 0.017412115 0.02288754 -0.025005769 0.012283068 -0.00060824165 0.034531143 -0.006994155 0.011483736 0.013168994 0.014481231 -0.0040666014 -0.004559523 -0.0027477036 0.01841128 -0.011410464 0.04095244 0.008626124 0.017172316 0.00058909104 -0.0036569438 0.0022914184 -0.025059057 0.018064903 0.0034004916 -0.0141215315 -0.0028209758 -0.003052449 -0.0041398737 0.029228905 0.01895749 0.029575283 0.013475405 -0.025099024 -0.032612745 0.00230141 -0.005245616 -0.01108407 -0.048253007 0.013422116 0.01071771 -0.016026607 -0.004959189 0.0006973339 -0.019876722 -0.015733518 0.006727711 0.02973515 0.0036869186 -0.009618628 0.0328259 -0.032799255 0.0065511917 -0.018238092 0.016146505 0.012955839 0.03287919 -0.008732702 0.01374851 -0.026191445 -0.010411299 0.021768475 -0.023806771 -0.0039600236 -0.027470376 0.018797623 -0.013801799 -0.017558658 0.007067427 0.01779846 -0.008859263 0.005455441 -0.0054188045 -0.022194784 -0.01077766 0.01586674 0.02083592 -0.0015170655 -0.022674384 -0.030960793 0.016639426 -0.014627775 -0.01441462 0.011950013 -0.019836755 0.0064779194 -0.0108176265 -0.0084396135 -0.010351349 -0.009538695 -0.011543686 0.0012689395 0.0010008302 0.005385499 -0.020009944 0.009505389 -0.0070274603 0.0056486125 0.011976657 -0.008985824 0.0020749327 -0.0130824 0.0068409494 0.014068243 0.021368809 0.000356577 -0.01217649 0.0038301323 0.0016402958 -0.012716039 -0.015760163 -0.027630242 0.01877098 -0.024686037 0.012922534 0.021129008 0.012855923 -0.0022031588 -0.03495745 -0.17009784 0.022967473 0.03999324 -0.010844271 0.0333055 -0.0018767648 0.035650205 0.0075936536 -0.022434585 0.00048542765 -0.013195639 0.0046494477 -0.019783467 -0.007273921 -0.007320549 -0.0328259 0.013841765 0.025578624 0.04081922 0.00024666885 0.0110507645 -0.018437924 0.02078263 -0.0053988216 0.00096169626 0.000923395 -0.0075803315 -0.009065757 0.0034304664 -0.029388772 -0.014627775 0.008492902 0.02307405 0.0033138972 0.00902579 -0.001986673 -0.027710175 -0.01750537 -0.030454548 0.011517041 0.03367852 0.025631912 0.026617754 0.0017418776 0.003706902 0.016812615 -0.004742703 -0.020929176 -0.00038301325 -0.028669374 0.0031756794 0.004136543 -0.016133184 -0.010451266 -0.0022431253 0.007547026 0.013475405 0.007293904 -0.0016502874 -0.019703534 -0.017265571 -0.008552852 0.018184802 0.0039333794 -0.023100695 -0.010204805 -0.0117768245 0.021315519 -0.021608608 0.019756822 0.013548677 -0.006354689 -0.014507876 -0.021848407 -0.005681918 -0.0008542861 -0.02126223 0.0060549397 -0.008446274 0.0053322106 -0.0077668424 0.007853436 0.0036203077 -0.0051956577 -0.005808479 -0.005845115 -0.0030557795 -0.01096417 -0.020129843 -0.021208942 0.014161498 -0.012955839 -0.026551144 0.008492902 0.02223475 0.008446274 0.017092383 -0.009458762 0.011863419 -0.007160682 0.016066574 0.0034271358 -0.0255653 0.005858437 0.04428299 0.004985833 -0.000040565057 0.01568023 0.003993329 -0.0049458668 -0.011070748 0.021248909 0.010810965 0.010397977 -0.009798477 0.043403726 0.006304731 -0.018824268 0.009345523 0.008259764 0.02433966 -0.000103611324 -0.021968307 0.026977453 0.014427942 -0.0009625289 -0.13599302 -0.019223934 0.010318044 0.017492048 0.000199833 0.03287919 -0.00551206 -0.022847572 -0.026884198 0.028989106 -0.025938323 -0.013855088 -0.00738716 0.001233136 -0.0009558678 -0.02331385 0.012496224 -0.02095582 -0.011150681 0.008379663 0.01011155 -0.0036536132 -0.013168994 0.013375488 -0.020502865 -0.0038834212 -0.017518692 0.006124881 0.008839279 -0.010990814 -0.019037424 0.00260449 -0.005868429 -0.02350036 0.017931681 -0.0014579482 -0.010184822 -0.014667742 0.007860098 -0.007360515 -0.01629305 0.0201032 0.018717691 -0.02888253 -0.0037835047 -0.008246441 -0.01683926 0.04329715 -0.0072872434 -0.0046661003 -0.03149368 0.030268038 -0.024726002 -0.0313871 0.018318024 -0.012243101 -0.020902531 -0.009838444 0.023886703 0.03277261 -0.0021465395 -0.021049075 -0.003930049 0.026897522 0.020542832 0.0043896646 0.004106568 -0.0054787546 -0.00435969 -0.03191999 -0.0086727515 0.014707709 -0.011177326 0.02471268 -0.00014113206 0.0027393773 -0.017012449 -0.013155672 0.025178958 -0.0046827532 -0.001520396 -0.015240597 -0.005252277 -0.03868767 0.012609462 0.021901697 0.009159012 0.016093217 -0.01187008 -0.053208865 -0.013402132 0.020342998 0.019650245 -0.008412969 0.0013105713 0.015134019 -0.0025512013 -0.022248073 0.0028426244 0.024686037 -0.021675218 0.004756025 -0.020116521 0.012456257 0.0087393625 -0.0035636884 0.004263104 -0.00835968 0.00044754264 -0.007733537 -0.026511177 -0.004566184 -0.04718723 0.0031773446 -0.01617315 -0.022367973 -0.0023963307 -0.0066044806 0.010524537 -0.005348863 -0.0064845807 0.005741868 0.0006419635 -0.010198144 0.00538883 -0.021515353 -0.005142369 -0.009545356 -0.0017468734 0.008459597 -0.018810946 -0.003162357 0.02459278 -0.0027993273 0.027870042 0.02609819 0.008612802 -0.037089005 -0.0016985805 0.01750537 0.00010813879 0.054887462 0.0039633545 -0.0029025741 0.017425437 -0.020809276 -0.011530364 0.007806809 -0.032266367 0.02731051 0.009012468 0.003966685 0.009318879 0.027710175 -0.018238092 -0.009105723 -0.016159829 -0.016759327 -0.009525373 0.018024936 -0.022181462 -0.04137875 0.019490378 0.023726838 -0.00932554 -0.022914182 0.006314723 0.012056591 0.00617817 0.014441265 0.00033118157 -0.021968307 -0.015427107 0.007900065 0.019916689 0.02144874 0.011696891 -0.007946692 0.008253102 0.0014970822 0.0055453656 0.014974153 0.005165683 0.0019433759 0.0064013167 -0.0006103233 0.037462026 -0.002714398 -0.006194823 0.02155532 -0.00545211 0.0020449576 0.013402132 0.007880081 -0.012456257 -0.0047393725 -0.0058351234 -0.011217292 -0.032026567 0.028456219 0.016279727 0.016679393 0.0025578623 -0.007453771 -0.0052589383 -0.025325501 -0.026111512 0.0004758523 -0.021089042 -0.018810946 0.0042364593 0.012123202 0.009178995 0.019450411 0.02992166 -0.005105733 -0.005075758 0.014427942 -0.0060649314 -0.03421141 -0.018744335 0.023993282 0.011563669 0.015427107 -0.011756841 -0.017971648 0.0036436217 -0.003580341 0.0046361256 -0.028536152 0.012716039 0.00093172136 -0.010944187 -0.024179792 -0.017651914 0.01290255 -0.019010779 -0.03136046 -0.0075936536 0.020915853 -0.029202262 0.041352108 0.013548677 -0.009572 0.008612802 -0.011317208 0.019890044 0.022088207 -0.010870915 0.023220593 -0.012809295 0.013775154 0.0031690183 0.0032722652 -0.026404599 -0.006111559 -0.0073272097 -0.012815956 0.015427107 0.0039233877 -0.019303868 0.03919391 -0.010331366 0.02319395 0.008166509 -0.0030990767 -0.029228905 0.011896724 -0.028642729 -0.00073230464 -0.017718526 -0.017465403 0.014907542 -0.0041198903 -0.031653546 -0.0048959083 -0.002834298 0.018850913 0.003567019 0.00769357 0.018491212 -0.010364671 -0.0020149827 -0.018784301 -0.03943371 -0.007000816 0.039140623 0.0054254658 -0.0014895884 -0.025432078
-0.010920087 -0.0033992238 0.011307096 -0.031683087 0.004324819 0.013738799 0.00599218 -0.008972145 -0.01193276 -0.037410814 0.0070951544 0.005614847 0.023697816 0.012184314 0.0064146644 -0.0060631316 0.03898465 -0.015119129 0.024446031 -0.00002605252 -0.024317028 -0.0069919517 0.008062676 -0.02396872 -0.02814841 -0.0008627062 0.010010618 -0.002576831 0.0019140791 -0.024252526 0.049769282 -0.012339118 0.004557024 -0.011365147 0.00021083896 0.021285463 -0.0057470747 0.01790559 0.009449455 0.0031799192 0.020846853 -0.008320681 -0.007314459 -0.0101138195 -0.0032299077 -0.0071983566 -0.013854901 -0.033514928 -0.014074205 0.015570639 0.011784406 -0.013725898 -0.019853532 -0.014358012 -0.010049318 0.0074112113 -0.02207238 0.021440266 0.0026751957 -0.0090237465 0.0118037565 -0.0073402594 0.000118521326 0.015209431 0.010745933 -0.0034379247 -0.008668988 0.020021236 -0.0046247505 0.020498546 0.010533079 0.016628461 0.0043957704 0.024291229 0.005850277 0.004879531 -0.035269365 0.0035153264 0.0047118273 -0.007133855 -0.028225813 -0.021865975 -0.033102117 0.015286832 -0.0145128155 0.010191222 0.026419774 -0.020614648 -0.0024204152 0.008488384 0.0077401684 0.017660484 0.02067915 -0.0059083286 -0.012287517 0.0046376507 0.011848908 -0.00018221646 0.011997261 -0.019840632 0.005627747 0.018150695 -0.035140365 -0.006856499 -0.03498556 -0.0038507336 0.012564873 -0.013829101 0.046699014 0.005705149 -0.023246305 0.038339633 -0.0022075605 -0.03176049 -0.010636281 0.0035733776 0.017157372 -0.019866431 0.006182459 -0.022833496 0.029851248 -0.008320681 0.036043383 -0.03957806 0.0063759633 -0.0035314518 -0.01426771 -0.0070693535 -0.028225813 -0.0066565447 0.037591416 0.025142645 -0.0029977027 0.016886467 -0.014538616 0.012081113 -0.0019785806 -0.0045021977 -0.00919145 -0.0018560279 -0.001980193 0.018253896 -0.008772191 -0.0070113023 -0.031218678 0.0032444205 0.029103033 -0.015519037 -0.0138032995 -0.0077143675 0.027245391 -0.01702837 0.008185228 0.0036733549 -0.0051117362 0.0013488856 0.00041845284 0.010765284 -0.015119129 -0.0058180266 0.017544381 0.008159427 0.025065245 0.019634226 -0.018886011 0.028329015 0.024317028 0.0025332926 0.005850277 0.0084238835 0.004695702 0.03877824 -0.009552658 0.023710715 -0.0057019237 0.012106913 0.013055083 0.012358469 -0.014680519 -0.012661625 0.037901025 -0.026316572 -0.003041241 0.0047505284 -0.01242297 -0.006637194 -0.012210116 0.0034476 -0.0022833496 0.0014391876 0.014422514 0.008385182 0.0012739027 -0.009397854 -0.65677905 -0.008327131 0.02387842 -0.017363777 -0.015764143 -0.013300189 0.0026381074 0.02116936 0.015080428 0.022781895 -0.0036475542 0.014783721 -0.0058115763 -0.018060392 0.0051794625 -0.017583081 0.0032798962 -0.04517678 -0.0051730126 -0.0041184146 -0.009610709 0.013184086 0.004921457 -0.015261032 0.00040434315 -0.022252984 -0.007495063 -0.014796621 0.018550603 0.051497918 -0.016396256 0.0073338095 0.021685371 0.004176466 0.050259493 0.0006889556 -0.011120042 0.02438153 0.0003749144 0.030057654 -0.018628005 -0.0029138508 0.009391404 0.0142032085 0.0042538675 -0.00040031184 -0.010429877 0.0019640676 -0.013919403 0.00024470218 -0.00036927054 -0.0017157373 -0.023156004 -0.014706319 0.013429192 -0.02387842 0.004782779 0.014280611 -0.005153662 0.02899983 -0.011145842 0.008062676 -0.03591438 -0.00969456 0.003908785 -0.008959245 -0.000979615 0.007965923 0.005073035 -0.03813323 0.005569696 0.021504767 -0.010797535 -0.009255951 -0.000023029015 0.033695534 0.017583081 -0.014319311 -0.04097129 -0.016305955 0.0068306983 -0.009636509 -0.008649638 -0.022768995 0.0141129065 -0.014590217 -0.026419774 -0.025078146 0.002202723 0.010978139 0.009320453 0.014899824 -0.013674297 -0.025013644 0.0072757583 0.017144473 0.0006224385 0.01333889 0.03036726 -0.022872197 -0.025465153 -0.010449227 0.003960386 -0.005934129 0.02076945 -0.013454992 -0.0022881872 0.022304585 0.03085747 -0.02258839 0.010984588 -0.01150705 -0.0043570697 0.018731207 0.005060135 -0.036869 -0.010384725 0.0067016957 0.023594612 -0.019040814 0.022936698 0.0068693995 -0.0018270022 0.0058277017 0.007946572 0.0034669503 -0.012281067 0.019027913 -0.0015988285 -0.0060502314 -0.024175126 0.0014174182 -0.006546892 -0.011790856 0.010036418 0.00041804972 -0.023646213 -0.015312633 0.011294195 0.00967521 -0.02073075 -0.016680062 0.016847767 -0.0039797365 -0.013558195 -0.023555912 -0.024923341 -0.0010296036 -0.028612822 -0.015970547 0.01705417 0.0051891375 -0.0055309953 -0.0052246135 -0.018189395 -0.013087334 -0.019595526 -0.004869856 -0.020163137 -0.030702667 -0.0007764356 0.00826263 -0.033824533 0.017260576 -0.016473658 -0.008797991 0.0070500034 0.02394292 0.008610937 -0.01889891 -0.009888065 0.0039797365 -0.009443006 0.00964941 0.01696387 -0.0030541413 -0.016512359 0.0086238375 -0.026110167 -0.0042119417 -0.002847737 -0.008359382 0.019040814 0.016976768 0.043422345 -0.0051375367 0.021130659 0.010055768 -0.008449684 0.017634682 0.0043312693 0.02572316 -0.013429192 0.005118186 0.018021692 0.021762773 0.0141129065 -0.0068371487 0.009584908 0.030006053 0.0130034825 -0.005572921 0.0366884 -0.018963411 -0.011578002 -0.03898465 0.013274388 -0.035553172 -0.0077982196 0.033514928 0.0027735604 -0.036507793 0.0000736223 -0.018537702 0.010797535 -0.0031025175 0.00253168 0.03323112 -0.02387842 0.008585136 0.014461215 0.015067527 0.02067915 0.0040281126 0.014977225 0.019969635 0.014229009 0.0017254124 -0.011429648 -0.034856558 0.0026526202 0.012874479 0.03913945 0.0030444663 0.0036636796 -0.0031895943 -0.00097477745 -0.033695534 0.022768995 0.00298964 0.012945431 0.0107330335 -0.004234517 0.002604244 0.03039306 0.001344048 0.031863693 -0.0037120557 -0.017866889 0.0069339005 -0.026884183 -0.008127176 -0.00230915 -0.015802843 -0.0017108996 -0.019685827 0.009720361 0.017183173 0.0138936015 0.017879788 0.012726126 0.018292598 -0.0035798277 -0.02167247 0.012855129 -0.00783047 -0.0037991325 -0.03818483 -0.02075655 -0.00551487 0.0072886585 0.0032105572 -0.013055083 -0.0056664483 0.016512359 0.010900737 -0.005379417 -0.0038636338 -0.012242366 0.028948229 -0.004041013 -0.011532851 0.013725898 0.013596895 -0.0080239745 -0.016938068 -0.021904675 -0.016344655 -0.010410526 -0.0053116903 0.015467436 -0.017763685 0.0021333839 -0.0035217765 0.0020995205 0.00093688286 0.021478966 -0.0053729666 0.0021430592 -0.0020511446 -0.00138033 -0.013609796 -0.026148869 -0.038546037 0.03090907 0.021001656 -0.010726583 0.00032996497 -0.004776329 -0.018782808 -0.01059113 0.003821708 0.015286832 -0.022691593 -0.00087238144 -0.0050472347 -0.015248131 0.005618072 0.0062405104 0.0132034365 0.019092415 -0.02256259 -0.016705863 0.02214978 0.09762932 0.008120727 -0.014164507 0.015531938 -0.003408899 0.0044473717 -0.0009957404 -0.03127028 0.024059024 -0.019879332 0.021440266 -0.0024333154 0.012932531 -0.017337976 0.030006053 0.014899824 -0.01749278 -0.021724071 -0.009888065 -0.013061534 0.0183442 0.0041571152 0.008088476 0.009243051 0.029980252 0.03648199 0.03764302 0.023801018 0.0033959989 -0.031399284 -0.006159884 0.0012706777 0.016383355 0.02672938 -0.014925624 0.014190309 -0.0076627666 0.032973118 0.021066157 -0.0023881644 0.010449227 0.016692962 0.002549418 0.0015657715 -0.0029977027 -0.013777499 -0.0068758493 0.027451796 0.0064211143 -0.036043383 -0.0030315658 0.019079514 0.0007566821 -0.00032170073 0.001473857 -0.009984817 -0.013674297 -0.010545979 -0.016551059 -0.029077232 -0.0138936015 -0.038958848 0.0036443293 -0.020356642 -0.012229466 -0.020330843 -0.019260118 0.016473658 -0.031941094 -0.009397854 -0.015454535 -0.0062340605 -0.010874936 0.000051651514 0.01981483 0.013854901 0.024575034 -0.0010320224 -0.026755182 0.0065178666 -0.006072807 -0.017621784 -0.0053278157 -0.02485884 -0.018266797 0.02714219 -0.02029214 0.013055083 -0.02711639 0.005250414 -0.0077466182 0.0028816 0.0108039845 -0.03268931 0.016047949 0.02209818 -0.00089495693 0.00969456 0.005988955 -0.004518323 -0.017079972 -0.013248588 -0.022136882 -0.012506822 -0.014616017 0.021285463 0.011868258 0.029980252 -0.013429192 -0.0066307443 0.029980252 -0.016202752 0.008372282 -0.0029799647 -0.0067016957 -0.00041442152 0.027400196 0.015157829 0.016293054 -0.016834866 -0.0013101847 -0.039758664 0.02711639 0.01929882 -0.03764302 0.022020778 -0.011758606 -0.029025631 0.0008034456 0.0048569557 -0.0076498664 0.01889891 -0.011648953 -0.020962955 -0.032095898 0.004560249 0.004328044 -0.0003803567 0.010036418 -0.014783721 0.0132034365 -0.008539986 0.013635596 -0.039965067 0.016628461 -0.032457106 -0.022459388 -0.00242364 -0.009430105 0.05013049 -0.007643416 0.018976312 -0.018189395 -0.009713911 0.003086392 -0.019982534 0.014874023 0.003999087 0.021349965 0.008991496 0.0027558224 -0.022949599 -0.01474502 0.0072048064 0.014964325 0.0030960673 0.009288202 0.0036733549 -0.014125807 0.017144473 0.008082026 0.0098235635 -0.012048862 0.0022720618 0.027838806 0.010887837 0.00089495693 -0.019040814 -0.0012021449 -0.055935614 -0.031683087 0.00029549704 -0.027503397 0.023813918 -0.0184087 0.01197791 0.019015012 0.010410526 0.02899983 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-0.04551219 -0.011900509 -0.028458018 0.020059936 -0.009301102 0.03733341 -0.00052004255 -0.04079069 -0.010313774 -0.008069125 -0.04564119 -0.013971004 0.004540899 0.018937612 0.009268851 0.00874639 -0.008430333 0.037591416 -0.010662082 -0.0032653834 -0.018782808 -0.0184087 0.0043022437 -0.0011190993 0.011636053 -0.006940351 -0.010752384 -0.011681204 0.029232034 -0.0057470747 -0.03181209 0.023620414 0.012300418 -0.0037088306 0.008062676 0.0184345 0.02719379 0.0039345855 -0.010623381 -0.042648327 -0.009352704 0.010371826 -0.021414466 -0.0031541185 -0.009630059 0.013016383 0.007417661 0.0015246519 -0.012397169 0.00552132 0.000029479157 0.014616017 0.006521092 -0.034856558 0.00598573 0.025839262 0.014474114 0.0025897312 -0.0061921347 0.017879788 -0.0062759863 -0.0105137285 0.008372282 -0.03581118 0.0046150754 -0.0070951544 -0.034366347 -0.026961586 0.0093140025 0.0070500034 0.015003026 0.027322793 0.007636966 0.032405503 -0.012474571 0.01057178 -0.0039926367 -0.00077401684 -0.008133627 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-0.0039474857 0.0080239745 -0.0038249332 -0.004882756 0.00022837527 0.010545979 -0.013055083 -0.012545522 0.007920772 -0.018189395 -0.018318398 -0.042132314 -0.04417056 0.004192591 -0.016293054 0.0114877 0.016241454 -0.011674753 0.0007123374 -0.025103945 -0.16223392 0.015596439 0.033437528 -0.009501057 0.015144929 -0.0108233355 0.031941094 0.018331299 -0.002673583 0.0014480564 -0.006985502 -0.017196074 -0.0030976797 0.00876574 0.0022736744 -0.0036056284 0.02533615 -0.00299609 0.036920603 0.011545751 0.023078602 -0.019273018 -0.014487015 0.0028412868 0.021362863 0.008107826 -0.009068897 0.007888521 -0.018937612 -0.020098636 -0.00045715368 0.010449227 0.021840174 -0.0065049664 0.016434956 0.0060018552 -0.019144015 0.0055987216 -0.008488384 0.02353011 0.040171474 0.015557738 0.015467436 -0.002513942 -0.0035798277 -0.0010473415 -0.00965586 -0.025168447 -0.0008369057 0.0051826877 0.019634226 -0.003866859 0.01474502 -0.016499458 -0.0063727386 -0.00011751349 0.0075144134 0.008952795 0.0025381302 -0.0045376737 -0.0032863463 -0.016383355 0.0011981135 -0.01010092 -0.027838806 -0.041074492 -0.009049547 0.0033282724 -0.045021977 -0.011281295 0.005895428 -0.013480793 -0.003999087 -0.003242808 0.0020592073 0.0027509849 -0.012203665 0.021440266 0.017273474 0.0029412638 0.021259662 0.01150705 0.0019624552 0.025271649 -0.025039444 -0.0036701297 -0.021943377 0.004802129 -0.020833952 -0.015299733 0.023736516 -0.02027924 -0.015841544 -0.004966608 0.029232034 0.011294195 0.005947029 -0.016202752 -0.00039527265 0.0071080546 0.008204578 0.023078602 -0.024226727 0.008352932 0.05209133 -0.009449455 0.011107141 0.0050827106 0.0070693535 -0.015789943 -0.012164964 0.022459388 -0.006811348 0.02070495 -0.0011521563 0.019750329 0.019427823 -0.030599466 0.009997717 -0.0063695135 0.028587021 -0.0015294895 -0.0028961129 0.008656088 0.026264971 -0.017247675 -0.11589612 -0.0069210003 0.0064598154 0.020188939 0.0021527342 0.016073748 -0.009965466 0.011468349 -0.025361951 0.038958848 -0.0039894115 -0.009842914 -0.009184999 -0.016073748 -0.015570639 -0.026548777 0.015261032 -0.029232034 -0.020188939 0.02119516 0.01800879 -0.011810207 0.002293025 0.02207238 -0.016783265 -0.0039765113 -0.029077232 0.0032895715 0.024420232 0.0048988815 -0.004779554 -0.020950055 0.0016657487 -0.00826263 0.011261945 -0.013609796 -0.03176049 -0.031141277 0.028329015 0.009288202 -0.019092415 -0.0002682855 0.018524803 -0.027942007 -0.008849592 0.004192591 -0.013558195 0.021453166 0.0075273137 -0.014783721 -0.052271936 0.013196987 -0.03534677 -0.01424191 0.011397398 -0.0022833496 0.0033701982 -0.014577317 -0.0035766028 0.0133130895 0.0066307443 -0.009855814 0.007643416 0.020176038 0.031889495 -0.0076950174 -0.021401566 -0.0083335815 0.00040978545 -0.02899983 -0.00003668517 0.015854444 -0.025503853 0.025619958 -0.02716799 -0.01935042 -0.015415835 -0.01426771 0.019195616 -0.006592043 -0.015931847 -0.010655631 0.0044989726 -0.031089675 0.027090589 0.008617387 0.02672938 0.0003579828 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0.008417433 -0.0060953824 0.022330385 -0.00030940515 -0.023388209 -0.009352704 -0.002642945 0.011784406 0.005243964 -0.0040668133 -0.018176494 -0.004595725 0.018666705 -0.018021692 0.03129608 0.0072048064 -0.003034791 0.009275301 -0.0011295808 0.0414357 0.013764599 -0.001768951 -0.0023333381 0.015235231 -0.0060857073 -0.0029880274 0.023762316 -0.000054070315 -0.015725441 -0.0068306983 -0.0066049434 -0.020266341 -0.0007711949 0.01972453 0.010520179 -0.0015407773 0.00037955045 -0.0011618315 -0.012822879 -0.019672928 -0.0012303642 -0.023426909 -0.009900965 -0.009959016 -0.00024651628 -0.014899824 0.020085737 -0.0043473947 -0.0004156309 -0.0042538675 0.008443234 0.010449227 -0.02667778 -0.008888293 0.007914322 0.014435413 0.004631201 0.019273018 -0.018563503 0.013687197 0.026909985 -0.017157372 -0.032792512 -0.0013134098 0.00066436443 -0.014525715 -0.017750787 -0.0008699627 -0.010416976 0.00031242866 -0.019892232 -0.014551517 0.009094697 -0.017673384 0.055471204 0.0042151664 -0.011016839 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-0.017459216 0.011873067 0.010785203 -0.025187721 -0.03777491 0.009190115 -0.019367984 -0.013454809 -0.004905399 -0.015310184 -0.00993093 0.034758255 -0.0058297496 0.016044326 -0.0006878404 -0.008282449 0.053365402 0.018326838 -0.0018854084 0.0068041557 -0.026575917 -0.007301369 -0.0062769083 -0.01593754 -0.00609671 -0.016137762 0.025534771 -0.015897498 -0.0021373525 -0.0378283 0.017886354 -0.0032886195 -0.0074949157 -0.004298064 -0.008969872 -0.0018036518 -0.009617251 -0.015363576 0.0015717299 0.010771856 0.015483708 0.0041412245 -0.00993093 0.00043130803 0.0042012907 0.026228867 -0.009683992 -0.016992034 -0.01763274 0.002464379 0.04250011 -0.0021473635 -0.021503668 -0.012827451 -0.007815268 -0.0052657956 -0.009096678 -0.0033637022 0.037401166 0.0035539116 -0.0014799623 0.006073351 -0.010171195 0.009103353 -0.006216842 -0.0064571067 -0.014883047 0.0050956085 0.0017352431 -0.008422604 0.010625027 0.019207807 0.0043915003 -0.009110027 0.023679396 -0.021303447 -0.01264058 0.002736345 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0.0062468755 0.032061953 0.0057763574 0.001940469 0.0016409728 -0.025494726 0.010184542 0.00032389816 0.024480278 0.03304971 0.0026128758 0.01655155 -0.00026883755 -0.011919786 -0.0069209505 0.03345015 -0.02526781 0.01385525 0.008402581 0.020048732 0.011799654 0.030620368 -0.017619392 -0.025815079 -0.023826223 0.006016622 0.019020936 0.02405314 0.00122051 -0.010311349 0.008983221 0.0040244292 -0.019154415 -0.006493814 -0.02682953 0.010705115 -0.0075416337 0.01330798 -0.6543735 -0.008315819 0.037321076 -0.02052926 0.02330565 0.0056562256 0.00592986 0.01540362 -0.008409255 0.015176704 -0.0063036047 -0.007221281 -0.0018153313 -0.0037374469 -0.011939808 -0.005385928 0.008509366 -0.012266834 0.00045925548 -0.027817283 -0.01314113 0.03681385 -0.048560113 0.012253487 -0.0031768298 -0.014455911 0.017886354 -0.007928726 -0.008309145 0.010818574 -0.005499386 0.007141193 0.022851817 0.012039918 0.053498883 -0.009363639 -0.0099643 0.029125389 0.0005939871 0.03609306 -0.021917457 0.0050755865 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0.016685031 -0.009617251 -0.0046851565 0.006613946 -0.008022163 0.031528033 0.0008884779 0.0003735361 0.003058366 -0.007147867 -0.008095576 0.005923186 0.009023265 -0.0040811584 -0.0023025342 0.002659594 -0.014869699 -0.015376925 0.00047218637 -0.03304971 -0.018073225 -0.016711727 0.007955423 -0.011032143 -0.013261262 -0.033743806 -0.020782875 0.0036506846 -0.0141222095 -0.015350228 0.009557186 -0.012553817 -0.010932032 0.03668037 -0.008475996 -0.021984197 -0.006066677 -0.03248909 -0.02716323 -0.016124414 0.00036498506 0.023345694 -0.012353596 0.009123375 -0.00868289 -0.015950888 0.00756833 0.0037507948 -0.03553244 -0.027790587 -0.0042413347 -0.0041278764 -0.002118999 0.026589265 0.0064537697 0.029071998 -0.022891862 -0.014135558 0.00036206516 -0.01681851 -0.0012705651 -0.016297938 -0.029445741 -0.00041879428 0.040631387 -0.008989895 0.002984952 0.0035672595 0.002242468 0.023198867 0.0048286477 0.003964363 -0.002961593 -0.00244102 -0.024747238 0.0290453 0.008963198 -0.0057696835 0.017792916 0.039136406 0.0045817094 -0.0026262237 0.0128408 0.003787502 0.0067073824 -0.007608374 -0.0030433496 -0.0096105775 0.0022307886 0.010484873 -0.018527059 -0.019648291 0.007034409 -0.038121957 -0.0006461278 0.029952968 0.0114726275 0.03481165 -0.0051590116 0.0020706123 0.036226537 -0.0076884623 0.0048153 -0.01077853 0.0031284431 0.03182169 -0.015844105 0.014509303 -0.011939808 -0.03126107 -0.006593924 0.016137762 0.017392475 0.020822918 0.00244102 -0.009336943 -0.0057696835 -0.006547206 0.061240736 -0.0010928696 -0.012333575 0.007982119 0.012700645 -0.013895294 0.016511505 -0.0005781363 0.023732787 -0.009410357 -0.019474767 -0.010691768 -0.002514434 -0.014295734 -0.013368047 -0.010391437 0.01743252 -0.0030934047 0.0010127814 0.025161026 0.021904109 0.025294507 0.0057396507 0.016004281 0.0089164805 -0.008235731 0.021517016 -0.020916354 0.0010177869 -0.016578246 -0.03216874 0.014682827 -0.0075616557 -0.021463623 0.008175665 -0.016057674 0.037881695 -0.007955423 0.014856352 0.007147867 0.024613757 -0.0035405634 -0.00884974 -0.015123311 0.016644986 0.024707193 -0.0025861796 -0.027817283 0.004311412 0.007047757 0.016845208 -0.01209331 -0.010558288 -0.017592696 0.006593924 -0.0061000474 -0.0016084369 -0.004401511 0.021997545 -0.031581424 0.01567058 -0.023479175 0.014349126 0.00028969385 -0.014843003 -0.0007566661 0.017592696 0.016898599 -0.019087676 -0.0146427825 -0.022865167 -0.028965212 0.022384638 -0.014829655 -0.0040377774 -0.03278275 0.008008814 -0.00275303 -0.0051823705 0.0101311505 0.038362224 -0.012206769 0.009844168 -0.019501464 -0.009043287 0.011919786 0.10795882 -0.009997671 -0.011392539 0.029098693 0.0038642532 -0.020569306 -0.021316795 -0.023639351 0.009296899 -0.014883047 0.014656131 0.010091106 0.0047285375 0.005949882 0.0061267433 0.018366883 0.004928758 0.00057229656 0.003045018 0.0065605543 -0.020048732 -0.013681725 0.004795278 0.026602613 0.005365906 0.010037715 0.03526548 0.030914025 -0.009410357 -0.018220054 0.011612781 0.0018487014 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-0.013067716 0.0009610578 -0.008282449 0.0054760273 -0.0056061703 0.01304102 0.0317683 0.008068881 -0.029499134 -0.025935212 -0.019141067 0.013628333 0.04196619 -0.0038876121 -0.018874107 0.027016401 -0.010498221 -0.01560384 -0.005259122 -0.0046284273 0.012293531 -0.021944152 -0.03216874 -0.02440019 0.008562758 -0.011072187 -0.0036974028 -0.015697276 -0.011906438 -0.0009435385 -0.0054760273 -0.010204565 -0.020636046 0.032649267 -0.0290453 -0.01979512 -0.0048086257 -0.015296836 0.04356795 0.013508201 -0.01952816 -0.00010203939 0.013554919 0.006650653 -0.035932884 -0.014802959 -0.019888556 0.02310543 0.007554982 -0.010398111 0.015950888 0.00092184794 0.032515787 -0.005999937 0.0018587124 0.015457013 0.0046584606 -0.015376925 0.039883897 -0.007695136 -0.0025728317 -0.005993263 0.0013322997 0.027550323 0.025654903 -0.0006106721 -0.0010077759 -0.016992034 -0.026802834 -0.00085427356 0.03734777 -0.0063736816 0.016564898 -0.003764143 0.01438917 0.00888311 0.016444767 0.011566063 -0.00085761055 0.043274295 -0.029579222 0.021997545 -0.021476971 0.014629435 -0.0109520545 -0.007201259 -0.005906501 -0.0041478984 0.028004155 0.016658334 0.013721769 -0.008616149 0.00943038 -0.01347483 0.019781772 0.002816433 -0.0037374469 0.0041345507 -0.004251346 -0.0011087203 -0.017379127 -0.028084243 -0.0006911774 -0.012527121 0.03230222 0.0015834094 0.0151633555 -0.001923784 -0.0007220447 -0.0067741224 -0.0061434284 0.01831349 0.014869699 0.027683802 0.010598332 -0.020155517 -0.014108862 -0.0007741854 0.0036840548 0.003190178 0.027870676 -0.0124737285 -0.0056829215 -0.016524855 0.014455911 0.0017269007 -0.018273445 -0.005425972 0.014629435 0.0028865102 -0.010798552 0.008562758 -0.0048486697 -0.004735212 0.039216496 -0.0042246496 0.023318999 -0.03054028 -0.0048286477 0.008642846 0.013735117 0.002431009 0.025521424 -0.0040444513 0.031314466 -0.0146427825 0.0057496615 -0.0005022194 0.00380085 0.010471526 0.013081064 -0.024373492 -0.0070410827 0.022598205 -0.009356965 0.005589485 0.009323595 -0.002417661 0.026842877 -0.019848512 -0.018113269 0.00036540217 -0.01871393 0.015910845 -0.004311412 -0.00017686133 -0.010524917 0.0023359044 -0.005068912 0.012900866 0.013301306 -0.015737321 -0.0060800253 0.0033586966 -0.03601297 -0.027657107 -0.0239864 -0.0040878323 -0.012306878 -0.02776389 -0.010745159 -0.01797979 0.013287959 -0.018206706 0.01277406 -0.008542736 0.011906438 -0.02749693 0.02040913 0.007922052 0.0216238 -0.027737195 0.018967543 0.008629498 -0.028698253 -0.0061701243 -0.005986589 -0.014616087 -0.014549347 0.03411755 0.0090900045 -0.009810798 0.0192612 -0.031528033 0.005409287 0.0021423579 -0.006447096 -0.035559136 -0.0222912 -0.011799654 -0.0035806075 0.0110855345 -0.0011562726 0.0051890444 -0.0073347394 0.024920762 -0.0096973395 -0.033903982 -0.003088399 -0.017325737 0.017873004 -0.022958603 -0.01804653 -0.0029048638 -0.016017629 -0.00943038 0.0118663935 -0.0053291987 -0.00016893593 0.021370187 0.000085667205 0.0136016365 0.0015408626 0.012233464 -0.022758381 -0.02102314 -0.013841901 -0.020916354 -0.00871626 -0.010631702 0.049708042 0.007975444 0.0020789548 -0.009376987 -0.0066206204 -0.044956148 -0.025721643 0.0057529984 0.015457013 0.033263277 0.013408091 -0.024987502 0.01729904 0.0055394303 0.003764143 -0.022104328 -0.008762978 -0.0032051944 -0.013454809 0.009216811 0.010538265 -0.026389044 -0.008609476 0.02614878 -0.027189925 -0.009290225 0.01655155 -0.0044949474 0.018807366 0.020302346 -0.0033420117 0.027189925 -0.009283551 0.007054431 -0.039937288 0.024533669 0.010351393 -0.0029465763 -0.014776263 -0.003253581 0.010464851 -0.012440359 0.007888682 -0.036840547 -0.013321329 0.016951991 -0.0009427042 0.0030667086 0.019007588 0.015537101 0.015764017 0.005983252 0.008896458 -0.03013984 -0.008823045 0.016378026 0.00037916732 0.02405314 -0.022611553 0.0038742642 0.0020088777 0.015590493 -0.003714088 0.017272344 -0.027470235 0.03609306 -0.026415741 -0.00056103413 0.017285692 -0.03702742 -0.000414623 -0.024600409 -0.009944278 -0.007661766 -0.028885124 0.0052124034 -0.0031217693 0.0070210607 0.008863089 0.010578309 0.012580513 -0.032942925 0.0111456 0.0063670077 0.0042413347 0.20716134 -0.011325799 -0.002544467 0.008082229 -0.012954257 0.004234661 0.020662742 -0.010351393 0.0023292303 -0.0015408626 0.009510468 -0.0033320007 -0.010818574 -0.0036573587 0.010084433 -0.021169966 -0.035559136 -0.011212341 -0.0008154809 -0.02992627 0.016071022 -0.019408027 -0.0067207306 -0.018220054 0.023639351 0.00023004485 0.015977586 -0.015910845 0.011005446 -0.0020672753 -0.020489218 -0.00069993705 0.031127593 -0.009370313 -0.03491843 0.0030934047 0.016498158 -0.010144498 0.019808467 0.002994963 0.0068008183 0.0015992601 0.01608437 0.0032552495 0.019287895 0.021490319 -0.002434346 -0.0192612 0.033690415 0.02864486 -0.038842753 0.018460318 0.025961908 0.02155706 -0.008415929 0.0006682355 0.028671557 0.008542736 -0.00943038 0.019835165 0.010091106 0.001970502 0.00014484693 0.030380104 0.0062268535 0.015924193 -0.00034975997 0.021543711 0.01264058 -0.016378026 0.03363702 -0.012447033 -0.031661514 0.007554982 -0.01185972 0.0013181174 0.0033420117 0.019488115 0.035132002 0.021597104 0.0046351016 -0.013628333 -0.0082624275 -0.020903006 -0.026415741 -0.032862835 0.0064103887 -0.013641681 -0.0028331182 -0.003108421 0.006383693 -0.024306752 -0.0041412245 -0.028324507 0.024827326 -0.00756833 0.008015488 0.0020222256 -0.033129796 0.004548339 0.0046417755 0.025147678 0.029205477 0.022798426 0.016004281 0.013314654 -0.007975444 -0.0020455848 0.018834062 -0.016017629 -0.0034871714 -0.03609306 -0.0063503226 -0.01192646 -0.015764017 0.019141067 0.014549347 0.0010870297 0.0061434284 -0.021250054 -0.009824146 -0.017352432 0.023158822 0.005993263 0.0027697152 -0.014362474 -0.02263825 0.01567058 0.0033837243 -0.010364741 -0.0063937036 -0.0067307414 0.024413537 0.0018320164 -0.011652825 0.006473792 0.019381331 -0.023812875 -0.008943177 0.00080380135 -0.025347898 -0.0222912 0.000961892 0.010498221 0.016311286 -0.0022157722 0.017966442 0.001980513 -0.029792791 0.029338958 0.013708421 0.012573839 0.0062135053 -0.018473666 0.028191028 0.0044982843 -0.038148653 -0.016271241 -0.0012747364 0.008636172 -0.031928476 0.018954195 0.01824675 0.013368047 -0.009223485 -0.00009854596 -0.16882582 0.009443727 0.011432583 -0.024947457 0.032088652 0.014776263 0.015590493 0.006216842 -0.022611553 0.007628396 -0.0027647095 0.0004434047 -0.032756053 -0.03027332 -0.0007053597 0.0015450339 -0.0018820715 0.03224883 0.051683553 0.009350291 0.013735117 -0.0290453 0.019341288 -0.0075416337 0.014789611 0.009550512 0.0057663466 -0.005906501 0.0027880687 -0.027336754 0.0053291987 0.013534897 0.036974028 -0.0019287895 0.028004155 -0.002023894 -0.015537101 -0.016004281 -0.018286794 0.015537101 0.016871903 0.020609349 -0.003840894 0.012693971 -0.027416842 0.024867369 0.0040177554 -0.002461042 -0.011425909 -0.023559263 0.0030533606 -0.0041645835 -0.04215306 -0.000633614 0.030433496 0.010524917 0.020903006 -0.0034337793 -0.007181237 -0.02797746 -0.006567228 -0.023772832 0.01608437 -0.008742956 -0.013681725 0.00039314103 0.01838023 0.0032385644 -0.02047587 0.013047694 -0.0035272154 -0.0045983945 -0.004354793 -0.0077885725 -0.008722934 -0.0037207617 -0.020983094 -0.022918558 -0.023692744 -0.0005739651 0.0029832835 -0.0062268535 -0.010291327 -0.0044549033 -0.025414638 0.013201197 0.025054242 -0.0034404532 -0.024613757 -0.017993137 0.008162317 -0.0075816778 -0.014095514 -0.018794019 0.017873004 -0.00419128 0.015857453 0.021877412 0.0008868094 -0.020702787 0.009069983 0.000069660004 0.010865292 0.003860916 0.01513666 0.0034838344 -0.012540469 -0.021503668 0.022758381 0.019167764 -0.013668377 0.009163419 0.011599434 -0.0051022824 -0.010471526 0.022064285 0.010051062 -0.004865355 0.023145474 -0.0046117427 0.04399509 -0.023332346 -0.03742786 0.019915253 -0.005092271 -0.032115348 -0.14511973 -0.033209886 0.016858555 0.02230455 0.0152034 0.016644986 -0.02067609 -0.010638376 -0.02493411 0.01688525 -0.0067340783 -0.044635795 -0.014002077 -0.012233464 0.009143397 -0.0062735714 0.009577207 -0.018727278 -0.007942075 0.035078607 0.00069868565 -0.012346922 -0.009917582 0.026856225 -0.013034346 -0.0008417598 -0.016391374 0.005005509 0.00002577055 0.0013089407 -0.024880718 -0.017379127 0.0072946954 -0.012180072 0.008189013 0.027390147 -0.021810671 -0.0052023926 0.019301243 0.0035672595 -0.00072621595 0.026589265 0.005456005 -0.0080488585 -0.01438917 -0.00773518 -0.018673886 0.02155706 0.005259122 -0.00053350383 -0.031100897 -0.0020255628 -0.0062535494 -0.00596323 0.02877834 -0.0036740438 0.018673886 -0.011619455 0.0022007555 0.019327939 -0.005379254 0.0023809539 -0.014042121 0.014335779 0.010111129 -0.008669542 -0.025161026 -0.008496017 0.0136016365 0.0066439793 0.0032085313 -0.0061033843 -0.0057630097 0.035559136 -0.025161026 -0.004965465 -0.023225563 -0.014696175 0.008729608 -0.0110388165 -0.026469132 -0.014495955 0.00038396427 -0.024720542 0.011939808 0.0041078543 0.013541571 -0.019501464 -0.018260097 -0.015964238 -0.027390147 0.029152086 0.011292429 -0.008062207 -0.014576043 -0.0019588226 0.018126618 -0.008295797 0.006780796 0.003964363 -0.0071678893 -0.0023158824 0.00390096 0.009203463 0.0017836298 -0.00080838974 0.020382434 -0.001131245 0.008082229 -0.013414765 -0.00956386 0.0109520545 -0.016898599 0.01864719 0.016951991 -0.01703208 -0.009623925 -0.032088652 0.014135558 -0.011639478 -0.015764017 0.01347483 -0.013541571 -0.0036139777 0.0114726275 -0.0073948056 -0.0000327183 -0.0049988353 -0.025628207 -0.008489343 -0.0036440108 -0.004928758 0.011239037 -0.011526019 0.024159925 0.0358261 -0.01864719 -0.026375696 0.005375917 0.021396883 0.0058731306 0.057823643 -0.02438684 -0.021263404 0.014295734 -0.013721769 0.005919849 0.0046617975 -0.049227513 0.006136754 0.026162129 0.00052641274 0.036466803 0.030566975 -0.023385739 0.0073881317 -0.043621343 -0.046264254 -0.020689437 0.013628333 -0.017379127 -0.0016968676 0.024627104 -0.0068041557 0.011365843 -0.006016622 0.0046818196 0.020609349 -0.04589051 0.0017085471 0.007828617 -0.010157847 -0.03168821 0.0046951678 0.021316795 0.0015517079 0.03689394 0.00047510624 0.0036807177 0.012366945 -0.007855312 0.050348748 0.020449173 -0.005432646 -0.013000976 -0.005415961 0.017993137 0.005859783 -0.013828553 0.014282386 0.013348024 -0.011626129 0.0113458205 0.00029428222 -0.015723974 -0.014282386 0.014495955 -0.0010027704 -0.030647064 0.023412434 0.018500362 0.019808467 -0.005546104 -0.0009376987 0.0024143239 -0.019755077 -0.016992034 0.016858555 -0.021116575 -0.020088777 -0.004968802 0.011746261 -0.013668377 0.0010061073 -0.0016434755 -0.012447033 -0.018767323 -0.0072679995 0.015323532 -0.0068608844 -0.02067609 0.0073814574 0.0006373682 0.033343364 0.017125515 -0.013962033 0.000068408626 0.00504889 0.020262301 0.011325799 -0.002387628 0.01189309 0.017112168 -0.02345248 -0.005362569 -0.01094538 -0.00029866205 -0.025988603 -0.016458115 0.0051423265 -0.024266709 0.028938517 0.018393578 -0.007147867 0.0019287895 -0.013321329 0.022998646 -0.0025945222 0.01858045 0.009997671 -0.029499134 0.021637147 -0.009076657 0.05304505 -0.015016528 -0.016164457 0.017579349 -0.023465827 0.022985298 0.0010494884 -0.0022141035 0.033903982 0.013828553 0.033183187 -0.009450401 -0.013261262 -0.024533669 -0.0008146466 0.005445994 -0.028351204 -0.024346797 0.0018854084 0.01175961 -0.04143227 -0.0034304422 0.004398174 -0.015003179 -0.0066239573 -0.0058731306 -0.012160051 0.029819487 0.0037307728 0.030593673 -0.019995341 -0.020449173 0.020048732 0.006530521 -0.008075555 -0.016644986 -0.041912798
-0.011030543 -0.009341593 0.005060302 -0.03218169 -0.03008687 0.012837326 -0.023121588 -0.0047722645 -0.0032977066 -0.02377622 0.019940078 0.012163055 -0.004124179 0.0040096184 -0.015554047 -0.009263037 0.04587658 0.0017740517 -0.0010171338 0.0037248537 -0.0057902164 0.0050832145 -0.023069218 -0.016640736 -0.0053712525 0.003035854 0.010493745 -0.014048394 0.019075966 -0.03427651 0.02432611 0.00004776765 -0.010369364 0.010735958 -0.002577612 -0.011554248 -0.015292195 -0.019128336 -0.00009354072 -0.006631418 0.018997408 -0.021917066 -0.0027969135 -0.012660575 -0.0195473 0.008916083 -0.0041732765 -0.0009999498 -0.030505832 0.0023304885 0.030532017 0.003222424 -0.024195185 -0.012915881 -0.0011832466 0.004061989 -0.009433242 -0.0038361412 -0.0072664106 -0.0010776873 0.014493544 -0.010500291 -0.023658386 0.014192414 0.022663346 0.00018043283 -0.029458422 0.018120203 -0.008104339 0.01275877 0.014899415 0.004474407 0.0026807163 0.023514368 0.04338898 -0.01382582 -0.033752806 0.0043565733 0.010965079 -0.00796032 -0.0068016225 -0.010061688 -0.03372662 0.018146388 -0.0010228619 0.008137071 0.00008188009 0.023501275 -0.0040227114 -0.009439788 -0.018722463 -0.01537075 0.032129318 0.008326914 -0.012038675 0.007744292 0.010919255 0.002764182 0.02382859 -0.01920689 0.018630816 0.003688849 -0.02471889 -0.0092826765 -0.0061011664 0.003335348 -0.005070122 -0.013387216 0.002255206 -0.01320392 -0.013105725 0.023003755 0.010316994 -0.035899997 0.016706198 0.0019393461 -0.00049424684 -0.012654029 -0.026132893 0.015082712 0.01666692 0.014454266 0.009177935 -0.007227133 0.004841001 -0.0074235224 -0.026499487 -0.0161694 -0.02283355 -0.02183851 0.024993835 0.0065790475 0.006480853 0.019782968 -0.0017151348 0.008916083 -0.014349525 0.015999196 -0.013419948 0.00034777305 0.016051566 0.0011726088 -0.005777124 -0.021223156 -0.0047133476 0.0047951764 0.017177533 0.01915452 0.009171389 -0.0033811722 0.033255287 -0.019481836 -0.013786541 0.002829645 0.00292293 0.033517137 0.00460206 0.0043303883 -0.0027069016 0.03013924 0.0056200125 0.0067819837 0.007685375 0.004634792 0.02681371 0.016444346 0.030034497 0.012856965 0.0072991424 0.010251531 -0.005243599 0.051113635 -0.02581867 0.022624068 -0.0123725375 0.026041245 -0.004906464 0.02313468 -0.016928773 0.00045578726 -0.026185265 0.019337818 0.031919837 0.012418361 0.0097540105 -0.023985703 -0.0014434627 0.012837326 0.00982602 -0.0058262213 0.0015752073 0.016719291 0.0059538744 0.0048966445 -0.6535842 -0.014598285 0.04278672 -0.03516681 -0.0071158456 0.023160866 0.0050799414 0.010415189 -0.0025334244 0.03113428 -0.02134099 0.01870937 0.009223759 -0.031003352 -0.03168417 -0.010565754 0.016771661 -0.029955942 -0.007849033 0.002371403 0.0033615334 0.042917646 -0.050851785 -0.027546898 0.0072074938 -0.0075151706 0.015776621 -0.018696278 -0.020057913 0.008438202 -0.0072729574 0.00572148 0.015724251 0.017347738 0.0531299 -0.02278118 -0.029484607 0.022624068 -0.012346352 0.021615935 -0.0013894556 -0.018447518 0.021262435 0.0054170764 -0.017583406 -0.00741043 0.011469145 -0.010068234 -0.011672081 -0.004124179 0.0040259846 -0.025609188 -0.003261702 0.005135585 0.016038474 -0.020136468 0.03113428 -0.007750838 -0.006402297 0.02372385 -0.0067623444 0.00090993795 -0.016784754 0.0024188638 -0.010159883 0.012987891 -0.00064849446 0.0070765675 -0.01275877 -0.035847627 0.0012110685 0.030034497 -0.03273158 -0.01785835 0.012051768 0.04189642 0.011613165 -0.016509809 0.00074750744 0.01382582 -0.0027887307 -0.010794875 -0.0079865055 -0.0011488785 0.01760959 0.0050635757 -0.014545915 -0.010389004 0.0046282453 0.02526878 0.0012110685 0.0060782544 0.019809153 -0.03686885 0.010251531 0.016680013 -0.017125163 -0.011875018 0.007187855 -0.007194401 -0.0115738865 -0.0087851565 0.00615681 0.002566156 -0.0022011988 -0.003304253 0.014061487 0.011632804 0.030453462 -0.034067027 0.014991064 -0.017007329 0.004804996 0.0083596455 0.024692705 -0.02546517 0.016994236 0.017753609 -0.00230103 -0.03283632 0.018984316 -0.00028762876 0.014428081 -0.009609992 0.021615935 0.006533223 0.015750436 0.007901403 0.009721279 -0.009603445 -0.015095805 -0.010284263 0.011344765 -0.0036364787 0.022047993 0.025779393 -0.014506636 -0.016771661 0.013747264 -0.003304253 -0.029406052 -0.024313018 0.00292293 -0.0075479024 -0.018787928 -0.031919837 -0.015554047 -0.0011071457 -0.008673869 -0.0074235224 0.005885138 0.00083056383 -0.041006126 0.0039670677 -0.022218198 -0.017648868 -0.0055578225 -0.015239824 -0.019219983 -0.00064849446 -0.0042420127 0.024640333 -0.011960119 0.0027592722 -0.0061011664 -0.019521115 -0.0021635576 -0.010657403 -0.00043573917 -0.022296753 0.009191028 0.008464387 -0.013033715 0.009806382 -0.006444848 0.028463382 -0.020215023 0.005656017 0.008451294 -0.016247956 0.0073973374 -0.02780875 -0.012968252 -0.00067713455 0.031317577 -0.011370951 0.009668909 -0.013904375 0.0072729574 0.040063456 -0.0063662925 0.007187855 -0.0024205004 -0.0048540933 0.00009200643 0.01139059 0.027337415 0.015802806 0.029851202 0.026525673 -0.010716319 -0.010140244 0.04297002 -0.022493143 0.0044023977 -0.012411815 0.0021504648 -0.032548282 -0.0068409 0.01283078 -0.008968453 -0.019115243 -0.007979959 -0.031500872 -0.00056175573 0.028856162 0.009223759 0.030924797 -0.012798048 0.009734372 0.031815097 0.015030341 0.024614148 0.0068670856 0.0033255285 0.0032600653 -0.021432638 -0.00609462 -0.0046707965 -0.026028153 -0.025046205 0.00609462 0.0119470265 0.005963694 0.009230305 -0.019861523 0.012889696 -0.01805474 0.011364405 -0.036685556 0.020882748 0.0038459606 0.0087851565 -0.0038426875 0.008850619 -0.018277314 0.040718086 -0.0037739512 -0.0144411735 0.009236852 0.000833837 0.0018967951 -0.007855579 -0.031108094 0.016195586 0.011436414 0.008176349 0.021799233 0.006399024 0.026106708 -0.013760356 0.015383842 0.008791703 -0.00478863 -0.00063785666 -0.017596498 -0.0021488282 -0.030322537 -0.008267997 0.014270969 -0.010749051 -0.0020260848 0.01940328 0.0061469907 0.042498685 -0.0065725013 -0.01567188 0.010336633 0.015410028 0.028175345 -0.019167613 -0.0076330043 0.030558204 0.00728605 -0.009249944 -0.021498103 -0.019913893 0.0032518825 0.00086902344 -0.00067140657 -0.01407458 -0.026892267 0.021550473 -0.0022011988 0.011023996 -0.004497319 -0.007096207 -0.0199008 0.0072991424 -0.029065643 0.021799233 -0.010506838 0.0020980942 -0.006065162 0.011403683 0.014912508 -0.015763529 -0.009321954 0.0023353982 -0.012974799 0.0032666116 -0.0047362596 -0.005633105 -0.03372662 0.00404235 -0.0057869432 -0.030820057 -0.016941866 0.022493143 0.0040456234 0.021825418 -0.023461998 0.0021897426 0.002219201 0.10531713 -0.006880178 -0.009066648 0.009793289 -0.014755396 -0.0009811291 -0.024810538 -0.016758569 0.018120203 -0.015933733 0.0029883932 0.003852507 0.015043435 -0.0035284644 0.004998112 0.0067427056 0.0011472419 0.0029785738 -0.03118665 0.0022732082 -0.02338344 0.00044760437 0.01320392 -0.000029790852 -0.012444546 0.007855579 0.016234864 0.031265207 -0.00659214 -0.019573485 -0.0037837706 -0.002080092 -0.0010899616 0.010860338 -0.0011300578 -0.010762144 0.00883098 0.03388373 0.00982602 -0.0054629007 0.008516757 0.015501676 0.012097592 -0.004350027 0.00541053 -0.021432638 -0.015527862 0.014153135 0.0029523885 -0.012542741 0.0015662061 -0.019311633 -0.030846242 -0.007377698 0.019874616 -0.023056125 0.010860338 0.020529248 -0.028987087 0.00952489 -0.011914295 -0.03542866 -0.0013501777 -0.016771661 0.015161268 -0.0023026667 0.00005983742 -0.0015473855 -0.009596899 -0.002826372 0.016954958 -0.013590152 -0.041556016 0.0031095 -0.0043369345 0.009721279 0.0029147472 0.016824033 -0.006709974 0.000097120734 0.014205506 -0.05944055 -0.00223884 -0.015946826 -0.012712946 0.024954557 -0.002814916 0.011613165 -0.002589068 0.032967247 0.007921043 0.006834354 0.030453462 -0.019665133 0.0062680976 0.013956746 -0.0049882927 0.008948814 0.026394747 -0.02516404 -0.016876403 -0.012320166 -0.013315206 -0.017072793 -0.002973664 0.005073395 0.00027576357 0.01567188 -0.002973664 -0.016208678 0.009596899 -0.015135082 -0.02004482 0.0024794172 0.009812928 -0.0060127913 0.012438 0.024993835 0.0119470265 -0.015161268 -0.01995317 -0.030610574 0.006160083 0.032364987 -0.026041245 -0.008804795 -0.0035481034 0.005073395 -0.010618125 0.0023370348 0.0067034275 0.023108495 -0.0138912825 -0.017766701 -0.016824033 -0.0026839895 0.004719894 -0.00391797 -0.022270568 -0.009832567 0.003456455 -0.004513685 -0.008182895 -0.020175746 0.02283355 -0.029484607 -0.008621498 0.01846061 -0.0043565733 0.043860316 -0.020817285 -0.005076668 0.010186068 0.012320166 0.017727423 -0.025059298 -0.012241611 -0.008562582 0.0119470265 0.02496765 -0.010114058 0.0015031978 -0.014244784 0.023894053 0.005345067 -0.006971827 0.003908151 -0.010722865 0.009839113 0.049463965 0.013616337 0.005217414 0.0030391272 -0.0045529627 0.018146388 0.04964726 -0.008896443 -0.01979606 -0.00038193664 -0.013537781 -0.00082769984 0.017347738 -0.030479647 0.027023192 -0.0060520694 0.0045660553 0.03736637 -0.0056461976 0.011927388 0.00025305603 0.021629028 -0.040063456 0.010375911 -0.0031029538 0.02103986 -0.015658788 0.0002978574 -0.007024197 0.001269167 0.00665433 0.006709974 0.018447518 -0.0095314365 -0.0049555614 0.00095658045 0.011685174 -0.0010973263 -0.00081869867 0.01258202 -0.014781581 -0.0034302697 -0.03129139 0.00852985 -0.009047009 -0.0057312995 0.023121588 -0.0045824214 0.00865423 0.011220385 -0.01959967 0.0058982307 -0.01218924 0.0438865 0.0033255285 0.023488183 0.0047395327 -0.024705797 -0.0023108495 0.0045791483 0.00036782114 -0.007043836 0.02377622 -0.01835587 0.01044792 -0.01691568 0.01032354 0.0017789614 -0.035140626 -0.01791072 0.02471889 0.01979606 0.0043991245 -0.00447768 -0.005878592 -0.0006734523 0.025897227 0.011285849 0.02318705 -0.005093034 -0.020280488 -0.016968051 0.020411413 -0.009695094 0.007148577 -0.0036790296 -0.013616337 0.0010056779 -0.0017593225 0.011436414 0.033569507 0.0057345727 0.0076460973 0.0014099128 0.011586979 0.020764915 0.0004234648 0.008097793 -0.01027117 -0.012110685 0.027023192 -0.01860463 -0.013020623 -0.011619711 -0.0120714065 0.007043836 -0.012195786 0.0072402256 -0.001792054 -0.013747264 -0.01387819 0.01915452 -0.004003072 -0.025425892 -0.002394315 0.012654029 -0.021052953 -0.003708488 -0.0055152713 0.02278118 0.0058033094 -0.015200546 0.00059939706 -0.0013829092 0.008477479 -0.032129318 0.0037935902 -0.035899997 0.017792886 -0.027599268 0.028044418 0.009943854 0.0071747624 -0.0332291 0.00665433 0.025674652 -0.025347335 0.009642724 0.023448905 -0.02164212 -0.011089459 0.030034497 -0.004248559 -0.004782084 -0.0038885118 -0.017125163 0.026918452 0.006091347 -0.025085483 -0.024208277 -0.013171188 0.003315709 0.0027707282 0.0144149875 -0.014742304 0.009623084 -0.007822848 0.007993052 -0.006408843 -0.029013272 -0.0005707569 0.0056036464 0.036449887 -0.007973413 -0.008058515 -0.009321954 -0.016588366 0.005194502 -0.01019916 -0.0029474788 -0.0059211426 0.020935118 0.023396533 0.012117231 0.021799233 -0.019272355 -0.00064112985 -0.01760959 0.018879576 -0.030898612 -0.010290809 -0.02606743 0.063263595 -0.0007867854 -0.0028656498 0.00032486094 0.008628044 -0.028856162 -0.035454847 -0.016797846 0.0104282815 0.020908933 -0.0064873993 -0.008117432 0.02591032 -0.01691568 -0.0017282275 -0.0064284825 -0.002269935 -0.02491528 -0.004592241 0.012824233 0.00945288 -0.033962287 0.006408843 0.01711207 -0.016876403 -0.016902588 0.021524288 0.002219201 0.012208879 0.020738728 0.023422718 0.04234157 -0.009806382 0.016653828 -0.04090138 0.01840824 0.024601055 0.005096307 -0.0118226465 -0.0104282815 0.0049588345 -0.008340007 0.002561246 0.0013297205 0.0011619711 0.008137071 -0.0048540933 0.023291793 0.002701992 0.0015899366 0.017675053 0.013786541 0.0077966624 -0.010873431 0.012176148 0.021707583 -0.01791072 0.00038602808 -0.04024675 0.011894656 0.01268676 0.009806382 -0.006598687 0.031369947 -0.010559208 0.018683186 -0.02263716 0.012451093 -0.007253318 -0.029667905 -0.008045423 -0.04522195 -0.003541557 -0.0043042027 -0.029484607 0.0039899796 -0.0027805478 0.0014434627 -0.00778357 -0.0011521516 -0.0036659369 -0.0060586156 -0.01561951 -0.022008715 0.008889897 0.2125196 0.004225647 0.014532821 0.013734171 -0.0079865055 -0.006438302 0.041765496 0.008621498 -0.0037543122 -0.0070700212 -0.02213964 -0.0010277716 0.009734372 0.009924215 0.004127452 -0.021877788 -0.03726163 -0.024208277 -0.008150163 -0.026028153 0.011397136 0.006444848 -0.015200546 -0.012909335 0.024653425 0.008556035 -0.009014277 -0.004471134 0.011305488 -0.00136818 -0.018539168 -0.010559208 0.029013272 0.0079865055 -0.036554627 -0.0014500091 0.000075794065 0.0063859313 0.010120604 -0.0018476977 0.019874616 0.0075740875 -0.0116000725 -0.015802806 0.027075563 0.03388373 -0.02333107 0.0046937084 0.0020768188 0.024352295 -0.03388373 0.011023996 0.021223156 0.024365388 -0.015266009 0.0065168575 0.017622683 0.01462447 -0.0058065825 0.012739131 -0.002441776 0.007560995 0.0044809533 0.0332291 -0.009348139 0.026970822 -0.0011259663 0.006169903 0.025988875 -0.01076869 0.03273158 -0.0043631196 -0.013092632 0.004592241 -0.0041765496 -0.019769875 0.0057018413 0.028594308 0.02770401 0.02382859 -0.011875018 -0.013282475 -0.019769875 0.014676841 -0.016876403 -0.03338621 0.010284263 -0.0043369345 -0.008078154 -0.006212454 -0.0020195385 -0.017373923 0.00022093816 -0.0015580233 0.00054129853 -0.014401895 0.0032747947 0.007999598 -0.021026768 -0.010951987 -0.004219101 0.04755244 0.028934717 0.03765441 0.0009876754 0.0042387396 -0.02482363 0.0073318738 -0.0056003733 -0.026303098 -0.012451093 -0.031003352 -0.01412695 -0.00167913 0.010781783 0.0024925098 0.00093121344 -0.014860137 0.023016848 -0.016549086 -0.0075282636 -0.016941866 0.020503063 0.008065062 0.022820458 -0.0075282636 -0.023069218 0.0034728206 -0.0018067833 -0.005403984 -0.005904777 -0.021380268 0.020359043 0.021354083 0.008300729 -0.009001184 -0.0014590102 -0.02288592 -0.0130599 0.011488785 -0.03058439 0.00073932455 0.014401895 0.013361031 0.02194325 0.010749051 0.002441776 -0.019167613 -0.025085483 0.009492158 -0.0051257657 -0.00342045 0.0035284644 -0.0348264 0.0002724904 0.00029212935 -0.004127452 -0.03626659 -0.01382582 0.02621145 -0.024548685 0.017098978 0.020922026 -0.015737344 -0.0070765675 -0.025596095 -0.16475768 0.02134099 0.033700436 -0.028044418 0.03173654 0.0033206188 0.0080847 0.010107512 -0.026054338 0.0069521875 0.016405068 -0.0043042027 -0.02725886 -0.013374124 0.0054792664 -0.001238072 -0.009459427 0.020607803 0.026551858 0.029772645 0.025779393 -0.01487323 -0.0016750386 0.006755798 -0.0021750135 0.022008715 0.007999598 0.014768489 -0.020660173 -0.020633988 -0.008542943 -0.00075200805 0.023239423 0.014951786 0.012968252 -0.0048639127 -0.022218198 -0.006408843 -0.022650253 0.019259261 0.015828991 0.016889496 0.017923813 0.0064481213 -0.0028443744 0.04289146 -0.0011987941 -0.014284061 -0.008300729 -0.011907749 0.00044678606 0.0012552561 -0.03775915 0.0008137889 0.023933332 -0.012274343 0.024954557 0.011999398 0.008693508 -0.0273636 0.003852507 -0.025884133 0.0174132 -0.021759955 -0.023540553 -0.012660575 0.014860137 0.013904375 -0.040115826 0.0073056887 -0.0063957507 0.006880178 0.017688146 -0.029013272 -0.011010904 -0.016025381 -0.02343581 -0.028568123 -0.025046205 0.018630816 -0.0008436565 -0.003970341 -0.018290408 -0.012909335 0.009786743 -0.00065954134 0.008994638 0.0016750386 -0.029379867 -0.016968051 0.0098783905 0.0023894054 -0.049071185 -0.033517137 -0.005073395 0.010971625 0.014297154 0.016994236 -0.02194325 -0.04666214 -0.004471134 -0.001444281 -0.01736083 0.01226125 0.015331472 0.012483825 0.0012969889 -0.02208727 0.016313419 -0.00048074508 -0.038989857 0.010009318 0.010205707 -0.0028050963 -0.011305488 0.019364003 0.009518344 -0.009786743 -0.0004901554 0.004746079 0.045798026 -0.0022764814 -0.0078032087 0.008510211 0.0014851955 -0.025975782 -0.13134529 -0.014833952 0.0060357032 0.027285045 0.026970822 0.033438582 -0.015174361 -0.007312235 -0.010500291 0.015331472 -0.017504849 -0.032810137 -0.019691318 -0.016784754 -0.01661455 -0.0030505832 0.007829394 -0.003705215 -0.030977167 0.0144149875 0.0074693467 -0.045640916 -0.020411413 0.01586827 -0.016352698 -0.016431253 -0.035742886 0.011423321 0.010716319 0.005034117 -0.04194879 -0.021052953 0.019678226 -0.019390188 0.012365991 0.00050079316 -0.01432334 -0.029720275 0.021655213 0.016103938 -0.0048606396 0.02219201 -0.0054825395 -0.014833952 0.008385831 -0.0044613145 -0.01226125 0.03129139 -0.0068605393 0.018670093 -0.031108094 0.0039834334 -0.008477479 -0.026473302 0.02482363 -0.007502078 -0.00895536 -0.010487198 0.0046937084 0.017583406 0.0058982307 0.00279855 0.0022568426 0.0035350106 0.023095403 0.0015784805 -0.003242063 -0.00783594 0.029510792 -0.010081327 0.014977971 -0.005367979 0.0077966624 0.03063676 -0.024784353 -0.035742886 -0.034643106 0.0011767003 0.0077704773 -0.02770401 -0.010971625 -0.015475491 0.0077704773 -0.032574467 0.01044792 0.0054138033 0.03008687 0.005636378 -0.0046151527 -0.0199008 -0.019966263 0.03830904 0.027337415 -0.016758569 -0.03880656 0.011357859 0.029458422 0.0013010803 0.009983132 -0.0097801965 -0.015632603 -0.026224542 -0.0035775618 0.021877788 -0.009210667 -0.0036397518 -0.012902789 -0.0007004558 -0.0054825395 0.001218433 0.0009983132 0.02128862 -0.026682785 0.013112271 -0.016653828 -0.0066215987 -0.041817866 -0.0074889855 0.008713147 -0.004500592 0.014270969 0.0044482215 -0.0014328249 -0.0028083697 0.021000583 -0.0028034598 0.0007327783 -0.010382458 -0.02407735 0.011043635 -0.0041536377 -0.017177533 0.005197775 0.0027036285 0.0003532965 0.03715689 -0.011233479 -0.010061688 -0.01586827 0.028960902 0.013171188 0.04700255 -0.016208678 -0.032888692 0.0031275025 -0.016968051 0.0045235045 0.008686962 -0.049175926 0.007004558 0.0065528625 0.011384044 0.03472166 0.026434025 -0.033255287 -0.02820153 -0.018761741 -0.035585772 0.004618426 0.009682002 -0.024365388 -0.02352746 0.04357228 0.021930158 0.0084840255 -0.023016848 0.0136425225 0.016876403 -0.009747464 0.0154623985 -0.0040456234 -0.0005376162 -0.03079387 0.0033909918 0.009439788 0.011744091 0.02958935 0.0061208056 0.0018362417 0.032207876 -0.015423121 0.036345147 0.003747766 -0.018041648 0.0033615334 0.030924797 0.019023595 0.00090011844 -0.0138912825 0.0073907906 -0.0032289703 0.0058262213 -0.019835338 0.0049162833 -0.023592923 -0.02054234 0.011554248 -0.0035677422 -0.0011799735 0.025936505 0.021917066 0.0019000683 0.008438202 -0.014310247 0.022427678 -0.008542943 -0.009426695 -0.005011205 -0.009668909 -0.012608205 -0.017216811 0.013406855 -0.0015817536 0.008870258 -0.0057083876 -0.007881764 -0.015724251 0.015305287 0.03168417 -0.00058180385 -0.016247956 0.029772645 0.01920689 0.0007078204 0.023409626 -0.0145721 -0.011901203 0.025556818 0.0073253275 -0.014977971 0.0023255788 -0.0090339165 0.0039932528 0.0026267094 -0.00066486024 -0.01771433 -0.0069325487 -0.018774834 0.0059211426 0.015292195 -0.016706198 0.034197956 0.025229502 0.008719693 0.0034335428 -0.0039867065 0.018447518 0.003688849 0.0051683164 0.009367778 -0.014964879 0.030348722 0.0076526436 0.014388802 -0.00865423 0.00028394646 0.017792886 -0.006795076 0.019089058 0.0043533 -0.009479065 0.04357228 0.0036004737 0.0071420306 -0.015645696 0.0133283 -0.024483223 0.029720275 -0.015933733 -0.02158975 -0.008137071 -0.0055152713 0.031893652 -0.017819073 -0.023619108 0.007724653 -0.0036823028 -0.014493544 -0.0026267094 -0.0040128916 0.022074178 0.0069849193 0.02919657 -0.007894857 -0.036685556 0.027992047 0.018591538 0.007148577 -0.011312034 -0.033255287
-0.005289819 -0.020482395 0.014417549 -0.02531532 -0.007892423 0.0065860446 -0.031055264 -0.00079491123 -0.027251197 -0.028131142 0.00502922 0.019507688 0.016515877 0.004203426 -0.01316532 -0.0010339345 0.04085649 0.010843622 0.003450397 -0.014498774 -0.013185627 0.0076419776 0.027264735 -0.031840447 -0.025044568 0.0076149027 0.037796993 -0.011913092 0.0033420962 -0.0022590877 0.039069526 -0.0016735863 -0.02435415 -0.0195483 -0.015920224 -0.00983507 0.013760975 0.009584624 -0.00030311543 -0.013659443 0.029647354 0.015405794 -0.0025518385 -0.015744234 -0.010999303 0.0069312537 -0.011391894 -0.02248596 -0.017680112 0.010241197 0.018681895 0.010484874 -0.034223065 0.0060039274 0.0055301115 -0.0014459854 -0.014268635 0.02040117 0.0014129875 0.0060648466 0.020103343 0.000632883 -0.00695156 0.009733537 0.0045858636 -0.008616685 -0.010119359 0.004538482 -0.0068127993 0.005668872 0.026696157 0.02712936 0.018438218 0.011940167 0.03533315 0.016123287 -0.0002563684 -0.008569304 0.0050393734 0.0009247876 -0.009936602 -0.0147559885 -0.024394764 -0.007398301 -0.00063119084 -0.03305883 0.004464025 0.007811198 -0.0068534124 -0.024462452 -0.007086936 0.023582507 0.005374429 0.02350128 0.0058279387 0.018343454 -0.0008503308 -0.004108663 -0.013727131 -0.014444624 -0.0064303624 0.011006072 -0.03040546 -0.010721783 -0.020306407 -0.0009171727 0.00966585 0.00066926534 0.018884959 -0.022783788 -0.010322424 0.042887133 -0.00791273 -0.0274678 0.022716101 -0.014458162 -0.007973649 -0.033464957 -0.007499833 -0.024029247 0.03300468 0.008691142 0.021497715 -0.0074389135 0.022242283 0.033194207 -0.028104067 0.014647688 -0.017774874 -0.02193092 0.02164663 0.0038006825 -0.00044843316 0.025003955 -0.012914875 0.01548702 -0.013077326 -0.004531713 -0.020996824 -0.014931978 0.0059193177 -0.006663886 0.010593176 0.0018969568 -0.01639404 0.01458 0.027251197 0.019575376 0.008237632 -0.007953343 -0.010647326 -0.014173872 0.0046975487 0.0037871448 0.011622033 0.01108053 0.0071343174 0.017477047 -0.0003779953 0.0028564346 0.02079376 -0.0049141506 0.026262952 0.006910947 -0.008955126 0.029024623 0.028970474 0.022120446 0.007357688 -0.006058078 -0.021010362 0.033329584 -0.041100167 0.016922006 0.0009797842 0.01429571 0.008122562 -0.0035705431 -0.011716797 -0.015811922 0.021145739 -0.009408635 0.018857883 0.027968692 0.006924485 -0.0045790947 0.026019275 0.014783064 0.005956546 0.008521922 0.024124011 0.027941616 -0.023704346 0.001214154 -0.65760267 -0.023934485 0.018776657 -0.030757437 -0.0104578 0.0036077716 0.0011439276 -0.01090454 -0.020617772 0.0356039 -0.013524067 -0.008433928 -0.005543649 -0.011581421 -0.00966585 -0.019940892 0.025166407 -0.039204903 -0.012630585 0.008041337 -0.0193317 0.024936268 -0.007702897 -0.008278245 -0.029484903 -0.004430181 0.0035333147 0.008339165 -0.006731574 0.012441059 -0.001029704 0.03725549 0.00658266 -0.0013004561 0.051686574 -0.002093252 -0.017612424 0.032923453 0.027779164 0.018329917 -0.018208077 -0.018600669 -0.0023470821 0.021971531 0.006098691 -0.0010415495 0.0016685098 -0.0004539328 -0.009564318 -0.010126128 0.0017598886 0.015229805 -0.008122562 0.0061020753 0.03040546 -0.017761337 0.016231587 -0.03706596 0.0007572597 -0.013307465 -0.011689722 0.0041018943 -0.0322195 -0.000505968 -0.025586072 0.017057382 -0.0022320126 -0.025071643 -0.023555432 -0.0040206686 0.00774351 0.011689722 0.00983507 -0.012691504 -0.023027465 0.02063131 0.02786039 -0.0050529107 -0.0010187047 0.016150363 0.0029072005 -0.011933398 -0.0015162117 -0.015757771 0.020861449 -0.008718218 -0.017625961 -0.010823315 0.0002201976 0.002320007 -0.011635571 0.012102619 -0.011060223 -0.032950528 0.012644122 0.012251532 -0.0031627228 -0.00519844 0.001661741 -0.024178162 -0.005844861 -0.0071004736 0.02689922 0.026723232 0.0033725558 0.0041966573 0.015500558 0.019277548 0.019236935 -0.021348802 -0.0013283774 0.006514972 0.015324568 -0.002328468 0.0057399445 -0.023636658 0.031163566 -0.0020120265 -0.0020052576 -0.020333482 0.01566301 -0.014133259 0.005296588 -0.0026567548 0.010978998 0.0010220892 0.007465989 0.0043557244 -0.0006184993 0.0007221466 -0.030838663 -0.016069137 0.009841839 -0.0069312537 0.0062002228 0.0054455013 -0.0035976183 -0.020942675 -0.009104039 -0.027670864 -0.006254373 -0.018912034 0.0074389135 -0.011121142 -0.015148579 -0.03165092 -0.020022117 -0.00013082825 -0.0019189555 -0.014931978 0.019629527 -0.0047956966 -0.0057297912 0.007702897 -0.019764902 0.0021558634 -0.016136825 -0.0023250836 -0.02063131 -0.012075543 0.006819568 0.005205209 -0.021132201 -0.0013139937 -0.0147559885 -0.009841839 0.0016270508 0.02221521 -0.011791253 -0.02401571 0.015446407 -0.008630223 -0.001164234 0.013456379 -0.01458 0.023514818 -0.02916 0.024611365 -0.007215543 -0.019033872 -0.012224457 -0.00966585 -0.01655649 -0.015107967 0.020482395 0.0039597494 0.025288245 0.0021626323 0.002362312 0.0052695125 0.005756866 0.023975099 -0.014309248 -0.008027799 -0.010038134 0.015229805 0.006674039 0.003797298 -0.006081769 0.033789862 0.010180279 -0.00048016192 0.004260961 -0.012583204 0.0075066015 -0.02107805 0.0023555432 -0.021402953 -0.008880668 0.015067354 -0.0013258392 -0.024841504 0.01814039 -0.026993982 -0.006369443 0.030324234 -0.006203607 0.03435844 -0.015622396 0.018356992 0.007533677 -0.007303538 0.028049916 -0.00025573382 0.005035989 0.025450697 -0.00021078474 0.011933398 -0.007824736 -0.030378385 0.009239415 0.01735521 0.021985069 0.027169973 0.017449971 0.021863231 -0.0037600696 -0.003963134 0.052823734 0.01486429 -0.005675641 0.0027616713 0.00904312 -0.0077841226 0.015798384 0.002396156 0.049980834 0.0017361977 -0.019764902 0.018505905 -0.02187677 0.0053947354 -0.021849694 -0.0051781335 0.008027799 -0.021822618 0.011364819 -0.002893663 0.036984734 0.022296434 -0.005475961 0.027711477 -0.016664792 -0.017531198 0.009659081 -0.011154986 0.0067958776 -0.010065209 0.00057915563 0.025383009 -0.0053270473 -0.00582117 -0.003213489 -0.0048160027 0.02378557 -0.013544373 0.006420209 -0.0045926324 0.011100836 0.016935544 -0.007161393 -0.025383009 -0.0013672981 0.005191671 -0.0030375 -0.017558273 -0.027305348 0.00096878485 -0.0020458705 -0.004572326 -0.016813705 0.0049209194 -0.009476324 0.025775598 0.0178561 0.0019460307 0.020523008 -0.01684078 0.00173789 -0.014092647 -0.010505181 0.0068094153 -0.024882117 -0.00039618646 0.021944458 0.012197382 -0.02661493 0.007073398 -0.023514818 -0.017896714 0.016366964 -0.010207354 0.011439276 -0.0053067408 0.007053092 -0.0034283984 -0.017869638 0.018844346 -0.0019291086 0.028320668 0.01237337 -0.0091988025 -0.016082674 0.020076267 0.09405927 0.0014442932 -0.038500946 0.0324361 -0.011662646 -0.013720362 -0.013327772 -0.033492032 0.037742842 -0.009584624 0.030107632 -0.0038243732 0.02916 -0.015622396 0.003837911 -0.0023470821 -0.00938156 -0.0047280085 -0.010105821 -0.028158218 0.005726407 0.0058651674 0.0021829386 0.012914875 0.014336323 0.031867523 0.041749973 0.035630975 -0.008995738 -0.02413755 0.013422535 0.0029055083 0.0015991295 0.026858607 -0.020022117 0.0061629945 -0.0009010968 0.024773816 0.0017429666 -0.0076825907 -0.0013918349 0.022783788 0.027251197 -0.026303565 0.017490584 -0.010065209 0.0104239555 0.0134360725 0.0005914241 -0.03414184 0.015798384 0.0046197074 -0.039177828 -0.000809718 0.015717158 -0.0103291925 0.012143231 -0.0017818871 -0.0325444 0.0027125976 -0.009523705 -0.019751364 0.018844346 -0.0038954457 -0.0023166225 -0.005987006 -0.0018698816 -0.0048972284 -0.014322786 0.015581783 0.015473482 -0.023826184 -0.038500946 -0.011202368 0.0039868243 -0.0022980084 0.019507688 0.0053067408 -0.012982563 -0.006633426 -0.011161755 -0.03990886 -0.0050021447 -0.020712534 -0.0021795544 -0.005689178 -0.04299543 0.009706463 -0.0021829386 0.0055064205 0.003661922 0.0131044015 0.004389568 0.012163538 0.021714319 0.01983259 0.019507688 0.017016768 0.032246575 -0.029187076 -0.01418741 -0.009049889 -0.009171727 -0.043536935 -0.01667833 0.0073103067 0.009598162 0.021348802 -0.0037837604 -0.0068534124 0.024272924 -0.00615961 0.003198259 0.010383342 0.0011879248 0.0065792757 0.018153928 0.013469917 0.02645248 -0.019020334 -0.019318162 -0.035630975 0.012129693 0.023988634 -0.01424156 -0.013422535 0.030757437 -0.037201338 -0.035739277 0.00095270894 -0.024259387 0.018898496 -0.020333482 -0.026804456 -0.019683678 -0.024976881 -0.02152479 -0.0053270473 -0.013997883 -0.0062069916 0.0054624234 -0.0011946936 -0.00003582706 -0.03736379 0.019791977 -0.02967443 -0.000044050095 0.007215543 0.007086936 0.021091588 0.0061968383 0.020428246 -0.004359109 0.009090502 0.025477773 -0.035306074 0.014146796 -0.019575376 0.039475653 0.037390865 0.032409023 -0.009875682 0.005628259 0.016055599 0.007702897 -0.02147064 -0.0043489556 0.002372465 -0.013266852 0.039259054 0.013876044 0.010552563 -0.0074389135 -0.0022066296 0.012041699 0.036632758 -0.01418741 -0.008779136 -0.028808022 -0.037038885 -0.0104713375 -0.00160336 -0.004108663 0.016069137 -0.03362741 -0.0012547667 0.040558662 0.024624903 0.014783064 0.0032101045 0.026235877 -0.0073306127 0.015690085 -0.0047720056 0.01751766 -0.03035131 -0.0028801253 -0.033464957 0.009076964 0.0057907104 0.013889582 0.016813705 -0.017152146 -0.010383342 -0.0049649165 -0.009320641 -0.028131142 0.002732904 0.008325627 -0.023975099 0.004389568 -0.026005737 -0.0037262256 -0.00143414 -0.002607681 0.017734261 0.0002605989 0.012298914 -0.0028395127 -0.025477773 0.021727854 -0.004616323 0.01837053 -0.009868913 0.031948745 0.007053092 0.012948719 0.010857159 -0.014268635 0.024178162 0.0061900695 0.037147187 0.0052695125 -0.004768621 -0.01920986 0.0015982834 -0.017490584 -0.012867493 -0.033546183 0.008846825 -0.0015128274 0.01215 -0.021768468 -0.01164234 -0.03782407 -0.0075066015 0.009598162 0.0073373816 -0.0075539835 -0.008988969 -0.013584986 0.012515515 -0.021132201 0.01486429 0.0011413892 0.0084948465 0.0008164868 -0.020171031 0.009760613 0.03923198 0.041127242 -0.003105188 0.0072426186 0.015974373 0.008109025 -0.0033708636 -0.003384401 -0.013652674 -0.0013672981 0.025613148 -0.016150363 -0.00068068766 -0.017625961 -0.026141115 0.01520273 -0.013212702 0.000868945 -0.013862507 -0.023541894 0.0017023538 0.0084474655 0.025613148 -0.017057382 0.0008249478 -0.0014569847 -0.025640223 0.004633245 -0.0056587188 0.016069137 -0.016773092 -0.014823677 0.0071343174 0.00921234 0.00435234 -0.0047110864 -0.004870153 0.0031965668 0.010268273 0.00948986 0.020726072 0.012062006 0.023758495 -0.028835097 0.018803732 -0.008988969 -0.0056587188 0.017680112 -0.03056791 -0.012752423 0.008352702 0.0065928134 0.008318858 -0.018993258 -0.00095863163 0.007520139 -0.00014722145 0.0029325837 -0.021551866 -0.0047889277 -0.0025602994 -0.0052187466 0.0057500973 0.008169944 -0.018235153 -0.004589248 -0.014539387 0.022959778 -0.0011295439 -0.027048133 -0.021714319 0.0060445406 0.0067044985 0.013124707 -0.005675641 -0.0073509193 -0.005577493 -0.020374095 -0.017260445 -0.004514791 -0.0023487743 0.017301058 0.0011151602 -0.00022844708 0.0036889971 -0.003045961 -0.007872117 -0.025965126 -0.0032761004 -0.03175922 0.004057897 -0.031353094 0.041993648 -0.010031365 -0.029295376 -0.022594262 -0.017422898 -0.029701505 -0.024408301 0.01751766 0.0008740216 0.03679521 -0.014999666 -0.0021237116 0.023514818 0.003205028 0.0016109749 0.005804248 0.0095304735 -0.007845042 0.008900975 0.01390312 0.0077908915 -0.014986129 -0.020360557 0.021741392 -0.012082312 0.003925905 0.013984346 0.008772368 0.017544735 0.013645905 0.015947297 0.023230528 -0.009794457 0.009036351 -0.04927688 -0.01463415 0.017612424 -0.01865482 -0.0073441505 0.0003856102 0.011175293 -0.0040105153 -0.008122562 0.0115069635 -0.004893844 0.0061054598 -0.006572507 0.017829025 -0.009584624 0.024841504 0.011094067 0.01378805 -0.0070327856 -0.0095778555 0.010687939 0.018898496 -0.0077232034 0.025071643 -0.029945182 0.0025975278 -0.00048819988 0.029187076 -0.0038446796 -0.0030256547 -0.021213427 0.013740669 -0.00921234 0.00052965875 0.018830808 0.0017006616 -0.00034965095 -0.005882089 -0.0014231406 -0.012887799 -0.0389883 -0.008515153 -0.002700752 -0.012028161 0.005171365 0.0019578761 -0.019142173 -0.000070966664 0.026939834 -0.0037431477 -0.0007335689 0.2220167 -0.0118860165 0.0007500679 0.025396546 0.0018732661 0.0144716995 0.03985471 -0.008745292 -0.005063064 0.013084095 -0.006047925 -0.006508203 -0.011615264 -0.008007493 0.0013799896 -0.003966518 -0.014945515 -0.032138273 -0.0020543316 0.014783064 0.036037102 0.011967243 -0.028401894 -0.023934485 0.030703288 0.025775598 -0.016136825 0.011452814 0.015229805 -0.0073306127 -0.0031627228 -0.0022878551 0.014850752 0.005249206 -0.011270056 0.008156407 0.009110807 -0.03165092 0.0072020055 -0.008779136 0.027251197 0.009902758 -0.0044809473 -0.011567883 0.007905961 0.018587131 -0.004856616 -0.025017492 -0.005384582 0.009144652 -0.006041156 0.00143414 0.028049916 0.016989693 -0.005161212 0.0124952085 -0.0035739276 -0.0071952366 -0.004724624 0.022878552 -0.0032219498 0.023975099 0.0059362394 0.044240892 0.0014925209 0.0067721866 -0.013815125 -0.0022777019 -0.0045486353 -0.020238718 -0.0049581476 -0.026520167 -0.0062712952 0.0061562257 -0.013679749 -0.016055599 0.017097995 0.03598295 0.022458887 0.018032089 -0.011229443 -0.02916 -0.022865014 -0.012569666 -0.008041337 -0.03400646 0.028997548 -0.025680836 -0.0067281895 -0.021497715 -0.00932741 -0.02741365 -0.022783788 -0.008528691 0.013429304 0.017937327 -0.009659081 0.013442841 -0.019060947 -0.0029308915 -0.03611833 0.025748523 0.019873204 0.02916 0.020996824 0.0056790253 0.0048972284 0.002040794 0.026073426 -0.013463148 0.005465808 -0.030053481 0.017395822 -0.0012336142 0.0048396937 0.019060947 0.014404011 -0.010572869 0.040098384 -0.011682953 -0.004985223 -0.013158551 -0.004738162 0.009232646 -0.0116491085 -0.025626685 -0.022689026 0.008386546 -0.028943399 -0.004572326 0.01757181 -0.020482395 0.0049479944 -0.0124952085 0.011764178 -0.008799443 0.009963677 -0.029539052 -0.017382285 0.011121142 -0.025220558 -0.004684011 0.018411143 0.015026741 0.010308886 0.0015957451 0.002903816 0.021226963 0.004819387 -0.0039868243 0.010017827 0.010545794 -0.00347578 -0.01288103 0.00151875 -0.015527632 -0.027048133 -0.004061281 0.002000181 -0.010972229 -0.038636323 0.025342396 0.028726798 -0.0057974793 -0.012711811 -0.022986852 -0.17295644 0.00904312 0.030703288 -0.03950273 0.0453239 -0.0010187047 0.009178496 0.005922702 -0.007987186 -0.00014330824 -0.013997883 -0.0020374095 -0.0089822 -0.013151783 0.004030822 -0.00008884053 -0.017761337 0.015026741 0.021673705 0.020495933 0.011987549 -0.00966585 0.0004898921 0.008650529 0.010687939 -0.0028970474 0.0012327681 0.003973287 -0.0008427159 -0.027535487 -0.009205571 0.006978635 0.017910251 0.0155547075 0.009564318 -0.018898496 0.0027684402 -0.0076419776 -0.03249025 0.001223461 0.03259855 0.019656602 0.0029393523 -0.0049039973 -0.011053454 0.021105126 0.014160334 -0.023920948 0.007357688 -0.014133259 0.010322424 -0.0054319636 -0.022391198 -0.010836853 0.018194541 0.0056113373 0.00948986 -0.00008714833 -0.0050258357 0.0039089834 -0.008900975 -0.020550083 0.016759554 -0.000027789107 -0.029863955 -0.031488467 0.0064303624 -0.0015280572 -0.04832925 0.013388691 0.008345934 0.003012117 -0.001341915 0.011831867 0.006017465 0.011290362 -0.018966183 0.016542953 -0.008684373 0.012765961 0.0019494151 0.0095778555 0.009855376 -0.0038616017 -0.0068804873 0.0009434018 0.02661493 -0.003331943 -0.012725349 -0.021606017 0.017436435 -0.008792674 -0.028564345 -0.008014262 0.01378805 0.00966585 0.013009638 -0.008630223 0.0016228204 -0.019426463 -0.008860362 0.015473482 -0.014024958 -0.008183482 0.028943399 0.004007131 -0.011432507 0.0013309157 0.028970474 -0.008948357 -0.0029968873 0.0023216992 0.007371226 0.023027465 -0.016285738 0.017896714 0.02248596 -0.009110807 0.017152146 -0.0020797146 0.043888915 -0.0030408844 -0.018898496 0.02152479 -0.00932741 -0.019372312 -0.14761405 -0.014092647 -0.0025230711 0.029295376 0.0038209888 0.030540835 -0.007804429 0.012136462 -0.030378385 0.024570752 -0.017016768 -0.029078774 -0.009469555 -0.012393677 -0.0018360376 -0.035008244 -0.0048058494 -0.01005844 -0.032246575 0.032977603 0.0019341853 -0.011446045 -0.0013825279 0.0024773816 -0.025328858 0.02859142 -0.026371254 0.0030814973 0.008203789 -0.008961895 0.008373008 -0.02576206 0.022837939 -0.024042785 0.005635028 0.0010009366 -0.0125899725 -0.025017492 0.018005013 -0.020103343 -0.00091378833 0.032896377 0.007939805 -0.018492367 0.004910766 -0.0007856041 -0.020076267 0.03471042 -0.009002507 -0.026195265 -0.054556545 0.0066537326 -0.037282564 0.005035989 0.011574652 0.0062645264 -0.004768621 0.006992173 0.008156407 0.016664792 -0.014417549 -0.0048058494 -0.019656602 -0.0011710027 0.024178162 -0.017910251 -0.02486858 -0.0075133704 -0.0033353274 -0.025707912 0.0044741784 0.030188859 -0.01158819 0.022919165 -0.016150363 0.0009230954 0.0029799652 -0.0016634332 0.009164958 0.0056417966 -0.013192396 -0.0067552645 0.014349861 -0.037228413 0.0021744778 0.016637716 0.002328468 -0.010119359 0.004826156 -0.016976155 -0.018573593 0.029701505 0.016610641 -0.010308886 0.008562535 -0.0025687604 0.007452451 -0.01350376 0.012705042 0.02350128 -0.026696157 0.012258301 -0.0059937746 0.018384067 -0.008068413 -0.015162117 -0.011141448 -0.0125899725 0.015311031 0.008508384 -0.0006963405 -0.0066672703 -0.03300468 0.004707702 -0.010924847 -0.017680112 -0.0137677435 -0.00028471273 0.011974012 -0.010911309 0.011209137 -0.008149638 0.0041018943 0.0007526062 0.008657298 -0.0001902668 -0.012237995 0.0032761004 -0.034223065 -0.0073306127 -0.0046975487 -0.017829025 0.025220558 -0.015229805 -0.00073779945 -0.0038954457 -0.002565376 -0.007425376 0.014552925 0.030865738 0.006775571 0.0776517 -0.025044568 -0.02356897 0.011310669 -0.020387633 -0.011899554 0.0037025348 -0.025531922 -0.005215362 0.01587961 -0.0037363789 0.014065571 0.021402953 -0.041425068 -0.0126373535 -0.029511977 -0.019060947 0.012001086 -0.0023809262 -0.003932674 -0.0038277577 0.023528356 0.003939443 -0.0001902668 -0.021903845 0.009645543 0.006714652 -0.009334179 0.015419331 -0.010715014 -0.0067958776 -0.023555432 0.006938022 0.020536546 0.0075742896 0.0104239555 -0.014336323 0.006944791 0.013442841 -0.008149638 0.033492032 -0.020495933 -0.0057737883 -0.020238718 0.0042575765 0.014390473 -0.0029765808 -0.005316894 0.008257939 0.0038412954 0.0122109195 0.003949596 0.017273983 -0.0275761 -0.008799443 0.0023589276 0.010085516 -0.03852802 0.02791454 0.0065691224 0.020942675 0.005929471 -0.021037437 0.004849847 -0.018614206 -0.012109388 0.0062137605 -0.012901337 -0.0049209194 0.0031627228 0.031623844 -0.0022658566 0.009225878 0.02130819 -0.016813705 -0.012231226 -0.0025112256 -0.008515153 -0.043428637 -0.03045961 0.008224094 0.020604234 0.011635571 0.016285738 -0.017747799 0.030080557 0.019710751 0.008995738 -0.025856825 -0.002101713 -0.010031365 0.022905627 0.012183844 -0.010559332 -0.014688301 0.0043388023 -0.025626685 0.0048227715 0.025369471 0.0063152923 0.04803142 0.015527632 -0.003003656 0.008860362 -0.022282897 0.008325627 -0.0057737883 0.0011405431 -0.008027799 -0.021782005 0.027278272 -0.021267576 0.02582975 -0.0057771727 -0.0017268907 0.013070557 -0.020008579 0.03395231 -0.007154624 0.0020052576 0.027075209 -0.013984346 0.021443566 0.010288579 -0.016691867 -0.021091588 0.030324234 -0.0005850783 -0.005831323 -0.012671198 0.0054793456 0.0072696935 -0.029620279 -0.019074485 0.015622396 0.014268635 -0.00015811498 -0.018803732 -0.013862507 -0.0033268663 0.009320641 -0.00035134313 -0.021213427 -0.038852926 -0.005638412 0.014593538 -0.019345237 -0.014160334 -0.011385125
0.024195109 0.01373345 0.011814807 -0.018957548 -0.007943858 0.0028325242 -0.017422633 -0.023791183 -0.021650381 -0.038372878 0.0055876295 0.023979682 -0.0078496095 0.026120484 0.016560925 -0.0034804873 0.032744855 0.004348926 0.00010613551 0.00032271925 -0.00072958955 0.020209715 0.024087396 -0.038076665 -0.01208409 0.027143762 0.010993493 -0.0031001244 -0.01014525 -0.014729799 0.031613864 0.002260297 -0.024706747 -0.013383382 -0.023629613 0.0038271896 0.024410535 0.00953263 0.0035074155 -0.013760379 0.025312634 0.022916013 -0.010609764 -0.014191233 0.010778066 0.012124483 -0.007930394 -0.028355537 -0.0035343438 0.014043126 0.027601542 0.014891369 -0.0105357105 -0.015066403 -0.01851323 -0.018971011 -0.010724209 -0.0017772701 0.009243151 0.0026978825 0.0004577817 -0.0072908467 -0.014406659 0.00006143026 -0.009411453 0.011208919 -0.01240723 0.004591281 -0.01851323 0.008287195 0.018849835 0.024477856 -0.008610335 0.009074849 0.045347314 -0.0020364553 -0.015268366 -0.023831576 0.013827699 -0.0094855055 -0.01738224 -0.0070956163 -0.013134295 0.018257411 -0.012481283 0.001856372 -0.009155634 0.021960057 0.010165446 0.00067783665 -0.00076829904 -0.013289133 0.017005242 0.021609988 -0.0070888842 0.0076139867 -0.014285482 0.00096268795 -0.0129121365 -0.018526694 0.014999082 -0.01233991 -0.014649014 -0.013322794 -0.026578266 -0.0070552235 0.015012546 0.0040392503 0.0077149677 0.0052442933 -0.012104286 0.031613864 0.00025666069 -0.038238235 0.016170464 0.00023225689 0.018311268 0.00036058723 -0.00069298386 -0.01874212 0.015403007 -0.0022838593 0.037053388 -0.015376079 0.03217936 0.0074389526 -0.021771558 0.027574614 -0.009418185 -0.029971236 -0.006388747 -0.016076216 -0.019199902 0.021933129 -0.015887717 -0.008926743 -0.0055943616 0.008462229 -0.019509578 -0.008967135 0.013881557 0.000682465 -0.0012816205 -0.016305106 -0.021892736 0.02717069 0.026780229 0.029298028 -0.011666701 -0.010481854 0.016722495 0.0035882005 -0.0075264694 0.0052139987 -0.00023120499 -0.004429711 -0.019213367 0.029944308 0.015578042 0.01518758 0.010279892 0.0004670383 -0.006287766 0.0028695506 0.021179136 0.019024868 0.017611131 0.017718844 0.021919664 0.008751709 -0.005641486 0.033337276 -0.03037516 0.031263795 0.028059324 0.011350293 0.018567087 0.00044684205 -0.016843673 -0.018755585 0.02846325 -0.0033424795 0.01437973 0.022242805 -0.028813317 0.013706522 0.022444766 0.0077149677 -0.01353822 -0.0034973174 0.008596871 0.01463555 -0.017624594 -0.009431649 -0.64326406 -0.009074849 0.0025430445 -0.033768132 0.0042243823 -0.018688263 0.007418756 0.005853547 -0.0069138496 0.021529203 0.0019624024 0.002420184 0.0040123216 -0.015753075 -0.018701728 -0.034683693 0.0076678433 -0.03732267 -0.017086029 0.00069214235 -0.009700933 0.03312185 -0.0093777925 0.03732267 0.004746119 0.01841898 0.003307136 0.011458007 -0.010448194 -0.0010821824 -0.01334299 0.019536506 0.0013455752 0.034845266 0.046478305 -0.0006976122 -0.0003673193 0.03131765 0.03538383 0.03570697 -0.02183888 -0.030482875 0.019132582 0.026712907 -0.02287562 0.0036218609 0.023010261 0.0113099 -0.024302822 -0.011882127 0.0069071176 0.006621004 0.0027887656 0.025581917 0.012090822 -0.022162018 0.012898672 -0.021138743 -0.0037800649 0.012683245 0.0034737552 0.010475122 -0.029136458 -0.007829413 -0.01754381 0.0023781084 0.0013624054 -0.024733676 -0.008381444 -0.0067960382 0.026887942 0.015685754 0.021556132 -0.0030765622 0.02116567 0.01463555 0.03492605 -0.0048908587 -0.03406434 0.015806932 0.0017806361 -0.008186214 -0.015214509 -0.028867174 0.024854852 -0.0059410636 -0.0019438892 -0.016870601 0.010623228 -0.015093331 -0.009774986 0.025393419 0.0022300028 -0.05708807 -0.007768824 0.015806932 0.009801914 -0.006277668 -0.024100859 -0.020855995 0.0005983139 -0.0076745753 0.008509354 0.012360105 0.012609192 -0.024275893 0.035303045 0.00901426 0.035195332 -0.03331035 -0.011848467 -0.031075297 -0.002901528 0.012999654 0.021004101 -0.029701952 0.004109937 0.0076880394 0.00006500668 -0.026968727 0.015806932 -0.002430282 0.0067960382 -0.025002958 -0.0026288787 0.031775434 -0.0027803506 0.01638589 -0.0242355 -0.016049286 -0.012205267 0.004759583 0.0030328038 -0.008334319 0.011835003 0.008845958 0.013619005 -0.010414533 -0.020627104 -0.018136233 -0.021232992 -0.014649014 0.029190315 0.0124947475 -0.033175707 -0.025218384 -0.026699444 0.0049750097 0.006691691 -0.009121973 0.003317234 0.009842306 -0.021084886 0.017368775 -0.007842877 -0.008071768 -0.021004101 -0.019994289 -0.031183012 -0.01233991 0.000044126704 0.029298028 -0.027453437 0.011929252 -0.004015688 -0.022404375 0.022700585 0.0054125953 -0.005382301 -0.020586712 -0.0030429019 -0.020586712 0.0070484914 0.030509803 -0.0026928335 0.036487892 -0.016210858 -0.003059732 -0.012326445 -0.024195109 -0.004348926 -0.014002734 -0.03524919 -0.012164875 0.018688263 0.019280687 -0.0010855484 0.00022405216 -0.021354169 0.012023501 0.013814235 0.022983333 -0.012831352 -0.0094855055 -0.0013438922 0.02488178 -0.01079153 -0.0049346173 0.0071965973 0.022188947 0.0022148555 0.005486648 0.0139623415 -0.012178339 0.00095343136 -0.025568454 0.012811155 -0.026618658 0.008980599 0.008940207 0.005389033 -0.010845386 -0.013040046 -0.026147412 0.00042370052 0.025581917 -0.01273037 0.03624554 -0.0076745753 0.0022249536 0.004109937 -0.009270079 0.020344356 0.008610335 -0.012373569 0.025514597 0.011673433 0.029594239 -0.005062527 -0.03153308 -0.016614782 0.004816806 0.0091152415 0.0053520063 0.02781697 0.01657439 -0.01641282 0.0007863915 0.045508884 0.0002463522 -0.0016964851 0.010946368 -0.008280463 -0.017840022 0.021381097 -0.01608968 0.045858953 -0.013491095 -0.006610906 0.018944083 -0.011747486 0.01738224 -0.04634366 -0.0016544096 0.009835574 -0.035680044 0.0067994045 0.016103145 0.02148881 0.0104885865 -0.011047349 0.02167731 -0.009761522 -0.019953895 0.0013834431 -0.014029662 0.019900039 -0.011626309 -0.0226198 0.0104885865 -0.02594545 -0.02068096 -0.016749425 -0.014002734 0.025756951 -0.005853547 0.017368775 -0.014447051 0.0016712397 0.009451846 -0.021340705 -0.029971236 -0.0037666007 0.011895591 -0.016709032 -0.011303169 -0.01874212 -0.021650381 -0.016614782 -0.026497481 -0.011478202 0.012703442 -0.003463657 -0.002901528 -0.019509578 -0.004093107 0.034683693 0.010778066 -0.017139886 -0.0047090924 0.00031598718 0.023508435 -0.031425364 -0.011141598 0.026376303 0.008509354 -0.03185622 -0.013033314 0.0102731595 -0.027453437 -0.0096942 -0.011033885 0.009795181 -0.00057391013 0.02012893 -0.015376079 0.009956752 0.008516085 0.016022358 0.0007514688 -0.015322222 0.006513291 -0.010959832 0.014877905 0.09392603 -0.009754789 -0.028544035 0.028086253 0.00018523748 -0.0061396603 -0.010650156 -0.008213142 0.0292711 -0.007418756 0.01011159 0.012555336 0.018647872 -0.00075525563 0.0064796302 0.014864441 0.009418185 -0.00096100493 0.01977886 -0.011686897 0.0023999878 0.0135920765 0.005220731 0.0036151288 0.018890226 0.006610906 0.0186748 0.030806014 -0.016816745 -0.019280687 0.0028544033 0.01835166 0.014931762 0.0058636446 -0.024599034 0.03072523 0.0026961996 0.034495197 0.017301455 -0.022337053 0.017422633 0.002972215 -0.0014861075 -0.0035276117 0.018769048 -0.026928334 0.0253261 0.014877905 -0.014272017 -0.013908485 0.0009988729 0.010872315 -0.02368347 -0.024450928 0.0115387915 0.00775536 0.01983272 -0.004826904 -0.01712642 -0.020667497 -0.00084992556 -0.02142149 0.012865012 -0.008388177 -0.0077082356 -0.008643995 0.0020633836 -0.013854628 -0.028597891 0.03166772 -0.0011873712 -0.028140109 -0.050248273 -0.013598809 0.03349885 -0.0054428894 0.019590363 0.0036151288 -0.01664171 0.0031825926 0.0039281705 -0.03314878 -0.007499541 -0.033875845 -0.01592811 0.016439749 0.004429711 0.024787532 0.014406659 0.0072167935 0.014797119 -0.002339399 0.034522124 -0.0048571983 0.008967135 0.028355537 -0.006395479 0.007311043 0.01973847 -0.020788673 -0.001854689 -0.026160877 -0.007950591 -0.04155042 -0.0023107878 0.005415961 0.018405516 0.020882923 0.0006879348 -0.014258553 0.018445909 -0.025931986 0.04359697 0.022377446 -0.00059031957 0.012932332 0.02523185 0.025016423 0.016695566 -0.013895021 0.00012622657 -0.011707094 0.0067455475 0.027870826 -0.010131786 -0.0010199107 0.0029637998 -0.000971103 -0.028005468 0.004126767 0.016157001 0.04006936 -0.0008945256 -0.033525776 -0.03409127 -0.018540159 -0.0070686876 0.0111214025 -0.0020398214 -0.022094699 0.009424917 0.0010417899 0.008078501 -0.0371611 0.0041503296 -0.020236643 -0.01583386 0.008583407 0.0035949326 0.032691 -0.0060689733 -0.00079606887 -0.005971358 -0.024666354 -0.011835003 -0.034629837 0.00533181 -0.010064465 0.03945001 0.026389768 0.031398438 -0.0031926907 0.0024067198 0.022013914 -0.011996573 -0.002263663 0.028328607 0.002405037 -0.013948877 0.01906526 0.021892736 -0.0045508887 -0.010670353 0.022363981 0.011020421 0.022162018 0.01915951 -0.005022134 -0.004254677 -0.044835676 -0.0010148616 0.042277485 -0.017436096 0.022916013 -0.0110136885 0.005543871 -0.008226606 -0.0022098063 -0.0008326746 -0.012333177 0.034118198 -0.02232359 0.026335912 -0.012885208 0.014756727 -0.01874212 -0.0038541178 -0.021111814 0.0034013852 0.0153356865 0.0050355983 0.019603828 0.007903466 0.013134295 -0.017463025 -0.0095932195 -0.02742651 -0.013363186 0.0059309658 -0.028193966 0.007331239 -0.0235219 -0.009566291 -0.00090714823 -0.013120831 0.013908485 0.0028796487 0.018620944 -0.017503418 -0.0030109244 0.035814684 -0.017651523 0.043300763 -0.0008524501 0.039853934 0.013511292 0.009068117 -0.0016098095 -0.015793469 0.0195769 0.010252964 0.034010485 0.0060252147 -0.011949448 -0.022162018 0.01915951 -0.0076072547 -0.014096983 -0.034333628 0.009835574 -0.009397989 0.009795181 -0.020330893 0.007795753 -0.018647872 0.019132582 0.005318346 0.018822907 -0.009909627 0.008105429 -0.021434953 0.015376079 0.0032903058 0.017826557 -0.0195769 0.007964055 0.008704584 -0.035303045 -0.0023579122 0.007627451 -0.010603032 0.024854852 -0.018849835 0.01567229 0.010656889 0.009700933 0.009458577 -0.013719986 0.0292711 0.033229563 -0.035491545 -0.006176687 -0.0011999939 -0.01828434 0.00495818 -0.010939636 -0.020600175 -0.00007473665 -0.0011873712 -0.007836145 0.015039475 0.0072100614 0.013639201 -0.013881557 0.003796895 -0.018270874 0.005150044 -0.003958465 0.013268936 -0.04138885 -0.03899223 -0.012622656 -0.011289705 -0.012413962 0.000928186 -0.00006884607 -0.026955262 0.014043126 -0.009505702 0.006274302 0.010609764 0.024450928 -0.017422633 0.017503418 -0.025797345 -0.004177258 0.009997144 -0.011666701 0.008893083 -0.016601318 0.0019556703 0.013147759 -0.007789021 0.004120035 0.02174463 0.035491545 0.004917787 0.0014751678 -0.019698076 -0.0106434245 -0.007250454 -0.0012243977 -0.0032600116 -0.014164303 0.010091393 -0.011747486 -0.0067388155 -0.010589568 -0.03441441 -0.0074456846 -0.023239153 -0.013033314 -0.024531713 0.0052779536 -0.007869806 -0.0049346173 -0.027736185 0.0031943736 -0.015093331 0.0066311024 0.000565495 0.021529203 0.037807383 0.007997715 -0.018230483 0.0026894673 -0.0071965973 -0.0016872284 -0.016682103 0.008967135 0.00046156847 0.035464615 -0.006826333 -0.011006957 -0.013619005 -0.012622656 -0.021502275 -0.0047898777 -0.0019135948 -0.0026339276 0.026282053 0.013060242 -0.0153356865 0.032744855 0.0031119057 0.007001367 -0.009068117 0.014554765 -0.020357821 0.021273384 0.0016064434 -0.0055741654 -0.0038204575 -0.016709032 0.027413044 -0.021596525 0.0018008323 0.019630756 0.0023713764 -0.0016459945 0.022054305 -0.0021609988 0.003310502 0.0076139867 0.019549971 -0.045508884 -0.013686326 -0.010710745 -0.020478997 -0.0059242337 -0.019267224 0.007896734 -0.02077521 -0.0014027979 0.009754789 -0.024572104 0.0193884 -0.002888064 0.041254207 0.008226606 0.013719986 0.016870601 0.0074591488 -0.013598809 -0.03495298 -0.004917787 -0.016628247 0.00015357566 0.022202412 -0.027736185 0.014649014 -0.008569943 0.0020869458 0.0029957772 -0.019105652 -0.016008895 0.0017057416 -0.03427977 0.01832473 0.009963484 0.008610335 0.007977519 -0.007809217 -0.014043126 -0.031183012 -0.018082377 0.002810645 -0.009741325 0.0057424675 0.023710398 0.00565495 -0.0029335055 -0.010239499 0.03134458 -0.00048428925 -0.018149698 0.18591322 0.0017856852 0.00036395327 0.021731166 -0.008118893 0.016372427 0.02910953 -0.007573594 -0.020317428 0.0013279035 0.016924458 0.00006705787 -0.050679125 -0.0033980191 -0.0030378527 -0.019859647 -0.0226198 -0.03056366 0.003884412 0.019657684 0.010522246 0.007762092 -0.019940432 -0.028382465 -0.00065637816 0.0149182975 -0.0017604398 0.008428569 0.013026582 0.006183419 -0.0062642037 0.00888635 0.00062734605 0.014393195 -0.025824273 0.006526755 0.016278177 -0.008051572 0.030186662 0.01909219 -0.0040123216 -0.012642853 0.011087742 -0.0135920765 -0.011067545 0.02303719 -0.011989841 -0.0048639304 -0.0012302883 0.020627104 -0.040365573 -0.008906547 0.010387605 0.032071646 0.010030804 0.0128044225 0.005325078 0.018230483 0.0011225749 0.012225464 -0.023333402 0.013827699 -0.0056515844 0.03169465 0.009774986 0.010185642 -0.012481283 0.000004398207 0.0013607224 -0.00949897 -0.018217018 -0.010589568 -0.02042514 -0.019846182 -0.018526694 -0.018472837 0.013450703 0.026470553 0.0103337485 0.014164303 -0.0235219 -0.023144903 -0.016210858 -0.018822907 -0.008381444 -0.0036925478 0.039611578 -0.008132357 -0.0017032172 -0.0149182975 -0.014904833 -0.014999082 -0.0040560802 -0.016237786 0.003884412 -0.006220445 -0.0017806361 0.008085232 -0.006782574 -0.0019640853 -0.021865807 0.005964626 0.034872193 0.02781697 0.014096983 0.0032701096 0.004093107 0.0069003855 0.02296987 -0.023454579 -0.0064964606 -0.02271405 0.00084992556 -0.01648014 -0.0153356865 0.020963708 0.0022300028 0.00914217 0.043866258 0.00015725727 -0.016237786 -0.017974664 -0.008677656 0.012851547 0.025110671 -0.025379956 -0.021569597 0.0032499135 -0.019751932 -0.01098676 0.020600175 -0.0075399335 0.015483792 0.008118893 0.0016931191 -0.0037800649 0.0033475286 -0.026941799 -0.011525327 0.019698076 -0.015106795 -0.016614782 0.009249883 0.009842306 -0.0011495033 -0.0010704013 0.0040964726 0.0048908587 -0.02432975 -0.010461658 -0.025258778 0.0013893337 -0.013868093 -0.032071646 0.010387605 0.011882127 -0.028894102 -0.03425284 -0.0038305556 0.004655236 -0.01437973 -0.009182562 0.018526694 0.013948877 -0.00030588906 -0.013814235 -0.17072564 0.010730941 0.02317183 -0.0226198 0.032260146 0.02875946 0.02617434 0.011444543 -0.017395703 -0.012965993 -0.017718844 -0.016749425 -0.018015055 -0.027924683 0.015806932 -0.0129121365 0.012898672 0.033525776 0.024047002 0.0026423428 0.03993472 -0.029163387 0.0046215756 0.0038473858 0.0076947715 0.013477631 0.00483027 0.0018142965 0.011404149 -0.034522124 0.009068117 -0.022337053 0.023333402 0.0005680196 0.019132582 -0.008186214 -0.007412024 -0.014729799 -0.021071421 -0.005399131 0.042008203 0.028490178 -0.004348926 0.023239153 0.006600808 0.0027887656 0.026941799 -0.013935413 0.019280687 -0.03473755 0.035949327 -0.01592811 -0.0024673087 0.003934903 0.009849038 -0.000503644 -0.03524919 0.014339338 0.016170464 -0.0067287176 -0.014245089 -0.03261021 0.0042445785 0.006661397 -0.007412024 -0.00920949 -0.012171607 0.019536506 -0.033041067 -0.001444032 0.012999654 -0.017261062 0.003712744 -0.011181991 -0.00008588666 0.017907342 -0.02051939 -0.0034384117 0.023293009 -0.0014751678 -0.017961198 0.017261062 0.017153349 -0.005062527 -0.013800771 0.0008903181 0.027682329 -0.00051374215 -0.013349722 -0.0031186377 0.015174116 -0.019617291 -0.02700912 -0.024827924 0.009748057 0.0141777685 0.0020011119 -0.014245089 0.0046350397 0.004672066 0.0027012485 -0.0052005346 0.0013127563 0.009404721 0.011935984 0.009842306 -0.011222383 -0.0072975787 0.035006836 -0.015739612 -0.020990636 -0.00642914 -0.017328383 0.04316612 -0.024625963 0.023548828 0.0034804873 -0.002088629 0.0103337485 0.00091472187 0.027534222 0.0035646383 -0.00070434425 0.013746914 0.0017856852 -0.00037047497 -0.12817886 -0.04206206 0.01369979 0.030617516 0.014581693 0.02781697 -0.020573247 -0.008300659 -0.007566862 0.07098309 -0.013975806 -0.03848059 -0.0069475104 0.021636916 -0.017745772 -0.03829209 -0.007748628 -0.033202637 -0.015214509 0.022215877 -0.0041469634 -0.014164303 -0.001368296 0.004837002 -0.016305106 0.0006361819 -0.032071646 0.008462229 0.0039550993 -0.012669781 0.012575532 -0.019428793 -0.024949102 -0.037645813 -0.004853832 -0.0014877905 -0.01253514 -0.0025278975 0.035626188 0.0034872193 0.0012588996 0.028597891 0.01786695 -0.0042142845 0.0072167935 -0.004513862 -0.014433587 0.040984925 0.0010064465 -0.020196252 -0.02601277 0.00083015003 -0.042950694 -0.000062639934 0.0149182975 -0.0070686876 -0.002563241 -0.00856321 0.007257186 -0.00386085 -0.0145951575 0.013046778 -0.007156205 0.009849038 0.018486302 -0.008569943 -0.03199086 -0.010300088 -0.0021222893 -0.015160652 -0.0044600056 0.006099268 -0.025339562 0.014649014 -0.028947959 -0.0026372937 0.0011941033 -0.0047797794 0.01398927 0.017853485 -0.0020330893 -0.011040617 -0.0005591837 -0.0042715073 0.020317428 0.021475347 -0.011303169 0.0056313877 -0.0031018076 -0.011875396 -0.024181644 0.020303965 0.034468267 -0.007620719 0.021919664 -0.008307391 -0.0019135948 -0.04348926 0.017301455 0.026551338 -0.041631203 -0.0079573225 -0.028005468 0.02342765 0.014891369 0.0010990127 0.01366613 -0.0018041984 0.015093331 -0.017059099 0.019401865 0.020721354 -0.035195332 0.008758441 0.00035743156 -0.02407393 -0.035814684 -0.021960057 0.007943858 0.00085834065 0.012144679 -0.0039685634 0.011942716 0.00076703675 0.02465289 -0.0004201241 0.019805789 0.0060622413 -0.013228544 -0.006116098 -0.014729799 0.00092313695 0.0193884 0.0021323874 0.008361247 0.018661335 0.00017587568 -0.04023093 -0.0109059755 0.0133901145 0.019401865 0.07098309 -0.02038475 -0.040365573 -0.004911055 -0.009539362 0.0033677248 0.004197454 -0.027574614 0.004429711 0.014002734 0.0056818784 0.01747649 -0.0003027334 -0.035329975 -0.021986986 -0.0032583284 0.001579515 -0.026510945 -0.0047292886 -0.0039618313 -0.006452702 0.023387259 0.021071421 0.009034456 -0.016143536 0.003796895 -0.011006957 -0.030752158 0.020829067 0.0025363124 -0.026901405 -0.011148331 -0.0023999878 0.019240296 0.021461882 0.0066479323 -0.003881046 -0.0047932435 -0.0031253698 0.0038305556 0.029513454 0.01043473 0.031937003 -0.004776413 -0.0013548319 0.027601542 0.007789021 -0.005570799 0.018136233 0.009573023 0.001287511 0.024545176 0.0063348906 -0.011720558 -0.012003305 0.006597442 -0.0057794936 -0.013403579 -0.0069677066 0.0071090804 0.004840368 0.008893083 -0.02038475 -0.007499541 -0.020182787 -0.019428793 0.010932904 -0.020855995 -0.016695566 0.0017705379 0.020963708 0.009101777 0.0020330893 0.022148555 -0.0163455 -0.013908485 0.016924458 -0.017153349 -0.019859647 -0.023737326 0.014245089 0.008024643 -0.0035175136 0.015133724 -0.00021774083 0.026510945 0.011484935 0.0075601297 -0.011128134 0.028490178 -0.0023023726 0.017705379 -0.008610335 -0.0031708113 0.0028628185 -0.012306249 -0.026255125 -0.012676514 0.0004716666 -0.0113839535 0.07513005 0.022404375 0.002105459 -0.0025396785 -0.025339562 0.009505702 -0.017853485 -0.011357025 -0.007580326 -0.03460291 0.009929824 -0.0072100614 0.00093828415 -0.011134867 -0.0070417593 -0.0035814685 -0.014541301 0.029701952 -0.008287195 -0.008994063 0.01350456 -0.013167956 0.021919664 0.023306474 -0.0054428894 -0.004099839 0.015039475 0.016789816 0.0000017980711 -0.039880864 -0.005382301 0.010051001 -0.051513903 -0.027870826 0.008859422 0.017651523 -0.00888635 -0.01722067 0.02488178 0.025164528 0.019011404 0.008731512 -0.009761522 -0.056818787 -0.019469185 0.0053755688 -0.011343561 -0.02597238 -0.032287072
-0.00010262679 0.0021343946 0.00082788646 -0.008143039 -0.0020341428 0.014190491 -0.019028453 -0.032805 -0.0015773501 -0.004472527 -0.00085537485 -0.005138717 -0.018071208 0.008459965 0.010820734 -0.025664479 0.045559626 0.0024173637 0.017967723 -0.0084276255 -0.005901925 0.0070823096 0.005610871 -0.019481203 -0.007496253 -0.016143786 0.022469355 -0.0046859668 0.01443627 -0.040928636 0.019015517 -0.0018983177 -0.00311751 -0.0085569825 -0.0033309492 -0.007851985 -0.020257346 -0.0143457195 0.01942946 -0.003913057 0.016234336 -0.0015894773 -0.0005780652 0.008143039 0.010562019 -0.014306912 -0.021835504 0.010904817 -0.018446345 -0.0020535465 0.0357026 -0.004634224 -0.032365184 -0.0075156563 -0.028199881 0.0068624024 -0.01933891 -0.019985696 0.026518237 -0.007897261 -0.0006900401 -0.01631195 -0.00537156 0.017657265 0.015613421 0.007321621 -0.017489102 0.0037578281 0.00556883 -0.013763612 0.012353618 0.0005267266 -0.010730185 -0.00043779347 0.012049628 0.0055849995 -0.016117914 0.031123355 0.019403588 -0.013763612 0.009061475 -0.007819646 -0.030916383 0.011933207 0.03264977 0.009546566 0.01649305 0.02012799 -0.0025143817 -0.011053577 0.018381666 0.011997885 0.0010477938 0.034176186 0.0005368326 0.021680277 0.03264977 0.017450294 0.014397463 -0.01507012 0.009171429 0.00971473 -0.015807457 -0.011609813 0.004048882 -0.0044531235 -0.003258186 -0.026427688 0.015354706 -0.012049628 -0.027760066 0.019300103 0.00029226654 -0.032727387 0.0077161603 -0.0108466055 -0.015729843 0.007489785 -0.008240057 -0.018071208 0.0024610218 -0.0115192635 0.04136845 0.011079449 0.0032662707 0.013854162 -0.016286079 -0.035676733 -0.020438446 0.0078778565 0.06478211 0.0097600045 0.016725892 0.013763612 0.018304052 -0.00006341538 -0.010355048 0.01864038 0.007864921 0.0008198016 0.0019597623 0.03712553 -0.021913119 0.011545135 -0.027087409 -0.019921018 0.020373767 -0.006551945 0.0037319567 -0.018808546 0.009992848 -0.023892285 -0.015277091 -0.023167884 0.0127999 0.030217854 0.010807798 0.024008706 -0.012373022 -0.009695326 0.013763612 0.007742032 0.022042476 0.016932866 0.021654405 0.013750676 0.032209955 0.030554183 0.03495233 0.0029768338 -0.0041459003 0.0004782176 -0.02593613 0.009177897 -0.009818216 0.020102117 -0.010988899 -0.0028199882 0.0024852762 -0.010762524 -0.033658758 0.027320253 0.018239373 0.028924283 0.0034603067 -0.0040359464 -0.00574993 -0.015509935 -0.0007935259 -0.0007563357 0.005403899 0.014539756 -0.0066360272 -0.01667415 -0.64243984 -0.011765042 0.0068882736 -0.01186206 0.024008706 0.028199881 0.015988557 -0.007916664 -0.005378028 -0.0027941167 -0.004158836 0.024991821 0.006606922 -0.022223577 -0.0010340496 -0.0086863395 0.012444168 -0.020503124 -0.015665164 -0.0004313256 0.01667415 0.029389968 -0.03601306 -0.0032306975 0.01525122 -0.004618054 -0.0062770606 -0.026168972 -0.0032856744 0.0062996983 -0.0069012097 0.046490997 0.0035249852 0.01888616 0.056244534 -0.016570665 -0.034253802 0.01631195 -0.022404676 0.029622812 -0.005565596 -0.011700364 -0.0010017102 -0.021693211 0.0012086818 -0.009572437 -0.01888616 0.006183277 -0.002729438 0.0060571535 0.024655493 -0.019313037 -0.011926739 0.010063995 -0.023568891 -0.016053235 0.021913119 -0.008233589 -0.017527908 0.0047765165 0.0029347928 0.0351593 -0.014397463 -0.0061929785 0.024228614 0.030683542 -0.0042267484 -0.009184365 0.013530768 -0.020257346 -0.0065713488 0.006985292 -0.029286483 0.0050869742 0.017928915 0.0152900275 0.0061897445 0.00077048416 -0.00668777 0.018743867 0.014630306 -0.0060959607 0.0060054106 0.00012885196 -0.008304736 -0.007761435 -0.016337821 -0.013491962 -0.0023898752 0.007586803 0.001485183 0.018032402 -0.0010389005 -0.012851643 0.016894057 0.0047280076 -0.01719158 0.0045566093 0.03399509 -0.019131938 -0.0016622407 -0.024383843 0.032520413 0.005853416 0.007955471 0.0001317827 0.00045638857 0.011435181 0.022223577 -0.03580609 0.0013234864 -0.002588762 -0.012774029 0.020347897 0.015083056 -0.02042551 -0.002305793 0.022521097 0.0078843245 -0.058003794 0.025470443 0.0092296405 0.00071914546 0.01443627 0.009585372 0.013440219 0.002074567 -0.00565938 0.018575702 -0.0049770204 -0.020567803 -0.006539009 0.030191984 -0.011512795 0.0057855034 0.009734133 0.0028183712 0.0069529526 0.020360831 0.0022686028 -0.010122205 -0.009339594 0.010756056 0.0056367423 0.0014973102 -0.025793837 -0.025522187 -0.002215243 -0.0020842687 0.01038092 -0.001647688 0.008084828 -0.028018782 0.0033244814 -0.01113766 -0.013006872 -0.007127585 0.0030415126 0.0048735347 -0.0123277465 0.027527224 0.038651947 -0.015173606 0.013065083 -0.001083367 0.007955471 0.007839049 0.01882148 -0.029907398 -0.019002581 0.0104391305 0.0041653034 -0.021046426 0.014811406 -0.012560589 0.0069012097 0.008919183 -0.0003561367 0.005329519 -0.008589322 0.0067524486 0.0043722754 -0.017476166 -0.0053036474 0.044912837 0.0016501135 0.00941074 0.0038613142 -0.027423738 -0.0064161196 0.012696414 0.0073280884 0.0022281788 0.0065875184 0.0034150316 -0.0020535465 0.026246587 0.003353587 0.022534033 0.0031692528 0.0073733637 -0.011157063 0.019080196 -0.009462483 0.013084486 -0.023400728 0.0020972046 0.0040262444 -0.0051160795 0.010950091 -0.0032662707 -0.015768649 0.0024626388 -0.0160403 -0.001436674 0.014125812 0.03549563 0.024953015 0.022197705 0.008311204 0.034822974 -0.012250132 0.023892285 -0.019442396 0.02647943 0.024383843 0.004618054 0.002168351 0.021809634 -0.0134014115 0.00695942 -0.0065842844 0.020593675 0.0152900275 0.032805 -0.0059730713 0.00057361857 -0.0031207437 0.012909854 -0.0067524486 -0.0030301937 -0.00037634876 -0.009061475 0.0022702198 0.010329177 -0.010031655 0.037203148 -0.017230386 -0.024590814 0.01019982 -0.029829783 0.013789483 -0.021279268 -0.013453155 0.0033147796 -0.0010607295 -0.0050287633 0.0069076773 0.0094948225 0.025806772 -0.0031773376 0.0016606238 0.022158898 -0.0036090675 0.018498087 -0.030554183 0.006765384 -0.041290835 0.020011567 -0.0030334275 -0.0046471595 -0.0077808388 0.004352872 -0.013698934 0.011965546 -0.00041434745 -0.013440219 0.013608383 0.02532815 0.008738083 -0.011040642 0.007450978 0.02462962 0.015108927 0.0029493454 -0.0028911347 -0.031123355 0.014940763 0.0064905 0.0066748345 0.004184707 0.0255998 0.008770422 0.01019982 -0.03580609 -0.0009346062 0.0121983895 -0.004740943 0.0033568207 -0.007832582 0.0043464038 -0.0078843245 -0.0029833016 -0.008919183 0.016027363 0.014863148 -0.009029136 -0.01204316 0.019041387 -0.009824684 0.007256942 0.0030512142 0.007256942 -0.014500949 -0.0025257005 -0.013867098 -0.025315214 -0.010503809 0.012748158 -0.00008281896 0.025548058 -0.002124693 -0.0009507758 0.0024367673 0.106383406 0.02221064 -0.01452682 0.01213371 0.009126155 0.0031983582 -0.011402842 -0.023154948 0.006157405 -0.010717249 0.016958736 -0.0070887776 0.009546566 -0.013175037 0.017760752 0.018148823 0.0067783203 -0.019054323 -0.028329238 -0.009947573 -0.012948661 0.00798781 0.010400323 0.0042041107 0.0027795641 0.02783768 0.0021311608 0.021499176 0.017592587 -0.015484064 -0.010322709 0.019403588 0.003770764 0.009281383 -0.0016670916 0.002591996 -0.026518237 0.029208869 0.0062802946 -0.015716907 0.004770049 0.0047571133 0.007205199 -0.010413259 -0.0009556267 -0.03014024 0.0071922634 0.027061537 -0.016415436 -0.019545881 0.009268448 0.0160403 -0.017359743 -0.011182935 0.014229298 0.0014285892 -0.026828695 -0.018899094 -0.042325694 -0.010122205 -0.023672378 -0.019558817 -0.00859579 -0.0070952456 0.001883765 -0.022301191 0.014293977 -0.0032096768 -0.0011254081 0.0048800022 -0.00080201495 0.005979539 -0.0018708293 -0.008362946 -0.004521036 0.024526136 0.0006722535 0.012534718 -0.0013436985 -0.01292279 0.0042784913 -0.0160403 0.0024205977 -0.028587954 -0.0005016636 0.026414752 0.0066230916 0.0010186884 -0.020218538 0.016260207 0.028174011 0.01918368 0.02889841 -0.0034506049 -0.013569576 0.00045355887 0.002079418 -0.014837277 0.0043399357 0.013006872 -0.004430486 -0.049828414 -0.008388818 -0.014099941 0.012838707 0.006238254 0.012502379 -0.0009103517 0.0064905 -0.0068041915 0.013905905 -0.0047247736 -0.010536148 -0.0116550885 0.012534718 -0.0015822009 0.007813178 -0.0009022669 0.008634597 0.0134014115 0.005077272 -0.037203148 0.035987187 0.03404683 -0.023956964 0.001935508 -0.0010550701 -0.032805 -0.0007822072 0.026544109 0.0070305667 -0.011008303 -0.011234677 -0.025560994 0.0006047452 -0.037513603 -0.019300103 0.006487266 0.0045889486 -0.01252825 -0.008123635 -0.013685998 -0.038807176 -0.0065778163 0.011946143 -0.026595851 -0.024991821 0.025095308 -0.027578967 0.044473026 -0.00042324077 0.008117168 -0.045352653 -0.014371591 -0.0011884698 -0.033477657 0.0064452253 0.0085505145 0.012211325 0.012909854 0.007121117 -0.008188314 0.021434497 0.026000809 -0.0043561053 -0.0068106595 0.047525857 -0.009785877 -0.005662614 0.05567536 0.019571753 0.008569919 -0.01470792 0.008227121 -0.008033086 0.027889425 -0.01703635 -0.01882148 -0.004048882 -0.037332505 -0.0032420163 0.0015927112 -0.020554869 0.03847085 -0.001984017 0.008104232 0.017165707 0.017696073 0.004711838 -0.0015328835 0.02799291 -0.018394602 0.009177897 -0.0073798313 -0.021382755 -0.012489443 -0.0018772972 -0.0010542616 0.0012248515 0.016299015 0.010303305 0.013213844 -0.015613421 0.012638204 -0.021421561 -0.006183277 0.003482944 -0.0031320625 -0.008796293 -0.022430548 0.010367984 -0.026518237 0.0073668957 -0.008447029 0.0079296 -0.0006621475 -0.019222489 0.020011567 -0.0035605584 -0.024746044 -0.011189403 -0.020360831 0.01958469 -0.00093703164 0.04708604 0.03156317 -0.0071469885 -0.002499829 -0.004016543 -0.00036321091 0.0056399764 -0.0067783203 0.009708262 0.010749588 -0.005905159 -0.0060603875 -0.008104232 -0.038755435 -0.015328835 0.026880438 0.017010478 0.0027439909 0.004618054 0.026595851 -0.004517802 0.028613824 0.0073280884 0.015044249 0.0004547716 -0.019119002 -0.019093132 0.03350353 0.008602258 0.03422793 -0.01552287 0.002884667 -0.03210647 -0.00007493625 -0.0002548742 0.0092296405 0.0036511086 0.0013251033 0.01364719 0.009423676 0.0010275817 -0.027863553 0.008000746 -0.0040812213 0.019804595 0.020503124 -0.021020554 0.0031951242 -0.00014017071 -0.005216331 -0.005129015 -0.0017075158 -0.00017240897 -0.0000912575 -0.03133033 -0.005656146 0.008628129 0.008123635 -0.032339312 -0.0069723562 -0.002258901 -0.021408625 0.007295749 0.0023931093 0.01074312 -0.027863553 -0.01213371 -0.0015183308 -0.0082918005 0.025366958 -0.007218135 0.010400323 -0.019442396 -0.0042267484 -0.02887254 0.02157679 0.015212413 0.0031741036 -0.015044249 0.00593103 0.008143039 -0.0019678473 0.0018805311 0.0067007057 -0.0008860972 -0.017812494 -0.009210236 0.012502379 -0.0006864019 0.008162443 -0.0120625645 0.028122267 0.003719021 -0.024758978 -0.04012662 0.0060118786 0.011040642 -0.003161168 0.026246587 0.016531857 -0.011907335 -0.02959694 0.011706832 0.0030803196 -0.012094904 0.01252825 -0.014694984 0.025276408 -0.015548742 -0.034693617 -0.015936814 0.0011213657 0.0007522933 0.014397463 -0.0071728597 -0.028820796 0.0013186355 0.013071551 0.004288193 0.010128673 -0.03492646 -0.01479847 -0.0028895177 -0.01691993 -0.0146173695 0.01252825 -0.012211325 0.0326239 0.008938586 -0.01452682 -0.012476508 -0.0060862587 -0.03779819 -0.004957617 -0.024293292 -0.0013040828 0.014099941 -0.006451693 -0.0023785566 0.008026618 -0.012056096 -0.018058272 -0.02254697 0.0011965546 -0.019028453 0.01247004 -0.010756056 -0.0061509376 -0.0167647 -0.029700426 -0.0028199882 0.023568891 0.0076191425 0.039997265 0.014863148 0.011241145 0.016104978 0.006933549 0.038082775 0.007237538 -0.010186884 -0.027941167 0.006933549 -0.0107043125 0.0051645883 0.018058272 -0.019908082 0.029519325 -0.0010704313 -0.0152900275 -0.007405703 0.0024804254 -0.013026276 0.0024480862 -0.00726341 0.004003607 -0.014332783 0.0160403 -0.009721198 0.0000019927838 -0.0066360272 0.016700022 -0.0000629606 -0.002263752 -0.006070089 -0.027760066 -0.0040294784 -0.01891203 -0.0037513603 -0.028846668 0.012282471 0.0023381324 0.004964085 -0.0052098637 0.013284991 0.040411208 -0.031485558 0.015729843 -0.023116142 -0.0056658476 -0.018873224 -0.020089181 0.018937903 -0.016066171 -0.00094592496 -0.007218135 -0.04048882 -0.024189807 -0.007968407 0.0010631549 0.0008092913 0.025392829 0.26595852 -0.009119687 -0.0117909135 0.032184087 0.006073323 0.011997885 0.020904133 0.023840543 -0.005471812 -0.005707889 -0.0142163625 -0.023051463 -0.019959824 0.008718679 0.015665164 -0.027009794 -0.030968128 -0.022417612 -0.018032402 -0.014565627 0.008518175 -0.014475076 -0.0053877295 -0.028148139 0.018834416 0.027242638 0.017126901 0.018446345 0.012573525 -0.0042526196 -0.016868185 0.0072440063 0.029389968 0.014992506 -0.04154955 0.017101029 -0.009540098 -0.00013046892 0.008155975 0.009029136 -0.012929258 -0.007153456 -0.0007005504 -0.019636432 0.026039615 0.021887248 -0.02744961 0.022327062 0.021369819 0.010911284 -0.010788395 0.018782673 0.01624727 0.006354675 -0.021861376 0.017295064 0.054278303 -0.008330607 0.006784788 0.0009798812 -0.0053974316 0.017631395 0.006454927 0.0010259647 -0.027967038 0.019196616 -0.009061475 0.021654405 0.008860972 -0.0064258217 0.026259523 -0.005513853 0.0017172176 0.009811748 -0.0029056873 0.0021521812 0.011338163 0.028329238 0.015755713 0.051406574 -0.0113899065 -0.011829721 -0.0021974563 -0.0124635715 -0.009688859 -0.017799558 0.020865325 -0.0033503529 -0.010367984 -0.027941167 0.012554121 -0.023116142 -0.00003484056 0.0043658074 0.016505986 -0.019080196 -0.009016201 0.009126155 0.00014704281 0.029622812 -0.014022326 0.016143786 -0.02318082 0.037927546 0.018950839 -0.018950839 0.018071208 0.011351099 0.011829721 -0.03834149 -0.012521782 -0.06483386 0.014009391 -0.006849467 -0.00019565284 0.02887254 0.010219223 0.00053723686 0.021162847 -0.033943344 0.010536148 -0.009307254 -0.00042162382 0.03050244 0.008731615 -0.008052489 -0.013854162 0.004653627 0.003864548 -0.0234266 -0.006079791 0.01092422 0.012360086 0.0019193382 0.011920271 -0.003670512 -0.011344631 -0.0032662707 -0.012987468 0.008188314 -0.028484467 0.0042138128 -0.0041717715 0.0041232626 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0.0071663917 0.025664479 0.003825741 -0.020179732 0.0143457195 -0.041316707 -0.010484406 -0.02584558 -0.043438166 -0.006212382 0.0317184 -0.017359743 -0.02763071 0.0009920085 0.0011359184 0.008453497 -0.0026566747 -0.023465406 -0.008518175 0.009675923 -0.021693211 -0.00472154 -0.031252712 -0.016467178 -0.01997276 0.013983519 -0.011092384 -0.011111788 -0.0026405049 0.028665567 -0.008731615 0.0039809695 -0.018472215 -0.027760066 0.020503124 -0.017993594 -0.03891066 -0.023982836 0.002545104 0.015419384 -0.005329519 0.006881806 -0.0043561053 -0.007826114 0.018575702 0.0068106595 -0.0029493454 -0.013168569 0.023051463 -0.029752169 -0.015406449 -0.0064775646 0.018717995 -0.023387792 -0.037927546 0.0017285363 0.009669455 0.008492304 0.011150596 0.026311265 0.0112476135 -0.018071208 0.004013309 -0.011732703 0.035676733 -0.0085505145 -0.011305824 0.0011609814 -0.012476508 -0.032313444 -0.12780496 -0.03960919 0.009177897 0.0033244814 0.028199881 0.019054323 -0.028018782 -0.00470537 -0.029881526 0.020541932 -0.00046043098 -0.016725892 -0.020179732 -0.028743181 0.017838366 -0.01052968 -0.008337075 0.002925091 -0.022352934 0.029907398 -0.0009766473 -0.010490874 0.015484064 0.00986349 -0.005381262 -0.0026291863 -0.017126901 0.009352529 0.009624179 -0.004989956 -0.011422246 -0.016881121 0.01007693 -0.0062899967 -0.005510619 0.0027181194 -0.02647943 -0.02060661 0.015691034 0.008304736 -0.0033859261 0.0052810097 0.013763612 -0.03891066 -0.024073385 -0.012715818 -0.020697162 0.010212755 -0.027760066 0.008964458 -0.04509394 0.012579993 -0.008841569 -0.010089866 0.0028879007 -0.018717995 -0.00083192886 -0.008058957 0.014022326 0.012793433 -0.004323766 -0.0014019093 -0.007923132 -0.0043431697 0.013763612 0.011635685 0.0047894525 0.0071922634 -0.001294381 0.0018692124 0.014371591 0.0023753226 -0.017812494 0.022896234 -0.03725489 0.00033107374 -0.018329924 -0.03440903 0.009417208 -0.0058695856 -0.0027569265 -0.00081818464 0.0011658323 -0.022779813 0.0040068408 -0.012981 0.024642557 0.0029412606 0.0051193135 -0.012586461 -0.0049252775 0.056399763 0.008337075 -0.033607014 -0.012010821 0.0027003328 0.0007328897 -0.01852396 0.012909854 0.013479026 -0.00623502 -0.016816443 0.0051516527 0.026828695 -0.023129078 0.0063837804 -0.012909854 0.0021699679 -0.0053004134 0.009016201 0.0052033956 0.004330234 0.0016622407 0.008660468 -0.015936814 -0.006467863 -0.011150596 -0.007483317 0.014837277 -0.030295469 -0.010025187 0.01864038 -0.038574334 -0.010186884 0.024125129 0.011745639 0.015509935 0.0041750055 -0.0011431947 0.026220717 -0.023284307 -0.022417612 0.007903729 -0.020257346 0.0060118786 0.040928636 -0.0115192635 -0.020438446 0.0021554152 0.028199881 0.0051581208 0.007974875 -0.016596535 -0.025923194 0.016868185 -0.030605927 -0.0092296405 0.004821792 -0.041471936 -0.004999658 0.022896234 0.007793775 0.0063061663 0.0112540815 -0.0077161603 -0.0024836592 -0.02442265 -0.038574334 -0.036090676 -0.011823253 -0.026802823 -0.009430144 0.021951927 0.014539756 0.007729096 -0.009734133 -0.0012588078 0.025250535 0.003303461 0.007269878 0.019921018 -0.008511707 -0.0038613142 0.027578967 -0.0036220031 -0.0016638577 0.022378806 0.014953699 0.0077808388 0.0054879817 -0.027501352 0.030269599 -0.018045338 0.009915234 -0.012761094 0.007968407 0.0026308033 0.018433409 -0.0048897043 -0.003589664 0.020076245 -0.009287851 -0.011777978 0.01140931 -0.025444573 -0.02611723 0.031977113 0.022417612 0.007153456 0.010549084 -0.011008303 0.021421561 -0.0061153644 -0.0048153237 0.010219223 -0.0047247736 -0.009475419 0.039428093 -0.01104711 -0.013162101 -0.0018142355 -0.0054006656 0.0045469077 -0.0077808388 0.0037901676 0.003993905 -0.006978824 -0.01818763 0.0025693586 -0.015147734 -0.018976709 0.038626075 0.00621885 0.033218943 0.027967038 0.016273143 0.011163531 0.0047280076 -0.018058272 -0.016273143 -0.025949065 -0.02623365 -0.013867098 0.007793775 -0.023077335 -0.0052066296 0.0120755 -0.033607014 -0.020528996 0.01746323 -0.02076184 0.03764296 0.023892285 -0.021822568 -0.0035185174 -0.003206443 -0.0014019093 0.0018320221 0.009074411 -0.010963027 -0.016894057 0.03725489 -0.015471128 -0.00659722 -0.023504212 0.0007599739 0.03637526 -0.022042476 -0.0036866819 0.008136571 -0.010186884 0.027165024 0.006018346 0.03761709 -0.025224665 -0.02530228 -0.012094904 0.017489102 0.016286079 -0.00015260113 -0.032934356 -0.0061153644 0.016777636 -0.027604839 -0.019532945 -0.01864038 -0.007942536 0.0004956 -0.01292279 -0.017514972 0.0311751 -0.00053723686 0.01594975 -0.027553095 -0.037229016 0.014009391 -0.011305824 -0.0101739485 0.006629559 -0.0064322897
0.025471326 -0.04257539 -0.0044013923 -0.047696047 -0.014161002 0.000118571996 -0.010643847 -0.018846141 0.007799769 -0.0035930406 0.02060142 -0.0026890065 0.015454364 -0.00495899 0.0041341414 -0.006414023 0.039170414 0.009093132 0.006562496 0.0061698677 -0.03009048 0.0032086612 -0.0038009025 -0.00909973 0.000037891485 -0.0094890585 0.023306923 -0.005678258 0.014649312 -0.028797116 0.042522598 -0.02316175 0.011257534 -0.0097068185 -0.022845007 0.008268283 -0.00038953478 -0.0065591964 -0.00904694 -0.01629901 0.0103535 0.020852175 0.0065262024 -0.022924194 0.007344452 0.017038073 0.007291662 -0.003837196 -0.011739246 0.0090865325 0.028638745 0.020416655 -0.01019513 0.00506787 -0.008182499 0.015322388 -0.0008046398 -0.0029133654 0.014913264 0.00419683 -0.002195747 0.015982267 -0.011488492 0.011376313 -0.0062886463 0.015942674 -0.0061137783 -0.01003016 -0.02027148 0.0013956439 0.009680424 -0.003830597 0.010115944 0.009601238 0.027107826 0.003563346 -0.016998481 0.009660628 0.005295528 -0.0026725095 -0.0052559357 -0.0044343863 -0.01917608 0.017513186 0.0070277103 -0.0039229803 -0.0052460376 0.016985284 0.00075556134 -0.013606703 0.005209744 0.0028292309 0.012432119 0.02599923 -0.016470578 0.009442868 -0.014213792 0.004582859 -0.008070319 -0.0065262024 0.004206728 0.0014146154 0.012702669 -0.020416655 -0.0108484095 0.011270732 0.016866505 -0.0003155046 0.019862356 -0.009884986 -0.000073875504 0.037586704 -0.014556929 -0.02039026 -0.007991133 -0.026619516 0.00250754 0.017209642 -0.029932108 -0.011646863 0.0138178645 -0.008815982 0.020693803 0.0023343216 0.028638745 0.024006395 -0.011831629 -0.001760227 0.0033340382 -0.020680605 0.030987915 -0.008182499 0.011541282 0.015414772 -0.0098255975 0.0069683213 -0.011580875 0.022910995 -0.004909499 -0.010914397 0.013085399 -0.00065039314 -0.02157804 0.013672691 -0.018621784 0.009898184 0.023399306 0.007014513 0.00909973 0.0062754485 -0.0031839157 -0.012702669 0.0062226583 0.0053978097 -0.016153837 0.027662124 -0.015995465 0.011877821 -0.005711252 0.017829929 0.012940225 -0.0053549176 -0.002741797 -0.015230006 0.0108484095 0.032993946 0.029984899 0.025167782 0.004615853 -0.013633098 -0.01711726 0.029113857 -0.019558812 0.023069367 -0.0001221807 0.023663258 -0.012907231 0.002403609 -0.03946076 -0.018067485 -0.0055561806 0.01008295 0.029193044 0.043947935 -0.010168734 -0.0034379691 0.020020727 0.009983968 0.00138987 -0.0020175797 -0.00020940845 0.019717183 -0.023069367 -0.008578426 -0.662624 -0.035580672 0.00026931308 -0.0147153 -0.012491508 0.004800619 0.015137622 -0.004513572 -0.025312955 0.027424568 0.0057409466 0.019426836 -0.0031690686 -0.007964739 -0.005727749 -0.0140026305 0.022066351 -0.0140026305 0.019558812 0.010703236 -0.011191547 0.043974333 -0.024956621 -0.04257539 -0.002784689 0.021696819 -0.0016628949 -0.021591239 -0.032518834 0.006816549 0.02081258 0.0097068185 0.019242069 0.026606318 0.057435863 -0.023623666 -0.0069353273 0.012775256 0.011930611 0.018159868 -0.020456247 -0.011884419 0.017434001 0.020641012 -0.018463412 0.0029298624 0.013606703 -0.0013288312 0.002533935 0.014636114 0.021261299 0.0043420033 0.0057343477 0.021868387 0.029034672 0.003853693 0.04605955 0.008624617 0.01858219 -0.007021112 -0.022198327 0.0016447481 -0.0140026305 -0.00419683 -0.00904694 0.02141967 -0.0049457927 -0.006513005 -0.0034346697 -0.048751853 0.027213406 0.025801266 -0.0011292178 -0.005869623 0.0031971133 0.030380825 0.036742058 -0.004780823 -0.029166648 0.004866607 -0.006988118 -0.0027830394 -0.02229071 -0.016206626 -0.0066746753 -0.0031261763 -0.004949092 -0.012418921 0.019136488 0.00713989 0.0004359325 0.0038899863 -0.0060279937 -0.032888364 -0.00086856564 -0.011184948 -0.0018608585 -0.023663258 -0.006414023 -0.01422699 -0.009904782 -0.009106329 0.027015442 0.00719268 0.021670423 0.001973038 -0.002484444 0.013778272 0.012102179 -0.03352185 -0.012755459 0.012504705 0.0002524037 0.0012983117 0.0010384844 -0.020297876 0.006615286 0.016272614 0.0054209055 -0.019136488 0.010973786 0.023848023 -0.010432686 0.0010665293 0.019915145 0.01771115 -0.0015366931 -0.014583324 -0.007766775 0.002157804 -0.023610467 -0.0054967916 0.015309191 -0.010525069 -0.01819946 0.0009840444 -0.0005786313 -0.037296355 0.008083517 0.009904782 -0.02424395 0.013910248 0.005645264 -0.014992449 -0.025537314 -0.017961904 -0.004497075 -0.02021869 -0.001280165 -0.009687022 0.00730486 0.010102746 -0.003972471 0.01024132 -0.012075785 -0.00077618257 -0.009555046 -0.021894783 -0.01678732 0.0011514887 -0.020509036 0.019796368 -0.009555046 0.014979252 0.012656477 -0.01553355 -0.011257534 0.00752262 -0.017592372 -0.023438899 0.00062482286 -0.021538448 0.0010665293 0.027952472 -0.02267344 0.008921563 -0.008017529 -0.005216343 0.008855575 -0.012458514 -0.014886868 -0.0062193586 0.009409874 0.007080501 0.03946076 -0.0008726899 0.01379147 0.0100433575 0.019598404 0.022924194 0.00067390135 0.027530149 0.00006258539 -0.016246218 0.0074962247 0.02588045 0.011640264 -0.0034478675 -0.007067303 0.025959637 -0.0026180695 -0.017038073 0.015388376 -0.051655322 0.0026081714 -0.03199093 0.0106306495 -0.0060081976 0.0012669675 0.010056554 -0.010076351 -0.008043924 -0.0053483187 -0.011508289 0.016958889 0.0092647 -0.0034643642 0.018503005 -0.008116511 0.00071431894 0.010577859 0.0065064062 0.020284679 0.010920996 -0.0062424545 0.03156861 0.009884986 -0.014966054 0.010155536 -0.03782426 -0.0025867254 0.016958889 0.013355949 0.019347649 0.011085966 0.0223435 0.0028473774 -0.01553355 0.016364997 -0.0057079527 -0.00774038 0.0026725095 0.023610467 -0.004299111 0.005453899 0.0179883 0.043552008 -0.006889136 -0.020522235 0.0059158145 -0.0321493 0.012366131 -0.023518085 -0.014358966 0.012181365 -0.033152316 -0.016101046 0.013646296 0.030011293 0.0020967652 0.009409874 0.029140253 0.0033307387 -0.006882537 0.0179883 -0.007641398 -0.013593506 -0.012511305 0.004972188 0.0056320666 -0.001051682 -0.022686638 -0.013606703 0.0010170384 0.008076918 -0.0063183405 0.005275732 0.015942674 0.004807218 -0.00020930535 0.00029240883 -0.004549865 0.0028869703 0.01722284 -0.0014880269 -0.012379329 -0.007430237 -0.015190412 0.013804667 0.009574844 -0.025352549 0.0064371186 -0.0032400056 -0.001340379 0.00030313188 -0.0041077463 0.018780153 -0.035184745 0.007727182 -0.030486407 0.004751128 0.0067769564 -0.0042430214 -0.009172317 0.01586349 0.007786571 -0.0078789545 -0.020522235 0.015625933 -0.041414 0.016035058 -0.021683622 -0.017948706 0.004490476 0.0001815698 -0.007456632 -0.027873285 -0.008466247 0.0064536156 0.009884986 0.025788069 -0.015309191 -0.04555804 0.008433253 0.12701349 -0.0056584617 -0.0061005806 0.016642146 0.022554662 0.0054473006 -0.009225108 -0.032254882 0.0019466428 -0.013699086 0.041730743 -0.0021545046 0.008354067 -0.012029593 0.022660242 -0.010003764 -0.0047115353 -0.007476428 0.007443434 -0.024877435 0.0017965203 0.0006701895 0.02272623 0.0065492983 0.007146489 -0.014517336 0.0196248 0.01340874 -0.007298261 -0.005618869 0.0064173224 0.0016661943 0.012286945 0.006687873 -0.004163836 0.014794486 -0.011039774 0.009898184 0.007641398 -0.013619901 0.022158735 0.010168734 0.018568993 -0.013685889 0.0030898831 -0.0294306 -0.016972085 0.019545613 0.00986519 -0.033653826 0.019572008 -0.015348784 -0.054954715 -0.013778272 0.019743577 -0.009007347 0.017513186 -0.010577859 -0.03368022 0.023042971 -0.016747726 -0.02403279 0.0052229417 -0.00051635527 -0.0017041373 -0.015573142 -0.0033983765 0.0031624697 -0.030855939 -0.0153619815 -0.003248254 0.0023343216 -0.028823512 -0.0151112275 -0.0035732444 0.00528563 -0.0019829362 0.0057145515 -0.016364997 0.010201728 0.005318624 -0.01983596 -0.016140638 -0.030433616 0.025537314 0.004480578 -0.005744246 0.011699653 -0.0007617477 0.0037085195 0.012933627 0.010472278 -0.0021330586 0.0020159301 0.006480011 -0.0008182499 0.020759791 0.0075886077 0.010379896 -0.01340874 0.0031839157 -0.012748861 -0.01482088 -0.009904782 0.004714835 -0.0100103635 -0.0027236503 0.0024399024 0.020113109 -0.005651863 0.011580875 -0.021591239 0.0147153 -0.0031245267 0.019440033 0.03397057 0.03930239 0.015757909 0.004104447 -0.011151954 -0.004701637 -0.03280918 0.027767705 0.02708143 -0.005252636 0.011693055 0.009937776 -0.008591624 -0.015177215 0.018397424 -0.016866505 0.02244908 -0.0053384206 -0.025035806 -0.03835216 -0.024230754 0.021683622 -0.010637248 -0.011712851 -0.008109912 -0.024745459 0.0011201445 0.004704937 -0.02697585 0.010063154 -0.034894396 -0.008420055 -0.008697204 -0.01504524 0.028823512 -0.01351432 -0.0076875896 -0.018080682 0.0058960184 0.010221524 -0.034709632 -0.001160562 -0.030433616 0.03439289 0.02359727 0.013540715 -0.018991316 0.02758294 0.021287695 -0.008235289 -0.0027384975 0.023412503 -0.008637815 -0.0061269756 0.025761673 -0.009396676 0.0014682306 0.002910066 0.021168916 0.0045861583 0.0294306 0.010320506 0.01351432 -0.004869906 -0.040067848 -0.016140638 0.017631965 -0.011924012 0.008618019 -0.015889885 -0.0066416813 0.015705118 0.020258283 0.0033307387 0.01673453 0.04555804 -0.01929486 0.014530534 0.012432119 0.021934375 -0.019123292 -0.020179097 -0.013421937 0.01645738 0.00077741983 0.016760925 0.00069039833 -0.026500737 0.013857457 -0.016879702 -0.001836113 -0.02855956 -0.011237738 0.013593506 -0.004173734 0.005869623 -0.026843874 -0.001160562 -0.021102928 -0.024824645 0.0015416421 -0.00067060196 0.0185294 -0.01771115 -0.02305617 0.011712851 -0.011138756 0.010855008 -0.00028271688 0.021894783 0.027873285 -0.00083021016 -0.0036227352 -0.012709268 0.00730486 -0.0030370927 0.013738679 0.02136688 -0.026791085 -0.024191162 -0.014266582 -0.021327287 -0.017090864 -0.032624412 0.0032729995 0.01819946 0.0007728832 -0.0029777037 -0.007159686 -0.014174199 0.014161002 0.028849907 -0.0120559875 -0.009363682 -0.037032403 -0.004995283 -0.020192295 0.0036095376 0.0015457664 -0.003579843 0.006856142 -0.017882718 -0.026659109 0.010076351 0.027292592 0.011514887 0.02295059 -0.0049062 0.010920996 -0.0028787218 0.009145922 0.007997733 -0.016246218 -0.016338602 0.024507903 -0.007549015 -0.0055825757 -0.002360717 -0.0118712215 0.007285063 -0.0003781931 -0.0054374025 -0.0018229155 -0.01711726 -0.0008578426 0.0091195265 0.0006681274 -0.008387061 -0.017829929 -0.009733214 -0.02621039 0.0064866096 0.013487925 0.039487153 -0.02572208 -0.007384045 0.0056254677 0.013263566 -0.004919397 0.008525636 -0.0014599821 -0.004546566 0.02065421 -0.024006395 0.010162136 0.0031443231 0.0087170005 -0.015599538 0.020786187 0.00041964176 -0.01351432 -0.00024106202 -0.009324089 -0.01078902 -0.035791833 -0.0149264615 0.0019449932 -0.0005204795 0.0030502903 0.019268464 0.012775256 0.007568811 -0.02277902 -0.02855956 0.007832763 -0.009997166 0.023993198 0.008037325 -0.013778272 0.011884419 -0.012781855 0.00664828 -0.015427969 -0.019822763 -0.0062094606 0.018331436 0.028585956 -0.016444182 -0.018397424 -0.0007126692 0.013362548 -0.012709268 0.005493492 0.005378013 -0.0018064185 0.0058630244 0.005542983 0.002349169 0.020865371 0.021406472 0.012306741 0.0025966235 0.005127259 -0.019215673 0.007417039 -0.0065426994 0.040569358 0.0039361776 0.0010343603 -0.015032042 -0.013435135 -0.01711726 -0.034709632 -0.012894034 0.0054308036 0.053661354 -0.0016200028 0.0024069084 0.020099912 -0.013468129 -0.012352933 -0.03415533 -0.0067835553 0.01651017 0.00049284706 0.0035237535 0.009284496 -0.048329532 -0.009528652 0.025207374 0.0056089708 0.0008223741 0.013362548 -0.003847094 0.017130457 -0.0067538605 0.010320506 0.02006032 0.008651013 0.004883104 -0.02605202 0.011376313 0.021485658 -0.0031558708 -0.006790154 -0.00095187535 0.016576158 0.007476428 0.006915531 0.0058795214 -0.008215493 0.0060345926 -0.009983968 0.0062919455 -0.018410621 0.01057126 0.0090865325 0.011442301 -0.008433253 -0.0018427119 0.018159868 0.004081351 -0.0016868155 0.00066070375 -0.007344452 0.03148942 0.01460972 -0.0065525975 -0.020707 0.024164766 -0.02467947 -0.0010087899 -0.013111794 0.00501508 0.023518085 -0.01487367 -0.0061995625 0.0016150536 0.01030071 -0.002332672 -0.035184745 0.015216808 -0.011409307 0.01684011 -0.008268283 -0.0023079265 -0.023531282 -0.0026461144 -0.0032680503 -0.002266684 0.007443434 0.22552022 -0.009621034 -0.0006070886 0.026500737 0.012088981 0.017024877 0.02610481 -0.008255085 -0.02037706 0.008815982 -0.012385927 -0.0031657692 0.015164018 -0.0038009025 0.0044277874 -0.0007411265 -0.021406472 -0.00904694 0.007172884 -0.029483391 0.014570126 -0.0039757704 -0.01596907 -0.016167033 0.016919296 0.023254134 -0.01220776 0.009502256 0.024890633 0.0041836323 -0.0060675866 -0.029034672 0.011369714 -0.003612837 -0.0011292178 0.011679857 0.0016818664 0.0065262024 -0.0063183405 -0.014134606 0.02004712 0.005585875 -0.015348784 -0.01684011 -0.008624617 0.02974734 -0.02027148 -0.0017965203 0.001935095 -0.0032383557 -0.0359766 -0.00089248625 0.013923445 0.025972834 -0.007997733 0.017143654 -0.0052295406 0.006895735 -0.010452482 0.0040780515 0.012880837 0.014306175 -0.039592735 0.01013574 -0.02021869 0.009983968 -0.019558812 0.044000726 0.023188146 -0.010920996 0.0030783352 0.0026246684 -0.03690043 0.03624055 -0.02048264 0.0019334452 0.024534298 -0.0024811446 0.015058437 0.018595388 0.006740663 -0.024402322 -0.0034676637 -0.028533164 -0.033125922 -0.053476587 0.045953967 -0.00234257 -0.009178916 0.025840858 0.0065789926 -0.014253384 -0.0014888518 0.00021549172 0.0010203378 -0.0013774972 0.011455498 0.030776752 -0.019809565 -0.004315608 -0.029008277 0.0055660787 0.006638382 0.014147804 -0.0026906563 0.031806163 -0.010808817 0.025708882 0.009277898 -0.031383842 -0.019387243 -0.018212657 0.0011910815 0.005001882 -0.0116204675 0.021512052 0.0014063669 0.002431654 0.03663648 -0.03275639 -0.0033125922 0.014411756 0.0044772783 0.014992449 0.02877072 -0.013223973 -0.027873285 0.013223973 -0.008063721 -0.019268464 0.02953618 -0.017922312 -0.007159686 -0.020297876 0.00025982733 -0.004457482 -0.004995283 -0.03655729 0.007252069 0.020429851 -0.020509036 0.011798635 0.00049779617 -0.010360099 0.021393275 -0.009528652 0.004497075 0.0018031192 -0.016826913 0.005391211 -0.0069023333 0.011844827 -0.004955691 -0.013527518 -0.0016299009 -0.019321255 -0.012379329 -0.018978117 -0.03096152 0.022858206 -0.046825007 0.03634613 0.021459263 0.00046109039 -0.024600286 -0.014649312 -0.16808435 0.010544865 0.021208508 -0.032122906 0.053687748 -0.0040648542 0.032281276 -0.012880837 -0.01819946 0.002462998 0.013329554 -0.009442868 -0.022554662 -0.023650061 0.0196116 -0.012854441 0.008848976 0.03389138 0.027767705 0.0011630366 0.04342003 -0.011587474 -0.0010624051 0.0061500715 0.020086715 0.005384612 -0.011930611 -0.005265834 -0.013309758 -0.032888364 -0.02037706 -0.011158553 0.04342003 0.0066680764 0.020627815 -0.013237171 -0.0032235086 -0.0032119607 -0.018542597 0.0058432277 0.016153837 0.032492436 0.020311072 0.00028436657 -0.009660628 0.014675708 0.0012636682 -0.022145536 0.0030106977 -0.00044913008 0.0007345277 -0.015810698 -0.011752443 0.014200594 0.015599538 -0.00643052 0.0070013152 0.0017189846 -0.011897617 -0.012227557 -0.014966054 -0.01509803 0.016246218 -0.01760557 -0.015335586 0.00072834134 0.0060972814 0.0056254677 -0.031595003 0.01874056 0.0031888648 0.003672226 -0.0076216017 -0.013276764 0.0032169097 0.011303726 -0.022607451 0.008024127 -0.03439289 -0.017935509 0.0033175412 0.010577859 0.007766775 0.017236037 0.0013923445 0.0042166263 0.0028688237 -0.0010203378 -0.023531282 -0.035950202 0.011310325 -0.02485104 -0.029615365 -0.0054473006 -0.016035058 0.016061453 0.017354816 0.004638949 0.005486893 -0.016483776 -0.0092647 0.017948706 -0.022713032 0.013659494 0.02049584 0.026962653 0.0011102463 0.011151954 0.00975301 -0.0059851017 -0.035950202 -0.002403609 0.011613869 0.0070013152 -0.004605955 0.006915531 0.003373631 -0.015625933 -0.004830314 -0.009634232 0.046297103 -0.0017651761 -0.0288763 -0.010056554 -0.0016653694 -0.0032631012 -0.120678656 -0.02403279 0.0010888003 0.0039790696 0.00096259837 0.0075886077 -0.0034016757 0.010802218 -0.0032400056 0.026355565 0.0022468877 -0.044238284 -0.009851992 0.00190705 -0.0151112275 -0.01133672 -0.003797603 -0.0048204153 -0.011547881 0.030116875 -0.0065789926 -0.02321454 0.007179483 0.016193429 -0.0037250165 -0.008433253 -0.027450964 -0.0006264725 -0.0026411654 0.011759043 -0.007542416 -0.021274496 -0.007219075 -0.023478491 -0.017671557 -0.008162702 -0.004447584 -0.018173065 -0.0069947164 -0.009132724 0.0030106977 0.01422699 0.01978317 -0.011547881 -0.02190798 0.009884986 -0.020311072 0.026659109 -0.022713032 -0.009502256 -0.028242817 -0.018925328 -0.023650061 -0.009053539 0.035501488 -0.016813714 0.023412503 0.0041077463 0.009271299 0.023029774 0.005345019 0.012333137 -0.010637248 0.0058168327 0.004556464 -0.02354448 -0.03368022 0.009337286 -0.00019806679 -0.011580875 -0.0061764666 0.008888569 -0.004978786 0.021644028 -0.015348784 -0.01885934 -0.0067703575 -0.029034672 0.030328035 -0.00035819053 -0.0002862225 0.0022089446 0.005074469 -0.030222455 0.005166852 0.034498468 0.006941926 0.014081816 -0.0043947934 -0.008453049 -0.008149505 0.023795234 -0.01727563 -0.008954557 0.0031377242 0.007944942 -0.00087433954 0.0029777037 0.04703617 0.0059982995 0.004899601 -0.010254518 -0.024309939 0.025299758 0.0011919063 -0.012583891 0.0041770334 0.0039988663 0.0016505221 -0.0031426733 -0.01661575 0.0011250935 -0.009284496 0.02359727 0.0015416421 -0.00861142 -0.0083144745 -0.016985284 -0.0032977448 -0.009772806 0.0064734123 -0.007166285 -0.01809388 0.005226241 -0.008519037 0.0013634748 0.0056815576 -0.008954557 -0.011462097 -0.008604821 -0.009904782 -0.0026362163 0.017064469 0.0067769564 0.0063843285 0.013738679 -0.022422686 -0.010907798 0.005820132 0.023425702 0.012458514 0.0463235 -0.01863498 -0.03368022 0.022475475 -0.032466043 -0.0065987892 -0.010122542 -0.0392232 0.007997733 0.016708134 0.022845007 -0.00839366 0.0024168065 -0.040938888 0.0064338194 -0.041123655 -0.025537314 0.004638949 -0.013184381 -0.019479625 -0.032941155 0.0539517 0.014213792 0.0034379691 -0.022000363 -0.0029727544 -0.0026296175 0.0032762988 0.017975101 0.01324377 -0.03373301 -0.021485658 -0.00087351474 0.012524501 0.014570126 -0.0058498266 0.0069089322 0.0061929636 0.004371698 -0.01684011 0.011627067 0.018700968 -0.0082814805 -0.016167033 -0.008525636 0.02511499 0.007113495 0.01443815 0.014583324 0.034920793 0.017315222 -0.002131409 0.018410621 -0.013738679 -0.021947572 0.013883852 0.016628949 -0.016813714 0.032729995 0.0020208792 0.024917029 0.0002798299 -0.00697492 0.019228872 -0.020878568 -0.038141 0.00053656404 -0.010696637 -0.029113857 0.005526486 0.016919296 0.005444001 0.000640495 0.013527518 0.011613869 -0.009634232 0.0141873965 -0.01863498 -0.02490383 -0.012339735 0.044555023 0.026421553 0.0014269882 0.012319939 -0.03111989 0.017592372 0.0037646093 0.02141967 -0.020720199 0.00077700743 -0.010742829 0.007040908 -0.015929477 -0.0256165 -0.01394984 0.0010178633 -0.0310671 -0.017909113 0.018450215 -0.028506769 0.039988663 0.016325405 -0.0020307773 -0.0038173995 -0.012511305 0.00071679347 0.0007345277 -0.013303159 0.017354816 -0.030829543 0.026857072 -0.01520361 0.023504887 0.0008314474 -0.027187012 0.013157985 -0.019994332 0.0131975785 -0.00013063541 -0.017104061 0.02415157 -0.000596778 0.056168895 -0.008585025 -0.0011341668 -0.014253384 0.03302034 0.014543732 -0.0048204153 -0.002484444 -0.017961904 -0.01024132 -0.017104061 -0.029298624 0.0061731674 0.024864238 -0.0057673417 0.0038899863 -0.000113519796 0.0055462825 0.022092747 -0.016167033 -0.019123292 -0.042680968 0.004642248 -0.0023029775 -0.009475862 -0.0027764405 -0.018159868
-0.014256369 -0.03546272 -0.02549599 -0.030803941 -0.026705235 0.009457574 0.0074336785 0.01245523 -0.0026237448 0.018673299 0.01518558 0.011214162 0.007427314 0.008407439 -0.0069690733 -0.0058298367 0.04068157 -0.0015234904 -0.0031710875 -0.010775015 -0.027749006 -0.021117248 -0.014256369 0.008178319 0.0054447874 -0.0058934814 0.01829143 -0.023370262 0.015338326 -0.012544332 0.015516531 -0.00915208 -0.012487052 -0.0099794585 -0.012747995 -0.013607196 -0.013263515 -0.009171174 -0.017273119 -0.023357535 0.0053556855 -0.017680444 0.0057821036 -0.016369367 -0.028920064 0.007841003 -0.03047299 -0.025699653 -0.009756703 0.021499114 0.03256053 -0.007904648 -0.021244537 -0.018482365 0.015809296 0.0011280989 -0.008897502 0.0062498907 0.008604737 -0.019144269 -0.0015266726 -0.010316774 -0.01773136 -0.005158387 -0.013887231 -0.008286515 -0.012111549 0.024464948 -0.005196574 -0.011163247 0.024426762 0.016012957 0.015312868 0.011564207 0.02399398 -0.0007215696 -0.034979023 -0.022746546 -0.024872273 -0.0046969648 0.0077582654 -0.009069342 -0.0063739973 -0.0036277368 -0.003277692 0.005059738 -0.0077582654 0.010113113 0.01993346 -0.01577111 0.0027573982 0.015401971 0.0048338003 -0.0024105357 -0.00584893 0.0087893065 0.009368472 -0.00042204265 0.01807504 -0.016522113 0.011035957 0.012690715 0.0017422683 -0.011201433 -0.01013857 0.004875169 0.0058075613 -0.009947636 0.01854601 -0.011226892 -0.009298462 -0.006300806 -0.03243324 -0.034011625 -0.024732256 -0.021537302 -0.015898397 -0.0138235865 0.008324701 -0.011475105 0.02236468 0.020799026 -0.004703329 -0.00015543182 0.027214391 -0.018673299 -0.031898625 -0.013709027 -0.021473657 -0.014498219 0.015465615 0.02295021 0.013887231 -0.013002573 -0.0054988856 0.018622383 -0.0028703674 0.03154222 -0.010106748 -0.011914251 0.0023787136 0.0016030461 -0.028105414 0.02617062 -0.0042609996 -0.0068799714 0.014090894 0.017922293 0.007331847 0.0021814154 0.01852055 -0.021562759 0.010087654 -0.015911127 0.021244537 0.038084872 -0.019729797 0.021562759 0.0013277836 0.0019682064 0.025916044 -0.016509386 0.0034495322 0.010354961 0.027214391 0.029276473 0.018800588 0.023713943 0.0023437089 0.007923741 0.029378304 0.027138017 -0.024986833 0.023599382 -0.012938928 0.0078346385 -0.009642143 0.01934793 -0.015669277 -0.0023500735 -0.011723318 0.01831689 0.025788754 0.014981917 0.00009099176 -0.014663694 0.007751901 -0.00042602042 0.001454277 -0.01911881 0.0015680415 0.01841872 -0.0042164484 -0.01922064 -0.6619029 -0.02675615 0.04480573 -0.031465843 -0.017336763 -0.016280266 0.0024216734 0.0002971403 -0.016611217 -0.008655653 0.012480688 0.043125518 -0.012977115 -0.020709923 -0.004108253 -0.028894607 0.014510947 -0.015796566 0.021702778 -0.012614341 -0.020913584 -0.0013436946 -0.012932564 -0.023026582 -0.009444845 0.009833076 0.023242975 -0.027061645 0.0018027307 0.0016030461 -0.0043469197 0.014345472 -0.0057661925 0.012639799 0.03777938 0.004569676 -0.03222958 0.0066190287 -0.0017709084 0.016140247 -0.04590042 -0.008318337 0.021499114 0.0041114353 -0.00047216268 0.015682006 0.0292001 -0.006988167 0.0078346385 0.0040987064 0.0048210714 0.0036945636 -0.026399741 0.013263515 -0.0055688946 0.0065171975 0.022988396 -0.007567332 -0.014307286 0.017756818 -0.010762286 -0.015847482 -0.016713047 -0.020722652 -0.016993083 0.013861774 -0.0012450457 0.042310867 -0.009858534 -0.0247959 0.00039519262 0.0090948 -0.0154147 -0.018265974 -0.00035024367 0.004760609 0.0028703674 -0.0064726463 -0.022873836 0.0069117933 -0.019169725 -0.017629528 -0.003066074 -0.030651195 0.017005812 -0.0068545137 0.00003980268 -0.031796794 0.00031862032 0.014638237 0.0120669985 -0.01176787 0.009158445 -0.02955651 0.007669163 0.026705235 -0.0041559865 -0.013492635 0.028410908 0.0009347787 -0.0230775 -0.014587321 0.02988746 0.0021941443 0.010647726 0.013390805 -0.04450024 -0.0031456298 0.03579367 -0.018584196 0.0021114065 0.0044869375 -0.013034395 0.008420168 -0.012818004 -0.018571468 0.023268431 0.022670174 -0.0052634007 -0.0029181007 -0.0006630962 0.014129081 -0.009763068 -0.031109435 0.009973094 0.042158123 0.0036022791 -0.027723547 0.0061226017 0.019857086 -0.004973818 -0.025903314 -0.009273005 -0.0105649885 0.0085156355 0.020404428 0.0003661548 -0.032305952 0.01279891 -0.016751233 -0.023382992 -0.0061480594 0.017374951 -0.012830732 -0.012677986 -0.017158559 -0.034826275 -0.0025330514 -0.018495094 -0.007783723 0.005549801 -0.0054893387 -0.015834752 0.05941851 0.016865794 0.0013802903 -0.011055051 -0.0031997275 -0.010062196 -0.023001125 -0.005129747 0.034062542 -0.011678767 -0.018596925 0.013709027 -0.010030374 0.028512739 -0.002668296 0.028334534 -0.022161018 0.030676652 -0.0056802724 0.0026030603 0.030803941 0.016534843 0.014281827 -0.0062912595 -0.016891252 0.0069690733 0.0032379143 0.01970434 0.0052697654 -0.0132126 0.0009053431 0.014981917 -0.016356638 0.013378075 0.0070772693 0.013696298 0.008273786 -0.029454678 0.025788754 0.019640695 -0.020238953 0.03060028 0.031694964 0.008642924 -0.026030604 0.0020063932 0.028029041 -0.0030851674 -0.0052761296 0.03566638 -0.011666038 0.0018425084 -0.030854857 -0.0064821932 -0.025572363 0.01760407 0.028359992 -0.0035227234 -0.012277026 0.0051202006 -0.021690048 -0.016674861 0.029989291 0.013696298 0.01796048 -0.023115685 -0.0079110125 0.008445626 0.014090894 0.016254807 -0.0015155348 0.01448549 0.022924751 -0.0014606414 0.025801484 0.0012172012 0.020289868 -0.004871987 0.012442501 0.009145715 0.025890585 -0.014880085 -0.011926981 0.011290535 -0.013658111 0.026628861 0.004827436 0.00770735 0.025814213 0.011742411 -0.0036818348 0.011398731 0.0073191184 0.037473887 -0.00004706213 -0.0046396847 0.004286458 -0.015745651 0.011933345 0.0040987064 -0.011704225 0.0056293565 0.0072618383 0.0022816556 -0.0025187314 0.03811033 0.010507708 0.002910145 0.03233141 -0.006918158 -0.011341451 0.0039714174 0.0024757714 -0.0020127576 -0.022313764 -0.014421846 -0.0021416377 0.0069499803 0.0030549364 -0.0016277083 -0.017858649 0.009502125 0.0132126 -0.030091124 -0.0027128472 -0.0060557746 0.009476667 -0.003669106 -0.014841899 0.011532385 0.008572916 -0.0043532844 -0.023153871 -0.007739172 0.029123727 -0.018456908 0.0033445188 0.0007450385 -0.00054455834 -0.0192461 0.010240401 0.010316774 0.025788754 0.0093557425 -0.021104518 0.017922293 -0.022262849 0.003812306 0.0055402545 0.0028019494 0.0018234152 0.025750568 0.008935689 0.0159875 -0.0022705179 -0.003516359 -0.01552926 0.005451152 0.00048688048 -0.001834553 -0.019411575 0.021180892 -0.0059921304 -0.029811088 0.007841003 0.023612112 -0.0038727683 -0.009126622 -0.015211037 -0.020137122 0.004337373 0.11751322 0.019640695 -0.029047353 0.01123962 -0.028945522 0.01773136 -0.025686923 -0.030956687 -0.0015736105 -0.022428324 0.0039841463 -0.008241964 0.005024734 -0.014931002 0.01505829 0.003828217 -0.012588884 0.0044042 -0.023446636 0.004801978 -0.020888127 -0.01518558 0.029352847 0.0039045906 -0.0076309764 -0.011195069 0.014689152 0.03856857 -0.015312868 -0.019666152 0.0070518116 0.018596925 -0.007242745 0.0033763412 -0.008566551 0.0079110125 -0.0111887045 0.014663694 0.024821358 0.00799375 0.019424304 0.022670174 0.017514968 -0.005320681 0.006058957 0.005861659 -0.010622269 0.014816442 -0.0029690163 -0.009731245 0.024414033 0.005381143 -0.043405555 -0.021511843 0.005976219 -0.008948417 0.008152861 0.008521999 -0.007777359 -0.029938376 -0.023828503 -0.010157663 -0.012557061 -0.029581968 -0.0026842072 0.0013277836 0.016674861 0.013288973 -0.012130643 0.006342175 0.006580842 -0.034418948 -0.0031138074 0.0059571257 0.015045562 0.033858877 0.013543551 -0.0051742983 0.006409002 -0.0065744775 0.006428095 -0.026908897 -0.012665257 -0.014790984 0.0004916538 0.028690943 -0.017502239 -0.013225328 -0.019207912 0.026119705 -0.0016086149 0.005285676 0.009858534 0.010800472 0.013263515 0.010641362 -0.0010549077 0.025801484 0.011373273 -0.02213556 0.01199699 -0.0014566637 0.00047773158 -0.007866461 -0.0027446693 -0.0055529834 0.0117933275 0.011360545 -0.007777359 -0.0041623507 0.020404428 -0.014345472 0.01471461 0.01634391 0.005973037 -0.0058521125 0.008311973 0.034215286 0.013759943 -0.025394158 -0.01783319 -0.020837212 0.028079957 0.026934355 -0.020302597 -0.009877628 -0.029607425 -0.01460005 -0.005915757 -0.0073254826 0.0046683247 0.026272453 -0.017680444 -0.024528593 -0.0058234725 -0.014498219 -0.009807618 0.011742411 -0.024133997 0.0017549973 -0.0047797025 0.012124279 0.005381143 -0.025470532 0.010927762 -0.042438157 -0.0049992763 0.009457574 0.010125841 0.029352847 -0.006386726 -0.0063485396 -0.018113228 0.005244307 0.010393148 0.005508432 -0.01505829 -0.030905772 0.038288537 0.005225214 0.012073363 0.011265078 -0.0054320586 -0.0034527145 0.029276473 -0.016445741 0.016267536 -0.0045728576 -0.008770213 0.020531718 -0.008038301 0.010660455 -0.0042387242 -0.010475886 0.012436137 -0.009578498 -0.01794775 -0.023446636 -0.027316222 -0.021944625 -0.002386669 0.00017810517 -0.021575488 -0.0006376384 -0.02619608 -0.004897445 0.050661027 -0.0015234904 0.0017947751 0.010304046 0.0016261172 -0.016738506 0.0012744813 -0.0063899085 0.017222203 -0.0370411 -0.02306477 -0.014854628 0.0076055187 0.002456678 0.020646278 0.01332716 0.0007963519 0.002186189 -0.015452886 0.008725662 -0.011812421 0.0087511195 0.010685912 -0.032509614 0.015198308 -0.023217516 -0.0144473035 -0.0005938828 -0.004563311 0.004801978 -0.025801484 0.0033827056 0.0035768214 -0.031822253 0.029836545 0.005059738 0.009317555 0.009540312 0.016509386 0.0006730407 0.016713047 -0.0058393837 0.018380534 0.0032156387 0.009145715 0.01268435 0.014103623 0.00088624976 -0.0075164163 0.024528593 -0.0126334345 0.0034654434 -0.007720079 0.007770994 0.0010047876 0.004646049 0.0017677261 0.018253244 -0.010768651 -0.0012450457 0.00003304045 0.01899152 -0.013225328 -0.019526135 -0.009413023 -0.017502239 -0.0066063 0.029963834 0.0028130873 -0.017107643 0.016356638 0.010825931 -0.0027192116 0.0044582975 0.0032649632 0.017031271 0.016725777 0.017120373 -0.0018870597 0.023344805 -0.048751693 -0.006444006 -0.009317555 0.027061645 -0.0073063895 -0.0054034186 0.0105458945 -0.0069117933 0.011277807 0.00021639133 -0.0061894283 0.015541988 -0.04521306 -0.00032200143 0.014090894 -0.031720422 -0.034291662 -0.023141142 0.008451991 0.00044392043 0.007210923 -0.009540312 -0.009406658 -0.0018616018 -0.0042546354 0.0068799714 0.010011281 -0.003249052 -0.0176168 0.006310353 -0.0084965415 0.026374284 -0.016420282 0.00039340262 -0.0012195879 0.0032299587 -0.016878523 0.008216506 -0.0071854647 -0.026094249 0.015592904 -0.008248328 -0.02491046 -0.0077900877 0.016433012 0.009673965 -0.004674689 0.0096294135 0.0048783515 0.000008838134 0.016827608 -0.024630424 -0.019538864 0.030269329 -0.019920731 0.027316222 0.045136683 -0.0018981975 -0.0027605805 0.012035176 0.019717067 -0.0031965454 -0.003882315 -0.001495646 0.0024328113 0.011265078 -0.014218183 -0.021728234 0.026374284 -0.0154147 -0.012703444 0.023904877 0.0059921304 -0.0076882564 0.013849045 0.011048687 0.018138684 0.007395492 0.003118581 -0.003853675 0.008636559 -0.01302803 -0.018749671 -0.020455346 -0.018953335 0.043838337 -0.0042578178 -0.013912689 -0.023968522 -0.007567332 -0.052646738 -0.0036245547 -0.0042323596 0.009336649 -0.00013594069 0.024095811 -0.0117933275 0.0023484824 0.003179043 0.022161018 -0.0035354523 -0.010577717 0.008662017 -0.01980617 0.01760407 0.0014312059 -0.022733819 0.00474788 0.026374284 -0.006485375 -0.030982146 0.01890242 -0.015083748 0.014765525 0.020697193 -0.0058712056 0.00962305 0.010494979 0.017693173 -0.031083977 0.000554105 0.008241964 0.013963605 0.00943848 0.0051456583 0.00077725854 0.0099794585 0.028589113 -0.036913816 -0.005798015 -0.004210084 0.012862555 0.02246651 -0.015974771 0.033858877 0.027265307 0.016865794 -0.006125784 -0.00081544527 -0.011615123 0.017336763 -0.0024328113 -0.007853732 -0.03128764 -0.01783319 0.0030851674 0.006046228 -0.01622935 0.043965627 -0.0038091238 -0.0052347607 -0.0105649885 0.0075164163 0.019029709 -0.017031271 0.0031122165 -0.035029937 -0.0074400427 -0.0052729473 -0.026603404 -0.004929267 0.02582694 0.002739896 -0.020200767 -0.01923337 -0.0026157892 -0.031338554 0.023102956 -0.014638237 0.031975 0.20977229 -0.017476782 0.0099985525 0.019538864 -0.041954458 -0.02016258 0.0071663717 0.009222089 -0.007611883 0.0099985525 -0.018202329 0.0059093926 -0.0034909013 0.0069945315 0.0022864288 -0.023624841 -0.029454678 0.015376513 -0.0032029098 -0.005549801 0.0075036874 -0.015376513 -0.020353513 -0.014561864 0.010603175 0.011386002 -0.002443949 0.013976334 0.009113894 0.0045728576 -0.019742526 -0.0062626195 0.02132091 -0.0050915605 -0.004591951 -0.0031742698 0.0057152766 -0.016725777 0.011023229 0.014510947 0.03798304 0.003799577 -0.02723985 -0.0068163266 0.015860211 0.03660832 -0.023688486 -0.008413804 0.0004829027 0.034393493 -0.034520783 -0.022542885 0.032636903 0.031109435 0.00014817237 0.024426762 0.01830416 -0.0020652642 -0.0023055223 0.02606879 0.022861106 -0.0010429744 0.004442387 0.032815106 0.013467178 0.033909794 -0.020773567 0.025699653 0.020009832 -0.033731587 -0.0016436194 0.008687476 0.00063127396 0.03314606 0.008381981 -0.0056389035 0.023128415 0.018915148 0.008057395 0.026832525 -0.022313764 0.022161018 -0.007153643 -0.0035609102 -0.0043946533 -0.019908002 0.0064726463 0.013912689 -0.0051615695 0.0137854 0.010183121 -0.018113228 -0.006975438 -0.012111549 0.0073763984 -0.020060748 0.008973875 -0.011837878 -0.009024791 0.0053875074 -0.0063262642 0.035997335 0.008273786 0.012811639 -0.0033381544 -0.0033445188 0.007713714 0.008362888 -0.0024678158 -0.027799921 -0.01645847 -0.012200652 -0.0063039884 0.0067399535 -0.0031631321 0.006211704 -0.0038091238 -0.0042005377 0.015898397 -0.025648737 -0.026450656 -0.025928773 0.007510052 0.015911127 0.0029753807 -0.001461437 -0.016560301 0.0045474 -0.01866057 -0.024706798 0.02897098 -0.017298577 0.0034495322 -0.009139352 -0.0112969 -0.016827608 0.0010469521 -0.028181788 -0.020098936 -0.011303265 -0.027647173 -0.00776463 -0.00047614047 -0.006803598 0.0024598602 0.007115456 0.009285734 -0.019742526 -0.01621662 0.009820348 -0.018265974 0.0022084643 0.0075036874 -0.0141927255 0.03520814 -0.007726443 -0.01923337 -0.047707923 -0.023930335 0.024706798 -0.03716839 0.010946855 0.01448549 -0.020251682 0.0059953127 -0.013059853 -0.1585512 0.013798129 0.020684466 -0.02897098 0.037957583 -0.009934908 0.02260653 -0.0064344597 -0.018227788 0.00816559 0.03869586 -0.0132380575 -0.044449326 0.0058075613 -0.0011893568 -0.016993083 -0.003923684 0.032636903 0.015567446 0.010501344 0.025177768 -0.007300025 0.018596925 -0.0010517255 -0.009234818 0.008171955 -0.0067717754 0.010800472 -0.0070963628 -0.024770442 -0.010520437 0.009915814 0.035360888 0.0034399857 0.008802035 -0.0021559577 -0.020951772 -0.021766422 -0.009788525 0.006485375 0.019831628 0.033324264 0.007147278 0.006918158 -0.028920064 0.035717297 -0.009858534 -0.0013826769 -0.0002569647 -0.0036818348 -0.003104261 0.009113894 -0.010380419 0.011646945 0.010743192 -0.019717067 -0.024681339 0.022097373 0.0013802903 0.000049573104 0.008261057 -0.023370262 0.0117169535 -0.011863336 -0.00956577 -0.021626404 0.0008305608 -0.009336649 -0.06150605 0.0027446693 0.016865794 -0.01923337 -0.021079062 -0.015554718 -0.008159226 -0.008031936 -0.026552489 0.02330662 0.0027701273 -0.014421846 0.009247547 0.024897732 0.0056516323 -0.0039141374 -0.012035176 -0.016292993 -0.016891252 0.004407382 -0.011729683 -0.015452886 0.005435241 -0.024006708 -0.020824483 0.0030994874 -0.002047762 0.010151299 0.0059284857 0.02769809 0.0159875 -0.0065617487 -0.0035259058 0.0009976276 -0.023319347 0.017769547 0.0055943523 0.0006531518 -0.0027414872 -0.0010254721 0.015834752 -0.0012752768 -0.041318014 0.015147393 0.02352301 0.042234495 0.015478344 -0.00019411575 0.003064483 -0.013963605 0.019895272 -0.008267421 0.07148551 0.019958917 -0.011335087 0.009476667 0.0030294785 -0.022746546 -0.14022158 -0.014027249 0.004563311 0.019042436 0.021868253 0.01146874 0.00019998297 0.020735381 -0.009483032 0.010132206 -0.0005131338 -0.032713275 -0.010870482 -0.0050470093 0.010170393 -0.0011527612 -0.0054575163 -0.02605606 -0.01970434 0.021639133 0.013721756 -0.017413137 -0.009196632 0.014103623 -0.018966064 0.01308531 -0.041419845 0.01089594 0.0006802007 -0.013301702 -0.0138235865 -0.010450428 0.00052188494 -0.03116035 0.0005914961 0.0021082242 -0.03839037 -0.009947636 0.00793647 0.0029021895 0.0076437052 -0.01980617 0.024133997 -0.016254807 0.013301702 0.0035927324 0.0055020675 0.008579279 -0.012518874 -0.006103508 -0.02213556 0.014014521 -0.017642258 -0.03721931 -0.0028019494 0.0013818814 -0.0026810248 0.019793442 -0.028436366 -0.0031965454 0.028258162 0.010832295 0.000055887835 0.00805103 0.022186475 -0.0176168 -0.02363757 -0.023153871 0.011736047 -0.029862003 0.010615904 0.020175308 -0.013047124 0.0017390861 -0.034113456 -0.004986547 -0.030218411 -0.03001475 0.019742526 -0.024554051 0.006058957 -0.0078028166 0.021371825 -0.026094249 -0.0038409461 -0.013505365 0.010055833 -0.0030549364 0.023472095 0.014345472 -0.010469521 0.016471198 0.01517285 -0.015809296 -0.01610206 0.014561864 0.023357535 -0.021740964 0.010380419 0.0018393262 0.00012718957 0.0015282637 -0.015503802 0.03220412 -0.025241412 -0.0011058233 -0.013861774 0.0030708474 0.0015067838 -0.012989844 -0.006043046 0.028589113 0.000659914 0.03709202 0.021588217 0.0102340365 -0.014129081 0.001961842 0.007815545 0.0054988856 -0.002469407 0.020633548 -0.005279312 -0.0043564667 0.01843145 0.008553822 -0.026450656 -0.0007673141 -0.013250787 -0.004913356 -0.005279312 0.0033445188 0.018571468 -0.022275578 0.0046778712 0.018444179 -0.0050215516 -0.024923189 0.0076818923 0.02155003 0.025890585 0.033680674 -0.011869701 -0.01494373 0.014460032 -0.019195184 0.015427428 -0.014549134 -0.056516323 0.011634216 -0.0051615695 0.01622935 0.017094914 0.023815775 -0.033426095 -0.01980617 0.0026985272 -0.017756818 0.025050478 -0.00090852537 -0.020429887 -0.011417825 0.024961377 -0.000910912 0.009502125 -0.0084392615 0.009686694 0.002682616 -0.0028608206 0.009489396 0.001624526 -0.032891482 -0.026272453 0.0024121269 0.004916538 -0.00027784804 -0.004843347 0.0041146176 -0.0096676005 0.009228454 0.003021523 0.014587321 -0.013632653 -0.01610206 -0.022326494 0.032025915 0.00024483245 0.015592904 -0.020480802 0.010323139 0.012996208 -0.0031679054 -0.007102727 0.0065044686 0.0021830066 0.000751403 0.025343243 0.0120288115 -0.01355628 0.014650965 -0.020722652 0.033527926 0.00886568 -0.008025573 0.0009077298 -0.024732256 -0.022377409 -0.010673184 -0.0105458945 -0.008649289 -0.010151299 0.023484822 -0.0070072603 -0.0060494104 0.03177134 -0.0040032393 -0.014536406 0.0099603655 -0.010106748 0.012868919 -0.008490177 0.023484822 0.025470532 0.0066190287 0.021231808 0.0021527754 0.0062753484 0.028690943 -0.008623831 -0.027774462 -0.0014495037 -0.011786963 0.016191162 0.009107529 -0.035259057 -0.002782856 -0.018966064 -0.02502502 -0.01668759 0.016203891 -0.027290765 0.02399398 0.0141163515 0.0047669737 0.008674746 0.008833857 0.015822025 0.019411575 0.009336649 -0.012646164 -0.020111665 0.029021895 -0.012544332 0.005371596 -0.017756818 0.0012187923 -0.002526687 0.016993083 0.03856857 0.016140247 -0.0050056404 0.024299473 0.016878523 0.016840337 0.0112969 -0.008553822 -0.0396378 0.0068226913 -0.012620706 -0.015045562 -0.006043046 0.0044169286 0.016585758 -0.04539126 0.009419387 0.014294556 -0.010183121 0.0033477012 -0.00095466763 0.01863511 0.019437032 0.003742297 0.018024124 -0.017578613 -0.024961377 0.01577111 0.02688344 -0.006708131 -0.0028401362 -0.033120602
-0.009334022 -0.0029315478 0.0030619113 -0.00994673 0.003133611 0.005729473 -0.030322535 -0.0062085586 -0.011928255 -0.009496977 0.00902115 0.037622888 -0.0060390863 0.025016744 -0.010702838 -0.00834326 0.046904765 0.0068440805 0.0045431657 -0.015317704 -0.0062476676 -0.0039858622 -0.0040803757 -0.00065915013 -0.019710952 0.013453507 0.024521362 -0.007196062 0.031574026 -0.028210647 0.034024857 0.005866355 -0.0033829312 -0.009529567 -0.016842956 -0.0021901058 -0.006371513 0.003373154 0.02221393 -0.027819557 0.03472882 0.002766964 -0.0014282945 0.005282978 -0.029462136 0.0020727788 -0.0002774297 -0.007169989 -0.00930795 0.024299745 0.03326875 -0.000020483863 -0.009164549 -0.012188981 -0.0133883245 -0.011621901 -0.004282439 0.01600863 0.006567058 0.02346542 0.0010722392 0.010422557 -0.005452451 0.007991279 -0.01091142 0.0028011843 -0.023348091 -0.009001595 0.0021379604 0.02663325 0.028184576 0.022435548 0.0129841985 0.026646286 0.022513766 0.0014812546 -0.026359487 0.015813084 0.012638736 -0.0031955338 -0.020219369 -0.012684362 -0.012404081 -0.005015733 0.011973882 -0.013818525 -0.00048804813 0.0020923333 -0.005651255 -0.012716954 -0.0133883245 0.010220493 0.01878537 0.016490975 -0.0053937873 -0.0005841912 -0.010292193 -0.01276258 0.029071046 -0.015083049 -0.0025567529 0.011354655 -0.020701714 -0.0033356745 -0.012488817 -0.012567035 0.0015521396 0.0067006806 0.02007597 -0.028706029 -0.018524645 0.03123508 -0.005468746 -0.023061292 0.01639972 -0.029018901 -0.012312827 -0.014066215 -0.008838641 0.0030619113 0.026750578 -0.021275314 0.02813243 0.00005255276 0.0007369608 0.013081971 -0.023973836 0.0024801644 0.0073329434 -0.011706636 0.03830078 0.01326448 -0.0115176095 0.0012677844 -0.004585534 0.0041553346 -0.0058468003 0.0060879723 -0.021496931 -0.005273201 0.0015619169 0.008206379 -0.009594749 -0.008760423 0.000308391 0.01091142 0.02802814 -0.00027987402 0.008427996 0.0011814187 0.02813243 -0.011902181 0.022383403 -0.019033061 -0.008095569 0.016138993 -0.0040412666 0.015630577 -0.0029315478 0.012593108 0.03272122 0.0036664717 0.013284034 0.014809286 -0.0011757152 0.019020025 0.03316446 0.02260502 0.0076067066 0.021157986 0.008695241 0.030192172 -0.024951562 0.028314939 -0.0037675034 -0.0014462194 -0.017090647 0.011276437 -0.0075024157 -0.010168348 0.00360129 0.012625699 0.03678856 0.022722347 -0.0014617001 -0.0012417118 0.02085815 -0.0031499066 -0.014561596 -0.008128161 0.01372727 0.018602863 -0.018303027 0.008825605 -0.67121524 -0.013323143 0.013329661 -0.017429592 -0.0048364834 -0.0001256785 -0.0027685936 0.003490481 -0.019228607 0.01915039 0.0029331774 0.009796812 -0.011198219 -0.017990155 -0.0039988984 -0.023687037 0.013896743 -0.038665794 -0.011504574 -0.0020320402 0.010963565 0.021627294 -0.016608302 -0.012508372 0.004588793 0.005866355 -0.013297071 -0.008225933 -0.0068571167 0.008845159 0.01975006 0.017911937 0.0017843496 0.023061292 0.05501337 -0.011915218 0.00538401 0.019385044 0.014665887 0.028210647 -0.030035736 -0.029957518 0.0063780313 0.0186159 -0.018511608 -0.019984715 -0.0022389921 -0.020779932 -0.008955969 -0.006554022 0.013596906 -0.00228136 -0.015109123 -0.0017990154 -0.011230811 -0.013714233 0.011341619 0.0005316384 0.001044537 0.00969904 -0.00162221 0.0017680541 -0.019411115 -0.00766537 -0.0057196957 0.02891461 -0.0016213952 0.0058728727 -0.021979276 -0.009249286 -0.012671326 0.02648985 -0.02085815 -0.023152547 0.017872827 0.017416555 0.013205816 -0.018342135 -0.021496931 0.018889662 0.0036664717 -0.010461666 -0.011726191 -0.0013663718 0.031991187 0.010598548 -0.010272639 -0.018146591 0.0015228079 0.0025176439 -0.010950529 -0.00012944682 -0.005791396 -0.04578364 0.024508325 0.0008408442 -0.01069632 -0.012651771 0.012664808 -0.020232406 -0.011608864 0.015408958 0.026294306 0.018863589 0.015708795 -0.00987503 -0.008480142 0.0173253 0.037101433 -0.026854867 0.0007055921 -0.004060821 -0.01547414 -0.008401924 0.004888629 -0.019306825 0.013622979 -0.0035849945 0.016647412 -0.026724504 0.018068373 -0.00046238283 0.0035915128 -0.0138706695 0.019046098 0.015930412 -0.0028582183 -0.008942932 0.0014421456 0.0045268703 -0.016569193 -0.015656648 0.012840798 0.00016112106 0.0021949944 0.019254679 0.0063389223 -0.012814726 0.014874469 -0.013805488 0.006065159 -0.0014486637 0.012286754 0.022657165 -0.004895147 -0.020545278 -0.009066777 -0.008669169 -0.015878266 0.0018544199 -0.0021167763 -0.009777258 -0.020832077 0.0375186 -0.0025811961 0.00054711907 -0.025160143 -0.0062737404 -0.012567035 -0.026750578 -0.012651771 0.027975993 -0.019697916 -0.0005858207 -0.0018299768 -0.020806005 -0.0026773391 0.019254679 -0.010370411 -0.028393157 0.024795126 -0.009712076 0.001653986 0.02157515 -0.006146636 0.00210374 -0.007548043 0.0028989569 0.014248724 -0.006713717 -0.0024003168 -0.02484727 -0.016569193 -0.009040704 0.033711985 0.00937965 0.01822481 0.01194129 -0.021953203 0.02667236 -0.0012881537 0.0064953584 0.003109168 -0.017742464 0.008160751 0.018498572 0.012267199 -0.0005630071 0.00977074 0.01964577 0.002695264 -0.015708795 0.017442629 -0.0357978 0.0026447482 -0.02007597 0.01108741 -0.009816367 0.009809849 0.025890179 -0.00095898606 0.009979321 -0.0006599649 -0.04129914 -0.008349778 0.024860308 0.02313951 0.02260502 -0.013166707 0.0066941623 0.03397271 -0.0033992266 0.03133937 -0.018798407 0.0043802117 0.025681596 0.008297632 0.0053677144 0.0055176327 -0.022644129 -0.001230305 0.024899416 0.023908654 0.009516531 0.006136859 0.0063910675 0.011791373 -0.016947247 0.023478456 -0.0044910205 0.032825515 -0.012697399 0.000010961223 -0.009738149 0.0076327794 0.004745229 0.050137777 0.0013859263 -0.01344047 0.014861432 -0.014613741 0.027532758 -0.009549121 -0.03266908 -0.005931536 -0.019880423 0.005608887 0.00994673 0.026659323 0.026985232 0.016816884 0.023660963 0.0020027084 -0.016191138 -0.00798476 -0.028158503 0.0070787347 -0.033503402 -0.010350857 0.0148353595 0.0046963426 -0.019958641 0.020662604 -0.01098312 0.0046833064 0.0016914656 0.010963565 -0.0035132947 0.008108606 0.009510012 -0.014744105 -0.003523072 0.011282955 0.0074372343 -0.0129841985 -0.023726145 -0.01401407 0.0018120517 0.0063617355 0.012821244 -0.006902744 -0.018146591 -0.0063161086 0.016855992 0.0030146544 0.010735429 0.0022080308 -0.025003707 0.01173271 -0.0133101065 0.0067658625 0.008675687 -0.014509451 -0.0152003765 0.01711672 0.01779461 -0.010096648 -0.025329616 -0.0004652345 -0.025603378 -0.0044486523 -0.02784563 0.0044519114 -0.011778337 0.014718032 -0.0036925443 -0.0115958275 0.0051884647 0.014535523 0.003048875 0.024729945 -0.022083566 -0.030166099 0.0007459233 0.11701422 0.012879907 -0.017625136 0.009927176 -0.009979321 -0.011745745 -0.014248724 -0.030896135 0.021731585 -0.018198736 0.018094445 -0.012645253 0.017064573 -0.022331256 0.0036958035 0.013342698 -0.0016352463 -0.016308466 -0.015174304 -0.016282393 0.0038946078 -0.010389966 0.014444269 0.004781079 0.018198736 0.0064660264 0.027428467 0.020806005 0.016947247 -0.016086848 0.00352959 0.013173225 0.018237844 0.019437188 -0.027245957 -0.0014388864 -0.0027425208 0.01993257 -0.0024703871 -0.015943449 0.021353532 0.010181384 0.00097365194 -0.002203142 -0.001800645 -0.013596906 -0.022943964 0.016060775 0.01672563 -0.021340495 0.012547481 0.012619181 -0.043411024 -0.009014632 0.013108044 0.012280236 -0.013016789 -0.009855476 -0.02538176 -0.0030472453 -0.03084399 -0.019763097 0.0076458156 -0.008688723 0.018094445 -0.0019733766 -0.013974961 0.018211773 -0.03105257 0.010442112 0.009399204 -0.01843339 -0.026203051 -0.012208536 0.004552943 0.01344047 0.002692005 0.0035915128 -0.015421995 0.0057816184 0.01639972 -0.019293789 -0.025851069 -0.03170439 0.009686003 0.02688094 -0.009933694 -0.013948888 -0.015695758 0.0022129193 0.008245488 0.006146636 0.008362815 -0.010194421 0.009809849 -0.009712076 -0.008095569 0.00873435 0.013636015 -0.008278078 -0.007235171 -0.012188981 -0.0074763433 -0.008454069 -0.01629543 0.010279157 -0.0051493556 0.009510012 0.005735991 -0.030140027 0.029931445 -0.0304529 0.016191138 0.0049798833 -0.0076067066 0.025838032 0.03744038 0.023843473 0.009581713 0.002766964 -0.010024948 -0.012332381 0.020362768 0.02260502 -0.0022634352 -0.008923377 0.032877658 -0.009118922 -0.014639814 0.01707761 0.016490975 0.020258479 -0.009888067 -0.04481895 -0.030713625 -0.01611292 -0.0049147015 -0.0018821221 0.0031075384 -0.006410622 0.0004913072 -0.012912499 0.023543637 -0.0034415948 0.055221952 -0.03775325 -0.007841361 -0.0007715886 -0.0015024386 0.018303027 0.002848441 -0.0030619113 -0.024729945 -0.0048821107 -0.0075284885 -0.0021135171 0.01276258 -0.0133101065 0.012143354 0.038691867 0.026802722 -0.023595782 0.0067397896 0.00855836 0.014431233 -0.010872311 0.02459958 -0.020414915 -0.0045268703 0.04210739 0.015148232 0.023061292 -0.0035198128 -0.00994673 -0.010005394 0.02613787 -0.017234046 -0.017677283 -0.026698431 -0.06252231 -0.02435189 0.0010763131 -0.014326942 0.015552358 -0.018941807 0.0014617001 0.043906406 0.023126474 0.013316625 -0.0002055261 0.019515406 0.006371513 0.019163426 0.013173225 0.0010494257 -0.040595174 -0.014626778 -0.018107481 0.018316062 0.0035426265 -0.011582792 0.0038946078 -0.03308624 0.008969004 -0.024391 -0.01636061 -0.031130789 -0.007847879 0.0020955922 -0.027089521 0.0049798833 -0.03222584 -0.009829403 -0.018694118 -0.009047222 0.0073459796 -0.0056936233 0.011804409 -0.014079251 -0.025877142 0.018902699 -0.0044486523 0.01896788 -0.0057066595 0.031860825 0.0032574565 0.008773459 -0.0049016653 0.009112405 0.016021667 0.014600705 0.018029263 0.00919714 0.0013867411 0.00035666622 -0.021979276 0.0041194847 -0.013134116 -0.025251398 0.01454856 -0.01454856 0.0055762962 -0.009848958 -0.012964644 -0.029357847 0.023517564 0.010826684 0.012853835 -0.01269088 -0.031261154 -0.017638173 -0.0038554987 -0.00026704135 0.02517318 0.0037903169 0.00081232714 -0.010794093 -0.016608302 -0.014300869 0.009223213 0.020910295 0.01711672 0.006527949 0.018055337 0.0014999943 0.02435189 -0.0064692856 -0.0060619 -0.007867433 0.026607178 -0.009953248 -0.017938009 -0.008584432 -0.03170439 -0.0010086871 -0.01915039 0.005504596 -0.020506168 -0.016816884 -0.01828999 0.026985232 0.0072547253 -0.028627811 -0.018342135 -0.0044584298 -0.019515406 0.008317187 -0.0034676674 0.015395922 -0.018368209 -0.013375289 -0.004018453 0.012651771 0.005416601 -0.0046735294 -0.002641489 -0.007958688 0.0138315605 -0.022774493 0.0032704927 -0.0015985817 0.0053188284 -0.005413342 0.019528443 -0.022552874 0.005996718 0.016556157 -0.020753859 -0.018198736 -0.014952687 0.021418713 0.023256836 -0.018472498 0.013518688 0.008186824 0.018641971 0.013987997 0.00071536936 -0.041872736 -0.0065312083 -0.011400282 0.008141196 -0.0039988984 -0.00727428 0.0025437165 -0.0129450895 0.016386684 0.0037283944 0.008942932 0.0044128024 -0.0027441503 0.0053351237 -0.0015611021 0.0008106976 -0.006410622 -0.017377445 -0.014483378 0.012932053 -0.0027392616 0.013329661 0.015317704 0.0062313722 -0.015083049 0.0075936704 0.0079521695 -0.0075154523 -0.0014820694 -0.0077631427 -0.030922208 -0.014157469 -0.006876671 0.043828186 0.010781056 -0.012840798 -0.015904339 0.000518602 -0.021666404 -0.040777683 0.0067332713 0.016986355 0.02164033 0.019515406 -0.004331325 0.03123508 -0.01978917 0.0011455687 -0.025838032 -0.015213413 0.0033307858 -0.000100216894 0.012958125 0.00040473774 -0.014483378 -0.022670202 0.033060167 -0.011198219 -0.012032545 0.0074241976 -0.0027034117 -0.000078727295 0.020245442 0.0055600004 0.041585937 0.023439346 0.008043424 -0.028054211 0.005273201 -0.0012963014 -0.025199253 0.00018566605 0.0059380545 0.0037251352 -0.0000345514 -0.00095002353 0.01950237 -0.0036860262 -0.011465465 0.007241689 0.010572474 -0.0119803995 0.026294306 0.01872019 0.0009109145 0.0044551706 -0.017677283 0.0021591445 0.029722864 -0.0071895435 -0.003166202 -0.019189497 -0.0063258857 0.010728911 0.010539884 -0.013753342 0.009822885 -0.0063780313 0.0062737404 0.02081904 0.0064790626 0.024703871 -0.004963588 0.010474702 -0.011002674 -0.0121238 -0.00017375001 -0.034963474 -0.010116203 -0.008049943 0.009829403 0.0001384093 -0.009386168 -0.022513766 -0.016125957 -0.014144433 0.0023628373 0.009158031 0.22589377 -0.0049538105 -0.009738149 0.010155312 -0.0052406103 0.015056977 0.02531658 -0.016451865 0.0015953225 0.003917421 -0.014366051 -0.0024003168 -0.013401361 -0.008695241 0.004846261 -0.026007505 -0.028158503 -0.011054819 0.0030863544 0.0051363194 0.0036534353 -0.0014095546 -0.010774538 -0.015304668 0.009679485 0.021405676 -0.008265042 -0.0042270343 0.013675124 -0.00919714 -0.011726191 -0.009666448 0.009275358 -0.00018474943 -0.018772336 0.00033181568 0.025929287 -0.016282393 0.0020581128 0.0031156861 0.015604503 0.010064057 -0.0017191678 -0.01372727 0.020532241 0.035511002 -0.0030798363 -0.012723471 0.010116203 0.017586028 -0.0088190865 0.00057237694 0.024091164 0.0107093565 -0.01825088 0.0034611493 0.000600894 -0.004367175 0.0106115835 0.030635407 -0.018381245 0.0023579486 -0.013316625 0.036319252 -0.027350249 0.02253984 -0.007508934 0.012364972 -0.006296554 -0.014131397 -0.019411115 -0.025616415 -0.01001843 0.005390528 -0.016751701 -0.0074372343 0.02289182 0.020662604 0.017038502 0.020519204 -0.029175337 -0.022135712 -0.009236249 -0.013375289 -0.021770693 -0.028471375 0.023947764 -0.0055991095 -0.016882066 0.011113483 -0.0038750533 -0.040204085 -0.005344901 -0.00019513776 0.0012343788 -0.0068440805 0.01173271 -0.004354139 -0.008212896 -0.009953248 -0.011263401 0.020010788 0.0030993908 0.029905373 0.007443752 -0.016947247 -0.008740868 0.00075325626 0.033998784 -0.03259086 -0.0072286525 -0.024690835 0.013570834 -0.010344339 -0.019958641 -0.0079521695 -0.007821806 0.020519204 0.022513766 -0.016960284 0.0008823975 0.00028720696 0.011309029 0.027480613 0.011054819 -0.030765772 -0.019763097 0.022800565 -0.017247083 -0.02100155 0.012801689 -0.012795172 -0.007098289 -0.016947247 -0.015773976 0.018198736 -0.0046800473 -0.013375289 -0.023269873 0.00006701495 -0.04414106 -0.011967364 -0.0057848776 0.0067788986 0.013401361 -0.0016564304 -0.00413578 -0.0026284528 -0.004210739 0.017012428 0.021184059 -0.012638736 0.008995078 0.0023335055 0.0115567185 0.0050678784 -0.011139556 -0.038952596 -0.027011303 0.004715897 -0.021157986 0.032747295 0.01917646 -0.0030896135 -0.00492122 -0.024690835 -0.16498797 0.024612617 0.02513407 -0.019515406 0.03676249 -0.006537726 0.024169382 -0.014287833 -0.0037381717 0.0124822995 0.000116512325 0.007854397 -0.020506168 -0.014587669 0.0007691443 -0.0046572336 -0.018420354 0.033738058 0.03162617 0.02164033 0.011120001 -0.02920141 0.013284034 0.014561596 -0.006358477 0.0010543143 0.01654312 -0.00033914862 -0.015643612 -0.033034094 -0.0031499066 -0.019319862 0.032564785 0.00788047 0.006521431 -0.016451865 -0.0072938344 -0.019802205 -0.034676675 0.016464902 0.03363377 0.053005774 -0.004253107 0.008245488 -0.005377492 0.0148353595 -0.0034807038 -0.0038033533 -0.009386168 -0.0013883706 -0.000053876764 -0.004693084 -0.020414915 0.0036208446 0.03423344 -0.022526802 0.01033782 0.014496414 0.0028077026 -0.024156345 -0.008512733 0.0011309028 0.014092288 -0.00713088 -0.031078644 -0.033294823 0.002802814 0.0013916297 -0.036423545 0.018159626 0.011823963 -0.00984244 -0.004820188 -0.013987997 0.010448629 -0.012208536 -0.02969679 -0.008225933 -0.02517318 0.0057457685 0.0040477845 0.03183475 -0.0004196073 -0.003190645 -0.010781056 -0.004057562 0.0115762735 0.027089521 -0.018694118 -0.034207366 -0.015578431 -0.008180305 -0.032616932 -0.022800565 0.0056317006 0.005452451 0.020454023 -0.0038163897 -0.01166101 -0.008291115 -0.0066876444 -0.025785888 -0.028262794 0.012286754 0.027376322 0.016738666 0.016373647 0.0032867882 0.012593108 -0.012208536 -0.024430107 0.017625136 0.0138315605 0.036293183 -0.014535523 0.011009192 0.0075545614 -0.009594749 0.007574116 0.001515475 0.040986266 -0.0021949944 -0.006215077 0.00084899185 0.008460587 -0.018068373 -0.13432649 -0.0124627445 0.0057979138 0.019437188 0.020362768 0.026828796 -0.0027327435 -0.011276437 -0.020545278 0.022670202 -0.016777774 -0.019737024 0.005015733 -0.0048821107 -0.0031368702 -0.019072171 -0.004393248 -0.012332381 -0.04463644 0.044401787 0.015773976 -0.03027039 -0.026411632 -0.005194983 -0.025303543 0.004178148 -0.017546918 -0.00420748 -0.004328066 -0.011745745 -0.00516891 0.0020841854 -0.008401924 -0.009047222 0.016855992 0.0076392973 -0.022813601 -0.0035491446 0.01108741 -0.005181947 0.0031971633 0.015643612 0.01872019 -0.011028747 -0.0014788102 -0.014600705 -0.023009147 0.044558223 -0.009998876 -0.008180305 -0.027949922 -0.0015105864 -0.029957518 -0.0057816184 0.0143139055 -0.013323143 -0.012104245 0.0093014315 0.014678923 -0.008656132 -0.013492616 -0.002146108 -0.00009711058 0.030348608 0.03801398 -0.016464902 -0.022957 -0.002089074 0.02502978 -0.016464902 -0.011628418 0.0043802117 -0.001101571 0.026294306 -0.021940166 0.015943449 -0.01533074 -0.0067006806 0.0070722164 -0.0070265895 0.0015586579 -0.025577307 -0.00046238283 -0.04367175 0.024404036 0.0022634352 0.018172663 0.015096086 -0.003643658 -0.018459463 -0.00977074 0.03472882 0.00666809 -0.025042817 0.0050255107 0.028992828 0.030817917 -0.030400753 -0.005837023 0.028575666 -0.02881032 -0.0052275737 -0.00051004696 0.025668561 -0.0062346314 -0.003451372 -0.0014894023 0.0011178665 0.0055143735 0.01693421 -0.0067788986 -0.004970106 -0.008923377 0.0027751117 0.0025534937 -0.0045822747 -0.015995594 -0.010976601 0.011674046 -0.007574116 0.011498055 -0.005208019 -0.013479579 0.007886988 0.010051021 -0.008551842 0.0068049715 0.0068571167 -0.0028256276 0.0025469756 -0.007163471 -0.015956484 0.016908137 -0.0021314423 0.0115762735 0.012026027 0.0062737404 -0.009216695 0.0034578901 0.012971162 0.0013223741 0.056786314 -0.0074763433 -0.018420354 0.017546918 -0.03908296 0.011400282 -0.0019130835 -0.046252947 -0.0023970576 -0.0024557211 0.0054850415 0.011830482 0.0072286525 -0.030974353 -0.018276954 0.013766379 -0.017768536 -0.0036632125 0.004689825 -0.027480613 -0.032173697 0.036319252 0.0055762962 0.008219414 -0.02104066 0.0048364834 0.012664808 -0.012391045 0.0027637049 -0.010735429 -0.012749544 -0.0038000941 0.0042661433 0.01522645 -0.00059070933 0.011582792 0.004070598 0.004667011 0.00030390976 -0.016073812 0.021301385 0.00071251765 0.0021330717 -0.023048256 0.024156345 0.008669169 0.008812568 0.015852194 0.028627811 0.004784338 -0.0054752645 0.006941853 0.006831044 -0.027245957 -0.012599627 0.02531658 0.021418713 -0.0176121 0.015213413 0.0014258501 0.026463777 -0.00044079137 0.0021689218 0.01144591 -0.0133101065 -0.025642488 -0.005876132 -0.01023353 -0.01194129 0.005768582 0.018850554 -0.002085815 0.0068440805 0.013531725 -0.0047582653 -0.022970038 0.010116203 0.022657165 -0.025512125 -0.019476298 0.020740822 0.030870061 0.010715875 0.03394664 -0.011837 0.015213413 -0.0088190865 0.015800048 -0.02667236 0.007359016 0.0084345145 -0.009079813 0.0057555456 -0.010116203 -0.00041919993 0.00834326 -0.0360846 -0.0102270115 0.0071895435 -0.02881032 0.031991187 0.014783214 -0.009431794 -0.006296554 0.000880768 0.015083049 0.0054459325 -0.02106673 -0.004057562 -0.019737024 0.011328583 -0.013257962 0.007997797 -0.031495806 -0.006599649 0.031313296 -0.0062802588 0.04163808 0.010930974 -0.0039956393 0.042550627 0.024873344 0.020532241 0.0060781953 0.0027897775 -0.035563145 0.022735383 -0.00017049094 -0.0047745607 -0.0069614076 0.00052756455 0.011993436 -0.015369849 -0.02067564 -0.0018462721 0.011432873 0.0133492155 -0.0023237283 -0.0060097543 0.015591467 -0.0017403519 -0.013329661 -0.032643005 -0.034780964 -0.011804409 0.025785888 0.00038722015 -0.021236204 -0.025994468
-0.0107960645 0.01689705 0.030472236 -0.021775225 -0.01662241 -0.0015301509 -0.0057249875 -0.014255252 -0.020820515 -0.017237084 -0.00040235938 0.032329343 0.0034820742 0.02216757 -0.0047768173 -0.0026238165 0.049671054 0.01485685 -0.012810109 -0.01295397 -0.025410967 0.0007744754 0.007434964 -0.010155233 -0.015066101 0.0037207515 0.013692888 -0.01947346 -0.0033643702 -0.015196883 0.025410967 0.017537883 0.0014974554 -0.02730731 -0.02832741 0.0017377675 -0.019565007 0.011868478 0.017210929 0.0016380461 0.027333464 0.013745202 -0.017786369 -0.012816649 0.009187444 -0.005597475 -0.0072453297 -0.024822447 -0.02297842 0.015602308 0.026104113 0.004688539 -0.0007691624 0.014699911 -0.014542973 -0.018217951 0.0030929972 0.0077030673 0.003380718 -0.010776447 0.013241691 0.009913285 -0.0033463878 0.02934751 -0.009821738 0.011920791 0.0008186144 0.021592129 0.008612003 -0.008311205 0.0007838754 0.0024913996 -0.019342678 0.0154715255 0.036331274 0.0046721916 -0.008867028 -0.015209962 0.0053751455 0.006359281 -0.017171694 -0.01742018 -0.037011344 0.0005006503 -0.009592869 0.017315554 -0.0008549882 -0.0105410395 -0.0011770391 -0.0069772266 -0.013967532 -0.0010053876 0.013208995 0.0082850475 0.0018031585 0.0020451054 -0.003016163 0.006522759 -0.0060944473 -0.02955676 -0.005839422 -0.001620881 -0.020114291 -0.018649532 -0.012045034 -0.0067875925 -0.003416683 -0.0061925338 0.030524548 -0.006045404 -0.003403605 0.024233928 -0.02619566 -0.047683164 0.013228612 -0.014974554 -0.012868961 0.01090069 -0.023671566 -0.005666136 0.04352429 -0.00078469276 0.017511727 -0.021592129 0.0019813492 0.028929006 -0.025044778 0.0070556956 -0.018492592 -0.024835527 0.013470559 -0.01031871 0.0057642222 0.025724845 -0.021618286 0.011770392 0.015393057 -0.012371989 -0.026535694 -0.0119731035 0.011247263 0.0012898387 0.0006518672 -0.016517783 -0.023645408 0.031230772 0.033454068 -0.0006097717 0.0022952263 0.011077247 0.0067810533 -0.02114747 0.010822221 -0.014307565 -0.007618059 0.017145537 0.0037959514 0.030289141 -0.005669405 -0.0036913257 -0.005355528 -0.017537883 0.00899781 -0.014281409 0.013496716 0.029661387 0.023083046 0.0071537825 0.031204617 -0.012045034 0.0068006706 0.035441957 -0.024521649 0.02093822 0.015393057 0.0027349812 0.01888494 -0.001858741 -0.0006420585 -0.003058667 0.020768203 -0.006709123 0.026038721 0.0019502885 -0.00012884082 0.0024358172 0.0018342193 -0.019800413 0.005035112 -0.013823671 0.010730674 -0.0028657634 -0.025934096 0.00010840612 -0.64951634 -0.01808717 0.027176525 -0.0213698 0.020362778 0.012437381 -0.008683933 -0.017158614 0.013522872 0.029007476 -0.008520456 -0.0028216245 0.0043648537 -0.016635487 -0.021225939 -0.019486537 0.009030506 -0.029007476 0.013202456 0.005692292 -0.015236118 0.020218916 -0.022808403 0.011410741 0.007199556 -0.0051855114 -0.0002521643 -0.0015121683 -0.0038057598 0.00084190996 0.007068774 0.013745202 0.005554971 -0.017171694 0.04624456 -0.016112357 0.010083302 0.01646547 0.008500839 0.020179681 -0.029399822 -0.04187644 0.01017485 0.01163307 -0.031492338 0.022743013 -0.012025417 0.017524805 -0.008546612 -0.0023508088 0.009305148 0.020101214 -0.008598925 -0.0051626246 0.014490659 -0.003688056 0.029766012 -0.012267363 -0.008206579 -0.0039332723 -0.0062088817 0.009789042 -0.033924885 0.0009277357 0.0019290363 0.028458191 -0.016596252 -0.019421145 -0.027908906 -0.015903106 0.010776447 0.011168794 -0.017224006 -0.0050776163 -0.010187928 0.039391577 0.027725812 -0.010743752 -0.0144514255 -0.002869033 0.0007233886 -0.0052280156 -0.0153669 -0.032224715 0.015693855 -0.0400978 0.006006169 -0.01662241 -0.000342077 -0.010776447 -0.014843771 0.017380945 0.0028003724 -0.041745655 0.008788559 0.005590936 0.013941375 -0.009906746 -0.007238791 -0.0016625678 -0.004544679 -0.001065057 0.02129133 -0.006493333 -0.0011083785 -0.001917593 0.0066404627 0.022272196 0.033611007 -0.026509538 -0.01192733 -0.0005378415 0.008128109 0.0016870894 0.024063911 -0.03395104 0.0063625504 -0.00078918843 -0.00009016815 -0.056759443 0.020742046 -0.0037207515 -0.004933756 -0.014216017 0.019238051 0.021082079 -0.021775225 0.0011917521 -0.013745202 -0.020101214 -0.0035507348 -0.015641542 -0.018911095 -0.011881556 0.0026728597 0.03183237 -0.009769425 -0.019721946 -0.03204162 -0.0070883916 -0.014019844 -0.0136274975 0.018701844 0.019839648 -0.009344383 -0.007193017 -0.010109458 -0.0029246153 -0.0015563073 -0.018113324 0.00973019 0.004953373 -0.010142154 0.027830437 0.006885679 -0.0066764276 -0.013274386 -0.000022618668 -0.0061206035 -0.022546839 -0.0055386233 0.02853666 0.00033022487 0.016727034 -0.009867512 -0.038423788 -0.007840388 0.019068034 -0.03314019 -0.030576862 0.0022151223 -0.009377078 0.0012130042 0.028432034 -0.022481447 0.0030423193 -0.0063396636 -0.0036978647 0.0053816848 -0.015262274 -0.014699911 -0.009187444 0.009233219 0.026169503 0.04404742 0.013875984 0.013280925 0.016661644 -0.0051201205 0.032957096 0.022769168 0.009939441 -0.023815425 -0.0050612683 -0.0033398487 0.0107633695 0.01558923 -0.010580274 -0.0031044409 0.02291303 0.016936285 0.010403718 0.017747134 -0.006176186 0.0065031415 -0.037403688 0.016125437 -0.017106302 -0.013104369 0.018701844 -0.017982543 -0.023096124 0.011816165 -0.022141414 -0.0032728228 0.023815425 0.012868961 0.020676654 -0.0023753303 0.015837716 0.008481221 0.012012338 -0.005479771 0.016596252 0.007559207 0.042556506 0.024495492 0.0098413555 -0.016962443 -0.04595684 0.004472749 0.032093935 0.019094191 -0.0022200267 0.020872828 0.007003383 -0.024482414 -0.004528331 0.00036884646 0.015131492 0.011090324 0.010547578 -0.004923947 -0.008932419 0.007768458 0.0054699625 0.027124213 0.0071472432 0.004188298 0.03308788 -0.006872601 -0.007886162 -0.027019588 0.0022347397 -0.014896085 -0.012116964 -0.009305148 0.013215534 0.032564748 0.010377562 0.0044138967 0.024848605 -0.010011372 -0.015693855 0.014582207 -0.016269296 0.0046166093 -0.02144827 0.017224006 0.009723651 -0.038816135 -0.008775481 -0.00212194 -0.0147391455 0.013797514 0.0038973074 0.017864838 0.010227162 0.017890995 0.014948397 -0.013215534 -0.024691666 0.0021480964 0.001705072 0.0042209933 -0.01808717 -0.0021562704 0.007186478 -0.0144514255 -0.020794358 0.0021971397 -0.015759246 -0.01316976 0.00027443812 -0.01997043 -0.0068922183 0.012685866 -0.014111391 0.0136274975 -0.026914962 0.018374888 -0.002408026 -0.026208738 -0.022586074 0.010338327 0.014189861 -0.017747134 -0.010822221 0.021605207 -0.028484348 0.0019453842 -0.016570095 0.003043954 -0.013215534 -0.005463423 0.003782873 -0.018636454 0.018061012 0.0124504585 0.03876382 0.017276319 -0.019578084 -0.0019568277 0.00555824 0.09264606 0.002202044 -0.024966309 0.017224006 0.004858556 -0.0034003353 -0.0048977905 -0.0076965285 0.018963408 -0.015157648 0.0029082675 0.024456259 0.0038973074 0.008154266 0.016007733 0.028981319 0.010482187 -0.005574588 -0.0023589826 -0.020650499 -0.009540556 0.010854917 0.011508827 0.011351889 0.034291074 0.025711766 0.015720012 0.023174593 -0.013431325 -0.015039945 -0.0038253772 0.020912062 0.009684416 0.018505672 -0.007068774 0.020964375 -0.0032254143 0.02246837 -0.012188895 -0.017825603 0.011705001 0.008906263 0.00871009 -0.016452393 0.00534245 -0.03609587 0.019303443 0.020205839 -0.016818581 -0.01594234 0.003168197 0.0030128933 -0.011829243 -0.004397549 0.0060977167 -0.005355528 -0.0015138031 0.004816052 -0.0069118356 0.0068137487 -0.0016118897 -0.016583174 0.015013788 0.000050882423 0.011508827 -0.02824894 -0.0022854176 0.020441247 -0.02291303 0.0027398856 0.008461604 -0.030995365 -0.053986862 -0.006754897 0.010207545 0.020977454 0.012777414 -0.006885679 -0.010214084 0.017537883 -0.015393057 -0.0380576 -0.023383845 -0.008899724 -0.016164672 -0.0002603382 -0.016230062 0.0012759431 0.0011337176 -0.0008721533 0.02671879 -0.005479771 0.03423876 0.017001677 0.016060045 0.026182583 -0.0034526482 0.021853693 -0.0031142493 -0.013084752 0.0063036988 -0.016060045 -0.019957352 -0.029399822 -0.0025927557 0.0014999076 -0.0010936656 0.014542973 0.016766269 0.0062546553 0.016753191 -0.011057629 0.0317539 -0.008428908 0.015262274 0.012797032 0.019499615 0.009233219 0.015484604 -0.011521906 0.0035474652 -0.02560714 0.034421857 0.011430358 -0.015288431 0.0002552295 0.023396922 -0.006898757 -0.01764251 0.0029752934 -0.005466693 0.032878626 -0.010403718 -0.034134135 -0.046061467 -0.02670571 -0.015039945 -0.0018620106 0.004721235 -0.00026769468 0.0037142124 -0.0016413158 -0.006653541 -0.013163221 0.014647598 -0.036671307 -0.0082523525 0.017380945 -0.00018769279 0.021265173 -0.012201972 0.013666732 -0.026404912 -0.024743978 0.013431325 -0.021186706 0.0006265281 -0.006336394 0.05087425 0.027987376 0.023985442 -0.008435448 0.014085235 0.02414238 0.0006375629 -0.013915218 0.021095157 0.012286981 -0.027019588 0.030132202 0.008200039 -0.009762886 -0.0018129672 0.01184886 0.017524805 0.029922951 0.015536916 -0.02334461 -0.0121954335 -0.04705541 -0.019198816 0.038423788 0.00027464246 0.045930684 -0.011901174 0.018126402 0.042687286 0.020310465 -0.0002756642 0.008585847 0.022049867 -0.0064344807 0.008657777 -0.007846927 0.01866261 -0.02824894 0.0075722854 -0.013189377 0.0030782844 0.00497626 0.011057629 0.020689733 0.0031093452 0.0017508457 -0.037508313 0.012633554 -0.021709833 0.014699911 -0.0068660616 -0.024900917 -0.009684416 -0.019630397 -0.012097347 -0.0036913257 0.007618059 0.0067222016 -0.004018281 0.011011855 -0.018217951 -0.003916925 0.010344867 -0.015236118 0.019852728 -0.018728001 0.034500327 0.014712989 0.0069772266 -0.00607156 -0.013065134 0.0062154206 -0.0051724333 0.03591277 0.0001282278 0.0048323995 -0.0032597445 -0.004260228 0.0010732309 -0.009847894 -0.010933386 0.010612969 -0.018845705 0.00797771 -0.018898018 -0.00043852883 -0.0337941 0.052574415 -0.0017475762 0.006944531 -0.014464503 -0.002494669 -0.0039496203 0.015393057 0.0021938703 0.03387257 -0.01938191 0.03015836 -0.0032679185 0.00081534486 -0.018531827 0.0061075254 0.0270719 0.014320643 -0.029504448 0.014582207 0.004596992 0.0070949304 0.0115284445 0.0068922183 -0.003285901 0.035389643 -0.018191794 -0.01602081 0.016073124 -0.022102179 0.0147391455 -0.005963665 -0.0076442156 -0.014137548 -0.009278992 -0.024966309 0.027438091 0.009592869 -0.01258778 -0.0060977167 -0.0027480596 -0.013640576 -0.0069772266 -0.006709123 0.01412447 -0.009592869 -0.00907628 -0.010639126 0.0019617318 0.00065023237 0.023148436 0.0022053136 -0.019159582 -0.003841725 -0.010057146 0.017380945 -0.00061794557 0.007075313 -0.023292297 0.0074480423 -0.01500071 -0.027385777 0.011351889 -0.029687542 0.004286384 -0.019251129 0.010292553 0.03374179 0.012908196 0.0062677334 0.024103146 -0.000757719 0.010357944 -0.00768345 -0.031780057 -0.0074480423 -0.028588973 -0.0003498422 0.013084752 0.00995252 -0.012731641 -0.019591162 0.013967532 -0.0006980496 -0.048703264 -0.017145537 -0.018335653 0.01184886 -0.0013094561 0.012090808 0.010678361 -0.013235152 -0.015706934 0.0041556023 -0.004793165 -0.022651464 0.0074088075 0.0031747362 0.018139482 0.016164672 -0.025580984 0.0153669 -0.01719785 -0.029609073 -0.042033374 0.004207915 -0.019800413 0.042111844 0.011888095 -0.023056889 -0.009370539 0.0047016176 -0.04287038 -0.0053620674 0.0016494896 0.005136468 0.028667443 0.0023311914 -0.012653171 0.025803315 -0.004923947 0.004894521 -0.017707901 0.01097916 0.0067941314 0.0045904526 -0.0075919027 0.0039790464 -0.018898018 -0.0013772993 0.032093935 -0.013875984 -0.042216472 0.014399112 0.014150626 0.0075461287 0.013137065 0.00490433 0.031309243 -0.011384584 0.023750035 -0.02180138 0.00995252 -0.007794615 -0.014163705 0.0035311175 -0.00827197 0.02525403 0.0046427655 -0.013705967 -0.016387 -0.005519006 -0.004185028 0.011606914 -0.0034624569 0.0059832823 0.0071603213 0.022729933 -0.018191794 -0.0009007619 -0.042216472 -0.0073564947 0.01288204 0.0070949304 0.01917266 -0.040359363 -0.0005791196 0.006009439 0.024063911 -0.010299092 0.010743752 -0.026653398 0.004632957 0.004256958 -0.0050089555 0.009213601 -0.0071799387 -0.008317743 -0.010658744 -0.01653086 -0.026391834 -0.035755835 0.021095157 -0.023043811 0.00058851956 0.017184772 -0.0000036814404 -0.009867512 -0.0035703522 0.034448013 -0.0045348704 -0.020755123 0.17849144 -0.017263241 -0.006336394 0.00548958 -0.00026932944 0.0082523525 0.020990532 0.0067941314 0.0033185964 0.0012832996 0.0072191735 0.0016642025 -0.04462286 -0.0038580727 -0.0009972138 -0.03196315 -0.003988855 -0.034369543 0.012548545 0.0006056847 0.006140221 0.013810593 -0.0054013017 -0.014987632 0.020009665 0.012077729 -0.002479956 -0.0043713925 0.014189861 0.0015473161 -0.015890028 0.01477838 0.0055353534 0.0013674906 -0.018204872 0.003205797 0.00855969 0.018636454 0.015628465 -0.009566713 0.009566713 0.00003964333 0.007768458 -0.009802121 0.007506894 0.02686265 -0.0068399054 -0.0039398116 0.013038978 0.020035822 -0.028798224 -0.016387 0.025515594 0.0044008186 -0.0010397179 -0.0043746624 0.024194693 0.015968498 0.015419213 0.030838426 -0.013038978 0.014974554 -0.0015301509 0.04647997 0.018636454 0.007860006 0.00032368576 0.010586813 0.0048847124 0.008755864 -0.0092070615 -0.016779346 -0.016426235 0.0034886133 -0.012934352 -0.006029056 0.04961874 0.020742046 0.0079973275 0.012940892 -0.009030506 -0.02267762 0.0035768913 0.0064508286 -0.021500582 -0.03418645 0.03007989 -0.022926107 0.0020254883 -0.0127054835 -0.0053489893 -0.035258863 -0.023606174 -0.016805504 0.016557017 -0.0024439911 0.011011855 0.02576408 -0.011430358 -0.0022788786 -0.025031699 0.028039688 0.026771102 0.024743978 0.01375828 0.013705967 0.010070224 0.0063265855 0.013928297 0.0017279589 -0.0029213459 -0.02832741 0.005473232 -0.0010863091 0.0039103855 0.023920052 -0.015863873 -0.021069001 0.035180394 -0.017668666 -0.015262274 -0.01829642 -0.0036978647 0.016596252 0.007559207 -0.029975263 -0.0013470559 0.013274386 -0.003218875 -0.019499615 0.016818581 -0.025515594 0.004273306 0.007860006 0.0049435645 -0.005695562 0.0013143604 -0.017433258 -0.0048029735 0.015013788 -0.0151838055 -0.022442212 0.01654394 0.010089841 -0.014059079 0.029766012 0.0002535947 0.0297137 -0.02524095 -0.00042258974 0.010907229 -0.00028036418 0.0035768913 -0.0011091959 0.010913769 -0.0007213452 -0.03468342 -0.04090865 -0.010782987 -0.0060127084 -0.023292297 0.024796292 0.017799448 0.0043190797 -0.0051855114 -0.031544648 -0.16300684 0.013588263 0.018728001 -0.023985442 0.041431777 0.018505672 0.025201716 0.0154715255 0.0017312284 -0.008167344 0.01214966 -0.018061012 -0.028719755 0.001572655 0.008219657 -0.008598925 0.006519489 0.027621185 0.024547806 0.004662383 0.0032172403 -0.013849827 0.004989338 0.008775481 0.011652688 0.008311205 -0.003050493 -0.01711938 0.01595542 -0.021173626 0.0036717083 -0.013150143 0.038973074 -0.004953373 0.033532538 0.004727774 -0.014948397 -0.012568163 -0.046218403 -0.00965826 0.009900207 0.045119833 0.010364484 -0.0031191537 -0.0034788046 -0.0010699612 0.0032989793 -0.028353566 0.0027529637 -0.013875984 0.009501321 -0.015262274 -0.028850537 0.0021742529 0.031727746 -0.0013495081 0.009978676 0.014229096 0.006983766 -0.0349973 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-0.016766269 -0.014320643 -0.028876694 0.006872601 -0.004175219 -0.020820515 0.043942794 0.020035822 -0.009246296 0.00622196 0.02084667 -0.009919824 0.026548771 -0.019002642 0.008435448 0.0048454776 -0.012836266 0.006019247 -0.03402951 0.016360844 -0.0047604693 0.0015881854 0.010985699 -0.004675461 -0.029478291 0.015170727 0.014059079 -0.0020140447 0.018571062 0.03630512 -0.0015432291 -0.026247973 0.008899724 -0.041039433 0.03719444 -0.01742018 -0.02633952 -0.02817047 0.021055922 -0.023056889 0.01192733 0.016439313 -0.026064878 0.0010331788 -0.023396922 0.018623374 -0.023841582 -0.008317743 0.0013911949 -0.0006024152 0.0017704631 0.022337588 -0.014477582 -0.032015465 -0.021082079 -0.021317488 -0.017014755 0.017302476 -0.0012285346 -0.0045773746 0.017629432 -0.04302732 -0.025267107 -0.0020843402 -0.00049901556 -0.001616794 0.01082876 -0.028745912 -0.003423222 0.015275353 -0.032774 0.0114957495 0.0038874988 -0.013418246 -0.0033937963 0.010292553 -0.02817047 -0.005394763 0.034500327 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0.010521422 -0.00042136366 -0.007912319 0.00094244874 0.020140449 -0.0024423562 0.028013531 -0.003504961 0.012777414 -0.0062154206 -0.01764251 0.018270263 0.005041651 -0.0007622146 0.007487277 -0.00804964 0.032250874 0.0025159211 -0.015406135 0.010874534 0.01662241 -0.021474425 0.01888494 0.0069183744 -0.0049402947 -0.002757868 0.023449235 0.0054928493 -0.024861682 -0.014281409 0.007899241 0.03460495 0.0040869415 -0.0015628465 0.02320075 -0.012627015 -0.014189861 0.01609928 -0.02195832 -0.007676911 0.00314531 0.014909162 0.0003684378 0.0071603213 -0.004770278 -0.019290363 -0.007193017 0.0028494156 -0.00088277936 -0.036566682 -0.007068774 0.0066764276 -0.004953373 -0.017367866 0.021199783 -0.01353595 0.017825603 0.025659453 0.028379722 -0.017001677 0.0070883916 -0.0034461091 0.022586074 0.0016184289 -0.0021906006 -0.013875984 0.0061140647 -0.049880303 -0.0020303926 0.010547578 -0.02180138 0.047186192 0.02670571 -0.002166079 -0.0071603213 -0.008867028 0.018453358 -0.020807436 0.00658815 -0.008409291 -0.024325475 0.026404912 -0.012300059 0.003900577 -0.03366332 -0.019054957 0.02715037 -0.016844738 0.060892157 0.011103403 -0.023906972 0.02715037 -0.009880589 0.007729224 0.016373923 -0.015432291 -0.004747391 0.029739857 -0.009449009 0.010939925 -0.039365422 -0.0055386233 0.018701844 -0.0614676 0.005424189 -0.015759246 -0.0012318041 -0.012934352 -0.005590936 -0.006931453 0.018845705 -0.0029360587 0.021042844 -0.012130043 -0.032643218 -0.0082850475 0.009775965 -0.017158614 -0.013418246 -0.0121954335
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-0.0037569595 0.0030902962 -0.016683001 -0.003497519 0.008768428 0.012354616 -0.0040032635 -0.010712589 0.0031822496 0.0047717327 0.0056715636 -0.0059999693 0.038147587 -0.021083636 0.007290603 -0.018824205 0.009648555 0.00021141107 0.0019917795 -0.000120381155 -0.016669866 -0.0036814262 -0.0085516805 -0.0011428513 -0.0016141132 0.014305346 0.0021691185 -0.0072314898 -0.025615633 0.008709315 0.013963804 -0.0134908995 -0.00962885 0.018719116 0.013687943 -0.019940784 -0.020492505 0.021490859 -0.0042167273 -0.021490859 -0.017129634 -0.007881733 0.016696138 -0.009339853 -0.021490859 -0.007776643 -0.0037011304 -0.012072188 -0.013287288 0.014502388 -0.007481078 -0.03171084 0.013254448 0.01881107 -0.016420277 -0.0111066755 0.0036912782 -0.006453169 -0.003136273 0.0034876668 0.023211703 0.013162494 0.026745347 -0.0040656608 0.028216604 0.023658335 0.010318502 -0.02322484 -0.0010837383 -0.020847185 0.0076649855 -0.020637004 0.00844659 -0.020006465 0.028006425 -0.007953982 -0.0024794617 0.0027684588 -0.0008973681 0.0068505397 -0.012866929 -0.0075073508 -0.004627234 0.02124127 -0.010279093 0.007244626 0.005155967 0.00889979 -0.016709274 -0.017668217 0.010660044 -0.012630477 -0.004151046 0.010449864 0.00044540002 -0.017549992 -0.0010968745 -0.014935884 -0.0061904443 -0.025011366 0.006929357 -0.009136242 -0.013477763 -0.020637004 -0.0049720597 -0.0109162005 -0.019888239 -0.0042594196 -0.0026403805 0.0018949 -0.01387185 0.015040974 0.004505724 -0.0034022813 -0.008111617 0.0069030845 -0.021779856 -0.01923143 -0.007816052 0.012781544 -0.020413687 -0.0008296345 -0.006594383 -0.020610731 -0.0042495676 -0.016958863 0.017142769 -0.010357911 0.007645281 0.010246253 -0.0077306665 0.015592695 -0.0045122923 0.0069162208 0.002374372 0.021293815 -0.0032627091 -0.006981902 -0.0046929154 -0.006538554 -0.018587753 -0.010344774 0.04794721 -0.0075598955 -0.0009926057 0.014541797 -0.017090224 0.014870203 -0.0034712465 0.030843848 -0.024630416 -0.002604256 -0.0037011304 0.003924446 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-0.0005275014 -0.009687964 0.0019770013 -0.015724057 -0.0040853648 0.023566382 0.00027196083 -0.018456392 0.00041440674 0.0007060719 -0.0049457876 -0.028978504 -0.009175651 -0.013504036 -0.0003801294 -0.008748723 -0.017786443 -0.0109162005 -0.0046436545 0.018141123 0.023842242 -0.0037503913 0.020216646 -0.010226549 -0.015789738 -0.014134575 0.0057175406 0.012131301 -0.027139435 -0.018574618 0.032420196 0.012617341 -0.033077005 -0.0016559849 -0.010233116 -0.0124991145 0.025773266 0.0010188782 -0.020242918 -0.016564775 0.008006527 -0.006758586 -0.013937531 0.015973646 0.0070410147 0.031789657 0.006042662 -0.027191978 -0.028216604 0.027191978 0.13493527 0.005103422 -0.018377574 0.024919413 -0.0007820157 -0.0136616705 -0.016643593 -0.034127902 0.017037679 -0.006752018 0.053359333 0.0004503261 0.022187078 -0.006627224 0.0012249526 0.0005747097 0.0038259246 -0.006036094 -0.014699432 -0.017865261 0.002183897 0.007284035 -0.0011206839 0.014213392 0.0006986828 0.020847185 0.0303184 0.04237745 0.012242959 -0.009976961 -0.016499095 0.0002690873 0.0077306665 0.025024502 -0.008788132 0.010797974 0.010830815 0.026692802 0.022817617 0.0061346153 0.027297068 0.022384122 0.015277426 -0.025812676 -0.00862393 -0.014331617 -0.010850519 0.012065619 0.01651223 -0.015408788 0.0087618595 0.011421945 -0.027717428 -0.0014975292 0.017024543 -0.007908005 -0.009957256 -0.0184958 -0.02670594 0.009990096 -0.013398946 -0.026508896 0.01860089 -0.01762881 0.011270878 -0.021123044 -0.004804573 -0.011802895 -0.0070869913 -0.010870223 0.015316835 -0.010101754 -0.026443213 -0.021530267 0.030922666 -0.0014014706 0.0029425137 0.018022897 -0.00627583 0.0017060668 0.009957256 -0.047264125 -0.00392773 -0.021582812 -0.0014392373 0.019875104 -0.011986802 0.010068914 -0.018653434 0.02037428 0.004860402 0.0007816052 0.014778249 -0.015329971 0.024748642 0.0150541095 0.0067388816 0.014082029 0.036702603 -0.021359496 -0.022436667 -0.008190434 -0.023842242 -0.034679625 -0.011290583 0.019375928 0.0012528672 0.010259389 -0.011940826 -0.021543404 0.026495758 -0.017352948 0.0034581104 0.033838905 -0.0073234434 0.022502348 -0.0052577727 0.02315916 0.007901438 -0.009996665 -0.011848872 -0.026522031 0.021517131 0.02468296 -0.03021331 -0.011441649 0.015763465 -0.026272444 -0.0029096731 0.005681416 -0.014594343 0.033655 0.0049622077 -0.027612338 -0.018482665 -0.007645281 0.010692884 -0.016091872 0.0024827458 -0.010719157 -0.0041083535 -0.018246211 0.012275799 -0.022830753 0.0480523 -0.03376009 -0.012866929 0.015461333 0.018889887 0.026101673 0.0018916159 0.008814405 -0.02193749 -0.011205197 0.020873455 -0.039093394 0.023408746 -0.01762881 0.012223254 0.016157553 0.019914512 -0.0043152487 0.007586168 0.016039327 0.022883298 0.0003029541 -0.0038062201 0.0037898 -0.0075270548 0.03998666 -0.015632104 0.0070213103 0.00009113254 0.0030985062 0.007356284 0.039434936 -0.0015804516 -0.0001762101 -0.019073794 -0.036571242 -0.028111514 0.0006100133 -0.021359496 0.02721825 -0.027139435 0.0042167273 -0.003960571 -0.005875175 0.0066567804 -0.0062594097 0.04324444 -0.017576264 0.022436667 -0.02012469 -0.009366126 -0.0101345945 -0.01126431 -0.032315105 0.006696189 -0.005024605 0.0020361145 0.025917765 -0.021714175 0.018640298 0.004919515 -0.001063213 -0.023894787 -0.023934195 -0.0013070541 -0.009576306 0.006101775 -0.023868514 -0.0150541095 -0.022922706 0.011067267 -0.004082081 -0.0017668218 0.010036074 -0.022935843 -0.027402159 0.019770013 -0.022607438 0.019152611 0.008814405 0.03344482 0.022502348 0.000034072076 -0.0076649855 0.003497519 0.016420277 0.0041116374 0.031763382 0.02882087 0.0069687655 -0.00017590221 0.013517172 -0.008190434 -0.017825853 -0.024814323 0.021425178 -0.01891616 -0.008453159 -0.006298818 -0.0028686223 -0.018219939 0.030817576 0.007934278 0.012466274 -0.023251113 -0.020413687 -0.01957297 0.003376009 0.004863686 0.015369379 -0.0074219652 -0.011251174 -0.011349696 -0.021990035 0.022948978 0.028689507 0.017221587 0.01961238 -0.008564817 0.008387477 0.019638652 -0.0064203283 -0.009405535 -0.0045352806 0.016906317 0.025996583 -0.013195335 -0.0026518747 -0.003444974 -0.004331669 -0.003325106 -0.030370945 -0.0022282316 -0.021057364 -0.020663276 -0.021687903 0.0362297 0.020531915 -0.004223295 0.020584458 0.006151036 -0.0087421555 0.002908031 0.0009548391 0.009589442 -0.027297068 -0.018797932 0.005001616 0.017182177 -0.0087224515 -0.024275737 0.004909663 0.0007327549 0.008807837 -0.013648534 0.015986782 0.002311975 0.007060719 -0.030265855 0.019638652 -0.011080403 0.0024367692 0.007533623 -0.00889979 -0.009550033 0.0059507084 0.026403805 0.018850477 0.0055237813 0.009267604 0.00045853623 0.023369338 0.007638713 -0.0024712516 -0.008597657 -0.0018144406 0.004157614 -0.012781544 -0.011356263 -0.009609146 -0.013444923 -0.017878398 0.017825853 -0.004088649 -0.03373382 -0.008715883 -0.0035829043 0.012242959 -0.009096834 -0.007651849 -0.0024203488 -0.004394066 -0.010843951 0.018784797 0.0047356077 -0.0055369176 0.028925959 0.024525326 0.01894243 -0.0045878254 0.0028029412 -0.012466274 -0.017615674 -0.01456807 -0.024236329 -0.00578979 -0.023960467 0.047237854 0.00067282084 -0.021806128 -0.031027755 -0.0073168753 -0.029530225 -0.032551557 0.00036658268 0.003914594 0.0136616705 0.013208471 -0.0044728834 0.008006527 -0.0052676247 0.007901438 -0.005582894 0.004630518 -0.005559906 0.00080664613 0.011389104 -0.0037175508 -0.015421924 -0.011553307 0.022449803 -0.005323454 0.0043546576 0.015999919 -0.0024942402 0.008091913 0.011408809 0.007224922 0.027717428 0.01672241 0.013595989 -0.05044309 -0.0063940557 0.012157573 -0.009865303 -0.02204258 -0.0059507084 0.020531915 -0.002254504 0.0031510512 0.017773308 -0.00029228092 0.00043021125 -0.005615735 0.023632063 -0.012663318 0.012196981 0.024696097 0.0426139 -0.01651223 -0.004968776 0.010009801 0.025129592 -0.011244605 0.012137868 -0.03475844 0.029950585 0.007573032 -0.0009080413 -0.03473217 0.009694532 -0.0008538544 -0.006469589 0.010213412 0.0014531945 0.02037428 -0.0058850273 0.023645198 -0.023973605 -0.0010303723 -0.018167395 -0.032682918 -0.009641986 -0.016262643 -0.028794598 0.007704394 0.016499095 -0.018246211 -0.014896476 0.021109909 0.00070237735 0.00088751595 0.217746 0.0051296945 0.0043480895 0.0105155455 0.015579559 -0.0036879943 0.026324987 0.0066830525 0.021044226 0.01737922 -0.03449572 -0.0016206814 -0.019914512 -0.0007594378 -0.00009888085 -0.029871767 -0.037806045 -0.01585542 -0.016210098 -0.0009901427 -0.0036387334 0.011329991 0.00862393 -0.019283973 0.021714175 0.030292127 -0.0073694205 0.0105155455 0.015999919 0.000005176236 0.0001911936 0.00013259373 0.011336559 -0.013162494 -0.00519866 -0.0003440048 0.000084564424 -0.014778249 0.021438314 0.010174003 0.041668095 0.017970352 -0.0009811115 -0.018127985 0.021123044 0.022581166 -0.029188685 -0.009694532 -0.008794701 0.036676332 -0.012696158 -0.00921506 0.03486353 0.008006527 -0.012085324 0.0052282163 0.010857088 0.0058915955 -0.027244523 0.025090184 -0.0008817689 0.043612257 -0.005750381 0.036308516 0.017221587 0.008256115 0.0032873394 0.0065976675 0.0020525346 -0.010508977 -0.0008834109 -0.0071395366 0.00008261452 0.016118145 -0.009911279 -0.028899688 0.022870163 0.01554015 0.03021331 0.035546616 -0.010022937 0.0071264002 -0.010101754 -0.01164526 -0.025930902 -0.01936279 0.017865261 -0.0066239396 -0.02639067 -0.0073759886 0.014935884 -0.018824205 -0.028347965 -0.01585542 -0.0073956926 0.0018407131 0.0044203387 0.010568091 -0.0073825563 0.0124794105 -0.038016226 0.026022855 0.038410313 0.022948978 0.006637076 -0.012223254 0.0054252595 0.030160764 0.028374238 -0.01575033 -0.0044170544 -0.02635126 0.019165747 -0.003671574 -0.008518839 0.018141123 0.012013075 -0.001719203 0.0328931 0.0026256023 -0.019940784 -0.011848872 0.013845578 0.014738841 0.00509357 -0.019126339 -0.014725705 0.012137868 -0.009405535 -0.011362832 0.017129634 0.005766801 0.0029277354 -0.024183784 -0.0062134326 0.0073365797 0.0077963476 -0.017747035 -0.016302051 0.0112971505 -0.010843951 -0.016564775 0.015448197 -0.004252852 0.013228175 -0.0026239604 0.0065582586 -0.026587712 -0.0062791137 -0.0050147525 -0.0022659982 0.0024252748 -0.00510999 -0.025471134 -0.008052504 -0.015395652 -0.019389063 -0.03525762 -0.02231844 -0.0008973681 -0.02628558 0.02472237 0.021451449 -0.002796373 0.0047815847 -0.023947332 -0.16614693 0.028794598 0.020715822 -0.009976961 0.030791303 -0.017024543 0.009024585 0.010751997 -0.008072209 -0.0042988285 -0.009228196 -0.008978607 0.0031937438 -0.031054027 0.0050114687 -0.010141163 -0.0060098213 0.015658377 0.04140537 0.013004859 0.014200255 -0.0058587547 0.015093518 0.030160764 -0.0055894624 0.016341459 0.012683022 0.0053431583 -0.011816031 -0.030134492 -0.014160847 -0.0046502226 0.042062182 0.024866868 0.0037503913 -0.0056847 -0.0041674664 -0.009300445 -0.02409183 0.018850477 0.054909408 0.02128068 -0.0038916057 0.009326717 -0.011185492 0.003802936 0.011540171 0.0011198629 0.008426886 -0.01105413 0.015724057 -0.008203571 -0.005402271 0.0040656608 -0.00027360287 -0.012814384 0.014239664 0.019717468 -0.0103250705 0.0035270755 -0.025405452 -0.021950627 0.019507289 -0.0017750319 -0.04860402 -0.038646765 0.011618988 -0.0022889867 -0.048315022 0.009011448 0.0036387334 0.0065484066 0.0027077037 -0.0064170444 -0.0070738555 -0.010410456 -0.027927607 0.010482705 0.0010410455 0.031132845 0.0077503705 0.019533562 -0.0070344466 0.0061444677 -0.0035927566 0.0050640134 0.02673221 0.011500762 -0.017063951 -0.018797932 -0.0013981865 -0.0026912834 -0.028952232 -0.014147711 0.0074942145 -0.0025681313 0.009431807 0.003022973 0.001958939 -0.008637066 -0.0036157449 -0.015106655 -0.017825853 0.009018016 0.02958277 0.013320128 0.008229842 0.0136616705 0.021333223 -0.005628871 -0.013543445 0.016735546 0.030843848 0.026259307 -0.0015205176 0.017116496 0.008183866 -0.005205228 0.028032698 -0.0014039337 0.031684566 0.01568465 -0.008676474 0.0072117858 -0.0003185534 0.00055664737 -0.12736881 -0.02565504 0.0066896207 0.02903105 0.027927607 0.032604102 -0.0014154279 0.00039162362 -0.03160575 0.041221462 -0.026863573 -0.012676454 0.007940846 -0.011198629 0.0006539375 -0.044400427 0.021792991 -0.030344673 -0.027507247 0.033497363 0.005274193 -0.0029589338 -0.015067246 0.0022233054 -0.040459562 0.003793084 -0.029530225 -0.0061937287 0.0016042611 -0.010265958 -0.0015861988 -0.013392378 0.018141123 -0.031553205 0.004026252 -0.004157614 -0.02134636 -0.02371088 0.017103361 -0.0018981841 -0.0041247737 0.019021248 0.014121438 -0.02210826 0.0071329684 -0.0054843724 -0.025825812 0.026377533 0.00019088572 -0.015382515 -0.053044062 0.008755292 -0.033917725 -0.0031806077 0.017458038 -0.023382474 -0.008610793 0.002558279 0.008702747 0.0015615684 -0.0027750267 0.010568091 -0.025300363 0.0053070337 0.008433455 -0.012571364 -0.0032167323 -0.023106614 0.008164162 -0.02322484 -0.028636962 0.018338166 -0.019310245 0.004686347 -0.02248921 0.011743782 -0.013556581 -0.015500741 0.017681355 0.0028932528 -0.0044203387 -0.020571323 0.00060878176 -0.018705979 0.025852084 -0.0013111591 0.012958882 -0.0016272494 -0.014265937 -0.01314279 -0.016577912 0.0151592 0.027717428 -0.004561553 0.010968745 0.0029326614 0.0033152539 -0.020531915 0.02162222 0.011218334 -0.011901417 -0.0056617116 -0.01387185 0.026719075 0.012650182 0.0022922708 0.00061329734 -0.004443327 -0.001958939 0.0019441608 0.001009847 -0.008302092 -0.0235007 0.017602537 0.0020377564 -0.009418671 -0.021017954 -0.0037536754 0.014121438 0.0019852114 -0.0036650058 -0.008262684 -0.014883339 -0.0031297049 0.000339284 -0.0060065375 0.0047126194 -0.007894869 -0.016105007 -0.0070278784 0.0007951519 -0.023553245 0.029845495 -0.0074351016 0.024485918 0.0028111513 -0.000013931579 -0.041352827 0.009819326 0.034232993 -0.00024630415 0.04731667 -0.013701079 -0.02597031 0.013306992 -0.025339771 0.0057208245 -0.004269272 -0.039671388 -0.0036518697 0.014187119 0.008026231 0.030554852 0.02242353 -0.040932465 -0.012210118 -0.023526972 0.0056847 0.011770055 0.010009801 -0.0053497264 -0.027113162 0.031789657 -0.00403282 -0.00097372243 -0.03675515 0.0071001276 -0.0034154176 -0.0027093457 -0.010443296 -0.011527034 -0.0071001276 -0.005165819 -0.00032430046 0.025011366 0.031999838 0.015290562 -0.014673159 0.005018037 -0.011198629 -0.012131301 0.035231348 0.0030164048 0.016091872 -0.018614026 0.012045915 0.022883298 0.018351302 -0.010311934 0.00041707503 0.0038259246 0.008768428 0.010771702 0.007054151 -0.026088536 -0.024985094 0.019835694 0.003950719 -0.021267543 -0.000070709815 0.0009991738 0.012807816 0.01686691 -0.0128997695 0.005392419 -0.03709669 -0.0045352806 0.013057404 -0.028742053 -0.01800976 0.0066732005 0.0009154304 -0.01672241 0.006459737 0.014581206 -0.014318481 -0.02527409 0.000031121555 -0.0076846895 -0.04419025 -0.00889979 0.013300424 0.021674765 -0.008164162 0.008440022 -0.027060617 0.028558146 0.0201641 0.0043086805 -0.011829168 0.014384163 -0.0046929154 -0.011632124 0.0031231367 -0.013569717 -0.008052504 0.010036074 -0.028374238 -0.011224901 0.022095125 -0.005339874 0.054909408 0.0018702695 -0.0062692617 0.01234148 -0.00949092 0.014751977 0.0031609032 0.005871891 0.014226528 -0.016696138 0.02670594 -0.0064367484 0.013674807 -0.004614098 -0.0010180572 0.0029014628 -0.01279468 0.033287186 -0.0073628523 0.009451511 0.03549407 -0.0021444883 0.0032085222 0.014384163 0.0053004655 -0.013753624 -0.013096813 -0.007953982 -0.0033891452 -0.019218292 -0.0014285641 0.005763517 -0.024814323 -0.0039408663 0.0049326513 0.0052938974 -0.014055757 -0.013293856 -0.009589442 0.035966974 -0.0004066071 -0.0007249552 -0.014817658 -0.037359413 0.011467922 0.0076912576 -0.01564524 -0.014292209 -0.017917806
0.009574505 0.0016907749 0.024129586 -0.037983455 -0.034156274 -0.0042040003 -0.020158231 -0.024876673 -0.012477657 0.009895621 0.026947545 0.027366962 0.007850963 0.018952407 -0.0020823402 0.012949501 0.05515334 0.0048200195 0.00075241126 -0.022045609 -0.01878202 -0.012661152 0.008499748 -0.031954337 -0.0075429534 0.006353513 0.0055408925 0.003660069 -0.0031620113 -0.024719393 0.038507726 -0.011278386 0.007785429 -0.00896504 -0.012077901 -0.00031865865 0.010498533 -0.0033782732 -0.004777422 -0.017418914 0.01686843 0.007352905 -0.00869635 0.023212112 -0.0023346457 0.0075560603 0.00051689876 -0.017890759 -0.021049492 0.0010182331 0.027314534 0.0142995 -0.025794148 0.013237851 0.006749993 -0.012399016 0.024627645 0.019450465 0.012838094 -0.012824987 0.015112121 -0.013034695 -0.00060127367 0.027052399 0.0029506644 -0.00412536 -0.038429085 -0.009456543 0.012556298 -0.012962608 0.010347805 0.009908727 -0.0053803343 0.01360484 0.03507375 0.00011878022 -0.008532516 -0.0005529424 0.005363951 0.006933488 -0.0031931398 -0.009135428 -0.031718414 0.013814549 0.0032095234 -0.003994292 0.016816001 0.0038599474 -0.014994159 0.017549982 -0.013749015 0.0043023014 0.028572787 0.02187522 0.00941067 0.006556668 0.0048396797 -0.015112121 -0.013683481 -0.032006763 -0.015859207 0.016881537 -0.019070368 -0.012700472 -0.009436883 -0.021455804 0.0048200195 -0.025387838 0.010609941 -0.007955817 -0.0301456 0.024011625 -0.012215521 -0.0249291 -0.005835795 -0.020839784 0.007844409 -0.019135902 -0.011520862 -0.011298046 0.029280553 0.00827038 0.021626191 -0.01203858 -0.001568718 0.0023346457 -0.02949026 -0.00680242 -0.0010968739 -0.038402874 0.02011891 0.012995375 0.0010198716 0.0040762094 -0.008204846 -0.0042465976 0.0026180798 0.004059826 -0.0031603728 -0.02574172 0.012235181 0.022333957 -0.019974736 -0.015151441 0.00094205 0.0010256057 0.020184446 0.010491979 0.0014286393 -0.009535184 0.009083 0.010432999 0.010131543 0.01841503 -0.0050657713 0.035702877 0.018913087 0.0226092 0.0002322358 -0.011343921 0.005619533 -0.0056883437 0.008565282 0.0050854315 0.02110192 0.023107259 0.009010913 0.017156778 0.01768105 0.007182517 -0.020053377 0.035047535 -0.036332 0.010465766 0.009941495 0.01658008 -0.0006295352 0.0014876198 -0.0120058125 -0.008414554 -0.0073397984 0.015348042 0.014718917 0.023919879 -0.0065435614 -0.01462717 0.008145865 -0.0038894378 -0.004059826 -0.0008281848 -0.0032865258 0.014692703 0.00489866 -0.011953386 -0.6605818 -0.00073275104 0.020184446 -0.015610178 0.018139787 0.00040774382 0.0027573393 0.017746584 -0.009764553 0.03462812 0.0050428347 0.012759453 0.014312606 0.00080852467 -0.017864544 0.0003800967 0.023395607 -0.023500461 -0.020407261 0.01841503 0.008139312 0.046057235 -0.010275718 0.0089847 0.012634939 0.0036010884 -0.001931612 -0.019162117 0.010387125 0.01397183 0.019778134 0.012707026 0.0036207486 0.027812593 0.051876646 -0.026829584 -0.010911397 0.015662605 0.019948523 0.03586016 -0.036620352 -0.026554342 0.0055277855 0.0023395608 -0.025781041 -0.019869883 0.02199318 0.0013884997 0.0032128 -0.026790263 0.025414051 0.008014797 0.009482757 -0.0021413206 0.0100070285 -0.0057637077 0.010393678 -0.015125227 0.017130565 -0.007018682 -0.0026950822 0.028127156 -0.022084929 0.014810665 -0.022858229 0.03087958 -0.002863832 -0.014587849 -0.0338155 -0.028389292 -0.006576328 0.022910656 -0.019162117 -0.00526565 0.016422799 0.020066485 0.027838806 -0.004004122 -0.01287086 -0.010950717 -0.014810665 -0.0014409269 -0.016160663 0.003358613 0.046765 -0.008191739 -0.01779901 -0.00602912 0.005498295 -0.009233728 0.0055408925 0.018926194 0.001262347 -0.042413548 -0.012215521 0.011933725 0.005137859 0.0043973257 0.0011140765 -0.0019037601 -0.016357265 0.0017776074 0.017261632 0.019070368 0.019476678 -0.012844647 0.0014941732 -0.005062495 0.028834922 -0.0064747506 0.018362602 -0.017772797 -0.025047062 -0.008453875 0.0056260866 -0.028572787 0.026606768 0.00026029252 -0.009666252 -0.010708242 0.012982268 -0.0008953571 -0.0007008033 -0.022071822 0.013323044 0.008847078 0.013021588 0.010380572 0.007300478 -0.015216975 -0.019004835 -0.005114922 -0.008938826 -0.008788098 0.00011857542 0.011402901 -0.006094654 -0.018349495 -0.0063141924 -0.01886066 -0.0025443542 -0.02977861 0.0051673492 -0.0040434427 -0.0006385461 -0.021455804 -0.009921835 -0.011075231 -0.017248526 -0.023539782 0.017956292 -0.023028618 -0.041443646 0.02941162 -0.0039680786 -0.014928625 -0.022884442 -0.014666489 -0.019489786 -0.01356552 -0.012818433 0.018048039 -0.015177654 -0.006350236 -0.008761884 -0.013257511 0.008978146 0.021285415 -0.027235894 -0.020721823 -0.0026492085 0.0021609808 -0.029385407 0.03302909 -0.007451206 0.0100070285 -0.020184446 -0.008421108 0.01793008 -0.00012901989 -0.011016251 -0.019817455 -0.018139787 0.000056471803 0.03897957 -0.010609941 0.00939101 0.013958723 0.0049248734 0.0152431885 0.025361624 0.009259942 -0.017694157 -0.022949977 0.0050330046 0.006507518 -0.008034457 0.028048515 0.021888327 0.010085669 0.009030573 -0.029332979 0.008119652 -0.008191739 0.0065337312 -0.02334318 -0.0032963557 -0.031508707 -0.004295748 0.0034896808 -0.008460429 0.0008146684 0.012248288 -0.012942947 0.005213223 0.035414528 -0.006294532 0.025007742 -0.018847553 0.019201437 0.031298995 0.020302406 0.018323282 -0.013735908 0.0041417433 0.03166599 0.013827655 0.026082497 0.02004027 -0.015636392 -0.017812118 0.012916734 0.027629098 0.0024149248 -0.0027262107 -0.0059078825 0.011389794 -0.016619401 0.022884442 0.011429114 0.0051837326 -0.005793198 0.0024804587 -0.02672473 0.0026033346 -0.013696588 0.03625336 -0.007136643 -0.009030573 0.023552889 -0.02374949 -0.012110667 -0.041338794 -0.0077592153 -0.009181301 0.0019348888 -0.002278942 0.004318685 0.022215996 0.026331527 -0.006419047 0.018873766 -0.003928758 -0.004554607 -0.0047118883 -0.01658008 0.016606294 -0.047079563 0.013499986 0.011049017 -0.01393251 -0.007995137 -0.002934281 -0.03808831 0.0025279706 -0.019240757 -0.015203868 -0.0070448956 0.016475225 0.018388815 -0.008355574 -0.011769891 0.021023279 0.007988584 -0.001102608 -0.011881298 -0.009037127 -0.015872315 0.006569775 -0.022229103 -0.022714054 0.0069138277 -0.0014655021 -0.0069728084 -0.011658483 0.00083965325 0.03617472 -0.0052361595 -0.007857516 -0.01984367 -0.021324735 0.0059144357 -0.022386385 -0.03882229 0.023893666 0.024758711 -0.025151916 -0.022229103 -0.012510424 -0.014260179 0.00070203206 -0.013591734 -0.0054556984 -0.007896837 -0.0058259647 0.01087863 -0.014915518 0.020145126 0.033238802 0.0068941675 0.004390772 -0.012746346 0.009377903 0.013264064 0.111564934 -0.015230081 -0.011252173 0.027026186 -0.0074970797 -0.008434215 -0.0072414973 -0.024693178 0.037092194 0.007588827 0.02239949 -0.006854847 0.013375471 -0.0032701422 -0.008224506 0.0050952616 0.024391722 -0.012189308 -0.0014851623 0.007064556 -0.0007151388 -0.014587849 -0.009286156 0.024588324 0.0064649205 0.004702058 0.028127156 0.041731995 0.019489786 -0.016711148 -0.011225959 0.018991727 0.022412598 0.00825072 -0.0006201147 -0.0048396797 0.0044497526 0.031823266 0.016960178 -0.015308722 0.020263085 0.007470866 0.021862114 -0.017065031 0.003660069 -0.0152694015 -0.0030161983 0.021154348 0.007739555 -0.0057571544 0.015466004 0.006900721 -0.02293687 -0.014666489 0.028651427 0.0034634674 -0.00412536 -0.0120058125 -0.017825224 0.0012942948 -0.0031865865 -0.018677166 0.0024788203 0.0026148031 0.028572787 -0.011560182 -0.008604603 0.0053213537 -0.0041417433 0.01633105 0.0054655285 -0.01319853 -0.009653145 -0.01617377 0.010767221 0.01865095 0.011442221 0.019135902 -0.0021347671 -0.005940649 -0.00056359166 -0.025794148 -0.0037288796 -0.01625241 0.0035912585 0.022451919 0.008971592 -0.0071759634 -0.016619401 0.016409691 0.008525962 0.026370846 0.025649974 0.011841978 0.02720968 0.008408001 -0.0103346985 -0.006061887 0.0145092085 -0.009810427 0.019319398 0.000697117 -0.015662605 -0.031246569 -0.017038817 0.0055474457 0.009659699 0.0096007185 0.0031210526 -0.04403879 0.036882486 -0.020459687 0.0022445365 -0.0021134687 0.011225959 0.0137752285 0.022622306 0.037092194 0.025781041 -0.015334936 -0.031508707 -0.032321326 0.023500461 0.023500461 -0.020761143 -0.006579605 0.022438811 -0.0020807018 -0.0033111009 0.014587849 -0.0069269347 0.015256295 -0.0013467219 -0.022832016 -0.025584439 0.00339138 0.0007823111 0.0008064767 0.003928758 0.0012844647 -0.003109584 -0.008355574 -0.017445128 -0.0123334825 0.031351425 -0.03292424 -0.012523531 0.0018382262 -0.0029457493 0.022582987 0.00035675024 -0.005557276 0.01273324 -0.007457759 0.017340273 -0.026187351 -0.009056787 -0.0075364 0.015426683 0.016606294 0.009115768 0.018270856 -0.017615516 0.019240757 -0.00008181499 -0.013473772 0.01503348 -0.0038075203 -0.0016752107 0.015400469 0.0088929515 0.008047565 -0.0060127364 -0.016108235 0.0056260866 0.018572312 0.0031570962 -0.016068915 -0.030827153 -0.047027137 -0.012241735 0.020354833 -0.023199005 0.014561635 -0.019083476 0.009338583 0.034601904 0.014614062 0.018179107 0.006697566 0.035388313 -0.010898289 0.018991727 -0.0069793616 0.0049510873 -0.016920857 -0.008041011 -0.014758238 -0.0013696587 0.011121105 0.010780329 -0.008611157 -0.014089791 0.008427661 0.0058718384 -0.00085276004 -0.017458234 -0.01547911 -0.00825072 -0.017078137 -0.009214068 -0.024195122 -0.018795127 -0.005934096 0.0008724202 -0.009607271 -0.019450465 0.014915518 -0.0017808841 -0.014194646 -0.0062421053 -0.013670375 0.019293183 -0.018703379 0.05103781 -0.0056064264 0.0041745105 -0.019004835 0.0010198716 -0.0054556984 0.00869635 0.026082497 0.005878392 0.00074995373 -0.008145865 -0.004282641 -0.0058161346 -0.027629098 -0.02941162 0.0066156485 -0.002534524 -0.005134582 -0.0047413786 -0.004475966 -0.0057243872 0.02525677 0.0047544856 0.026999973 -0.013434452 -0.0041745105 -0.021193668 0.0073594586 -0.020302406 0.022137355 -0.0006086462 0.008951932 -0.015190761 -0.010400232 0.0014237242 0.019096583 0.016186876 -0.006383003 -0.030198026 0.010308485 0.01808736 0.017589303 -0.013499986 -0.00796237 0.00867669 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-0.020027164 -0.035388313 -0.02411648 -0.009915281 0.04435335 0.015059693 -0.008191739 -0.020302406 -0.021442696 -0.044065002 -0.0072808177 0.013250957 0.008853632 0.038245592 -0.0024739052 -0.007864069 0.030538803 -0.019765029 0.0037813068 -0.02171794 -0.01588542 -0.0018939301 0.009961154 0.0054458682 0.015400469 -0.00064223236 -0.0040434427 0.02118056 -0.016566973 -0.017379593 0.0034929574 0.013906296 0.007818196 0.014718917 0.0026574002 0.035204817 0.010197077 0.009508971 -0.035755303 0.023290753 0.009522078 -0.0022396215 -0.011481541 -0.00303422 0.011173532 -0.006523901 -0.013211637 0.0038861611 0.007667468 0.00050420157 -0.008342467 0.027445603 -0.010865523 0.016711148 0.022491239 0.007287371 -0.024208227 -0.025479585 0.010577174 -0.012726686 -0.008060671 0.011160426 -0.04338345 0.007687128 -0.0018578864 0.0014523953 -0.010151203 -0.013119889 -0.027812593 0.012189308 -0.012700472 0.021036386 0.017327167 -0.011081785 0.0020872552 -0.005727664 -0.017078137 0.0011861639 -0.02925434 0.0031521812 -0.0046529076 -0.022858229 0.0022068545 0.00071063335 -0.008041011 -0.0110424645 0.01621309 -0.006789313 0.010210183 0.21641919 0.001177153 -0.000993658 0.0010239674 0.009292709 0.00014857767 0.04086695 -0.008506302 -0.0028064898 0.0012361334 -0.0069269347 -0.009607271 0.003075179 0.0076805744 -0.0023264538 -0.04524461 -0.03924171 -0.014994159 0.005049388 -0.019004835 0.011376687 -0.021927647 -0.01930629 0.00028834923 0.026187351 0.0072414973 -0.0083883405 -0.017156778 0.012877414 -0.00076142215 -0.01093761 0.017458234 0.0099546015 0.011874745 -0.02786502 0.0002633644 0.004390772 -0.009751447 0.0280223 0.019201437 0.009404116 0.02985725 0.00455133 -0.015793674 0.018729592 0.017536875 -0.0058980524 -0.0066254786 0.01621309 0.033343654 -0.021010172 -0.0016686573 0.028992204 0.0047446555 -0.021115027 0.016619401 0.009305815 0.011055571 -0.0064124935 0.019935416 0.0078116423 0.009862854 -0.020105805 0.011180085 0.00057669845 0.0041056997 -0.018664058 0.0019611022 0.012431784 -0.021980075 0.012608725 -0.008099992 -0.0041941702 -0.010767221 -0.012497317 -0.0083359135 0.021704832 0.026239779 0.017628623 0.032976665 -0.010944163 -0.015466004 -0.017785903 -0.022910656 -0.02904463 -0.021849006 0.0145354215 -0.00033053668 -0.025269877 -0.010583727 -0.016449012 -0.016488332 -0.022347065 -0.01167159 -0.012720132 -0.009771107 0.0027524245 0.0127529 -0.01313955 -0.008565282 -0.00044399226 0.0037059428 0.029070843 0.026672302 0.0011705995 0.001572814 -0.016357265 0.0068286336 0.02969997 -0.030984433 0.0016711148 -0.050854318 0.0005418835 0.0024607985 -0.003971355 0.02529609 -0.0021888327 -0.0029228125 0.023303859 0.0020446582 -0.0060258433 -0.020459687 0.015452896 0.014142218 -0.00227075 -0.030853366 -0.03515239 -0.0011632269 -0.013100229 -0.030932007 -0.005609703 -0.004118806 -0.022386385 -0.009535184 -0.022189783 -0.011206299 -0.025597546 0.0015146525 -0.004049996 0.005858732 -0.039320346 -0.024601432 0.019083476 0.0152694015 0.038638797 -0.0076084873 -0.0017415638 -0.004761039 -0.0094762035 -0.025518905 -0.00448252 0.011101445 0.007870623 -0.025859682 0.0030604338 -0.0073397984 -0.039923258 -0.033632003 -0.02346114 0.022622306 -0.016829109 0.023277646 0.025086382 0.008178633 0.0056686834 -0.011291494 -0.16556488 0.017405808 0.035833944 -0.02566308 0.031141715 0.0044333693 0.029752396 0.0020036993 -0.009417224 0.014797557 0.011035911 -0.008329361 -0.030827153 -0.0066222018 -0.0017497555 -0.009849747 0.013617947 0.022687841 0.033579577 0.0012017281 0.0197126 -0.0038501173 0.017235419 0.03601744 0.0047839754 0.008591496 0.021822793 0.0007733002 -0.0034962343 -0.02374949 -0.0062617655 -0.0075101866 0.017432021 0.020577649 0.003288164 -0.019765029 -0.015308722 -0.04403879 -0.005360674 -0.0024575216 0.0156232845 0.023277646 0.01768105 0.009613825 -0.016016489 0.023539782 0.02171794 -0.0035814284 -0.018716486 -0.017916972 0.0034601905 -0.015662605 -0.036620352 -0.00051853707 -0.0005939011 -0.020551436 0.0155970715 0.02236017 -0.002783553 0.0028507253 -0.013434452 -0.018021826 0.012261395 0.008584943 -0.023264538 -0.019253863 0.014168432 0.02195386 -0.04542811 0.0016760299 0.0033045476 0.014233966 -0.0027589777 0.000270737 -0.010092223 0.0010067647 -0.018926194 -0.016593186 0.007995137 0.030722298 0.0004325238 -0.01095727 0.001700605 -0.0007900932 -0.006815527 0.007012129 0.0071431966 0.019581534 -0.018559204 -0.03601744 -0.0033815498 -0.015361149 -0.008886399 -0.015754353 0.022805803 0.013172316 -0.0055965963 0.008552176 -0.0011320984 -0.0031407129 0.003047327 0.0020430197 -0.012956055 0.014797557 0.02610871 0.0009830086 0.017903864 -0.010098776 0.010079116 -0.0065206243 -0.026816478 0.018270856 0.018952407 0.021324735 0.0007954179 0.022832016 0.022897549 -0.010256058 0.014640276 -0.011363581 0.04023782 -0.015125227 -0.018179107 0.015636392 0.011782997 -0.025230557 -0.13295521 -0.020381046 0.0015203868 0.008073778 0.0003399572 0.012104114 0.000096969714 0.0003706762 0.0051706256 0.012805327 -0.014220859 -0.035702877 -0.0042695343 -0.015334936 -0.0018218427 -0.021206774 0.004780699 -0.038271803 -0.03968734 0.036358215 0.0033717197 -0.008132759 -0.0052492665 -0.00070735667 -0.038560156 -0.010374018 -0.026370846 0.009220622 0.006589435 0.011409454 -0.009672806 -0.017890759 -0.0032390137 -0.013460666 0.01800872 0.01633105 -0.014836878 -0.004715165 0.018152894 -0.0067106728 -0.009771107 0.021350948 0.0038927144 -0.006953148 0.01010533 -0.012353143 -0.021403376 0.040342677 0.0112456195 0.0018316729 -0.044746555 -0.0011230875 -0.038324233 -0.017300952 0.02423444 -0.026528127 -0.00418434 0.0057243872 0.01922765 0.0057473243 0.0045152865 -0.016933963 -0.01024295 0.022098035 0.026030071 -0.00529514 -0.009587611 -0.00021769547 0.0072808177 -0.010249504 -0.015662605 0.008486642 -0.0073332447 0.04044753 -0.032164045 -0.004394049 0.0068941675 -0.013749015 0.014286393 -0.012097561 -0.011474988 -0.0026885287 -0.0028081283 -0.024562111 0.016920857 -0.0113046 0.014954839 0.026750943 -0.00094041164 0.002572206 -0.039477628 0.04846888 0.016829109 -0.011455328 -0.008814312 0.017235419 0.019293183 -0.022871336 0.017379593 0.010865523 -0.023408713 -0.028992204 0.007287371 0.023670848 0.0156232845 0.004629971 -0.0035584916 -0.005645747 0.012215521 -0.011940279 -0.0079820305 0.007005575 0.0003483537 0.009875961 0.012582512 -0.0123334825 -0.023067938 0.0012254842 0.0055277855 -0.015138334 -0.0025017571 0.0067106728 -0.0047282716 0.009823534 -0.0036371322 0.007752662 0.004715165 -0.00059103395 -0.020499008 0.013126443 -0.012929841 -0.0106885815 0.0316922 -0.012923287 0.019896096 0.020905318 -0.014351927 -0.0017497555 0.0033717197 0.017078137 -0.00019496339 0.0628077 -0.008663584 -0.011986152 0.015059693 -0.039215494 0.008578389 0.002185556 -0.044563062 0.005187009 -0.0040958696 0.021796579 0.025309198 0.022137355 -0.021744153 -0.0033651665 -0.012772559 -0.024247548 0.009161641 0.019004835 -0.022320852 -0.028730068 0.0051607955 -0.0033422296 0.005478635 -0.028992204 -0.020236872 -0.0024394998 -0.002354306 -0.0056260866 -0.013349258 -0.00528531 -0.014312606 0.007385672 0.023500461 0.03344851 0.023815025 0.0033782732 -0.018926194 0.011193193 -0.023448033 0.02595143 0.00526565 0.024876673 -0.019135902 0.0072677108 0.035047535 0.0043023014 -0.0035650448 0.033841714 -0.0027196575 -0.004564437 0.018716486 -0.01621309 -0.015832994 -0.01503348 0.018061146 0.014443674 -0.012969161 0.013762122 0.018572312 0.022491239 0.0017874375 -0.015085907 0.0074905264 -0.013329598 0.0053803343 0.015728138 -0.01658008 -0.02110192 0.00005457746 0.01592474 -0.014574742 0.018061146 0.013100229 -0.011907512 -0.031587347 -0.008565282 -0.0017677773 -0.0179694 -0.011311153 0.030486377 0.0066287555 -0.0008228602 0.01474513 -0.027681524 0.020643182 -0.0053442908 0.016527653 -0.020145126 0.00865703 -0.009548292 0.0050002374 -0.017956292 -0.016960178 -0.0026590384 0.0033651665 -0.02574172 0.00031210526 0.038927145 -0.025885895 0.040998016 0.006156911 0.00055376155 -0.026030071 0.01132426 0.022137355 0.010413338 -0.002793383 -0.0026868905 -0.02069561 -0.011166979 -0.008008244 0.011894405 -0.03006696 -0.023028618 0.017864544 -0.011606056 0.030093173 0.026095605 0.0072742645 0.04396015 0.0018300345 0.010249504 -0.004705335 0.0025263324 -0.012471104 0.029673755 -0.008165525 -0.01772037 -0.0369087 -0.003895991 -0.008571836 -0.028992204 -0.015125227 0.02765531 -0.0047446555 0.011809211 -0.013355811 0.016684934 0.045742672 0.0055507226 0.00096826354 -0.021416483 -0.017327167 -0.01099659 0.0006377269 0.0034536372 -0.009220622 -0.047236845
0.0037149258 -0.0046120905 0.006366546 -0.01832874 -0.017092647 0.015604018 -0.038119525 -0.0067918682 -0.0153647745 0.0008032946 0.016388206 -0.0087589845 -0.011251109 0.002608423 -0.004980925 -0.011364085 0.055823576 0.012374226 -0.012859359 -0.02704785 -0.01552427 0.011583392 -0.0033726743 -0.01097199 -0.023950972 -0.008300434 0.030570053 -0.012261249 0.0022379272 -0.05398937 0.012693217 -0.0061306246 0.003964138 -0.015604018 -0.0052633653 -0.010832432 -0.011530226 0.007483017 0.010925471 0.019352172 0.024642121 -0.0011081644 -0.00936374 -0.003967461 -0.003063651 0.0010882274 -0.037348628 -0.013743232 -0.016202128 -0.00057609595 0.073846616 -0.0031018634 -0.012041942 -0.027061142 0.002596793 0.002696478 -0.014048933 0.013916019 0.007868466 0.006150562 -0.0007094246 -0.0012767981 -0.02142562 0.0124340365 0.0020701243 0.008353599 -0.025492765 -0.010260904 -0.015138822 0.0011987116 0.012832777 0.017690757 0.017358473 -0.0061937585 0.023671854 0.007383332 -0.017677465 0.00971596 0.008200749 0.013005564 0.00485798 -0.0030702965 -0.035886582 0.00921089 0.0010076488 0.019192677 -0.004067146 0.0046120905 0.007409915 0.0079149855 -0.0019355495 0.015431231 0.02032244 0.03894359 -0.011423896 0.021385746 -0.0029988557 0.01903318 0.023499066 -0.0065426556 0.012081817 0.025319979 -0.024256673 -0.018182535 -0.009995078 -0.0067320573 -0.010799203 0.0033859657 -0.0065858527 0.009024811 -0.025864923 0.023552231 0.0076159304 -0.02534656 0.026782025 -0.0007277002 0.017650882 -0.007489663 0.0063831597 -0.0022512185 0.026888356 -0.016374916 0.018288866 -0.0087589845 0.017557843 0.01653441 -0.010885597 -0.004778232 -0.010274196 -0.015909718 0.038119525 0.022648422 -0.010779266 -0.0026134073 0.0076159304 0.015098948 -0.03966132 0.003259698 -0.009862165 0.0004826413 -0.014407799 0.02021611 -0.010746038 0.008772276 -0.00095946767 -0.012181502 0.020973714 -0.006818451 0.022382595 -0.021372454 0.012055234 -0.00017403331 -0.01402235 -0.019152803 -0.004442626 0.015444522 -0.0031284462 0.005044059 -0.012374226 -0.015710348 0.0063266717 -0.008632717 0.014992617 0.009696024 -0.00023239055 0.028018117 0.015138822 0.014434381 0.0052700113 0.0046719015 -0.0030370683 0.027832039 -0.027353551 0.01115807 0.01402235 0.015976176 -0.014235011 -0.002744659 -0.009217535 -0.005589003 -0.013836272 0.032616917 0.021000298 0.028523188 -0.0067819 -0.011058385 0.017810378 -0.0101147 0.0024456042 -0.01077262 0.012274541 0.022276264 -0.00041410793 -0.012254604 -0.6562726 -0.024190215 0.006127302 -0.035514425 0.0021365809 0.009330512 -0.00089301105 -0.0051503894 -0.036019497 0.022874374 0.0075760563 0.008081127 -0.01196884 -0.017478095 -0.014753373 -0.011643203 0.021784484 -0.04024614 0.0071773166 -0.012241312 0.012247958 0.0320321 -0.013982477 -0.008493158 0.009662795 -0.010194448 -0.0004278146 -0.026210498 0.0017843607 0.014128681 -0.010566605 0.016055923 -0.00076009776 0.017066063 0.051809594 -0.003694989 -0.021452202 0.026476324 -0.015510979 0.018594567 -0.015883137 -0.006024294 0.013955894 -0.0065825297 -0.015989468 0.0068915533 0.007848529 -0.035115685 0.007928276 0.0013690067 0.015736932 0.013510634 0.0040737917 -0.00408376 0.010898888 -0.014447672 0.01653441 -0.0051869405 0.011915674 -0.0108590145 0.0037946738 0.017265433 -0.008685882 0.0015908057 0.012400809 0.011118195 -0.013663485 -0.020907259 0.015843263 0.0024555726 0.01172295 0.01943192 -0.013557154 0.012593533 0.02692823 0.035913166 -0.015736932 -0.023073744 -0.021771194 0.02732697 0.010832432 -0.0013806366 -0.038491685 0.003239761 0.03213843 0.013218225 -0.01442109 -0.014726791 0.009828936 0.014872995 -0.015311609 0.0050673187 -0.0021066754 -0.030915627 0.017783796 0.0035089103 -0.0028509896 -0.02073447 0.0026615884 0.00018535172 -0.005791696 -0.027832039 0.03543468 -0.0020900613 0.008925126 -0.00931722 -0.0033843042 0.022076894 0.031819437 -0.009144433 -0.021811068 -0.007323521 -0.0022113447 -0.0093903225 0.019378755 -0.015670475 -0.0074630803 0.010028306 0.011184651 -0.016348332 0.03282958 -0.0036983117 -0.0055059325 -0.020309148 0.010320716 0.013729941 -0.009197598 -0.024894657 0.015165404 0.0008394304 -0.02062814 -0.023764893 0.010785912 -0.0008477375 0.014567294 -0.0057584676 0.007449789 -0.029373834 -0.005044059 -0.017517969 0.005745176 -0.023193367 0.0025336593 0.0061306246 -0.00057152705 -0.0068915533 -0.011889093 -0.015657183 -0.007409915 -0.019152803 0.00508061 0.0024073916 -0.025107317 0.027087726 0.022076894 -0.0012003729 -0.0006309227 -0.007270356 0.0027413361 0.0029074778 0.009377032 0.04067146 -0.011776116 -0.0005366373 -0.014939452 -0.0127397375 0.020269275 0.028363692 -0.033999216 -0.019112928 0.00081450917 -0.0017345182 -0.007981442 0.014846412 0.0070510493 0.026489615 -0.009656149 0.008878606 0.0021831004 -0.0039574928 0.005353082 -0.0127397375 -0.042877823 0.00076425134 0.02153195 -0.0014047271 0.014062224 -0.011609974 0.0012028652 0.02303387 0.005193586 0.029613078 -0.007090923 -0.018687606 -0.028523188 0.015896427 -0.0018740771 -0.007642513 0.03636507 0.035913166 0.010520086 -0.010413755 0.039501823 -0.015843263 0.027406717 -0.02392439 -0.020255983 -0.004937728 0.009184307 0.006027617 -0.011364085 -0.023366153 0.0017278725 -0.026170623 -0.014753373 0.02655607 0.0042997445 0.024509208 -0.013311264 -0.0018358646 0.014248303 -0.010320716 0.025559222 -0.029878903 0.0064263567 0.015112239 -0.013577091 -0.0054062475 -0.00065584393 -0.027858622 0.009157725 0.007888403 0.016893277 0.013344493 0.01212169 -0.009523236 0.012068525 -0.01791671 0.035673924 -0.0035321703 0.0068981987 -0.005964483 0.016786946 0.009091267 -0.017943291 -0.005947869 0.04255883 0.006502782 -0.0060541998 0.030224478 -0.013862854 0.015298317 0.0063200262 0.0030204542 -0.0047749095 -0.008626072 0.0019804079 -0.00033892883 0.020721179 0.0332549 0.0036816976 0.018262284 0.0069447183 -0.007988088 0.010586542 -0.008313725 0.00012066033 -0.05236783 -0.024788326 0.0068981987 -0.009948558 -0.008147583 -0.006263538 0.011091612 0.0058182785 -0.0019554866 -0.02343261 0.00051130075 0.014381216 0.005485995 -0.01336443 -0.026569363 0.021478785 -0.002340935 0.0051670033 -0.006971301 -0.00428313 0.0048280745 -0.0068583246 0.028496606 0.00071067066 0.012254604 -0.0010234322 0.0016057584 -0.0052700113 -0.015391357 0.024482625 -0.0034258396 0.009569756 -0.012905879 -0.010985282 -0.012879296 -0.017345183 -0.015191987 0.0015368097 0.028921928 -0.020508518 -0.0011256093 -0.021771194 -0.0029373833 -0.017956583 0.002173132 0.0056554596 -0.034530867 -0.0014753373 -0.0022196516 -0.01713252 0.01681353 0.015989468 -0.0036517922 -0.0065659154 -0.017504677 -0.0068317424 0.024203507 0.10962687 0.017943291 -0.029214337 0.020442061 0.00044899766 0.0074763717 -0.021864234 -0.014407799 0.020880675 -0.041415777 0.0280447 -0.0038279023 0.022555383 -0.02473516 0.005160358 0.01672049 -0.006273506 0.0063499315 -0.0120153595 0.0061106877 -0.01771734 -0.012859359 0.018155953 -0.0017677465 0.010845723 0.015191987 0.051065277 0.008818796 0.007994734 -0.035992913 -0.010706164 0.010201094 0.0114837065 -0.0075893477 -0.0234459 0.008891898 0.01681353 0.0122213755 0.023166783 -0.007821946 0.018940141 0.00618379 0.0280447 -0.025771884 0.0010774282 -0.012061879 -0.021119919 0.028071282 0.010367235 -0.024309838 0.017969875 0.0029108007 -0.029985234 -0.011855864 0.01621542 -0.0054793498 0.0040737917 -0.013344493 -0.008586197 0.003268005 -0.034929607 -0.014367925 0.0038877132 -0.016547702 -0.006433002 -0.01831545 -0.015138822 -0.0045522796 -0.014660334 -0.00618379 0.019099638 -0.02142562 -0.0023509036 0.01601605 0.022900958 0.0007671588 0.011656494 0.0098089995 0.0063864826 -0.014686917 0.016760364 -0.018554693 0.014155263 -0.00830708 0.018195827 0.022103477 -0.01952496 0.014886286 -0.013218225 0.018169245 0.011330856 0.01362361 0.0023841318 0.0017112584 0.0021831004 -0.00280447 -0.000610155 0.013450823 -0.00033352923 -0.016095797 -0.010054889 -0.022568673 0.01176947 -0.039209414 -0.0073035844 0.00076009776 -0.0056920107 0.008459929 -0.023020579 -0.020787636 0.028975094 -0.014766664 0.012467265 0.00450576 0.00711086 -0.007502954 0.00428313 0.04388796 0.020349022 0.0053464365 0.011011865 -0.031686526 0.010792558 0.021053461 -0.023406027 -0.0038478393 -0.013404303 -0.020654723 0.0073966235 0.009676086 0.00030341608 0.020867383 0.006403097 -0.01983066 -0.023884514 -0.02062814 0.0019787464 -0.013357784 -0.0036285324 -0.0015135499 0.005871444 -0.008486512 0.0022628484 -0.012347643 0.029320668 -0.035275184 -0.0054826722 0.014647042 0.0021232895 0.039368913 -0.0049609877 -0.0072969384 -0.025931379 0.002380809 -0.0003808796 -0.034291625 -0.004854657 0.009529881 0.021053461 0.02924092 0.02634341 -0.011782762 0.019883826 0.03687014 0.015643893 -0.00996185 0.022262974 -0.027592795 -0.013417595 0.029426998 -0.0037082804 -0.006496136 0.006243601 -0.01964458 0.017185686 0.03737521 -0.016893277 -0.017398348 -0.014952743 -0.04043222 -0.0059345774 0.009091267 -0.01903318 0.048194353 -0.012061879 -0.0017228883 0.018647732 0.01106503 0.015657183 -0.008160875 0.028868763 -0.01681353 0.016082507 0.0053630504 0.025399726 -0.022422468 -0.0150192 0.00020248507 -0.0044160434 0.012686572 0.023711728 0.021771194 -0.017757213 0.006748671 -0.0038013195 -0.0008772276 -0.024615537 -0.033494145 0.0065526245 -0.021558532 -0.019604707 -0.011776116 -0.013703358 -0.0026682338 -0.0039242646 0.002867604 -0.030942209 0.009616275 -0.0075627654 -0.015976176 -0.0025120608 -0.023419319 0.015843263 -0.0027114307 0.015856553 0.0068849074 -0.029108007 -0.004399429 0.017385056 0.044020876 -0.0028476669 0.01822241 -0.0031899186 -0.010626416 -0.009303929 -0.0036451465 0.0009254087 -0.03737521 -0.027207347 0.0205351 -0.0030852493 0.0009769126 -0.014301468 -0.0024007459 -0.031899184 0.031208036 0.017996456 0.03317515 -0.011869155 -0.013211579 -0.044898104 0.0011704675 0.015550853 0.03322832 0.009815645 -0.0003393442 -0.03104854 0.0022346044 -0.009091267 0.0028476669 0.0076890327 0.010260904 0.016002757 0.01791671 0.009303929 -0.008479867 -0.001649786 -0.0072038993 -0.0078086546 0.02122625 -0.007901694 -0.016999608 -0.008313725 0.00503409 -0.003595304 0.015856553 0.002292754 -0.0041701538 -0.007409915 -0.008798858 0.019059762 0.0009004874 -0.024269963 0.009370386 0.00936374 -0.0062502464 -0.0051636808 -0.006492813 0.004426012 -0.005070641 -0.023472484 0.004253225 0.003071958 0.005070641 -0.020375604 -0.009290637 0.0028410212 0.009815645 -0.026383284 0.020003447 0.004778232 0.028257363 -0.03296249 0.010407109 -0.0048712716 -0.03237767 0.024309838 -0.00830708 -0.025386434 -0.012188147 0.0034059025 0.012859359 -0.014248303 -0.007137443 -0.0085463235 0.015285026 0.0378537 -0.0034324853 -0.009802354 -0.00030362376 0.026795316 0.010134637 0.015085656 -0.017238852 -0.00018244423 0.0014462626 0.015005908 -0.001108995 0.011477061 -0.0053464365 -0.016667325 0.0116963675 0.0021897461 -0.017238852 0.006027617 -0.0055823573 -0.014394508 0.005804987 -0.0037149258 -0.008293788 0.019671164 0.024416167 0.000275172 0.017238852 -0.019046472 -0.005635523 -0.034716945 -0.013650193 -0.0202294 -0.022196516 -0.0280447 0.038837258 0.010174511 -0.0025353206 -0.026502907 -0.025732009 -0.04186768 -0.018940141 -0.0182357 0.012294478 0.014966034 0.015298317 -0.0000059609783 -0.011869155 -0.0024921237 0.018807229 -0.010480211 -0.00016583008 -0.014846412 0.0039408784 0.00035616604 -0.015298317 -0.0069912383 -0.03615241 0.016308459 0.005824924 -0.006918136 0.030862462 -0.0067819 0.0012419084 0.020681305 -0.0014404476 0.048220936 0.008287143 -0.007257065 -0.027699126 0.013311264 -0.0031915798 0.007290293 -0.006751994 -0.0071573798 0.03796003 -0.0033809813 0.007669096 -0.0016049277 0.007875111 -0.0068649705 0.0038976816 0.017770505 -0.013231516 -0.014447672 0.005791696 0.011849218 0.009337157 -0.004841366 0.00766245 0.018993307 0.001530164 0.013351138 -0.04585508 -0.007323521 0.010353944 -0.009722606 -0.014474255 0.0079149855 -0.0052866256 -0.0042299647 -0.012666635 0.00850645 0.036710646 -0.0070643406 0.010274196 0.004303067 -0.009975141 -0.009483362 -0.030197896 0.006243601 0.018567985 -0.015697058 -0.009357095 -0.010566605 -0.034823276 -0.018793937 -0.019338882 -0.010088118 0.0077355523 0.22180566 -0.015896427 -0.0009320543 -0.0031500445 -0.017278725 0.0038677761 0.027273804 0.006682215 -0.013836272 0.017305307 0.0040040123 -0.029426998 -0.046147488 -0.0036052724 -0.024668703 -0.028097866 -0.045642417 -0.033706807 -0.013278035 -0.029373834 0.03253717 0.026064293 0.006748671 -0.020641431 0.025652261 0.011045093 -0.022515507 0.0033195089 0.03623216 -0.013258099 -0.017385056 0.0073766867 0.017172394 0.007197254 -0.032404255 0.009144433 -0.0030354068 -0.0054228613 0.029426998 0.016693907 0.025997836 0.018820519 -0.0051836176 -0.00916437 0.015869845 0.04747662 -0.009490008 0.0026051002 -0.007542828 0.030064981 -0.009789063 -0.0112644 0.02213006 0.009975141 -0.013610319 0.026875064 0.0170129 -0.005579035 -0.022262974 0.023472484 0.0153249 0.012287832 -0.004841366 0.034876443 -0.017371764 0.03163336 -0.019910408 0.018275576 0.009862165 -0.019591417 -0.003635178 -0.0248282 0.0075893477 0.0011912351 0.016441371 -0.0022595257 -0.0048280745 0.008094418 0.017544553 0.049124744 -0.024190215 -0.027672544 -0.01422172 -0.004542311 -0.025386434 -0.027752291 -0.0017046127 0.0120087145 -0.011397313 0.0032231468 0.0052268147 -0.03253717 -0.0107526835 0.0013565461 0.002983903 0.010473566 0.010287487 0.018621149 -0.00881215 0.0061538843 -0.011889093 0.0251339 -0.011098258 0.02753963 -0.007802009 0.0031002022 0.00056446606 0.008513095 0.017704047 -0.009629566 -0.010427047 -0.053617213 0.014407799 0.0048014917 0.0017627623 0.013942602 -0.007330167 0.0008498142 0.019073054 0.00037111877 0.0036517922 -0.0055557746 0.011197943 0.014487547 0.0000126423365 0.012453973 -0.032058682 0.01336443 -0.0042631933 -0.023658562 0.020880675 -0.016800238 0.02001674 -0.013969185 0.0011987116 0.0068051596 -0.0009403614 -0.014753373 -0.004980925 -0.0069912383 -0.018248992 0.0017046127 0.008187458 0.018195827 0.013171705 -0.015790097 0.012427391 -0.021505367 0.011164715 -0.0011688061 -0.033999216 -0.0016539395 0.00046436573 -0.0300384 0.017052773 -0.0039741066 -0.0066390177 -0.03623216 -0.0055624205 0.016428081 -0.032297924 -0.003060328 0.007742198 0.010001724 0.010194448 -0.02753963 -0.16821504 0.02292754 0.0015991128 -0.025519349 0.01923255 -0.019511668 0.013889437 0.010101409 -0.02902826 0.031261202 0.009496653 0.0013191642 -0.022847792 -0.0038046425 -0.006379837 -0.0037946738 -0.01601605 0.030570053 0.020800928 0.022887666 -0.0060110027 -0.00841341 0.014288177 -0.012400809 -0.031208036 -0.00905804 0.004346264 0.0059711286 -0.02001674 -0.020109778 -0.010028306 -0.011251109 0.046572812 0.019697746 0.032856163 -0.009224181 -0.0012012037 -0.006818451 -0.008008025 0.012334351 0.0065858527 0.03713597 0.019684456 0.008346953 -0.010785912 0.018567985 0.012939107 0.00036654988 0.0018109434 0.0018674314 0.013470761 -0.008453284 -0.01831545 0.011403958 0.01166314 -0.0016306797 0.013942602 0.024814907 -0.0026233757 -0.028682685 0.007323521 -0.026316827 0.0052401056 -0.013862854 -0.018780645 -0.01782367 0.019777495 -0.020747762 -0.034397956 0.013849563 -0.007974796 -0.014966034 0.0014429397 0.0059113177 -0.003814611 -0.01046692 -0.035168853 0.037534706 -0.015989468 -0.0075228913 -0.025359852 0.0020867384 0.006698829 -0.011789408 -0.016069215 -0.0048081377 0.0019222582 0.005333145 -0.0023857933 -0.008134292 -0.013391012 -0.03466378 -0.0053630504 -0.01831545 0.03466378 0.00770897 0.016574286 -0.0027263835 -0.009111205 0.0075162454 0.0024489271 -0.00261673 -0.017544553 0.0042964215 0.006220341 0.002904155 -0.0031101706 -0.0020668013 0.025572514 0.0004739189 -0.026223788 0.007974796 0.018302158 0.004838043 0.0014470932 0.010792558 0.023658562 0.0000075607404 0.016055923 -0.0074564344 0.05406912 0.014460964 -0.027459882 0.0021498722 -0.011330856 -0.0075361826 -0.15056415 -0.02894851 0.012347643 0.026250372 0.028682685 0.013284681 -0.014115389 -0.018009748 -0.037773952 0.026276954 0.004721744 -0.029320668 0.0001065383 0.010167865 -0.016946442 -0.0074364976 -0.006263538 -0.015550853 -0.014274886 0.03083588 -0.0019505023 -0.011078321 -0.0073168757 0.021611698 -0.0038013195 0.024482625 -0.0070444033 0.013783107 0.005392956 -0.0002328059 -0.011556809 0.0026998008 -0.009536527 -0.015537562 0.009197598 0.0066489866 -0.019179385 0.0036085953 0.008891898 0.0001669723 -0.0034457766 -0.00538631 -0.00881215 -0.01181599 0.004661933 0.0023425964 -0.03514227 0.01771734 0.033972632 -0.0059711286 -0.057631195 0.004243256 -0.026981395 -0.019671164 0.0051204837 -0.019152803 -0.026250372 0.013503988 0.0055956487 -0.012307769 -0.00091544015 0.0106463535 0.007722261 0.00901152 0.012002069 0.0012502155 0.012859359 -0.01612238 0.013676776 -0.0053464365 0.0014313099 -0.006655632 -0.015338192 0.025878213 -0.0054427986 0.013550508 -0.0060110027 -0.019059762 0.0041402485 -0.008619426 -0.00543283 -0.012247958 0.004641996 -0.016401498 0.01572364 0.0034889735 0.029108007 0.0141020985 0.0006591668 -0.0072637103 -0.025851632 0.032563753 0.009509944 -0.018780645 0.0027413361 0.0054826722 -0.0033726743 -0.029187754 -0.00816752 0.04186768 -0.031606775 -0.008533032 0.0006815959 0.029533328 -0.005289948 -0.011324211 0.00711086 0.005579035 0.0028592967 -0.0071042143 0.0048878854 -0.026330119 -0.02232943 0.006050877 -0.012427391 0.012965689 -0.027911788 -0.0076358677 0.018793937 -0.0042000595 -0.014460964 0.018953433 -0.020495227 -0.0024256671 0.003934233 -0.0043761693 -0.0024356358 0.0036850204 -0.020880675 0.018195827 -0.005924609 0.004027272 0.004778232 -0.018940141 0.0004386138 0.03333465 0.014992617 0.0014645382 0.0079149855 0.012467265 0.0046087676 0.057950187 -0.0041734767 -0.023964263 0.027592795 -0.019139512 -0.00019168586 0.0032896034 -0.039182834 0.021279415 0.010048243 0.013836272 0.02032244 0.03235109 -0.01733189 -0.028151032 -0.030782714 -0.030702965 0.0001904398 -0.0011712982 -0.005137098 -0.038305607 0.004911145 0.014872995 -0.0044957916 -0.020694597 0.011457124 0.015776806 -0.005333145 0.013397658 0.0037082804 -0.0064828447 -0.016879985 0.00226451 0.013091957 0.005931255 0.018461654 0.0033726743 -0.011111549 0.0063100574 -0.00956311 0.03293591 -0.013204933 0.0020236045 -0.021252831 0.0031649973 -0.0017926678 0.012733092 0.008187458 0.009676086 0.009144433 0.0003808796 0.0009843889 0.008373536 -0.019019889 -0.020561684 0.016069215 0.029214337 -0.026914937 -0.0010699518 0.02603771 0.0398474 -0.007968151 0.007728907 0.014580586 -0.009656149 -0.024402877 0.0041635083 -0.026888356 -0.01923255 0.001354054 0.004183445 -0.016467955 -0.004249902 0.013703358 -0.008114356 -0.034078963 -0.0047749095 0.016547702 -0.016202128 -0.012387517 0.015630601 0.017930001 0.01176947 0.009895393 -0.004499114 0.019684456 -0.00052500743 -0.010480211 -0.03134095 -0.0024588956 -0.022475634 -0.0042000595 -0.007164025 -0.0069048447 -0.0029091393 -0.0076159304 -0.019564833 -0.0029456904 0.020800928 -0.01451413 0.021292707 -0.01311854 -0.016175546 0.0031733043 0.0017544552 0.003103525 -0.01521857 -0.0047084526 0.008998228 0.0026034387 0.018102787 -0.0035288474 0.010307425 0.0003916788 -0.0143147595 0.012839422 0.0043794923 -0.003987398 -0.000077567354 0.007150734 0.039368913 0.020202817 0.003675052 -0.0022412501 -0.002704785 -0.030383974 0.008951709 0.007489663 -0.004818106 -0.028071282 0.004286453 0.032590333 -0.03665748 -0.017836962 0.008253914 -0.012826131 0.012314415 -0.014793247 -0.009450134 0.02563897 0.0062136953 0.012693217 -0.020202817 -0.016308459 0.00035575067 0.011882447 -0.017464804 -0.0015517625 -0.02142562
0.008276406 -0.001870402 0.02375197 -0.0358907 -0.034655806 0.016802417 -0.011967945 0.007993957 0.0043024174 -0.031949554 -0.0025009853 -0.004630846 0.012401471 0.0014574028 -0.00964267 0.00019962313 0.03381503 0.00057105557 -0.0019081713 -0.009721492 -0.019167105 -0.004584866 -0.0069429846 -0.019758277 -0.018667893 -0.0062664216 0.021531792 -0.031424068 -0.016618498 -0.009701787 0.029558592 0.027982134 -0.00811876 -0.013432737 -0.0065291645 -0.0062992643 0.0071794535 0.0024582895 -0.004729375 0.008236994 0.0050118235 0.010404624 -0.030031528 -0.018628482 -0.0030018392 -0.000958191 -0.015002628 -0.018194955 0.0054026535 0.008407777 0.03491855 -0.014477141 -0.008289543 0.00440423 0.0031512743 -0.012296374 0.0012956517 0.0035700211 0.014582238 -0.016592223 -0.0054552024 0.007153179 -0.0024845637 0.030635837 0.0021758408 0.0088872835 0.0066671045 0.0040462427 0.015803995 0.009695218 0.009136889 -0.0035010509 -0.0076458226 -0.005330399 0.029952707 -0.0020379007 -0.02643195 -0.018707303 0.01508145 0.017262217 0.00595113 0.0016166908 -0.03846558 0.0041119284 -0.0055143195 0.013715186 0.010174724 0.02222806 0.022175513 -0.008131897 -0.011895691 0.010759328 0.010897268 0.022884918 0.00037256142 -0.0063912245 -0.0040134 0.028008407 -0.013833421 -0.013504992 -0.015107725 0.015764583 -0.005497898 -0.017327903 0.007823174 -0.013531267 0.010765896 -0.021702575 0.0035765895 -0.015317919 0.017472412 0.024697846 -0.0022858644 -0.033998948 -0.0028704677 -0.00046513727 0.021111403 0.0038130584 -0.018365739 -0.0050479504 0.021466106 -0.015659485 0.009386495 -0.012263531 0.027036259 0.0015444364 -0.027982134 -0.017630057 -0.009498161 -0.02905938 0.0104308985 0.013445875 0.00442722 0.006890436 -0.019101419 0.014135576 0.014043615 -0.0017620205 -0.007934839 -0.0011462165 0.004000263 0.02182081 -0.010049921 -0.015974777 -0.02292433 0.023239622 0.018996323 0.0012373555 -0.003593011 0.005941277 0.0013367052 -0.0052679977 -0.00026520624 0.0021347872 -0.008079348 0.023922754 -0.005488045 0.026234893 -0.004847609 -0.024132948 -0.011711771 -0.012572254 0.013275092 -0.020086706 0.01596164 0.03694167 0.03688912 0.002394246 0.017643195 -0.01056227 0.016342618 0.04090909 -0.01822123 0.012782449 0.00023893196 0.00417433 0.0028146347 0.008236994 -0.011455596 -0.015160273 -0.018667893 0.008197582 0.035155017 0.015856542 -0.018878087 0.0054814764 0.032264844 -0.009622964 -0.0001904887 0.006897005 0.015935365 0.020454545 -0.013885969 -0.009911981 -0.65790856 -0.030557016 0.014726747 -0.028218603 0.0059248554 0.0061875987 0.014188124 0.0067459275 0.00063879404 0.037572253 -0.015042039 0.01914083 0.013117447 -0.008867578 -0.0063321074 -0.014608513 0.014582238 -0.0054913294 -0.010325802 0.007921702 -0.020165527 0.038491856 0.006493037 -0.012762743 0.014516553 0.01406989 0.017025748 -0.024421966 -0.012611666 -0.0055373097 0.005540594 -0.011422753 -0.022490803 0.0033959537 0.03912244 -0.0076261167 0.0028376249 0.015462427 -0.0018786127 0.030872308 -0.03386758 0.0096689435 0.027745664 0.005438781 -0.007895429 0.007389648 0.028533895 0.01956122 -0.0058887284 -0.010049921 0.013091172 -0.001962362 0.0013490213 -0.0099973725 0.009202575 -0.001185628 0.028113505 -0.031844456 0.007869154 0.01208618 -0.013064898 -0.01259196 -0.023081975 -0.002611009 -0.038491856 0.0061449027 0.015830267 -0.019009458 -0.022976879 -0.02652391 0.018904362 0.005734367 -0.018431423 0.008631108 0.0056916713 0.02140042 0.01868103 -0.0121650025 -0.008611403 0.020507094 0.010220705 0.00007194643 -0.015974777 -0.0037572253 0.03754598 -0.012132159 0.010082764 -0.0058788755 0.0058657383 0.0006704053 0.0037276668 0.011475302 0.014582238 -0.0075210193 -0.0045487387 -0.007481608 0.008223857 -0.033893853 0.023160798 0.0014762875 -0.0077903313 -0.011212559 0.047214925 -0.011915397 0.020625329 -0.002919732 -0.000047955735 0.010095901 0.023883343 -0.04127693 -0.018851813 0.017932212 -0.009767473 0.019311612 -0.010713347 -0.026720967 0.024934314 -0.0004873062 0.047477666 -0.0063912245 0.014319495 -0.0048640305 -0.02375197 -0.017656332 0.0063419603 0.0026651996 -0.00031775486 -0.0063419603 -0.008637677 -0.011527851 -0.021150814 -0.002670126 -0.0046374146 -0.021150814 0.004581582 0.010437467 0.0009836443 -0.02430373 0.0037145298 -0.023738833 -0.02274041 -0.023279034 0.005054519 0.011573831 -0.005668681 -0.020191802 0.00392144 0.004722806 -0.005235155 -0.029768785 -0.0058558853 -0.008177877 -0.0155806625 0.022595901 -0.018155543 0.009820021 -0.0016158697 0.010141881 0.012486863 0.0064404886 -0.011639517 0.017840251 -0.009537572 -0.0038393326 -0.009990804 -0.014976353 -0.010227272 0.0012857987 -0.012138728 -0.041014187 -0.016526537 0.003537178 -0.016644772 0.020638466 -0.00816474 0.017472412 -0.006397793 -0.012191277 0.005044666 -0.010982659 -0.0031200736 -0.0011995862 -0.0014631503 -0.0018063583 0.013636364 -0.009097477 0.034104045 0.01941671 0.019009458 0.014174987 0.027509196 0.015225959 -0.010529427 0.0051399106 0.005596427 0.002714464 0.017433 -0.0017390305 0.01590909 0.041539673 0.004072517 -0.004279427 0.03975302 -0.029427221 0.003090515 -0.03712559 0.00034772398 -0.01125197 0.022792958 -0.009044929 -0.007343668 -0.027640568 -0.0012381766 -0.020546505 0.01618497 0.02509196 -0.01088413 -0.008447189 -0.059485022 0.015239096 -0.0008083454 0.004308986 0.006167893 0.003753941 0.012966369 0.013202838 0.024710983 -0.001426202 -0.0073633734 -0.025486074 -0.022083553 0.0072582765 0.009531003 0.023699421 -0.016368892 0.007764057 0.017472412 -0.0006511101 0.017590646 0.020769836 0.014779296 0.031056227 0.0038064898 -0.0045881504 0.0092354175 0.0065587233 0.016355755 -0.0035897268 -0.011422753 0.028612716 -0.0025338281 -0.008729638 -0.020007882 -0.0015895953 -0.010490016 -0.0059150024 0.0027719392 -0.019127693 0.008966106 0.023778245 -0.0024714267 0.0019442985 0.014201261 0.009090909 -0.0021117972 0.006102207 -0.0049527064 -0.037256964 -0.010779033 -0.010982659 0.0032662244 -0.0049527064 -0.013478718 -0.01138991 -0.010273253 -0.0047490806 0.018891225 -0.016145559 0.01070021 0.03462953 0.027640568 -0.029400947 0.004433789 0.034866 0.005123489 -0.031082502 0.0035733052 -0.009340515 -0.0101878615 0.0029542171 -0.014923804 -0.0023203494 -0.014306358 -0.0121650025 -0.009169732 -0.010141881 0.014293221 -0.008480032 0.007074356 0.0018720442 0.0072188647 -0.00061169866 -0.0033351944 -0.03205465 0.0070874933 0.025656858 -0.009478455 -0.024054125 -0.014056752 -0.00063879404 0.013196269 0.012926958 -0.019942196 -0.02490804 -0.0047457963 0.009386495 -0.013176563 -0.00016288015 0.030740935 -0.0018884656 -0.014477141 -0.022293746 -0.019521808 -0.013045192 0.12884918 0.0028244876 -0.0011478587 0.028323699 0.007908565 -0.002418878 -0.024395691 -0.009150026 0.0041316343 -0.013531267 0.0097543355 0.002542039 0.0021117972 0.014161849 0.0068050446 -0.0061350497 0.0088872835 0.02310825 0.018050447 -0.009826589 0.018260641 -0.003317131 0.0034058066 0.027877036 0.005609564 0.007284551 -0.012552548 0.028376248 -0.013649501 -0.026248029 -0.006988965 -0.008243563 -0.012999211 -0.015068313 -0.024816079 0.0045356015 0.006660536 0.028455071 0.004827903 -0.010798739 0.019127693 0.02402785 0.007507882 -0.013610089 0.017853389 -0.01877299 -0.008282974 0.028822912 -0.0024205202 -0.00031262316 0.038491856 -0.014674199 -0.024605885 -0.020612191 0.026720967 0.0030937993 -0.016250657 0.0052055963 -0.040803995 -0.0001606222 -0.016079875 -0.033158172 -0.0003009229 0.0012825144 -0.02389648 -0.03058329 -0.004778639 -0.017997898 -0.012854703 0.0063353917 -0.009813452 -0.038544405 -0.028849186 -0.017748293 0.0064470572 0.009051498 0.016868103 0.002223463 0.00096804387 0.023279034 0.008158172 -0.007172885 -0.013012349 -0.026681555 0.0005254861 0.008493168 -0.015107725 0.008644246 -0.007310825 0.017879663 0.016868103 0.012447451 0.025972148 -0.0039641354 -0.00047950604 0.013130583 -0.014661062 0.014989491 -0.0078100367 0.004946138 0.0002629483 -0.006545586 -0.023462953 -0.017774567 0.0067590647 0.002714464 -0.0024270888 0.0019820677 -0.0021019443 -0.0037112455 0.016290069 -0.0031463478 0.029453494 0.005271282 0.032816604 -0.005635838 0.011803731 0.07356805 0.029427221 -0.03071466 -0.012743037 -0.026537048 0.031844456 0.022674724 -0.010772465 0.0049297162 0.016763005 -0.014358907 -0.008539149 -0.007501314 -0.018024173 -0.00163147 -0.030451918 -0.041828692 -0.026090384 -0.00013773482 0.011008933 -0.0038130584 -0.011343931 0.009439044 -0.00052630715 0.0301629 0.0069167106 -0.01489753 0.008604835 -0.044062007 0.011869417 0.010181293 -0.0144377295 0.024789806 -0.018562796 0.016027326 -0.01300578 0.003228455 0.022477666 -0.024842354 -0.019587493 -0.010759328 0.05391487 0.014555965 0.0068247505 0.008223857 0.012132159 -0.0030281134 0.0021627035 -0.007921702 -0.0018572649 0.0071466104 -0.018707303 0.0025617445 0.010680504 0.006102207 -0.0036225696 0.000016639537 0.01563321 0.019981608 0.013649501 -0.012073043 -0.011140305 -0.0125 0.00627299 0.010857856 -0.008007094 0.01822123 -0.01245402 0.014608513 0.03376248 -0.0027965712 0.004072517 -0.0016076589 0.01844456 -0.028533895 -0.006818182 0.0022168944 0.014516553 -0.012999211 -0.01761692 -0.02071729 -0.01291382 -0.0058591696 0.04109301 0.0202969 0.009583552 -0.0033696794 -0.009333947 0.018339464 0.000706943 -0.0033729638 0.020467682 -0.015239096 0.00093766424 -0.0069429846 -0.0055011823 -0.01544929 0.01434577 0.0020608907 -0.0274041 0.009846295 -0.007074356 -0.018904362 -0.02038886 0.017774567 0.044613767 0.024369417 0.013623226 0.012992643 -0.006877299 -0.015620073 -0.0063025486 0.0020559642 0.0023778244 0.015462427 -0.000025671328 -0.005222018 -0.027456647 -0.010509722 -0.008085917 -0.025801366 -0.004538886 0.0046702577 -0.0029854178 0.013780872 -0.027272727 0.016841829 -0.009931687 0.016802417 -0.01660536 0.027377825 -0.018983185 0.0033696794 0.007803468 0.025972148 -0.011738045 0.029453494 -0.0080268 -0.002474711 -0.007448765 0.005471624 -0.006601419 0.004391093 0.016473988 0.015895953 -0.02209669 0.024369417 0.016631635 0.00034423443 0.00082640897 -0.0069167106 -0.01849711 0.026720967 0.00004633925 -0.0078100367 -0.030057803 0.007639254 0.025945876 -0.012000788 0.008920126 -0.005382948 -0.005008539 -0.009636101 0.007232002 0.01042433 0.0037210982 0.0018490541 -0.013169995 0.008585129 -0.02325276 0.010082764 0.004742512 0.0050512347 -0.027850762 -0.008972675 -0.005872307 0.017393589 0.014227536 -0.009964529 -0.0037834998 0.027640568 -0.022687862 -0.0068444563 -0.026747242 -0.0008145034 -0.014122439 0.012401471 0.0077903313 -0.029847609 -0.0069626905 0.008926694 -0.021321597 -0.032553863 0.018076722 0.052469786 0.006246716 -0.0329217 -0.008466895 0.0017373883 0.025367841 -0.00581319 -0.029217025 0.018878087 -0.0108644245 -0.0008473463 0.034235418 -0.02066474 0.006890436 -0.0034977668 0.01844456 -0.0043385443 -0.033158172 -0.005635838 -0.037598528 0.0073765106 -0.0134655805 -0.0084537575 0.0075801364 -0.010266684 -0.01895691 0.0056752497 -0.0047359434 -0.02071729 0.012322648 0.017524961 0.003809774 0.010220705 0.009294535 0.03205465 -0.0009179585 -0.013038623 -0.034603257 0.008092485 -0.00052055967 0.030872308 0.013872832 -0.023489228 -0.036600105 -0.0053895167 -0.037940096 -0.016815554 -0.017433 0.02911193 0.03972675 0.0017127562 -0.020178664 0.021295324 -0.00024714266 -0.0132225435 -0.040803995 -0.019613767 0.0073962165 0.0077377823 0.008637677 -0.006466763 -0.036915395 -0.014477141 0.015725171 -0.010759328 -0.03034682 -0.007961114 -0.0070218076 0.010233841 -0.020638466 0.010049921 0.034839727 -0.0048541776 0.01056227 -0.031975828 -0.025446663 0.01305176 -0.00018699914 0.0043878085 -0.005747504 -0.004029821 -0.0019919206 0.03418287 0.004299133 -0.010411193 0.019298475 0.013018917 0.0014943511 -0.011849711 0.009629533 0.016158696 0.034104045 -0.015712034 -0.012191277 0.02182081 0.010030216 -0.0033926694 0.027824488 -0.020191802 -0.008315817 -0.02588019 -0.013124014 -0.014542827 0.00811876 -0.007816605 -0.004712953 -0.005665397 0.008900421 0.023594325 -0.005254861 0.010831581 -0.0124080395 -0.0061153444 -0.016999474 -0.01019443 -0.023173936 -0.00075661787 0.005008539 0.0040856544 0.0018342749 0.014936942 -0.006190883 0.032212295 -0.022359433 -0.02490804 0.21376774 -0.01770888 -0.009787179 0.015974777 -0.012992643 0.025486074 0.00069052156 -0.013491855 0.0041349186 0.021860221 0.010989227 -0.009957961 -0.027430372 0.006956122 0.0040331054 -0.008998949 -0.014753021 -0.028060956 -0.007993957 -0.046741985 0.029006831 -0.012782449 -0.02670783 -0.003159485 0.020099843 0.0012127233 -0.009655806 -0.008821597 0.021781398 0.00041197287 -0.0126510775 -0.017958486 -0.0072779823 -0.0051366263 -0.031765632 -0.0025929452 0.0043516816 -0.0028064242 0.03071466 0.0039542825 0.026550183 0.012986074 -0.021741986 -0.009820021 -0.006374803 0.022845507 -0.0073502366 -0.004003547 0.00071474316 0.0026931162 -0.023449816 -0.020139255 -0.007389648 0.032212295 -0.009813452 0.007941408 0.02430373 0.013754598 -0.03331582 -0.0009992446 0.03181818 0.0063485284 -0.008414346 0.023121387 -0.004916579 0.025683131 -0.025065687 0.034393065 -0.010155018 -0.0057212296 0.008769049 -0.007836311 -0.01974514 -0.0015042039 -0.014792433 -0.0041710455 0.03192328 0.00419732 0.028113505 0.011265107 0.0019328034 -0.013058329 0.0042827115 -0.0013120731 -0.023121387 -0.028770363 0.009544141 -0.0056916713 0.012388335 0.00021306818 -0.008007094 0.0053566736 -0.010956384 -0.027299002 0.021150814 0.0155806625 0.018483972 0.02352864 0.0070021017 0.018286915 -0.0060726483 -0.0044666314 0.022267472 0.019771414 0.0030297555 0.017603783 0.00042859957 0.015646348 -0.005875591 -0.025315292 0.008171309 -0.033657383 0.0005517604 0.006890436 -0.018339464 0.01517341 0.021636888 0.002773581 0.026234893 -0.0029476485 -0.024316868 -0.031529166 0.0045191804 0.023489228 -0.0066638202 -0.027088808 -0.0016963347 0.012769312 -0.01406989 -0.017354177 0.016618498 -0.0080202315 0.0031069363 -0.0064799003 0.009695218 -0.00083749346 0.0030872307 -0.0044994745 -0.00991855 0.019075144 0.007389648 -0.020349449 -0.0017472412 0.0042367317 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-0.0020822387 0.045717288 0.000033715267 -0.013078035 -0.0007574389 -0.014976353 0.010713347 -0.02329217 -0.009728061 -0.012874409 -0.008223857 0.02795586 -0.02919075 0.008276406 -0.004552023 -0.004098791 0.014950079 -0.011619811 -0.01632948 0.033893853 -0.013406464 0.0068050446 -0.0006593208 -0.003616001 0.0147136105 0.012854703 -0.02911193 -0.0104308985 -0.011265107 -0.03034682 0.0064700474 0.023357855 -0.0088872835 -0.0058985814 -0.0025387546 -0.02099317 -0.014411456 -0.021531792 0.0075341566 0.027430372 0.0088018915 -0.0080727795 -0.0033696794 -0.030110352 0.008296112 0.0085063055 0.0027128218 0.0048410404 0.01568576 -0.0053960853 0.016079875 0.012204414 0.028455071 0.0045881504 -0.04931687 -0.004299133 0.01623752 0.005714661 0.0051366263 -0.005852601 -0.00038590384 -0.0135181295 0.015869679 0.016066737 0.060851287 -0.003524041 -0.03252759 0.0053074094 -0.0012899041 -0.0053369678 -0.1397793 -0.04718865 0.004972412 0.007882291 -0.011081188 0.02277982 -0.008861009 -0.0066441144 -0.0029098792 0.031056227 -0.012119022 -0.0073370994 -0.000016844806 0.00047047425 -0.01176432 -0.012880977 -0.013610089 -0.0060759326 -0.04364162 0.008703363 0.010680504 -0.010660798 -0.004916579 0.024763532 -0.007757488 -0.03418287 -0.023870206 0.030320546 0.0070218076 -0.014096164 -0.018786127 -0.03462953 0.0056391223 -0.01434577 -0.00050906464 -0.004755649 -0.00014286653 -0.017327903 0.0036915396 -0.0148712555 0.0021955464 0.0086967945 0.006637546 0.0143851815 -0.00095983315 0.002783434 -0.0043057017 0.02228061 -0.0077312137 -0.013478718 -0.04219653 0.0064174985 -0.028533895 -0.025472937 0.028166054 -0.005290988 -0.012440883 0.017800841 0.017183395 -0.008171309 0.005330399 -0.0048443247 -0.0036389912 -0.0064306357 0.01693379 -0.0016158697 -0.0092354175 -0.0022316736 0.0148187075 -0.004515896 -0.0006231936 0.008151603 0.010463742 -0.0068247505 -0.018825538 -0.015501839 -0.007724645 -0.0165134 -0.0017373883 -0.021991592 -0.023003154 -0.0046866788 -0.0025929452 -0.034944825 0.030846033 -0.0010460457 -0.0010419404 0.0059084343 0.008900421 -0.009590121 -0.03131897 0.009379926 0.028349973 -0.01816868 -0.020415135 0.0046144244 0.0002744433 -0.027982134 0.023594325 0.01379401 0.0036061483 -0.028612716 -0.003524041 0.010798739 0.0068641617 0.014319495 0.009616395 -0.024119811 0.026826065 -0.007665528 0.019245928 0.01748555 -0.027036259 0.028481346 0.0042695743 -0.00298706 -0.012263531 -0.011035208 0.01370205 -0.028349973 -0.00405938 0.019429848 0.0032153178 0.003924724 0.046531793 0.01715712 0.010266684 0.020073568 -0.0130320545 -0.009537572 -0.013301366 -0.007540725 0.036705203 -0.0054354966 -0.00012613718 -0.0027620862 -0.014739884 -0.023594325 -0.0088018915 0.02615607 -0.010095901 0.0349711 -0.0268392 -0.02735155 0.018011035 -0.004972412 0.013885969 -0.0038229113 -0.03326327 0.009728061 0.005245008 0.018129269 -0.00597412 0.022622176 -0.034287967 -0.021847084 -0.022937467 -0.008736206 -0.009925119 0.011895691 -0.00230557 -0.0082632685 0.01706516 0.0073633734 0.02329217 -0.011606674 0.004778639 -0.0023203494 -0.014674199 -0.00048771675 0.050709408 -0.008473463 -0.0013629795 0.0011363636 0.012348923 0.017603783 0.03058329 -0.0044075144 -0.010614819 -0.016027326 -0.01798476 0.025945876 0.0060627954 -0.03284288 0.0022990017 -0.011232265 0.022136101 0.0041579087 -0.004246584 0.0017373883 0.02588019 -0.007698371 -0.002829414 -0.0005045487 0.0043713874 0.008204151 0.0028573305 0.0016634918 -0.0088018915 -0.0207567 0.017143983 0.04109301 -0.010200999 -0.0043976614 -0.003924724 -0.009471887 0.008414346 -0.008276406 -0.022990016 -0.039464004 0.006660536 0.021755124 0.017288491 -0.0019541513 -0.0055800052 -0.0029164478 0.015186547 0.01734104 0.020467682 0.0003912408 -0.014700473 0.018483972 0.010017078 0.012749606 0.014884393 -0.034156594 0.02555176 0.005688387 0.021886496 -0.023909617 -0.00031262316 -0.004630846 0.0110549135 -0.026760379 -0.011422753 -0.010095901 0.0049691275 -0.018155543 0.011606674 0.03796637 -0.025748817 0.035943247 0.025919601 0.0008075243 0.0030921572 -0.012986074 -0.004433789 0.027482921 -0.008604835 -0.022333158 0.013321072 0.002303928 0.0068050446 0.008315817 -0.008112191 -0.018063584 0.0029377956 -0.0069167106 0.028586442 -0.0049691275 -0.03071466 0.028402522 -0.024185497 0.021229638 -0.0020723857 -0.011442459 -0.006069364 0.03034682 -0.0024172359 -0.033473462 -0.036048345 -0.0010739622 0.038675774 -0.04774041 -0.0060266685 -0.032501314 -0.03541776 0.0033039937 -0.015291645 0.00041710457 0.020034157 0.0057113767 0.0065685757 -0.019272203 -0.004285996 0.0018589069 0.02099317 -0.019364161 -0.02375197 -0.050840776
0.0041690017 -0.0056853 0.028321702 -0.02164082 -0.0056984 0.010034423 -0.010027874 -0.005285757 -0.01422635 -0.024247674 -0.005184234 0.021300226 -0.0046340437 0.016623609 0.011475398 -0.0040085297 0.047997557 -0.018667173 0.0072114235 -0.019230463 0.0028803118 0.011914241 -0.0009079778 -0.028688496 -0.0227412 -0.0008531225 0.022859098 -0.010008224 0.021208527 -0.045849193 0.01928286 -0.0014941925 -0.008803045 0.0030244093 -0.024889562 -0.00596367 -0.01763229 0.0033502663 -0.0042737997 -0.013885756 0.007794363 -0.019440059 -0.00425415 -0.0035434877 -0.0053610806 0.010414317 -0.022322008 -0.032225434 -0.01363686 0.010859709 0.036757953 0.016178215 -0.013361765 -0.016754605 -0.006766031 -0.006877379 -0.010466716 0.020658337 0.01928286 0.0078664115 0.0036908602 0.011475398 -0.013846457 0.0034517893 0.000668907 0.019793753 -0.013925055 -0.0013263517 0.009313936 0.0026428786 0.021208527 0.01992475 -0.010263669 0.02333069 0.0024594818 -0.008449351 -0.02051424 -0.0047879657 0.014514545 0.0073227715 0.0024480196 -0.0021074256 -0.005796648 0.010047523 0.002953998 -0.008829245 -0.005583777 0.0004503046 -0.0021156128 -0.017854987 -0.019977149 0.008724446 0.010768011 0.020540439 0.01481584 0.014318049 -0.0045226957 -0.012248285 -0.011200303 -0.005747524 -0.01989855 0.008881644 -0.015811423 -0.013191468 -0.005472429 -0.021902815 0.0027509516 -0.025531452 0.001238747 0.011409899 -0.03809413 0.01251028 -0.0013386328 -0.030522464 0.00966108 -0.013479663 0.0070869755 -0.003874257 -0.04440822 0.0021483623 0.032304034 -0.0060488186 0.022636402 -0.0044539217 -0.014514545 0.0026707156 -0.037648737 -0.009818277 -0.008554149 0.015130234 0.031570446 0.014265649 -0.007466869 0.014527645 -0.0056623756 0.02564935 0.0021074256 -0.019047065 -0.012791925 -0.020907233 -0.0018077682 0.013243867 -0.009582481 -0.027666714 -0.0077616135 0.01367616 0.009824827 -0.008829245 0.02672353 0.017527493 0.013008071 -0.0019797026 0.028400302 0.012968772 0.004028179 0.023042494 -0.011999389 0.018025283 -0.0054298546 -0.01482894 0.030522464 0.00908469 0.003471439 -0.0013754758 -0.011501598 0.026959326 0.021719418 0.020068847 0.01822178 0.010322618 0.00327003 0.041945465 -0.025282556 0.015418429 -0.00031705538 0.020894133 -0.02161462 0.015510128 -0.004948438 0.008560699 -0.01363686 0.008672047 0.033352014 0.04388423 -0.014737241 0.0058916216 0.0024283698 -0.015313631 -0.008580349 -0.008062908 -0.017213097 0.0170821 -0.017448893 -0.007231073 -0.65268296 0.002186024 0.0065662595 -0.0011503235 0.023107994 0.021771818 -0.0020452016 0.024129776 -0.028898092 0.022466104 -0.02447037 0.018509975 0.0017193448 -0.008875094 0.0040642037 -0.008010509 0.013158719 -0.018942267 -0.01816938 -0.018378977 0.0013607386 0.04050449 -0.008246305 -0.0048076157 0.01081386 0.0010144134 -0.005167859 -0.009176388 -0.0010316069 0.021182328 0.0056689256 0.027404718 0.00910434 0.014684842 0.058844168 -0.035762373 -0.022387506 0.0022875473 -0.005007387 0.02673663 -0.02727372 -0.01819558 -0.0014729054 0.007696115 0.00596367 -0.010113022 0.0169904 -0.007997409 0.011049656 0.0059407456 0.015143334 -0.011311651 -0.0026625283 -0.006084843 -0.004882939 -0.017173799 0.022361306 -0.0031324825 -0.0078140125 -0.00027591392 -0.010316069 0.011717744 -0.032225434 0.026422236 -0.016256815 0.016322313 -0.013780958 -0.0051940586 0.013374865 -0.0014237813 -0.003910281 0.0028622998 0.004316374 -0.009143639 0.01585072 0.033116218 0.028085906 0.0029703728 -0.034242798 0.01594242 0.009196038 -0.016859405 0.0025429928 -0.017959785 0.048731145 0.008658948 -0.025190858 0.01651881 0.009857577 -0.016558109 -0.007683015 0.03256603 -0.009477683 -0.007696115 0.006199466 -0.0017750189 -0.027561916 -0.010564964 0.013374865 -0.01991165 0.026854528 -0.017985985 0.0014450684 0.006707082 -0.008259405 -0.004021629 -0.012091087 0.034190398 0.03138705 -0.013348665 0.0011724294 -0.000036049954 0.0015457729 -0.011206853 0.02101203 -0.022544704 -0.005010662 0.025976844 0.009929625 -0.024548968 0.02508606 0.010564964 -0.0009865764 -0.011174104 0.01535293 0.024038078 0.0024267323 0.014475246 0.009137089 -0.006556435 0.0073293215 0.0034452395 0.03937791 -0.012235185 0.023081794 0.0039987047 0.0030080345 0.00068610045 0.029422084 -0.027037924 -0.024575168 -0.008737546 -0.0023661458 0.01078766 -0.021496722 -0.031675242 0.0033666408 -0.011344401 0.001523667 -0.020212945 0.013728559 0.0005452779 -0.02042254 0.009372885 0.008357653 -0.014881339 -0.008678597 -0.019256663 -0.032094438 -0.0036777605 -0.021129929 0.03282802 -0.032592226 -0.0011233053 -0.00739482 -0.025688648 0.007755064 0.022976996 -0.0033158793 -0.010925208 -0.0018405176 -0.010525665 -0.029500682 0.012045238 -0.016964203 0.0019698779 0.00029146989 0.008469001 -0.00198789 0.0043425737 -0.0058817966 -0.021431224 -0.020566639 0.0005469154 0.035028785 -0.008174256 -0.01647951 0.021457423 0.009228788 0.0045718197 -0.011141354 0.026631832 -0.018352777 -0.010748361 0.0034550643 0.0043884227 -0.0023137468 0.00795811 0.016715307 0.00797121 0.006094668 -0.01646641 0.019780653 -0.022505404 0.012922923 -0.00797121 -0.0042345007 -0.02217791 0.011200303 0.01195354 -0.012189336 -0.015693525 -0.002783701 -0.03578857 0.012752626 0.017317897 0.012772276 0.038382325 0.006772581 0.004198476 0.014370448 -0.0033388038 0.0066219335 -0.014265649 -0.0037170597 0.024221474 -0.008835794 0.00018227102 0.013977454 -0.030548664 -0.006654683 0.006536785 0.016964203 0.009896876 -0.00032442398 0.0007069782 0.023003196 -0.01756679 0.03295902 -0.022990096 0.004729017 -0.0004593107 0.006936328 -0.013859557 -0.0038546072 -0.0031455823 0.02109063 -0.00018933261 -0.018536175 0.019099465 -0.04094988 0.011553997 -0.022675702 -0.009792078 0.011508148 -0.015837621 -0.0038546072 -0.018405177 0.017789487 0.021863516 0.017095199 0.009975474 0.005511728 -0.033483014 0.008167706 -0.0169773 0.0029179738 -0.03581477 -0.008429702 0.003363366 -0.004591469 -0.008999542 0.0027886136 -0.0056099766 0.01254303 -0.019243563 0.0018667172 0.007106625 0.015483928 0.013833357 -0.021693218 -0.013938155 0.011206853 0.009857577 -0.013204568 -0.03749154 -0.019518657 0.013401065 0.0061634416 -0.00082856044 0.0029621855 -0.014134652 0.0005612433 -0.0049189636 -0.010584614 0.01815628 0.02680213 -0.026238838 0.020789335 -0.030443866 0.00313412 0.01193389 -0.0070738755 -0.021300226 -0.002821363 0.025937544 -0.013794058 -0.015051636 0.0028442875 -0.03715095 -0.0059996946 -0.010407767 -0.011868391 -0.002046839 0.006019344 -0.016531909 -0.0057835486 0.014278749 0.028374102 -0.0039921547 -0.006766031 -0.00793191 -0.02334379 0.004712642 0.12858734 0.01192734 -0.02505986 0.020881033 -0.003645011 0.011612946 -0.008279054 -0.026265038 0.020199845 -0.0054167546 0.030077072 0.0046995427 -0.009864126 -0.024771664 0.014580044 0.009379435 0.012837774 -0.024247674 -0.0073293215 -0.013178368 -0.020199845 0.0051351096 0.023605786 0.014868239 -0.00019649655 0.018627873 0.01814318 0.018392077 0.026474634 -0.011789793 -0.014645543 0.012077988 0.014973037 0.015497028 -0.04972673 0.016086517 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0.013532062 0.01874577 0.023736782 0.013348665 -0.011901141 -0.029448282 -0.01759299 0.03827753 0.020016449 -0.039613705 -0.007447219 0.020854834 -0.019400759 -0.0038415075 0.0170035 0.026815228 0.024273874 -0.0032290933 -0.029448282 -0.020645237 0.006877379 -0.017815687 0.022256508 0.0025102433 -0.015693525 0.002449657 -0.0069625275 -0.016610509 -0.010506015 0.044853613 -0.03709855 -0.012110737 0.003812033 0.013833357 0.024155976 -0.0059407456 -0.002210586 -0.011416449 0.009156739 0.0016800455 -0.013243867 -0.00095464574 -0.01586382 0.010198171 0.022295808 0.020239145 -0.026540134 -0.010584614 0.009536632 0.012405482 -0.0034026653 -0.009209138 0.006075018 -0.0024201826 0.03853952 0.00032728957 0.012326883 -0.010047523 -0.011678445 0.0011928978 0.04097608 -0.020841734 -0.033168618 -0.0036646607 -0.05305407 0.010997257 0.02393328 -0.034635793 0.022715 -0.0113968 -0.008455901 0.028924292 0.012195886 0.005013937 -0.008593449 -0.004555445 -0.03581477 0.0041591767 -0.00039074157 -0.0028361003 -0.002678903 -0.021968314 -0.0066972575 -0.0011699732 -0.0028999615 0.019191163 0.0074210195 -0.013767858 -0.011292001 -0.02957928 0.016951103 -0.023474788 -0.007584767 0.0048010657 -0.03529078 0.014187051 -0.020972732 0.0048665646 -0.010977607 0.0063959626 0.0016620333 -0.006245315 0.025675548 0.0008621286 -0.01367616 -0.016335413 0.013728559 0.0060488186 -0.001681683 0.03293282 0.003759634 -0.010997257 -0.021889716 -0.012811575 0.034871586 0.009700379 0.016178215 0.003641736 -0.0043884227 0.008475551 -0.019204263 -0.0074275695 -0.030679662 -0.028714696 0.01819558 0.011802893 -0.011239602 0.013623761 -0.017671589 -0.010113022 0.031439446 -0.0027411268 0.010643563 0.002015727 -0.018392077 -0.008377302 0.026435336 -0.019086365 0.016138917 0.0007094344 -0.014187051 -0.020763135 -0.017907385 0.0029163363 0.018680273 -0.0046929927 0.021313326 -0.011560547 -0.012032138 0.0030325968 0.025099158 -0.009883776 -0.019492457 0.007807463 0.025950644 -0.003694135 -0.0014598056 -0.001179798 -0.014894438 0.006487661 0.007224523 -0.009392535 0.011259252 -0.0047584916 -0.015156434 0.016780805 -0.006189641 -0.027771512 -0.02051424 -0.0013329015 -0.03932551 -0.011573647 -0.0040707537 0.018640973 -0.027823912 -0.014855139 -0.04087128 0.0012371095 0.0042476 -0.015208833 -0.027430918 -0.017357195 0.011449199 -0.018627873 0.021457423 -0.0010013137 0.014304949 -0.027666714 -0.0004977913 -0.01932216 -0.008482101 0.0023399463 0.009274637 -0.015051636 -0.013780958 0.027719114 0.023029396 0.011606396 0.0066972575 -0.004591469 0.0069232285 -0.0031685068 -0.040347293 -0.030522464 0.0024824063 -0.0074865185 0.004548895 -0.014619343 0.0012215535 -0.0039888797 -0.022282708 0.022269608 -0.0038546072 -0.013139069 -0.0046864427 -0.004493221 0.01813008 0.009936175 0.00511546 -0.013479663 0.0016522085 -0.017776389 0.016676007 -0.0017275321 -0.010420867 0.009851027 0.030889258 0.014959937 0.011763593 0.0054986286 -0.016269915 0.0005231721 0.0014246 -0.009883776 -0.012601979 -0.014095352 0.011658795 0.0036122615 0.002353046 -0.01926976 0.0031292075 -0.04786656 0.0053774556 -0.004489946 0.024116676 0.024522768 -0.009962375 -0.018536175 0.018103883 0.009287737 0.010152321 0.0013075208 -0.00021164316 0.0051907836 0.00684463 0.0020517514 -0.0018781795 -0.018457577 -0.0018568924 0.004139527 -0.01020472 -0.011547447 0.017095199 -0.004263975 0.022819798 0.006785681 0.0026674406 0.039561305 0.006779131 0.013021171 -0.038382325 0.005907996 0.020095047 -0.023815382 0.012333433 -0.00013693354 0.020645237 -0.013754758 0.013911956 0.0036188115 0.0039561307 -0.01818248 -0.0061765416 0.028400302 -0.0008134138 0.013184918 0.03073206 0.0036089865 0.001548229 -0.005845772 0.013964355 0.0057114996 -0.011069305 0.021929014 -0.02447037 -0.0045816447 -0.007342421 0.013178368 -0.011200303 0.008992992 -0.008141507 -0.0015015611 -0.011147904 0.015457729 0.025924444 -0.0011781605 -0.008292154 -0.01307357 -0.010054073 -0.0020894133 -0.021693218 0.003920106 -0.019099465 -0.028374102 0.023147294 -0.010342268 -0.014593144 -0.02213861 0.019544857 0.0034845388 0.011030006 0.2280408 -0.007237623 -0.0053774556 0.011292001 0.00341249 -0.0034943635 0.03932551 -0.004650418 0.00071189064 0.011914241 -0.023500986 -0.01764539 -0.017894285 -0.0070935255 0.0009472771 -0.024915762 -0.036207765 -0.01136405 -0.0076699154 -0.026396036 0.0021172503 0.0021811116 0.0045652697 -0.0059505706 0.031544246 0.02561005 0.009752778 0.0014246 0.033325814 -0.0040707537 0.004034729 -0.009444934 0.014632443 0.01641401 -0.014422847 -0.0023497713 -0.003818583 -0.010872809 0.018470675 -0.0033830155 0.02330449 -0.005066336 0.030679662 -0.015745923 0.017737089 0.0227412 -0.012470981 -0.009752778 -0.011979739 0.022675702 -0.04273145 0.014763441 0.024103576 0.019007767 -0.008829245 0.0057769986 0.013139069 -0.012772276 -0.029762678 0.029186288 0.0028688496 0.018667173 -0.0034648892 0.02618644 -0.013518962 0.0076633655 -0.024247674 0.011036556 0.007807463 -0.01818248 0.0012690402 -0.011239602 -0.02219101 -0.010558414 -0.0013591012 -0.0053676306 0.026828328 0.0072638225 0.038434725 0.026317438 -0.0036712105 -0.006615384 0.014750341 -0.00052235334 -0.01988545 -0.039954297 0.031963438 0.0016702206 -0.028793294 -0.012719876 0.019806853 -0.025819646 0.002099238 0.018405177 0.0077747134 0.0010995619 0.0068642795 0.0050434116 -0.015785223 0.001666127 -0.020946532 0.008966792 0.0075323675 0.01871957 -0.00042615188 -0.02384158 -0.0046176687 0.019688955 0.0037105097 -0.026487734 -0.017815687 -0.04089748 -0.0042214007 -0.015719723 -0.01759299 0.0025249806 0.007899161 0.0026527033 0.014304949 -0.026474634 -0.013990554 -0.0036875852 0.023383088 0.014462146 -0.0049811876 -0.021758718 -0.024968162 0.014278749 -0.015772123 -0.008357653 0.0049189636 -0.02165392 -0.0039921547 -0.00739482 -0.009713479 -0.012123837 0.0042476 -0.008816145 -0.020068847 0.0034878138 -0.010872809 -0.008580349 -0.003106283 -0.0027378518 0.009405634 -0.012791925 0.001179798 0.0011601484 0.0023219343 -0.013021171 -0.017357195 0.021994514 -0.021444323 -0.031203652 0.01878507 -0.03484539 -0.016662907 -0.025911344 -0.011416449 0.036050566 -0.020697637 0.011311651 0.005298857 -0.001963328 -0.0029834725 -0.021536022 -0.1652667 0.019479359 0.014173951 -0.016322313 0.034504794 -0.013780958 0.009746228 -0.009575931 -0.01535293 0.006497486 0.00681843 -0.00038480575 -0.041369073 -0.024195274 -0.013859557 -0.00024480195 0.019164963 0.024391772 0.038356125 0.014121552 -0.012379282 0.0045095957 0.020828635 0.014855139 -0.011645695 -0.0064712865 0.009156739 0.012870524 -0.031151254 -0.018326579 -0.030443866 -0.00060218 0.034583393 0.020357043 0.015300531 0.01364996 -0.018876769 -0.0170166 -0.01480274 0.0054265796 0.020867933 0.018968467 -0.02165392 0.02223031 0.017147599 0.023972578 -0.013794058 -0.01646641 -0.026684232 -0.018680273 0.012877074 -0.022479204 -0.015221933 0.010433966 0.020645237 -0.026120942 0.026828328 -0.000042446325 0.0032552928 -0.003874257 -0.024011878 -0.00341904 0.00062756083 0.002068126 -0.0018012184 -0.0024201826 0.0016718581 0.0014598056 -0.038801517 0.017763289 -0.0050204867 -0.0018863669 0.025950644 -0.0039528557 0.00040506944 0.00032340057 -0.014514545 0.008613098 -0.01647951 0.04278385 -0.0023661458 0.010014774 -0.016230615 -0.012896723 -0.0010258757 0.019479359 0.008207005 0.022466104 -0.026422236 -0.010748361 0.018025283 -0.028714696 -0.022466104 -0.013401065 0.0042377757 0.0006115955 0.0008408415 0.004316374 -0.003979055 -0.0033830155 -0.00010592392 -0.0036646607 -0.004018354 -0.008547599 0.026684232 0.0043949727 0.011698094 0.0010201446 0.009202588 -0.018405177 -0.0050958106 0.010545315 -0.003926656 0.03861812 0.013315916 0.0052104336 0.042914845 -0.01480274 0.02563625 -0.0010193258 0.056486208 -0.0069166785 -0.020710737 0.007886061 -0.012012489 -0.022806698 -0.13498002 -0.03743914 0.008102207 0.023998778 0.031046454 0.008049808 -0.010316069 0.009150189 -0.00016804549 0.02164082 -0.0227805 -0.014999237 -0.0003712966 0.0023170218 0.014265649 -0.024693066 0.017789487 -0.026238838 -0.03175384 0.040294893 0.011278902 -0.01929596 0.0014843676 -0.0007700208 -0.008265954 -0.01987235 -0.012667477 0.011757043 0.009123989 -0.0038316827 -0.010630463 -0.00073727145 0.016702207 -0.016086517 0.015235032 0.0035434877 -0.025361154 -0.006713632 0.018274179 0.0015752474 -0.0035500377 0.010840059 0.018824369 -0.010368468 0.018313479 -0.006359938 -0.03853952 0.029815076 -0.013243867 0.016846305 -0.04058309 0.006664508 -0.023736782 0.008056358 0.027797712 0.0050368616 0.0020861384 0.013276617 0.0017160699 0.003335529 0.016702207 0.0023121093 -0.0038022082 0.016662907 0.022453006 -0.00024746283 0.011311651 -0.010361918 0.00796466 0.005790098 -0.0057671736 0.010407767 -0.009693829 0.04514181 -0.011632595 -0.007453769 -0.026251938 -0.049202736 0.016584309 -0.008338003 -0.00053586246 -0.008822695 -0.015169534 -0.012320333 0.015130234 -0.022859098 0.0017750189 0.03738674 -0.022479204 0.0025560926 -0.012438231 0.063350484 0.011901141 -0.02562315 -0.014344248 0.0075978665 -0.0041690017 -0.009942725 0.028007308 -0.0017029701 -0.02499436 -0.011835642 -0.010669762 0.03529078 0.015300531 0.013492763 -0.007342421 -0.0072572725 0.00738827 0.007506168 -0.0031013705 0.007185224 -0.009209138 0.049412332 0.021313326 -0.016007919 -0.026251938 -0.020016449 -0.0019715154 -0.0012837774 -0.012051788 0.001176523 -0.008095657 -0.010905558 0.006713632 0.0017160699 0.024142876 -0.004083853 -0.008685147 0.026906928 -0.013911956 -0.006477836 0.013584461 -0.01815628 0.00397578 0.016649807 0.0056034266 -0.02727372 0.004313099 0.0062354906 0.011167554 0.049255136 -0.0012567592 -0.024391772 0.026016142 -0.028190704 -0.011619496 0.017213097 -0.03935171 0.021837316 0.014121552 0.024365572 0.02965788 0.015038536 -0.0026543408 -0.013256967 0.011573647 -0.024522768 -0.00089160306 0.024404872 -0.020605939 -0.007565117 0.032801826 0.010348818 -0.004542345 -0.012949122 0.02331759 -0.0013001522 -0.009720029 0.0027886136 -0.020160547 0.0030980955 -0.014632443 0.018562375 0.018536175 0.021929014 0.020592839 0.014986137 -0.005980045 0.0015785223 -0.021522922 0.009811727 0.0019797026 0.0053643556 -0.019571057 -0.016309213 0.0064680115 0.013335566 -0.008436251 0.028714696 0.009405634 0.00795156 -0.011147904 0.0024529318 -0.010283319 -0.008953692 0.03141325 0.025989944 -0.011822542 -0.0071393745 0.021260926 0.0012600342 -0.0028344628 -0.010447066 0.01252338 -0.008789945 -0.008311804 0.017868087 -0.019112565 -0.026278138 -0.0047421167 0.026553234 -0.019138765 0.019453159 0.0006083206 0.0031177453 -0.0071459245 0.007872961 0.014750341 -0.03188484 -0.0008252855 0.02787631 0.022374406 -0.014671742 0.024300072 -0.010008224 0.008161156 0.0048010657 0.008475551 -0.008141507 -0.007178674 -0.028609898 0.004706092 -0.018418277 -0.027037924 -0.0063468385 0.01875887 -0.041945465 -0.02566245 0.024313172 -0.018654073 0.026448436 0.016283015 -0.009372885 0.012805025 0.027719114 0.017828787 0.00792536 -0.0068053305 -0.007119725 -0.0064647365 0.015444629 -0.032120638 -0.007512718 -0.002703465 -0.021850416 0.019597257 -0.00026772654 0.009949275 0.011698094 -0.017750189 0.026448436 0.022439906 0.00794501 -0.010113022 0.012405482 -0.013820257 0.01194699 -0.009294286 -0.014370448 -0.0070804255 0.008252855 0.013990554 -0.021981414 -0.009824827 0.010433966 -0.020055749 0.006038994 0.005799923 0.013532062 0.041421473 -0.020068847 0.011514698 -0.025518352 -0.023828482 0.021758718 0.019702055 -0.014855139 -0.0021123379 -0.03020807
0.008794352 -0.0050001442 0.016536718 -0.021360463 -0.019410439 0.0032874586 -0.023721019 -0.015638681 -0.028095745 -0.024285499 0.0028432508 0.02325917 0.011154909 -0.011822022 -0.00055084977 0.0017928677 0.04682624 0.009660318 0.009172811 -0.024503594 -0.012553281 -0.011135665 -0.007286933 -0.014278796 -0.01824299 0.019551558 0.0056640506 -0.004785257 -0.012296699 -0.024901297 0.033663575 0.0017207039 -0.013226809 -0.0044581145 -0.007197129 -0.0060777892 -0.009044521 -0.02440096 -0.00520541 0.006295884 0.017139686 -0.0032970805 -0.007639733 -0.017870946 0.019205173 0.0016124584 -0.003396506 -0.018448256 -0.009904071 0.02528617 0.014445574 0.013842606 -0.009782194 -0.024336815 0.012745718 0.0057538543 -0.003095022 0.0056512216 0.0021200099 -0.005927047 -0.005445956 -0.004868646 0.015805459 0.0037813792 -0.0067994264 0.00448698 -0.021245 0.023284828 0.02055223 -0.0062317387 0.01896142 0.009493539 0.012219724 0.017139686 0.024054576 0.00595912 -0.02211738 -0.02484998 0.014265967 0.026889808 0.008383821 0.017768312 -0.01622882 0.022566399 -0.022746006 0.0012331979 -0.019205173 0.0015723674 -0.0034734807 0.0007332636 -0.015138346 0.010147823 0.02414438 -0.0010760414 0.0157798 0.0034798952 0.016536718 -0.014625181 -0.006456248 -0.042156443 0.023207854 -0.004358689 -0.001449689 -0.014471232 -0.022912785 -0.026248353 -0.010673816 -0.010571184 0.02055223 0.0037140264 -0.008486454 -0.007049594 -0.0025129013 -0.04508148 -0.00926903 -0.0078899 -0.0034798952 -0.011937484 -0.026556252 -0.018922932 0.042566977 0.0071522268 0.027351655 -0.031277362 0.016588034 0.027454289 -0.037999813 -0.0017046676 -0.021591386 -0.02139895 0.018627863 0.01377846 -0.0020622788 0.013945239 -0.008037435 -0.007620489 -0.002597894 0.011167738 -0.019436097 -0.009134324 0.006013644 0.020308476 -0.026530592 -0.0090573495 -0.01908971 0.0050931554 0.042618293 -0.0010936813 0.013226809 0.0143044535 0.01765285 -0.01407353 0.021847969 0.017293636 -0.001064014 0.008787938 0.0008499283 0.004114936 -0.0065300153 -0.0036113935 0.017191002 -0.0023461229 0.021822311 -0.0076333187 0.0023781958 0.018499572 0.008666062 0.016459744 0.015266637 0.00818497 0.009589757 0.021296317 -0.03445898 0.019910773 0.0069726193 0.021309147 0.0036113935 -0.011764291 0.00027722897 -0.0062028733 0.018089041 0.0069854488 0.037743233 0.022027576 -0.0067545245 -0.0075627584 -0.0045511257 -0.008377407 -0.030045768 -0.014496891 -0.005089948 0.008037435 0.0058789384 -0.020937102 -0.6650609 -0.019564388 0.024901297 -0.013117761 0.012995885 0.007941217 0.0055133086 0.0015619438 -0.011815608 0.005122021 0.0075948313 0.010834181 -0.01393241 0.0024583775 -0.0068699867 -0.010551941 0.01393241 -0.04608215 -0.017126858 0.012521208 -0.00033054996 0.019076882 -0.021745335 0.013547537 0.0033580186 0.0076718056 -0.0040988997 -0.0005516516 0.019602874 0.01966702 -0.007492198 -0.00926903 -0.0008206619 0.024631884 0.04569728 -0.025812162 0.020770324 0.032560274 0.00008409079 0.033535283 -0.021796653 -0.013085688 -0.00021709254 0.006180422 -0.0012957398 0.013444904 0.019307805 0.0015964219 0.0034991389 -0.020924274 -0.003180015 0.022463765 0.0013069652 0.005564625 -0.011886167 -0.014676498 0.018615033 -0.010956057 0.00089803746 0.0018987078 -0.0010600049 0.0024840357 -0.022720348 -0.000811441 -0.024914125 0.03415108 0.031816185 -0.00019193547 -0.0109303985 -0.022951271 -0.027941795 -0.007819341 -0.0027887272 -0.013727144 0.0031591675 0.0031142656 0.04148933 -0.008961131 -0.011263955 -0.0013422453 0.0078449985 0.0055582104 -0.01421465 -0.018768983 0.022207184 -0.0066134045 -0.029943135 -0.01867918 0.004682624 -0.013752802 -0.0014007781 0.031328678 0.0022274537 -0.043157116 0.0096731465 0.0119888 0.012585354 -0.017178174 0.017062712 -0.0019532314 -0.012970227 0.0042752996 0.020706179 0.0031992586 0.027993111 -0.0014536981 0.007351078 0.016292965 0.01393241 -0.008120825 -0.026350984 0.0029154145 -0.023182197 0.006212495 0.012662328 -0.021783823 0.016639352 0.015766973 0.0133679295 -0.031251702 0.01379129 0.0045382963 -0.026197037 -0.011886167 -0.010879083 0.022361133 -0.0071458123 0.01422748 0.005692916 -0.009236957 -0.011071519 -0.008698135 0.007453711 -0.005282385 -0.0019163478 0.01837128 -0.013239638 -0.019987749 -0.013662999 -0.02355424 -0.01869201 -0.032842513 0.0139837265 0.0019756823 -0.0046922457 -0.017640023 0.0048878896 -0.0038615612 -0.019705508 -0.03017406 -0.005022595 -0.0041245576 -0.024041746 0.014561036 0.006760939 -0.0067416956 0.0048750606 0.021668361 -0.011501295 -0.028916806 -0.01077645 0.014458403 -0.023682531 0.0055710394 -0.015484732 -0.02055223 -0.012681572 0.011013788 -0.038410347 -0.021463096 0.01853806 -0.009570514 0.0020237917 0.03289383 -0.012623841 -0.012611012 -0.012392917 -0.0010976904 0.02300259 -0.015843946 -0.011257541 -0.0038615612 -0.0038551465 -0.008281188 0.05275329 -0.012739303 -0.0036723318 0.03435635 -0.014342941 0.013868264 -0.00688923 0.027608238 -0.018589376 -0.01622882 0.0065203933 0.0407709 -0.004095692 0.007742366 -0.011360174 0.0076910495 -0.0029234327 -0.010840595 0.012341601 -0.009788608 0.018345622 -0.020924274 0.0037525138 -0.05670465 0.02138612 0.011610341 0.0024631885 -0.011995215 -0.0031014367 -0.010814937 -0.00048429877 0.02541446 -0.010365918 0.022912785 -0.019436097 0.008229872 0.024593398 0.026248353 0.03002011 -0.008351749 0.015856776 0.019910773 0.016857447 0.0050739115 -0.0068828156 -0.019949261 0.00047106875 0.02497827 0.025876308 0.003871183 -0.005263141 -0.008107996 0.0039289137 -0.01938478 0.04836573 -0.012405747 0.034305032 0.0016998566 -0.0023092392 -0.017191002 0.0016822167 0.007286933 0.02252791 -0.003396506 -0.008037435 0.03330436 -0.01277779 -0.0041758744 -0.009346005 -0.020603545 -0.007588417 -0.020346964 -0.0044901874 0.0057089524 0.019782482 0.015382099 0.011417905 0.037435334 -0.0063953097 -0.012963812 0.0072292015 -0.007620489 -0.008640403 -0.021155197 -0.0002505685 0.0013855435 -0.008569843 -0.027890477 0.01242499 -0.01738344 -0.0036210155 0.014535378 -0.013303784 -0.016908763 -0.0007785664 0.029122071 -0.0045286748 -0.036126763 0.012194066 0.0150742 -0.004172667 -0.01925649 0.0060649603 0.020193014 0.0076140747 -0.0034927244 0.030610248 0.0026876978 0.014201821 -0.0029330545 0.009538441 -0.0046313074 0.028531933 0.00294428 0.009538441 0.00082988286 0.008877742 0.016562376 -0.019307805 -0.0121427495 0.024619056 0.0059879855 -0.0037011972 -0.020719007 0.012065775 -0.027479947 0.022964101 -0.0034221641 -0.01867918 -0.011161323 -0.0015803856 -0.011488465 -0.0040764487 0.013816948 0.028993782 0.021103881 0.01693442 -0.012912496 -0.0057634762 0.0071201543 0.11310141 0.006780183 -0.013393587 0.025029587 0.009955387 0.0038775974 -0.0050001442 -0.027659554 0.0018618241 -0.020937102 0.040745243 -0.04120709 0.008268359 0.0027149597 0.0057314034 -0.0087622795 0.016626522 -0.009775779 -0.004195118 0.006805841 -0.0068699867 0.007716708 -0.004393969 0.002532145 0.018461084 0.005250312 0.011289614 0.044029493 0.014830448 -0.008807181 -0.021026906 0.025170708 -0.0035183826 -0.0026171377 -0.0012700816 0.015625851 0.019038394 0.020629203 0.014484062 -0.011924654 0.018486742 0.007049594 0.011597512 -0.01205936 0.026376644 -0.029943135 -0.010551941 0.00832609 0.008403065 0.0036498809 0.009679561 0.013278126 -0.020795982 -0.0014641217 0.02311805 0.0008370992 -0.006372859 -0.004961657 -0.0053946394 0.0029202255 -0.013624512 -0.03646032 0.005089948 -0.022296987 0.012219724 0.0069277175 -0.01651106 -0.01708837 -0.020026235 0.018050553 0.009230542 -0.014561036 -0.015869604 0.005022595 0.025068074 -0.005946291 0.017049883 0.0030693638 -0.010058019 -0.0073318346 0.0035664917 -0.01925649 -0.009891241 -0.0025818576 0.00063063076 0.0060842037 -0.005122021 0.0035632844 0.008935473 0.015356441 0.0038070374 0.025222024 0.025388801 -0.024375303 0.02830101 -0.00948071 0.0025690286 0.0039032558 0.010628914 -0.017216662 0.024311157 -0.042105127 -0.00804385 -0.020616375 0.009846339 0.011629585 0.017049883 -0.0015018072 0.01149488 -0.017498901 0.023323316 -0.009134324 0.008685305 -0.015613023 0.017896604 0.016292965 -0.008710964 0.013457733 0.026941124 -0.00026379852 -0.015625851 -0.030404983 0.014368599 0.036152422 -0.01794792 -0.0006807445 0.0099938745 -0.013342271 -0.013015129 -0.0031671857 -0.010019532 0.023053905 -0.013316613 -0.013739973 -0.018435426 -0.016844617 0.013188322 -0.0028753236 -0.0031944476 -0.0049295845 -0.007941217 -0.001104105 0.021770993 -0.0069854488 0.039103117 -0.04051432 0.010154238 0.026350984 -0.0006522799 0.029096413 0.0014304454 -0.0007501018 -0.010359503 -0.027479947 -0.01551039 -0.011873338 -0.014188992 -0.01738344 0.005583869 0.016113358 0.021078221 -0.0040700343 0.011186981 0.006437004 0.0064626625 0.013406416 0.00041133323 0.0040860707 -0.018153185 0.038666926 0.027941795 -0.015138346 -0.005971949 -0.009724462 0.009634659 0.011854094 -0.0064081387 -0.015317953 -0.011655243 -0.027018098 -0.030379325 0.02082164 -0.021886457 0.013804119 -0.020757494 0.0118412655 0.0324833 -0.00513485 -0.014484062 0.004753184 0.029250363 -0.017101198 0.008172141 -0.007492198 0.011283199 -0.02068052 -0.017627193 -0.014009384 0.0012965415 -0.0130728595 0.005785927 0.02454208 0.0018393731 0.008884156 -0.018140357 -0.0050835335 -0.022386791 -0.0028384398 0.014445574 -0.018063381 0.01652389 -0.014573866 -0.015317953 -0.002544974 -0.009487124 0.012572524 -0.02658191 0.01867918 -0.028557591 -0.026787175 0.0017768312 -0.012097848 0.02699244 -0.014881764 0.03776889 0.009307517 0.000144127 -0.011392247 -0.0023621593 0.01779397 -0.01910254 0.014330112 0.021899285 0.026864149 -0.021655532 -0.0012259815 -0.004021925 -0.014868935 -0.015240978 -0.008364578 -0.009198469 0.012546866 0.0077744387 0.0076269037 -0.013239638 0.017742654 0.014419916 0.027172048 -0.008845669 -0.02112954 -0.0056415997 0.011886167 -0.009294688 0.009108665 0.003180015 -0.0065460517 -0.0020302061 0.0047563915 -0.0025433705 0.0133679295 0.0007861837 0.02055223 -0.011039446 0.0318675 0.011578268 0.01220048 -0.012976642 0.0015026091 0.0136886565 0.023810823 -0.002017377 -0.018730495 0.001174665 -0.007081667 0.0049905223 -0.0032040693 -0.010994544 -0.013457733 -0.017049883 -0.021629874 0.014766302 0.0013991744 -0.019371951 -0.005471614 0.008306847 -0.010019532 0.001600431 -0.0011049068 0.010051605 -0.035947155 -0.03707612 0.0004031146 0.001529871 -0.011283199 -0.007190714 -0.007556344 -0.011116421 0.019782482 -0.015356441 0.0041470085 0.004137387 0.021847969 -0.02252791 0.024683202 -0.027223364 -0.03720441 0.014484062 -0.007909144 -0.00059976074 -0.012008044 0.018127527 0.04910982 -0.009313932 0.00044901873 0.019756824 0.017986408 0.005173337 0.002904189 -0.018987078 0.009147153 -0.009063764 0.0038230738 -0.009487124 0.026171377 -0.012816277 -0.009583343 0.009192055 0.0024679995 -0.02356707 -0.017768312 -0.030507615 0.009487124 -0.0044132126 0.0049103405 0.017216662 -0.027993111 -0.016972909 0.036588613 0.014650839 -0.023272 0.014663669 0.019872285 0.0044324566 0.010712304 -0.004602442 -0.016151845 -0.009390906 -0.022630544 -0.013117761 0.008659647 0.0019917188 0.038974825 -0.015394928 -0.013765631 -0.017575877 -0.017460413 -0.045466352 -0.018602205 0.009557685 -0.0016597657 0.017742654 -0.0013903545 -0.0047820495 0.03102078 0.0032569894 0.011251126 -0.013027958 -0.017909434 -0.015176834 -0.010346674 0.01651106 -0.0035664917 -0.004980901 -0.030635906 0.014997225 -0.0090765925 -0.012476306 0.023156537 -0.017716996 0.011770706 0.021283489 -0.0064754914 0.022489425 0.014484062 0.014997225 -0.030533275 -0.0075050276 0.001972475 -0.014586695 0.01493308 -0.002743825 0.02112954 0.016459744 0.008447967 -0.007947631 -0.004730733 -0.004185496 0.0017880567 0.008582672 -0.009275444 0.012136335 0.022964101 0.021245 -0.012559695 -0.0035215898 0.0033868842 0.012700816 -0.0014023817 0.0032601967 -0.053215135 0.014471232 -0.00079660735 0.000023014716 -0.009576928 0.024336815 -0.011437149 0.0063792733 0.008723793 0.020847298 0.0001990516 0.0070560086 0.0011225468 -0.00674811 -0.03630637 -0.002743825 -0.020770324 0.0031319056 -0.0063664443 -0.006263811 0.0032393495 -0.0026893015 -0.020744665 -0.009974631 0.038436003 -0.01823016 -0.0022691481 0.21450266 0.0013045598 -0.021180855 0.010282529 -0.004429249 0.0315596 0.037691917 -0.008967546 -0.0012644689 -0.012476306 0.015613023 -0.027479947 -0.020898614 -0.010122165 0.005391432 -0.030225376 -0.030943805 -0.00674811 -0.0014264364 -0.00031511494 0.011148494 0.00014222268 -0.007062423 -0.02083447 0.021347633 0.018615033 0.0150742 -0.0064305896 0.029943135 -0.03227803 -0.012829106 -0.012097848 0.016857447 0.0038455247 0.001808904 0.011430734 -0.009018862 -0.014099188 0.016305795 0.008447967 0.032252375 0.008627574 -0.0012299906 -0.015433416 0.012014458 0.020321306 -0.027813504 0.00014863723 0.0039802305 0.03017406 -0.018820299 -0.02325917 0.042464342 0.011680902 -0.014163334 0.009923314 0.0178068 0.0016084493 0.0057281964 0.01177712 -0.0033644333 0.020154526 -0.018499572 0.031097755 -0.0012099451 0.001791264 -0.01823016 0.016010726 0.0049552424 -0.01227104 0.0014112018 -0.014124846 0.0047371476 -0.00739598 -0.006966205 -0.016023554 0.008980375 0.0016774057 0.017191002 0.03876956 -0.007428053 -0.013117761 0.005109192 -0.046774924 -0.036947828 -0.038461663 0.014727814 0.0076076603 -0.0078321695 -0.00027301942 -0.0061066546 -0.043311063 -0.011449978 -0.032431982 -0.0145995235 0.013560366 0.0052535194 0.018037723 -0.0011353759 0.028634567 -0.0121427495 0.0034863097 0.0139965555 0.03227803 -0.0072612744 -0.0004514242 -0.0021713262 0.008056679 0.030815514 -0.03907746 -0.0020366206 -0.025760846 0.008884156 -0.0051059844 -0.0010006704 0.01379129 0.015382099 -0.011206225 0.01622882 0.0024888467 -0.013457733 -0.016562376 0.010795693 0.022579229 0.024670372 -0.03705046 -0.032816853 -0.00674811 -0.006639063 -0.03030235 0.0115333665 -0.013906752 -0.0127585465 -0.028814174 -0.015869604 0.0084415525 -0.011482051 -0.0318675 -0.017306466 0.0063247494 -0.008948302 -0.015920922 0.0070880814 0.006283055 -0.0027999526 -0.011116421 0.010397991 -0.0195259 -0.022617714 -0.0039032558 -0.01579263 -0.007979704 -0.0020253952 -0.011680902 0.013906752 -0.009647489 -0.033124752 -0.03648598 -0.014881764 0.019294977 -0.009544855 0.026158549 0.014240309 0.010821352 0.0044356636 -0.006363237 -0.16113357 0.034099765 0.02999445 -0.022476595 0.01866635 0.010968886 0.029096413 -0.010981715 -0.016382769 0.0058917673 -0.0016565584 -0.019294977 -0.021309147 -0.006004022 0.0036562954 -0.022168696 0.008133654 0.030764198 0.03448464 0.015330782 0.013092103 0.00079299917 0.015908092 0.020949932 -0.00926903 0.010584013 -0.00086436106 -0.006549259 0.0037011972 -0.01649823 0.0057442323 -0.008422309 0.031251702 0.023464436 -0.0036338444 -0.016177503 -0.03273988 -0.032329347 -0.023669701 0.012309528 0.011501295 0.034972146 0.033278704 0.00003340078 -0.0127713755 0.013816948 -0.0041213506 -0.0055710394 0.00031491448 -0.02758258 0.027505605 -0.017486073 -0.012238968 0.013534708 0.0119888 -0.014856106 -0.009031691 0.018563718 0.0042624706 0.00075451186 -0.018473914 -0.015151175 0.013560366 0.009006033 -0.009961802 -0.023631215 0.017537389 0.0018185258 -0.047339402 0.015689997 -0.00840948 -0.007543515 0.011655243 0.0076718056 -0.015843946 0.00087719015 -0.025927624 -0.005423505 0.0046922457 0.010660987 -0.010455722 0.010032361 0.000962183 0.01321398 -0.011398661 0.0036242227 0.009025277 0.0036723318 -0.013483391 -0.024811493 0.013560366 -0.006760939 -0.026684541 0.0059783636 0.005991193 0.011764291 -0.0035600772 0.0055133086 -0.0039609866 0.013188322 0.006825085 -0.013816948 -0.042926192 -0.005077119 0.035562284 0.004544711 0.023874968 0.008941887 0.019179514 0.0073125907 -0.028891148 0.018922932 0.016908763 0.016408427 0.0013751199 0.012797034 -0.0007577191 -0.021745335 0.02411872 0.015420586 0.03920575 -0.008197799 -0.0038904266 0.013104932 0.027608238 -0.012412161 -0.12634104 -0.01908971 0.0077616097 0.010673816 0.0045735766 0.03517741 -0.020116039 0.0017591913 -0.029763527 0.03748665 -0.009346005 -0.020128869 0.0121427495 -0.016267307 0.006180422 -0.03517741 0.01463801 -0.013573195 -0.042130787 0.023900626 0.0038519392 -0.00024214938 -0.006703208 0.010526282 -0.039103117 0.0060425093 -0.02169402 -0.021629874 0.004053998 -0.018730495 -0.015010055 -0.018858787 -0.0011233486 -0.018987078 0.0067416956 0.0015699619 -0.015356441 -0.02758258 0.011879752 -0.0074472963 0.010519868 -0.0061611785 0.0338945 -0.025029587 0.003383677 0.01032743 -0.008890571 0.037820205 0.014779131 -0.006513979 -0.026761517 0.01463801 -0.037435334 -0.010346674 0.013881094 -0.038872194 0.027916135 -0.023849308 0.0036819535 0.024760175 -0.013611682 -0.0006450635 0.008351749 -0.0005757062 0.025452947 -0.010083678 -0.023092393 -0.01938478 0.006805841 -0.024349645 -0.02355424 -0.0007701473 -0.022771664 0.0011923051 -0.035818867 0.019897945 -0.017575877 -0.019795312 0.0063247494 0.016883105 -0.013804119 -0.004509431 0.006090618 -0.031713553 0.010333845 -0.011071519 -0.006090618 -0.018627863 0.0015154382 -0.01821733 -0.004807708 0.042182103 0.013104932 -0.01536927 0.010539111 0.001755984 0.014856106 -0.005186166 0.0048365733 0.0057923417 -0.0014705363 -0.017896604 0.0018922932 0.010147823 0.018461084 0.0081400685 0.024606226 0.0050386316 0.01781963 0.010109336 -0.0049456204 -0.0015868001 -0.0064402116 0.0017976785 0.0150742 0.0018682387 -0.010699475 0.008075923 -0.010545526 0.0037236481 0.00096939935 0.0028063671 -0.01242499 -0.0006202071 0.012104263 -0.0021184064 -0.013380758 0.0063696513 -0.006587746 0.012264626 0.004406798 -0.016126188 0.035767548 -0.008961131 0.012129921 0.027120732 -0.005343323 -0.026248353 -0.01142432 0.024157207 -0.011154909 0.050033517 -0.017768312 -0.011520538 0.009737292 -0.039308384 0.015266637 -0.008531356 -0.062092878 0.01365017 -0.0044003837 0.036152422 0.012091433 0.0049295845 -0.028891148 0.0017271185 -0.014663669 -0.019410439 0.0015178437 0.0020959552 0.0002988781 -0.019064052 0.028044427 0.0029186218 0.0078257555 -0.019910773 0.016023554 -0.0019500242 -0.018563718 0.010013117 -0.009820681 -0.008640403 -0.032329347 -0.0034959316 0.016344283 0.04454266 0.01908971 -0.007280518 -0.0052086175 0.0005973553 -0.011071519 0.022322645 -0.0090573495 0.033150412 -0.017729826 0.01041082 0.022207184 0.0072933473 -0.009852754 0.01277779 0.0155232195 -0.0048365733 0.008935473 -0.0002132839 -0.018345622 -0.020513741 0.016267307 0.01034026 -0.018897275 -0.013560366 -0.0021520827 0.02942997 -0.010468551 -0.0041919104 0.012790619 -0.02755692 -0.016536718 0.027736528 -0.012611012 -0.016870275 -0.008005363 0.0139708975 0.0041566305 0.0057281964 0.020269988 -0.01377846 -0.008576258 -0.031174729 0.001312578 -0.015240978 -0.01924366 0.008223457 0.0028095744 -0.008678891 0.017575877 -0.007556344 0.022309817 0.0152281495 0.009506368 -0.0096988045 0.021873627 -0.024041746 0.009442222 -0.003617808 -0.011693731 0.010237627 0.013611682 -0.038410347 -0.007370322 0.006097033 -0.025940454 0.059219155 0.01365017 -0.00983351 0.0024150794 0.011045861 0.013598853 0.022874298 -0.0052438974 0.0025898758 -0.013509049 0.009512783 -0.012431405 0.010417235 -0.006619819 -0.016626522 0.01293174 0.00037104182 0.013406416 0.016831787 -0.012957398 0.018396938 0.014060701 0.0014961945 0.008595501 0.0022098136 -0.02097559 0.0036530881 -0.016254479 -0.018178845 -0.017537389 -0.0011241505 0.008480039 -0.04985391 -0.020795982 0.010397991 0.005670465 -0.002517712 -0.01479196 0.020051893 0.034510296 0.004506224 0.01149488 -0.012463477 -0.03273988 0.0016998566 0.019692678 -0.0029972 -0.003884012 -0.039103117
-0.016854752 -0.0063299094 0.031483877 -0.019167904 0.0030899337 0.0018755287 0.017042305 0.016579675 -0.0127848545 -0.01975557 0.0020083787 0.009708988 0.014554103 -0.009483924 0.014028955 -0.014454075 0.04146169 -0.014216508 0.016679702 -0.021418538 -0.0059673074 0.018217636 -0.011021857 -0.0009940303 -0.016467143 0.011415718 0.010277898 -0.022156246 0.035660055 -0.03748557 0.011878349 0.011196907 -0.00801476 -0.02348162 -0.016942276 0.000328999 0.012966156 0.01500423 0.004529402 -0.020943405 0.015241797 -0.022231268 -0.00018432931 -0.008990034 -0.02298148 0.02149356 -0.031683933 -0.01592949 -0.04621303 0.002341285 0.04203685 0.008739964 -0.010396681 -0.007514619 0.017054807 -0.002444439 0.005035795 0.0071707717 -0.000756854 0.004029261 0.003819827 -0.0012722337 -0.022181254 0.009909044 0.0075208703 0.01898035 -0.020730846 0.0036228965 0.0025163344 0.0019255428 0.012222196 0.00064158713 0.013291247 0.014191501 0.0052077183 -0.0076834164 0.005654719 0.0041105337 0.019480493 0.004316842 0.0059172935 -0.0139289275 -0.031558897 0.002422558 -0.0010409185 -0.009240105 -0.029733382 0.020318229 0.0032540425 -0.016154554 -0.0093526365 -0.0009885599 0.0014566607 0.024731973 -0.018317664 0.004554409 0.0062486366 0.00033114804 0.032709222 -0.030658644 -0.009671477 0.0035134905 -0.025019554 -0.015179279 -0.006814421 0.008714957 0.004085527 -0.010165366 0.023244053 -0.0019286687 -0.008733712 0.025457177 -0.011184404 -0.031558897 0.008958776 -0.0061548604 -0.007026981 0.012359735 -0.021593587 -0.005376516 0.037735637 -0.006926953 0.016367115 -0.014916706 0.02738272 -0.002444439 -0.028958164 -0.0015582518 -0.008214816 -0.005926671 0.022831436 0.024044279 0.011553258 -0.006933205 0.0075958916 0.017467424 0.010771787 0.004710703 -0.010790542 -0.008614928 0.0074333455 0.02029322 -0.0037448057 -0.014066466 -0.012491021 -0.0032196578 0.0025663485 -0.002871122 0.015654413 0.021243488 0.029233241 -0.0041949325 0.016767228 0.0062048743 -0.00026765358 0.02450691 -0.0033321895 0.021518568 -0.003129007 0.002761716 0.022756416 -0.0085836705 0.023769202 0.011465733 0.0070082257 0.016417129 0.011684544 0.010646752 0.010059086 -0.0053327535 -0.0065518473 0.058816582 -0.028207952 0.029008178 -0.013216226 0.00996531 -0.0029258248 0.003189962 -0.017104823 -0.0055171805 -0.013003666 0.014128983 0.042511985 0.01106562 -0.008671194 -0.011728306 0.0048795007 0.0024913275 -0.004001128 -0.01479167 0.014003948 0.016842248 0.008064774 0.00014857705 -0.66098636 -0.011965874 0.018392686 -0.013466297 0.009440161 -0.0019146022 -0.0038854703 0.010796794 -0.00631428 0.020318229 -0.012978659 0.034559745 -0.010377926 -0.022893954 0.008839992 -0.017717496 0.016179562 -0.03798571 -0.018155118 0.0005689104 0.010265394 0.033709504 -0.01826765 -0.013666353 0.0027757825 0.00066503126 0.013003666 -0.0018552105 -0.0011393838 0.00695196 0.01284112 -0.006539344 0.004429374 0.010315408 0.053865187 -0.009277616 -0.004179303 0.002209998 -0.014591614 0.0044387514 -0.0120033845 -0.009590204 -0.003966743 -0.015066748 0.0008283585 -0.006751904 0.016617185 -0.0029820907 0.0044387514 0.0024538168 0.015041741 -0.0017051683 -0.021581084 0.010434192 -0.011734558 -0.008296089 0.012609805 -0.010202876 0.010240387 0.0058110133 -0.0025772892 -0.012047146 -0.023669174 0.0048732487 0.00013216617 0.0032727977 -0.0026038592 -0.0039167292 -0.005898538 -0.024982043 0.032334115 -0.003685414 -0.011815831 -0.0032540425 0.006004818 0.0379607 -0.0070644915 -0.038935978 -0.006323658 0.011090627 0.01961803 -0.0150792515 -0.01575444 0.005192089 0.013028673 0.008777475 -0.010502961 -0.0020349487 0.020793362 -0.020593306 0.0022365681 0.0057547474 0.00558595 -0.023106515 0.011559509 -0.0059704334 -0.0073083104 -0.012553539 -0.0016192065 -0.0039042258 0.015829463 -0.014916706 0.0071707717 0.0013636657 -0.0063674203 -0.015104258 -0.016629688 0.0065768543 0.03450973 -0.031984016 0.01149074 -0.010990598 -0.020193193 -0.00026218328 0.016317101 -0.020993419 -0.006926953 0.0048795007 0.0018333293 -0.024381874 0.023856726 0.018242642 -0.00936514 -0.011378208 0.025082072 0.013366268 -0.0135663245 0.011146893 0.01592949 -0.0057297405 0.002472572 -0.0116345305 0.012603553 -0.0123972455 0.011940867 -0.01954301 0.0059423004 -0.018142615 0.006901946 -0.0064330637 -0.0017958188 -0.019267932 0.024344364 0.0105092125 -0.011128138 -0.012115916 -0.028032903 -0.006601861 -0.02110595 -0.014804174 0.013591331 -0.029058192 -0.03958616 0.017042305 0.0010729588 -0.00046263044 -0.02858306 0.012315973 -0.019843094 -0.02046827 -0.009058804 0.03078368 -0.03923606 0.020755852 -0.01933045 -0.012322224 0.021443546 0.013878913 -0.0015605963 -0.01479167 0.0017520564 -0.019818088 -0.03681038 0.010703018 0.0042511984 0.014091473 -0.0015715368 0.0026710655 0.03280925 -0.0008213253 0.00078615913 -0.011390711 -0.011159396 0.019818088 0.024631945 -0.00072715816 -0.0053546345 0.011897104 -0.0075271223 0.016542165 -0.0054202783 0.024019271 0.000034995217 0.00033544612 -0.0060704616 0.027932875 -0.0040949043 0.014679139 0.015316818 0.0035353717 0.011521999 -0.009233854 0.024806993 -0.015766945 0.004898256 -0.021806149 -0.009852778 -0.045237754 0.033434425 0.0016145176 -0.0017348641 -0.0131787155 0.017667482 -0.04358729 -0.00996531 0.008958776 0.0062455107 0.028433016 -0.028357996 -0.012222196 0.039986275 0.014178998 0.007208282 -0.011690796 0.01390392 0.029158222 -0.0003168862 -0.00040519238 -0.00049935956 -0.030508602 -0.015104258 -0.013303751 0.027007615 0.0005802417 -0.005564069 -0.012290965 0.03628523 -0.020880887 0.021806149 -0.017830027 0.0039823726 -0.024794491 0.0017661229 -0.006745652 0.02114346 0.012722337 0.026732536 -0.022368807 -0.025132086 0.02344411 0.0054202783 0.019718058 -0.0035353717 -0.019180408 -0.000004850611 -0.015866973 -0.0032009024 0.024944533 0.042361945 0.0251821 0.005792258 0.038185764 0.020730846 -0.023306571 -0.00101513 -0.009971561 -0.005895412 -0.040411394 -0.030558616 0.0039917505 -0.0069707152 -0.006876939 -0.004276206 -0.006664379 0.021268496 -0.0037010435 0.012797358 0.0011026546 -0.00558595 0.032834258 -0.011572013 -0.0009885599 0.007914731 0.0076208985 0.0019427352 -0.026357431 -0.039811224 -0.0008455509 -0.0028633073 -0.00025163344 0.0066706305 -0.014429068 -0.001894284 0.0055453135 0.006317406 -0.009277616 0.023069004 -0.027582776 0.019993138 -0.031258814 0.0022350051 0.006079839 -0.013253736 -0.009815267 -0.0048326124 0.01929294 -0.018817805 -0.016292093 -0.025019554 -0.022656387 0.004579416 0.012228448 -0.011509495 -0.006051706 -0.0035885116 -0.0033259378 -0.020718342 0.0073520727 0.0072332895 -0.0034290918 0.003497861 -0.020418257 -0.018742785 0.0045043947 0.13993946 -0.00558595 -0.018680267 -0.0025663485 -0.0049420185 0.022506345 -0.016079534 -0.02284394 -0.009921547 -0.010659255 0.034059603 -0.009927799 -0.011109382 -0.018755287 0.018630253 0.0015183969 0.0016176435 -0.007514619 -0.00574537 -0.006051706 -0.0052295993 -0.0078084515 0.024006769 0.00652684 -0.009483924 0.007933486 0.03816076 0.01983059 -0.013291247 -0.015341826 -0.017855033 0.023306571 0.009202595 0.009546441 -0.022006204 0.011947119 -0.0070394846 0.01660468 0.021656105 -0.020330733 0.031558897 0.014979223 0.0051733335 -0.008039767 0.019192912 -0.015904484 -0.009008789 0.01674222 -0.017654978 0.002159984 0.020268215 -0.012353483 -0.025469681 -0.01479167 0.014404061 -0.012903638 0.01564191 0.00016987212 -0.016617185 0.00837111 -0.022693899 -0.042612012 -0.00979026 -0.024606938 0.0065893577 -0.021643601 -0.014028955 -0.005076431 -0.0014254019 -0.009383895 0.00526711 -0.02284394 -0.0067018894 -0.026757544 0.01567942 -0.018417692 0.01000282 0.009596456 -0.0050545502 0.0014902639 0.013966437 -0.022906458 -0.0077334302 -0.0019568016 -0.01390392 0.0026241774 -0.02060581 -0.004307464 -0.024444392 0.02195619 0.01571693 0.0044918912 0.031083763 -0.0116532855 -0.0029398913 -0.007970997 -0.016254583 0.012759848 -0.014429068 0.003347819 0.011815831 -0.005560943 -0.013978941 -0.009215098 0.01099685 0.00077209267 0.009921547 0.029508319 0.0029664612 -0.010577982 0.02603234 -0.041786782 0.006295525 -0.008683698 0.011071872 0.025232114 0.017955063 0.02068083 0.009934051 -0.006751904 -0.01773 -0.026982607 0.014391557 0.011303186 -0.035960138 -0.024081789 0.0064580706 -0.033284385 0.013778885 0.00080257 -0.010978095 0.007114506 -0.004951396 -0.01873028 -0.017529942 -0.0068269246 -0.0029945942 0.020955909 -0.008915014 -0.017192347 -0.010015324 0.006895694 0.0013089628 -0.03025853 0.017967565 -0.043137163 -0.015329322 0.023581648 0.0040792753 0.018317664 0.0048795007 0.007558381 -0.011897104 0.026582494 0.004026135 -0.002447565 -0.018992854 0.004210562 -0.008427376 0.016167058 0.030383566 -0.01269733 -0.017692488 0.011478236 0.009258861 -0.01712983 0.0008924391 -0.010671759 -0.01741741 0.048888784 0.0055703204 0.004607549 -0.025082072 -0.004451255 0.015354329 0.011203159 0.0033509447 -0.01894284 -0.02081837 -0.03483482 -0.00088462443 -0.0013597583 -0.014066466 0.031258814 -0.02018069 -0.008714957 0.00087055797 -0.013353765 0.026732536 -0.00014808863 0.014241515 0.0010448258 -0.00076388725 0.0034415952 0.0065205884 -0.008558663 0.0020724593 -0.0019052246 0.00705824 -0.014091473 0.029808404 0.006354917 -0.009602707 -0.012453511 -0.012966156 0.01624208 -0.026682522 -0.024381874 0.013816395 -0.025369653 0.017404906 -0.021843659 -0.016679702 -0.0015449668 0.000652137 -0.009271364 -0.0065518473 0.009852778 -0.0030868077 -0.010096597 0.0026679398 -0.007658409 0.024832001 -0.004704451 0.040736485 0.016929774 -0.015541881 -0.021731127 0.011059368 0.024181819 -0.0015098007 0.004426248 0.0051983404 -0.013666353 -0.0017192347 -0.01039043 0.00081507355 -0.013203722 -0.02433186 0.0154668605 0.010615493 0.0041042822 -0.01674222 0.0046919477 -0.015529378 0.017830027 0.013153709 0.040661465 0.007939738 -0.028458023 -0.02670753 -0.003682288 -0.025232114 0.028608065 -0.0089650275 -0.0030743042 -0.03308433 -0.014779166 -0.0013636657 0.0010987472 -0.005551565 0.009465168 0.032159068 0.009934051 -0.009321378 0.011046864 0.008558663 -0.014166494 -0.008990034 0.020443264 0.009402651 -0.016117044 -0.015066748 0.008527404 0.005582824 -0.0038417082 -0.0039104773 -0.0016457764 -0.027257685 -0.016579675 0.020543292 0.01762997 -0.026907586 -0.0049920324 -0.0014191502 -0.02496954 -0.0017911299 -0.019743066 0.013991444 0.005032669 0.0017801893 -0.014041459 0.004663815 -0.013328758 -0.021155965 -0.010202876 0.0040949043 0.022743912 -0.009859029 0.019217918 -0.020768356 0.025332142 -0.018917834 0.010052835 0.013591331 -0.00595793 0.0024678833 0.010209128 -0.019005358 -0.018830309 0.014266523 0.040411394 -0.02029322 0.014629125 0.015992008 0.000030770392 0.031083763 -0.0184427 -0.012065901 0.022468835 -0.009171336 -0.017529942 0.009558945 -0.014191501 -0.004160548 -0.022318792 0.010502961 -0.0219937 -0.017617468 0.0011534502 0.004816983 0.04263702 -0.0027835972 -0.0039261067 0.008708705 0.0010956214 -0.018930336 -0.014003948 -0.0068269246 -0.01826765 0.02259387 0.027007615 0.0060923425 0.0135663245 -0.0085836705 0.00044504734 -0.0018239517 0.02773282 -0.032859266 -0.020018144 -0.016554667 0.029233241 0.0049420185 -0.0011229728 -0.024731973 -0.0067644073 -0.061867442 -0.011840838 -0.019130394 0.024456896 0.029233241 -0.010171617 -0.0049013817 0.03245915 -0.0061173495 -0.011509495 -0.010271646 -0.0032884271 -0.0067769107 -0.0093776435 0.017117325 0.011603272 -0.014404061 -0.008333599 0.00331656 -0.0042824573 -0.024356866 -0.0014175872 -0.011015606 0.01585447 0.021693615 0.006195497 0.017867537 -0.0023819215 0.013766381 -0.029008178 0.015129265 0.02568224 -0.014028955 -0.012941148 -0.01813011 0.023556642 -0.00221625 -0.0021005922 0.0031696437 0.0127661 -0.022368807 0.002763279 -0.0055421875 -0.010127855 0.0006869124 0.011234418 0.01606703 0.009383895 -0.009421406 0.021893673 0.0062736436 -0.004319968 0.0017661229 -0.010159114 0.0041042822 -0.0014386869 0.001450409 -0.017517438 0.005195215 0.014454075 0.0074395975 -0.009002538 0.003133696 0.025282128 -0.025607219 -0.0007212971 -0.014779166 -0.010346667 -0.004091779 -0.02458193 -0.004307464 -0.012084657 -0.022481339 0.0055984533 0.0014144613 -0.029308263 -0.019167904 -0.009396399 -0.014754159 0.0219937 0.23986763 -0.0033978329 0.0074395975 0.0060673356 -0.016292093 0.014066466 0.03908602 0.000023065584 -0.017479928 0.009083811 -0.016467143 -0.034959856 0.005689104 0.0007662317 -0.0018817806 -0.023556642 -0.02720767 -0.007051988 -0.008046019 -0.037035443 0.020243207 0.025544701 0.011028109 -0.025707249 0.020380747 0.033709504 -0.03128382 0.0008189809 0.036510292 0.0012855186 -0.0073458212 0.0012886446 0.035309955 -0.0013949245 -0.042937104 -0.00093776436 0.000020513597 -0.025157092 0.024456896 0.022106232 0.031033749 -0.0052327253 -0.0038635894 -0.0077709407 0.009383895 0.015441854 -0.016254583 0.01592949 0.009546441 0.04601297 -0.006426812 0.007420842 0.020768356 0.024919525 0.015491867 0.01589198 0.018217636 -0.009008789 -0.006539344 0.021018425 0.008714957 0.016842248 0.0008478953 0.024206825 -0.016179562 0.01539184 -0.0034697282 0.013191219 0.013653849 -0.01624208 0.007395835 -0.008402369 -0.009271364 0.014679139 0.0010502961 -0.0028101674 -0.011221914 0.0108655635 0.03348444 0.023119017 -0.011478236 -0.013153709 -0.014954216 -0.026507473 -0.0063611683 -0.032184076 0.02539466 -0.0009315126 -0.017692488 0.017742502 0.011803328 -0.025594717 -0.0065143364 -0.009840274 0.03170894 0.02216875 0.0064955815 0.02521961 -0.011815831 -0.0012573857 -0.0269576 0.015554385 -0.009765253 -0.0027773455 -0.018642755 0.008471138 0.007758437 0.024306852 0.012772351 -0.037410546 -0.02610736 -0.032234088 0.003394707 -0.013128702 -0.0010542035 -0.0006966808 0.0009307311 0.00043606045 0.021606091 -0.010234135 -0.014779166 -0.012503525 0.0058235168 -0.00326342 0.020743348 -0.011790824 -0.019555513 0.0026804432 0.0027882862 -0.022393813 0.0049420185 -0.010771787 0.0014801048 -0.018455204 -0.021743631 -0.010196624 0.008896258 -0.0073833317 -0.0031680807 0.0061798673 -0.02195619 -0.0067581553 -0.0052045924 -0.016842248 0.015029238 0.0003766687 0.018742785 -0.007389583 -0.01344129 -0.028107924 -0.028683087 0.019092882 0.011697047 -0.014454075 0.021681113 -0.008421124 -0.032334115 -0.026157375 0.013228729 0.019092882 -0.05441534 0.015304315 -0.0017067312 -0.006107972 0.005220222 -0.009102566 -0.15554385 0.026382439 0.016317101 -0.004004254 0.02078086 -0.01876779 -0.005507803 -0.01149074 -0.0029602095 -0.016429633 0.020330733 -0.0032759237 0.018042587 0.01032166 -0.02688258 -0.016854752 0.009052552 0.0108905705 0.05671599 0.0075646327 0.009640218 0.006214252 -0.01571693 -0.0116470335 -0.011084375 0.010634248 -0.006233007 0.002658562 -0.00911507 -0.010921829 -0.015816959 0.0036385257 0.021306006 0.021293504 0.0097464975 0.008808734 -0.008021011 -0.012891134 -0.028157938 0.016092038 0.024794491 0.022143744 -0.012641064 0.015654413 -0.0034072106 0.027407726 0.007302059 -0.00783971 -0.023269061 -0.021793645 0.024519414 0.0029586467 -0.0020896515 0.015779449 0.0017551824 -0.014566607 0.014254019 0.00027800805 -0.0007490393 -0.00068066065 0.001197994 -0.030808685 -0.004501269 -0.005476544 -0.010609241 -0.013328758 0.0027163909 -0.0054859216 -0.035660055 0.00684568 0.0029039436 0.007320814 -0.013291247 0.0049576475 0.0106405 0.0025085197 -0.019768074 0.013041177 0.002794538 -0.0135538215 -0.00020142397 0.014204005 0.0014136798 0.014579111 -0.024781987 0.018755287 -0.01025289 -0.017542446 -0.004319968 -0.016192066 0.006233007 -0.025382156 -0.024269342 -0.016017016 0.008427376 0.024744477 0.016004512 0.014654132 -0.016967284 0.013841403 -0.006820673 0.002922699 -0.014066466 0.009640218 0.009252609 0.0056203348 0.017567452 -0.000815855 0.026682522 -0.0027726567 -0.019367961 0.018667763 -0.0012003384 -0.0033603224 0.01873028 -0.0057797544 0.0131787155 -0.010440444 0.016892262 0.003052423 0.0695196 0.008377362 -0.034634765 0.0056422157 -0.0076834164 -0.018017579 -0.11733308 -0.042086866 0.0053296275 0.032034032 0.013678856 0.010127855 -0.004216814 -0.006720645 -0.014754159 0.021593587 -0.01301617 -0.022156246 -0.024044279 -0.009446413 0.0068269246 -0.009565197 -0.0023381591 -0.01057173 0.0027789085 0.030183509 0.014078969 -0.009927799 0.008427376 0.022956472 0.0010565479 0.004179303 -0.02365667 0.018417692 0.0013316254 0.009633966 -0.0065706023 -0.026982607 0.015129265 0.0037573094 -0.005764125 -0.01830516 -0.014529096 -0.0050170394 0.04026135 -0.022456331 0.008702453 0.00826483 0.0017942558 -0.023531634 -0.005767251 -0.008846244 -0.022143744 0.017654978 0.00000380051 0.0017489305 -0.049864057 0.0040730233 -0.0230565 -0.0015434038 0.039211053 0.015366833 -0.020393249 0.011659537 0.0011370393 0.007895976 0.0039073518 0.00084633235 -0.041686755 0.02958334 0.017992573 0.0018083224 -0.0028242338 0.013453793 0.038885962 0.002155295 0.002794538 0.003972995 -0.027457742 0.026607502 -0.028858136 -0.019342953 -0.018680267 -0.022643885 0.01620457 -0.0025132087 0.0059985663 -0.001566848 0.0024053657 -0.04018633 0.024419384 -0.008502397 -0.00080882176 0.037260506 -0.023169031 0.018880323 -0.0042855833 0.02670753 0.01687976 -0.0085774185 -0.0015973253 -0.0056422157 0.00028582278 -0.009371392 0.010784291 0.0026679398 -0.020580802 -0.000025397785 0.0021693616 0.025294632 0.014741656 0.025057064 0.0076459055 0.0044137444 0.027957883 0.0034290918 -0.0048388643 0.013166212 -0.009796512 0.054315314 0.014516593 -0.0074646045 -0.030683652 -0.010740528 0.0075271223 0.011353201 -0.02018069 0.006051706 0.0030149126 -0.019455485 -0.0046200524 -0.022506345 0.032359123 0.011703299 -0.013066184 -0.0038573374 -0.015241797 0.00868995 -0.007670913 -0.0017973818 0.0101216035 0.041111592 -0.0022725158 -0.03578509 -0.015791953 0.024781987 0.009065055 0.025594717 -0.033434425 -0.037110463 0.017217355 -0.009815267 -0.0063080285 0.022718905 -0.03348444 0.0054546627 0.019417975 0.011309438 0.015416847 0.023719188 -0.013541318 0.0007177805 -0.0048044794 -0.010209128 -0.00468257 0.0071270093 -0.014716649 -0.02521961 0.012828616 -0.0064580706 -0.0031805842 -0.0127848545 0.0013855469 0.019430479 0.008046019 0.00089634646 -0.0059391744 -0.03490984 -0.017254865 -0.0005345257 0.0019177282 0.016254583 0.008196061 0.028282974 -0.0054109003 0.0026038592 -0.028758109 0.012797358 0.01216593 -0.0050264173 -0.0012417564 0.012259707 0.0089712795 0.021968694 0.008077277 0.018855317 0.008552412 0.011153145 -0.020393249 0.011371956 -0.008696202 -0.01227221 0.014404061 0.007089499 0.0031680807 -0.001053422 0.019492995 -0.0051170676 -0.010334164 0.0020552669 0.0013339699 -0.008296089 -0.027532762 0.010421689 -0.010302905 -0.032684214 0.000038853726 0.03961117 0.01745492 0.008614928 -0.004892004 0.006608113 -0.0038135753 0.008708705 0.041386668 -0.025107078 -0.021293504 0.03525994 0.0052577322 -0.011722055 0.032634202 -0.013103695 0.016729716 0.01933045 0.0030899337 -0.014141487 -0.014829181 -0.020568298 -0.011778321 -0.023594152 -0.04703826 -0.004057394 -0.00932763 -0.018717777 -0.0038135753 0.01284112 -0.020230703 0.018955344 -0.0030649267 0.0018895953 -0.017079815 0.015491867 0.020880887 0.00044543808 0.030658644 0.022093728 0.009177588 0.008733712 -0.010365423 0.0012597302 -0.005313998 -0.035159912 -0.005370264 -0.012078405 0.024231832 0.022393813 0.012797358 0.028383002 0.0051514525 0.012641064 -0.004898256 0.01858024 -0.0057891323 -0.0012042457 0.00078225177 -0.0013355328 -0.0069644637 -0.021255992 0.003053986 -0.03383454 -0.008271082 0.013703863 0.0154668605 -0.009558945 -0.0058485237 0.018930336 0.02610736 0.009771505 0.017617468 -0.015229294 -0.022718905 0.022481339 -0.0039292327 -0.017104823 0.011396963 -0.041236628
-0.004580871 -0.014072002 0.011484438 -0.03719029 -0.00050851406 0.0061021685 0.00037225944 -0.010886785 -0.0053211455 -0.02078201 0.0141535 0.010146511 0.016055122 0.011606685 -0.008686337 -0.017073847 0.03439219 -0.013168732 0.009548858 -0.014479492 -0.017780164 -0.008176974 -0.01951879 -0.02430001 -0.016381115 0.0029678885 0.020401686 -0.015335222 -0.0066590724 -0.03498984 0.033794537 -0.0020663159 -0.0041496106 -0.005338124 0.008767835 0.004417875 -0.020048527 0.010092178 0.00586107 -0.008856124 0.004998549 -0.018676642 0.007090333 -0.04724172 -0.009494526 0.016775021 0.006166688 -0.027790844 0.0044654156 -0.0037692862 0.04466095 0.007103916 -0.039472237 0.0057591978 0.027396938 0.012251878 0.007878148 -0.002463619 0.007966437 0.009297572 0.010750955 -0.0000040026116 -0.0064926804 -0.0032836935 0.009338321 -0.0056539294 0.003344817 0.01428933 -0.01617737 0.012985361 0.009616774 0.048138198 0.010615124 0.021692071 0.022683632 -0.001542521 -0.018649478 -0.014696821 0.0022802483 0.009005538 -0.018146906 0.0041224444 -0.041129366 0.019478042 0.007090333 0.004896676 0.0070971246 0.014357245 -0.0013311353 0.0020714095 -0.011416523 0.01817407 0.010832453 0.020320188 -0.0014712102 0.01136219 -0.002626615 0.007905314 -0.012706908 0.0010883389 -0.0013234948 0.005687887 -0.039635234 -0.006071607 -0.0233492 0.010968283 0.00084384467 -0.0138682565 0.0076064873 -0.0087542515 -0.037000127 0.040640377 0.004628412 -0.024164181 0.025250822 -0.0084554255 0.011049781 -0.016775021 -0.016150203 -0.0022802483 0.042080175 -0.0149141485 0.019532373 -0.0006095377 0.015158643 -0.0070088347 -0.012822364 0.0026385004 -0.017739415 -0.01136219 0.037760776 -0.0025332319 -0.005202294 0.019505206 0.0032242679 0.013895422 -0.004720097 0.023036791 -0.0094266115 -0.02177357 0.017481338 0.0032242679 -0.010105762 0.0011002241 -0.01924713 0.017345509 0.0069137537 0.0033397235 -0.004584267 -0.01555255 0.021162335 -0.025495315 -0.00036737806 -0.0066183233 -0.0043431683 0.050284315 0.008414676 0.005080047 -0.01555255 0.035641827 0.006676051 0.012367333 0.02095859 0.017780164 0.0028286625 0.021393245 0.022805879 0.027016614 0.003962844 0.00874746 -0.026432544 0.027424105 -0.014588156 0.003827014 0.0041156528 0.016924435 -0.0011316348 0.012591453 -0.007898523 -0.021800736 -0.006784715 0.017698666 0.02772293 0.013583013 0.00009805238 -0.009392654 -0.005307562 0.010784913 -0.004913655 -0.0052396473 0.034202028 0.024992744 -0.010255175 0.003192008 -0.6498113 -0.028687324 0.0029203477 -0.014343662 0.0012470904 0.00003369224 -0.0023838188 0.0059935045 -0.010302716 0.036728468 -0.01356943 0.023254119 -0.0076744026 -0.027356189 -0.01798391 -0.020754844 0.006730383 -0.044063296 0.0026877387 -0.0077694836 -0.010180469 0.01862231 -0.01739984 -0.012964986 -0.02501991 0.009453777 0.0015943062 -0.002849037 -0.020551099 0.017386258 -0.004553705 0.025277987 0.0015943062 0.006414578 0.04457945 -0.010540418 -0.011280692 0.012523538 -0.01541672 0.037380453 -0.017196095 -0.013637345 0.0233492 0.006631906 -0.015715547 -0.0032259657 0.00784419 0.011565936 -0.013284187 -0.009392654 0.012706908 -0.0111448625 -0.0233492 0.017861662 0.024816165 -0.019043384 0.033821702 -0.023729524 -0.0008956299 0.0053279367 0.0045604967 0.0053517073 -0.024653168 0.015905708 -0.002585866 0.013847882 0.004927238 0.032626398 0.013304561 -0.039282072 0.017780164 0.019301461 -0.023281284 -0.0014075397 -0.005433205 0.026568374 0.036103647 -0.017685084 -0.008577673 0.025807725 0.0037251413 0.0071107075 -0.021216666 -0.01969537 0.014357245 0.000646891 -0.021841485 -0.021135168 0.006251582 -0.015267307 -0.012054924 -0.013841091 0.023770273 -0.04702439 0.023457864 0.029203478 -0.025250822 0.0018625706 -0.006251582 -0.013732426 -0.0100989705 0.0034908345 0.010791704 0.0016902362 0.019219963 0.003343119 -0.0066964254 0.0003289636 0.012910654 -0.017101014 0.0034382 -0.011104113 0.018744558 -0.013664511 0.018785307 -0.03520717 0.02696228 0.0021495118 -0.011165237 -0.033387046 0.028632991 -0.0032038933 0.023036791 0.011830805 0.01172214 0.021393245 0.0015187507 0.011280692 0.019817617 0.0069612944 -0.003939074 -0.02023869 0.00525323 -0.01843215 -0.01528089 -0.012611828 -0.022683632 -0.0324634 0.010384213 -0.02389252 -0.0016223211 -0.0061904583 0.009494526 -0.012007384 -0.026446126 -0.037679277 -0.016421864 -0.0048627187 -0.004628412 0.020496767 -0.0026554791 -0.02231689 -0.0109547 0.009474152 -0.020972172 -0.009711854 -0.005769385 -0.016000789 -0.00996314 -0.019912697 -0.0027879134 0.023552945 -0.0233492 -0.017196095 0.019152049 -0.020972172 0.01041138 0.0054977247 -0.011857971 -0.020062111 0.017820913 0.0026215215 0.014886983 0.009419819 -0.013807133 0.026025053 0.017209677 -0.0047438676 -0.0026283131 -0.006621719 -0.008401094 -0.0029407223 -0.00852334 -0.00019865157 0.034229193 0.0014898868 0.014330079 0.014343662 0.0074366997 0.015620465 -0.0019355793 0.038521424 -0.023240536 -0.016965184 -0.0009321343 0.012591453 0.021827903 -0.0011019219 0.008353553 0.031811416 0.010852828 0.0065436168 0.023539362 -0.008373927 -0.001059475 -0.000105798936 0.021393245 -0.015226558 -0.0060953773 0.026378212 -0.013583013 -0.04873585 0.009216075 -0.034826845 -0.018241987 0.0054433923 0.015375971 0.02696228 0.003731933 0.008462218 0.008638796 0.009304364 0.04463378 0.011328233 0.008210932 0.0051955027 -0.009677897 0.0015603487 -0.003027314 -0.011002241 0.009005538 0.021121586 0.021855067 0.0127137005 0.0076472363 0.009596399 0.01934221 -0.023675192 0.020877091 0.00033957532 -0.01784808 -0.0070631667 -0.013936171 -0.008937622 0.021705655 -0.009766187 0.040178552 0.0045061647 -0.027573517 0.0036436433 0.019192798 -0.0046046413 0.011851179 -0.0049883616 -0.008706711 -0.026405377 0.00086464366 0.024014767 0.030507447 0.015851377 -0.0051988983 0.006027462 0.0029169521 -0.031077934 0.022452721 -0.028497161 -0.0069680857 -0.03849426 -0.009134577 0.015837794 -0.013637345 -0.013304561 0.0009576024 0.0067507573 0.033115387 0.008278847 0.006526638 0.0051955027 0.0027081133 0.0059799217 -0.0064077866 -0.011368982 0.014520241 -0.0016401488 0.009012329 -0.018187655 -0.025074242 -0.011593102 -0.00019101112 0.008007186 -0.012251878 -0.010975075 -0.019450875 0.0042446917 -0.0023990998 -0.011423314 0.017359091 -0.011572727 -0.0010008983 -0.02722036 -0.004557101 -0.003881346 -0.010689831 0.019355794 0.016462611 0.022058813 -0.011498021 -0.0042039426 0.0021766778 -0.00019918215 -0.009935974 -0.015579716 -0.021420412 -0.013922589 0.006981669 -0.011165237 -0.026704203 0.020157192 0.014085584 0.0219094 0.013127983 -0.012591453 -0.009120993 0.018187655 0.10279624 -0.00025086128 -0.011076948 0.0116746 -0.013936171 0.019749701 -0.011694974 -0.031947248 0.028931819 -0.0010306111 0.025128575 0.017997492 -0.0028048921 -0.02443584 -0.0038473886 0.02146116 -0.010309507 0.0030782504 -0.010812079 -0.01528089 -0.019369377 0.017617168 0.033061054 0.02898615 -0.025440983 0.015484635 0.03520717 0.027043778 0.0032446422 -0.029312143 -0.0033770767 0.006424765 0.001376978 0.029583802 -0.023512196 0.010058221 -0.011470854 0.011382565 -0.012469206 -0.012652577 -0.018459314 0.03460952 0.016557693 -0.00811585 0.01126711 -0.011097322 -0.002161397 0.017861662 0.015538967 -0.020863509 0.017481338 -0.00061590475 -0.030045625 0.008869708 0.009236449 -0.026663454 0.011307859 0.00091770233 -0.012034549 -0.014628905 -0.027587099 -0.02402835 -0.004129236 0.0021495118 0.014778318 -0.01992628 -0.006384016 -0.0067609446 -0.014194249 0.010927534 0.00019186006 -0.010907159 -0.03393037 0.004777825 0.0095760245 0.014275746 0.012964986 -0.0025960533 -0.00061038666 0.0022530823 0.006353454 -0.035587493 0.003331234 -0.018282736 -0.016598443 0.020659763 -0.014696821 -0.013107608 -0.022873795 0.002752258 -0.018785307 0.007905314 0.013413225 -0.011844387 0.017168928 0.014262164 0.013453974 0.0014381015 0.025454566 -0.021311747 -0.00937907 -0.018513648 -0.00035188493 -0.010255175 0.010587959 -0.001253882 0.0049340297 0.028469997 0.009453777 -0.018853223 -0.000120549244 -0.020619014 0.008659171 0.011688183 -0.0005216726 -0.004696327 0.023824604 0.040423047 0.0017360789 0.004696327 -0.012482789 -0.024517339 0.024761833 0.00052464387 -0.020904258 -0.004747263 0.0018659665 -0.0034365023 -0.0021546055 0.012367333 0.004322794 -0.005107213 -0.011708558 0.0022632696 -0.023715941 -0.013555847 0.0008998746 0.0029678885 -0.010615124 -0.011022615 0.004737076 -0.0003533706 -0.00869992 -0.024870496 0.032490566 -0.030208621 -0.023525778 -0.0007360295 -0.02857866 0.021108003 -0.0114436885 -0.0017725832 -0.0054433923 -0.0024534317 0.02218106 -0.042949487 -0.009005538 0.028252667 0.017236844 0.004818574 0.019301461 -0.00525323 0.014642488 0.007049584 0.0039662397 -0.036103647 -0.00012267158 -0.006163292 -0.018785307 0.027736513 0.021515492 -0.0058440915 -0.004523143 0.0076336535 0.017182512 0.030616112 -0.004818574 -0.018703809 -0.03069761 -0.028632991 -0.015634049 -0.0033125572 -0.016666356 0.026378212 -0.022289725 0.014683237 0.028931819 -0.0018778516 0.015267307 -0.016584858 0.039743897 -0.015240141 0.022289725 0.008577673 0.03393037 -0.032110244 0.009562441 -0.012367333 0.014465909 -0.0016910852 -0.00076871365 0.031322427 -0.0051275874 0.0073552015 -0.016449029 -0.004241296 -0.018676642 0.0006014728 0.010404588 -0.009141368 -0.0035349792 -0.026160883 -0.02663629 -0.011341816 -0.014112751 0.02741052 0.005905215 0.0035961028 -0.011633851 -0.03819543 0.014547407 -0.021094419 0.028632991 0.008007186 0.030724775 0.015294473 -0.030425949 -0.01951879 -0.0039662397 0.020415269 -0.001899924 0.003000148 0.0003448812 -0.008991955 -0.0050732554 0.013549056 0.0021766778 -0.017386258 -0.016829353 0.012421666 -0.0011902115 -0.0027047175 -0.00083493086 -0.0034738556 -0.026541207 0.023294868 0.0057456144 0.007328036 -0.018744558 -0.031947248 -0.014533824 0.024286428 0.0045333304 0.011396148 0.00034785247 -0.0102483835 0.022357639 -0.028632991 0.02321337 0.033957534 0.009705063 0.015634049 0.009256824 0.034908343 -0.00044144792 -0.000013251397 -0.0067100087 -0.005134379 0.00040239678 0.025536064 -0.0019593497 0.001652034 -0.0014618718 -0.024313593 -0.011851179 -0.022873795 -0.0038745545 -0.010207634 -0.0060342536 -0.03083344 0.023648025 0.021827903 -0.02136608 -0.011273901 0.0089036655 -0.008265263 0.0061021685 0.003232757 0.029855464 -0.00064349524 -0.016693523 -0.016435446 0.0048049907 0.022941709 -0.015769878 0.002971284 0.0008383266 0.012951403 -0.013678094 0.008733878 0.0025332319 0.013223063 -0.028388498 0.02727469 -0.015525384 -0.011402939 0.002686041 -0.006115752 -0.015525384 -0.038358428 0.047948036 0.012251878 -0.010554002 0.0062957266 0.008149808 0.022425555 0.017413422 0.0016919341 -0.021936566 0.0030663651 -0.011762889 -0.012727283 0.0104725035 -0.018554395 0.009542067 -0.0034297109 0.008822167 0.007749109 -0.027682181 0.0005887387 0.0013192502 0.016123036 -0.015606882 -0.019994196 -0.0044518327 -0.0017946556 0.00004260609 0.006536825 -0.008414676 -0.0009414726 0.019858366 -0.021257415 0.0044416455 0.01784808 -0.0075453636 -0.021963732 -0.011226361 -0.0014881889 -0.033957534 -0.014384411 -0.03577766 0.035859156 0.0023702357 -0.0076200706 -0.01627245 -0.012007384 -0.024463007 -0.03341421 -0.005395852 0.011925885 0.023145454 -0.000047965015 -0.0074434914 0.026622705 -0.0042345044 -0.0027081133 -0.028225502 0.000963545 -0.009188908 -0.005901819 0.027736513 -0.0066013443 -0.003497626 -0.009168534 0.02402835 0.0021223458 -0.00015875147 0.013202689 -0.0031054164 0.0131211905 -0.0024279635 0.009929183 0.03683713 -0.01613662 0.014696821 -0.031077934 0.027193192 0.0013922588 -0.004278649 -0.024503756 0.0018082387 0.024408674 -0.0147647355 -0.021800736 0.0035485623 0.0066251145 0.0035078132 0.0088289585 -0.0049951533 -0.018404983 0.03164842 0.0311051 0.0056641167 -0.01104299 -0.007952854 0.013195897 0.009365488 -0.008407885 0.010744164 -0.024897663 -0.0047676377 0.028741656 0.0054026437 -0.018160488 0.019736119 0.009148159 0.023525778 -0.004652182 -0.0077966494 0.009759395 -0.02663629 0.022792296 -0.033278383 -0.0024347552 -0.0028609221 -0.025916388 -0.0027437687 -0.022887377 -0.016286032 0.001913507 -0.009297572 0.0043431683 -0.002643594 0.010316298 -0.011185612 -0.015987206 0.22200076 -0.0035553537 0.00007576775 0.017196095 -0.0002423719 0.0032718084 0.03276223 0.01113807 -0.022507053 -0.004872906 0.007137873 -0.005918798 -0.016639192 0.012374125 0.017168928 -0.016163785 -0.018092573 -0.03314255 -0.0010662666 -0.008672754 0.025318736 0.018934721 0.0025026703 -0.019586705 0.027043778 0.014493075 -0.0035689366 -0.0026911346 0.025359485 0.008244889 -0.01654411 -0.021325331 0.022289725 -0.0031699357 -0.032789394 0.0061836666 0.0026792493 -0.008849333 0.011457272 -0.0027420707 -0.0059391726 0.0018404983 -0.019939864 -0.013521889 0.024951994 0.014465909 -0.010207634 -0.02511499 -0.001169837 0.030235788 -0.0099156 0.017141763 0.014900565 0.029692467 -0.0047948034 0.0047438676 0.018106157 0.0006991007 -0.010526835 0.022330474 -0.026677039 0.009976723 0.0034398981 0.017657917 0.008516549 0.019192798 0.008047936 -0.010445337 -0.0038881374 -0.018608728 0.020836342 -0.00820414 -0.00014102987 0.0125982445 -0.0061768754 -0.004760846 0.027736513 0.010119345 0.018065408 0.032436237 -0.013460766 -0.027981007 -0.023322033 -0.007803441 -0.0152129745 -0.04251483 0.04259633 0.0007946063 -0.010812079 -0.009419819 -0.0010076897 -0.0031139057 -0.024286428 -0.01613662 0.014139917 -0.0061327303 -0.007477449 0.017005932 -0.011932677 0.0039051163 -0.0006384016 0.033577207 0.0023176016 0.045503095 0.0015713848 0.0022496865 -0.00028545552 0.017019516 0.0044382494 -0.027396938 -0.0064757015 -0.028361332 0.012931028 -0.017291175 0.013331727 0.016258867 -0.00960319 0.0020866904 0.022153895 -0.030099956 -0.005806738 0.014275746 0.024517339 0.0032021953 0.0012496372 -0.022357639 -0.01704668 -0.006207437 0.0017590002 0.004991757 0.03145826 -0.007131082 0.01821482 0.0029356286 0.0016231701 -0.02628313 0.014112751 -0.01672069 -0.017318342 0.012992152 -0.01338606 0.016353948 0.01708743 0.0052566263 0.020863509 0.023294868 0.004047738 -0.004322794 -0.019410126 0.03335988 -0.00051190984 0.00698846 0.0032785998 -0.01627245 0.004611433 0.016109454 -0.014207832 -0.024259262 -0.018690227 0.0069443155 -0.03849426 0.044144794 0.014099168 -0.0014448931 -0.018989053 -0.021135168 -0.17310192 0.00969148 0.014968481 -0.022194644 0.03520717 -0.0032667147 0.018133322 -0.0028592243 -0.010859619 -0.0045265392 0.008421469 0.0067677363 -0.006648885 -0.028008172 -0.0053517073 -0.011688183 -0.011423314 0.00937907 0.035587493 0.035994984 0.011864762 0.00059255894 0.017331924 0.0089036655 -0.0017590002 0.042379 0.005592806 -0.0020748053 -1.243562e-7 -0.03452802 0.00023176016 -0.002835454 0.017956743 0.016612025 0.0057625934 0.002312508 -0.026975865 0.005215877 -0.018595144 0.029339308 0.048898846 0.016340366 -0.00037544296 0.003176727 -0.02249347 0.039282072 0.008061518 -0.019627454 -0.0022666652 -0.017209677 -0.011192403 0.012489581 -0.013936171 -0.0010747559 0.004546914 -0.015498218 0.0052566263 0.004224317 -0.0040205717 -0.033278383 -0.01158631 -0.027383355 -0.008869708 -0.026133718 -0.004088487 -0.017182512 0.004254879 0.015593299 -0.051941443 -0.0004301995 0.007239746 -0.0096507305 -0.0086048385 -0.01013972 0.008020769 -0.019396544 -0.022344057 0.010350256 -0.003687788 0.00071523053 0.013223063 0.008842542 0.005175128 0.010900368 0.0025671895 -0.018744558 0.012632202 -0.006217624 -0.00022433195 -0.008591256 0.0087542515 -0.027478436 -0.034854013 -0.020999338 0.0183914 0.0059799217 0.011097322 0.0055894097 -0.0074502826 -0.019763283 -0.01442516 0.0002984018 -0.008849333 0.015321638 0.033577207 -0.015484635 -0.011654225 0.019219963 0.023715941 -0.009019121 -0.023702359 0.005419622 0.02925781 0.012958194 -0.028225502 0.031621255 -0.011545561 -0.022656467 -0.013372476 -0.015851377 0.04691573 0.008638796 -0.027872343 0.003538375 -0.011987009 -0.02420493 -0.14072001 -0.033278383 0.005854279 0.0055894097 0.028551493 0.012740866 -0.011416523 -0.00950811 -0.02430001 0.037923772 -0.037353285 -0.0183914 -0.01749492 -0.014574573 -0.020360937 -0.015267307 0.0064077866 -0.01045892 -0.024381509 0.025522482 0.019545956 -0.03137676 -0.016734272 0.009453777 -0.014628905 -0.00093298324 -0.01708743 -0.0045265392 0.008170183 -0.004720097 0.007857773 -0.005107213 -0.0032785998 -0.0069137537 0.0054603713 -0.008713503 -0.012543913 0.007131082 0.020225106 -0.010132927 0.006720196 0.03868442 0.0134336 -0.0040443423 0.005514703 -0.006730383 -0.022140311 0.025196489 -0.014031253 0.00072584226 -0.03849426 0.0036300602 -0.025142157 -0.0085301325 0.031539757 -0.014846234 -0.0033804723 0.013589805 0.022153895 0.015389554 -0.017114596 -0.00081285846 -0.0032819957 0.006027462 0.021963732 -0.0005624216 -0.010744164 -0.007912105 0.014968481 -0.01749492 0.003813431 0.019450875 -0.01005143 0.02898615 -0.0033889618 -0.016938018 -0.011966635 -0.013963338 -0.0046861395 -0.01338606 -0.0024177763 -0.018730976 0.00010420718 -0.038956083 0.011368982 0.013542264 0.030099956 0.003687788 0.010513253 -0.020768426 -0.01568838 0.03547883 0.008482592 -0.031621255 -0.016516944 -0.012197546 0.01293782 -0.0023006229 -0.023878938 -0.0007334827 -0.013236647 -0.0100242635 0.002490785 0.014778318 -0.008917248 -0.0067541534 -0.0011256923 -0.00075597956 0.0006706613 -0.011409731 -0.016978767 0.0048253653 -0.024422258 0.0150635615 -0.026201632 -0.0011172028 -0.025916388 -0.013460766 -0.0018642686 -0.028144004 0.011885136 -0.0025332319 -0.009718646 0.0046012457 0.015403137 -0.024503756 -0.0012751054 -0.00063925056 -0.0055011204 0.013949755 -0.021529077 -0.0073823677 0.012197546 -0.013202689 0.022018064 0.03849426 -0.008041143 -0.016299617 0.009630356 0.018635893 0.020116443 0.034419354 -0.0044722073 -0.024327176 -0.022710798 -0.010343464 0.0010501368 -0.009406237 -0.04800237 0.014234998 0.029882628 -0.005728636 0.020686928 0.02159699 -0.04504127 -0.00067235914 -0.020877091 -0.030045625 0.0066183233 0.012903863 -0.02795384 -0.014465909 0.03227324 -0.003040897 0.0044891858 -0.019369377 0.018744558 -0.005175128 -0.004322794 0.0041360273 -0.013460766 -0.016435446 -0.017712248 -0.0024415466 0.02379744 0.0031427697 0.019219963 -0.012632202 -0.004105466 0.0024262657 -0.02389252 0.03439219 -0.009562441 -0.022425555 -0.014927732 0.010499669 0.02789951 -0.010927534 -0.014330079 0.0020204731 0.023648025 0.000846816 0.009460568 0.0019763284 -0.025237238 -0.029339308 0.0077966494 0.009120993 -0.028741656 0.015661214 0.008102267 -0.010370631 0.0153623875 -0.0067779236 -0.0017912599 -0.00905987 -0.014954898 0.009990307 -0.007830607 -0.004998549 0.016082287 0.016041538 -0.01153877 0.00017774646 0.0033227445 -0.001843894 -0.02659554 0.009983514 0.012869905 -0.022384806 -0.015049978 -0.0038609714 0.010642291 0.0006893379 0.044144794 0.000043693795 0.012007384 0.02447659 0.017590001 -0.02659554 -0.00063245906 -0.020225106 0.013243438 0.0061055645 -0.018106157 -0.0114436885 -0.020062111 -0.0027709347 -0.017956743 0.031132266 -0.036266644 0.04349281 0.018866805 -0.012448831 0.002767539 -0.0068084854 0.018703809 0.0117017655 0.010859619 0.014791901 -0.03349571 0.027396938 -0.026840035 0.010499669 -0.007776275 -0.0091957 0.020089276 -0.0013506609 0.055636022 -0.016313199 0.0022938314 0.023199787 -0.001459325 0.012652577 0.005175128 0.0005921345 -0.0041530062 -0.00029012468 0.001899924 -0.026215216 -0.032626398 0.0018880388 0.03645681 -0.01681577 -0.016462611 0.0021919587 -0.022371223 -0.0018371026 -0.021759987 0.0076064873 0.024965579 0.016353948 0.02375669 -0.02857866 -0.029882628 0.0009533577 0.021963732 -0.011165237 -0.010228009 -0.019804033
0.002430749 0.00046096195 0.014789909 -0.0067624054 0.0024812876 0.022497877 -0.02412816 -0.013498726 -0.012155375 -0.023567341 0.028536439 0.0047212937 0.017098388 0.010681601 -0.004809329 -0.0017134254 0.046378233 -0.0034757592 0.0053864485 -0.010759855 -0.028901622 -0.004163738 -0.00388659 -0.01694188 -0.023867315 -0.0043593715 0.030258015 0.0042387308 0.012377094 -0.016485402 0.035292324 0.016785374 -0.0009162179 -0.001543061 -0.009409982 -0.013316135 -0.008536152 -0.019837258 0.008542673 -0.03151007 0.018167851 0.022928271 -0.005957047 -0.004956054 -0.01647236 0.003138291 -0.013590022 0.007870996 -0.014529064 0.021963146 0.031640492 0.0056440327 0.0022660906 0.012690107 -0.021206696 0.0012504256 0.0013335699 0.0073297434 0.005213639 -0.003863766 -0.004378935 0.017789626 0.01125546 0.021363202 0.0051484276 0.0130226845 -0.009305644 -0.038970236 0.006410265 0.008966546 0.019224273 0.013303093 0.015363768 0.021558836 0.030779704 0.027466975 -0.008431814 -0.009970798 -0.002414446 0.009305644 -0.0265801 -0.0048778006 -0.018715626 0.014398642 0.005324498 -0.0007010208 0.008112278 0.014124755 -0.0019922033 -0.008099236 -0.0037985547 0.01658974 0.023449961 0.008751349 -0.001816133 -0.0017998302 -0.00069613 -0.0055429554 0.0118358405 -0.022484835 -0.017254895 0.0044343644 -0.0142160505 -0.012155375 -0.0073949546 0.0062407157 0.017476613 -0.025536722 0.015741993 -0.013446557 -0.018767795 0.041083083 -0.021571878 -0.02796258 0.015337683 -0.021389287 0.009840376 -0.008034024 -0.021245822 -0.011164164 0.040639646 -0.009814291 0.034666296 -0.035474915 0.012833572 0.014516022 -0.025484553 0.0014811103 -0.008523109 -0.018141767 0.029631987 0.015468107 0.02140233 -0.001641693 -0.004134393 0.00069653755 0.0010303376 0.008829602 -0.0049658357 -0.039309334 0.003811597 0.0009357813 -0.009064362 -0.004809329 -0.012566206 0.012077122 0.020698048 0.001757443 0.025549764 -0.00078171975 0.010238165 -0.02064588 0.0116076 0.0100947 -0.0076036304 0.02099802 -0.0053505823 0.02338475 -0.006165723 0.004362632 0.03531841 0.0011322302 -0.0041604773 0.004056139 -0.0016938619 0.024036864 0.03946584 0.017007092 0.0051777726 -0.001734619 -0.016733205 0.036231365 -0.029266804 0.026058411 0.0045158784 0.012168418 0.005722286 0.0039257165 -0.011959742 -0.0091687 0.0129705155 0.008497025 0.025341088 0.02094585 -0.014203008 -0.023762977 0.01003601 -0.011131559 -0.015481149 -0.013603064 0.02094585 0.01728098 -0.027310468 0.0015911543 -0.665259 -0.022354413 0.02361951 -0.021624047 -0.0019922033 -0.0014941526 -0.0091687 -0.0077405744 -0.01473774 0.039674517 0.0018177633 0.003348597 0.0023345624 -0.019654667 -0.0046430402 -0.021024104 0.016198471 -0.028562523 0.00030241712 -0.005657075 0.0030877523 0.03023193 -0.015637655 -0.013798699 -0.015337683 0.0070623774 -0.0013963357 -0.010459883 0.00731018 0.02819734 0.023319539 0.014659487 0.0020411117 0.006038561 0.056603357 -0.022263117 -0.004105048 0.021506667 0.014581233 0.033362072 -0.029397227 -0.016224556 0.0068145744 0.01485512 -0.0071732365 -0.017998302 0.015481149 -0.0032442592 0.0026426855 0.0056244694 0.008620926 -0.0029051607 -0.001554473 0.014372557 0.023867315 -0.025967116 0.008275307 -0.003410548 0.006977603 0.0061526806 -0.0106424745 0.013042248 -0.019798132 -0.0048712795 -0.0029002698 0.02419337 -0.008099236 -0.011874967 -0.0067232787 -0.033649 -0.0056538144 0.010903319 -0.021532752 -0.026697481 0.0031725268 0.019067766 0.014163882 -0.015885457 -0.012827051 0.008503546 -0.006195068 -0.0012756949 -0.020528499 -0.012605333 0.013994332 0.003126879 -0.014998585 -0.019915512 -0.01955033 -0.0015455064 -0.015689824 0.007466687 -0.0049364907 -0.057646737 0.002546499 0.025862778 -0.008490504 -0.010668559 0.010283813 -0.01282053 0.00056815293 0.011998869 0.00016781705 0.0018943865 0.02871903 -0.0040137516 0.015598529 0.02511937 0.025954073 -0.033596832 -0.012709671 0.0014427986 -0.00475716 -0.0039061534 0.013446557 -0.033544663 0.01786788 0.002274242 0.013733488 -0.0119467 0.012487953 -0.009814291 -0.010844629 -0.006984124 0.009546925 0.002743763 -0.0073297434 0.0023932524 -0.012057559 0.010629432 -0.02483244 -0.015755035 0.015115965 -0.014907289 -0.0050310474 0.018193936 -0.0024519425 -0.0146464445 -0.0042191674 -0.00974908 -0.012827051 -0.026449678 0.013133544 0.015233345 -0.007942729 -0.015076838 -0.0060418216 -0.013681319 -0.003144812 -0.008823081 0.011874967 -0.014711656 -0.01044032 0.012442305 -0.005344061 -0.0025301962 -0.0071797576 -0.0038735478 -0.01966771 -0.017359233 -0.010877235 0.037326913 -0.010962009 -0.0036355266 0.012220587 -0.017933091 0.0006492594 0.02064588 -0.013942163 -0.032005675 -0.010903319 -0.0009439327 -0.002546499 0.021728385 0.006416786 0.0132378815 -0.010081658 0.007140631 -0.0041278717 -0.012324925 0.0032736042 -0.013850868 -0.005611427 0.00026247525 0.032005675 -0.005092998 -0.0037431251 0.014137797 0.006677631 0.012892262 0.0026329039 0.0025318265 0.0067819688 -0.030362353 -0.0063450537 0.0074927714 0.016394107 0.010505531 -0.005190815 0.033362072 0.0077536167 -0.0050603924 0.019002555 -0.014529064 0.0066743703 -0.03497931 0.016967965 -0.014059544 0.011874967 0.015650697 -0.009520841 -0.0087448275 -0.0025709532 -0.027753904 0.007029772 0.03706607 0.01409867 0.030258015 -0.025719313 0.0074340813 -0.006677631 0.016068049 0.023697766 -0.009220869 0.013550895 0.014815994 -0.004704991 -0.021297991 -0.00016496406 -0.041865617 -0.018193936 0.02431075 0.01329005 -0.0010564221 0.010779418 0.024780272 0.013603064 -0.0026948545 0.025901904 0.007962292 0.012527079 0.0037724702 0.002158492 -0.01154891 0.018715626 0.0024062947 0.033570748 -0.012044516 -0.00725149 0.033779424 -0.0036746534 0.0048712795 -0.009996884 -0.02749306 0.011320671 -0.03244911 0.0039257165 0.009703432 0.020176359 0.015298557 0.0017134254 0.0036094422 -0.020554584 -0.0062798425 0.0069515184 -0.022537004 0.007036293 -0.030388437 -0.02611058 0.0028154952 -0.015050754 -0.031379648 -0.005634251 -0.00018065551 0.010746812 -0.014868163 0.00400397 -0.0008648641 0.011170685 0.010042531 -0.0065928563 -0.0009096968 0.004316984 -0.023528215 0.013916079 -0.002779629 -0.0056994623 -0.00035112177 0.005797279 -0.0058233636 -0.0056179482 -0.012377094 0.0043658926 0.0070167296 -0.000015691454 0.0041311323 0.022928271 -0.014959458 0.007160194 -0.013694361 0.0083144335 -0.0016115328 -0.026149707 -0.020567626 0.025562806 0.019928554 -0.01687667 0.00023903995 -0.01769833 -0.0031219881 -0.004391977 -0.018715626 -0.0017965697 -0.0017020133 0.0038148575 -0.0053049345 -0.007694926 0.0076623205 0.017907007 0.031588323 0.0060255188 -0.010420756 -0.012292319 0.02314999 0.098651566 0.01485512 -0.038500715 0.026006242 0.00031423668 0.0062146313 -0.020971935 -0.029814579 0.04439581 -0.022771765 0.02158492 0.005986392 0.02187185 -0.016798416 0.019563371 -0.012872699 0.023815146 -0.0006781969 -0.0014917072 -0.015337683 -0.0039615827 0.007923165 -0.0031203579 0.008327476 0.011248939 0.030936213 0.04416105 0.03114489 0.017593993 -0.006136378 -0.004473491 0.0075449403 0.016055007 0.015207261 -0.0077079684 0.0047832443 0.0074992925 0.022237033 0.004861498 -0.020280696 0.011379361 0.010055574 0.008242701 -0.015102923 0.007303659 -0.027258297 -0.008796996 0.006305927 0.0026426855 -0.02227616 0.015285514 0.0029948263 -0.02749306 -0.0055951243 0.018493908 -0.002455203 -0.0008827972 -0.008399208 -0.018089598 0.001583818 -0.018076556 -0.040170126 0.011151122 -0.0049951808 -0.0119467 -0.0073362645 -0.013655234 0.0047506387 -0.02140233 -0.0010702795 -0.0073493067 -0.010681601 -0.045517445 -0.014307346 -0.013355262 -0.0050669136 0.032579534 0.020502415 -0.018806921 -0.0030192805 0.019654667 -0.03630962 -0.008764391 -0.01675929 0.022263117 0.032240435 -0.0048549767 -0.009273038 -0.01473774 -0.0002645131 0.0006150235 0.022054441 -0.0010735401 -0.023358665 0.00562773 -0.0041311323 0.0009259996 0.022823934 0.026945284 -0.016889712 -0.010485968 -0.018011345 -0.012155375 -0.0211154 -0.012207544 0.0024095553 0.0067102364 0.012527079 -0.00038311604 -0.010218602 0.03766601 -0.020619795 0.021558836 -0.003915935 0.0010466404 0.015220303 0.00957301 0.025797566 0.0037822518 0.0015993057 -0.02059371 -0.02158492 0.02372385 0.030649282 -0.029032044 0.011705417 0.035370577 -0.025080243 -0.03842246 0.013127022 0.0032295866 0.030336268 -0.01398129 -0.01914602 -0.026214918 -0.016068049 0.00045403326 -0.0062668 0.006188547 -0.012787924 0.0029801538 -0.009755601 0.016002838 -0.02215878 0.02895379 -0.027910411 -0.012846614 0.0022938054 -0.005546216 0.028040834 -0.0091687 0.0071275886 -0.012272756 -0.018246105 -0.0031594846 -0.024036864 0.0008624187 0.00060890993 -0.0047082515 0.01909385 0.0250672 -0.016420191 -0.0131857125 0.0041898224 0.00043610018 -0.005086477 0.007766659 -0.006795011 -0.0063222297 0.038839813 0.008288349 0.007303659 0.0058038 -0.0059994343 0.00794925 0.017528782 0.0008053588 -0.0014313867 -0.014750782 -0.03607486 -0.023658639 0.0269192 -0.008738306 0.010583784 -0.023762977 0.00789056 0.014111713 0.0066515463 0.02924072 0.004017012 0.015637655 -0.015194219 0.019641625 0.022941314 0.016172387 -0.032970805 -0.008112278 -0.022706553 0.014176924 0.0145942755 0.0039485404 0.0002166236 -0.01751574 -0.004636519 -0.0054842653 0.0014705134 -0.016041964 -0.006579814 0.0022823934 -0.03231869 0.003544231 -0.027310468 0.0054320963 -0.006491779 0.008862208 0.009175221 -0.011190249 0.010994615 -0.021245822 -0.022367455 -0.0014550257 -0.01862433 0.029266804 0.009586052 0.03602269 0.015715908 0.027075706 -0.00893394 -0.009116531 0.019067766 -0.0005864936 0.017437486 -0.0014036719 -0.010290334 -0.010075137 -0.013537853 -0.0074471235 -0.0037724702 -0.025380215 0.01241622 -0.01485512 -0.009162179 0.0013914448 -0.012540122 -0.017959176 0.017150557 0.013472642 0.021337118 -0.014333431 -0.022771765 -0.01329005 0.0026361644 0.0016661471 0.027414806 0.010453362 0.006566772 -0.015389852 -0.024036864 0.0020786084 0.039439756 0.027023537 -0.01149022 -0.01137284 0.013968248 0.024532469 0.011731502 0.0022188125 -0.016094133 -0.015272472 0.025028074 -0.0022986962 -0.0019970941 -0.004998442 -0.03184917 0.003022541 -0.01613326 0.0052397233 -0.003439893 -0.026788777 0.0027991924 0.012135812 0.010818545 -0.014933374 -0.0090708835 -0.002024809 -0.018298274 0.029814579 0.0025155237 0.007981855 -0.018846048 -0.009670827 -0.014763825 -0.012442305 -0.015807204 -0.012540122 -0.0024454214 0.013127022 -0.0064428705 -0.0023117384 0.018493908 0.00016333378 -0.0063841804 -0.0011705417 0.02401078 -0.003997449 -0.0014998586 0.008594842 -0.010968531 -0.006648286 -0.017841795 0.014463853 0.01537681 -0.018076556 0.028875537 0.021271907 0.014359515 0.026071453 -0.0061331172 -0.019159062 -0.0038898506 -0.005122343 0.0138899945 -0.0022595695 -0.0019221012 0.0023215201 -0.0053212373 0.016967965 -0.007316701 -0.050369162 0.0030421044 -0.01584633 0.01803743 0.0041604773 -0.009403461 -0.0027714777 0.000055684286 -0.014398642 -0.008327476 -0.0026443158 -0.008268786 0.004799547 0.02245875 -0.006938476 0.0125922905 -0.0022986962 -0.00055714854 -0.011353277 -0.0069580395 -0.028797284 -0.005419054 -0.011353277 0.053238455 -0.0025660624 -0.002761696 -0.023684723 -0.020176359 -0.040978745 -0.0049462724 -0.008953503 0.0035051042 0.03440545 -0.014359515 -0.026893115 0.03323165 -0.018233063 0.011040263 -0.008575278 -0.021050189 0.005040829 0.005167991 -0.006821096 -0.008242701 -0.004646301 -0.02924072 0.026136665 -0.0032621922 -0.008920898 0.032110013 -0.005145167 -0.006289624 -0.0020916506 0.026814861 0.05368189 0.007857954 -0.0015455064 -0.033075143 -0.02175447 -0.00068675587 -0.014398642 -0.0025888863 -0.007571025 0.00078987115 -0.0055494765 0.0054973075 0.007681884 0.009214348 0.00024984055 0.014607318 0.0067624054 -0.027388722 0.03748342 0.021767512 -0.0073819123 -0.009423024 -0.028066918 0.004356111 0.003521407 0.011718459 0.018115683 -0.04270032 0.0019009076 -0.0017949394 0.005242984 -0.015389852 0.0014053022 -0.019198189 0.0033551182 0.018767795 0.01473774 0.017424444 0.015481149 0.009905587 -0.011881488 -0.013003121 -0.015689824 -0.041813448 -0.008431814 -0.0070688985 -0.00545492 -0.012390136 0.0056831595 0.0034496747 -0.023632554 0.016785374 -0.002883967 -0.000745446 0.22766548 0.007903602 -0.00082655245 0.0029785235 -0.014020417 0.018754752 0.043613277 -0.008575278 0.00371378 0.011294587 0.012905304 -0.0041213506 -0.0007809046 -0.004421322 -0.0027225693 -0.027519144 -0.026893115 -0.035996605 0.010375109 0.002913312 0.018324358 0.00678849 0.006054864 -0.007147152 0.03346641 0.023084778 -0.026306214 0.013042248 0.018833006 0.005151688 -0.017085345 -0.0027649566 0.02900596 0.020202443 -0.032736044 0.016563656 0.0065406873 0.0016221296 0.0135639375 0.012024953 0.031536154 0.025497595 -0.02622796 -0.009964277 0.006312448 0.035840098 -0.013929121 -0.0092860805 0.0059374836 0.024584638 -0.006736321 -0.00881656 0.023684723 0.0035083648 -0.0073232222 -0.002081869 0.020685006 -0.008418771 -0.0061689834 0.016159344 -0.008438335 0.015129007 -0.0013914448 0.04152652 -0.0053505823 0.012161897 -0.021037146 -0.018598245 0.0013792177 -0.01462036 -0.0032866464 -0.01625064 -0.008170968 0.01224015 -0.00068145746 -0.031875253 0.02000681 0.020267654 0.03469238 0.028066918 -0.0060418216 -0.018089598 -0.0035703154 -0.019198189 -0.020580668 -0.05151688 0.015233345 -0.013942163 -0.022171821 -0.024584638 -0.019837258 -0.016915796 -0.022550046 -0.0061689834 0.018167851 0.0014110082 -0.0029393965 0.029084213 -0.0057711946 -0.025849735 -0.029292889 0.014842078 0.037457336 0.030049339 0.011203291 -0.015246388 -0.0068080532 -0.002650837 0.01722881 -0.017893964 -0.005471223 -0.03109272 0.01061639 -0.009977319 -0.00042957906 0.008249222 -0.0033143612 -0.0054973075 0.011822798 -0.0035409704 -0.010055574 -0.00038841445 -0.005598385 0.009951235 0.009488235 -0.022432666 -0.026788777 0.028406017 -0.0029899355 -0.0096121365 0.007577546 -0.006925434 -0.0054451386 -0.02744089 0.008673095 0.005167991 -0.0018079816 -0.005203857 -0.008438335 -0.006931955 -0.022771765 -0.016915796 0.0026720306 0.004607174 0.02819734 -0.009677348 -0.0047734627 -0.010283813 -0.0055559976 -0.0016563655 -0.01032294 0.015442021 0.009044799 0.00072792044 -0.008999151 -0.002895379 -0.007844912 -0.023906441 -0.018533034 0.004414801 -0.022836976 0.016146302 0.0061983285 -0.0010825066 -0.016850585 -0.032240435 -0.164541 0.023110863 0.039909277 -0.04001362 0.03492714 -0.0053636245 0.010140348 0.0031056853 -0.011966263 -0.002169904 -0.008249222 -0.005986392 -0.0031024248 -0.005901617 -0.012983558 -0.011959742 0.0062146313 0.010172954 0.047082514 0.013250924 0.012148854 -0.007153673 0.0098795025 0.02464985 0.009912108 -0.0008950243 -0.0058918353 -0.012931389 -0.016394107 -0.03951801 0.019276442 -0.016511487 0.028901622 -0.013498726 0.01879388 -0.013420473 -0.005715765 -0.02511937 -0.01990247 0.0027828896 0.034666296 0.028875537 0.028510354 -0.00922739 -0.011998869 0.0068145744 -0.00522016 -0.014320388 -0.010681601 -0.014920332 0.01675929 -0.0096643055 -0.024089033 0.0012292318 0.0244803 -0.016863627 0.020450246 0.017267937 -0.016420191 0.0050440896 0.0025513899 -0.010975052 0.010798981 0.017659204 -0.041083083 -0.027258297 -0.004978878 0.014829036 -0.039126743 0.011783671 -0.0026035588 -0.008151405 0.0008893183 -0.0031415515 -0.0106946435 -0.0015862634 -0.0287712 -0.013146586 -0.019224273 0.008979588 -0.0033812027 -0.0018356964 -0.0023655377 0.0019221012 -0.023345623 0.01914602 0.0065015606 0.005732068 -0.020215485 -0.020058978 -0.010277292 -0.008399208 -0.026997453 -0.018754752 -0.00013093195 0.0095012775 0.024806356 0.0011012548 -0.012468389 0.0025041117 -0.013733488 0.008790475 -0.01687667 -0.0045060967 0.01085115 0.0015585487 0.0021731646 -0.005181033 0.031640492 -0.00066107896 -0.016211513 0.022419624 0.0069580395 0.026045369 -0.012618375 0.017933091 0.01879388 -0.0054744836 -0.0016319113 -0.0074471235 0.037379082 -0.004629998 -0.016107175 0.0168245 -0.002251418 -0.0035833577 -0.13449167 -0.022067484 0.015768077 0.01838957 0.008555715 0.01664191 -0.0118358405 0.0064983 -0.011040263 0.042908996 -0.020802386 -0.026997453 0.011574995 -0.0015789272 -0.001583818 -0.024545511 0.009586052 -0.019237315 -0.03440545 0.044343643 -0.00034134008 -0.016237598 0.011698896 0.010009926 -0.019511202 0.00048174802 -0.023358665 -0.0029605904 0.008940461 -0.010629432 -0.000009189435 -0.0064265677 -0.013277008 -0.003174157 0.0069123916 0.00028937488 -0.006348314 -0.0028220164 0.015115965 0.007088462 -0.003348597 0.033962015 0.023684723 -0.0030355833 0.00423547 0.0041735196 -0.02088064 0.029084213 -0.02488461 -0.021167569 -0.030831873 0.0037822518 -0.032527365 0.0017134254 0.01786788 -0.024167286 -0.0009235542 0.0114510935 0.024089033 0.023632554 -0.008177489 -0.019041682 -0.010309897 -0.0018748231 0.014946416 -0.0062439763 -0.0034594564 -0.01786788 0.0030698192 0.003348597 0.00018289714 0.019119935 -0.009162179 0.027701735 -0.0019384042 0.005621209 -0.016159344 -0.016002838 0.011874967 0.00371378 -0.0092339115 -0.018533034 0.00423547 -0.037274744 0.011757586 -0.0072971378 -0.0026850728 0.0074927714 -0.00969039 -0.04671733 -0.032736044 0.027258297 0.013681319 -0.004779984 -0.004378935 0.023228243 0.012657502 -0.022119652 0.00026838502 0.01073377 -0.0131857125 -0.007988377 -0.002008506 0.019863343 0.013850868 -0.01670712 -0.011542389 0.0036061816 0.0034072872 0.0042419913 -0.0035246676 -0.0025090026 -0.046691246 0.006009216 -0.0013759572 -0.02824951 -0.009429545 -0.017007092 0.007727532 -0.015520276 -0.027753904 -0.008242701 0.0053473217 0.005634251 0.0238934 -0.0056179482 0.02274568 0.006579814 -0.012351009 -0.00006521124 -0.016485402 -0.015833288 0.01658974 -0.0070623774 0.009423024 0.021937061 0.0032116536 -0.017424444 -0.0033909844 0.010955488 -0.0031953508 0.066619806 -0.014203008 -0.026423594 0.016889712 -0.0351619 -0.006289624 0.0059472653 -0.050864767 0.0056440327 0.004809329 0.008099236 0.008399208 0.01247491 -0.022954356 -0.011118516 -0.021154527 -0.030258015 -0.010701165 0.0053864485 -0.018533034 -0.038631137 0.027832158 -0.008549194 -0.0045810896 -0.022771765 0.004039836 0.001125709 -0.013772614 0.028171256 -0.00922739 -0.014046501 -0.011405446 -0.004613695 0.007212363 0.022015315 0.010277292 0.011920615 0.0055918638 0.0018943865 -0.0053114556 0.03654438 0.002628013 0.004193083 -0.0110728685 0.011111995 0.03312731 -0.0010425647 -0.00027429478 0.01921123 -0.00025554653 0.009442587 -0.009175221 0.016081091 -0.023489088 -0.020854555 0.033649 0.02024157 -0.01758095 0.0012716192 0.018676499 0.00783187 0.029449396 -0.0059309625 0.010948967 -0.01891126 -0.007199321 0.01473774 -0.0138378255 -0.024819398 0.0017280979 0.02227616 -0.010244686 0.010720728 -0.000106987194 -0.015115965 -0.012872699 -0.003759428 -0.0028562522 -0.029188551 -0.02848427 0.04165694 0.018011345 0.0032149141 0.017163599 -0.0269192 0.03132748 0.019367738 0.016055007 -0.022184864 0.013994332 -0.00025880712 0.007766659 0.005855969 0.012292319 0.00091866334 0.0149725005 -0.029188551 0.013785657 0.031405732 -0.0039485404 0.04217863 0.005109301 -0.009599094 -0.01282053 -0.0026475764 0.003997449 0.016720163 -0.015076838 0.004770202 -0.0011811386 0.018259147 0.013009642 0.01879388 -0.01921123 -0.026710523 0.010590306 -0.009142616 0.023541257 -0.008347039 0.0023410835 0.054360088 0.018546076 0.024845483 -0.0033877238 0.0023410835 -0.01409867 0.040743984 0.0007772365 -0.01902864 -0.022015315 0.004170259 0.013955206 -0.034196775 -0.017711373 0.0071210675 0.0067624054 -0.002140559 0.0035181465 -0.00556904 0.004978878 0.031536154 0.008862208 -0.022680469 -0.04726511 0.002001985 0.01827219 -0.0022644603 -0.007681884 -0.028745115
-0.009648772 -0.017428303 0.014590826 -0.032220844 -0.013360355 0.0077593606 0.00007653669 0.0051538562 -0.016567647 -0.022659484 0.026034873 0.0069121514 0.029450607 0.009978242 0.007618159 -0.008162794 0.060891483 -0.009863936 0.0002363865 -0.021771932 -0.010072377 0.008216585 0.002291163 -0.031091234 -0.023157053 0.016446617 0.01697108 -0.009897555 0.006939047 -0.043382492 0.048062313 0.0038326131 0.0012565256 0.013757064 -0.025806261 -0.0040444154 -0.0039099376 0.005325315 0.0054261736 -0.016070079 0.019122722 0.010630459 0.017401408 -0.024219425 -0.020911274 0.0072080023 -0.024448037 -0.022619141 -0.009124309 0.0036275347 0.050886344 0.012284534 -0.028858904 0.003607363 -0.022350186 -0.0057153003 0.0011363361 0.016634885 0.03170983 0.0033081502 -0.0028996745 0.0025349038 -0.0016599585 -0.003785546 0.015733885 0.022578798 -0.02599453 -0.0041183783 0.002469346 0.0077459128 0.018799976 0.016863497 0.00677095 0.011047339 0.014658065 0.021381946 -0.012136608 -0.025806261 -0.00606158 0.010677526 -0.007382823 -0.013131743 -0.041257743 0.016096976 -0.004128464 -0.0061052856 -0.010294264 0.009796697 -0.009406712 -0.0086334655 -0.007920734 0.0029013555 0.020991962 0.007160935 -0.027245173 0.0058127968 -0.013985676 0.0009825274 -0.018248618 -0.0053757443 0.00041877182 0.0017120687 -0.024595963 -0.010590116 -0.02955819 -0.009937898 0.0001250222 -0.0025029653 0.01206937 -0.03117192 -0.009231891 0.007544196 0.008149345 -0.025429724 0.001347298 -0.0089494875 0.0114642205 0.0026794672 -0.022793962 -0.006091838 0.015760781 -0.024152186 0.031010548 0.0010741403 0.004750423 0.011208712 -0.018692395 0.005120237 -0.011336466 -0.020185096 0.034802817 0.01215678 -0.0050765313 0.00881501 -0.0062364014 -0.012096265 0.018921006 -0.010489257 -0.030499533 -0.01962029 0.017495543 0.008384681 -0.02022544 -0.0010153063 -0.02720483 0.012990542 0.02575247 0.0019768216 -0.003378751 0.0039099376 0.015222871 -0.01828896 0.014402557 0.007981249 -0.005738834 0.018167932 0.00013468777 0.026693814 -0.018087244 0.012170227 0.021247469 -0.015478378 0.010361503 -0.01799311 -0.01594905 0.026734158 0.025295246 0.01889411 0.033619415 -0.0023365493 0.020938171 0.037411682 -0.033323564 0.023089813 0.0068718083 0.028078934 -0.015828019 0.00652889 -0.010933033 -0.008061935 0.0073088603 0.005792625 0.043463178 0.030042307 -0.0069457707 0.0068987035 0.02171814 0.0047100796 -0.01227781 0.002114661 0.019566499 0.019472364 -0.03846061 -0.010516153 -0.6588329 -0.0051941993 0.016218005 -0.013676377 0.027352754 0.029289233 0.0065692333 0.013642758 -0.019297544 0.017401408 -0.019929588 0.024676649 -0.018006558 -0.017441751 0.015814573 -0.027231725 0.011605422 -0.023022575 -0.016567647 -0.0038864042 0.0066768155 0.01672902 -0.018947901 0.0016986209 -0.008841906 0.010973376 -0.008377958 -0.020897828 -0.0003576265 0.014980811 -0.0081157265 0.013985676 0.0057623675 0.018974798 0.06406515 -0.024501828 0.000024269015 0.02268638 0.0125803845 0.029181652 -0.014214288 -0.009837041 0.0024340455 -0.007624883 -0.018867215 -0.0023953833 0.020857485 -0.013246049 -0.002012122 -0.0092722345 0.008135898 -0.0132191535 0.003321598 0.008021592 0.014832885 -0.00055177865 0.02130126 -0.013185534 -0.005755644 0.0021583664 0.0010052205 0.022834307 -0.016002841 0.004767233 0.015545617 0.002010441 -0.019432021 0.0077728084 0.0013968867 -0.010260645 0.0021516425 0.011605422 -0.01546493 -0.00043957384 0.010664078 0.02931613 0.007160935 -0.015303557 -0.022040887 0.008122451 -0.010186682 0.010536324 -0.004871453 -0.007732465 0.02256535 -0.0015019473 -0.008425025 0.011228885 -0.00926551 -0.008835182 -0.006700349 0.018840319 0.014281527 -0.016930737 0.024152186 0.009951347 -0.015169079 -0.014577378 -0.0028391595 -0.014967363 0.0016078484 -0.006081752 0.00999169 0.008922593 0.023385664 0.00640786 -0.024125291 0.016742468 0.024918709 -0.0020827227 -0.015397691 0.001837301 -0.00095395086 0.008203137 0.028186517 -0.026518993 -0.00092201243 0.004767233 0.0071340394 -0.028025143 0.006142267 -0.0063675167 0.0155321695 -0.00071441254 -0.0020154838 0.018947901 -0.015828019 0.007382823 0.0023668066 0.005560651 0.004014158 -0.014523586 0.023452902 -0.020911274 0.020265782 -0.008324167 0.008895697 0.0056514232 0.015895259 -0.019122722 0.0032543591 -0.0143756615 0.007967801 0.012546765 -0.01395878 -0.011477668 0.0034829713 -0.022135021 -0.0074635097 -0.0032795737 0.009231891 -0.008498988 -0.0060514943 0.013346907 0.0064011365 -0.007826599 -0.027124142 0.0015582598 -0.013985676 -0.01366293 0.0018036815 0.029450607 -0.031575352 0.008620017 0.010489257 -0.023251187 0.00094386504 0.005449707 -0.008673809 -0.024649754 0.032113265 -0.007060077 -0.013185534 0.04193013 -0.008129174 0.000945546 0.009010003 0.011255779 -0.0041788933 0.001321243 -0.008283824 -0.014241183 -0.022525007 0.0013271264 0.030122995 0.008667084 -0.002284439 0.04039709 0.0063338974 0.009527742 -0.003903214 0.009413436 -0.025375932 -0.015895259 0.0042730276 0.014671512 0.026801396 0.0032341876 0.0028425215 0.0066734534 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0.015693542 0.01913617 -0.0057657296 -0.012782101 0.014711855 0.017670363 0.0063675167 -0.016056633 -0.028347889 0.0045487066 0.007450062 0.0054766024 -0.01245263 -0.00677095 0.0025517135 0.012129884 -0.008667084 0.0019919502 0.01931099 -0.014187393 0.011363362 -0.026734158 -0.0011262504 0.007840048 -0.028805114 -0.017683811 0.034506965 0.028132726 -0.027151039 -0.0037014973 -0.0017381237 -0.025537306 0.031252608 -0.021381946 -0.008747771 0.012472803 0.002065913 -0.0007165138 -0.028966486 0.007577816 0.01239884 0.0025046463 0.01402602 -0.0125400415 -0.026774501 -0.0033148741 0.11210057 0.012735033 -0.010280817 0.009399988 0.01101372 0.010065652 -0.00864019 -0.029773353 0.015142184 -0.019633738 0.060192198 -0.0089494875 -0.01134319 -0.017831737 0.0050630835 0.0024777509 0.003785546 0.0022491387 -0.0099110035 -0.010495981 0.00026328204 -0.0047302516 -0.008216585 0.0070735244 0.010092548 0.008189689 0.010455637 0.023197396 0.011296123 -0.020077514 -0.0032140159 0.010549772 0.016567647 0.012634176 -0.024770783 0.008337614 0.010596839 0.0074904053 0.023802545 -0.025375932 0.0058060726 0.013145191 0.017441751 0.0073626516 0.0027954543 -0.0204675 -0.01769726 0.009763078 -0.009635324 -0.031118128 0.010415294 -0.002516413 -0.027124142 -0.012412287 -0.0011632317 -0.006152353 -0.02630383 -0.011692832 0.0025096892 0.016997976 -0.00054883695 -0.030365054 0.009131033 -0.0008203137 -0.0005219414 -0.021260917 -0.017011423 -0.010274093 0.0068583605 0.0005803551 -0.0069457707 -0.016204556 -0.020319574 -0.00092537433 0.018611707 0.008162794 0.0036846877 0.000715253 -0.012331601 -0.010536324 -0.008909144 -0.018383095 -0.023304978 -0.03257049 0.009521018 0.011726451 -0.031145025 -0.020803694 -0.014483243 0.009944622 0.02424632 0.009608428 0.0032140159 -0.013595691 0.0012363539 -0.010576667 0.008290547 0.00018017905 0.026155904 -0.009399988 -0.004404143 -0.022780515 -0.017670363 -0.0014733708 0.0086334655 0.005032826 0.009655495 0.019028587 0.010206854 -0.0057758153 0.021435738 -0.002924889 0.03345804 -0.004810938 0.006579319 0.017266931 0.0047840425 0.049326405 0.008559503 0.0029534656 0.00561108 -0.036873773 0.030176785 0.030311264 -0.030257473 -0.011188541 0.033350457 -0.040235713 -0.01763002 0.016984528 0.0058733113 0.0073760995 -0.025765918 -0.030902965 -0.025254903 -0.028751323 -0.03458765 -0.009137756 -0.0050160163 -0.00039839005 0.0026559336 0.008129174 -0.00048580053 -0.014779095 0.03345804 -0.036201384 -0.009561361 -0.0025029653 -0.01040857 0.0008480497 -0.0024357266 0.0062935543 -0.015249766 -0.0027416633 0.01974132 -0.021193678 -0.008835182 -0.010025309 0.019149618 0.0020827227 0.014752199 -0.026007978 -0.0028458834 -0.0085527785 0.0015565788 -0.0013288073 -0.001321243 -0.018840319 -0.030203681 0.030122995 0.026357621 0.00697939 -0.009379816 -0.020238888 0.01020013 0.034264907 -0.0013599052 0.0044007814 -0.018826872 -0.03881025 -0.00080014206 0.012923302 -0.009534466 0.010704421 -0.013441041 -0.009655495 0.04862712 -0.005742196 0.0015851554 -0.013864646 -0.009077242 -0.031333294 0.015209422 0.005849778 0.016567647 -0.01780484 -0.006421308 -0.0015322048 0.015801124 -0.00864019 0.0048311097 -0.01179369 -0.012466079 -0.0074298903 -0.0043301806 -0.019687528 -0.012761929 -0.0018137674 -0.015626304 -0.00595736 0.005271524 -0.02990783 0.0026458479 -0.020306125 0.00029437998 -0.005960722 -0.016460065 0.002242415 -0.010845623 -0.017885529 0.0024962414 -0.024649754 0.036631715 0.0017482095 0.026451755 0.01949926 0.009716011 -0.012338324 -0.0031232436 0.052042853 0.012425736 0.010489257 -0.009473951 0.017401408 -0.0060313228 -0.018248618 -0.0024844746 -0.013024161 -0.03262428 0.015155632 -0.006404498 0.0051908377 -0.0065658716 -0.0006080911 -0.022888096 0.032113265 -0.006226315 0.010186682 -0.023520142 -0.026317276 -0.014994258 0.024999395 -0.006431394 0.024851471 0.007819875 -0.0060582184 -0.0076517784 -0.02076335 -0.0038292513 0.02245777 0.026774501 0.0109061375 -0.008351062 0.0018692394 0.008451921 0.022699827 0.006696987 -0.019660633 0.013730168 0.022309843 -0.031629145 -0.0044444865 -0.0070869722 -0.023103261 -0.0085527785 0.001664161 0.00722145 -0.009521018 -0.0048882626 -0.0033384077 0.005321953 0.00607839 -0.0058195204 -0.005442983 -0.0035132286 -0.012008854 0.030741591 0.008458644 0.00864019 -0.015249766 -0.031440876 -0.024501828 -0.00905707 -0.0036846877 -0.015962498 -0.010381675 0.0010506067 0.0318981 -0.022363635 0.016110422 -0.010872519 0.014537035 -0.017011423 0.032893233 -0.017065214 -0.017616572 0.011934891 0.002002036 -0.01378396 -0.023439456 0.024461485 0.0017061853 -0.019284096 -0.0073693753 0.021866066 0.0026139093 0.018167932 -0.02931613 -0.031682935 0.00046058596 0.0053925538 0.0040376917 -0.017724155 -0.018329304 -0.011639041 -0.005032826 0.0143756615 0.0028576502 -0.022672933 0.0039233854 -0.02064232 0.020346468 0.001775105 -0.0066028526 -0.014268079 -0.014765646 -0.0142546315 0.021180231 0.010361503 -0.0011615508 0.031575352 0.021812275 -0.0064011365 -0.0056009945 -0.003667878 0.0007484522 -0.007893838 -0.018759632 -0.0063809645 -0.0036006393 0.003993986 0.039186787 0.010717869 -0.015249766 -0.010778384 -0.0025483517 -0.02725862 -0.009413436 0.000071178605 0.017885529 0.014617721 0.01073804 0.0013237644 0.020480948 -0.007692122 0.012102989 -0.014967363 -0.008014868 -0.014671512 0.0037922699 0.020965066 -0.00869398 -0.007503853 -0.020386813 0.028213412 0.007631607 -0.0097092865 0.00999169 -0.008149345 -0.0043234564 0.004131826 0.0048613674 0.01828896 0.015478378 0.0012556851 -0.04916503 0.0051135127 -0.011363362 -0.022161918 -0.0055707367 0.0042562177 0.034130428 -0.012916579 -0.0028223498 0.01763002 0.008882249 -0.011437325 0.014617721 0.021624006 0.014348766 0.018275512 0.0035905533 0.008882249 -0.0136158625 -0.020534737 -0.002521456 0.036685504 0.009716011 0.007940905 -0.02840168 0.005459793 0.000011937518 0.0071205916 -0.00950757 0.009998414 -0.021234022 0.014537035 0.025349038 0.021005409 0.0072012786 -0.0027030008 -0.01563975 0.011605422 0.0012262681 -0.0029534656 -0.025201112 0.0059674457 0.0034594378 -0.032167055 -0.008868801 0.0035266764 -0.017159348 -0.01944547 0.011148198 0.0016070079 0.0003202249 0.23646551 -0.015922153 -0.017401408 0.017441751 -0.0006934004 0.017172797 0.050805658 0.0065658716 -0.008458644 0.019902693 -0.002867736 -0.01793932 -0.0028996745 -0.0009884108 -0.0033770702 -0.007046629 -0.03959022 -0.017777946 0.004471382 -0.015828019 0.0121904 0.0028072211 -0.018087244 -0.013588967 0.008223308 0.04327491 -0.0052479906 0.0006017875 0.02756792 0.00015685557 -0.0029601892 0.008566227 -0.005513584 -0.015438035 -0.012419011 0.017119005 -0.005671595 -0.017240034 0.017105557 -0.0044478485 0.023681514 0.029531293 -0.0024827938 -0.017293826 0.008001421 0.015828019 -0.013602415 0.0047302516 0.021771932 0.037277207 -0.040235713 -0.020064065 0.030122995 0.022955336 0.004188979 -0.0013044332 -0.0028139448 -0.00074088783 -0.023815993 0.027702397 -0.0040746727 0.02942371 0.0034627996 0.026397964 -0.0025046463 0.024757337 -0.019768216 0.024824575 0.015021154 -0.0046663745 -0.014792542 -0.030338159 -0.019109275 0.006626386 -0.0031333293 -0.0020138028 0.014819438 0.00030698726 0.01068425 0.037626848 -0.0061052856 -0.021583663 0.004804214 0.021852618 -0.016029736 -0.010919586 0.02358738 -0.0005118556 -0.030607114 -0.021072648 -0.0009514294 -0.020064065 -0.00079720037 -0.009729458 0.00045638354 -0.0024273216 0.01203575 0.0077862563 0.003778822 -0.008734324 -0.025792815 0.015222871 0.004928606 0.037761327 -0.0032829358 -0.015101841 0.009695839 0.017307274 0.031440876 -0.019364782 -0.00881501 -0.022242604 0.01685005 -0.01281572 -0.006152353 0.0038292513 0.007799704 -0.016621439 0.027648605 -0.0144429 0.00028408403 0.006760864 0.006814655 -0.001548174 0.0039301096 -0.030069204 -0.032301534 -0.0005660669 0.016029736 -0.030607114 0.021973649 -0.03509867 -0.004804214 -0.04343628 -0.012546765 -0.009964794 -0.018853767 -0.01709211 0.000630364 0.015841467 -0.010247197 -0.010139615 -0.0016742467 0.010919586 0.004871453 -0.0034527138 -0.008324167 0.008909144 -0.009339473 0.0031282865 0.0099110035 -0.00114306 -0.032301534 -0.02095162 0.010173234 -0.008673809 -0.025228009 -0.0154514825 -0.037223414 0.007907286 -0.041257743 0.030418845 0.015626304 -0.0074298903 -0.000632045 -0.01402602 -0.17180865 0.026787948 0.043678343 -0.006357431 0.035905533 -0.017979663 0.0153707955 0.00836451 -0.0136158625 -0.0034728853 -0.012802273 0.01375034 -0.019929588 -0.013931885 -0.024622858 0.0025466706 -0.01023375 0.029020278 0.034157325 0.01073804 -0.0016994614 0.0062364014 -0.008741047 0.012943475 -0.009561361 -0.0036208108 0.013293116 0.012822445 0.0029433796 -0.03456076 -0.01468496 -0.0016481917 0.0076383306 0.00938654 0.014805989 0.00026034034 -0.021556769 -0.012183676 -0.041150164 0.021637455 0.013064504 0.019243753 -0.017119005 0.010005138 -0.024031157 0.02202744 0.011988683 0.007261793 -0.007826599 -0.011894548 -0.00839813 0.0045016394 0.00446802 0.013931885 0.0243808 -0.038379923 0.0035602958 0.012419011 -0.016876945 -0.0027551109 -0.020507842 0.0008404853 0.024434589 -0.0065053566 -0.014792542 -0.029262338 0.00015044688 -0.005681681 -0.02178538 0.0051941993 0.016244901 0.0028341166 0.0061624385 0.0035468482 0.01865205 -0.012412287 -0.019472364 -0.0048949867 -0.003735117 0.01889411 -0.012721586 0.018141035 0.0014952234 -0.00355021 0.004531897 0.0060481327 0.014039467 0.0042730276 -0.0155725125 -0.024582515 0.018880663 -0.0034274992 -0.046529267 -0.017522437 0.027393099 0.0006501154 0.0042057885 0.0013002309 0.0103077125 0.007631607 0.010119444 0.006999562 -0.01629869 0.0057153003 0.015814573 0.01110113 0.005947274 0.016527304 0.003032471 -0.008008144 -0.009541189 0.014227736 0.0021381946 0.030230576 0.005116875 0.0006534773 -0.002745025 -0.0249725 0.011080959 -0.0025954188 0.05091324 -0.004921882 -0.0058934833 -0.002923208 0.009110861 -0.019149618 -0.13748996 -0.010415294 0.015841467 0.025120426 0.011410429 0.016984528 -0.0057321102 0.00864019 -0.015101841 0.024273217 -0.02762171 -0.023614276 -0.008283824 -0.011006996 -0.016567647 -0.022188812 0.009359645 -0.016070079 -0.030983651 0.03977849 0.011208712 -0.0048411954 -0.013010713 0.014402557 -0.03208637 -0.0026122285 -0.017334169 0.01182731 0.008344338 -0.012546765 -0.02021199 0.0037552884 0.015908707 -0.0028290737 0.006579319 -0.0058329683 -0.009467226 -0.024058051 0.011054063 -0.003950281 0.008404854 0.03544831 0.01877308 -0.02942371 0.02370841 -0.004515087 -0.028912695 0.03905231 0.0021650903 -0.016002841 -0.03711583 0.0008976383 -0.012647623 -0.0018742823 0.0258735 -0.009662219 0.014429452 0.022377081 0.029154755 0.03889094 -0.0023886594 0.0011119621 -0.00013510801 0.0012304705 0.03345804 -0.015545617 -0.018947901 -0.0051404084 0.008418301 -0.022753619 -0.012102989 0.016352482 -0.019660633 0.017414857 -0.009305853 -0.009238615 -0.013252772 -0.011565078 0.0062027816 0.0032409115 -0.009958071 -0.012324877 -0.013494832 -0.02221571 0.014819438 -0.013501557 -0.022578798 -0.0021129802 0.007396271 -0.005890121 -0.02161056 0.023802545 0.004051139 -0.03520625 -0.020736454 0.013824303 0.01390499 -0.023815993 0.005849778 0.016567647 -0.0059977034 -0.038057175 -0.006004427 0.033350457 0.017253483 0.0055976324 -0.0144429 -0.019122722 0.023345321 -0.0007060077 0.022793962 -0.015155632 -0.004639479 -0.0119819585 0.005685043 -0.013999124 -0.008929316 -0.011128026 -0.0016692039 -0.0015574193 0.00085771526 -0.013246049 0.003388837 0.0033669842 0.021798829 -0.008465368 0.010536324 -0.004733613 -0.020830588 0.02064232 -0.0073559275 -0.018409992 0.013333459 -0.0066768155 -0.004125102 0.015545617 0.0018423438 -0.03340425 0.014994258 0.01011272 -0.0010531282 0.05664199 -0.015169079 -0.0010917905 0.009978242 -0.02815962 0.0059271026 0.016244901 -0.03472213 0.000089249035 0.023210844 0.012546765 0.004464658 0.025349038 -0.023210844 -0.010058928 -0.013172086 -0.04295216 0.0039132996 0.033431146 -0.015142184 -0.028724426 0.01685005 -0.0219602 0.0007270198 -0.017065214 0.008021592 -0.0017868718 -0.0040376917 -0.0030509618 -0.011934891 -0.016594542 -0.0133401835 0.021207126 0.019835453 0.028105829 -0.0034123706 0.003614087 0.010260645 0.0069457707 -0.012311429 0.025550755 -0.0035602958 -0.0058094347 -0.03063401 0.01239884 0.024111843 0.011396981 -0.020790245 0.0113028465 0.02304947 0.010072377 0.010045481 0.01594905 -0.025201112 -0.012795549 0.023036022 0.024515277 -0.016258348 -0.026492098 0.0018810062 0.011961787 0.025833158 -0.018826872 0.012466079 -0.021099543 -0.0030677714 0.0028257116 -0.019176513 -0.018517572 0.00048706125 0.0154918255 0.0019700977 0.013064504 0.021879515 0.0014927019 -0.003208973 0.0010489257 0.0032224208 -0.032059472 -0.013091399 0.024031157 0.027836874 0.00223401 0.02256535 -0.010280817 0.016406273 0.02040026 0.009399988 -0.032274637 0.009890831 -0.00905707 0.019391678 0.00079425867 -0.026384516 -0.0089494875 -0.0024928795 -0.043490075 0.001548174 0.015518721 -0.037277207 0.028724426 0.016070079 -0.0035233146 -0.0042663035 0.019095827 0.01672902 0.0024794317 -0.016271796 -0.026357621 -0.013864646 0.011316295 -0.02786377 0.017562782 -0.027836874 -0.028455472 0.009339473 -0.0126610715 0.03418422 -0.017724155 0.008203137 0.029181652 0.025940739 -0.006343983 0.012250914 0.0031820775 -0.0222695 0.0143756615 -0.0015784315 -0.0067339684 -0.007739189 0.0008291388 0.0174552 -0.024273217 -0.007920734 0.012324877 0.005224457 -0.0077593606 0.0037956317 0.0020978514 0.03628207 -0.015169079 0.0012296301 -0.022417424 -0.04542655 0.016083527 0.014510139 -0.02147608 0.003778822 -0.01362931
-0.0041872035 -0.026646433 0.007197675 -0.0052037686 -0.006253021 0.0019955407 -0.038073804 -0.014329976 0.0036609427 -0.023168538 0.007825265 -0.01565053 0.000120124685 -0.016160447 -0.01248643 -0.0016131029 0.045631036 0.008237122 0.017127981 -0.014120779 -0.01660499 0.0064327996 -0.009387704 -0.021508038 -0.030202778 0.0039126324 0.010714795 -0.025168981 0.011741166 -0.015624381 0.0112050995 0.0043473695 0.00615496 -0.009531526 -0.023456184 -0.024580617 -0.01949452 -0.013689311 0.017245656 0.0014194325 0.0026541834 -0.012976735 0.002155707 -0.007707592 -0.0287384 -0.0029663444 0.0049978406 -0.025312804 -0.026175741 -0.0035792254 0.020514354 0.0006950071 -0.044402007 -0.017023385 -0.007877564 0.012506042 -0.014225378 0.006419725 0.0069557913 -0.006890417 0.0010075765 -0.012774075 0.004203547 0.00043759707 0.023704605 0.007982163 -0.022527874 0.009779947 0.0003041933 0.004991303 0.009041221 -0.0014848064 0.014042331 0.020344382 0.03386372 -0.016748814 -0.022240227 -0.004991303 -0.0033961781 -0.006740057 -0.002137729 -0.010557897 -0.03315768 -0.0030660396 0.006109198 -0.007805653 -0.026123442 0.014944491 0.0024989203 -0.012473355 -0.016565766 0.030411975 0.028450755 0.016644215 -0.0053377855 0.016696515 0.017729422 -0.00063494476 0.0077533536 -0.005223381 -0.023168538 0.016382718 0.0042427713 -0.014578397 -0.006168035 -0.0008106373 0.0023600005 -0.011015515 0.010021831 -0.01600355 -0.02459369 0.03783846 0.0047624945 -0.041264053 0.026751032 -0.004210084 -0.01957297 -0.011433909 -0.024750588 -0.011754241 0.037367765 -0.014643771 0.018435461 -0.009524989 0.039328985 0.011185488 -0.03723702 -0.02431912 -0.008799338 -0.007916789 0.042153142 0.015742054 0.0030693084 0.011061277 0.0035203886 0.0028470368 0.0027195574 0.015336735 -0.019481445 -0.01567668 0.008694739 0.009616512 -0.018670809 0.024881337 0.015572081 -0.011551582 0.030202778 0.0062791705 0.0071911374 0.000013598298 0.015964326 -0.012793687 0.01655269 -0.0144868735 0.0010745848 0.010767094 -0.007217287 0.0038505273 0.0005846885 0.009276567 0.0132578425 0.029078346 0.04220544 -0.0002390236 0.008001775 0.030281227 0.033366878 0.031797905 0.005308367 0.005122051 0.0060013314 0.005403159 -0.04217929 0.014526098 -0.009348479 0.006288977 -0.0148137435 0.008302495 -0.0010067592 0.009838784 -0.022828594 0.0040433807 0.01891923 0.04406206 -0.01344089 -0.016774964 -0.0017062608 0.024580617 0.0048801675 0.017389478 0.0016065656 0.026110366 0.010021831 0.0057594473 -0.66859275 -0.0017062608 0.007145376 -0.028346157 0.019363772 0.023050865 0.010479448 -0.0062595583 -0.02404455 0.027692417 -0.009015071 0.021625713 0.010688646 -0.023626156 -0.008158673 -0.017271806 0.0005528187 -0.016016625 -0.021887207 0.009609975 0.0060732425 0.041891646 -0.024802888 -0.025378179 0.016827261 0.007962551 0.00043759707 -0.027535519 -0.02529973 0.016265046 0.0038897516 0.011917676 -0.011146263 0.015742054 0.043225273 -0.013120557 -0.009348479 0.018173967 -0.0021001392 0.021926433 -0.023704605 -0.0026819673 -0.002871552 0.0010745848 -0.018370088 -0.0058901953 -0.009910695 0.0019726597 0.028241558 0.008446318 0.0119569 -0.00992377 -0.0013524242 0.0098910825 -0.0032376463 -0.015362885 0.020919673 0.0008858174 0.0009691692 0.010636346 -0.002109945 0.010342163 0.000075997246 -0.009930307 0.025365103 0.038152255 -0.01595125 0.00896931 -0.010636346 -0.028058512 -0.01117895 0.01959912 -0.01595125 -0.017481001 0.010159116 0.02652876 -0.006373963 0.0036511368 -0.014290752 0.013212081 -0.0128459865 -0.0069754035 -0.026777182 0.013493189 0.027352473 0.0051089763 -0.0067465943 -0.025129758 0.0019040171 0.0021001392 -0.0032147653 0.018069368 -0.0021589757 -0.031065714 0.003778616 0.02025286 -0.02936599 0.0033193638 0.000019190838 -0.012492967 -0.005403159 0.0072238245 0.018017069 -0.00040204998 0.007962551 0.0176379 -0.0075964564 0.025312804 0.024868261 -0.022148704 0.017572526 -0.0015395571 -0.0149837155 -0.0070930766 0.0017340448 -0.025168981 0.027247874 0.0035367322 0.020919673 -0.025482778 0.0075833816 0.003175541 -0.0032997516 -0.0057823285 0.01791247 0.020344382 -0.0006304503 0.008779725 0.042963777 0.0033357071 -0.000168338 -0.016291196 0.012832912 -0.01022449 0.012584491 0.010322551 -0.012211859 -0.0038374525 0.0063837687 -0.026424162 0.0003979641 -0.0286861 0.007792578 0.009132745 -0.0043702503 -0.016735738 -0.014826818 -0.007936401 -0.0011840862 -0.0071388385 0.010132967 -0.018997679 -0.010917454 0.016474243 0.0015787815 -0.007910252 -0.021691086 0.00030623624 0.0037982282 -0.022488648 -0.0005650763 0.0319548 -0.030490423 0.0065047108 -0.011577732 -0.00051808875 -0.016709588 0.0075180074 0.023443108 -0.022776294 0.0351712 0.008093298 0.002806178 0.010767094 0.008093298 -0.0011857206 -0.0146568455 0.0049978406 0.025077458 -0.0037851534 -0.016448094 -0.0192461 -0.003755735 -0.017363328 0.047592256 -0.0046415525 -0.0042819954 0.0191415 0.016461167 0.023809202 0.010401 0.0048899734 -0.014944491 0.003974738 -0.005014184 -0.003732854 0.015402109 0.016108148 0.004991303 0.02271092 0.00013483383 -0.037498515 0.021403441 -0.025168981 -0.0155590065 -0.046389375 0.008949698 -0.00859014 0.00041124318 0.026214965 -0.008152135 -0.028267708 -0.0034255965 -0.016265046 -0.0029826877 0.02871225 0.021442665 0.0153890345 0.004252577 0.0033357071 0.005318173 0.008269808 0.019206874 0.023547707 0.015506707 0.0028241558 0.022174854 -0.010812856 -0.004040112 -0.019076128 -0.009198119 0.024881337 0.006903492 0.018670809 -0.0017520227 0.014552248 0.00977341 -0.022802444 0.0074330214 -0.028267708 0.01010028 0.00010541554 -0.0023861502 0.011473133 0.013885433 -0.0022423274 0.050181065 -0.013002885 -0.007295736 0.017925546 -0.013859283 -0.008668589 -0.030307377 -0.034125216 0.00512532 -0.00062759017 -0.0038472586 -0.0021736848 0.015441334 0.02554815 -0.0045631034 0.023848427 0.012904823 -0.008563991 0.01198305 -0.007249974 0.011093964 -0.018971529 -0.021625713 0.013702386 -0.025064383 -0.036661725 0.02393995 -0.023887651 0.02366538 0.008531304 0.030385826 -0.0067531317 0.005579669 0.020932747 0.0013336291 -0.018500837 0.020788925 0.0052822176 -0.004870361 -0.01916765 -0.008505154 0.00974726 0.0009797924 0.012061499 0.002404128 0.0028682833 0.013898508 0.024711363 0.007975625 0.00947269 0.010322551 -0.018853854 -0.013035571 -0.014042331 0.019023828 -0.016029699 -0.011839228 -0.019389922 0.03945973 0.03713242 0.0016376182 -0.01884078 -0.010610197 -0.006524323 0.021717235 -0.017467927 -0.007831803 -0.029679786 -0.0014660115 0.012617177 -0.025142832 0.0017650974 0.022750145 0.002268477 0.019311473 -0.00816521 -0.029470589 0.0149837155 0.13064335 -0.013990032 -0.0034059843 0.0033634913 -0.009106595 0.016317345 -0.015101389 -0.030908817 0.0026819673 0.003497508 0.010407537 -0.008295958 0.0006516969 -0.016186597 0.018448537 0.0037655411 0.008779725 0.00048540178 -0.0039028265 0.012022275 -0.019834464 -0.007380722 0.00811291 -0.004755957 -0.021063495 0.0065406663 0.01298981 0.023756903 0.0004886705 -0.002399225 -0.0152321365 0.004177397 0.0012151388 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