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Last active June 2, 2023 05:14
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Example usage of JS editor API WordPress 4.8+
// Remember to wp_enqueue_editor(); inside PHP.
// Add editor
tinymce: {
plugins : 'charmap colorpicker compat3x directionality fullscreen hr image lists media paste tabfocus textcolor wordpress wpautoresize wpdialogs wpeditimage wpemoji wpgallery wplink wptextpattern wpview',
toolbar1: 'formatselect bold italic | bullist numlist | blockquote | alignleft aligncenter alignright | link unlink | wp_more | spellchecker'
quicktags: true
// Remove editor
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It didn't work, please write the full example including html

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Awesome @rheinardkorf!

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Very good !
Except I have after that a toolbar with the shorthand buttons with the 'quicktags' property setted to 'true' and ability to switch between View & Text (code).
Okay done...
The quicktags to false removes as well the shorthand, but View-Text are removed too !
You save me an hour @rheinardkorf ;)

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Glad that helped you @Web-Medias ... I completely forgot about this snippet :)

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how to remove h1 tag form this api

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