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Last active March 7, 2022 14:22
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Shopify Checkout & system translations - Chinese

How to get Shopify system's translation keys

Go to https://{{your_shopify_domain}}/admin/themes/{{your_theme_code}}/language?category=checkout+%26+system

To get Shopify's system translation keys

Open your browser console and paste this code:

var obj = {};
$(".translation__target").each(function() {
  var value = this.children[0].value ? this.children[0].value : this.children[0].placeholder
  _.set(obj, this.children[0].dataset.key, value);
var data = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)], {type: "application/json;charset=utf-8;"}));
$("<a download='en.system_keys.json'></a>").appendTo($("body")).attr('href', data)[0].click();

To get Shopify's system translation keys and merge them to a json file online

Open your browser console and paste this code:

var jsonToMerge = ""
var mergeData = function(body) {
  var obj = {};
  var chinese = JSON.parse(body);
  var getText = function(key, fallback) {
    return (_.get(chinese, key)) ? _.get(chinese, key) : fallback;
  $(".translation__target").each(function() {
    _.set(obj, this.children[0].dataset.key, getText(this.children[0].dataset.key, this.children[0].placeholder));
  var data = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)], {type: "application/json;charset=utf-8;"}));
  $("<a download='zh-CN.json'></a>").appendTo($("body")).attr('href', data)[0].click()
$.get(jsonToMerge, mergeData);

The browser will download your JSON file with Shopify translation keys

"shopify": {
"notices": {
"customer": {
"password_reset_error": "Password reset error",
"no_account_found": "No account found with that email.",
"invalid_credentials": "Invalid login credentials."
"address": {
"updated": "Successfully updated address.",
"error_updating": "Error updating address",
"created": "Successfully created address",
"error_creating": "Error creating address.",
"deleted": "Successfully deleted address",
"error_deleting": "Error deleting address."
"order": {
"not_available": "This order is not available",
"financial_status": {
"authorized": "Authorized",
"pending": "Pending",
"paid": "Paid",
"unpaid": "Unpaid",
"voided": "Voided",
"partially_paid": "Partially paid",
"partially_refunded": "Partially refunded",
"refunded": "Refunded"
"fulfillment_status": {
"fulfilled": "Fulfilled",
"complete": "Complete",
"partial": "Partial",
"unfulfilled": "Unfulfilled",
"restocked": "Restocked"
"transaction_status": {
"success": "Success",
"pending": "Pending",
"failure": "Failure",
"error": "Error"
"cancel_reason": {
"declined": "Payment declined",
"inventory": "Items unavailable",
"fraud": "Fraudulent order",
"customer": "Customer changed/cancelled order",
"other": "Other"
"cart": {
"only_n_items_available": "You can only add {{ count }} {{ name }} to the cart.",
"all_items_in_cart": "All {{ count }} {{ name }} are in your cart.",
"empty_update": "cannot update empty cart",
"missing_parameters": "no valid id or line parameter",
"generic_error": "Cart Error",
"too_many_line_items_error": "Your cart can't contain more than {{ max }} items.",
"link_expired": "Link expired",
"link_no_longer_exists": "Link no longer exists.",
"stock_problems_html": "One or more items are no longer available. We've provided an <a href='{{ link }}'>updated cart</a>.",
"changed": "Cart changed",
"items_changed": "One or more items have changed.",
"product_sold_out": "The product '{{ name }}' is already sold out.",
"variant_not_found": "Cannot find variant",
"shipping_address_not_required": "This cart does not require shipping",
"shipping_address_invalid": "Invalid shipping address"
"storefront": {
"invalid_password": "Password incorrect, please try again."
"page_titles": {
"products": "Products",
"shopping_cart": "Your Shopping Cart",
"account": "Account",
"create_account": "Create Account",
"reset_account": "Reset Account",
"addresses": "Addresses",
"order": "Order {{ name }}",
"search": "Search",
"collections": "Collections",
"not_found": "404 Not Found",
"challenge": "Challenge"
"cart": {
"discounts_with_count": "{{ count }} discounts have been applied"
"challenge": {
"message": "To continue, let us know you're not a robot.",
"error": "Your answer wasn't correct, please try again.",
"submit_button_text": "Submit"
"sentence": {
"words_connector": ", ",
"two_words_connector": " and ",
"last_word_connector": ", and "
"pagination": {
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next"
"links": {
"powered_by_shopify": "Powered by Shopify",
"learn_more": "Learn more"
"feed": {
"more": "More"
"dates": {
"formats": {
"default": "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z",
"long": "%B %d, %Y %H:%M",
"short": "%d %b %H:%M",
"month_day": "%B %-d"
"am": "am",
"pm": "pm",
"abbr_day_names": {
"sunday": "Sun",
"monday": "Mon",
"tuesday": "Tue",
"wednesday": "Wed",
"thursday": "Thu",
"friday": "Fri",
"saturday": "Sat"
"day_names": {
"sunday": "Sunday",
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday": "Saturday"
"abbr_month_names": {
"january": "Jan",
"february": "Feb",
"march": "Mar",
"april": "Apr",
"may": "May",
"june": "Jun",
"july": "Jul",
"august": "Aug",
"september": "Sep",
"october": "Oct",
"november": "Nov",
"december": "Dec"
"month_names": {
"january": "January",
"february": "February",
"march": "March",
"april": "April",
"may": "May",
"june": "June",
"july": "July",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "October",
"november": "November",
"december": "December"
"attributes": {
"email": "email",
"password": "password",
"password_confirmation": "The password confirmation",
"first_name": "first name",
"last_name": "last name",
"body": "body"
"addresses": {
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"postal_code": "Postal code",
"postcode": "Postcode",
"pincode": "Pincode",
"region": "Region",
"prefecture": "Prefecture",
"province": "Province",
"state": "State",
"state_and_territory": "State/territory",
"county": "County",
"confirm": "Are you sure you wish to delete this address?"
"errors": {
"blank": "can't be blank",
"credit_card_session_expired": "Credit card authorization has expired, please enter your payment information again. Your card has not been charged.",
"empty": "can't be empty",
"invalid_email": "must be a valid email address",
"discount_disabled": "This discount has been disabled",
"discount_expired": "This discount is not valid anymore",
"discount_limit_reached": "This discount has reached its usage limit",
"discount_not_found": "Unable to find a valid discount matching the code entered",
"customer_already_used_once_per_customer_discount_notice": "This discount has reached its usage limit",
"gift_card_already_applied": "Code has already been applied to your checkout",
"gift_card_code_invalid": "Code is invalid",
"gift_card_currency_mismatch": "{{ gift_card_currency }} gift cards can't be applied on {{ checkout_currency }} orders",
"gift_card_depleted": "There are no funds left on this gift card",
"gift_card_disabled": "Gift card is disabled",
"gift_card_expired": "Gift card is expired",
"invalid": "is invalid",
"taken": "has already been taken",
"contains_html_tags": "cannot contain HTML tags",
"too_short": "is too short (minimum is {{ count }} characters)",
"too_long": "is too long (maximum is {{ count }} characters)",
"password_mismatch": "must match the provided password.",
"contains_spaces": "starts or ends with spaces.",
"email_domain_invalid": "provider is not supported",
"invalid_for_country": "is not valid for {{ country }}",
"invalid_for_country_and_province": "is not valid for {{ province }} and {{ country }}",
"invalid_province_in_country": "is not a valid province in {{ country }}",
"invalid_state_in_country": "is not a valid state in {{ country }}",
"invalid_region_in_country": "is not a valid region in {{ country }}",
"less_than_or_equal_to": "must be less than or equal to {{ count }}",
"not_supported": "is not supported",
"full_name_required": "Please enter a valid name.",
"invalid_for_card_type": "is not valid",
"invalid_type": "sorry, we do not accept cards of this type",
"invalid_format": "format is not valid",
"expired": "has expired",
"invalid_start_date_or_issue_number_for_debit": "a valid start date or issue number is required",
"reset_password_html": "This email address is already associated with an account. If this account is yours, you can <a href=\"/account/login#recover\">reset your password</a>",
"verify_email": "We have sent an email to {{ customer_email }}, please click the link included to verify your email address."
"checkout": {
"general": {
"page_title": "Checkout",
"continue_button_label": "Continue",
"complete_purchase_button_label": "Complete order",
"edit_link_label": "Edit",
"all_rights_reserved": "All rights reserved {{ shop_name }}",
"print_policies_link_label": "Print",
"cart": "Cart",
"close_modal_label": "Close",
"continue_to_shipping_method": "Continue to shipping method",
"continue_to_payment_method": "Continue to payment method",
"continue_to_review": "Review order",
"back_to_cart": "Return to cart",
"back_to_contact_information": "Return to customer information",
"back_to_shipping_method": "Return to shipping method",
"back_to_payment_method": "Return to payment methods",
"edit_shipping_address": "Edit shipping address",
"edit_contact_information": "Edit customer information",
"edit_shipping_method": "Edit shipping method",
"edit_payment_method": "Edit payment method",
"edit_billing_address": "Edit billing address",
"choose_shipping_method": "Choose a shipping method",
"choose_payment_method": "Choose a payment method",
"choose_billing_address": "Choose a billing address",
"contact_us_html": "Contact us for more information",
"autocomplete_title": "Suggestions",
"autocomplete_single_item": "1 item available",
"autocomplete_multi_item": "{{number}} items available",
"autocomplete_selection": "{{number}} of {{total}}",
"footer": "Footer"
"contact": {
"title": "Customer information",
"address_title": "Address",
"country_placeholder": "Country",
"shipping_address_title": "Shipping address",
"contact_method_title": "Contact information",
"email_label": "Email",
"email_placeholder": "Email",
"email_or_phone_label": "Email or mobile phone number",
"email_or_phone_placeholder": "Email or mobile phone number",
"stored_addresses_label": "Stored addresses",
"new_address_label": "New address…",
"first_name_label": "First name",
"optional_first_name_label": "First name",
"first_name_placeholder": "First name",
"optional_first_name_placeholder": "First name",
"last_name_label": "Last name",
"last_name_placeholder": "Last name",
"company_label": "Company",
"optional_company_label": "Company (optional)",
"company_placeholder": "Company",
"optional_company_placeholder": "Company (optional)",
"address1_label": "Address",
"address1_placeholder": "Address",
"address2_label": "Apt, suite, etc.",
"optional_address2_label": "Apt, suite, etc. (optional)",
"address2_placeholder": "Apt, suite, etc.",
"optional_address2_placeholder": "Apt, suite, etc. (optional)",
"city_label": "City",
"city_placeholder": "City",
"country_label": "Country",
"country_code": "Country code",
"province_label": "Province",
"province_placeholder": "Province",
"phone_label": "Phone",
"optional_phone_label": "Phone (optional)",
"phone_placeholder": "Phone",
"optional_phone_placeholder": "Phone (optional)",
"zip_code_placeholder": "Zip code",
"postal_code_placeholder": "Postal code",
"postcode_placeholder": "Postcode",
"pincode_placeholder": "Pincode"
"customer_account": {
"not_user_label": "Not {{ first_name }}?",
"have_an_account_label": "Already have an account?",
"sign_in_link_label": "Log in",
"sign_out_link_label": "Log out",
"save_my_information_label": "Save this information for next time"
"stock": {
"page_title": "Inventory issues",
"title": "Inventory issues",
"items_unavailable_notice": "Some products became unavailable and your cart has been updated. We're sorry for the inconvenience.",
"product_column_header": "Products",
"quantity_column_header": "Quantity",
"price_column_header": "Price",
"status_column_header": "Status",
"removed_from_cart_notice": "Removed from cart",
"sold_out_label": "Sold out",
"reduced_label": "Reduced",
"reduced_with_quantity_label": "Only {{ quantity_available }} left",
"remove_from_cart_button_label": "Remove from cart",
"continue_shopping_button_label": "Continue",
"go_back_to_cart_button_label": "Go back to my cart"
"order_summary": {
"title": "Order summary",
"order_name_label": "Order {{ name }}",
"shopping_cart_label": "Shopping cart",
"discount_title": "Discount",
"discount_label": "Discount",
"discount_placeholder": "Discount",
"gift_card_title": "Gift card",
"gift_card_label": "Gift card",
"gift_card_placeholder": "Gift card",
"gift_card_and_discount_title": "Gift card or discount code",
"gift_card_and_discount_label": "Gift card or discount code",
"gift_card_and_discount_placeholder": "Gift card or discount code",
"show_discount_form_link_label": "Have a discount code? Click here to enter it",
"remove_gift_card_label": "Clear gift card",
"remove_discount_label": "Remove discount",
"free_shipping_discount_label": "Free shipping",
"apply_discount_button_label": "Apply",
"applied_discount_message": "{{ amount }} off total order price",
"cart_does_not_meet_discount_requirements_notice": "Your cart does not meet the requirements for the {{ code }} discount code",
"discount_requires_customer_notice": "Please submit your shipping information to apply the {{ code }} discount code",
"customer_does_not_meet_discount_requirements_notice": "Customer information does not meet the requirements for the {{ code }} discount code",
"shipping_information_does_not_meet_discount_requirements_notice": "Your shipping information does not meet the requirements for the {{ code }} discount code",
"customer_already_used_once_per_customer_discount_notice": "The {{ code }} discount code has already been used",
"subtotal_label": "Subtotal",
"shipping_label": "Shipping",
"shipping_pending_value": "",
"shipping_pending_message": "Not yet available",
"taxes_label": "Taxes",
"total_label": "Total",
"partial_total_label": "Total",
"free_total_label": "Free",
"paid_label": "Paid",
"payment_due_label": "Payment due",
"vat_label_html": "Including {{ amount }} in taxes",
"discount_and_gift_card_savings_notice": "After {{ discount_amount }} in discounts and {{ gift_card_amount }} in gift cards",
"discount_savings_notice": "After {{ discount_amount }} in discounts",
"gift_card_savings_notice": "After {{ gift_card_amount }} in gift cards",
"cost_table_title": "Cost summary",
"description_label": "Description",
"price_label": "Price",
"quantity_label": "Quantity",
"product_image_label": "Product image",
"scroll_order_summary": "Scroll for more items",
"expand_order_summary": "Show order summary",
"collapse_order_summary": "Hide order summary",
"total_updated_label": "Updated total price:"
"shipping": {
"title": "Shipping method",
"shipping_method_notice": "",
"shipping_method_title": "Shipping method",
"waiting_on_rate_notice": "Please wait while we fetch available shipping rates…",
"no_rates_for_cart_or_destination_notice": "There are no shipping methods available for your cart or destination.",
"no_rates_for_country_notice": "We don't offer shipping to {{ country }}.",
"no_rates_contact_notice": "Contact us for more information",
"free_rate_label": "Free",
"cheapest_rate_label": "Cheapest",
"please_enter_your_shipping_information_notice": "Please enter your shipping information.",
"estimated_delivery_date_range": "{{ minimum }} to {{ maximum }} business days",
"shipping_line_phone_label": "Mobile phone number (required)",
"shipping_line_phone": "Your courier may use this number to contact you.",
"shipping_rate_discounted_amount": "Was: {{ original_amount }}. Now: {{ amount }}",
"estimated_delivery_date": {
"one": "1 business day",
"other": "{{ count }} business days"
"other_method": {
"zero": "No other methods available",
"one": "1 other method available at ",
"other": "{{ count }} other methods available starting at "
"payment": {
"amazon_payments_label": "Amazon Pay",
"amazon_payments_login_hint": "You will be asked to login with Amazon.",
"amazon_payments_logout": "Log out from Amazon Pay",
"title": "Payment method",
"amount_left_to_pay_label": "Payment due:",
"discount_button_action_label": "Apply Discount Code",
"gift_card_code_label": "Gift card code",
"apply_gift_card_button_label": "Apply",
"gift_card_balance_label": "Balance:",
"show_gift_card_form_link_label": "Have a gift card? Click here to enter it",
"supported_card_brands_more_label": "and more…",
"card_number_label": "Card number",
"card_number_placeholder": "Card number",
"card_pay_with": "Pay with:",
"card_security_notice": "All transactions are secure and encrypted.",
"name_on_card_label": "Cardholder name",
"name_on_card_placeholder": "Cardholder name",
"card_expiry_month_label": "Expiry month",
"card_expiry_month_placeholder": "MM",
"card_expiry_year_label": "Expiry year",
"card_expiry_year_placeholder": "YY",
"card_expiry_label": "Expiry",
"card_expiry_short_label": "MM / YY",
"card_expiry_long_label": "Expiry (MM / YY)",
"card_expiry_placeholder": "MM / YY",
"card_expiry_aria_description": "Expiry date format: month, month, year, year",
"card_verification_value_label": "CVV",
"card_verification_value_placeholder": "CVV",
"card_verification_value_explanation": "3-digit security code usually found on the back of your card. American Express cards have a 4-digit code located on the front.",
"card_verification_value_explanation_amex": "4-digit security code on the front of your card",
"card_verification_value_explanation_other": "3-digit security code on the back of your card",
"card_start_month_label": "Start month",
"card_start_month_placeholder": "MM",
"card_start_year_label": "Start year",
"card_start_year_placeholder": "YY",
"card_start_label": "Start",
"card_start_long_label": "Issue date (MM / YY)",
"card_start_placeholder": "MM / YY",
"card_issue_number_label": "Issue number",
"card_issue_number_placeholder": "Issue number",
"card_change_label": "Change",
"ends_with_label": "ending with {{ last_digits }}",
"saved_by_payment_method": "Saved by {{ payment_method }}",
"pay_with_payment_method": "Pay with {{ payment_method }}",
"same_billing_address_label": "Same as shipping address",
"different_billing_address_label": "Use a different billing address",
"free_order_notice_html": "Your order is <strong>free</strong>. No payment is required.",
"offsite_gateway_redirect_hint": "After clicking \"{{ button_label }}\", you will be redirected to {{ gateway_label }} to complete your purchase securely.",
"billing_address_title": "Billing address",
"no_js_credit_card_fields_redirect_hint": "You will be redirected to a payment gateway in order to add your payment information.",
"card_fields_container_prefix": "Field container for:",
"card_fields_processing_error": "An error occurred while processing the payment information. Please try again later.",
"technical_error": "Payments can't be processed right now because of technical problems. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"no_method_error": "Based on your location or products in your cart, there are no payment methods available.",
"not_configured_error": "No payment gateway currently configured.",
"missing_credit_card_error": "Cannot process a payment without a credit card",
"generic_incorrect_card_info": "The information you provided couldn't be verified. Please check your card details and try again.",
"order_covered_by_gift_cards_notice": {
"one": "Your order is covered by your gift card.",
"other": "Your order is covered by your gift cards."
"card_fields_unavailable_html": {
"one": "Credit and Debit card payments aren't available right now.<br>Please <a href=\"javascript:window.location.reload();\">refresh this page</a> or try again later.",
"other": "Credit and Debit card payments aren't available right now.<br>Please <a href=\"javascript:window.location.reload();\">refresh this page</a> or try a different payment method."
"payment_summary": {
"gift_card_current_balance_notice": "Current balance {{ amount }}",
"credit_card_expires_on_notice": "Expires on {{ month }}/{{ year }}",
"express_payment_gateway_label": "Express",
"manual_payment_gateway_label": "Manual",
"billing_address_title": "Billing address",
"free_label": "Free"
"field_errors": {
"handle_phone_invalid": "Please enter a valid phone number",
"handle_email_invalid": "Please enter a valid email address",
"email_invalid": "Please enter a valid email address",
"email_or_phone_blank": "Please enter your email address or mobile phone number",
"email_or_phone_invalid": "Please enter a valid email address or a mobile phone number",
"address_first_name_blank": "Please enter your first name",
"address_last_name_blank": "Please enter your last name",
"address_address1_blank": "Please enter your address",
"address_address2_blank": "Please enter your apt, suite, etc",
"address_city_blank": "Please enter your city",
"address_country_blank": "Please select your country",
"address_province_blank": "Please select your state / province",
"address_company_blank": "Please enter a company name",
"address_phone_blank": "Please enter a valid phone number",
"address_zip_blank": "Please enter your zip / postal code",
"address_zip_invalid_for_country": "Please enter a valid zip / postal code for {{ country }}",
"address_zip_invalid_for_country_and_province": "Please enter a valid zip / postal code for {{ province }}, {{ country }}",
"credit_card_name_blank": "Please enter your name as it appears on the card",
"credit_card_name_invalid": "Please enter your name as it appears on the card",
"credit_card_number_invalid": "Please enter a valid credit card number",
"credit_card_expiry_invalid": "Please enter a valid expiry date",
"credit_card_month_invalid": "Please enter a valid expiry month",
"credit_card_year_invalid": "Please enter a valid expiry year",
"credit_card_start_invalid": "Please enter a valid start date",
"credit_card_start_month_invalid": "Please enter a valid start month",
"credit_card_start_year_invalid": "Please enter a valid start year",
"credit_card_verification_value_blank": "Please enter the CVV",
"reduction_code_code_not_found": "This code did not match any active gift card or discount. Was it entered correctly?",
"reduction_code_discount_not_found": "Unable to find a valid discount matching the code entered",
"reduction_code_gift_card_code_invalid": "Code is invalid",
"reduction_code_gift_card_unusable": "Cannot use a gift card on an order containing a gift card.",
"shipping_line_phone_blank": "To use this delivery method, you need to enter your mobile phone number.",
"shipping_line_phone_invalid": "To use this delivery method, you need to enter a 10 digit mobile phone number.",
"gift_card_already_applied": "This gift card has already been applied to your order",
"gift_card_disabled": "Looks like this gift card is no longer available",
"gift_card_expired": "Looks like this gift card has expired",
"gift_card_depleted": "Looks like there are no remaining funds on this gift card",
"gift_card_currency_mismatch": "Only gift cards purchased in {{ checkout_currency }} can be applied to this order",
"payment_gateway_needs_paid_plan_error": "To complete this checkout you must be on a paid plan"
"payment_errors": {
"generic_error": "There was an error processing your payment. Please try again.",
"rejected_transaction": "The payment provider rejected the transaction. Please try again.",
"credit_card_processing": "We are experiencing technical difficulties while trying to process your credit card. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"order_total_changed": "The total of your order has changed. Please make sure you're aware of the changes before completing your order.",
"payment_processing": "There was a problem with the payment service. Please select a different payment method or try again later."
"shipping_errors": {
"shipping_method": "Your cart has been modified and the shipping rate you previously selected no longer applies. Please select a new rate."
"alternative_payment_method_banner": {
"or": "OR"
"alternative_payment_method": {
"button_html": "Checkout with: {{ method }}"
"paypal": {
"button_html": "Checkout with {{ logo }}"
"apple_pay": {
"button_html": "Buy with {{ logo }}"
"processing": {
"redirecting_page_title": "Redirecting…",
"redirecting_title": "Redirecting…",
"redirecting_notice": "Please wait while we redirect you.",
"complete_your_purchase_title": "Complete your purchase",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_notice": "Continue to the payment gateway to add your payment information.",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_button_label": "Continue to the payment gateway",
"complete_your_purchase_title_error": "Correct your payment information",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_notice_error": "Your payment information contains errors. Return to the payment gateway to correct them.",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_button_label_error": "Return to payment gateway",
"page_title": "Processing order",
"title": "Processing order",
"wait": {
"short": "Your order's being processed.",
"long": "You'll receive an email as soon as your order's processed. There's currently a high volume of orders.",
"no_auto_refresh_html": "If you're not automatically redirected, {{ link }}.",
"refresh_this_page": "refresh this page",
"medium": {
"one": "Your order's being processed. Estimated wait time is 1 minute.",
"other": "Your order's being processed. Estimated wait time is {{ count }} minutes."
"payment_gateway": {
"credit_card_label": "Credit card",
"bank_deposit_label": "Bank Deposit",
"cash_on_delivery_label": "Cash on Delivery (COD)",
"money_order_label": "Money Order"
"thank_you": {
"title": "Thank you for your purchase!",
"confirmation_email_sent_text": "A confirmation email has been sent to {{ email }}",
"return_to_store_link_label": "Continue shopping",
"print_link_label": "Print receipt",
"payment_information_title": "Payment information",
"shipping_information_title": "Shipping information",
"page_title": "Thank you {{ first_name }}!",
"page_title_no_name": "Thank you!",
"cancelled_page_title": "Order canceled",
"customer_information_title": "Customer information",
"billing_address_title": "Billing address",
"shipping_address_title": "Shipping address",
"shipping_address_map_title": "Google map displaying pin point of shipping address: {{ address }}",
"payment_method_title": "Payment method",
"shipping_method_title": "Shipping method",
"tracking_number": "Tracking number:",
"company_tracking_number": "{{ company }} tracking number:",
"estimated_arrival": "Estimated delivery date: ",
"re-order": "Re-order the same items",
"confirmed": "Confirmed",
"thank_you_title": "Your order is confirmed",
"thank_you_description": "We've accepted your order, and we're getting it ready. Come back to this page for updates on your order status.",
"confirmed_title": "Your shipment is confirmed",
"confirmed_description": "We've accepted your order, and we're getting it ready. Come back to this page for updates on your shipment status.",
"order_updates_title": "Order updates",
"order_updates_description_html": "Updates will be sent to {{ customer_contact }}",
"in_transit": "On its way",
"in_transit_title": "Your shipment is on the way",
"in_transit_description": "Come back to this page for updates on your shipment status.",
"in_transit_description_days": "You should receive your package in the next {{ number }} days.",
"in_transit_description_today": "You should receive your package today.",
"in_transit_description_tomorrow": "You should receive your package in the next day.",
"no_tracking_number": "There is no tracking number for this shipment.",
"out_for_delivery": "Out for delivery",
"out_for_delivery_title": "Your shipment is out for delivery",
"out_for_delivery_description_html": "Your shipment is on the delivery truck – expect it to arrive today. If you still haven't received it in the next 2 days, please {{ contact_us }}.",
"attempted_delivery": "Attempted delivery",
"attempted_delivery_title": "An attempt was made to deliver your shipment",
"attempted_delivery_description_html": "An attempt was made to deliver your shipment but it was unsuccessful. Please {{ contact_us }} to arrange another delivery attempt.",
"delivered": "Delivered",
"delivered_title": "Your shipment has been delivered",
"delivered_description_html": "Your shipment has been delivered to the address you provided. If you haven't received it, or if you have any other problems, please {{ contact_us }}.",
"contact_us": "Contact us",
"contact_us_lowercase": "contact us",
"contact_us_html": "Need help? {{ contact_us }}",
"updated_time": "Updated {{ time_ago }} ago",
"failure": "Not delivered",
"failed_title": "Your shipment couldn't be delivered",
"failed_contact_merchant": "According to {{ company }}, your order couldn't be delivered as planned. Please contact {{ company }} to arrange another delivery attempt.",
"failed_contact_merchant_no_company": "Your order couldn't be delivered as planned. Please contact us to arrange another delivery attempt.",
"non_shippable_title": "Your order is complete",
"login_title": "Log in to view all shipment details",
"login_description": "You can find your order number in the receipt you received via email.",
"login_description_phone": "You can find your order number in the receipt you received via sms.",
"login_not_customer_html": "Not {{ name }}? You can {{ link }}",
"customer_information_hidden_fields_message": "Log in to view all customer information.",
"cancelled_title": "Your order has been canceled",
"cancelled_description": "Your order was canceled on {{ date }}. Please contact us if you have any questions.",
"order_number_label": "Order number",
"customer_validation_error": "Invalid email or order number.",
"customer_validation_error_phone": "Invalid phone or order number.",
"login": "Log in",
"unfulfilled_items_title": "Preparing for shipment",
"unfulfilled_items_description": "We are currently preparing these items for shipment.",
"opt_in_message_html": "Your information was successfully saved with <span class=\"emphasis\">Shopify Pay</span>.",
"order_updates_description_missing": "You are not receiving shipping updates.",
"order_updates_description_email_html": "You will receive a confirmation email with your order number shortly. All updates will be sent to {{ customer_contact }}",
"order_updates_description_phone_html": "You will receive a confirmation SMS with your order number shortly. All updates will be sent to {{ customer_contact }}",
"order_updates_description_email_and_phone_html": "Updates will be sent to {{ email }} and {{ phone }}.",
"order_updates_subscribe_to_email_notifications": "Get shipping updates by email",
"order_updates_subscribe_to_email_or_phone_notifications": "Get shipping updates by email or SMS",
"order_updates_subscribe_to_phone_notifications": "Get shipping updates by SMS",
"order_updates_submit_subscription": "Submit",
"login_reorder_link_text": {
"one": "buy this product too ›",
"other": "buy these products too ›"
"marker": {
"current": "Current shipment location",
"shipping": "Shipping address"
"fulfillment": {
"fulfilled_table_title": "Items in this shipment",
"unfulfilled_table_title": "Items preparing for shipment",
"product_image_label": "Product image",
"description_label": "Description",
"quantity_label": "Quantity"
"review": {
"title": "Review order",
"checkout_as_guest": "Checkout as guest"
"newsletter": {
"subscription_checkbox_label": "Subscribe to our newsletter"
"marketing": {
"accept_marketing_checkbox_label": "Keep me up to date on news and exclusive offers"
"shop_policies": {
"refund_policy": "Refund policy",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy policy",
"terms_of_service": "Terms of service"
"remember_me": {
"authorize_purchase": "Authorize purchase",
"title": "Remember me",
"label": "Save my information for a faster checkout",
"description_html": "Next time you check out here or on other stores powered by Shopify, you'll receive a code by SMS to securely purchase with Shopify Pay.",
"mobile_phone_icon_alt": "Mobile phone",
"mobile_phone_number": "Mobile phone number",
"terms_and_privacy_html": "By continuing, you agree to Shopify Pay’s\n<a class=\"link--muted\" data-modal data-remember-policy-link=\"privacy_policy\" title=\"Shopify Pay Privacy Policy\" href=\"{{ privacy_href }}\">Privacy Policy</a>\nand\n<a class=\"link--muted\" data-modal data-remember-policy-link=\"terms\" title=\"Shopify Pay Terms of Service\" href=\"{{ terms_href }}\">Terms of Service</a>.\n",
"modal": {
"guest": {
"title": "Use your saved information",
"paragraph": "You saved your information during a previous purchase, so you won’t need to enter it again. To use these details for checkout, enter the verification code sent to your phone."
"accelerated": {
"title": "Enter your verification code",
"paragraph": "To complete your purchase with these details, enter the code sent to your phone."
"logged_in_customer": {
"title": "Check out faster",
"paragraph": "You saved your payment information during a previous purchase, so you won’t need to enter it again. To use these details for checkout, enter the verification code sent to your phone."
"verification_code_label": "Verification code number that you received by text message",
"fill_manually": "Close",
"code_sending_html": "Sending code to <span data-remember-me-customer-phone></span>",
"code_sent_html": "Code sent to <span data-remember-me-customer-phone></span>",
"code_sending_clear_html": "Sending code to {{ phone }}",
"code_sent_clear_html": "Code sent to {{ phone }}",
"code_sent_description_html": "Code sent to the mobile number ending with: {{ phone }}",
"code_sending_description_html": "Sending code to the mobile number ending with: {{ phone }}",
"errors": {
"enter_valid_code": "The code you entered is incorrect",
"enter_a_code": "Enter a valid verification code",
"code_not_received": {
"body": "Didn't receive your code?",
"contact_information_step": {
"link": "Continue to the regular checkout"
"payment_information_step": {
"link": "Enter your payment information"
"server": {
"title": "Shopify Pay unavailable",
"body": "Your saved information can’t be used for this purchase. Please continue to the regular checkout."
"throttle": {
"title": "Attempt limit is reached",
"body": "Your code was incorrectly entered too many times. Please continue to the regular checkout."
"authorize": {
"title": "Shopify Pay unavailable",
"body": "Your saved information can’t be used at the moment. Enter your payment information to continue.",
"link": "Enter payment information"
"shipping_address": {
"title": "Unable to ship to your area",
"body": "The information you saved with Shopify Pay can’t be used for this purchase. Please continue to the regular checkout."
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications"
"shopify": {
"notices": {
"customer": {
"password_reset_error": "密码重设错误",
"no_account_found": "此电邮无法找到任何账户",
"invalid_credentials": "登入账号错误"
"address": {
"updated": "成功更新地址",
"error_updating": "无法成功更新地址",
"created": "成功新增地址",
"error_creating": "无法成功新增地址",
"deleted": "成功删除地址",
"error_deleting": "无法成功删除地址"
"order": {
"not_available": "此订单",
"financial_status": {
"authorized": "已认可",
"pending": "确认中",
"paid": "已付款",
"unpaid": "尚未付款",
"voided": "作废",
"partially_paid": "部分支付完成",
"partially_refunded": "部分退款完成",
"refunded": "退款完成"
"fulfillment_status": {
"fulfilled": "已寄出",
"complete": "已完成",
"partial": "部分寄出",
"unfulfilled": "尚未寄出",
"restocked": "已重新上架"
"transaction_status": {
"success": "成功",
"pending": "确认中",
"failure": "失败",
"error": "有误"
"cancel_reason": {
"declined": "Payment declined",
"inventory": "商品无法购买",
"fraud": "欺诈性订单",
"customer": "顾客更改/取消订单",
"other": "其它原因"
"cart": {
"only_n_items_available": "您最多只能加入 {{ count }} {{ name }} 至您的购物车",
"all_items_in_cart": " {{ count }} {{ name }} 样商品在您的购物车内",
"empty_update": "无法更新空的购物车",
"missing_parameters": "无效的参数",
"generic_error": "购物车有误",
"too_many_line_items_error": "您的购物车无法超过 {{ max }} 个商品",
"link_expired": "链接失效",
"link_no_longer_exists": "链接已不存在",
"stock_problems_html": "一或更多商品已经不再贩售, 我们提供了<a href='{{ link }}'>已更新的购物车</a>.",
"changed": "购物车更新",
"items_changed": "一或更多商品已更新",
"product_sold_out": "'{{ name }}'已售完",
"variant_not_found": "无法找到商品规格",
"shipping_address_not_required": "此购物车内商品不需运费",
"shipping_address_invalid": "无效的地址"
"storefront": {
"invalid_password": "无效的密码"
"page_titles": {
"products": "商品",
"shopping_cart": "您的购物车",
"account": "会员账号",
"create_account": "申请账号",
"reset_account": "账号重设",
"addresses": "邮寄地址",
"order": "订单 {{ name }}",
"search": "搜寻",
"collections": "分类",
"not_found": "404 找不到",
"challenge": "Challenge"
"cart": {
"discounts_with_count": "{{ count }} 折扣优惠"
"challenge": {
"message": "To continue, let us know you're not a robot.",
"error": "Your answer wasn't correct, please try again.",
"submit_button_text": "Submit"
"sentence": {
"words_connector": "",
"two_words_connector": "",
"last_word_connector": ",和"
"pagination": {
"previous": "上一页",
"next": "下一页"
"links": {
"powered_by_shopify": "Shopify支援系统",
"learn_more": "Learn more"
"feed": {
"more": "更多"
"dates": {
"formats": {
"default": "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z",
"long": "%B %d, %Y %H:%M",
"short": "%d %b %H:%M",
"month_day": "%B %d"
"am": "am",
"pm": "pm",
"abbr_day_names": {
"sunday": "星期日",
"monday": "星期一",
"tuesday": "星期二",
"wednesday": "星期三",
"thursday": "星期四",
"friday": "星期五",
"saturday": "星期六"
"day_names": {
"sunday": "星期日",
"monday": "星期一",
"tuesday": "星期二",
"wednesday": "星期三",
"thursday": "星期四",
"friday": "星期五",
"saturday": "星期六"
"abbr_month_names": {
"january": "一月",
"february": "二月",
"march": "三月",
"april": "四月",
"may": "五月",
"june": "六月",
"july": "七月",
"august": "八月",
"september": "九月",
"october": "十月",
"november": "十一月",
"december": "十二月"
"month_names": {
"january": "一月",
"february": "二月",
"march": "三月",
"april": "四月",
"may": "五月",
"june": "六月",
"july": "七月",
"august": "八月",
"september": "九月",
"october": "十月",
"november": "十一月",
"december": "十二月"
"attributes": {
"email": "邮件地址",
"password": "密码",
"password_confirmation": "The password confirmation",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"body": "内容"
"addresses": {
"zip_code": "邮递区号",
"postal_code": "邮递区号",
"postcode": "邮递区号",
"pincode": "Pincode",
"region": "地区",
"prefecture": "",
"province": "",
"state": "",
"state_and_territory": "",
"county": "County",
"confirm": "您希望将此地址删除吗?"
"errors": {
"blank": "无法留空白",
"credit_card_session_expired": "卡号认证无效,请重新输入您的卡号。您的信用卡尚未付款",
"empty": "无法留空白",
"invalid_email": "请输入有效的邮件地址",
"discount_disabled": "此优惠序号已被停用",
"discount_expired": "此优惠序号已失效",
"discount_limit_reached": "此优惠序号已超过使用限制",
"discount_not_found": "输入的优惠序号核对无效",
"customer_already_used_once_per_customer_discount_notice": "This discount has reached its usage limit",
"gift_card_already_applied": "优惠序号已使用",
"gift_card_code_invalid": "礼金卡优惠序号无效",
"gift_card_currency_mismatch": "{{ gift_card_currency }} 礼金无法使用于 {{ checkout_currency }} 订单金额",
"gift_card_depleted": "礼金卡内已无余额",
"gift_card_disabled": "礼金卡已停用",
"gift_card_expired": "礼金卡已失效",
"invalid": "无效",
"taken": "已被使用",
"contains_html_tags": "不能含语法标签",
"too_short": "太短了(最少需要 {{ count }} 个字母)",
"too_long": "太长了(最只能有 {{ count }} 个字母)",
"password_mismatch": "must match the provided password.",
"contains_spaces": "含空白",
"email_domain_invalid": "不太接受此信箱的服务提供商",
"invalid_for_country": "不支援{{ country }}",
"invalid_for_country_and_province": "不支援此{{ province }} 和此{{ country }}",
"invalid_province_in_country": "不支援此 {{ country }}",
"invalid_state_in_country": "不支援此 {{ country }}的省",
"invalid_region_in_country": "{{ country }}的此地区无法被支援 ",
"less_than_or_equal_to": "必须小于或等于{{ count }}",
"not_supported": "不支援",
"full_name_required": "请输入有效的全名",
"invalid_for_card_type": "不支援此卡",
"invalid_type": "抱歉,我们不法接受此卡片类型",
"invalid_format": "格式有误",
"expired": "已失效",
"invalid_start_date_or_issue_number_for_debit": "请输入有效的日期或发行序号",
"reset_password_html": "此信箱已被注册,如果这是您的信箱,您可以 <a href=\"/account/login#recover\">更新密码</a>",
"verify_email": "我们已经寄出一封邮件至"
"checkout": {
"general": {
"page_title": "结账",
"continue_button_label": "继续购物",
"complete_purchase_button_label": "完成订单",
"edit_link_label": "编辑",
"all_rights_reserved": "版权所有 {{ shop_name }}",
"print_policies_link_label": "打印",
"cart": "购物车",
"close_modal_label": "关闭",
"continue_to_shipping_method": "下一步至运送方式",
"continue_to_payment_method": "下一步至付款方式",
"continue_to_review": "检阅订单",
"back_to_cart": "回到购物车",
"back_to_contact_information": "回到会员资料",
"back_to_shipping_method": "回到运送方式",
"back_to_payment_method": "回到付款方式",
"edit_shipping_address": "编辑寄件地址",
"edit_contact_information": "Edit customer information",
"edit_shipping_method": "编辑寄件方式",
"edit_payment_method": "编辑付款方式",
"edit_billing_address": "编辑账单地址",
"choose_shipping_method": "Choose a shipping method",
"choose_payment_method": "Choose a payment method",
"choose_billing_address": "Choose a billing address",
"contact_us_html": "于我们联系",
"autocomplete_title": "Suggestions",
"autocomplete_single_item": "1 item available",
"autocomplete_multi_item": "{{number}} items available",
"autocomplete_selection": "{{number}} of {{total}}",
"footer": "Footer"
"contact": {
"title": "会员资料",
"address_title": "地址",
"country_placeholder": "国家",
"shipping_address_title": "收件地址",
"contact_method_title": "Contact information",
"email_label": "电邮",
"email_placeholder": "电邮地址",
"email_or_phone_label": "Email or mobile phone number",
"email_or_phone_placeholder": "Email or mobile phone number",
"stored_addresses_label": "店铺地址",
"new_address_label": "新增地址",
"first_name_label": "名字",
"optional_first_name_label": "名字",
"first_name_placeholder": "名字",
"optional_first_name_placeholder": "名字",
"last_name_label": "",
"last_name_placeholder": "",
"company_label": "公司",
"optional_company_label": "公司",
"company_placeholder": "公司",
"optional_company_placeholder": "公司",
"address1_label": "地址1",
"address1_placeholder": "详细地址",
"address2_label": "地址2",
"optional_address2_label": "详细地址(可不填)",
"address2_placeholder": "详细地址",
"optional_address2_placeholder": "详细地址(可不填)",
"city_label": "城市",
"city_placeholder": "城市",
"country_label": "国家",
"country_code": "Country code",
"province_label": "",
"province_placeholder": "",
"phone_label": "电话号码",
"optional_phone_label": "电话号码 (可不填)",
"phone_placeholder": "电话号码",
"optional_phone_placeholder": "电话号码 (可不填)",
"zip_code_placeholder": "邮递区号",
"postal_code_placeholder": "邮递区号",
"postcode_placeholder": "邮递区号",
"pincode_placeholder": "Pincode"
"customer_account": {
"not_user_label": "您不是{{ first_name }}吗?",
"have_an_account_label": "您已经有账号了吗?",
"sign_in_link_label": "登入",
"sign_out_link_label": "登出",
"save_my_information_label": "记住我的资料让下次结账更方便"
"stock": {
"page_title": "库存有误",
"title": "库存有误",
"items_unavailable_notice": "您的购物车内有部分商品无库存,您的购物车已经更新。不好意思,造成您的不便。",
"product_column_header": "商品",
"quantity_column_header": "数量",
"price_column_header": "价格",
"status_column_header": "状态",
"removed_from_cart_notice": "移除",
"sold_out_label": "已售完",
"reduced_label": "折扣",
"reduced_with_quantity_label": "只剩{{ quantity_available }} 个",
"remove_from_cart_button_label": "从购物车移除",
"continue_shopping_button_label": "下一步",
"go_back_to_cart_button_label": "回到购物车"
"order_summary": {
"title": "订单明细",
"order_name_label": "订单{{ name }}",
"shopping_cart_label": "Shopping cart",
"discount_title": "折扣优惠",
"discount_label": "优惠",
"discount_placeholder": "优惠",
"gift_card_title": "礼金卡",
"gift_card_label": "礼金卡",
"gift_card_placeholder": "Gift card",
"gift_card_and_discount_title": "礼金卡或优惠序号",
"gift_card_and_discount_label": "礼金卡或优惠序号",
"gift_card_and_discount_placeholder": "Gift card or discount code",
"show_discount_form_link_label": "有优惠序号吗?按此输入",
"remove_gift_card_label": "清除礼金卡",
"remove_discount_label": "移除折扣优惠",
"free_shipping_discount_label": "免运费",
"apply_discount_button_label": "送出",
"applied_discount_message": "{{ amount }} off total order price",
"cart_does_not_meet_discount_requirements_notice": "此优惠序号{{ code }} 不适用于您购物车内的商品",
"discount_requires_customer_notice": "请输入您的邮寄资料以便使用优惠序号{{ code }} ",
"customer_does_not_meet_discount_requirements_notice": "此会员资料无法使用优惠序号{{ code }}",
"shipping_information_does_not_meet_discount_requirements_notice": "此邮寄资料无法使用优惠序号{{ code }}",
"customer_already_used_once_per_customer_discount_notice": "The {{ code }} discount code has already been used",
"subtotal_label": "小计",
"shipping_label": "邮资",
"shipping_pending_value": "",
"shipping_pending_message": "准备出货中",
"taxes_label": "税金",
"total_label": "总金额",
"partial_total_label": "Total",
"free_total_label": "免费",
"paid_label": "已付款",
"payment_due_label": "尚未付款",
"vat_label_html": "包含{{ amount }} 税金",
"discount_and_gift_card_savings_notice": "序号折扣 {{ discount_amount }} and 礼金卡折扣{{ gift_card_amount }} in gift cards",
"discount_savings_notice": "折扣 {{ discount_amount }} ",
"gift_card_savings_notice": "礼金卡折扣后剩下 {{ gift_card_amount }}",
"cost_table_title": "Cost summary",
"description_label": "详细说明",
"price_label": "价格",
"quantity_label": "数量",
"product_image_label": "Product image",
"scroll_order_summary": "Scroll for more items",
"expand_order_summary": "显示订单详细",
"collapse_order_summary": "隐藏订单详细",
"total_updated_label": "Updated total price:"
"shipping": {
"title": "运送方式",
"shipping_method_notice": "运送方式通知",
"shipping_method_title": "Shipping method",
"waiting_on_rate_notice": "我们正在取得您的邮资,请稍后",
"no_rates_for_cart_or_destination_notice": "您购物车内的商品或运送地区无运送方式",
"no_rates_for_country_notice": "对不起,我们无法邮寄到{{ country }}.",
"no_rates_contact_notice": "如需要更多资讯请联络我们",
"free_rate_label": "免运费",
"cheapest_rate_label": "Cheapest",
"please_enter_your_shipping_information_notice": "请输入您的邮寄资讯",
"estimated_delivery_date_range": "{{ minimum }} 至 {{ maximum }} 工作天",
"shipping_line_phone_label": "手机号码哦(必填)",
"shipping_line_phone": "您的邮递公司有可能联系您这个电话",
"shipping_rate_discounted_amount": "Was: {{ original_amount }}. Now: {{ amount }}",
"estimated_delivery_date": {
"one": "一个工作天",
"other": "{{ count }} 工作天"
"other_method": {
"zero": "No other methods available",
"one": "1 other method available at ",
"other": "{{ count }} other methods available starting at "
"payment": {
"amazon_payments_label": "Amazon Pay",
"amazon_payments_login_hint": "You will be asked to login with Amazon.",
"amazon_payments_logout": "Log out from Amazon Pay",
"title": "付款方式",
"amount_left_to_pay_label": "付款期限:",
"discount_button_action_label": "Apply Discount Code",
"gift_card_code_label": "礼金卡序号",
"apply_gift_card_button_label": "输入",
"gift_card_balance_label": "金额:",
"show_gift_card_form_link_label": "有礼金卡吗?按此输入",
"supported_card_brands_more_label": "更多",
"card_number_label": "卡号详细",
"card_number_placeholder": "卡号",
"card_pay_with": "付款方式:",
"card_security_notice": "所有交易都是安全并加密。信用卡资讯不会被储存",
"name_on_card_label": "信用卡持卡人",
"name_on_card_placeholder": "信用卡持卡人姓名",
"card_expiry_month_label": "有效日期",
"card_expiry_month_placeholder": "",
"card_expiry_year_label": "",
"card_expiry_year_placeholder": "有效年",
"card_expiry_label": "有效期间",
"card_expiry_short_label": "月/年",
"card_expiry_long_label": "有效日期(月/年)",
"card_expiry_placeholder": "月/年",
"card_expiry_aria_description": "有效日期输入格式(月、月、年、年)",
"card_verification_value_label": "安全验证码",
"card_verification_value_placeholder": "安全验证码",
"card_verification_value_explanation": "安全码是信用卡背面紧接在主要卡号後面的三个数字。\n美国运通有四码位于信用卡前面",
"card_verification_value_explanation_amex": "信用卡前面4位安全验证码",
"card_verification_value_explanation_other": "信用卡前面3位安全验证码",
"card_start_month_label": "有效月",
"card_start_month_placeholder": "有效月",
"card_start_year_label": "有效年",
"card_start_year_placeholder": "有效年",
"card_start_label": "开始",
"card_start_long_label": "发卡日期 (月/年)",
"card_start_placeholder": "月/年",
"card_issue_number_label": "发行序号",
"card_issue_number_placeholder": "发行序号",
"card_change_label": "更正",
"ends_with_label": "后码数为{{ last_digits }}",
"saved_by_payment_method": "Saved by {{ payment_method }}",
"pay_with_payment_method": "Pay with {{ payment_method }}",
"same_billing_address_label": "于邮寄地址相同",
"different_billing_address_label": "用一个不同的账单地址",
"free_order_notice_html": "您的订单是<strong>免费的</strong>。不需支付任何款项",
"offsite_gateway_redirect_hint": "您将会被引导至{{ gateway_label }} 以安全完成付款。",
"billing_address_title": "账单地址",
"no_js_credit_card_fields_redirect_hint": "You will be redirected to a payment gateway in order to add your payment information.",
"card_fields_container_prefix": "Field container for:",
"card_fields_processing_error": "An error occurred while processing the payment information. Please try again later.",
"technical_error": "Payments can't be processed right now because of technical problems. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"no_method_error": "Based on your location or products in your cart, there are no payment methods available.",
"not_configured_error": "No payment gateway currently configured.",
"missing_credit_card_error": "Cannot process a payment without a credit card",
"generic_incorrect_card_info": "The information you provided couldn't be verified. Please check your card details and try again.",
"order_covered_by_gift_cards_notice": {
"one": "您的订单已用礼金卡付款",
"other": "您的订单已用礼金卡付款"
"card_fields_unavailable_html": {
"one": "Credit and Debit card payments aren't available right now.<br>Please <a href=\"javascript:window.location.reload();\">refresh this page</a> or try again later.",
"other": "Credit and Debit card payments aren't available right now.<br>Please <a href=\"javascript:window.location.reload();\">refresh this page</a> or try a different payment method."
"payment_summary": {
"gift_card_current_balance_notice": "目前余额",
"credit_card_expires_on_notice": "信用卡有效日期{{ month }}/{{ year }}\n",
"express_payment_gateway_label": "快速结帐",
"manual_payment_gateway_label": "手动结账",
"billing_address_title": "账单地址",
"free_label": "免费"
"field_errors": {
"handle_phone_invalid": "Please enter a valid phone number",
"handle_email_invalid": "Please enter a valid email address",
"email_invalid": "请输入有效的电子信箱",
"email_or_phone_blank": "Please enter your email address or mobile phone number",
"email_or_phone_invalid": "Please enter a valid email address or a mobile phone number",
"address_first_name_blank": "请输入您的名字",
"address_last_name_blank": "请输入您的姓",
"address_address1_blank": "请输入您的邮寄地址",
"address_address2_blank": "请输入您的地址",
"address_city_blank": "请输入您的城市",
"address_country_blank": "请输入您的国家",
"address_province_blank": "请输入您的省",
"address_company_blank": "请输入您的公司名称",
"address_phone_blank": "请输入有效的电话号码",
"address_zip_blank": "请输入您的邮递区号",
"address_zip_invalid_for_country": "请输入{{ country }}的有效邮递区号",
"address_zip_invalid_for_country_and_province": "请输入{{ province }},{{ country }}的有效邮递区号",
"credit_card_name_blank": "请输入您信用卡上的姓名",
"credit_card_name_invalid": "Please enter your name as it appears on the card",
"credit_card_number_invalid": "请输入有效的信用卡号",
"credit_card_expiry_invalid": "请输入正确的有效日期",
"credit_card_month_invalid": "请输入正确的有效日期",
"credit_card_year_invalid": "请输入正确的有效年份",
"credit_card_start_invalid": "请输入正确的有效开始日期",
"credit_card_start_month_invalid": "请输入正确的有效月份",
"credit_card_start_year_invalid": "请输入正确的有效年份",
"credit_card_verification_value_blank": "请输入安全验证码",
"reduction_code_code_not_found": "此优惠序号无效,您确定输入正确了吗?",
"reduction_code_discount_not_found": "Unable to find a valid discount matching the code entered",
"reduction_code_gift_card_code_invalid": "Code is invalid",
"reduction_code_gift_card_unusable": "Cannot use a gift card on an order containing a gift card.",
"shipping_line_phone_blank": "To use this delivery method, you need to enter your mobile phone number.",
"shipping_line_phone_invalid": "To use this delivery method, you need to enter a 10 digit mobile phone number.",
"gift_card_already_applied": "此礼金卡已使用于您的订单",
"gift_card_disabled": "此礼金卡已不存在",
"gift_card_expired": "此礼金卡已失效",
"gift_card_depleted": "此礼金卡已无余额",
"gift_card_currency_mismatch": "此订单只能用 {{ checkout_currency }}购买的礼金卡",
"payment_gateway_needs_paid_plan_error": "To complete this checkout you must be on a paid plan"
"payment_errors": {
"generic_error": "处理您的订单时出了问题。请重试一次",
"rejected_transaction": "此金流服务提供业者拒绝了此交易。请重试一次",
"credit_card_processing": "处理您的订单时出了问题。过几分钟后请重试一次\n",
"order_total_changed": "您订单的总金额已被收款。完成订单前请确认是否有其他任何的更动。",
"payment_processing": "您选择的付款方式有误。请选择另一种付款方式或过几分钟后再试一次。"
"shipping_errors": {
"shipping_method": "您的购物车更改后原先选择的邮资已有变动。请重新选择新的邮资金额。"
"alternative_payment_method_banner": {
"or": ""
"alternative_payment_method": {
"button_html": "Checkout with: {{ method }}"
"paypal": {
"button_html": "Checkout with {{ logo }}"
"apple_pay": {
"button_html": "Buy with {{ logo }}"
"processing": {
"redirecting_page_title": "转移网址",
"redirecting_title": "转移网址",
"redirecting_notice": "请稍后我们将转移网址",
"complete_your_purchase_title": "完成您的订单",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_notice": "到支付入口网站输入结账资料。",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_button_label": "到支付入口网站",
"complete_your_purchase_title_error": "Correct your payment information",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_notice_error": "Your payment information contains errors. Return to the payment gateway to correct them.",
"continue_to_payment_gateway_button_label_error": "Return to payment gateway",
"page_title": "订单处理中",
"title": "订单处理中",
"wait": {
"short": "订单处理中",
"long": "订单处理中。目前订单量较多。当您的订单处理完毕后我们会寄一封确认信给您。",
"no_auto_refresh_html": "If you're not automatically redirected, {{ link }}.",
"refresh_this_page": "refresh this page",
"medium": {
"one": "订单处理中。预计处理时间为1分钟",
"other": "订单处理中。预计处理时间为{{ count }}分钟"
"payment_gateway": {
"credit_card_label": "信用卡",
"bank_deposit_label": "Bank Deposit",
"cash_on_delivery_label": "Cash on Delivery (COD)",
"money_order_label": "Money Order"
"thank_you": {
"title": "感谢您的购买",
"confirmation_email_sent_text": "叮当确认信已寄到{{ email }}",
"return_to_store_link_label": "继续购物",
"print_link_label": "打印发票",
"payment_information_title": "付款资讯",
"shipping_information_title": "邮递资讯",
"page_title": "谢谢您,{{ first_name }}!",
"page_title_no_name": "Thank you!",
"cancelled_page_title": "Order canceled",
"customer_information_title": "客户资料",
"billing_address_title": "账单地址",
"shipping_address_title": "邮寄地址",
"shipping_address_map_title": "Google map displaying pin point of shipping address: {{ address }}",
"payment_method_title": "付款方式",
"shipping_method_title": "邮寄方式",
"tracking_number": "邮寄追踪码",
"company_tracking_number": "{{ company }} 邮寄追踪码",
"estimated_arrival": "预计到货时间",
"re-order": "订购同样商品",
"confirmed": "确认",
"thank_you_title": "您的订单已确认",
"thank_you_description": "We've accepted your order, and we're getting it ready. Come back to this page for updates on your order status.",
"confirmed_title": "您的商品已确认出货",
"confirmed_description": "We've accepted your order, and we're getting it ready. Come back to this page for updates on your shipment status.",
"order_updates_title": "Order updates",
"order_updates_description_html": "Updates will be sent to {{ customer_contact }}",
"in_transit": "已在路上了",
"in_transit_title": "您的商品已在路上了",
"in_transit_description": "您之后可回到此页查看订单的最新状态",
"in_transit_description_days": "您应该在{{ number }}后会收到您的商品",
"in_transit_description_today": "您应该在今天收到您的商品",
"in_transit_description_tomorrow": "You should receive your package in the next day.",
"no_tracking_number": "此次邮递并无邮寄追踪码",
"out_for_delivery": "邮递运输中",
"out_for_delivery_title": "邮递运输中",
"out_for_delivery_description_html": "您订购的商品正在邮递运输中--预计今天抵达。如果您在接下来的两天还未收到您的包裹,请{{ contact_us }}。",
"attempted_delivery": "Attempted delivery",
"attempted_delivery_title": "An attempt was made to deliver your shipment",
"attempted_delivery_description_html": "An attempt was made to deliver your shipment but it was unsuccessful. Please {{ contact_us }} to arrange another delivery attempt.",
"delivered": "已送达",
"delivered_title": "您订购的商品已送达",
"delivered_description_html": "您订购的商品已送达您指定的邮寄地址,如果您尚未收到或是您有任何问题请{{ contact_us }}。",
"contact_us": "联系我们",
"contact_us_lowercase": "联系我们",
"contact_us_html": "学要帮忙吗?",
"updated_time": "最后更新供间:{{ time_ago }}前",
"failure": "无法送达",
"failed_title": "您订购的商品无法送达",
"failed_contact_merchant": "依照{{ company }},您订购的商品无法预期送达。请与{{ company }}联系并安排其他送货时间。",
"failed_contact_merchant_no_company": "您订购的商品无法预期送达。请与我们联系并安排其他送货时间。",
"non_shippable_title": "您的订单已完成",
"login_title": "登入看所有邮递详细",
"login_description": "您可以在确认信件内的发票中取得您的订单编号。",
"login_description_phone": "You can find your order number in the receipt you received via sms.",
"login_not_customer_html": "不是 {{ name }}吗? 您可以 {{ link }}",
"customer_information_hidden_fields_message": "Log in to view all customer information.",
"cancelled_title": "Your order has been canceled",
"cancelled_description": "Your order was canceled on {{ date }}. Please contact us if you have any questions.",
"order_number_label": "订单编号",
"customer_validation_error": "无效的电子邮件或订单编号",
"customer_validation_error_phone": "Invalid phone or order number.",
"login": "登入",
"unfulfilled_items_title": "准备出货中",
"unfulfilled_items_description": "我们目前正在准备出货中",
"opt_in_message_html": "Your information was successfully saved with <span class=\"emphasis\">Shopify Pay</span>.",
"order_updates_description_missing": "You are not receiving shipping updates.",
"order_updates_description_email_html": "You will receive a confirmation email with your order number shortly. All updates will be sent to {{ customer_contact }}",
"order_updates_description_phone_html": "You will receive a confirmation SMS with your order number shortly. All updates will be sent to {{ customer_contact }}",
"order_updates_description_email_and_phone_html": "Updates will be sent to {{ email }} and {{ phone }}.",
"order_updates_subscribe_to_email_notifications": "Get shipping updates by email",
"order_updates_subscribe_to_email_or_phone_notifications": "Get shipping updates by email or SMS",
"order_updates_subscribe_to_phone_notifications": "Get shipping updates by SMS",
"order_updates_submit_subscription": "Submit",
"login_reorder_link_text": {
"one": "看看这个商品",
"other": "看看这些商品"
"marker": {
"current": "包裹目前所在地",
"shipping": "邮递地址"
"fulfillment": {
"fulfilled_table_title": "Items in this shipment",
"unfulfilled_table_title": "Items preparing for shipment",
"product_image_label": "Product image",
"description_label": "Description",
"quantity_label": "Quantity"
"review": {
"title": "重新查看订单",
"checkout_as_guest": "Checkout as guest"
"newsletter": {
"subscription_checkbox_label": "订阅我们的电子报"
"marketing": {
"accept_marketing_checkbox_label": "Keep me up to date on news and exclusive offers"
"shop_policies": {
"refund_policy": "退款规则",
"privacy_policy": "退款规则",
"terms_of_service": "服务条款"
"remember_me": {
"authorize_purchase": "Authorize purchase",
"title": "Remember me",
"label": "Save my information for a faster checkout",
"description_html": "Next time you check out here or on other stores powered by Shopify, you'll receive a code by SMS to securely purchase with Shopify Pay.",
"mobile_phone_icon_alt": "Mobile phone",
"mobile_phone_number": "Mobile phone number",
"terms_and_privacy_html": "By continuing, you agree to Shopify Pay’s\n<a class=\"link--muted\" data-modal data-remember-policy-link=\"privacy_policy\" title=\"Shopify Pay Privacy Policy\" href=\"{{ privacy_href }}\">Privacy Policy</a>\nand\n<a class=\"link--muted\" data-modal data-remember-policy-link=\"terms\" title=\"Shopify Pay Terms of Service\" href=\"{{ terms_href }}\">Terms of Service</a>.\n",
"modal": {
"guest": {
"title": "Use your saved information",
"paragraph": "You saved your information during a previous purchase, so you won’t need to enter it again. To use these details for checkout, enter the verification code sent to your phone."
"accelerated": {
"title": "Enter your verification code",
"paragraph": "To complete your purchase with these details, enter the code sent to your phone."
"logged_in_customer": {
"title": "Check out faster",
"paragraph": "You saved your payment information during a previous purchase, so you won’t need to enter it again. To use these details for checkout, enter the verification code sent to your phone."
"verification_code_label": "Verification code number that you received by text message",
"fill_manually": "Close",
"code_sending_html": "Sending code to <span data-remember-me-customer-phone></span>",
"code_sent_html": "Code sent to <span data-remember-me-customer-phone></span>",
"code_sending_clear_html": "Sending code to {{ phone }}",
"code_sent_clear_html": "Code sent to {{ phone }}",
"code_sent_description_html": "Code sent to the mobile number ending with: {{ phone }}",
"code_sending_description_html": "Sending code to the mobile number ending with: {{ phone }}",
"errors": {
"enter_valid_code": "The code you entered is incorrect",
"enter_a_code": "Enter a valid verification code",
"code_not_received": {
"body": "Didn't receive your code?",
"contact_information_step": {
"link": "Continue to the regular checkout"
"payment_information_step": {
"link": "Enter your payment information"
"server": {
"title": "Shopify Pay unavailable",
"body": "Your saved information can’t be used for this purchase. Please continue to the regular checkout."
"throttle": {
"title": "Attempt limit is reached",
"body": "Your code was incorrectly entered too many times. Please continue to the regular checkout."
"authorize": {
"title": "Shopify Pay unavailable",
"body": "Your saved information can’t be used at the moment. Enter your payment information to continue.",
"link": "Enter payment information"
"shipping_address": {
"title": "Unable to ship to your area",
"body": "The information you saved with Shopify Pay can’t be used for this purchase. Please continue to the regular checkout."
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications"
Copy link

ghost commented Nov 17, 2017

thanks a lot for doing it!
My question is: can I get Shopify system keys + those that are already translated?
I really appreciate any help :)

#edit: Already done it by changing ".placeholder" to ".value"

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ridem commented Nov 20, 2017

@tu5 You got it!

Copy link

ghost commented Dec 1, 2017

@ridem What do you do with such file? I pasted it to language.json of my template, but yesterday I noticed that it causes design bug at checkout. I'm looking for a solution that could paste translation from JSON file back to Shopify translation panel.

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ridem commented Dec 18, 2017

@tu5 What you're doing with such a file is to put it in the locales folder of your Shopify theme. It's not supposed to cause any issue if all the keys are filled.
Try the new updated code, it's making sure everything is filled out. And it downloads the json file for you.

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ghost commented Dec 19, 2017

@ridem Fantastic job! The issue that I'm getting is "Billing address" line, which is too high. When I had same locale translation on the previous theme but made within language editor, this problem didn't occur. Theme guy from Shopify stuff told me, that they do not support checkout language from the JSON file and it might be the reason.

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ridem commented Mar 13, 2018

@tu5 Interesting... This is very unlikely that this visual bug is connected to translating on a JSON file in your theme versus on the web interface.

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ghost commented Mar 21, 2018

@ridem Yeah exactly, do you experience it too?

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