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Last active July 21, 2023 14:44
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Generate a digest of the AWS Java SDK changelog
curl -sf |\
sed \
-e 's/Amazon Simple Storage Service/Amazon S3/' \
-e 's/^# /- /' \
-e 's/^## / - ## /' \
-e "s/#.*/'&'/" \
-e 's/: / - /g' \
-e 's/^ \(.*\)/ \1/' \
-e 's/^ -/ -/' \
-e 's/^ -/ -/' \
-e 's/^ -.*/&:/' \
-e 's/^ -.*/ &:/' \
-e 's/^-.*/&:/' \
-e '/^$/d' | docker run --security-opt=no-new-privileges --cap-drop all --network none --rm -i mikefarah/yq -o=json |\
jq -r '[.[][][]]|[.[] | to_entries] | flatten | reduce .[] as $dot ({}; .[$dot.key] += $dot.value)|map_values(reduce .[] as $item ([]; . += $item[]))|to_entries|.[]|[.key, .value[]]|.[]' |\
sed -e '/^[^#]/s/^/- /'
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