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Created January 31, 2016 08:56
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import urllib, json
from kmeans import kmean
def FindRestaurants(origin, destination, newDirection=None):
jsonData = FindDir(origin, destination)
if (jsonData == "No Walking Path Found"):
distance = jsonData["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["value"]
decodedPoly = decode(jsonData["routes"][0]["overview_polyline"]["points"])
midPoint = decodedPoly[(int)(len(decodedPoly)/2)]
radius = distance*(3/2)
lat = midPoint[1]
lng = midPoint[0]
# run Google Places
open_restaurants = GoogPlac(lat, lng, radius)
latlong = []
for restaurant in open_restaurants["results"]:
# doing k means clustering
waypoints_limit = 23
k = min(int(len(latlong)/3), waypoints_limit)
centroids, clusters = kmean(latlong, k)
return centroids
# centroidString = ""
# for centroid in centroids:
# centroidString += str(centroid)+"|"
# self.newDirection = NewDir(self.origin, self.destination, centroidString)
# find the shortest path between two points
def FindDir(origin, destination):
MyUrl = (''
'&key=%s') % (origin, destination, AUTH_KEY)
#grabbing the JSON result
response = urllib.urlopen(MyUrl)
jsonRaw =
jsonData = json.loads(jsonRaw)
status = str((jsonData["status"]))
no_results = "ZERO_RESULTS"
if (status == no_results):
return ("No Walking Path Found")
return jsonData
# decode polyline
def decode(point_str):
'''Decodes a polyline that has been encoded using Google's algorithm
This is a generic method that returns a list of (latitude, longitude)
:param point_str: Encoded polyline string.
:type point_str: string
:returns: List of 2-tuples where each tuple is (latitude, longitude)
:rtype: list
# sone coordinate offset is represented by 4 to 5 binary chunks
coord_chunks = [[]]
for char in point_str:
# convert each character to decimal from ascii
value = ord(char) - 63
# values that have a chunk following have an extra 1 on the left
split_after = not (value & 0x20)
value &= 0x1F
if split_after:
del coord_chunks[-1]
coords = []
for coord_chunk in coord_chunks:
coord = 0
for i, chunk in enumerate(coord_chunk):
coord |= chunk << (i * 5)
#there is a 1 on the right if the coord is negative
if coord & 0x1:
coord = ~coord #invert
coord >>= 1
coord /= 100000.0
# convert the 1 dimensional list to a 2 dimensional list and offsets to
# actual values
points = []
prev_x = 0
prev_y = 0
for i in xrange(0, len(coords) - 1, 2):
if coords[i] == 0 and coords[i + 1] == 0:
prev_x += coords[i + 1]
prev_y += coords[i]
# a round to 6 digits ensures that the floats are the same as when
# they were encoded
points.append((round(prev_x, 6), round(prev_y, 6)))
return points
# Get all the restaurants currently open within specified radius
def GoogPlac(lat,lng,radius):
LOCATION = str(lat) + "," + str(lng)
RADIUS = radius
MyUrl = (''
#grabbing the JSON result
response = urllib.urlopen(MyUrl)
jsonRaw =
jsonData = json.loads(jsonRaw)
return jsonData
# get place details
def PlaceDetails(placeid):
PLACEID = placeid
MyUrl = (''
'&key=%s') % (PLACEID, AUTH_KEY)
#grabbing the JSON result
response = urllib.urlopen(MyUrl)
jsonRaw =
jsonData = json.loads(jsonRaw)
return jsonData["result"]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"], jsonData["result"]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
# calculate new directions with waypoints
def NewDir(origin, destination, centroidString):
MyUrl = (''
'&key=%s') % (origin, destination, centroidString, AUTH_KEY)
#grabbing the JSON result
response = urllib.urlopen(MyUrl)
jsonRaw =
jsonData = json.loads(jsonRaw)
status = str((jsonData["status"]))
no_results = "ZERO_RESULTS"
if (status == no_results):
return ("No Walking Path Found")
return jsonData
# print type(FindRestaurants('ChIJKcBHSE7GxokR8DA8BOQt8w4', 'ChIJjUMwJ1fGxokREkNf5LXR_Ak').newDirection)
# print PlaceDetails('ChIJKcBHSE7GxokR8DA8BOQt8w4')
from collections import namedtuple
from geopy import Point, distance
API_KEY = 'AIzaSyCeo86HIGUtpWaPOpOA6pbNQhHDe3-26ko'
FROM = (40.728833, -74.000852)
TO = (40.735012, -73.979333)
MOCKED_WAYPOINTS = [((40.72223320000001, -73.9874291), 4),
((40.7324849, -74.00259299999999), 7),
((40.7356354, -74.006691), 9),
((40.742975, -73.98927599999999), 3),
((40.73139849999999, -74.0024617), 4),
((40.73686, -73.991384), 2),
((40.7290258, -73.98712069999999), 6),
((40.7327507, -74.0029358), 5)]
class Waypoint(namedtuple('Waypoint', 'pt area')):
def closest(self, graph):
valid_nodes = self.closer_nodes(graph)
best_dist = None
best = None
for other in valid_nodes:
dist = distance.distance(,
if not best_dist or dist < best_dist:
best_dist = dist
best = other
return best
def closer_nodes(self, graph):
lats = sorted([self.area[0].latitude, self.area[1].latitude])
lngs = sorted([self.area[0].longitude, self.area[1].longitude])
def within(pt):
return ((lats[0] <= pt.latitude <= lats[1]) and
(lngs[0] <= pt.longitude <= lngs[1]))
nodes = [node for node in graph if within(]
return nodes
def best_path(nodes, origin, dest):
# I'll convert my own damn parameters.
nodes = [Point(lat, lng) for lat, lng in nodes]
origin = Point(origin)
dest = Point(dest)
waypoints = [Waypoint(origin, (origin, dest))]
for node in nodes:
waypoints.append(Waypoint(node, (origin, dest)))
to = Waypoint(dest, (origin, dest))
start, remaining = waypoints[0], waypoints[1:]
path = []
for i in range(MAX_STEPS):
closer = start.closest(remaining)
if closer is None:
remaining = [pt for pt in remaining if pt != closer]
start = closer
# check to see if destination is in path
if to in path:
return '|'.join(["{},{}".format(, for pt in path])
def main():
lat_longs = [Point(pt[0]) for pt in MOCKED_WAYPOINTS]
path = best_path(lat_longs, Point(FROM), Point(TO))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from flask import render_template, make_response, request, current_app, jsonify
from app import app
import route
from placerequest import *
def index():
return render_template('index.html', title="PopMap")
@app.route('/_search1', methods=['GET'])
def search1():
origin = request.args.get('origin', "", type=str)
destination = request.args.get('destination', "", type=str)
originGeo = PlaceDetails(origin)
destinationGeo = PlaceDetails(destination)
restaurants = FindRestaurants(origin, destination)
waypoints = route.best_path(restaurants, originGeo, destinationGeo)
print 'waypoints: ' + str(waypoints)
directions = NewDir(origin, destination, waypoints)
print 'directions: ' + str(directions)
return jsonify(directions)
@app.route('/_search2', methods=['GET'])
def search2():
origin = request.args.get('origin', "", type=str)
destination = request.args.get('destination', "", type=str)
direction = FindRestaurants(origin, destination)
return jsonify(FindRestaurants(origin, destination).newDirection)
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