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Rick Harrison rickharrison

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sindresorhus /
Last active September 18, 2024 22:09
Pure ESM package

Pure ESM package

The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()'d from CommonJS.

This means you have the following choices:

  1. Use ESM yourself. (preferred)
    Use import foo from 'foo' instead of const foo = require('foo') to import the package. You also need to put "type": "module" in your package.json and more. Follow the below guide.
  2. If the package is used in an async context, you could use await import(…) from CommonJS instead of require(…).
  3. Stay on the existing version of the package until you can move to ESM.
smileyborg / InteractiveTransitionCollectionViewDeselection.m
Last active January 15, 2023 13:03
Animate table & collection view deselection alongside interactive transition (for iOS 11 and later)
// UICollectionView Objective-C example
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
NSIndexPath *selectedIndexPath = [[self.collectionView indexPathsForSelectedItems] firstObject];
if (selectedIndexPath != nil) {
id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator> coordinator = self.transitionCoordinator;
if (coordinator != nil) {
[coordinator animateAlongsideTransition:^(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext> context) {
GianlucaGuarini / local-storage.js
Last active May 2, 2017 11:59
A simple script to deal safely with the localStorage
* Deal with the localStorage avoiding odd issues due to paranoids that have disabled it by default
const ls = window.localStorage
* Call any method on the localStorage avoiding to throw errors
* @param {string} method - method we want to call
* @param {array} args - serialized params that will be proxied to the method we are going to call
* @returns {null|string} whatever the method call will return

Scaling your API with rate limiters

The following are examples of the four types rate limiters discussed in the accompanying blog post. In the examples below I've used pseudocode-like Ruby, so if you're unfamiliar with Ruby you should be able to easily translate this approach to other languages. Complete examples in Ruby are also provided later in this gist.

In most cases you'll want all these examples to be classes, but I've used simple functions here to keep the code samples brief.

Request rate limiter

This uses a basic token bucket algorithm and relies on the fact that Redis scripts execute atomically. No other operations can run between fetching the count and writing the new count.

nrollr /
Last active September 19, 2024 08:26
Install MySQL on Sierra using Homebrew

Install MySQL on macOS Sierra

This procedure explains how to install MySQL using Homebrew on macOS Sierra 10.12

Install Homebrew

  • Installing Homebrew is effortless, open Terminal and enter :
    $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Note: Homebrew will download and install Command Line Tools for Xcode 8.0 as part of the installation process.

Install MySQL

At this time of writing, Homebrew has MySQL version 5.7.15 as default formulae in its main repository :

window.Promise || document.write('<script src=""><\/script>');
window.fetch || document.write('<script src=""><\/script>');
mjackson / createBinding.js
Last active September 18, 2021 09:19
A workaround for the lack of a promise cancelation API
* Registers the given callback to be called in the node.js callback
* style, with error as the first argument, when the promise resolves.
* Also, returns a function that may be used to prevent the callback
* from ever being called. Calling the returned function is synonymous
* with saying "I no longer care about the resolution of this promise,
* even if it fails."
* Since there is no provision in the promise spec for cancel/abort
import React from 'react'
const provideContext = (contextKey, contextType) => (
childContextTypes: {
[contextKey]: contextType
getChildContext() {
const { children, ...props } = this.props
fson /
Created October 18, 2015 20:08
Rapid prototyping with Relay (Reactive 2015 lightning talk proposal)

This is a proposal for a lightning talk at the Reactive 2015 conference.

NOTE: If you like this, star ⭐ the Gist - the amount of stars decides whether it makes the cut!

Rapid prototyping with Relay

Relay makes data fetching in React apps simpler, by letting you declare the data needs of your components instead of writing complex imperative code. React, Relay, GraphQL and the other complementary tools are changing how apps are built.

sonsongithub / parse.swift
Created September 23, 2015 09:19
very simple, reddit markdown parser
// RedditParser.swift
// redditParser
// Created by sonson on 2015/09/22.
// Copyright © 2015年 sonson. All rights reserved.
import Foundation