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Last active November 11, 2023 14:07
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Left rotate ⍺ bit
Rot8 {2(82)}
Addition and subtraction in finite field GF(2)
Add2 { }
Multiplication in GF(2) [x]/(x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1)
Mul2 {/({,$FF ($11B×$80¯1) 2ׯ1}7 ) × (82)}
Multiplicative inverse, calculated by brute force
Mul2Inv {$FF 1 Mul2¨255}
SBox {/$63,(1-5) Rot8¨Mul2Inv }¨1-256
InvSBox {Mul2Inv /$5,(1 3 6) Rot8¨}¨1-256
⎕ ← 16 16⍴6 ⎕CR¨SBox
⎕ ← 16 16⍴6 ⎕CR¨InvSBox
Round constants (in rows)
Rcon (10 1$01 $02 $04 $08 $10 $20 $40 $80 $1B $36),10 30
RotWord {1}
SubWord {SBox[+1]} See SubBytes
Round keys based on Key (array of 8-bit integers)
RoundKeys KeyExpansion Key; NK; NR; i
NK 4÷Key
Rounds: 11 for AES-128, 13 for AES-192, 15 for AES-256 (see NIST p.18)
NR NK+6+1 We need one key more than rounds
RoundKeys (NR×4) 4Key
i 1+NK
RoundKeys[i;] {Rcon[i÷NK;] SubWord RotWord }(0=NK|i-1) RoundKeys[i-1;]
RoundKeys[i;] RoundKeys[i-NK;] SubWord((NK>6) 4=NK|i-1) RoundKeys[i;]
i i+1
RoundKeys NR 4 4RoundKeys
AddRoundKey { } This is also its inverse
SubBytes {SBox[+1]}
InvSubBytes {InvSBox[+1]}
ShiftRows {1-4}
InvShiftRows {1+-4}
MixColumns { .Mul2 (-4)(0 1) 3 1 1 2}
InvMixColumns { .Mul2 (-4)(0 1) $b $d $9 $e}
CipherTextRoundKeys Cipher PlainText; State; Round
State RoundKeys[Round1;;] AddRoundKey 4 4PlainText
State {RoundKeys[RoundRound+1;;] AddRoundKey MixColumns ShiftRows SubBytes }(2-RoundKeys) State
CipherText RoundKeys[Round+1;;] AddRoundKey ShiftRows SubBytes State
Encrypt {(KeyExpansion ) Cipher }
PlainTextRoundKeys InvCipher CipherText; State; Round
State RoundKeys[RoundRoundKeys;;] AddRoundKey 4 4CipherText
State {InvMixColumns RoundKeys[RoundRound-1;;] AddRoundKey InvSubBytes InvShiftRows }(2-RoundKeys) State
PlainText RoundKeys[Round-1;;] AddRoundKey InvSubBytes InvShiftRows State
Decrypt {(KeyExpansion ) InvCipher }
RoundKeys KeyExpansion ⎕UCS 13 ⎕CR '603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4'
5 ⎕CR RoundKeys
CipherText RoundKeys Cipher ⎕UCS 'Hello world!!!!!'
6 ⎕CR¨CipherText
To check the cipher text:
echo -en 'Hello world!!!!!' | openssl enc -aes-256-ecb -nosalt -nopad -K '603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4' | hexdump -C
PlainText ⎕UCS RoundKeys InvCipher CipherText
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