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Created August 11, 2021 13:49
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Git diff of removed reddit comments stored in pushshift
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-e6xucqv,True that. Probably going to be a game release too. Tends to happen eventually after all the trailers.,1538352010,9kawhn,33
-e6xucv3,Well said,1538352013,9k6olk,2
-e6xucvn,What they are selling here are keys.,1538352014,9k96sq,2
-e6xudlo,1.) Be a hypocrite. 2.) Be a piece of shit. 3.) Hate some minorities. 4.) Put kids in cages. 5.) Vote Republican.,1538352035,9kb94z,7
-e6xue82,Everyone on this subreddit has a moral superiority complex ever since Ubisoft started banning players. You can’t have a discussion without these losers telling you to kill yourself for being a toxic piece of trash. Also the reddit mob mentality is real and anyone who doesn’t agree with the majority ,1538352053,9karp1,2
-e6xuef9,People need to stop saying she told her therapist about a sexual assault. She and her legal team have **refused** to release the supposed therapist notes. They probably don't exist. She either never told her therapist about it **or** they used hypnoses and created a false memory. Her telling there t,1538352058,9kaof6,141
-e6xuey8,"Thanks for totally proving my point! She has been very clear that the assault happened in 1982, when she was 15 years old. She talked to her therapist about it in 2012 (confirmed by the therapists notes which were admitted as evidence) so in order to believe that she fabricated, you'd have to believ",1538352073,9k7rna,3
-e6xuez7,"Na. You're more of a: ""okay my mom made me my tendies and my room is pitch black...Time to go debate endlessly with random people on subjects completely irrelevant to the post."" Oh you said ""soy"". Haven't heard that ever! That's unique and original and totally not a cop-out of an insult.",1538352073,9k9sln,7
-e6xuf5n,This is everything,1538352079,9kb9ze,495
-e6xugvp,This is why you are not a part of the front office,1538352126,9k9laf,15
-e6xuhma,"""these ""*huu-mens*"" had entire servers with nothing but weird porn""",1538352146,9k8sps,3
-e6xuhob,"You see, here's the thing- When people back a racist bigot it's a safe bet to say they're racist bigots. And even if that individual isn't a racist bigot, they're still allying themselves with a racist bigot, meaning their own sense of ethics when it comes to race relations is, at best, ""conditional",1538352147,9k8wd5,2
-e6xuhpy,Thank you! I was think what 5 year olds understand the kind of math these people are describing. I have a degree in engineering and I had to re read a lot of these explanations.,1538352149,9k89xr,585
-e6xuhqm,"Have a nice day. Get some cardio in, dont wanna be victim to those awful sizeist remarks. Maybe you could have sex that way you could get the cardio in and piss the incels off.",1538352149,9k6f8v,2
-e6xuibx,that explains the females.. lol,1538352165,9katrp,24
-e6xuj5x,Remember: he made decisions that led him to this point in the same way you have made decisions that have led you here. Both of you can make decisions to change the situation if you desire strongly enough.,1538352189,9k6ffu,5
-e6xujka,There’s this douchebag that calls me out as a cokehead anytime i speak about Ronaldo. So I said I felt bad about Ronnie’s kid and the guy told me I should feel bad about my brain being deformed for so much coke use (?) that led me to believe this “bullshit story” My point is that’s really pathetic h,1538352201,9k9n7b,96
-e6xujrb,# [░░▒▓██►WATCH LIVE FREE]( # [░░▒▓██►WATCH LIVE FREE](,1538352206,9kb8fk,2
-e6xukvg,Probably the rebuild-or-die dickheads whose only other contribution to the sub involves mentioning run differential.,1538352237,9kalod,6
-e6xulzi,"You might want to use the epic of Gilgamesh too. It also mentions about a flood that destroyed the world because gods were angry at mankind. I think it predates the biblical account, and possibly its inspiration.",1538352267,9k94vi,2
-e6xumbf,Get fucked,1538352275,9kbbth,3
-e6xumne,i read on line that the krassenstein bros were pedos so its obviously true eh ed?,1538352286,9kbc9h,2
-e6xun05,"Not intended to dismiss one iota of responsibility for this vicious act of complete empathetic failure, Florida Man probably has significant history of other antisocial behaviors like, starting fires, assault, theft, etc., etc., etc. Chances are, when investigated, history of child abuse is in there",1538352295,9kayzi,7
-e6xuncj,"Are you Native American? I didn’t think so. Shut the fuck up, racist.",1538352305,9k777k,2
-e6xunmt,Awesome artwork man but could you share us the source?,1538352313,9kbd61,3
-e6xuohw,Wow. You're retarded.,1538352336,9k721u,15
-e6xuqi1,you're jumping to a a lot of conclusions based on little evidence,1538352390,9k7g84,13
-e6xuqy7,What's with those sperm stains on her new Loft jeans.,1538352401,9iixg2,8
-e6xuqyr,hey at least Haley hasn't raped anyone then had kids and paid his victims to make himself seem like a good guy,1538352402,9k98zk,2
-e6xurb7,You haven't the faintest notion what the fuck you're talking about. You watched some dumb-shit Jordan Peterson videos or something and think you've got some idea. Try a library card instead.,1538352412,9k8wd5,5
-e6xurdz,"I believe equating suicide and mental illness is part of a wider strategy to discourage people from considering it. I think that's a mistake that causes even more suffering, but hey.",1538352414,9kaa5e,4
-e6xurmh,His Instagram page is I believe he writes those songs.,1538352420,9k9jdt,2
-e6xurn6,"Frosk and Sarkeesian are pretty different, bad comparison",1538352421,9k75vb,3
-e6xusgo,The refs of this game need to be beheaded in front of their families,1538352442,9k98zk,3
-e6xusj8,Liberals don’t believe in that. They don’t want the most qualified. They want to force people to do what they want. If a woman was the most qualified I’d be crazy not to give it to her,1538352443,9kab9s,4
-e6xut7s,no thank for downvoting me prick,1538352462,9k8t8c,2
-e6xuuhq,Preferential treatment on the basis of gender? How pathetic.,1538352495,9kb93b,6
-e6xuuw2,Only if they mention Carroll being a 9/11 truther.,1538352505,9kavkj,553
-e6xuxj1,Some guys have to learn the hard way.,1538352572,9k75x6,2
-e6xuy0w,"Mt. Vernon, Ohio my dude! We smoke meth and go to church.",1538352585,9kadhj,8
-e6xuy4b,"Good lord, some of you Washington fans are the absolute worst.",1538352588,9kbd50,5
-e6xuy4c,Lmao I'm so glad people this dumb are not in charge of our regulatory bodies,1538352588,9k9pvc,12
-e6xuy65,9/10 I’m essentially getting a 100 gem discount on a scroll. Naturally that means I must acquire them through RNG?,1538352589,9k7a0p,6
-e6xuykl,Cheers from Chiraq,1538352601,9kb9ze,160
-e6xuzj1,Right... But you completely disregarded my point. The natives were not morally superior. All powerful nations were built on violence. The US is not an exception.,1538352626,9k94o3,6
-e6xuzlf,"I'm refreshing threads and commenting out of yandhi excitement like everyone else, nazi",1538352628,9kb15z,2
-e6xv076,Glad you could make her to be the one in the wrong when her husband is fucking another women. Anyway glad she is the type otherwise she would have never known!!,1538352644,9kalph,15
-e6xv081,"Don't argue with these people. First it was the jews, now its the muslims, the world is ending and the only way to solve our problems is to HATE millions of people we have never met.",1538352645,9k6ahq,23
-e6xv0h2,Doubt it,1538352652,9k9clz,2
-e6xv0sh,may this be the start of a movement,1538352660,9kbeak,3
-e6xv0u0,What a douchebag thing to say,1538352661,9kbd50,3
-e6xv16d,"trump hates a lot of people, yes i agree. it was his nativist rhetoric that catapulted him to the fore.",1538352670,9jztaj,17
-e6xv1ti,"Im starting really question how one can type so many words in a row without making any sense.I mean I've seen the Orange Dumps twitter feed but you people are insufferable. Like why would anyone, GOP or Dem not want to know this? Oh i know...",1538352687,9kb873,14
-e6xv287,"Because at the time the only proof we had that Hitler was dead was the word of the Soviet Union. Not really the most truthful of fellows, especially since from the onset they kept saying that Hitler was alive and being sheltered by the West.",1538352697,9k7azy,30
-e6xv29o,"WTF is this supposed to mean. My kid was over 10 lb, no way my wife could birth the mongoloid without agreeing to the knife. Then she had the big ovaries to go ahead and have another two baby giants.",1538352698,9kbe47,1917
-e6xv2a3,"Yes, you are right, it should terrify everyone that people should be considered guilty without any evidence. It's borderline pathetic how you all jumped to the conclusion that Kavanaugh is guilty and donated $700k to someone that has no proof to her claims.",1538352699,9ka8q4,3
-e6xv2w4,Se você não postar isso no r/tiodopave em 5 segundos eu vou roubar seu karma,1538352715,9kazr9,36
-e6xv36l,Older post. Here's the rest,1538352723,9kba2g,46
-e6xv3e0,Let it fail. It's unsustainable.,1538352727,9k9li0,3
-e6xv5gs,I use salted butter in my bulletproof coffee and I like it 🤷🏻‍♂️,1538352778,9ka8ow,14
-e6xv649,"Classic /r/The_Donald shill, calling anyone who disagrees with you a nazi",1538352793,9kb15z,7
-e6xv6aw,Spray painting isn't violence.,1538352798,9kbeak,9
-e6xv6m7,"It may be an over-generalization, but there are enough anecdotes about toxic players screaming insults in Portuguese and broken English to color the whole server. Once you fish the third or fourth turd out of the punchbowl, you stop dipping back into it pretty fast.",1538352806,9k8czi,28
-e6xv6sp,[the roads are nice](,1538352810,9k8rzj,3
-e6xv6u2,Suicide lines don’t help they offer to have police come to your house or apartment and that REALLY doesn’t help.,1538352811,9k7mkd,7
-e6xv6zj,Bet a vet there is a friend of a guy who got off on the police and couldn't go the docs to get the tazer leads removed....,1538352814,9k9xr4,161
-e6xv721,thank you as always! stuck in the waiting room at the hospital with a possible broken rib. they are showing a Pawn Stars marathon on their TV's... This will surely save me from the boredom.,1538352816,9kan3m,37
-e6xv7oj,"Eu sei que você é um troll divulgando boato em época de eleição e, como visto (porque cheguei tarde demais), respondeu às correções com baboseira sem sentido, mas: * G1: [É #FAKE que livro citado por Bolsonaro no JN é o que aparece com carimbo de escola de Maceió](",1538352830,9k98pc,2
-e6xv8ej,These confusing things lol. Why can’t everything just be the same when you look at 1 side to the other.,1538352848,9k9giw,2
-e6xv8ek,Is he actually?,1538352848,9kavkj,225
-e6xvajb,See you next week,1538352900,9kbfd5,3
-e6xval6,attention whores that want ez karma farm,1538352902,9kbc7u,2
-e6xvav0,"Great stream so far, thanks!",1538352909,9kah5y,4
-e6xvbjs,Good and evil doesnt exist it's all just what one side decides is evil. If you were on the other side you'd probably be saying the same thing about Dems it's a matter of perspective.,1538352927,9k8wd5,10
-e6xvbr1,True. Good idea. The list was one of proposed ideas anyway. Good to refine them.,1538352932,9kbb8k,4
-e6xvc78,"yep. it's going something like this: step 1: stack the ABC board with compromised, right-wing stooges step 2: get them to fire the CEO when she won't capitulate to your partisan demands step 3: when that doesn't work and all the details start leaking to the public, claim the entire board is compromi",1538352944,9ka2vy,42
-e6xvce9,Fuck off,1538352949,9k732a,3
-e6xvcf2,>Tannehill boy were you wrong,1538352949,9k5jmk,2
-e6xvdop,say word,1538352982,9kbeak,2
-e6xvesj,The M in reddit stands for mods aren't gay,1538353011,9k6ri4,13
-e6xvfjl,"It's was actually alt right trolls on 4chan that started that. Congrats, you fell for blatantly obvious propaganda. This is the problem with conservatives. They ignore fact based reality and get their information from biases memes.",1538353030,9k7g84,12
-e6xvfqc,Does anyone know who Stu is picking?,1538353035,9kb4g9,2
-e6xvge9,"Your comment was removed due to your account being under the karma threshold. Contact the mods to request that your comment be reviewed for approval. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) i",1538353052,9k7mpo,3
-e6xvgin,How would you personally fix it? I like it simply because this game is all about the little moments but I’m totally open to a new idea if you have a better suggestion.,1538353056,9ka2lq,8
-e6xvgjc,Yes. Wilson believes in magical water. That entire team is... something.,1538353056,9kavkj,471
-e6xvh6u,"Yes, but not with the *Safe* flair",1538353072,9k8diy,9
-e6xvht6,"Your brain sends a message to the hippocampus to recall all the little pieces of information you remember about the topic. It then pieces them together and fills in the gaps. Look up the ""Tip of the Tongue"" phenomenon.",1538353089,9kb64i,136
-e6xvhvz,Calls a redditor who he knows nothing about a nazi. Even after proclaiming that no one can read anyone's private thoughts. Yup classic hypocritical /r/The_Donald alright.,1538353091,9kb15z,4
-e6xvi1w,The water that cured him of his concussion,1538353095,9kavkj,219
-e6xviwa,"I can't he skipped me, this is just like elementary school",1538353117,9kbges,4
-e6xvjtm,"What are you even meant to say to that? There isn't even a connection between the two, it's just disgruntled bigotry.",1538353140,9k8cfv,2
-e6xvlbh,"yes, low thc strains do exists, but when your talking about hermaphrodites with seeds or stuff grown by amateurs can be full of fertilizers and nutrients, be uncured or even too dry. so its best to try and ask your budtenders what the lowest thc content they have is, then talk about methods of intak",1538353181,9kbft3,2
-e6xvlgg,Because insecure humans are still able to have sex and produce offspring.,1538353184,9k99fm,7
-e6xvmfy,That ship has kinda sailed,1538353212,9k8heq,2
-e6xvmgq,"My dude, you need to brush up on your film study. O-line has dealt with four top-10 strong side pass rushers in four games. They're actually rated as average overall. The d-line is this team's biggest weakness (though we won't know just how big the drop-off from Thomas to Thompson is until next week",1538353212,9k9laf,4
-e6xvmhy,"His face really radiates a malevolent stupidity, doesn't it?",1538353213,9kayzi,6
-e6xvmo9,This is why we throw bottles at refs. Fuck them.,1538353217,9kbfd5,29
-e6xvn8k,I think there's professional groups doing hit pieces on Ford to get Kavanaugh to the SC.,1538353231,9kah94,16
-e6xvnei,they say with a JC flair,1538353236,9k9vup,11
-e6xvnso,no to r/saltierthancrait but G&G fans yes,1538353247,9k8hd3,5
-e6xvnyt,Jesus christ really?,1538353251,9kavkj,9
-e6xvnz3,"In b4 ""charge your phone phaggot""",1538353252,9kbhm2,11
-e6xvp0g,Why go out of your way to point out you were tryna be pervy?? Good luck in life G,1538353279,9ka3qh,38
-e6xvpfp,"Ah yes, the moral high ground of making a joke about a player and a domestic violence situation he was in no way involved. Please, grace us more with your superior ideology laced comments.",1538353291,9kbd50,6
-e6xvq58,It's the best option. We didn't ask to be born and be a prisoner of all this pain. The only natural way out is suicide.,1538353309,9joty1,2
-e6xvqcn,In this case they do :) Fuck Trump and fuck you!,1538353314,9k89i7,2
-e6xvrc0,You fucking retard. They are thanking God for a verdict and closure of the trial.,1538353341,9k2zyi,2
-e6xvrcg,"They’re Oakland folks, just used to getting robbed in that crime infested slum",1538353342,9k98zk,7
-e6xvrct,Move along. Nothing to see here.,1538353342,9kakmo,5
-e6xvri0,This page is full of idiots anyway with no critical reasoning. Everything is 'jeeez I'm a Dockers fan but corrr I'm happy for West Coast.' Like fuck you should be.,1538353346,9k44dn,2
-e6xvrny,Lol not one celtics fan said that you ignoramus,1538353350,9kauth,7
-e6xvrso,Or it could be the fact that his credibility related to his denial of drinking to the point of blacking out seemed woefully inadequate and easy to disbelieve. His entire defense depends on his ability to say that he has never been drunk to the point that he can't remember what happened. Do you truly,1538353354,9kaitb,4
-e6xvrvg,"If they got shot, it'd be all ""he was a good kid, he didn't do nuffin'!""",1538353356,9k7ghe,3
-e6xvtx9,Trump supports bringing back slavery.,1538353411,9kbhkf,2
-e6xvuau,I pray to god they attack the owner.,1538353421,9k8o50,10
-e6xvuho,Lmao refs gave u the game kid.,1538353426,9kbh91,44
-e6xvuxe,[Well look who's completely earnest as acting in good faith!](,1538353438,9kb3rx,8
-e6xvvfm,I want this T-shirt,1538353452,9kbcgg,6
-e6xvvk9,"Of all the people here, you sounds like the biggest moron. Nut up, ffs.",1538353456,9k9sya,3
-e6xvwi1,"Ragnaros its a spanish speaking server, not a Brazilian server. Quel'talas is not a Brazilian server either.",1538353481,9k8czi,12
-e6xvx4x,"I can certainly see how higher BMI has various effects on the individual. Especially in our highly digitized world and social media, the pressure to be like others is immense. On top of that, the chemical balance of the brain is off-balance, with unhealthy gut-bacteria controlling the serotonin leve",1538353500,9k9ge4,2
-e6xvxqf,I'm tryna keep my faith,1538353516,9kb9ze,180
-e6xvycv,I’m still calling it swirly dick hole,1538353534,9ka9vd,2
-e6xvyjk,Do you interject that into all your conversations?,1538353540,9k7jp8,4
-e6xvys2,The model featured in this clip is [Richelle Ryan]( < Link to their Pornhub profile. You can see more at [r/RichelleRyan](,1538353547,9kbj4i,3
-e6xvzcj,This is a game reserve for trained show animals. You should do some research before you comment,1538353563,9k9j76,11
-e6xvzy0,Lick my Brown Hole you prick.,1538353580,9kbii6,3
-e6xw06e,Well... that's a little far. 😐,1538353587,9kbfm9,7
-e6xw0d7,She will die alone. Hopefully in a painful and horrific way,1538353593,9kbiea,11
-e6xw0nf,Shoot yea!!!,1538353601,9k80dd,2
-e6xw1m3,"Trump ensured I will never vote R again. Illegitimate, inappropriate, the product of corrupt gerrymandering. Republicans worked the system absent of checks and balances.",1538353628,9k8o5b,2
-e6xw1t4,"I get what you're saying, but I didn't say ""has anyone else taken it"" in my question. I only wrote ""Should I take an archery class?"" If people responded yes I messaged them asking if they had taken it and what their experience was. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my post. The ""to see if anyone had taken ",1538353634,9kabni,10
-e6xw2r5,> sandnigger No need to use racial slurs.,1538353659,9kbedv,2
-e6xw3jd,2 of us females (in this pic) are gamers!,1538353681,9katrp,28
-e6xw400,Why was it removed?,1538353692,9kbcvu,2
-e6xw408,"Ah, you must really hate yourself",1538353692,9k7voc,6
-e6xw4ci,pedro didn't die for this :(,1538353702,9k9x6d,26
-e6xw4mo,Her own words were she only sent the letter that was used in the article that was reported to the two senators. The article pulls from the letter she sent and only two senators had it. Did you not read it?,1538353710,9k8mou,4
-e6xw4n4,"You lack appropriate flair to post top-level comments in this thread. Please assign yourself appropriate flair and contact a moderator. If you feel this action was incorrect, please contact a moderator. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this ",1538353710,9kb49o,2
-e6xw59f,Commit toaster bath.,1538353728,9k6ssx,2
-e6xw5qr,Hey looks at the fake account with negative karma! What a fucking loser attempt at trolling!!!,1538353742,9kbjdz,6
-e6xw6vb,**This Shirt Source** [](,1538353771,9kbcgg,6
-e6xw6vz,Could you look at one of my posts and tell me what you think?,1538353771,9kbj5m,2
-e6xw7op,"In the 18th and 19th centuries a father was entitled to his son's earnings right up until the son was 21. It was considered a good fatherly act if the son was allowed to keep some of his wages to save toward the tools of a trade, or land and farm implements. But it wasn't required. Oh, and the son c",1538353791,9k8wcj,4
-e6xw867,"Usually if I cancel the activity they're doing (sitting, walking...are there others?) they tend to consider Arrow one of the caveats to doing so (on banning booze), but we resist because we enjoy drinking. Ever. At some point in [2019](",1538353804,9k8xgf,5
-e6xw8oa,Where you get that shit yo? Sounds nice af,1538353817,9kbg13,2
-e6xw92q,"Lmao enjoy your team being gone, your best player gone, and your hope of playoffs gone in the next few weeks",1538353827,9kbh91,33
-e6xwa9g,"Goodnight, Sweet Prince.",1538353857,9k91bb,2
-e6xwabc,They actually believe it’s flat. Most of the sub count is people who like watching flat earthers “prove” their theories while going through so many unlogical decisions and mental gymnastics,1538353858,9k319s,2
-e6xwau6,Fuck you though too,1538353873,9k9qpk,3
-e6xwawo,Natpop punks fuck off,1538353874,9k85z4,10
-e6xwcoy,"Username checks out. Sorry, I didn't realize that someone being allowed to decide whether or not they want to bake a cake was ""the antithesis of individual freedom and lack of government intervention"".",1538353923,9k93jh,3
-e6xwcx3,"Hey, tcp-retransmission, just a quick heads-up: **seperate** is actually spelled **separate**. You can remember it by **-par- in the middle**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.",1538353929,9kbdhs,2
-e6xwdca,He’s probably not fever from Oakland.,1538353941,9kbh91,17
-e6xwdp7,"good man, sticking to what's right",1538353950,9ka9vd,2
-e6xwep0,Please elaborate,1538353978,9kavkj,3
-e6xwewr,FINS UP!,1538353984,9k81mx,3
-e6xwfcb,"I never said that im worried, I just gave some data, nothing more",1538353995,9k9pie,2
-e6xwg2v,"Seriously, fuck this ‘controversy’ and everyone that keeps posting about it for karma whoring. This is seriously killing this subreddit.",1538354016,9kbhz7,9
-e6xwgc2,"actually, no, it can't survive protocol chlorination however, yes, it can happen anywhere there's colony meaning that others with it infested the water source sometime ago. ah, the circle of life is an adventure. don't sweat it, chances are better than not that you'll grow old, get demented and scar",1538354023,9kb2e5,170
-e6xwh6p,There are only males in Canada. Be prepared with with vaseline or KY.,1538354047,9kbklv,6
-e6xwh8b,Truth hurts it's true. Let it out I'm here for you.,1538354048,9k9vbz,2
-e6xwin9,The model featured in this clip is [Eva Notty]( < Link to their Pornhub profile. You can see more at [r/EvaNotty](,1538354087,9kbll7,3
-e8tki5q,"Phone? Jewelry? Clothing itself? Possibly a laptop or something if they had a backpack that got brought with them? $4k seems high, but depending on what they had on their person I could see things starting to add up quickly.",1541030400,9t3c5l,5
-e8tkjnl,"The caravan doesn't even have anything to do with the mid-terms. If the Dems take Congress, drumpf is not going to wake up on 11/7 and say ""Welp, I guess I have to let them all in now."" The caravan is irrelevant to the election. Now, the Dems are saying ""They want to take away coverage of pre-existi",1541030443,9t4770,61
-e8tkl11,So you wanna chat for real. Like FaceTime or something.,1541030480,9t2umb,2
-e8tkl54,I have a hard time hanging my hat on a guy that would send millions of people to burn in hell for eternity because they wouldn't follow him... Eat my dick you cunt. Thats like worse than Hitler. Why is this man praised?,1541030483,9t15fq,23
-e8tkla5,"I don't know if AskSocialScience is the best place for this but I think it reflects a couple common Libertarian policy notions: age requirements for work, environmental regulations, drug prohibitions, and of course, [central banks](",1541030487,9t4bb4,2
-e8tklo2,"Islam is an actual danger. People have all reasons to be concerned. It's not fear of foreigners (do they have slogans about Italians, French, Brazilians?), it's fear about something dangerous: incompatible culture which condones violence against women, hate for gays (they have the death penalty for ",1541030497,9swz73,12
-e8tkn53,"That's not how I would interpret it. The regulations are in place to make sure the plans are fair, so I would say we're having nice things and preventing greedy assholes from taking advantage of the nice things.",1541030539,9szcvy,17
-e8tkngy,"**3u to 40u challenge** (3-0) I got banned from Sportsbook for 24hours for not posting start times of the games I'll be ramping this back up this tomorrow. ​ Pick: **Raiders vs 49ers** (Thursday, 5:20pm PST) **Raiders Money Line: 3u** &#x200B; &#x200B; **(past bets)** ​ Wisla krakow vs Zaglebie lubi",1541030547,9t2v89,9
-e8tknnu,I’d love to!!!,1541030553,9t3131,2
-e8tkogn,"Dude this sub is always like that, it's best for socialist (honestly most are social democratic posts, most things on here aren't actually socialist despite what mods and users claim) memes not discussion. It is what it is.",1541030574,9sz9k1,3
-e8tkoyn,"Nice, the mobile app isn’t glitchy as fuck",1541030588,9t2khz,3
-e8tkp7a,Where is your proof that I have this burden. What evidence is there? Where is your source?,1541030594,9sqowi,2
-e8tkpqr,"Some shallow bitch with her twitter pic of her in her fucking underwear throwing shade at her professor here. I'm sure she's dressed up as worse at her night job ""just serving drinks, I swear"" down at the local strip club.",1541030610,9t29fi,2
-e8tkq3j,"As a professional librarian, I found the analysis cogent and well-researched. I didn’t take the “religious fanatic” comment to be offensive, and I certainly didn’t feel it negated the rest of the summary (which largely featured sources LDS often cite. Judging based -on this post- where is this open ",1541030620,9szdkl,11
-e8tkqbn,It looks really nice!what is the story behind that scar in your lip?,1541030626,9t3wb2,10
-e8tkrey,If one of those kids is Yusei he would somehow summon Hallohallo and attack for game.,1541030657,9sz51j,9
-e8tkrp7,"""The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.""",1541030665,9t39i3,51
-e8tktpk,\*makes jerkoff motion\*,1541030722,9t2xrt,3
-e8tktql,Came hard to those sexy legs,1541030723,9t3ehx,17
-e8tku3h,"I'm sure they have several mentally ill ""coders"" considering the prob(80) meme, but mentioning they were a furry makes it easier to pick them out of the crowd, so to speak.",1541030733,9t36g3,3
-e8tkul6,du hurensohn,1541030747,9t0ngd,7
-e8tkuri,"Neopotism and tribalism runs deep within the Chinese community. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm saying it's simply how it is.",1541030752,9t2vda,27
-e8tkv92,"First off, he wasn't killed, so it'd be impossible for me to sympathize with a murderer who doesn't exist. Second, there were 3 other comments in that thread that you didn't seem to have a problem with and still remain visible: > Not saying I agree with his actions, but I definitely understand them.",1541030766,9t2f8t,13
-e8tkvaj,Rule 5 always seemed stupid to me,1541030767,9t3b3l,3
-e8tkvc9,"I find it amazing how much of an asshole you actually are. You don’t think you’re a friendly person, right? I hope you’re at least aware that your comments here are always trying to start fights, insult users and act like you’re better than everyone else, while ALWAYS taking the side of a billion do",1541030768,9t25rb,17
-e8tkvza,"I was indoctirnated into religion too, just turns out I'm not mentally challenged. Quit making excuses for people.",1541030786,9t1m1e,4
-e8tkwdd,"It's not safe for them because they're illegal aliens and in violation of the law. No country is ""safe"" for people who are in violation of the law. If they applied for asylum in the US it would be safe for them until the case concluded.",1541030798,9t49dn,21
-e8tkwjc,"It's the expectation of free professional service that seems like a red flag to me. They sound like they have few boundaries with regard to their children. And will probably not take his professional advice, making it harder to sell. If he were a surgeon, he would not operate on his own family.",1541030802,9t2j8m,26
-e8tkwtu,So it's between Orange and Purple for who goes tonight. Because all of Purples content was shown in the preview for this episode.,1541030811,9t4bj2,2
-e8tkxhg,damn half you guys are borderline nazis huh,1541030830,9szwld,5
-e8tkxk0,What just like your comment above. That is a bit closed minded and irrational.,1541030832,9t26vt,7
-e8tkxyy,Need to just shoot some of these sonsofbitches to get the message thru.. we're closed!!!!,1541030844,9t2jjw,4
-e8tkz21,"> That's all you have to do for trans people. Wrong. They want us to act like they are real versions of who they wish they were. >Admittedly, things like locker rooms and restrooms can present some social challenges, but the bulk of interactions are going to be talking to people on the street. It's ",1541030874,9t2g3k,2
-e8tkzn1,"you're just jelly cause you'll never be a skinny, smol Japanese girl with tiny tits :)",1541030890,9t11b1,2
-e8tl0lg,"Unless you have Diggs and Thielen, You get the hell out!",1541030917,9t2l55,2
-e8tl10a,Human Devil Hunter Son Of Sparda Dante Must Die Dante Might Die Dante Is Dying Dante is Dead Funeral Session,1541030928,9t2idu,5
-e8tl13p,This shirt available here,1541030931,9sz16n,2
-e8tl1xo,RemindMe! 10 days.,1541030954,9t1bk7,2
-e8tl48p,"That‘s cool and all, but you and I know well that failing Turing cards are not going to be replaced by Vegas.",1541031019,9sxr95,2
-e8tl4sf,He wants to get reelected next week.,1541031034,9t3osl,7
-e8tl4ti,Weird flex but ok.,1541031035,9t1apo,123
-e8tl51z,Does this maybe strike you as a little tone deaf?,1541031041,9t4eoz,6
-e8tl52e,"Racism enshrined in law, what an absolute laugh.",1541031042,9t2y8l,5
-e8tl59d,"Take your 14 word white supremacy jargon and shove it up your ass, troll.",1541031047,9t4gnk,5
-e8tl5dy,/u/h0bster 1.) The Maldives 2.) The Vatican 3.) San Marino 4.) United States,1541031051,9t27l0,2
-e8tl68o,The potential of this project is enormous,1541031076,9qfem8,2
-e8tl69r,You're delusional.,1541031076,9t3jdr,36
-e8tl7vb,How long til we get a gif of Johns dick wiggling in his wet undies?,1541031121,9t4bj2,33
-e8tla98,Ew nigger music,1541031188,9svdxj,2
-e8tlab0,"I was only a STEMlord I loved Elon so much, I had all the hats and flamethrowers I pray to Elon every night before bed, thanking him for being the ultimate human ""Elon is love"" I say; ""Elon is life"" My dad hears me and calls me a faggot I know he was just jealous of Elon’s wealth I called him a shor",1541031189,9t3cg4,18
-e8tlabc,Roubles don't go as far in Washington DC like they used to.,1541031190,9t4i6w,6
-e8tlami,"Age is relevant, a child doesn't understand the complexities of what is happening, there is no justification for killing kids (other than if they were about to kill you) but I think its a bit of a stretch when you're an Israeli sniper to claim that you were threatened by kids, over a fence, in anoth",1541031198,9t2na8,2
-e8tlao9,You just whine in this subreddit. Someone asked you a question here: [\_wants\_early\_voting\_and\_automatic\_voter/e8sj1rm/]( and you never ,1541031200,9szbal,2
-e8tlb45,"ITT: A bunch of anti-social, unpleasant people",1541031213,9t1q4s,3
-e8tlbu0,"Please dont encourage him, her might think his life has value. We don't want that.",1541031234,9t2ek6,21
-e8tlddg,"If you believe that that is the case, then they should've continued to apply for asylum in Mexico then. Why would you go to a country that isn't safe for you?",1541031276,9t49dn,53
-e8tldh0,"Saw one dark voyager. Jesus, Fortnite kids look annoying as SHIT. Those are the niggas that are on here crying for old skins to come back.",1541031278,9t0161,3
-e8tldjl,Seriously... I’d run up to her like that too,1541031280,9t3i5s,7
-e8tlf33,"Art, in all of it's forms, is a fantastic coping mechanism for mania. I think it gives us something to funnel our excess thoughts into, relieving a bit of the pressure inside our heads. So, you're thinking about dropping out of collage as a senior, to make a living off of an obsession you've had for",1541031325,9t3wrm,2
-e8tlfaz,"En Espanol, los dos palabras estan pronunciado lo mismo.",1541031331,9t4hi5,2
-e8tlfst,Well he’s up by 15-20 so things are looking pretty good for him,1541031345,9t3osl,14
-e8tlg2f,I'm posting the screenshots next time you open your dumbass mouth,1541031353,9t43x6,2
-e8tlgdw,"Elephant, grizzly bear, Nile crocodile, Orca, Black Mamba, and Harpy eagle.",1541031362,9t1zm1,2
-e8tlha6,I would love to pound it into submission from behind,1541031385,9shxxa,2
-e8tlhc9,U need help. It isn’t cool to call people whores.,1541031387,9sztgf,9
-e8tlhze,Link please,1541031405,9t2m1h,2
-e8tli0m,I look like a fucking toddler when I shave.,1541031406,9t4jb9,3
-e8tli42,"Ah, very Don Draper-esque. That’s not the blistering insult you probably think it is though.",1541031409,9t25rb,13
-e8tlii6,Zero chance trump gets rid of birthright citizenship. Im all for it but it won’t happen,1541031420,9sy8k7,2
-e8tljj1,whats normal for you may not be normal for everyone else. stop trying to forcefeed your views down this person's throat so that you can feel better at night.,1541031447,9t1tez,10
-e8tlk6x,They didn't confirm anything cause I'm sure they'd like to keep their jobs. All they said was that the episode was sad but good. Take that as you will.,1541031465,9t4chl,12
-e8tlk76,"Well, she obviously doesn’t doesn’t wanna be a square like her uncle.",1541031465,9t1vm3,2
-e8tlkgj,No. I hope you game end yourself.,1541031472,9i540k,2
-e8tllst,Hey incel Trumpcuck...the 2A is for everybody. And we’re not going to let you infringe upon it. You will never tread on me.,1541031510,9t4jc7,6
-e8tlnw6,usually suck? what? Delusional Lakers dipshit,1541031568,9t3wxj,18
-e8tloh1,"Hey I know you're trying to be funny, but please remove this. It's incredibly insensitive",1541031584,9t3vk0,28
-e8tloje,[Source (42:41)](,1541031586,9t4kmr,3
-e8tlpx6,"Testubeicles sounds like a real sack of shit! Another idiot troll to add to the block list. It’s so hard not to feed the trolls sometimes This is a great community of people, sad that the few bad ones make such a mark on it Being a mod is hard work here, whoever applies, Godspeed to you",1541031624,9t2csr,3
-e8tlqit,Um... Dark.. but good,1541031641,9t3sh1,15
-e8tlqpk,Any age can have kankles and a badly photoshopped waist.,1541031646,9t3439,4
-e8tlqtn,"> Try walking down the street in Lakemba as a white woman in summer wearing shorts and a tank top I've done that, I even held her hand. Then we went to the pub. At the end of the arvo we had a pash at the train station and nobody even threw rocks at us.",1541031649,9t3jwe,27
-e8tlqzl,"Hope not, with no nut November coming up",1541031654,9t24uk,9
-e8tlr2y,"Derrick Rose had beaten him out for the NBA’s Most Valuable Player award in 2011. Six years later, his foremost competitor in the Eastern Conference rang Rose’s phone. After a tumultuous season in New York, Rose says he had no suitors for even a veteran’s minimum contract last summer — until LeBron ",1541031657,9szjd7,4
-e8tlrd1,Bruh all you post is racist as fuck bullshit about all school schooters being white and other shit about very specific white ppl whove done dumb shit and you seem to think all whites are the same Bro you r deadass racist and probably have an answer to that accusation like Dude im black i cant be rac,1541031665,9t394l,153
-e8tlrq8,No becasue the band members are actually people not circles.,1541031674,9t4kua,30
-e8tlssj,Trumps innagutation crowd all over again. One said says the other side is lying and the public is further divided by something that really does not matter and will only effect 0.01% of the population.,1541031704,9sxmnm,3
-e8tlt2u,"I have a personal shopper (Neimans) and set up appointments every season. She picks out random things in my size, unless I specify what I need. I told her about a Montcler coat I saw someone wearing on the Upper East Side and she will put one aside for me. I get feedback from girlfriends about certa",1541031712,9t3qkf,8
-e8tltiq,my best friend is an applied mathematician and I've talked to him about it enough that I'm not even going to try to attempt reading this paper.,1541031725,9szlke,3
-e8tlu2v,How does a no name player quitting prove the game is dying?,1541031740,9t3fat,2
-e8tlu51,This is wonderful news!,1541031742,9sye3b,2
-e8tlunb,"> Typical uneducated democrat... Classy, OP.",1541031756,9t4gnk,2
-e8tlvn7,The War on Drugs is a crime against humanity. Prohibitionists should be murdered.,1541031785,9t48k1,17
-e8tlvxc,"shut the fuck up. You are probably the type who ""upgrades"" from a 1080ti to a 2080",1541031793,9t0u6o,9
-e8tlw3j,is this supposed to be a joke or do you just not have eyes?,1541031798,9t3p0a,3
-e8tlwe5,Because there's so many of those.,1541031806,9t2gvx,3
-e8tlwju,I have no idea what you're trying to say.,1541031810,9t49dn,29
-e8tm0d0,This guy is going places.,1541031920,9t4ihr,5
-e8tm14p,Nitrogen/helium are readily available at welding supply stores,1541031942,9t3dth,3
-e8tm2h9,"Her tits are so fucking fat even her dad who's a married pastor can't stop talking about them. > Jessica Simpson has revealed she doesn’t have a problem with her dad, Joe Simpson, talking about her breasts or suggesting that how she should pose in sexy manner, because they’re just that type of famil",1541031979,9t4dfg,6
-e8tm2th,"I will give my opinion and will get downvoted a lot cause most comments that aren't against Bolsonaro get downovoted over here. I'm pretty convinced he's Homophobic, like most of the people who were born in the middle o the last century and imo that by itself makes him a bad person not the kind of H",1541031989,9t4fyn,5
-e8tm4li,"I don’t remember where, but in a comments section of a post about this somebody linked the Instagram account of this dog and it made a full recovery",1541032037,9t415z,5
-e8tm4u2,"Why do you have to be an ass about it? Only a very small percentage of players care about doing everything optimised. Most people just wanna have fun, but fuck fun, right?",1541032044,9sy2qc,2
-e8tm5h2,"Thank you for marking this post Solved! /u/WhatIsThisBot should be along shortly to award a point if appropriate. This comment will remain visible until then. [](/tomtbotpoint LilPumpernick) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/",1541032062,9t4kwg,2
-e8tm5ie,oh you want to be pedantic about it. this is what triss will actually need,1541032063,9szwld,12
-e8tm6i4,Bartender: What can I do ya for? Arthur: Just fuck my shit up partner,1541032092,9t4azj,2
-e8tm6jd,"Stalin WAS wrong to kill all those people. If you want anyone to take socialism seriously, maybe don’t start by supporting a dictator.",1541032093,9t38ld,3
-e8tm6l4,"> Aerodynamics and initial fall conditions would govern whether you hit the wall or not exclusively. This is true but it's not \*that\* negligible. > Coriolis wouldn’t even amount to a fraction of a millimetre. Per /u/RobusEtCeleriata's link: "" For a height of 100 meters, at 32 degrees latitude, the",1541032094,9t3wnx,38
-e8tm6wm,A nurse,1541032102,9t4meu,2
-e8tm6zj,That's pretty funny,1541032104,9t4lam,2
-e8tm6zv,The random NPC scripts in this game are getting out of hand.,1541032105,9sxevs,2
-e8tm754,Well you look amazing! Great job and good luck,1541032108,9szter,2
-e8tm8p9,"You would know if you actually read the article instead of jumping to the comments to broadcast your assumptions. >Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted said he wouldn't fight the order, to avoid ""an unnecessary source of contention with election only five days away.""",1541032153,9t2jd7,49
-e8tm963,"Question, why the NSFW tag?",1541032167,9sy4ug,2
-e8tm965,She posted on reddit earlier. Intentionally left out her age,1541032167,9t4kzo,2
-e8tm98k,Try getting married and having children...,1541032169,9t1iks,23
-e8tmat7,"Because when I think of his performance this worlds, I also think about how shitty his girlfriend acted on social media.",1541032213,9t22cm,8
-e8tmawh,Fuck off.,1541032216,9t16tr,8
-e8tmbjg,"Funny how it's all very very rich people who seem to want globalization, George Soros, our very own George Soros, Frank Giustra etc. I'm guessing they have a house.",1541032234,9t38jp,3
-e8tmbqi,"Her tits are so fucking fat even her dad who's a married pastor can't stop talking about them. > Jessica Simpson has revealed she doesn’t have a problem with her dad, Joe Simpson, talking about her breasts or suggesting that how she should pose in sexy manner, because they’re just that type of famil",1541032239,9t4noh,8
-e8tmc40,"Should also be noted how much time he spends talking about how people like Conor ruin the sport with the trash talking, and that you should prove everything in the octagon, and yet every news worthy action he had since tapping Conor is the *exact opposite* of his own words. Either Conor showed him h",1541032250,9t1m1e,15
-e8tmc78,In the heroin section. Whos goofy. Have fun kid,1541032253,9t4l3k,2
-e8tmd00,Your contention is irrelevant since no one is making the argument that either of those processes are not dangerous. The point is whether the final product sent out was a serious threat to the health of the recipient and the relative media coverage that would be likely to ensure. If you can find a so,1541032277,9sshgk,7
-e8tmeg6,"Her tits are so fucking fat even her dad who's a married pastor can't stop talking about them. > Jessica Simpson has revealed she doesn’t have a problem with her dad, Joe Simpson, talking about her breasts or suggesting that how she should pose in sexy manner, because they’re just that type of famil",1541032320,9t4o4j,7
-e8tmfi9,That's good,1541032350,9t4nyz,68
-e8tmgmp,100 miljoner döda pga din ideologi. Episkt!,1541032381,9t0wdn,4
-e8tmhs8,"Not sure I've ever talked to someone as retarded as you before. Wait a minute now, I think we have a Monsanto employee here! You are basically the equivalent of those people who say cigarettes don't cause cancer, there is only a ""correlation"" between cancer and those who smoke cigarettes. Everyone w",1541032413,9t14ep,2
-e8tmji3,CALL ME A BITCH NIGGA GHOST AGAIN. I DARE YOU.,1541032462,9sy47c,3
-e8tmjmv,Eat a big bag of dicks,1541032466,9t3lv1,2
-e8tmkki,So voter rolls should never be purged and the list should keep growing indefinitely? There isn't a convenient way to just remove dead people from the list.,1541032493,9t2jd7,9
-e8tml9u,Why not take 'em out back and put them down? JFC...,1541032513,9t2j8m,4
-e8tml9y,It's almost like this person hasn't been to the suburb they vilify.,1541032513,9t3jwe,23
-e8tmlc2,ok done,1541032514,9t3k3s,6
-e8tmm0z,My god.....,1541032534,9t3xjf,9
-e8tmn08,"I didn't think this was circle jerk when I first saw it because I went to Purdue then moved to Bellevue, WA. Its 100% spot on and anyone who doesn't think so doesn't live near enough rich Asian young adults",1541032561,9t2uez,205
-e8tmn5t,"So she has lied about her age? I bet if a man found in her situation would have lied about their age you would somehow forgive him for the misstep. Weak men always hate powerful women. And she sure is powerful, intelligent, graceful and a fighter to boot. You sound juvenile and petty.",1541032566,9t3q13,3
-e8tmnsf,"Sadly, this is very much the case with some crazy people. They might also want to “prove” that he’s aggressive by letting him out, taunt him, maybe even fake a bite. I’d suggest cameras that cover the back, side, & front yard, and a locking mechanism for the gate, or at least a latch that can’t be r",1541032583,9t3iqs,5
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