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Last active April 16, 2024 05:19
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Angular code snippets for vscode

Angular snippets

Create a file angular.code-snippets under .vscode/

touch ./vscode/angular.code-snippets

Add below content in it:

  "Angular standalone component: Inline template": {
    "prefix": "asc-it",
    "body": [
      "import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component} from \"@angular/core\";",
      "\tselector: \"app-${1:${selector_name}}\",",
      "\tstandalone: true,",
      "\timports: [],",
      "\tchangeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,",
      "\tstyles: ``,",
      "\ttemplate: ``",
      "export class ${2:${ComponentName}}Component {",
  "Angular standalone component: Separate template": {
    "prefix": "asc-st",
    "body": [
      "import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component} from \"@angular/core\";",
      "\tselector: \"app-${1:${selector_name}}\",",
      "\tstandalone: true,",
      "\timports: [],",
      "\tchangeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,",
      "\ttemplateUrl: \"./${2:${template_name}}.component.html\",",
      "\tstyles: ``",
      "export class ${2:${ComponentName}}Component {",
  "Angular standalone svg icon component: Inline template": {
    "prefix": "asc-it-icon",
    "body": [
      "import { cn } from \"@/src/lib/utils\";",
      "import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, Input, OnInit} from \"@angular/core\";",
      "\tselector: \"icon-${1:${selector_name}}\",",
      "\tstandalone: true,",
      "\timports: [],",
      "\tchangeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,",
      "\tstyles: ``,",
      "\ttemplate: `<svg",
      "export class ${2:${ComponentName}}Icon implements OnInit {",
      "\t@Input({ required: false }) className: string = \"\";",
      "\tprotected cssClasses: string = \"\";",
      "\tngOnInit(): void {",
      "\t\tthis.cssClasses = cn(\"h-4 w-4 fill-current\", this.className);",
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