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Created September 8, 2024 10:13
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Read YAML and generate Markdown

param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$YamlFilePath,



Import the PowerShell-Yaml module

Make sure to install it first: Install-Module -Name powershell-yaml

Import-Module powershell-yaml

Read the YAML file

$yamlContent = Get-Content -Path $YamlFilePath -Raw $yamlData = ConvertFrom-Yaml $yamlContent

Initialize the Markdown content

$markdownContent = ""

Group the data by applicationName

$groupedData = $yamlData | Group-Object -Property applicationName

foreach ($group in $groupedData) { $applicationName = $group.Name $markdownContent += "# $applicationNamen" $markdownContent += "| permissionid | permission name |n" $markdownContent += "|--------------|-----------------|`n"

foreach ($item in $group.Group) {
    foreach ($permission in $item.permissions) {
        $markdownContent += "| $($ | $($ |`n"

$markdownContent += "`n"


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