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Last active February 3, 2018 23:19
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Webpack/React/Postcss/ES6 Boilerplate
"presets": ["es2015", "react"]
npm i -D autoprefixer babel babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react css-loader cssnano extract-text-webpack-plugin jsx-loader postcss-cssnext postcss-import postcss-loader postcss-mixins react react-dom redux react-redux rucksack-css style-loader webpack webpack-dev-server
module.exports = require('./webpack.make').default({
isDev: true
// node
import path from 'path';
// webpack
import webpack from 'webpack';
// plugins
import rucksack from 'rucksack-css';
import cssnano from 'cssnano';
import mixins from 'postcss-mixins';
import cssnext from 'postcss-cssnext';
import postcssImport from 'postcss-import';
import ExtractTextPlugin from 'extract-text-webpack-plugin';
export default webpackConfig;
function webpackConfig(options) {
const isBuild = !!;
const isDev = !!;
const isDevBuild = (isBuild && isDev);
const isTest = !!options.test;
const exclude = /node_modules/;
const config = {
context: __dirname + "/app",
entry: {
app: "./app.jsx"
output: {
path: __dirname,
filename: "bundle.js"
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
loaders: ['babel'],
test: /\.css$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style', 'css?sourceMap!postcss')
test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|GIF|svg|woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
loader: 'file',
resolve: {
alias: {}
config.plugins = createPlugins();
function postcss(webp) {
const cssnanoOpt = { discardUnused: false, zindex: false };
const rucksackOpt = { autoprefixer: true };
const devPlugins = [
postcssImport({ addDependencyTo: webp }),
const prodPlugins = [cssnano(cssnanoOpt)];
return isBuild ? [...devPlugins, ...prodPlugins] : devPlugins;
function createPlugins() {
const devPlugins = [
new ExtractTextPlugin('bundle.css'),
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'common',
filename: '[name].js'
const buildPlugins = [];
return isBuild ? [...devPlugins, ...buildPlugins] : devPlugins;
return config;
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