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Last active January 31, 2016 08:22
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from collections import namedtuple
import requests
from geopy import Point, distance
from typing import List, Tuple
API_KEY = 'AIzaSyCeo86HIGUtpWaPOpOA6pbNQhHDe3-26ko'
FROM = (40.728833, -74.000852)
TO = (40.735012, -73.979333)
MOCKED_WAYPOINTS = [((40.72223320000001, -73.9874291), 4),
((40.7324849, -74.00259299999999), 7),
((40.7356354, -74.006691), 9),
((40.742975, -73.98927599999999), 3),
((40.73139849999999, -74.0024617), 4),
((40.73686, -73.991384), 2),
((40.7290258, -73.98712069999999), 6),
((40.7327507, -74.0029358), 5)]
class Waypoint(namedtuple('Waypoint', 'pt area')):
def closest(self, graph: List['Waypoint']) -> 'Waypoint':
valid_nodes = self.closer_nodes(graph)
best_dist = None
best = None
for other in valid_nodes:
dist = distance.distance(,
if not best_dist or dist < best_dist:
best_dist = dist
best = other
return best
def closer_nodes(self, graph: List['Waypoint']) -> List['Waypoint']:
lats = sorted([self.area[0].latitude, self.area[1].latitude])
lngs = sorted([self.area[0].longitude, self.area[1].longitude])
def within(pt: Point) -> bool:
return ((lats[0] <= pt.latitude <= lats[1]) and
(lngs[0] <= pt.longitude <= lngs[1]))
nodes = [node for node in graph if within(]
return nodes
def best_path(nodes: List[Point], origin: Point, dest: Point) -> List:
waypoints = [Waypoint(origin, (origin, dest))]
for node in nodes:
waypoints.append(Waypoint(node, (origin, dest)))
to = Waypoint(dest, (origin, dest))
start, remaining = waypoints[0], waypoints[1:]
path = []
for i in range(MAX_STEPS):
closer = start.closest(remaining)
if closer is None:
remaining = [pt for pt in remaining if pt != closer]
start = closer
# check to see if destination is in path
if to in path:
return '|'.join(["{},{}".format(, for pt in path])
def main():
lat_longs = [Point(pt[0]) for pt in MOCKED_WAYPOINTS]
path = best_path(lat_longs, Point(FROM), Point(TO))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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