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Created October 26, 2017 21:15
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Append to CSV in VBA
Sub Append2CSV(CSVFile As String, CellRange As String)
Dim tmpCSV As String 'string to hold the CSV info
Dim f As Integer
f = FreeFile
Open CSVFile For Append As #f
tmpCSV = Range2CSV(Range(CellRange))
Print #f, tmpCSV
Close #f
End Sub
Function Range2CSV(list) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim cr As Long
Dim r As Range
If TypeName(list) = "Range" Then
cr = 1
For Each r In list.Cells
If r.Row = cr Then
If tmp = vbNullString Then
tmp = r.Value
tmp = tmp & "," & r.Value
End If
cr = cr + 1
If tmp = vbNullString Then
tmp = r.Value
tmp = tmp & Chr(10) & r.Value
End If
End If
End If
Range2CSV = tmp
End Function
Append2CSV("C:\VBA Code\test.csv", "A2:H3")
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